A CALL TO THE 65TH ANNUAL MEETING Issued to all members of the LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF SALT LAKE JUNE 2, 2015 5:30-7:30 P.M. GIRL SCOUT HEADQUARTERS 445 EAST 4500 SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. Call to Annual Meeting 1 2. Table of Contents 2 3. Agenda 3 4. Co-Presidents' Annual Reports 4 5. Program-Making Rules of Procedure 6 6. Nominating Committee Report 7 7. Organizational Charts, Including Nominees 8 8. Biographies of Nominees 9 9. Budget 11 10. 2015-2016 Board Recommended Program 13 AGENDA 1. Call to Order by Co-President Janice Gygi 2. Announcements Janice Gygi 3. Appointment of Parliamentarian Janice Gygi 4. Adoption of Rules of Procedure Janice Gygi 5. LWVSL President's Annual Report Janice Gygi 6. Presentation & Adoptions of 2015-2016 Program Kathy Fitzgerald 7. Presentation & Adoption of 2015-2016 Budget Luana Chilelli 8. Report of Nominating Committee Lola Britton 9. Election of Officers Janice Gygi 10. Other Announcements Janice Gygi 11. Congratulations and Thank Youʼs Janice Gygi ADJOURN 3 TO OUR MEMBERS From Salt Lake Co-Presidents Karen McCoy and Janice Gygi This report highlights our activities June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015. We appreciate all of the work that the members of the Salt Lake League have done to make this a very successful year. Thank you to everyone who participated in planning and implementing the following events and to those who attended. HIGHLIGHTS GENERAL MEETINGS o September: The Mountain Accord and Save Our Canyons meeting was moderated by Laynee Jones. Panelists were Laura Briefer, Environment, Natalie Gochnour, Economics, Will McCarvill, Recreation, Jon Nepstad, Transportation, and David Whittekiend, Forest Services. The meeting provided valuable information about this critical issue. o November: The Forum on the Status of Preschool Education provided excellent information that was presented by Brenda VanGorder, Terry Haven, Nancy Livingston, and Bethany Hosking. o January: LWVSL joined with AAUW for a Legislative Panel that included Carol Spackman Moss, Daniel Thatcher, Jim Dubakis, and Dana Layton. They discussed the upcoming legislative session and answered questions from the audience. o February: The Mental Health Panel provided valuable insight and included Sherri Wittwer from Optimum Health, Jennie Edens from Behavioral Health Services, Shawn McMillian from 1st Step House, and Jenn Hyvonen from the 4th Street Clinic. o March: The League of Women Voters Utah legislative corps did a nice job on the Legislative Wrap-up, “The Good, the Bad, and the Interesting.” The panelists were Jenn Gonnelly, Angie Abrams, Nickie Nelson, and Sandy Peck. o March: As an introduction to the water study, the committee sponsored “The Future of Water in Salt Lake County: Sources, Conservation, & Ecological Balance.” Panelists were Steve Erickson and Richard Bay. o All of these meetings were informative, interesting, and well attended. Thanks to everyone who worked to plan and present the activities and to those who provided the food. UNIT MEETINGS o October: Homelessness in Salt Lake County o January: Consensus on the LWV Utah Tax Study o April: The Future of Water in Salt Lake County: Sources Conservation, & Ecological Balance FUNDRAISERS o The Fall Fete honoring Sherilyn Bennion was held at the Millcreek Cacao and Coffee Roasters, and included an evening of champagne and chocolate tasting. 4 o The holiday social supported The Road Home, the Salt Lake County homeless shelter. Michelle Flynn, Executive Director of Programs, was the speaker. The potluck dinner was excellent and the event was successful in raising money for the shelter. o The State of the Community Luncheon featured the Most Reverend John C. Wester as the keynote speaker. The Community Services Award was presented to the Granite Technical Institute, and the Making Democracy Work Award was presented posthumously to Representative Becky Lockhart. MEMBERSHIP o Two orientations were held for new members at the home of Jeris Johnson. These were well attended and provided information for new and potential members. VOTER SERVICE o The Salt Lake League provided a Voter's Guide for school board candidates running in Salt Lake County. o A forum was held for candidates for the state legislature from the Holladay area. More than 70 people attended this informative event. o In conjunction with the PTA, a forum was held for candidates for Salt Lake City school board. o Voter registration was conducted throughout Salt Lake Valley, including Pioneer Park, Salt Lake Community College, Wheeler Farm, and