Lyster and Nickless
Upper Hutt – Petone
Family History – Genealogy – Miscellaneous Information
(Weblink HVF Lyster)
Family History
David William LYSTER
B 20 June 1828 St Philip Birmingham England
D 30 April 1896 Judgeford Pahautanui New Zealand
M 1st 1855 King’s Norton Worcestershire England
M 2nd 1881 New Zealand
B about 1827 England
D 1871 Upper Hutt New Zealand
M 1855 King’s Norton Worcestershire England
Louisa Caroline HELLEN
B about 1840 Unknown
D 17 September 1896 Judgeford Pahautanui New Zealand
M 1881 New Zealand
1. Selina LYSTER born 1856 Aston Warwickshire England
2. Samuel LYSTER born 1858 Aston Warwickshire England
3. Ann LYSTER born 1859 New Zealand
4. William LYSTER born 1861 Upper Hutt New Zealand
5. Clara LYSTER born 1862 Upper Hutt New Zealand
6. Elizabeth LYSTER born 1864 Upper Hutt New Zealand
7. David LYSTER born 1865 Upper Hutt New Zealand
David William LYSTER was born 20 June 1828 and baptised 15 July 1828 Birmingham St Philip
Warwickshire England. His parents were Elizabeth (Williams) and Samuel Lyster occupation
Plater of Great Hampton Street
(Reference Ancestry website Birmingham England Baptisms 1813-1912 register No 2485)
1841 Census Great Hampton Street All Saints Birmingham England
 David LESTER age 14 apprentice (Watchman) born about 1827 Warwickshire England
(Reference Ancestry website 1841 Census All Saints Birmingham England piece 1139 book 1 folio 10 page 13)
1851 Census11 Key Hill All Saints Birmingham Warwickshire England
 Samuel LYSTER head married age 48 German silver plater born Birmingham England
 Elizabeth LYSTER wife married age 51 born Bridgnorth Shropshire England
 Watkin LYSTER son unmarried age 15 Silversmith born Birmingham England
 Ellen LYSTER daughter unmarried aged 10 Scholar born Birmingham
(Reference Ancestry 1851 Census11 Key Hill All Saints Birmingham Warwickshire England ED 12 household 58 piece 2059
folio 261 page 13)
Ann NICKLESS was born about 1827 in England. Her father was John NICKLESS
David William LYSTER married 1855 King’s Norton Worcestershire England Ann NICKLESS
(Reference Ancestry RGO UK marriage registration 1855 September quarter district King’s Norton Worcestershire England
volume 6c page 538)
David William LYSTER single married 07 September 1855 Harborne Stafford England Ann
NICKLESS single. David’s father was Samuel Lyster and Ann’s father was John Nickless.
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015
(Reference LDS FHC FamilySearch website microfilm 1519999)
Ann and David had a daughter Selina LYSTER born 1856 Aston Warwickshire England
ORDER (Reference Ancestry website RGO UK birth registration 1856 December quarter district
Aston County Warwickshire England volume 6d page 280)
Ann and David had a son Samuel LYSTER born 1858 Ashton Warwickshire England
ORDER (Reference Ancestry website RGO UK birth registration 1858 June quarter district
Ashton County Warwickshire England volume 6d page 266)
David his wife Ann and children Selina & Samuel Lyster departed England on the ship “Alfred the
Great” and arrived in New Zealand on 17 April 1859.
Wellington Independent newspaper 19 April 1859
Shipping Intelligence – Arrived April 17 ship Alfred the Great from London Passengers
Steerage Mr and Mrs Lyster and 2 children.
(Reference Papers past website Wellington Independent newspaper 19 April 1859 page 3)
Ann and David had a daughter Ann LYSTER born 1859 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1859 folio website 1859/6126 parents Ann and
David Lyster)
David joined the Police Force in 1859 registration number 2
Six months later David took charge of the new Police Station in Upper Hutt. The station and
accommodation was the blockhouse near Fortune Lane in Upper Hutt.
Ann and David had a son William LYSTER born 1861 Blockhouse Upper Hutt New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1861 folio website 1861/7756 parents Ann and
David Lyster)
Ann and David had a daughter Clara LYSTER born 1862 Blockhouse Upper Hutt New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1862 folio website 1862/8935 parents Ann and
David Lyster)
Ann and David had a daughter Elizabeth LYSTER born 1864 Blockhouse Upper Hutt New
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1864 folio website 1864/8870 parents Ann and
David Lyster)
Ann and David had a son David LYSTER born 1865 Blockhouse Upper Hutt New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1865 folio website 1865/11850 parents Ann and
David Lyster)
Ann LYSTER died 27 November 1871 Upper Hutt Wellington New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ death registration 1871 folio website 1871/2961 age 44 born about
1875-1876 Hutt Electoral Roll
 David LYSTER Upper Hutt Leasehold Upper Hutt section 91, 28 acres (225)
(Reference Ancestry website New Zealand Electoral Roll)
1880-1881 Hutt Electoral Roll
 David LYSTER Constable residential Upper Hutt (337)
 Samuel LYSTER labourer residential Upper Hutt (338)
(Reference Ancestry website New Zealand Electoral Roll)
David William LYSTER (widow) married 1881 New Zealand Louisa Caroline HELLEN
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ marriage registration 1881 folio 1799 website 1881/1775)
Evening Post newspaper 29 December 1881
Constable Lyster who has been stationed in the Porirua district for a considerable time is
about to be transferred to the Nelson district. His place will be taken by Constable Christie
from the Molesworth street station which will now be in charge of Constable O’Donohue.
