2015 - Volume 3 • Issue 1 In this Issue .... • Greetings from the Mayor • Downtown District • Marina News • Events and Happenings - Great American Grunt Hunt - City Wide Garage Sale Squid Ink Productions 7600 131st Street Seminole, FL 33776 The Madeira Beach WAVE is published 4 times a year for the benefit of the Madeira Beach residents, businesses and visitors. This newsletter is a co-promotion of Squid Ink Productions and the City of Madeira Beach. We will attempt to provide information that is important and interesting to the residents and businesses of Madeira Beach. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or policies of the City of Madeira Beach. Publisher Squid Ink Productions Editor & Art Director Amy Verdensky [email protected] Sales Jill Foraker (727) 422-6420 [email protected] Contact Info 7600 131st Street • Seminole, FL 33776 (727) 216-6599 • Fax (727) 216-6602 [email protected] www.SquidInkPro.com Publication Dates January • May • July • October Is there something you would like to see included in this newsletter? Please send all comments and suggestions to [email protected] City of Officials Mayor Travis Palladeno...... (727) 394-8338 Dist. 1 Commissioner / Vice Mayor Terry Lister ................... (727) 399-3624 [email protected] Dist. 2 Commissioner Nancy Hodges ............ (727) 393-6138 [email protected] Dist. 3 Commissioner Elaine Poe .................... (727) 368-7033 [email protected] Dist. 4 Commissioner Pat Shontz .................... (727) 392-2823 [email protected] City Numbers City Hall.........................................(727) 391-9951 300 Municipal Drive • www.madeirabeachfl.gov Mayor/City Commission MAYOR - Travis Palladeno............................... (727) 394-8338 Commissioners: Terry Lister - D1 Vice Mayor............................. (727) 399-3624 Nancy Hodges - D2.......................................... (727) 393-6138 Elaine Poe - D3................................................ (727) 368-7033 Pat Shontz - D4................................................ (727) 392-2823 City Manager - Shane Crawford............(727) 391-9951 ext 228 City Clerk - Aimee Servedio...................(727) 391-9951 ext 231 Finance Director - Vincent Tenaglia......(727) 391-9951 ext 230 Community Development - Lynn Rosetti.. (727) 391-9951 ext 255 Fire Dept. - Derryl O’Neal, Fire Chief............... (727) 391-3400 Director of Central Services - Dave Marsicano...... (727) 399-2631 Recreation Department (200 Rex Place)........... (727) 392-0665 Little League..................................................... (727) 753-8616 Gulf Beaches Public Library............................. (727) 391-2828 Madeira Beach Marina..................................... (727) 399-2631 John’s Pass Village Association HOTLINE.......... (727)-394-0756 Emergencies..................................................................... 9-1-1 Sheriff’s Office.................................................. (727) 582-6200 Dispatch........................................................... (727) 582-6177 Post Office........................................................ (727) 394-2736 Electricity......................................................... (727) 443-2641 Water & Sewer................................................. (727) 464-4000 Trash / Pick up.................................................. (727) 399-2631 Cable (Brighthouse).......................................... (727) 329-5020 Other Important Numbers American Legion Post 273................................ (727) 391-3670 Gulf Beaches Kiwanis....................................... (727) 398-1360 Gulf Beaches Rotary Club................................. (727) 369-9886 VFW Post Holiday Isles..................................... (727) 397-3767 Mason Lodge.................................................... (727) 391-8073 Madeira Beach Social Club.............................. (727) 397-3434 Elks Lodge, Holiday Isles.................................. (727) 393-1545 Chamber of Commerce Gulf Beaches................................................. (727) 360-6957 Clearwater Beach.......................................... (727) 447-7600 Treasure Island............................................... (727) 360-4121 County Information.......................................... (727) 464-3000 County Commission Offices............................. (727) 464-3377 John Morroni, Commissioner Dist 6.............. (727) 464-3614 State Senator Jeff Brandes................................. (727) 288-4727 