April 2015 Newsletter - Luther Memorial Lutheran Church

“As for me and my house , we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24.15
From death to resurrection………..
joy to
435 South Main St.
N Syracuse, NY
Fb: Luther Memorial
Lutheran Church
Holy Week Services
Palm Sunday
8:00 am and 11:00am
Maundy Thursday
9:30am and 7:00 pm
Good Friday Services
Noon and 7:00 pm
Resurrection Easter
8:00 am and 11:00am
That’s what Easter is all about.
It’s not about bunnies and chicks and
chocolate and hidden eggs. It’s not about
tulips and azaleas and (should God be willing) temperatures over 45 degrees. It is
not about ham or new clothes.
It’s about death and resurrection, a journey out of the tomb, from endings into
new beginnings. It is the heart of the
Christian faith: beyond what we see is life
found in God. Life is more powerful than
death, and God offers the gift of this life to
all of humankind, free. Free. See the
empty tomb? That’s God reaching out to
show us a new way through the life, death
and resurrection of Jesus, the Christ.
Without resurrection, all we have is
death. Paul puts it so well in his first letter to the Corinthians If Christ has not
been raised from the dead we of all people are the most to be pitied.
We are to be pitied because we have proclaimed what is false. We have oriented
our values and our lives around a lie. If
Jesus did not rise from the dead, then Jesus who died on the cross was simply a
very good man who died at the hands of
the Roman Empire. End of story. No
God connection. No life beyond what we
see. No Spirit moving among us.
known in our day to day living. God so filled
the human Jesus that it was impossible to separate the human Jesus from the divine Jesus.
Then God in Jesus walked among the rest of us
mortals teaching us how to be at one with one
another and with God thus maximizing life
among us all.
In Jesus’ resurrection we begin to see that an
abundant life lies beyond our understanding or
sight. The power of God that raised Jesus
from the dead now moves among us and empowers us to live beyond the limitations we
Resurrection happens again and again when
God works in and through and among us.
Wherever there is a dying, there is the possibility of resurrection. Resurrection is not just
big and dramatic like an abuser who becomes a
protector but also in the little things of everyday life, like when a relationship is reconciled.
Resurrection is seen when – even if only for a
day – the starving are fed and the homeless
sheltered. Resurrection is experienced whenever an ending becomes a new beginning.
We are called to be resurrection people by
doing resurrection work: feed the starving,
clothe the naked, be reconciled with our enemy, forgive our neighbor, protect the weak
You see there is no middle ground. Either and vulnerable. Each of these actions offers life
Jesus was raised from the dead into a new in the face of death and points us to the God
(even if incomprehensible) life. Or he was who is the source of all the life that is.
not. That is what Easter is about. Anything less than that is not Easter at all.
May this Easter be an experience of new life,
new hope, new beginnings, new growth for
you – all in the face of certain death, and all in
Easter asks us to celebrate that God, the
creator of heaven and earth, has reached
the name of Jesus. That’s what Easter is about.
out to God’s own creation in order to
Alleluia! Pastor Wolling
offer a path to a fullness of life quite un-
Palm Sunday 3/29
8:00 am and 11:00am
Prayers for Healing: Wednesday 4/1
10:00 am and 7:00 pm
Maundy Thursday Service 4/2
10:00 am and 7:00 pm
Friday Services 4/3
Noon and 7:00 pm
Resurrection Easter Sunday 4/5
8:00 am and 11:00am
Communion Class—Sat. 4/18 9 am. for those preparing for their first communion or who are just learning a bit more about our special meal together. All are welcome. Call the office 458-1481 and let us know you are coming.
Let The Little Children Come…..Sunday School News
It has been a fun year in Sunday School and time has flown by. There are several
changes to the upcoming schedule, so please follow the dates below:
April 5 and 12 - no Sunday School due to school breaks
April 19 - King David/Pentecost lessons
Children lead the Lord’s Prayer in worship (8 & 11)
April 26 - the last day of Sunday School
The children will be leading The Lord's Prayer during both services 4/ 19; please attend whichever service is most convenient for you. The kids are excited to participate in the service. They prepared a new song to sing to the congregation on Palm
Sunday and learned to sing in a new language, getting rid of some energy with their
marching. We look forward to singing more when Sunday School starts up again in
the fall. As always, the Sunday School is looking for people interested in working
with our kids. The person to talk to is Suzie Francis.