(Reference Papers past website Evening Post newspaper 29 December 1881 page 2)
It appears that Constable David LYSTER was transfer to Petone not Nelson
1890 Hutt Electoral Roll
 David LYSTER police constable residential Petone (2159)
(Reference Ancestry website New Zealand Electoral Roll)
D LYSTER - Return of removals in the Police Force during 3 years ending 31 December 1890
AJHR 1891 Section H33 page 5
1893 Wellington Suburbs Electoral Roll
 David LYSTER Constable Petone Residential (1961)
 Louisa Caroline LYSTER Married Women Hutt Road Petone Residential (1962)
Evening Post newspaper 25 January 1896
Constable O’Farrell of Johnsonville and Lyster of Petone are about to retire from the Police
Force on compensation. Both men are old officers. Lyster joined the services in 1859 and
now had the honour of having had the longest term of service in New Zealand. His number
was two and it is pleasant to note that long as has been his connection with the Force he has
an absolutely clean record.
(Reference Papers past website Evening Post newspaper 25 January 1896 page 2)
Evening Post newspaper 30 January 1896
Constable Lyster stationed at Petone retires on compensation from the Police Force tomorrow
after 37 years service. Constable Lyster can show a longer term of service than any other
constable in New Zealand. He joined the Force in Wellington in the early part of 1859 and
was soon afterwards transferred to Upper Hutt where for 21 years he was in charge and saw
some stirring times during the native troubles. Since then he has served at Tawa Flat,
Porirua, Wanganui and Waverley and since March 1890 has been in charge at Petone. Steps
are being taken to suitably recognise Constable Lyster long term of service.
(Reference Papers past website Evening Post newspaper 30 January 1896 page 2)
Wairarapa Daily Times newspaper 31 January 1896
Constable Lyster stationed at Petone is retiring on compensation from the Police Force after
thirty seven years service. Constable Lyster can show a longer term of service than any other
constable in New Zealand
(Reference Papers past website Wairarapa Daily Times newspaper 31 January 1896 page 2)
David William LYSTER died 30 April 1896 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ death registration 1896 folio website 1896/4745 age 68 years born
about 1828)
Evening Post newspaper 01 & 02 May 1896
Deaths – Lyster – On the 30th April 1896 at Judgeford Small Farms Pahautanui David Lyster
aged 69 years.
(Reference Papers past website Evening Post newspaper 01 & 02 May 1896 page 2)
Evening Post newspaper 02 May 1896
Funeral Notice – The Firneds of the late David Lyster are respectfully invited to attend his
Funeral which will leave Small Farms Pahautanui on Sunday 3rd May at 2 pm for the
Cemetery Pahautanui – Clark & Thompson Undertakers Molesworth street Telephone No 86
(Referenced Papers past website Evening Post newspaper 02 May 1896 page 3)
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015
David LYSTER Police Constable Pahautanui died 30 April 1896 Probate records Court
ORDER (Reference Archives NZ Wellington AAOM 6029 W3265 box 95 5121 filed date 26 May
1896 type Will Wellington Court)
Evening Post newspaper 03 September 1896
The widow of the later Constable David Lyster the “father” of the New Zealand Police Force is
petitioning the House for a compassionate allowance. Constable Lyster joined the Force in
(Reference Papers past website Evening Post newspaper 03 September 1896 page 5)
Louisa Caroline LYSTER died 17 September 1896 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ death registration 1896 folio website 1896/1891 age 56 born about
Louisa Caroline LYSTER Farmer Judgeford died 17 September 1896 Wellington Probate records
Court Wellington
ORDER (Reference Archives NZ Wellington AAOM 6029 W3265 box 98 5276 filed date 25
September 1896 type Will Wellington Court)
Pauatahanui Public cemetery Porirua row 10
In loving memory of David William LYSTER died 30 April 1896 age 69,
also Louisa Caroline LYSTER died 17 September 1896 age 56
(Reference Ancestry website New Zealand cemetery records from NZSG transcriptions)
David William & Ann LYSTER their children and descendants
1- Selina / Eleanor LYSTER born 1856 Aston Warwickshire England died 1948 New Zealand
married 1877 New Zealand William HEPBURN born about died 06 January 1926 Wellington
New Zealand
1-1- Esther Amelia Ann HEPBURN born 1878 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration
1878 folio website 1878/7576 parents Selina and William Hepburn
1-2- Blanche Eleanor HEPBURN born 1879 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration
1879 folio website 1879/13185 parents Selina and William Hepburn
1-3- David William HEPBURN born 1881 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1881
folio website 1881/2885 parents Selina and William Hepburn
1-4- Selina Florence HEPBURN born 1882 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration
1882 folio website 1882/18624 parents Selina and William Hepburn
1-5- Robert James HEPBURN born 1883 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration
1883 folio website 1883/16467 parents Selina and William Hepburn
1-6- Thomas Frederick Charles HEPBURN born 1885 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth
registration 1885 folio website 1885/6369 parents Selina and William Hepburn
1-7- Alfred Francis Burnet HEPBURN born 1887 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth
registration 1887 folio website 1887/10323 parents Selina and William Hepburn
1-8- Beatrice Constance Evelyn HEPBURN born 1892 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth
registration 1892 folio website 1892/2143 parents Selina and William Hepburn
1-9- Mary Alburtha Headett HEPBURN born 1894 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth
registration 1894 folio website 1894/17937 parents Selina and William Hepburn
1-10- Hylda Etha HEPBURN born 1896 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1896
folio website 1896/3016 parents Selina and William Hepburn
1-11- Stanley Patrick Rowman HEPBURN born 1897 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth
registration 1897 folio website 1897/5734 parents Selina and William Hepburn
1-12- Edith Ellen HEPBURN born 1899 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1899
folio website 1899/17327 parents Selina and William Hepburn
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015
1-13- Robert Rankin HEPBURN born New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1985
folio website 1985/75917 parents Selina and William Hepburn
Selina LYSTER born 1856 Aston Warwickshire England (died 1948 age 92 years)
ORDER (Reference Ancestry website RGO UK birth registration 1856 December quarter district
Aston County Warwickshire England volume 6d page 280)
Selina LYSTER her parents and brother departed England on the ship “Alfred the Great” and
arrived in New Zealand on 17 April 1859.
