Easter Sunday The Cornerstone of our Faith Spotlight News Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, performed miracles and spoke often of His death and resurrection. Many people in His day called Him a liar or said He was crazy; He was persecuted, crucified and buried in a tomb but, “On the first day of the week, early in the morning women took spices and perfumes they had prepared and went to the tomb.” They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.” (Luke 24:1,2,3) This is so significant because Jesus’s resurrection proved His claims that He was the Son of God in the flesh. He showed us with no uncertainty that we could trust Him not only to fulfill the scriptures (Col. 2:20-23) but for every single aspect of our lives. Had there been no resurrection, our Christian faith would be unrecognizable; it would look like all the other religions that have no Savior; we could never be Matthew Deverell (son of Chris and Colleen Katt) wins the Optimist Club Barry Shaw Star Award. Matthew Deverell, from Leo High School, was the special young man receiving the Barry Shaw Star Award of $1,000 to go towards school tuition. The Barry Shaw Star recipient is a neighborly, charitable, hard working, proven leader and generally helpful to those around him. Congratulations Matt! certain of our salvation and eternal life with God. As many Christians before us, we follow Christ’s teachings because we are already saved. We also follow Want to Contribute to the Newsletter? His teachings out of love and gratitude for His great sacrifice; and so we can strive to be more like Him. We know that because our Lord’s resurrection was real, ours will be someday also. Because He Lives, we live resting in the knowledge that He is always with us. He is, even now, interceding for us at the right hand of God, and preparing a place for us to live with Him in eternity. As we prepare for Good Friday and Easter Sunday, we should think deeply about our lives without Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross, and the true meaning of the promise and fulfillment in the Resurrection. Blessed Easter! Our church newsletter has “turned over a new leaf !” Beginning this month the newsletter will be written monthly instead of weekly. It will contain lots of “insider information” that is not necessary for the church website or does not belong on the website. Any information that you contribute and is appropriate for this newsletter can be submitted by email or by dropping off information at the front desk in the office. If you are emailing, the address is [email protected]. If you have a favorite “Daniel Plan” recipe to share we would love to hear about it. NOTE ALL NEWSLETTER CONTRIBUTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE OFFICE BY EMAIL OR IN WRITTEN FORM NO LATER THAN THE 21st OF EACH MONTH.
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