MAY 2015 M CLO U GH LI N MI D D LE P I O N E E R S S C H O O L 5802 MACARTHUR BLVD., VANCOUVER, WA 98661 FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Office: (360) 313-3600 Attendance Line: (360) 313-1456 Fax: (360) 313-3601 Business Office (360) 313– 3619 School Closure Information Line (360) 313-1401 School Hours 9:00-3:30 Office Hours 8:00-4:00 Like us on Facebook @ McLoughlin FCRC Dear McLoughlin Families, The year is quickly coming to a close! Now that we’ve reached May, there is always a lot of excitement and anticipation for the end of the school year and the upcoming summer break. My message to both students and staff this time of the year has been the same – stay focused every day on what matters most: student learning. For our students, their daily effort and attitude are the two most important factors that they can control. I encourage them to actively choose to engage fully, work hard, and be respectful. For staff, we are focused on making a positive impact with all of our students every day. This helps us keep them motivated and focused on learning. Your support at home makes a huge impact as well. I encourage you to check in with your students daily. Contact teachers with questions and concerns. With our combined efforts, we can keep our students focused and learning until the end of the year. I would also like to remind you that I have an open parent meeting on May 21st at 9:00 a.m. where we can talk and share ideas. Our 5th grade parent night will also be happening on June 4th at 6:00 p.m. This is for all parents of next year’s incoming 6th graders. Thanks for the support, Travis Boeh OUR MISSION Make a Connection with students academically, socially, and with their families to better our community. Aligned with: AVID Mission: Close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. Vancouver Public Schools Design II Objective: College, Career and Life readiness for every student Our Vision: All McLoughlin students enter high school prepared with the knowledge and skills necessary to be on track for college readiness. MAY 2015 Page 2 DATES TO REMEMBER May May 7 11 May May May May May June June 15 21 25 28 29 2 4 June June 5 8 4-8 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7th period 3:00 p.m. 4:30-6 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 4-8 p.m. 6-7:30 9:30-11:00 6:30 p.m. Burgerville Night 1 HR Early Release PTSA Mtg Progress Reports go home Meet and Greet Mr. Boeh Memorial Day No School All City Track Meet @ CRHS Sports Assembly Spring Concert Meet and Greet Mr. Boeh Burgerville Night 5th Grade Parent Night 5th Grade Visitation PTSA Mtg SCHOOL INFORMATION Administrative Staff: Registrar: Principal: Travis Boeh Pam McKedy 313-3602 Assoc. Principal: Stoney Myers Family Resource Center: Assoc. Principal: Megan Vickery Mary Maki 313-3642 Secretary: Molly Zinda 313-3600 Counselors: Clerk: Sabrina Milam 313-3804 Business Office: Jane Klaasen—Students A-L Natasha Medina—Students M-Z Jennifer Fletcher 313-3619 Clerk: Suanne Anderson 313-3829 Attendance Office: Library/Media Center: Vickie Colpron 313-3610 Machelle Whitney 313-3618 Clerk: Sharon Boyd Want to e-mail a teacher? [email protected] Closed Campus - Once students have arrived on campus, they are not to leave without the dismissal from the attendance office. Positive identification is required when enrolling and picking up your child. MCLOUGHLIN MIDDLE SCHOOL PIONEERS Page 3 MEET THE PRINCIPAL Please join Principal Boeh on May 21, at 3:00 Rm. 25 and June 4 at 9:00 a.m. You can discuss school issues, make suggestions, or just visit. 5TH GRADE PARENT NIGHT Attention all 5th grade parents, please mark Thursday, June 4th on your calendar! Our meeting is for parents with students going into 6th grade at McLoughlin Middle School for the 2015-16 school year. It will begin at 6:00 PM in the Gym. You will have the opportunity to meet McLoughlin administration, counselors, and school nurse. This is a parent/guardian event. Students need not attend. Students will be receiving their tour on Friday, June 5th. We look forward to meeting you. BUSINESS OFFICE NEWS NO CHECKS will be accepted for any payments to the Business Office beginning June 1st and ending June 30th. If you have fines to pay, yearbooks to purchase or any other business transaction during the month of June, please pay with cash, debit/credit card or money order. Payments may also be made online at Thank you for your attention to this matter. How to Check for Fines Don’t forget to check the website available to see if your student has any outstanding fines. Enter in your WEB browser. To log in, enter your student’s 5 or 6-digit student ID number in the User Name field. For this system, the ID number needs to be 7 characters long. If your student’s ID number is 5 digits, add two zero’s to the beginning of the number, for instance, 99999 would become 0099999. If the ID is 6 digits, just add one zero. Enter the student’s last name in the Password field (not case sensitive). If your student has outstanding fees, the