Wellington Independent newspaper 19 April 1859
Shipping Intelligence – Arrived April 17 ship Alfred the Great from London Passengers
Steerage Mr and Mrs Lyster and 2 children.
(Reference Papers past website Wellington Independent newspaper 19 April 1859 page 3)
Selina LYSTER married 1877 New Zealand William HEPBURN
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ marriage registration 1877 folio 1597 website 1877/1669)
Selina and William had a daughter Esther Amelia Ann HEPBURN born 1878 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1878 folio website 1878/7576 parents Selina and
William Hepburn)
Selina and William had a daughter Blanche Eleanor HEPBURN born 1879 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1879 folio website 1879/13185 parents Selina and
William Hepburn)
Selina and William had a son David William HEPBURN born 1881 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1881 folio website 1881/2885 parents Selina and
William Hepburn)
Selina and William had a daughter Selina Florence HEPBURN born 1882 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1882 folio website 1882/18624 parents Selina and
William Hepburn)
Selina and William had a son Robert James HEPBURN born 1883 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1883 folio website 1883/16467 parents Selina and
William Hepburn)
Selina and William had a son Thomas Frederick Charles HEPBURN born 1885 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1885 folio website 1885/6369 parents Selina and
William Hepburn)
Selina and William had a son Alfred Francis Burnet HEPBURN born 1887 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1887 folio website 1887/10323 parents Selina and
William Hepburn)
Selina and William had a daughter Beatrice Constance Evelyn HEPBURN born 1892 New
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1892 folio website 1892/2143 parents Selina and
William Hepburn)
Selina and William had a daughter Mary Alburtha Headett HEPBURN born 1894 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1894 folio website 1894/17937 parents Selina and
William Hepburn)
Selina and William had a daughter Hylda Etha HEPBURN born 1896 New Zealand
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1896 folio website 1896/3016 parents Selina and
William Hepburn)
Selina and William had a son Stanley Patrick Rowman HEPBURN born 1897 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1897 folio website 1897/5734 parents Selina and
William Hepburn)
Selina and William had a daughter Edith Ellen HEPBURN born 1899 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1899 folio website 1899/17327 parents Selina and
William Hepburn)
Selina and William had a son Robert Rankin HEPBURN born New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1985 folio website 1985/75917 parents Selina and
William Hepburn)
William HEPBURN died 06 January 1926 Wellington Hospital from 80 Cuba Street Petone age
75 years
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ death registration 1926 folio website 1926/1320 age 70 born about
Selina HEPBURN died 1948 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ death registration 1948 folio website 1948/19239 age 92 born
about 1856)
2- Samuel LYSTER born 1857 died married 1881 New Zealand Elizabeth (Bessie) STRIBLEY
born died 24 May 1916 Greytown Wairarapa New Zealand
2-1- Norman Henry David LYSTER born 1896 New Zealand died 1896 New Zealand (died young
never married)
#Norman Henry David LYSTER born 1896 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth
registration 1896 folio website 1896/17074 parents Mary Elizabeth and Samuel Lyster
#Norman Henry David LYSTER died 1896 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death
registration 1896 folio website 1896/4133 age 6 months born about 1896
2-2- Ivy Constance Stribley LYSTER born 01 September 1897 New Zealand died married 1916
New Zealand Walter John WOODLEY born died
#Ivy Constance Stribley LYSTER born 01 September 1897 New Zealand reference RGO NZ
birth registration 1897 folio website 1897/10103 parents Mary Elizabeth and Samuel Lyster
#Ivy Constance Stribley LYSTER married 1916 New Zealand Walter John WOODLEY
reference RGO NZ marriage registration 1916 folio website 1916/3559
2-3- Cyril Roy Samuel LYSTER born 04 April 1900 New Zealand died 1980 New Zealand
married 1926 New Zealand Elsie May WOODLEY born died
#Cyril Roy Samuel LYSTER born 04 April 1900 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth
registration 1900 folio website 1900/7051 parents Mary Elizabeth and Samuel Lyster
#Cyril Roy Samuel LYSTER married 1926 New Zealand Elsie May WOODLEY reference
RGO NZ marriage registration 1926 folio website 1926/9468
#Cyril Roy Samuel LYSTER died 1980 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration
1980 folio website 1980/40874 born 04 April 1900 age 80
2-4- Aubrey Claude William LYSTER born 1902 New Zealand died 1973 New Zealand married
1926 New Zealand Emily Lucy MARTIN born died New Zealand
#Aubrey Claude William LYSTER born 1902 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth
registration 1902 folio website 1902/17743 parents Mary Elizabeth and Samuel Lyster
#Aubrey Claude William LYSTER married 1926 New Zealand Emily Lucy MARTIN reference
RGO NZ marriage registration 1926 folio website 1926/2622
#Audrey Claude William LYSTER died 1973 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death
registration 1973 folio website 1973/33979 born 24 November 1902 age 70
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015
Samuel LYSTER was born 1858 Ashton Warwickshire England
ORDER (Reference Ancestry website RGO UK birth registration 1858 June quarter district
Ashton County Warwickshire England volume 6d page 266)
Samuel LYSTER his parents and sister departed England on the ship “Alfred the Great” and
arrived in New Zealand on 17 April 1859.