P.O. Box 76276, St. Petersburg, FL 33734 State Representative Kathleen Peters................. (727) 656-3821 6860 Gulfport Blvd. #331 • South Pasadena, FL 33707 [email protected] Governor Rick Scott.......................... [email protected] On December 13th, we held our 14th Annual Holiday Boat Parade. It was wonderful to see everyone join in the celebrations of this much loved tradition. Over 25 different vessels participated in the event and 15 prizes were given out. The winning entry, “Roller Coaster Santa” dazzled the beautiful and clear bay night. I’d like to give a special thanks to the Captain Dave Marsicano and the Marina staff as well as Amy Verdensky at Squid Ink Productions for making this year’s parade a success. There is also change and opportunity on the horizon for Madeira Beach. As many of you have noticed, construction have begun on the corner of Madeira Way and Gulf Boulevard in preparation for the new CVS center. Even though only demolition has occurred so far, the change in the aesthetics of the area have already begun to improve. These improvements coupled with the progress on the City Centre are representative of the exciting future for Madeira’s building and infrastructure. Speaking of new opportunities and an exciting future, Madeira Beach was honored and proud to be the host of the Bitcoin Bowl Beach Bash. On December 24th, the UCF Knights and NCS Wolfpack came to our beautiful beaches and John’s Pass to celebrate the bowl game. After a wonderful meal and kickoff at Bubba Gump’s we moved across the beach to party! The two teams, Bitcoin Bowl and City representatives, gathered for the festivities. Even yours truly gave his most valiant effort in the Belly Flop Contest. This event put Madeira Beach on the map. We hope to have future opportunities for similar endeavors and share our little slice of paradise with the world. As we continue to grow and evolve as a City and community, it is important to keep our traditions and maintain the same spirit that has endured for over 50 years. In the midst of preserving holiday traditions and keeping to our roots, our sights are forever on the future. As the great Teddy Roosevelt once said, “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.” Greetings from the MAYOR .... Travis Palladeno Happy New Year to all in Madeira Beach! This time of year, we are all renewing ourselves to prepare for another year. The City has had some big happenings and to-dos as of late, from new opportunities and business ventures to old holiday traditions. Madeira Beach is a progressive and formidable little City, but we always remember what made us who we are. The Bitcoin Bowl was a huge success. Although rain dampened our “Beach Bash”, Madeira Beach was littered across Tropicana Field on their scoreboard big screen as well as our logo along the field in a number of areas. The mayor presented Bitcoin/Bitpay with the key to the city on the field at halftime and got to welcome the entire stadium. We look forward to a continued partnership on the Bitcoin Bowl for many years to come! Pictured: (left to right) Alex Kutsy, Shane Crawford - City Manager, Misty Wells, Mayor Travis Palladeno and Mike Alstott. www.DeLosasPizza.com Stormwater Reminder 12800 Village Drive - John’s Pass 727-398-4657 Eat In - Take Out - Delivery 7 Days - 11am - 2am $2 OFF Any Large Pizza Madeira Beach Resident Discount NOW DELIVER ING to your door Beer & Spirit s Take Out - Delivery Only *Must Present this Ad The Pizza That Made John’s Pass Famous “Always ahead of the Pack - Your Realtor for the Long Run” Dana Allen, LLC Realtor®, EPro Direct: 813-495-1116 [email protected] www.GlobalLifestyleRealty.com 8424 4th Street N., Suite H • St. Petersburg, FL 33702 Florida Navtive, Madeira Beach Resident We would like to remind you that the catch basins and grates you see on the sides of your streets convey the stormwater runoff directly into Boca Ciega Bay. Please do not put anything into these drains that could harm the waters or wildlife that depends on these waters. If you ever see anyone introducing something suspect into this system, please call our Code Compliance Department at (727)391-9951 ext. 235 and inform them. It is illegal to dump toxic chemicals or waste into storm drains or anywhere else that may expose waste in the environment. To report illegal dumping, call the City’s Stormwater department at (727)399-2631 or the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Division of Waste Management at (813)632-7600 (Tampa). Please remember that your yard trimmings should not be blown into the streets and consequently down the stormdrains. Sometimes your yard maintenance people overlook this in an effort to ‘speed’ their jobs up. Do not let them get you into trouble over this. Make sure they sweep or vacuum up their debris. Let’s coordinate all our activities in an effort to keep our City a beautiful place to live. Monthly Meeting Schedule Commissioners Agenda Setting Meeting ............................ 