Highlights from the 3/10/15 Council Meeting Include the following:
Motions were approved for building use for Gail Exline, Melissa DeFillippo, and Syracuse Campus
A motion was approved to accept Music Director Maryna Mazhukhova leave of absences for 7/12, 7/19,
7/26, 8/2, and 8/9.
Council representatives for the on-going stewardship committee are Lynn Kauffman, Judy Eyer,
Gayle Ross, and Bill Winstanley
The council is investigating getting a yearly food permit from the county for public use of the kitchen
Cell phone and tablet use training sessions are being pursued for an adult class between services
Gifts 101
To give or receive? That is a difficult question. I'd like to share two separate examples that have recently
occurred at Luther Memorial. One was the Murray Benefit and the other was a benevolent donation from a
member of our church. Given or received? As council knows, I can be a number person. Add them up and
if we come out in the black that's good. If it's red, well, not so good. These gifts are a little different. You
can read about their numbers in this newsletter in different financial reports. They have a similar dollar
amount, but which one is given or received?
I was lucky as Council president to attend many parts of the Murray Benefit. Planning meetings, the event
itself, and the wrap up dinner with Robert and Maria. A few weeks ago, Maria shared their deepest thanks
with the congregation. Her eloquent remarks were heartfelt. All the people involved in the benefit noted
how full of satisfaction and happiness they felt, not the amount of organization and work it took. Did we give
or receive more?
I was also fortunate as Council President to be involved in the gift we are calling the Schwab Fund. We
named it thus because the sizable donation was processed Schwab Financial Advisors. The gift itself is
anonymous with no strings attached. How interesting that the dollar amount is close in value in both instances. Recently, at our Congregational Meeting we decided to upgrade our budget to include mission based
support, especially on the local level. This decision may not have been an option if a generous member had
not chosen to contribute financially to Luther Memorial. With the increase in pledges combined with this gift,
it looks like many of the hopes of that meeting will start to be realized.
Giving and receiving are reciprocal gestures. We give and receive throughout our entire lives. Both are possible because of God's enduring love and grace. We, as members of Luther Memorial, have been blessed
with many gifts as believers of God. Does it really matter whether we choose to give or receive at any given
moment? With God at the helm, our course should be clear.
A special thanks to everyone who has steadfastly given their multitude of gifts to the ministry and mission of
Luther Memorial.
Bill W
Council President
Luther Memorial Lutheran Church
Benefit Report
March 3, 2015
Benefit of the Robert Murray Family: Robert & Maria and their 3 children James, Elizabeth and Kate.
This event was held on January 25, 2015
Roster of Team Members
Jan Fetterman
Cindi Pagan
Pastor Wolling
Jessica Kurpiewski
Steve Antonson
Mary Ellen Antonson
Dave Brynien
Pam Brynien
Ron Niedzwiecki
Cathy Niedzwiecki
Sue Winstanley
Bill Winstanley
Karen June
Donna Gilbert
Judy Eyer
Gordon Eyer
Joyce Johnson
Suzanne Francis
Karen Kisselstein
Kristi Reppi
Donna Parks
Dick Parks
Jamie Feher
Carol Himes
Sue Williams
Brandi Andrews
George Downing
Jerome Sauta
I apologize in advance if I have forgotten to mention someone.
Income from Benefit Registration, Food Sales, Basket Sales
Income from Go Fund Me Account
Income from Thrivent Financial
Total Income
Total Adults attended 225
$ 1,600.00
$ 1,500.00
The 2014 Annual Audit and Report to Synod have been performed and completed.
There are no exceptions or changes to the 2014 Unaudited Financial Report presented
at the Annual Meeting. "
Steve Antonson,
4/5 EASTER no YG
4/12, 4/19 and 4/26 meet in tower room. We will continue to prepare for our trip to
***4/26, 3:00-5:00 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Fayetteville. This is a
MUST ATTEND for all going to Detroit. Please mark your calendars! More info to follow.***
CAR WASH FUNDRAISER with Atonement Scheduled for 4/18 with a rain date of 4/26.