Wellington Independent newspaper 19 April 1859
Shipping Intelligence – Arrived April 17 ship Alfred the Great from London Passengers
Steerage Mr and Mrs Lyster and 2 children.
(Reference Papers past website Wellington Independent newspaper 19 April 1859 page 3)
Samuel LYSTER married 1881 New Zealand Elizabeth (Bessie) STRIBLEY
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ marriage registration 1881 folio 1823 website 1881/1798)
1881 Hutt Electoral Roll
 Samuel LYSTER labourer Upper Hutt residential (510)
1893 Otaki Electoral Roll
 Samuel LYSTER labourer Upper Hutt residential (1544)
1893 Wairarapa Electoral Roll
 Samuel LYSTER labourer Morrison’s Bush residential (1917)
 Bessie LYSTER married Morrison’s Bush residential (1915)
Samuel and Elizabeth had a son Norman Henry David LYSTER born 1896 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1896 folio website 1896/17074 parents Mary
Elizabeth and Samuel Lyster)
Samuel and Elizabeth’s son Norman Henry David LYSTER died 1896 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ death registration 1896 folio website 1896/4133 age 6 months born
about 1896)
1896 Wairarapa Electoral Roll
 Samuel LYSTER labourer Morrison’s Bush residential (2119 )
Samuel and Elizabeth had a daughter Ivy Constance Stribley LYSTER born 01 September 1897
New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1897 folio website 1897/10103 parents Mary
Elizabeth and Samuel Lyster)
Samuel and Elizabeth had a son Cyril Roy Samuel LYSTER born 04 April 1900 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1900 folio website 1900/7051 parents Mary
Elizabeth and Samuel Lyster)
Samuel and Elizabeth had a son Aubrey Claude William LYSTER born 1902 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1902 folio website 1902/17743 parents Mary
Elizabeth and Samuel Lyster)
Mary Elizabeth LYSTER died 1916 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ death registration 1916 folio website 1916/4438 age 54 born about
Elizabeth LYSTER died 24 May 1916 wife Greytown Probate records Court Masterton
ORDER (Reference Archives NZ Wellington AAOF W5447 35/1916 filed date 15 August 1916
type Will Masterton Court)
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015
Samuel LYSTER married 1920 New Zealand Gladys FLOOD
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ marriage registration 1920 folio website 1920/11972)
Samuel LYSTER died 1936 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ death registration 1936 folio website 1936/21345 age 79 born
about 1857)
3- Annie LYSTER born 1859 New Zealand died New Zealand married 23 May 1876 New
Zealand David TAYLOR born died New Zealand
3-1- Agnes Ann TAYLOR born 16 March 1877 Upper Hutt New Zealand
#Agnes Ann TAYLOR born 1877 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1877
folio website 1877/3951 parents Annie and David Taylor
3-2- William TAYLOR born 1878 New Zealand
#William TAYLOR born 1878 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1878 folio
website 1878/1192 parents Annie and David Taylor
3-3- Annie Selina TAYLOR born 21 November 1880 Upper Hutt New Zealand
#Annie Selina TAYLOR born 1880 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1880
folio website 1880/13363 parents Annie and David Taylor
3-4- Grace Eleanor TAYLOR born 1880 New Zealand
#Grace Eleanor TAYLOR born 1880 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration
1880 folio website 1880/18001 parents Annie and David Taylor
3-5- Minnie Maud TAYLOR born 1882 New Zealand
#Minnie Maud TAYLOR born 1882 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1882
folio website 1882/14757 parents Annie and David Taylor
3-6- Ethel May TAYLOR born 28 April 1885 Upper Hutt New Zealand
#Ethel May TAYLOR born 1885 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1885
folio website 1885/6431 parents Annie and David Taylor
3-7- Gilbert Leonard TAYLOR born 1888 New Zealand
#Gilbert Leonard TAYLOR born 1888 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration
1888 folio website 1888/13938 parents Annie and David Taylor
3-8- Percy Harold TAYLOR born 1890 New Zealand
#Percy Harold TAYLOR born 1890 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1888
folio website 1890/18041 parents Annie and David Taylor
3-9- Roderick Hector Norman TAYLOR born 1891 New Zealand
#Roderick Hector Norman TAYLOR born 1891 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth
registration 1891 folio website 1891/13882 parents Annie and David Taylor
3-10- Leslie Kenneth TAYLOR born 25 May 1896 Petone Wellington New Zealand
#Leslie Kenneth TAYLOR born 1896 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration
1896 folio website 1896/5215 parents Annie and David Taylor
Ann LYSTER born 1859 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1859 folio website 1859/6126 parents Ann and
David Lyster)
Evening Post newspaper 23 May 1876