2nd Tuesday; 5:30pm Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting ................................ 2nd Tuesday; 6pm Planning/LPA Commission Meeting......................... 2nd Monday; 7pm Special Magistrate Code Enforcement........................ 2nd Wednesday; 2pm Special Magistrate - Variance................. 4th Monday; 2pm Library Board (at Library)....................... 4th Monday; 4pm Board of Commissioners Workshop........ 4th Tuesday; 2pm Civil Service Commission......................... Meets Quarterly Want to see your ad in the WAVE Newsletter? Call us today! 727-216-6599 From the desk of the City Manager Shane B. Crawford • City Manager 727-391-9951 ext. 228 [email protected] Madeira Beach residents and visitors, Happy belated holidays and to our visitors from the north, welcome back! As you can see, there is a lot going on in town in terms of activity! The old Mobile gas station has been torn down and construction of the new CVS has commenced. In addition to the CVS, an additional building similar to the building west of the new Publix will be built when tenants/leases can be solidified. By the time of this publication, the city will have already hosted the Bitcoin Bash which was a pre-party for the two NCAA division one football teams chosen to play in the Bitcoin Bowl on December 26th at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg. This year it’s an honor to host because we have in-state UCF playing North Carolina State in the big game! As you can see, the City is doing what it can to put itself “on the map”. These types of events bring tens of thousands of new visitors to our community and when the right impression is made, they return to vacation again and again. Your City Commissioners worked hard to secure the honor of hosting the pre-party so be sure to congratulate and thank your city commissioner when you see them! Also a big thank you goes out to our event coordinators and staff that made it a huge success. Also, by the time of this publication, City employees may be moving into their new offices in the new City Centre. Although employees might be relocating, the entire project may not be completed until April or May due to the need for the demolition of the old facility, parking lots will need to be paved, and landscaping will need to be finished. When the City Centre is complete in its entirety, the Board of Commissioners will be hosting an open house and we’ll be inviting the entire city to come see and experience what the new City Centre will have to offer! For our boating enthusiasts out there, you’ve already noticed some changes at our City Marina and there are more to come! The fuel dock has already been replaced and improvements to the other docks are in process. Also the City Commission chose to install over a dozen boat lifts of all capacities so if you’re interested in keeping your boat out of the water, please inquire at the City Marina! I hope everyone is ready for the new year. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 727-391-9951 ext 228. Rockstar Promotions and Misty Wells would like to thank all that came out to support our first NVL RIZE event and make it a great weekend. Next event is: February 28-1 (NVL RIZE) and March 21-22 (Spring Break and Concert) MadeiraBeachFUN - #followthefun Madeira Beach Recreation Center is planning to be opened in Spring 2015. We are getting ready to move the staff in and the building is turning out to be beautiful. The waterfront view is spectacular and we can’t wait! The kids programs (soccer, cheerleading and basketball), fitness classes and activities are tentatively scheduled to begin on February 1st. www.madeirabeachfun.com for a tentative schedules and more information. Gulf Beach Masonic Lodge No. 291, located at 14020 Marguerite Drive in Madeira Beach, recently took part in the Adopt-A-Class program at Madeira Beach Fundamental School. Gulf Beach Lodge donated $150.00 to Adopt Ms. Skelton’s Kindergarten Class at the school in an effort to help, aid and assist her class with their