(DRAFT) LAKE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, April 6, 2015 5:00 to 7:30 pm Kirkland Campus, Board Room W305A 11605 132nd Avenue NE, Kirkland, WA 98034 Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Study Session: Chair Johnson noted that study session discussions included: The May 4th Board of Trustees retreat and meeting agendas Legislative update 2015-16 Board budget Duvall property Sammamish property Board Meeting: Roll Call: (Total present at Board meeting = 26) Board of Trustees: Mr. Neil Johnson, Chair Ms. Anne Hamilton, Vice Chair Dr. Lynette Jones Mr. Darrell Mitsunaga Mr. Bruce Reid Mr. Derek Edwards (AAG) LWTech Faculty and Staff Present: Dr. Sharon Buck Jamye Cameron Leslie Cohan Grayson Court Heather DeGraw Doug Emory Monta Frost Jim Howe Dr. Amy Morrison Goings Dr. Ruby Hayden Frances Humphrey Dr. Kevin McCarthy Neera Mehta Jamilyn Penn Andrea Olson Mike Potter Sarah Ross Marcia Somer Elisabeth Sorenson Bill Thomas Sheila Walton Guests: There were no guests in attendance to introduce. Introduction of New Employees: Dean Jamilyn Penn introduced Ms. Jamye Cameron, Funeral Service Education full-time faculty member. Approval of Agenda – April 6, 2015: The agenda for April 6, 2015 was approved by consent. Approval of Meeting Minutes – March 2, 2015: Meeting minutes from March 2, 2015, were approved by consent. Public Comment: No one signed up for public comment, and no public comments were made. Data: Employee Satisfaction Survey: Data Specialist Grayson Court presented results of the 2015 employee satisfaction survey and demonstrated the data dashboard. Longitudinal Study Demographic Group 2015 Snapshot LWTech Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes April 6, 2015 Page 2 Showcase: International Programs: Ms. Sara Ross, Executive Director of Global Programs and Partnerships, presented on the program’s revitalization. Currently approximately 100 International students are enrolled at the college; most of whom are from Asian countries. ASG Report: ASG Public Relations Officer Vern Nelson had to return to class before giving his report. A written report was given to Chair Johnson and will be emailed to the other trustees. Correspondence: There was no correspondence to review. President’s Report: President Morrison Goings reported that March activities included: College Community: The annual Employee Satisfaction Survey was distributed and results were tabulated. A cross campus interview committee screened candidate qualifications for the Vice President of Student Services position. The committee will interview candidates this week and forums and interviews with President Morrison Goings will take place the week of April 13. Vice President Kevin McCarthy is a finalist in Renton Technical College’s presidential search. External Engagement: Riverview School District is interested in buying the Duvall property. President Morrison Goings spoke to Microsoft’s Senior Manager of Global Dining Services, Mr. Mark Freeman, about a partnership. He will visit the culinary program and have lunch in the Chef City Grill in June. President Morrison Goings met with government affairs leadership from McKinstry and the Washington Business Alliance to discuss how they can advocate for higher education in the legislature. President Morrison Goings welcomed the Eastside chapter of Keiretsu Forum at their monthly meeting. President Morrison Goings and Vice President Bill Thomas met with the City of Kirkland to discuss several topics that are important to the college community, including traffic congestion on 132nd, the Totem Lake redevelopment plans, and metro funding. President Morrison Goings was joined by Federation President Jim Howe and Classified Union President Judy Mattson in Olympia as they met with State Senator Bob Hasegawa, and Representatives Chad Magendanz, Luis Moscoso, and Tana Senn to continue to underscore our common message of the need for compensation for staff and faculty. Evergreen HealthCare senior leadership visited campus for a tour of LWTech’s simulation labs. President Morrison Goings accepted an invitation to join the Health Innovation Leadership Network which is a diverse group of leaders representing different roles and areas to transform the State’s health system. Mission Fulfillment: The college is engaged in more sophisticated planning and data collection and using data to make more informed, deliberate decisions. The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Plan was vetted and finalized. The campus has been working on updates to the Strategic Plan. LWTech Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes April 6, 2015 Page 3 Student Achievement: President Morrison Goings along with Director of Research and Reporting Cathy Copeland, Dean Doug Emory and Vice President Kevin McCarthy, attended the High-Impact Practices Institute, which is presented by the Center for Community College Student Engagement. The High-Impact Practices Institute was held in New Mexico and is a two-and-a-half day conference for college leadership to gain insight to improve student success. While in Santa Fe, the team had that the opportunity to visit Santa Fe Community College and see their advanced technology program, newly added solar array, and hydroponics/aquaponics. Board Chair’s Report: Chair Johnson along with Vice Chair Hamilton joined Executive Director Elisabeth Sorenson in interviewing applicants for Rotary scholarships. Foundation Liaison Report: Vice Chair Hamilton reported that students’ access to scholarships has improved due to STARS online and the assistance and customer service provided to them by the Foundation office. She noted that the Spring Plant Sale is April 24-25 and May 1-2 and that 63 scholarships were awarded this year. TACTC Legislative Action Committee Report: No new business was reported. College Council Report: A report from Ms. Irene Reynolds was submitted with the Board packet. There were no questions from the Board. Faculty Representation Report: Federation President Jim Howe reported that President Morrison Goings joined him and Classified President Judy Mattson in Olympia as they met with State Senator Bob Hasegawa, and Representatives Chad Magendanz, Luis Moscoso, and Tana Senn to continue to underscore our common message of the need for compensation for staff and faculty. He also noted that he will attend a Federation Presidents Council retreat and that a topic of interest for faculty is developing a Faculty Senate. Classified Staff Report: A report was submitted with the Board packet. There were no questions from the Board. Financial Report: Vice President Bill Thomas noted that 2 sets of auditors are on campus reviewing the Foundation’s and the college’s financial records. He reviewed the monthly financial report (through February 2015). There were no questions from the Board. Executive Staff Reports: Advancement & Entrepreneurship: A report from Special Assistant Andrea Olson was submitted with the Board packet. There were no questions from the Board. Development: A report from Executive Director Elisabeth Sorensen was submitted with the Board packet. There were no questions from the Board. Human Resources: A report from Executive Director Melissa Lamy was submitted with the Board packet. There were no questions from the Board. Information Technology; A report from Executive Dirctor Mike Potter was submitted with the Board packet. There were no questions from the Board. LWTech Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes April 6, 2015 Page 4 Instruction: A report from Vice President Kevin McCarthy was submitted with the Board packet. There were no questions from the Board. Student Services: A report from Interim Vice President Hayden was submitted with the Board packet. There were no questions from the Board. Issues for Future Discussion: Accreditation update in May from Interim Vice President Ruby Hayden. Item 924: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Plan – First Reading: The plan was reviewed. Adjournment: As there was no further business to discuss, Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 7:39 pm. Respectfully submitted, Heather DeGraw Executive Assistant to the President
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