Marriage – On the 23rd inst. at St Peter’s Church by the Ven Archdeacon Stock, David Taylor
to Annie Lyster both of Upper Hutt
(Reference Papers past website Evening Post newspaper 23 May 1876 page 2)
Annie LYSTER married 23 May 1876 New Zealand David TAYLOR
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ marriage registration 1876 folio 0808 website 1876/846)
Annie and David had a daughter Agnes Ann TAYLOR born 1877 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1877 folio website 1877/3951 parents Annie and
David Taylor)
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015
Annie and David had a son William TAYLOR born 1878 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1878 folio website 1878/1192 parents Annie and
David Taylor)
Annie and David had a daughter Annie Selina TAYLOR born 1880 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1880 folio website 1880/13363 parents Annie and
David Taylor)
Annie and David had a daughter Grace Eleanor TAYLOR born 1880 New Zealand reference
RGO NZ birth registration 1880 folio website 1880/18001 parents Annie and David Taylor
Annie and David had a daughter Minnie Maud TAYLOR born 1882 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1882 folio website 1882/14757 parents Annie and
David Taylor)
Annie and David had a daughter Ethel May TAYLOR born 1885 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1885 folio website 1885/6431 parents Annie and
David Taylor)
Annie and David had a son Gilbert Leonard TAYLOR born 1888 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1888 folio website 1888/13938 parents Annie and
David Taylor)
Annie and David had a son Percy Harold TAYLOR born 1890 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1888 folio website 1890/18041 parents Annie and
David Taylor)
Annie and David had a son Roderick Hector Norman TAYLOR born 1891 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1891 folio website 1891/13882 parents Annie and
David Taylor)
Annie and David had a son Leslie Kenneth TAYLOR born 1896 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1896 folio website 1896/5215 parents Annie and
David Taylor)
Annie and David TAYLOR died details unknown
4- William LYSTER born 1861 Upper Hutt New Zealand died 1927 New Zealand married 1892
New Zealand Mary Ann LOADER born about 1867 died 1936 New Zealand
4-1- Albert George LYSTER born 1893 New Zealand died 1953 New Zealand married 1926 New
Zealand Doris Natalie HIGGISON born 12 August 1904 died 1972 New Zealand
#Albert George LYSTER born 1893 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1893
folio website 1893/2911 parents Mary Ann and William Lyster
#George LYSTER occupation Driver Cotterville Street Greytown WWI First Reserves
recruiting district Wairarapa
#George Albert LYSTER married 1926 New Zealand Doris Natalie HIGGISON reference
RGO NZ marriage registration 1926 folio website 1926/8837
#George Albert LYSTER died 1953 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration
1953 folio website 1953/27808 age 60 born about 1893
#Doris Natalie LYSTER died 1972 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration 1972
folio website 1972/25928 born 12 August 1904 age 68
4-2- Leslie Samuel LYSTER born 1894 New Zealand died 1944 married 1916 New Zealand
Gladys Mary SMITH born 04 April 1898 died 1989 New Zealand
#Leslie Samuel LYSTER born 1894 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1894
folio website 1894/13249 parents Mary Ann and William Lyster
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015
#Leslie Samuel LYSTER married 1916 New Zealand Gladys Mary SMITH reference RGO
NZ marriage registration 1916 folio website 1916/1788
#Leslie LYSTER occupation Butcher 43 Martin Square WWI First Reserves recruiting district
#Leslie Samuel LYSTER died 1944 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration
1944 folio website 1944/16589 age 49 born about 1895
#Gladys Mary LYSTER died 1989 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration 1989
folio website 1989/54998 born 04 April 1898 age 91
4-0- William Henry LYSTER born 29 July 1896 New Zealand
William Henry LESTER [sic] born 29 July 1896 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth
registration 1896 folio website 1896/5073 parents Mary and William Lester [sic]
#William LYSTER Greytown School birth date 29 July 1896 parent Mr W Lyster address
Greytown admission date 03 February 1908 register number 944 Greytown School
#William Henry LYSTER Cleaner Cross Creek Featherston WWI First Reserves recruiting
district Wairarapa
#William Henry LYSTER 74825 Private occupation Cleaner next of kin mother Mrs M Lyster
address 25 Cotterville Street Greytown reference Nominal roll volume 4 roll 83 page 7
SEARCH #William Henry LYSTER married 1921 New Zealand Ruth ROGERS reference
RGO NZ marriage registration 1921 folio 02178 website 1921/?
