Health Measurement and Accountability post-2015: A

Health Measurement and
Accountability post-2015:
A Common Roadmap
March 25 2015
This paper provides a common roadmap toward strengthening country health information systems. It
discusses mechanisms and steps that countries can implement to improve the collection, management,
and dissemination of health-related information in order to monitor and meet their sustainable
development goals (SDGs) from 2015 to 2030. These guidelines are intended for national health sector
stakeholders as well as international donors, multilateral agencies, and civil society actors
contributing to the attainment of national, regional, and global health goals.
These guidelines, called the “Common Roadmap,” will be introduced at the Summit on the
Measurement and Accountability for Results in Health, to be held from June 9-11, 2015 in Washington,
D.C. The summit brings together key stakeholders involved in meeting national and regional healthrelated SDGs to advance a shared agenda for post-2015 health measurement.
Acknowledgements: This paper encapsulates the content of the technical papers and presentations
prepared for the meetings of the World Health Organization (WHO), World Bank Group (WBG), and
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Glion, Switzerland, in January 2015.
Consultation: This first draft is for consultation. A final version will be prepared for the Summit on
Measurement and Accountability for Health Results to be held in June 2015.
Table of Contents
Why a Roadmap is Needed .................................................................................................................................................. 3
The Way Forward .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Country Action ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Global Action....................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Critical Path: Milestones for 2015 – 2030 ................................................................................................................... 16
List of Abbreviations
community health worker
civil registration and vital statistics
District Health Information System 2
health information system
Health Metrics Network
human resources information system
Millennium Development Goal
National Statistical Office
sustainable development goal
System of Health Accounts
United Nations General Assembly
United Nations General Assembly Special Session
United States Agency for International Development
World Bank Group
World Health Assembly
World Health Organization
There is growing demand for timely and accurate health-related data at the global, country, and
local levels; however it is constrained by the many limitations influencing the ability of country
information systems to supply the data required. This Common Roadmap for Health Measurement
and Accountability Post-2015 outlines ways of redressing these supply-demand imbalances. It
describes how low- and lower-middle-income countries can harness the information they need to
plan and manage their health policies and programs to achieve national and subnational health
goals and the health-related SDGs. This roadmap builds on the work of the Health Metrics Network
(HMN), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), i the International
Health Partnership, ii and the Commission on Information and Accountability for Women and
Children’s Health. iii To continue this momentum, the U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID), the World Bank Group (WBG), and the World Health Organization (WHO) have engaged
country experts and partners to develop a shared approach to measurement and accountability for
the post-2015 development agenda. Countries are at different stages, and priority investments will
be based on individual country circumstances, be properly sequenced, and ensure that health
information systems optimally respond to national health needs. iv Following the endorsements at
the Summit on the Measurement and Accountability for Results in Health, and publication of the
roadmap, consultations with countries will continue. Scaled up support for national leadership will
come through collaboration across development partners and a focus on country-led approaches to
strengthening country data sources and systems.
Current challenges to improving measurement and accountability
The demand for timely and accurate data and statistics in the post-2015 era is a great opportunity
to build stronger health information systems. However, considerable challenges remain: v
Insufficient investment within countries: Inadequate national resources have been directed
toward building sustainable and comprehensive information systems, with the result that
much data from national systems are of low quality.
Inefficient investments in data collection and analysis: Individual initiatives and programs
have prioritized the production of quality data for their own indicators. Investments have
been ad hoc and fragmented and often focused on stand-alone surveys and one-off impact
evaluations. National institutions responsible for monitoring all national health priorities
are frustrated by programs with different reporting systems and funding tied to specific
Lack of country capacity to produce quality health data and statistics: Ministries of health,
National Statistical Offices (NSOs), and civil registries, the backbone of data production and
management, lack the required capacity, tools, and resources. Low-quality data is used to
make decisions without sufficient checks to verify completeness and accuracy.
Limited access to and usability of data: Data are not always shared or disseminated
according to international standards. Ministry of Health officials and managers at lower
levels—who, with increasing decentralization, should be the key champions for
measurement and accountability—are often not sufficiently trained and incentivized to
utilize data.