More info to follow.
Members of our church family who need prayer
Robert Murray
Carolyn Clark.
Peg Mayer
David Eyer
Earl Baum
Betty Boisseau
Alexis Kratz
Tony Maresca
Carol Maresca
Joyce Timmons
Nancy Wright
Dolores VanDeWalker
Members in Healthcare facilities this month
Hazel Carrick@ Park Terrace
Audrey Reagan @ Loretto
Lydia MvGuire@ Birchwood
Florance Marquart@ Birchwood
Joan Paschka@VanDyne
Bruce Reagan@ Buckley Landing
Marvel Weil@Loretto
Family and Friends who need prayer
Allison Schafer
Dave Rennie
Barbara Bolus
Americo Pagan
Brad Dicocco
Carl Schaffer
Gary Tucker
Mark Davis
Rev. Allen Griep
Louann Loughlin
Tom Barrett
Susan Clark
Judy Jones
Marshall Barnes
Mike Carroll
Janis Raus
Bob Randall
Earl Williams
Barbara Bunnell
Kent Oswald
Our Nation’s Military: friends and family of Luther Memorial currently in the service,
Andrew Pagan, David Rogers, Beth Baykan, Drew Green, Zachary Rumo, Michael Potocki,
Matt Hummel, Jordan Miller, Stephen Blovat, Michael Bunnell, Bill McConnell, Chris Frost,
and Will Winslow.
Ladies Retreat
Friday, April 17, 2015
Wine, Women and Spiritual
Overnight Retreat @ VKamp
Be sure to get on the email list for the new info!
Sunday April 19th
Luther Memorial Church
North Syracuse, NY 13212
435 S Main St. (Learning at the Crossroads)
Music Festival: Mass Choir & Student Talent
Delectable desserts and appetizers
Themed baskets, Treasures, and Talents
Support your vital mission outreach
at SU and SUNY ESF.
Available: At your church or at the door
For more information, email [email protected]
Come Learn and Grow with Friends
Learning Opportunities presented by Central Crossroads Learning at the Crossroads
Spring 2015
9 am registration; 9:30-2:30 classes, lunch included
April 11--Merging, Emerging, Re-emerging or Submerging:
What future
for Central Crossroads?
by Tom Henry — Cost: $20.
We at Central Crossroads stand literally at a crossroad. Our cluster of churches face
not only the ongoing challenges of modern Protestantism but also more local issues of
aging and diminishing congregations, limited and shrinking resources, increasing demands
on those resources, and, interestingly, a significant clergy turn over in a compact time period not far in the future. How we will respond? We will have some discussion on problems, problem-solving, trends and ideas in our session directed at our local concerns and
options. To be held at Luther Memorial 435 S Main N Syracuse.
May 20—Stain Glass Workshop at VanderKamp—
We will create a wait list for all others in case of cancellations, and to create a firstchoice for another workshop. Rev. Dan Hoffman will help each participant create their
own work of art in the beautiful setting of VanderKamp in Cleveland, NY. Lunch is included. COST: $35 = $15 for supplies = $50. We have the camp from 9 am – 3 pm,
so we will register at 9:00 am, and begin at 9:15. We will aim to be done by 2:30, but
for those who need more time, Pastor Hoffman can stay until 3:00.
REGISTRATION for Tom Henry’s Workshop or the Stained Glass Workshop
Mailing Address
E-mail Address
Home Church
Workshops for which you are registering: ____________ Total amount $____________
Write check to “Central Crossroads Conference” ($20 each) and mail to Luther Memorial Lutheran Church, 435 S. Main St., N Syracuse, NY 13212. Registrations must be received by the Thursday
before the workshop at the latest. Remember the Stained Glass day is limited registration.