#William Henry LYSTER retired Levin Probate records Court Palmerston North reference
Archives NZ Wellington AAOY W3298 0775/1976 07 December 1976 type Will
4-3- Percy Harold LYSTER born 1898 New Zealand died 1969 New Zealand married 1926 New
Zealand Olive Violet Pauline FRIIS born about 1902 died 1957 New Zealand
#Percy Harold LYSTER born 1898 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1898
folio website 1898/11056 parents Mary Ann and William Lyster
#Percy LYSTER married 1926 New Zealand Olive Violet Pauline FRIIS reference RGO NZ
marriage registration 1926 folio website 1926/7879
#Olive Violet LYSTER died 1957 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration 1957
folio website 1957/30930 age 55 born about 1902
#Percy LYSTER died 1969 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration 1969 folio
website 1969/38676 age 70 born about 1899
4-4- David Ebenezer LYSTER born 06 September 1901 New Zealand died 1972 New Zealand
married 1929 New Zealand Anna Josephine GILLESPIE born 03 July 1908 died 1985 New
#David Ebenezer LYSTER born 06 September 1901 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth
registration 1901 folio website 1901/12138 parents Mary Ann and William Lyster
#David Ebenezer LYSTER married 1929 New Zealand Anna Josephine GILLESPIE
reference RGO NZ marriage registration 1929 folio website 1929/2864
#David Ebenzer LYSTER died 1972 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration
1972 folio website 1972/25927 born 06 September 1901 age 68
#Anna Marie Josephine LYSTER died 1985 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death
registration 1985 folio website 1985/41749 born 03 July 1908 age 77
4-5- Clarence Horace LYSTER born 10 October 1903 New Zealand died 1975 New Zealand
married 1927 New Zealand Eileen Grace AMUNDSEN born 13 April 1904 died 1977 New
#Clarence Horace LYSTER born 10 October 1903 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth
registration 1903 folio website 1903/8295 parents Mary Ann and William Lyster
#Clarence Horace LYSTER married 1927 New Zealand Eileen Grace AMUNDSEN
reference RGO NZ marriage registration 1927 folio website 1927/4749
#Clarence Horace LYSTER died 1975 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration
1975 folio website 1975/39823 born 10 October 1903 age 71
#Eileen Grace LYSTER died 1977 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration 1977
folio website 1977/32886 born 13 April 1904 age 73
4-6- Ethel Eunice Sylvia LYSTER born 12 April 1907 New Zealand died 1984 New Zealand
married 1930 New Zealand Leonard William AMUNDSEN born 17 February 1907 died 1976
New Zealand
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015
#Ethel Eunice Sylvia LYSTER born 1907 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration
1907 folio website 1907/7522 parents Mary Ann and William Lyster
#Ethel Eunice LYSTER married 1930 New Zealand Leonard William AMUNDSEN reference
RGO NZ marriage registration 1930 folio website 1930/6318
#Leonard William AMUNDSEN died 1976 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death
registration 1976 folio website 1976/38358 born 17 February 1907 age 69
#Ethel Eunice AMUNDSEN died 1984 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration
1984 folio website 1984/29521 born 12 April 1907 age 76
4-7- Alma Charlotte Jean LYSTER born 12 May 1911 New Zealand died 1994 New Zealand
married 1929 New Zealand Henry Walter HARRIS born 06 April 1902 died 1978 New
#Alma Charlotte Jean LYSTER born 1911 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration
1911 folio website 1911/21441 parents Mary Ann and William Lyster
#Alma Jean LYSTER married 1929 New Zealand Henry Walter HARRIS reference RGO NZ
marriage registration 1929 folio website 1929/9255
#Henry Walter HARRIS died 1978 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration 1978
folio website 1978/32718 born 06 April 1902 age 75
#Alma Charlotte Jean HARRIS died 1994 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death
registration 1994 folio website 1994/48740 born 12 May 1911 age 83
William LYSTER born 1861 Blockhouse Upper Hutt New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1861 folio website 1861/7756 parents Ann and
David Lyster)
William LYSTER married 1892 New Zealand Mary Ann LOADER
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ marriage registration 1892 folio 1303 website 1892/115)
1893 Wairarapa Electoral Roll
 Mary LYSTER married Greytown residential (1916)
William and Mary Ann had a son Albert George LYSTER born 1893 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1893 folio website 1893/2911 parents Mary Ann
and William Lyster)
William and Mary Ann had a son Leslie Samuel LYSTER born 1894 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1894 folio website 1894/13249 parents Mary Ann
and William Lyster)
1896 Wairarapa Electoral Roll
 Mary LYSTER married Greytown residential (2118)
1896 Wairarapa Supplimentary Electoral Roll
 William LYSTER labourer Greytown residential (4205)
 Mary Ann LYSTER married Greytown residential (4204)
William and Mary Ann had a son Percy Harold LYSTER born 1898 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1898 folio website 1898/11056 parents Mary Ann
and William Lyster)
William and Mary Ann had a son David Ebenezer LYSTER born 06 September 1901 New
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1901 folio website 1901/12138 parents Mary Ann
and William Lyster)
William and Mary Ann had a son Clarence Horace LYSTER born 10 October 1903 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1903 folio website 1903/8295 parents Mary Ann
and William Lyster)
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015
William and Mary Ann had a daughter Ethel Eunice Sylvia LYSTER born 1907 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1907 folio website 1907/7522 parents Mary Ann
and William Lyster)
William and Mary Ann had a daughter Alma Charlotte Jean LYSTER born 1911 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1911 folio website 1911/21441 parents Mary Ann