Requirements in the post-2015 era
Accurate measurement and effective accountability require strong country health information
systems, driven by country needs and uses. This roadmap will redress current supply-demand
imbalances and reduce the need for data estimations to fill gaps. As more use is made of data from
country systems, the quality of data will improve, building international confidence and removing
the need for separate, duplicating systems. The key components are described below.
Civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems
CRVS is the continuous recording of the occurrence and description of births, deaths, and other vital
events. CRVS systems comprise the notification and registration of vital events, the issuance of
certificates to individuals, the management of information flows into population registers and
national statistical databases, and the production and dissemination of vital statistics. Figure 2,
below, illustrates the process. Vital statistics provide a basis for assessing population size, mortality
and causes of death, life expectancy, and fertility trends. Accurate statistics are therefore essential
for health policy and priority setting, planning, monitoring, and evaluation, although CRVS are of
importance to many stakeholders beyond the health sector.
All countries must have regular censuses using the principles outlined by the UN. vi The information
generated by a population and housing census—numbers of people, their distribution, living
conditions, and other key data—is critical demographic data used in calculating health indicators.
Rates of mortality, morbidity, and fertility all need a denominator, and this is provided by census
information, updated by information from the CRVS system.
National household surveys
All countries should move to having an agreed program of population-based household surveys to
address national needs covering population health status, service coverage, health-related
behaviors and risk factors, and out-of-pocket spending on health, including equity dimensions of
health and service coverage. In most low- and middle-income countries this would take the form of
a survey program covering a few years that informs the monitoring and development of national
health plans.
Health facility data and community health information systems
Health facility information systems provide data for client and facility management, disease
surveillance, commodity logistics, and routine health sector planning, monitoring, and
management. With the advent of more community health workers (CHWs) as official cadres in the
health sector, community information systems (e.g., CHW registers) will be increasingly integrated
into the national health information system. 1 Routine community and facility health information
systems should be transparent, apply data management standards, vii and include data quality
assurance processes and verification through periodic samples of health services assessment.
Disease surveillance
All countries need active disease surveillance systems for detecting, reporting, and responding to
notifiable conditions, especially highly communicable diseases. Disease surveillance systems may
draw upon multiple sources of information, such as routine health facility records, phone records,
and “big data” or special systems for specific surveillance purposes (e.g., environmental
surveillance involving testing sewage for the presence of poliovirus).
Health systems data
All countries should have comprehensive databases and electronic tracking systems on key
resources required for health service delivery. This information is gained partly through routine
facility information systems and partly from special assessments. Countries with different types of
insurance programs have additional sources of data on health issues and services claimed. The
following health system data are of particular importance:
A functioning human resources information system (HRIS) allows a country to track, manage, and
plan its health workforce to get the appropriate number of health workers in the right place at the
right time. It can also be used for professional development and training, remuneration, and
supervision. Other sources, such as professional databases and the private sector, are important
although often difficult to access. The WHO, World Bank, and partners have adopted a minimum
data set required in national health workforce accounts to improve the tracking of health workforce
statistics. viii
A system of health accounts (SHA) facilitates learning from past expenditure and informs planning
and resource allocation to reduce inequities, help protect again catastrophic health expenses, and
increase systems of accountability. The SHA is usually overseen by ministries of health and
complements the routine expenditure reviews that most treasuries undertake. To be of use, health
accounts must be up to date and routinely available to permit trend analysis, as well as allow for
disaggregation by program or geographical area.