God’s Blessings for
Donations to support St. Paul’s
Food Pantry in
April is Tuna
Brandi Andrews, Michael O’Connell Jr.,
Monetary donations to
Sharon Putman
St. Paul's give us the ability to purchase the
Ashley Andrews, Laura Sauta,
items that they need to fill out our food pack-
Ruth Beasley
ages, at the best prices available. Thank
Joan Hahn, Robert Leonard
You to all who have brought in food do-
Eric Ziegler
Sara Elizabeth Syrell
Hannah Mantor , Aleah Mantor
Paul Mowers, Addison Ziegler,
Have you visited our web site
Garvin Rodman
Marion Fleisch
Katie Zuercher
Charles Hogan, David Bianchi
Kenneth Schader, Linda Rodman,
Candace Cramer, Elias Downing,
Adriana Kurpiewski
Donald Marquart
Lillian Francis, Michael Richardson
April Brown
Suzanne Francis, Chase Salmonss
Anne Davis, Fred Paschka, Patricia Stach
Austin Ziegler
Timothy Killian, Abigail Schultz
recently ?
Have you found Luther Memorial and
Luther Memorial Nursery School on
Follow us and enjoy.
BOOKS for our Veterans at the
VA Hospital.
If you have any paperback books you
would like to donate there is a basket
in the Social Hall on the table. We ask that you
do not donate cookbooks, encyclopedias, or
text books as the Vets will not read those.
Thank you so much to all those who have
already donated!! Jerome Sauta
Registration has begun for 2015
Now accepting 2, 3, and 4 year old children.
Luther Memorial members receive a $5.00 discount in
tuition per child.
Registration forms our on the web site
www.luthermemorialns.org or
call Cajsa Sheen, director at 315-458-1481 x 2
If you have an old ink cartridge
from your printer bring it to the
church office. We get $2.00
worth of rewards toward our next
purchase from each cartridge we turn in.
Thank you to all who have made the effort
and brought in their cartridges
To our Conference Youth at the Volleyball Marathon,
A heart-felt thank you to all of you who brought cans of food to the Volleyball Marathon last Friday. You don't know what a blessing it is for us that you have assisted in
feeding the hungry poor that come to First English seeking help to feed themselves
and their families. We see new families coming to our pantry each day we are open
and the loving kindness of others, such as yourselves, in helping those in need is a
wonderful sight to behold.
If there is a pantry in your area, please talk to the coordinator and arrange an opportunity to visit the pantry when it is open to assist in giving food to the guests who come in. It is a great way
to see how your much your donations mean to those in need.
May God bless each and every one of you in every area of your lives. Again, thank you so very much.
In Christ's Peace, Larry Fuller
Pantry Coordinator
Northside Neighborhood Food Pantry
First English Lutheran Church
To Sharon Putman and Joan
Tourot for making our
sanctuary sparkling clean
for Easter.
Our prayers and condolences are with the
Family of Anne Hanks
On the death of her sister.
May the blessed hope of the resurrection
in God comfort all who mourn.
Nursery Caregiver needed in our Sunday Nursery
Luther Memorial Church is hiring a Nursery Caregiver! Preferably a non – member. Must be available to work on Sunday mornings from 7:45-12:15 from Labor
Day to June and 9:15-10:45 from June to Labor Day. Must be able to lift 40 lbs
and pass a background check. If you are interested in seeing the job description and wage please
call Anne in the office 458-1481 x1 or send a resume to [email protected]. Thank you,
Hazel Carrick
has a new address:
2981 Town Center Road
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
NOTES FROM EMMALINE (our Missionary)
I arrived in Soweto on a cold Friday morning. I spent that day settling in. The next day I explored the
neighborhood and purchased some necessities, and on Sunday I went to church. After church I was
ushered straight into choir and handed some sheet music. Over the following 45 days I attended choir
rehearsals some 38 times, give or take one. When I proved I could hold a harmony and read notation,
I was put in charge of the melodic and given a solo, perhaps prematurely. The Central Parish Choir
may have assumed I was more musically talented than I am, however I have not embarrassed myself
yet. This assumption possibly comes courtesy of the former YAGM at my site, whose name I have also
inherited (Emily).
I live on site at the Diakonia Aids Ministry (DAM), which is in the same yard as the Central Diocese of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa. This means that my compound is always a busy
place and the church is a major conduit of social interaction for me.