and William Lyster)
William LYSTER died 1927 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ death registration 1927 folio website 1927/574 age 66 born about
Mary Ann LYSTER died 1936 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ death registration 1936 folio website 1936/21346 age 69 born
about 1867)
5- Clara LYSTER born 1862 Upper Hutt New Zealand died 1931 New Zealand married 16
January 1890 Wellington New Zealand John Maxwell CAMERON born about 1851 died
1913 New Zealand
5-1- William Maxwell CAMERON born 1891 New Zea
#William Maxwell CAMERON born 1891 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration
1891 folio website 1891/2255 parents Clara and John Maxwell Cameron
5-2- Florence Muriel CAMERON born 18 June 1893 Greytown Wairarapa New Zealand
#Florence Muriel Cameron born 1893 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration
1893 folio website 1893/11094 parents Clara and John Maxwell Cameron
5-3- Nolan CAMERON born 1894 New Zealand
#Nolan CAMERON born 1894 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1894 folio
website 1894/13244 parents Clara and John Maxwell Cameron
5-4- David Maxwell CAMERON born 1896 New Zealand
#David Maxwell CAMERON born 1896 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration
1896 folio website 1896/16578 parents Clara and John Maxwell Cameron
5-5- Mabel CAMERON born 1898 New Zealand
#Mabel CAMERON born 1898 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1898
folio website 1898/4780 parents Clara and John Maxwell Cameron
5-6- Ethel CAMERON born 1903 New Zealand
#Ethel CAMERON born 1903 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1903 folio
website 1903/15677 parents Clara and John Maxwell Cameron
Clara LYSTER born 1862 Blockhouse Upper Hutt New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1862 folio website 1862/8935 parents Ann and
David Lyster)
Clara LYSTER married 16 January 1890 New Zealand John Maxwell CAMERON
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ marriage registration 1890 folio 0305 website 1890/230)
Clara and John had a son William Maxwell CAMERON born 1891 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1891 folio website 1891/2255 parents Clara and
John Maxwell Cameron)
Clara and John had a daughter Florence Muriel CAMERON born 18 June 1893 Greytown
Wairarapa New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1893 folio website 1893/11094 parents Clara and
John Maxwell Cameron)
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015
1893 Wairarapa Electoral Roll
 Clara CAMERON married Greytown North (527)
Clara and John had a daughter Nolan CAMERON born 1894 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1894 folio website 1894/13244 parents Clara and
John Maxwell Cameron)
Clara and John had a son David Maxwell CAMERON born 1896 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1896 folio website 1896/16578 parents Clara and
John Maxwell Cameron)
Clara and John had a daughter Mabel CAMERON born 1898 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1898 folio website 1898/4780 parents Clara and
John Maxwell Cameron)
Clara and John had a daughter Ethel CAMERON born 1903 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1903 folio website 1903/15677 parents Clara and
John Maxwell Cameron)
John Maxwell CAMERON died 1913 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ death registration 1913 folio website 1913/3607 age 62 born about
NOT SURE - Clara CAMERON died 1931 New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ death registration 1931 folio website 1931/7774 age 66 born about
6- Elizabeth LYSTER born 1864 Upper Hutt New Zealand died New Zealand married 1888 New
Zealand Joseph Richard PAUL born 1862 died 1948 New Zealand
6-1- Ethel PAUL born 26 August 1889 New Zealand
#Ethel PAUL Lytton Street School birth date 26 August 1889 parent Joseph R Paul address
Fielding admission date 09 September 1901 last school Fielding Central School last day 14
March 1902 destination Nelson register number 6
6-2- Sidney/Sydney William PAUL born 14 September 1902 New Zealand died 1974 New
#Sidney William PAUL Aramoho School birth date 14 September 1902 parent Joseph R
Paul address Tay Street admission date 10 June 1913 comment Parents occupation
Labourer register number 178
#Sydney William PAUL died 1974 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration 1974
folio website 1974/37075 born 14 September 1902 age 71
Elizabeth LYSTER born 1864 Blockhouse Upper Hutt New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1864 folio website 1864/8870 parents Ann and
David Lyster)
Elizabeth LYSTER married 1888 New Zealand Joseph Richard PAUL
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ marriage registration 1888 folio 0228 website 1888/472)
Joseph Richard PAUL died 1948 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration 1948 folio
website 1948/19385 age 86 born about 1862
7- David LYSTER born 1865 Upper Hutt New Zealand died 1934 New Zealand married 1887
New Zealand Mary SMITH born about 1870 died 1960 New Zealand
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015
7-1- Gilbert Henry LYSTER born 12 September 1888 New Zealand died 1939 New Zealand
married 1912 New Zealand Ethel Maud LAWRENCE born died New Zealand
#Gilbert Henry LYSTER born 1888 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1888
folio website 1888/17786 parents Mary and David Lyster
#Gilbert LYSTER Upper Hutt School 1896 Wellington Education Board reference Archives
NZ Wellington EB-W8/26
#Gilbert LYSTER Upper Hutt School birth date 12 September 1888 parent David Lyster
address Ebden Town admission date 27 January 1896 last day 29 May 1901 comment ill
medical certificate register number 419
#Gilbert LYSTER Upper Hutt School 1897 Wellington Education Board reference Archives
NZ Wellington EB-W8/29
#Gilbert LYSTER Upper Hutt School 1898 Wellington Education Board reference Archives
NZ Wellington EB-W8/34
#Gilbert LYSTER Upper Hutt School 1899 Wellington Education Board reference Archives