Drugs and medical supplies
Reliable information systems for drugs, medical supplies, and vaccines are required to manage
supply and demand, prevent stock-outs, and reduce circulation of unsafe products. Breakthroughs
are coming with increased engagement by civil society and the private sector, the move from paperbased systems to electronic systems, bar-coding of products, and the use of mobile devices and
web-based systems to provide real-time assessments of stocks. Internationally, there is also
considerable focus on monitoring drug prices ix to make national procurements more efficient and
on building pharmacovigilance to improve drug safety. x
Facility infrastructure
Access to health services remains a major challenge in many countries, especially in rural areas
where transport and maintenance of facilities is poor, and there are limited supplies of health
workers, supplies, and equipment. Geographic information system (GIS) tools are being used
For example, OpenSRP For example, Open Smart Register Platform (OpenSRP)
increasingly to evaluate the distribution of health facilities. A facility census, with geocoding to
provide a master facility list with unique identifiers, is now a critically important part of health
sector planning to improve access to services. xi xii
System investments and approaches
Governance and institutional capacities
Strengthening and sustaining country data sources requires strong governance mechanisms, with
adequate institutional and human resource capacities. Investments may be required in ministries of
health, National Statistical Offices (NSOs), and national public health and academic institutions.
NSOs also require a degree of independence from political decision making to be able to carry out
their functions in an objective way.
eHealth 2
eHealth strategies, with national data architecture covering the use of information and
communications technologies (ICT) in the sector, have become essential enabling parts of the
overall public health and health care delivery system. eHealth interventions have the potential to
empower front-line worker and citizens in a person-centered health care system. They can be
critical to maximizing performance monitoring and accountability at all levels. Increasingly,
eHealth systems are expected to be interoperable to allow broad integration and bring synergy
across multiple health information systems.
Improving accountability
Accountability for health requires credible statistics at a number of levels. At all levels, regular
independent analyses and reviews will strengthen accountability and should galvanize remedial
actions. This requires transparent, inclusive mechanisms that can discuss the findings and identify
remedial actions. Engagement of civil society is key, as has been shown in areas such as monitoring
the global HIV response for UNGASS reports.
Data sharing and communications
Data collected should be disseminated and shared with those who use the information to
strengthen the health system as well as with users who have a right to know how well it is
functioning. A supportive legal and administrative framework enables sharing in accordance with
agreed standards for confidentiality and data security. Data sharing is greatly facilitated by a data
warehouse, a central repository of current and past data from diverse sources, and web access for
the public. Moreover, having common data standards facilitates integration and analysis, while
skills in data interpretation, presentation, and delivery are as important as the skills required to
collect them. 3 Local press and media also need to be supported in the interpretation of different
indicators so that they can report on health information and help make it understandable to the
Need for new approaches
The confluence of information technologies, investment priorities, and national and international
commitment presents a major opportunity to establish country ownership of robust and
sustainable health information systems. The strategic actions required are summarized below:
eHealth is “use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of health and health-related fields” Source:
World Health Assembly Resolution on eHealth 58.28
3 See Communicating Data for Impact website
Action 1: Create cultures of data use throughout all levels of health systems: Decision makers,
senior managers, district-level officials, and service providers regularly use health information to
improve public health policy, health system management, and clinical services. This action item will
require investment and training to improve capacity and mandates for ministries of health and
partners such as local universities to undertake regular implementation research and to improve
use of data.
Action 2: Align stakeholders in national health information systems (HIS): Development
partners and national-level institutions will align investments in country health information
systems. Data compacts 4 will be agreed on covering (i) objective reviews of health sector
performance; (ii) the results and impact of different health investments; and (iii) national
assessments of capacity to analyze and share health statistics.
Action 3: Invest in strengthening data sources and capacities: Investments will strengthen
national information governance, eHealth and data standards, and capacities for analyzing,
disseminating, and using health statistics for clinical and district-level decision making. Key
components of the country HIS and accountability platform outlined in this roadmap will be
strengthened in line with international standards and commitments.
Action 4: Use the digital revolution 5 to scale up health interventions: Countries and global
partners will seize the power of innovation to improve the availability, quality, and use of data for
decision making in health. Data will be shared more freely to rigorously compare, learn, and build
the evidence base for scaling up interventions in different subnational contexts.
Action 5: Strengthen global public goods for health information and accountability: Publicprivate sector collaboration is needed to improve and align common international standards for
national HIS. Open access software systems will continue to respond to country demands, and
research will be used to overcome implementation challenges and strengthen global HIS standards,
guides, and tools.