other venues, with 325 voter registrations submitted. In addition, the Salt Lake League continued to register voters at the naturalization ceremonies, with 786 registrations submitted, for a total of 1,111 voter registrations between June 8, 2014 and April 17, 2015. TOURS o As a follow-up to the water study, in May LVWSL sponsored a tour of The Jordan Valley Conservancy Garden, with a “green-bag” lunch for members. Members contributed many hours to make these events successful and to make this an outstanding year for the Salt Lake League. Thank you to everyone who participated from planning and presenting an event to spending two hours registering voters. Everyone’s contribution helps to build the value that the Salt Lake League offers to members and to the community. Special thanks are due to Trixi Sieger, our new office manager, and to Tina Hose, who recently retired from that position. They both have been very valuable in helping us further the work of the League. Thanks to Kathy Biele and Catherine Weller for their excellent work on The Voter. Thanks to both XMission for donating internet services and Karen, Hendrix, Stagg, Allen and Company for donating payroll services and to the Girl Scouts for providing an excellent venue for our general meetings. WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO ANOTHER OUTSTANDING YEAR. PLAN TO JOIN US. 5 PROGRAM-MAKING RULES OF PROCEDURE ***Only proposals listed in this Handbook are eligible for consideration at this annual meeting. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION 1. Presentation of Board-Recommended Program A. Discussion from the Floor. The Board-Recommended Program is opened to debate. Changes in wording may be suggested but no one item may be enlarged beyond the intent of the original wording. No one may speak a second time until all who wish to speak have been heard. Each speaker will be limited to one minute. 2. Presentation of Non-Board-Recommended Program A. Discussion from the Floor. Non-Board-Recommended Program items are opened to debate. Changes in wording may be suggested but no one item may be enlarged beyond the extent of the original wording. No one may speak a second time until all who wish to speak have been heard. Each speaker will be limited to one minute. B. Motions and Votes to Consider Non-Board-Recommended Items THE BY-LAWS REQUIRE A SIMPLE MAJORITY OF THOSE PRESENT AND VOTING TO APPROVE CONSIDERATION OF A NON-BOARD-RECOMMENDED ITEM. FINAL CONSIDERATION 3. Vote on Non-Board Recommended Program A. Amendments. Formal amendments may be made to any of the Non-BoardRecommended items that have been approved for consideration. B. Adoption. THE BY-LAWS REQUIRE A TWO-THIRDS MAJORITY OF THOSE PRESENT AND VOTING FOR ADOPTION OF A NON-BOARD-RECOMMENDED PROGRAM ITEM. 4. Vote on Board-Recommended Program A. Amendments. Formal amendments may be made to any Board-Recommended item B. Adoption. THE BY-LAWS REQUIRE A SIMPLE MAJORITY OF THOSE PRESENT AND VOTING FOR ADOPTION OF A BOARD-RECOMMENDED ITEM. 6 Nominating Committee’s Report 5-May-15 Co-President 1st VP - Programs Natural Resource Director Salt Lake County Government Director Activities Program Director Secretary Nominee Kathy Biele Carol Jenson Ann O'Connell Margaret Billings Shelly Pace Pat Black Expires Sharing With 2017 Janice Gygi (2016) 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 Current Officers Serving Until 2016 2nd VP – Organization 3rd VP – Voter Service Co-Director Treasurer Development Director Education CoDirector Health and Human Services Director Arrangements Other positions: State of Community Luncheon (appointed) LWVSL Education Fund Manager (appointed) Nominations Chair Executive Director Emeritus Anne Zeigler Nancy Wingelaar Luana Chilelli Kate Hancock 2016 2016 2016 2016 Lea Cotter Vickie Samuelson MaryAnn Lapsley 2016 2016 2016 Carol Nichols Sue Lind Nancy Melling Karen McCoy Sandy Peck 7 League of Women Voters of Salt Lake Officers, Directors, Nominees and Appointees 2015-2016 Co-President Janice Gygi 801-576-1891 [email protected] Co-President Nominee-Kathy Biele 801-583-2089 [email protected] Secretary Nominee Pat Black 801-419-0099 [email protected] Executive Director Emeritis Sandy Peck 801-274-1047 [email protected] Treasurer Luana Chilelli 801-910-6094 [email protected] LWVSL Education Fund Manager Appointed - Nancy Melling 801-277-9118 [email protected] 2016-17 Nominating Chair Karen McCoy 801-582-2613 [email protected] Development Kate Hancock 801-660-5839 [email protected] 1st Vice-President of Program Nominee Carol Jenson 801-270-9162 [email protected] Natural Resources - Director Nominee Ann O'Connell 801-363-9046 [email protected] Salt Lake County Government - Director Nominee Megaret Billings 801-582-8801 [email protected] Health and Human Services - Director Vickie Samuelson [email protected] 801-750-2217 2nd Vice-President of Organization Anne Zeigler 801-944-4163 [email protected] 3rd Co-Vice President of Voter Services Nancy Wingelaar 801-942-4030 [email protected] Membership Director - TBD Activities Promotion - Director Nominee Shelly Pace 801-678-4953 [email protected] Arrangements Mary Ann Lapsley 801-581-1231 [email protected] 8 BIOGRAPHIES OF NOMINEES Kathy Biele--Nominated to the Office of Co-President Kathy was born in Salt Lake City. She taught and studied in Hong Kong and Taiwan, where she worked as a stringer for Newsweek and NBC News as well as reported for a local English-language newspaper, the China Post. She has a Bachelor's degree in history from the University of Utah and a Master's in Journalism from Northwestern Medill School of Journalism. She worked for the Birmingham (Ala) Post Herald, the Ogden (Utah) Standard Examiner, and now City Weekly. She works on newsletters and websites for her church, for the League of Women Voters and the Utah Women's Forum. She was a founding parent of Salt Lake Arts Academy, youth director at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, and a board member for Amigos de las American-Salt Lake City. Pat Black--Nominated to the Office of Secretary Raised in Berkeley, California. Graduated from Santa Clara University with a BA. Graduate degree in Elementary Education from Holy Names University. Spent one year studying in France. Worked in the training department of a San Francisco bank before relocating to Utah. Spent 13 years in Ogden. Taught in Ogden before teaching 17 years in the Salt Lake Catholic system at the primary level. Former member of Ogden Junior League, tutoring in Salt Lake City and volunteering at St. Vincent's Soup Kitchen. Married to Doug with 2 daughters, son-in-laws and 4 grandchildren on the West Coast. Carol Jenson--Nominated to 1st Vice President--Programs Born and raised in the Salt Lake valley in the Sugarhouse area. Earned a Bachelor's in Elementary Education, a Master's in Economics from the University of Utah and a Certificate in Counseling, University of Phoenix. Career in Education spanned 30 years in Utah and Virginia. Teaching experience includes grades 5-9 with many years spent as a Guidance Counselor in a middle school setting. Last assignment, before retirement, was Programs for At-Risk students in the Jordan School District. All grades, all schools, and teachers were a part of the duties and the PARS Department. A personal focus was bullying and how to address, prevent, and alleviate the problem for all students. Presentations, teacher trainings, and schoolwide interventions were a part of this project. Interests include travel, golf, and volunteer work in AARP, the WSLC, and the Utah Food Bank and the CASA program (Court-Appointed Special Advocate.) 9 Ann OʼConnell--Nominated to Natural Resources Director Grew up in Seattle, earned a BA in History and a BS in Biology. former English and Biology teacher, state lobbyist for the Audubon Council of Utah. Member of many environmental organizations and a member of the LWV for more than forty years serving in many capacities. Hobbies/activities: birding, hiking, skiing, gardening, reading, knitting, attending concerts, and a recovering mid-distance runner. Volunteer project: RINS (Raptor Inventory Nest Survey) for the BLM which requires sitting and watching, hiking, and climbing trees. Husband and two sons all lawyers, one daughter- in-law a lawyer and lay midwife, and one grandson a thespian. Margaret “Marney” Billings--Nominated to Salt Lake County Government Director Marney Billings was born in Milwaukee, WI and grew up in Wisconsin and California. She moved to Salt Lake as a result of meeting her husband in Washington, D.C. when he was working for Utah Senator Frank Moss. Marney graduated from Stanford with a bachelorʼs degree in Political Science, attended George Washington National Law Center, and earned a JD from the University of Utah College of Law. Marney worked in Washington D.C. and Boston for the federal government and then practiced law for many years. She worked in development for Childrenʼs Service Society and the University of Utah Graduate School of Social Work and College of Law. She retired after her last position as Staff Attorney and Program Director at Utah Legal Services. She has served on the boards of Sarah Daft Home, United Way of Greater Salt