Grace and Peace, Emmaline
This article was written by Hannah Watson who is spending a year in Argentina as part of the ELCA
Young Adults in Global Mission program, a ministry of the ELCA. Currently, over seventy 21-29 year
olds are spending a year of service in one of 12 countries to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world,
providing critical support to ministries and projects in communities of need.
“Tranqui" means, relax, no big deal, it's all good, don't worry about it.
I am told this a lot; when I'm running late because I had to wait for the bus for over 40 minutes, when
I'm frustrated because I can't find the Spanish word for something, or when my site-placements all have
something going on the same day and I'm not sure I can make it to everything. I am often too hard on
myself, so it's always great to hear. During the summer, much was tranqui. Both CreArte and Petisos,
two of my placement sites, took vacations for the summer, and many of my friends also had time off.
My community told me to "disfruta el verano," to enjoy the summer. I spent New Year's Day at the
beach with my madrina, Laura, and her family. I drank mate at the beach with friends. I read books. I
went to a youth camp with my church in El Bolson. We participated in theological discussions, went on
hikes, and led a service with Pastor Reiner near the Rio Azul on the Sunday morning of camp.
I've been learning "to be" more than "to do." "To be" is to give a part of myself. While I can't tell you
that I've built houses this year, I can tell you that when working with CreArte, I hold some of the students hands while going up and down the stairs so they feel safer. I lead the adults who are physically
able to in running, and I love when some come up to me afterwards and tell me how much they love
running, and that we share a hobby. I play guitar for church services even though I'm still incredibly shy
about playing and singing. I sit with the kids at Petisos, and hope I am helping them make even a small
progress on their reading and writing skills, as it hurts my heart to see them struggling.
I know that when I return to the United States in five months, I will not be the same person that left, and
that's OK. I will only truly be "tranqui" by trusting God – letting go and putting all my joys and brokenness in God's hands.
Your mission dollars help support Hannah and the other YAGM. Thank you!
We are church together for the sake of the world. God’s Work. Our Hands.
435 South Main Street, North Syracuse, NY 13212
Phone 315-458-1481 Fax 315-218-1599 Emergencies 518-225-5283
Website: www.luthermemorialns.org
Pastor Wolling: [email protected]
Nursery School: [email protected]
Office Hours Monday– Friday 8:30 AM—3:30 PM
Weekley bulletine deadline: Noon on Wednesday
Monthly Newsletter: 3rd Sunday of the month
God’s Work…..Our Hands…..Touching Lives
“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”
Bill Winstanley, President …………………………………………………………………………………………..Steve Curtis, Vice President
Steve Antonson, Treasurer ……………………………………………………………………………………..… Steve Kauffman, Secretary
MaryEllen Antonson, Brandi Andrews,, Anita Bombard, Fred Ensworth, Judy Eyer, Karen June, Lynn Kauffman, Ron Niedzwiecki,
Cindi Pagan and Gayle Ross.
Sunday School Superintendants:
Jerilyn McConnell and Suzie Lehman Francis.
The Rev. Gail R. Wolling……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Pastor
The Rev. Leonard Johnson…………………..…..…………………………………………………………………....………..….Pastor Emeritus
Emmeline Weinert ……………………………………
……………………………………………………..…..……. .Missionary in Tanzania
Anne Hanks……………………….……………………………………………………………………..…….......Church Administrator/Secretary
Maryna Mazhukhova……………………….……………..………………………………………………….…………Director of Music/ Organist
Cajsa Sheen………………………………………………………………………………………....………………….….Nursery School Director
Lectionary Texts for April
4/5 Easter Sunday
Acts 10:34-43, Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24, 1Corinthians 15:1-11, Mark 16:1-8
4/12 2nd Sunday of Easter
Acts 4:32-35, Psalm 133, 1 John 1:1—2::21: John 20:19-31
4/19 3rd Sunday of Easter
Acts 3:12-19, Psalm 4, 1 John 3:1-7, Luke 24:36-48
4/26 4th Sunday of Easter
Acts 4:5-12, Psalm 23, 1 John 3:16-24, John 10:11-18
Luther Memorial Lutheran Church
435 South Main Street
N. Syracuse, NY 13212
Non-Profit Organization
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Syracuse, NY 13220
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Luther Letter
Luther Memorial Lutheran Church