Action 6: Strengthen global health accountability and reporting: Progress toward the Common
Roadmap shall also be reviewed globally, as requested by member states in the World Health
Assembly (WHA), and by making data available for public review. Regular progress reviews of the
health-related SDGs will be complemented by regular “Countdown” reports covering the following:
Each country’s progress toward the health-related SDGs on an annual basis
Each country’s progress in following this roadmap, reported every two years and
addressing specifically:
The use of information (measured by use of data from maternal, perinatal, and child
death audits and reviews, reallocating resources based on results of national health
monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plans, alignment of donor support, and country
reporting on health-related SDGs)
The state of the enabling environment (information governance, eHealth and data
standards, and key national institutional capacities)
4 Data compacts are national-level agreements between governments, donors, and civil society for objective third-party
monitoring of progress toward national health goals.
5 The digital revolution is the change from analog, mechanical, and electronic technology to digital technology. Wikipedia,
“Digital Revolution,”
The sources of information in the country HIS platforms (CRVS, census and
household surveys, health facility and community information systems, disease
surveillance, and data systems for health workforce, finance, drugs, and
Implementation of the roadmap requires specific actions by relevant country and international
stakeholders. Donors will need to change from funding disease- or program-specific data systems
to a more holistic approach. Key actions are outlined below.
Country Action
Strengthening country health information and accountability platforms
National health sector stakeholders will need to access and assess data regularly to harness the
benefits of the data revolution. xiii Statistical literacy is also essential, even at the level of data
collection, such as the use of data by health care providers to improve quality of care. District
officials can use aggregate facility and community health services data to identify data gaps in
health care provision, track health status, display trends, and make comparisons across
communities, facilities, or districts. xiv
Development of a country health information platform is a dynamic process, driven by the demand
for data and its analysis, implementing changes, and setting of standards or targets, as shown in
Figure below.
Establishing accountability mechanisms
Regular analyses at all levels to assess progress and performance in reviews, with
transparent, inclusive, and independent mechanisms to analyze, share, and discuss
available information and identify remedial actions.
Creating the enabling environment – governance, institutions and eHealth
Oversight of country health information and accountability platform: generates timely,
quality data for key indicators and serves as the basis for reporting on national and
international goals
Adequate institutional capacity for health data collection, compilation, and sharing; data
quality assurance, analysis, and synthesis using all relevant data sources; and for
communication and use of results.
Innovation and eHealth to improve data availability and quality, increase transparency and
accessibility of data, and strengthen capacity in national statistics systems and for decision
Strengthening civil registration and vital statistics
Registration of births, deaths, and other vital events: continuing recording of occurrence and
characteristics to produce fertility and mortality statistics
Sample vital registration systems: used as an intermediate measure to generate
representative vital statistics using innovative methods and verbal autopsies
Medical certification of cause of death: available according to the standards set out in the
International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD)
Establishing regular census and program of household surveys
Quality censuses carried out on a regular ten-year cycle using international principles and
Multi-year program of national health surveys: identifies strategic priorities, periodicity, and
scope of data collection
Ensure international standards and comparability of results between populations and over
time: enforce quality assurance, ethical practices, transparency, and data sharing in
accordance with stringent confidentiality protocols and international standards
Strengthening health facility data and community health information systems
Timely and reliable statistics from health facilities and community health workers: public and
private facilities and workers use electronic recording and reporting systems
Regular verification: performed in a transparent manner on facility and community
information systems through health services assessments
Data are used at all levels of the health system in combination with other sources for patient
care, planning, reviews, and action
Strengthening disease surveillance
National International Health Regulations (IHR) core surveillance and response capacities to
reduce levels of hepatitis and water-borne and other communicable diseases
Outbreak disease surveillance systems: effective, real-time systems supported by laboratory
Strengthening health system data sources
Comprehensive databases with international standard data: electronic tracking systems on
health facilities and services, finances, spending, and logistics including commodities,
medicines, equipment, and supplies
System of health accounts: operational, using international standards
Electronic health workforce registry to track health workforce statistics and provide
information for health workforce accounts
Global Action
Global public goods
Global health indicator registry: In response to country demands for a more rational
approach to monitoring global health goals, 19 global health agencies agreed on a global
reference list of 100 core indicators. xv. This will continue to evolve to build global consensus
on a set of global core indicators for health measurement.