following message appears: “This student has outstanding fines”. Please click the “View open fines” link on the right panel to view and pay this student’s open fines. You also have the ability to view and print your student’s receipts. AVOID FINES-RETURN BORROWED MATERIALS ON TIME Students will need to return all borrowed materials to the school in early June to avoid having fines issued. May is a great month to locate these items and make sure they are ready to be returned on time. Library books - due by June 5 Textbooks - due by June 12 iPads & accessories - due June 8-10 MCLOUGHLIN MIDDLE SCHOOL PIONERS On Tuesday, April 21st the McLoughlin Beginning and Intermediate Orchestras performed at the All-District Orchestra Concert at Hudson's Bay High School. All of the orchestras from the Vancouver School District joined together to form 3 super orchestras in one amazing, gigantic musical event. The Mac Orchestras will be soon be performing in our last concerts of the year: Intermediate Orchestra - Tuesday, June 9th at 7:00pm at Mac Beginning Orchestra - Thursday, June 11th at 6:30pm at Mac LOST AND FOUND Be sure to have your child check the lost and found (located in the cafeteria) for any missing property . All items not claimed will be donated to a local charity. We also have many clothing items in the Administration Center that need to be claimed by students. 8TH GRADERS & FAMILY We have a few exciting things happening in the next 8 weeks!!! All parents are welcome to come to the Pod B Meetings. Should there be any questions please let me know via email to [email protected]. Also our students are asking for donations for an 8th Grade Yard Sale. Date is still in the works. 5/5/15 - Pod B Meeting 5/7/15 - Burgerville Night - 4-8pm 10% of the profit for the 8th Graders - Students also needed at this function. 8th Grade Snack Sales Stand at Track Meet FVHS - Parents must pick up students at Fort. 5/12/15 - Pod B Meeting 5/14/15 - 8th Grade Snack Sales Stand at Track Meet FVHS - Parents must pick up students at Fort. 5/19/15 - 8th Grade Snack Sales Stand at Track Meet FVHS - Parents must pick up students at Fort. 5/26/15 - Pod B Meeting 6/ 2/15 - Pod B Meeting 6/ 9/15 - Pod B Meeting 6/16/15 - Last Day of School - Parents I will need extra hands on deck. Could you spare a few hours to hang out & enjoy the day? A lunchtime celebration is planned for 8th grade students and staff on June 16th immediately following our 8th grade Awards Assembly. MAY 2015 Dear Parent/Guardian, We hope this letter finds your student enjoying the school year and highly engaged in learning the content of his/her grade level. The purposes of this letter are several. First, I want to notify you that your school, McLoughlin Middle School will continue as a Focus school based on an analysis of student achievement as compared with other schools in our state. This analysis specifically identified that our English language learner subgroup have not met our goals or expectations over the past three years on state assessments in reading and mathematics. An equally important purpose of this letter is to reaffirm our commitment to the success of ALL students and to inform you that we are still working to improve. To increase learning outcomes for all of our students, we are taking the following action steps over the next few months: Participate in a Needs Assessment to identify strengths and challenges in our school; the assessment will also include recommendations for improvement. Identify next steps we will take to improve learning outcomes for our students, by completing our “Student and School Success Action Plan”; the plan must be submitted to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for review and approval in fall of 2015. Engage parents/guardians and our school community in our improvement efforts. During the 2015-16 school year, we will implement our plan and examine a variety of data to ensure we are making progress. More details about the movement of our state, district, and school in pursuit of ongoing improvement for all our students can be found at: We are committed to continued growth as we work together to support our most valuable resource, our children. Thank you for your continued partnership with us in improving our school system to support your child’s learning. We are committed to continued growth as we work together to prepare all of our students for college, careers, and life. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Travis Boeh Principal 360-313-3600 STUDENT TRANSFERS FOR 2015-16 SCHOOL YEAR Out-of-district student transfer procedures for 2015-16 Please note: Application forms for out-of-district student transfers will be available May 1. The process for out-of-district transfers is different than the in-district transfer process. Students who wish to transfer out of the Vancouver School District need to go to the Student Welfare and Attendance Office at the Jim Parsley Center, 2901 Falk Road. Students who live outside the Vancouver School District boundaries and wish to transfer to a school within the district need to begin the process at their resident district. Please call the Student Welfare and Attendance Office at 313-1330 for more information. In-district student transfer procedures for 2015-16 Students who live in Vancouver School District attend the school that serves their residential area, except for those students who have requested an in-district student transfer and whose transfer has been approved. Why do families request an in-district student transfer? • The boundaries change and the student wants to stay at their current resident school as opposed to the new resident school. • The student wants to start or continue in a program unique to a school. • The student has a medical or special family-related need, such as child care. Athletic participation is not a valid reason to request a student transfer. Parents can submit transfer requests beginning January 12, 2015. • Request the in-district student transfer from the resident school. Complete the form and return it intact to the resident school. • The staff will record the date and time on the application form when it is received by the school. • The resident principal will release the student and forward the form to the principal at the requested school. • The principal at the requested school will accept the transfer or deny it and mark the reason for denial. • The requested school will send copies of the form to the appropriate persons or schools. For 8th-grade students who want to attend a high school other than their resident high school, the process is: • Request the in-district student transfer form from the current middle school. • Return the completed form to the current middle school. • Staff will record the date and time on the application form when it is received by the school. • The deadline to turn in transfer request forms is March 6, 2015. Is the transfer guaranteed forever? No. Requests for student transfers must be approved each school year. A transfer approved one school year does not guarantee approval the following year. The exception is for students in magnet programs. Approval as they enter the magnet program extends for as long as they remain in that program, but they are still required to complete the form every school year. Who gets priority for in-district student transfers? Students who live in an attendance area are assured of enrollment at the school. Requests for transfers into a school are considered on a space-available basis within the grade level, class, or program requested. If no space is available, students are placed on a waiting list in the order of the date and time the request was received. State law requires schools to give priority to children of full-time school personnel (provided they live in Washington) at the school where the employee works or at the school that serves the student’s grade level within that boundary area. The district may reject applications if the staff member’s children would displace children who live in the district. Who transports students on in-district transfers? Transportation for transfer students is generally the responsibility of the parents, except for the high school magnet programs. Sports Physicals 2015 Sponsored by Vancouver Public Schools, Family Medicine of Southwest Washington, and The Free Clinic of Southwest Washington Available to Vancouver Public School students entering 6th through 12Th grades These physicals are provided by volunteers and are meant to target those athletes with difficulty accessing care or who do not have health insurance. These exams are not meant to replace regular health visits with your primary care provider. If you have access to primary care, please have your sports physical performed there. August 20, 2015 at Hudson’s Bay HS 1:00 to 4:45 pm August 24, 2015 at Fort Vancouver HS 1:00 to 4:45 pm For uninsured students: August 29, 2015 at Free Clinic of SW Washington 9:00 to 1:00 Please call 313-1390 for an appointment ONLY for the Free Clinic location **STUDENTS, PLEASE BRING WIAA SPORTS PHYSICAL FORM WITH YOU WITH MEDICAL HISTORY PORTION ALREADY COMPLETED, AND WEAR LOOSE FITTING SHORTS AND T-SHIRT** A STUDENT WHO IS NOT ACCOMPANIED BY PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST BRING A SIGNED PERMISSION SLIP. ALL FORMS MAY BE DOWNLOADED FROM OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.VANSD.ORG Students with known cardiac, asthma, diabetes and/or seizure related issues or other conditions of concern cannot be served. If an abnormality is found, you will be referred to your primary care provider before being cleared for your sport. Your child may be eligible for free or low-cost medical, dental and vision coverage through Washington Apple Health for Kids. You can find out more information or apply at the sports physicals. If you would like to apply please bring proof of all your household income, birth certificates for your children, and picture ID for your children 16 years and older.
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