NZ Wellington EB-W8/38
#Gilbert LYSTER Upper Hutt School 1900 Wellington Education Board reference Archives
NZ Wellington EB-W8/42
#Gilbert LYSTER Upper Hutt School birth date 12 September 1888 parent David Lyster
address Ebden Town admission date 26 November 1901 last day 02 May 1902 destination
Ebden Town register number 711 former 419
#Gilbert Henry LYSTER married 1912 New Zealand Ethel Maud LAWRENCE reference
RGO NZ marriage registration 1912 folio 4713 website 1912/4814
#Gilbert Henry LYSTER occupation Furniture Manufacturer address 64 Tasman Street
Wellington WWI Second Reserves (classification D married with 3 children)
#Gilbert Henry LYSTER 1919 Wellington Suburbs Electoral Roll
#Gilbert Henry LYSTER died 15 April 1939 Wellington Hospital New Zealand reference
RGO NZ death registration 1939 folio website 1939/14577 age 50 born about 1889
7-1-1- Ronald Henry LYSTER born 18 May 1913 New Zealand died 1990 New Zealand
#Ronald Henry LYSTER born 18 May 1913 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth
registration 1913 folio website 1913/18146 parents Ethel Maud and Gilbert Henry Lyster
#Ronald Henry LYSTER died 1990 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration
1990 folio website 1990/45789 born 18 May 1913 age 77
7-1-2- Lavinia Myrtle LYSTER born 14 June 1914 New Zealand died 2001 New Zealand married
1934 New Zealand John STAPLES born died New Zealand
#Lavinia Myrtle LYSTER born 14 June 1914 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth
registration 1914 folio website 1914/4932 parents Ethel Maud and Gilbert Henry Lyster
#Lavinia Myrtle LYSTER married 1934 New Zealand John STAPLES reference RGO NZ
marriage registration 1934 folio website 1934/7450
#Lavinia Myrtle STAPLES died 2001 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration
2001 folio website 2001/22648 born 14 June 1914 age 87
7-2- Eva Maud LYSTER born 20/30 November 1891 New Zealand 1st married 1909 New
Zealand Ernest Edward MOYES born died 2nd married May 1939 John MARTIN born died
New Zealand
#Eva Mordy [sic] LYSTER born 1892 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration
1888 folio website 1892/2053 parents Mary and David Lyster
#Eva LYSTER Upper Hutt School birth date 30 November 1891 parent David Lyster
address Ebden Town admission date 13 September 1897 last day 05 August 1901
destination Cross Creek register number 490
#Eva LYSTER Upper Hutt School 1898 Wellington Education Board reference Archives NZ
Wellington EB-W8/34
#Eva LYSTER Upper Hutt School 1899 Wellington Education Board reference Archives NZ
Wellington EB-W8/38
#Eva LYSTER Upper Hutt School 1900 Wellington Education Board reference Archives NZ
Wellington EB-W8/42
#Eva LYSTER Upper Hutt School birth date 30 November 1891 parent David Lyster
address Ebden Town admission date 02 September 1901 last day 21 July 1903
destination Ebden Town register number 695 former 490
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015
#Eva LYSTER Upper Hutt School birth date 30 November 1891 parent David Lyster
address Ebdentown admission date 14 October 1904 last day 29 November 1904
destination Days Bay register number 854 former 695
#Eva Maud LYSTER married 1909 New Zealand Ernest Edward MOYES reference RGO
NZ marriage registration 1909 folio 2663 website 1909/1557
#Eva Maud MOYES & Ernest Edward MOYES 1919 Wellington East Electoral Roll
7-3- Percy LYSTER born 1899 New Zealand died 1969 New Zealand(never married)
#Percy LYSTER born 1899 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1899 folio
website 1899/12567 parents Mary and David Lyster
#Percy LYSTER died 1969 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration 1969 folio
website 1969/38676 age 70 born about 1899
7-4- Ivy LYSTER born 1900 New Zealand died 1931 New Zealand (never married)
#Ivy LYSTER born 1900 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1900 folio
website 1900/17551 parents Mary and David Lyster
#Ivy LYSTER died 1931 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration 1931 folio
website 1931/9854 age 31 born about 1900
7-5- Myrtle LYSTER born 1902 New Zealand died 1968 New Zealand (never married)
#Myrtle LYSTER born 1902 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1902 folio
website 1902/8948 parents Mary and David Lyster
#Myrtle LYSTER died 1968 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration 1968 folio
website 1968/47940 age 66 born about 1902
David LYSTER born 1865 Blockhouse Upper Hutt New Zealand
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ birth registration 1865 folio website 1865/11850 parents Ann and
David Lyster)
David LYSTER married 1887 New Zealand Mary SMITH
ORDER (Reference RGO NZ marriage registration 1887 folio 2040 website 1887/462)
Gilbert Henry LYSTER born 1888 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1888 folio
website 1888/17786 parents Mary and David Lyster
Eva Mordy LYSTER born 1892 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1888 folio
website 1892/2053 parents Mary and David Lyster
Percy LYSTER born 1899 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1899 folio website
1899/12567 parents Mary and David Lyster
Ivy LYSTER born 1900 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1900 folio website
1900/17551 parents Mary and David Lyster
Myrtle LYSTER born 1902 New Zealand reference RGO NZ birth registration 1902 folio website
1902/8948 parents Mary and David Lyster
1893 Otaki Electoral Roll
 Mary LYSTER married women Upper Hutt residential (3402)
1896 Otaki Supplimentry Electoral Roll
 David LYSTER butcher Upper Hutt residential (3641)
David LYSTER died 1934 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration 1934 folio website
1934/3894 age 68 born about 1866
Mary LYSTER died 1960 New Zealand reference RGO NZ death registration 1960 folio website
1960/38927 age 90 born about 1870
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015
LYSTER / LISTER / LESTER miscellaneous information
Lyster – Hutt Valley Families created by Lynly Lessels Yates New Zealand updated 18 May 2015