Open access software: Software and related tools, such as the District Health Information
System 2 (DHIS 2) for web-based health information xvi and the Census and Survey
Processing System (CSPro) for censuses, xvii will continued to be made available for national
institutions to adapt and use for their own purposes. Such innovation will require the use of
internationally recognized protocols or systems.
Donor behavior and coordination: International agencies will continue to rationalize
approaches to country support as has already been achieved in areas such as for CRVS,
household survey instruments, health facility assessment, disease surveillance, and some
areas of eHealth. The funding structure of major donor agencies will need to change to
support this new, more efficient and more sustainable approach.
Public-private collaborations: The frequent summits and web-based platforms sponsored by
the private sector will showcase and compare new technology and new approaches. These
can empower managers, users, and health workers through the use of mobile devices to
collect or share data. 6 7 xviii
Research and learning on HIS: Many low-resource countries have not yet targeted national
HIS for research and development. They can now harness the data revolution to develop
country platforms and dedicated HIS research programs, using conferences and online
forums for documenting lessons and exchanging knowledge.
Global HIS standards, guides, and tools: A common set of tools will be regularly updated and
further developed using international standards for measurement and to ensure
interoperability of systems. International agencies will rationalize approaches, building on
what has already been started in areas such as for CRVS, household survey instruments,
health facility assessment, disease surveillance, and some areas of eHealth.
Global reviews of country progress
Global monitoring of the health goals: This is more complex now than in the MDG era and a
future UN Interagency and Expert group will require a health monitoring subgroup to work
with expert groups in countries. This activity will build on the experience of the Countdown
to 2015 for interventions to reduce maternal, newborn, and child mortality.
Peer reviews of progress of SDGs and roadmap across countries: These reviews will be
conducted by member states through the World Health Assembly and be complemented by
independent review mechanisms, including social accountability mechanisms that provide a
direct avenue for people’s voices.
Identifying and sharing the quick wins: Actions identified in countries should be shared to
bring quick results elsewhere. These include documentation of data sources, georeferencing existing data, analyzing and visualizing existing data more creatively, linking
survey and administrative data; enhancing the usability, accessibility, and affordability of
existing data sources; and small area estimates of marginalized or uncounted groups.xix
Moving to a country-led approach
As the quality of country data improves, and as country health information systems become more
comprehensive, the international community will increasingly rely on country systems to monitor
all aspects of health, health systems, and the determinants of health. Country plans will detail the
phasing-in of this move to nationally defined data. Specific actions will include the following:
For example, mHealth Summit website
See GSMA Pan African mHealth Initiative website
Country-led assessments, many of which are already completed, will inform national
strategies to strengthen and use country data for monitoring and evaluation of health plans.
National health sector coordination mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation will
facilitate joint planning of international and national HIS investments and a timetable to
strengthen HIS platforms and accountability.
The level of investments will be agreed on by country stakeholders, using a proportion of
national and international development funds.
Cross-sector coordination mechanisms, led by senior levels of government, will align efforts
to strengthen CRVS and undertake censuses and household surveys.
A small “virtual secretariat” will be established globally with stakeholders from the UN, World
Bank, expert groups, and investing partners to monitor and coordinate efforts. The secretariat will
work closely with existing global and regional platforms that are providing support to countries.
Strengthening coordination and accountability
All countries should have strong accountability mechanisms managed by institutions not directly
responsible for financing or implementing national programs or services. These mechanisms
should be both within the government—through sector performance reviews and audits overseen
by treasuries and the central government—and outside of government—through public health
institutions, academia, and civil society. To help develop these capacities, a data compact will be
explored involving the government, donors, and civil society. This data compact will specify one or
more institutions selected to assess the following:
Overall health sector performance, based on the health sector monitoring and evaluation
Results of government and donor investments in specific programs and interventions (for
example from the Global Fund, bilateral projects, development banks, and the UN);
Assessment of national capacities for monitoring, evaluation, and health information, based
on international standard tools and frameworks; and
In countries with sufficient capacity and experience, results-based funding approaches will
be included in these compacts, with funding linked to improvements in the coverage,
accuracy, and openness of core health statistics.