Lake, Pioneer Theatre Company and the Town Club. She served on the Advisory Review Board for Utah State Court Administrators Office. Marneyʼs outside interests include reading, history, birding, travel, languages, Pilates, yoga, golf, snowshoeing, hiking, boating and swimming. Shelly Pace--Nominated as Activities Promotion Director Shelly Pace is one of three new student members this month. She is from Kaysville and recently moved to Salt Lake. Shelly is currently working on her Masterʼs degree in Community Leadership at Westminster College. She is employed by Albertsonʼs and previously was with AmeriCorps VISTAVolunteers in Service to America for a year working with South Salt Lake. She has volunteered for the Safe Harbor Crisis Center and the National Organization of Women (NOW). In her leisure time she enjoys Karaoke, dealing blackjack at private events, and board games. Shelly joined the League of Women voters as she is interested in elections and politics and is especially interested in our Education issues. 10 Salt Lake League of Women Voters Proposed Budget 2015-2016 2014-2015 Carry Forward Income Dues 2015-2016 3353 Budget Estimate Budget 11277 11691 11128 Individual Contributions 2481 2030 2010 Education Fund 4150 3108 5000 Total Contributions 6631 5137 7010 Fall Fete 2000 2511 1500 Community Lunch 6000 5000 5000 Total Other Sources of Income 8000 7511 6500 25908 24339 24638 * Contributions ** ****** Other Sources of Income Total Income 2014-2015 Expenses Budget ****** 2015-2016 Estimate Budget Operating Supplies 600 464 500 Postage 200 162 200 12000 8718 10200 1223 1333 1440 83 60 100 Payroll Net Office Manager Comp. Fed Taxes Utah Tax Workmen's Compensation Total Payroll Banking Fees, Business Licenses Miscellaneous -Other PayPal Total Operating 440 417 440 13746 10528 12180 150 16 100 75 179 150 500 676 400 15271 12025 13530 . Boards and Committees Co-Presidents 250 66 350 Board Expenses 200 172 300 Membership 700 148 567 New Member Orientation 600 108 400 Administrative Committees Annual Meeting Handbook Total Board and Committees 0 50 0 50 1800 493 1667 11 Continued Expenses 2014-2015 Budget Estimate 2015-2016 Budget Educational Activities Publications/Study Material Unit Materials 50 0 200 Studies 50 0 200 100 0 400 Citizen Info 700 0 0 Registration 50 0 250 Candidate Meetings 0 0 100 Voter Guides 0 0 0 Total Voter Service 750 100 350 LWV_SL Sponsored Meetings 300 38 300 Total Educational Activities 1150 138 1050 100 80 100 0 0 0 Total Pubs & Studies Voter Service Conv., Mtgs, Affil. Affiliations State convention, Council National Convention 0 0 0 League Annual Meeting 150 30 50 Total Conv., Mtgs, Affil. 250 110 150 State PMP 2030 2005 2010 National PMP 6293 6216 6231 Total PMP Payment 8323 8221 8241 Total Expenses 26794 20987 24638 2467 3352 0 PMP to LWV-US LWV-UT Net Income * Computed from membership data as of 2/2015 ** Based on a historical contribution rate of 22% of dues. ***** Based on estimate from this year's (2015) lunch. ****** Mrs. Martin's donation reflected in the ED Fund Bank Account Balances as of May 2015 LWV Operating Account 12,216.74 Community Lunch Checking 9,782.98 Community Lunch Savings 950.65 Celebration Fund 3,622.39 Education Fund 11,704.00 12 Topics for the 2015-2016 Calendar Salt Lake League members developed and the Board has recommended the following list of topics for study or discussion in the 2015-2016 calendar year: General meeting (panel) on human trafficking. Contact: Luciane F. Fangalua 1. Water Study Follow-up: Local ordinances on pricing, water use and landscaping 2. Vote Smart: General Meeting in October with Richard Kimball, Executive Director. Contact: Joyce Barnes 3. Climate Change: The Road to Sustainable Energy (Transitioning From Fossil Fuels to Sustainable Sources.) General Meeting and/or Unit meetings 4. Criminal Justice Reinvestment. General meeting update to learn how the Criminal Justice Reinvestment Act (2015, passed as a result of prison relocation discussions) has been implemented and is affecting defendants. 5. Special meeting: Book Study. Suggested: a book on money in politics, which will be the focus of a national League study this year. The preceding topics received the most interest from members. Others that were suggested include Go-See tour, perhaps of mental health facilities Status of Women in Utah Status of African Americans in Utah. (Contact: Rev. France Davis) Conflicts of interest questions when enforcement agencies profit from their enforcement (for instance, are allowed to keep fines or confiscated property) 13 NOTES 14
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