CO-TEACHING AS A MODEL FOR PREPARING CLASSROOM-READY TEACHERS MACTE/COMTEC/MAECTE CONFERENCE F R I D AY, A P R I L 1 7 , 2 0 1 5 SESSION AGENDA • The teams (5 min) • Background (5 min) • What is co-teaching? (5 min) • Inside a co-teaching classroom (40 min) • Reflections (10 min) • Strengths and opportunities • Challenges and questions • Questions (10 min) THE TEAMS Michele Fournier + Nina Batt | English Judy Murphy + Michelle McGahan | Mathematics (Mary O’Donnell) + Madeline Dodge | English BACKGROUND/CONTEXT May 2013: Conference 2013-2014: Discussions/Planning Fall 2014: Pre-Practicum January 2015: Launch WHAT IS CO-TEACHING? “Co-teaching is defined as two teachers working together with groups of students and sharing the planning, organization, delivery and assessment of instruction and physical space.” VIDEO #1: BUILDING CONFIDENCE TO TRY NEW THINGS IN THE CLASSROOM VIDEO #1: BUILDING CONFIDENCE TO TRY NEW THINGS IN THE CLASSROOM Focus Question: - How does co-teaching help a teacher candidate build the confidence to use different instructional methods such as stations? VIDEO #2: PARALLEL TEACHING AND COLLABORATION IN THE CLASSROOM VIDEO #2: PARALLEL TEACHING AND COLLABORATION IN THE CLASSROOM Focus Questions: - How do lead teachers utilize collaboration? - Do students stay engaged and focused in their separate groups? - How do students adjust to the coteaching model? VIDEO #3: ASSUMING A LEAD ROLE IN THE CLASSROOM VIDEO #3: ASSUMING A LEAD ROLE IN THE CLASSROOM Focus Questions: - How would you characterize this coteaching classroom? Does the teacher candidate still gain valuable teaching experience? - How does the co-teaching model benefit the students and the whole classroom environment? STRENGTHS AND OPPORTUNITIES • Collaboration before, during, and after the lesson • More fluid transition between lead roles • Benefits both teachers and students • Increased levels of support and feedback for teacher candidate • Good for kids in the classroom! CHALLENGES AND QUESTIONS • Is the teacher candidate ready? What’s too much? What’s not enough? How do you know? • How do we frame this work with potential employers? • Can this work with every pair? Can you do this without building relationships? What is the role of personalities? …PLUS many of the typical challenges of student teaching, such as navigating grading, expectations, etc. with another person! QUESTIONS FOR THE TEAMS EXTRA VIDEOS/PHOTOS Co-planning session Parallel teaching in action
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