These assessments will need to be undertaken in the context of longer-term plans and strategies to
build national monitoring and evaluation capacity for producing, analyzing, and using data in the
health sector. A proportion of the national and international development funds in a country will be
allocated to the coordination and accountability mechanism and building longer-term institutional
capacities. The specifics will be worked out on a country-by-country basis, accompanied by
implementation research to incorporate lesson learning.
Investment required for health information systems
The investment plan will focusing initially on three to four countries and build on country
monitoring, evaluation, and review strategies and plans and related activities in accountability. This
experience will be used to develop a more streamlined approach in other countries that request
such support.
Monitoring progress
Once the Common Roadmap has been endorsed, a global framework for monitoring and evaluation
will be finalized, with clearly defined indicators, targets, and benchmarks.
Goal: By 2030, all countries have the necessary information to effectively and efficiently plan and manage their health
programs toward achievement of national health goals and the health-related SDGs
Core objectives
1. Data from national health information systems used at all levels to improve health, inform
decision making, and strengthen accountability
Use of data at districts/facilities (e.g. maternal, perinatal, and child death audits and reviews)
Use of data nationally/subnationally (e.g. reallocation of resources based on national M&E results)
Use of data at global/regional levels (e.g. country peer review of progress toward common health goals)
2. Governments and development partners align investments to enable governance and
development of health information and accountability platforms
Countries with functioning HIS governance mechanism in place
National Statistics Office with core capacities
Countries with national eHealth standards agreed
Government and donor alignment of HIS investments in national health M&E plans
3. Country health information and accountability platforms strengthened through building
components in line with international standards and assessments
3.1. Universal registration of births, deaths, including reporting cause of death
• Birth registration coverage
• Death registration coverage
• Cause of death (COD) coverage and quality
3.2. Regular census and household survey program using international standards
• Census coverage for 2020 round
• Percentage of countries with national health survey program
3.3. National health facility data and community information with regular data quality assurance
• Percentage of countries with national oversight body for routine HIS and community information
• Number of countries with web-based systems that produce quality data and statistics
• Regular quality assurance
3.4. Disease outbreak surveillance and response capacity compliant with IHR
• Compliance with International Health Regulations
• Effective real-time outbreak disease surveillance systems, supported by laboratory infrastructure
3.5. Health system information providing regular national data
• System of Health Accounts coverage
• National Workforce Accounts coverage
• Coverage of real-time, electronic reporting of stock supplies
4. Global accountability on health reporting strengthened
Use of data from country systems to monitor health-related SDGs
Global public goods for HIS
Access to, and use of, data by civil society
Key events and timetable
The roadmap signals a major change in the way the international community works with countries
to deliver more accurate and sustainable measurement and accountability for the health-related
SDGs. This process will evolve in three phases over the next fifteen years:
PHASE 1, 2015 – 2017: Endorsement and consensus
Health related SDGs, targets, indicators, and measures to be agreed and endorsed by all
member states through the governance mechanisms of WHO and UNGA.
A global investment plan, outlining required priority national and international investments
for health information and accountability platforms to be completed.
Participating low- and middle-income countries to identify priorities for strengthening their
health information systems, leveraging international norms and guidance.
Nationally set timetables for national and international stakeholders and investors to define
country specific commitments in national plans and data compacts covering national
accountability mechanisms.
The UN, World Bank, USG and other partners to establish technical working groups based
on existing MDG monitoring mechanisms.
Launch of collaborative global program of public goods to support country health
information and accountability platforms.
Launch of Global Financing Facility for reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health
(RMNCH), including window on CRVS investments
PHASE 2, 2018 – 2024: Investments in plans for country health information and
accountability platforms
Major donors lead efforts to transition from program-specific investments in information
and reporting to country reporting using a national health information system.
Based on individual country assessments, CRVS systems will be aligned with international
standards; regular census schedules will be established; household surveys, conducted
every three to five years, will be initiated; national health facilities will build information
capacities to include surveillance and response; and relevant government institutions and
international partners will have access to basic health system data, such as annual national
health accounts, and a minimum dataset for the workforce.
PHASE 3, 2025 – 2030: Sustainable measurement and accountability
Countries to transition away from international development assistance, with sufficient
support for strengthening and sustaining robust health information systems.
Sustainable measurement and accountability
Joint health sector review
Joint health sector review
Joint health sector review
Joint health sector review
Joint health sector review
Joint health sector review
Joint health sector review
Investments in country health information and accountability plans
5 countries complete HIS investment plan
Joint health sector review
6 countries complete HIS investment plan
Joint health sector review
7 countries complete HIS investment plan
Joint health sector review
8 countries complete HIS investment plan
Joint health sector review
10 countries complete HIS investment plan
Joint health sector review
10 countries complete HIS investment plan
Joint health sector review
9 countries complete HIS investment plan
Joint health sector review
Endorsement and
8 countries complete HIS investment plan
Joint health sector review
7 countries complete HIS investment plan
Agree health related SDGs
5 countries complete HIS investment plan
Global /Regional
UNGA review progress of SDGs
WHA health-related SDG review
Final "Countdown" progress report
Expert and social accountability review
Final SDG progress report
4th "Countdown" progress report
Expert and social accountability review
SDG progress report
SDG progress report
SDG progress report
3rd "Countdown" progress report
Expert and social accountability review
SDG progress report
WHA health-related SDG review
SDG progress report
SDG progress report
2nd "Countdown" progress report
Expert and social accountability review
SDG progress report
SDG progress report
SDG progress report
WHA health-related SDG review
1st "Countdown" progress report
Expert and social accountability review
SDG progress report
SDG progress report
SDG progress report
Baseline "Countdown" progress report
Launch of Global Financing Facility
Final MDG report
WHA endorse roadmap
Establish UN health monitoring sub-group
Launch global roadmap investment plan
UNGA finalize SDGs
M4H Summit
Glion consensus
OECD Health Policy Studies Improving Value in Health Care Measuring Quality. OECD, 2010
International Health Partnership.
iv Monitoring, Evaluation and Review of National Health Strategies – A country-led platform for information and
accountability, WHO, 2011.
v Amanda Glassman and Alex Ezeh. Delivering on a data revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa. Brief. Centre for Global
Development, July 2014.
Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses Revision 2. Series M No. 67/Rev.2 UN, 2008
Guidelines for data management standards in routine health information systems. USAID, Measure Evaluation 2014
viii Campbell J. Minimum data set and health workforce accounts. Presentation WHO, Glion, January 2015.
WHO/HAI Medicine Prices:
World Health Organization. Pharmacovigilance,
Rohan P Fisher and Bronwyn A Myers. Free and simple GIS as appropriate for health mapping in a low resource setting:
a case study in eastern Indonesia. Int J Health Geogr. 2011; 10: 15.
xii Cinnamon J, Schuurman N. Injury surveillance in low-resource settings using Geospatial and Social Web technologies.
Int J Health Geogr. 2010 May 24;9:25.
xiii C AbouZahr, Assessing and monitoring the performance of health information systems: metrics and models. HMN
Working Paper Series, Number 29, June 2013
xiv G. Chee, N. Pielemeier, A. Lion, and C. Connor, “Why differentiating between health system support and health system
strengthening is needed,” International Journal of Health Planning and Management, vol. 28, no. 1 (2013), pp. 85-94.
Global Reference List of 100 Core Health Indicators. Working version 5. November 2014.
District Health Information System:
xvii Census and survey processing system
xviii Compendium of innovative health technologies for low-resource settings. Assistive devices, eHealth solutions, Medical
devices: 2011-2013, WHO.
Amanda Glassman, “Data Revolution from the Bottom Up,” Global Health Policy Blog, August 8, 2014,