classroom expenses. Gulf Beach Masonic Lodge is proud to be a part of this worthy program and encourages other organizations and individuals to do the same in their community. Gulf Beach Masonic Lodge will also be donating a new American flag to fly at the front entrance of the school. CrossBridge Church is in need of a residential-style electric stove. If you have a gently-used stove you care to donate, please contact the church office. Great Kid’s Progr am Courtyard Marriott- Madeira Beach After 10 years with no hotel chain on Madeira Beach, what’s a couple more months? The $10 million Courtyard Marriott Madeira Beach, which juts out into the Intracoastal Waterway on 1.5 acres, is slated to open in February, its management team revealed Monday. That’s a little behind the original target date of Oct. 15. The 91-room, full-service hotel was approved by the city of Maderia Beach in 2012 and broke ground last year. The buildout awaits a certificate of occupancy, after which the rooms can be outfitted with furniture and the project finished. All of the rooms follow the chain’s “Gen Next” configuration, with an abstract wall accent, integrated lighting and tone-on-tone dcor to emphasize relaxation, said Jessica Respondek, the hotel’s director of sales. The Courtyard Marriott’s ground floor consists of parking. It features a second-floor terrace that overlooks the water. Its eatery, Courtyard Bistro, also has a waterside terrace. Madeira Beach is dotted with small independent motels, short-term rentals and cottages. The last hotel flag to fly in the beach community was a Holiday Inn, which came down in 2014 to make way for condos. Article by: Business Journal published, December, 2014 Sunday Services 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Kids Church 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Saturday 10:30 a.m. - Noon WeDoTM Robotics Camp, for Kids Age K-5 50 -153rd Avenue, Madeira Beach [email protected] 397-8614 Rick Cowley, Senior Pastor CrossBridgeC.org CrossBridge Church Yoga on Madiera Beach and John’s Pass Park Yoga & Tai Chi classes on Madeira Beach / John’s Pass Bridge Yoga class app 1 hour, Tai Chi class app 30-45 minutes. (727) 400-0406 • www.BreatheToBelieve.com 727-400-5276 • 15026 Madeira Way Shawna L. Green, D.V.M. Practicing Veterinary Medicine in Pinellas County for 15 Years Cold Laser • Accupuncture • Food Therapy 727.299.9029 Madeira Beach Commons 14995 Gulf Blvd., Suite J., Madeira Beach MedicineRiverAnimalHospital.com “A Boutique of unique and ever changing gifts” •Beautiful Jewelry •Home Decor •Handmade Soaps •Items for Pets & Children •Glassware •Local Artist’s Creations •Linens and so Much More! Mention this ad for 10% Off Did you know that Madeira Beach has a Downtown District? Well, we do! The “Downtown District” is comprised of all of Madeira Way (our Main Street), Municipal Drive, part of Gulf Blvd and the stretch of the Tom Stuart Causeway from the bridge to the beach. Downtown District Business Location Map Entire Purchase 15004 Madeira Way Tues-Fri: 11am-5pm Saturday: 11am-3pm Florida’s Finest Amish Specialty Foods & Homade Ice Cream 727-397-8222 • www.amishcreamery.net 200 150th Ave • Madeira Beach, FL 33708 DINE M W MadWeiraay DOWNT DISTR Where the Sun m Electronic Cigarettes, E-Juice & Accessories Hours: M-F 11:30am-5:30pm 727-914-4966 www.MadBeachVapor.com 224 150th Ave • Madeira Beach, FL DOWNTOWN M W TOWN RICT meets the Sand. Businesses in the Downtown District Mid-Week Morning Market Bronze Lady Home Furnishings This area of Madeira has needed an upgrade for some time. Thanks to City Manger, Shane Crawford, meaningful progress to address the matter is taking shape. Change, of any nature, is a process and it all starts with a clear vision. The City’s vision is to create a unique downtown experience for residents and visitors alike, an experience that builds on our strength as a one of a kind Gulf side community. Work has already begun. Clean up, an ongoing work in progress, is underway on the median areas, adding new banners to display all Madeira Beach has to offer, highlighting existing businesses and announcing exciting new enterprises as well. Demolition of the structures on the corner of Municipal Drive and Madeira Way, previously occupied by Osaka and Original Pizza, is complete and progress is being made on construction of the new the new CVS Center. Madeira Way, host to many city events including a Mid-Week Morning Market (they have everything from fresh produce to specialty items and occasionally some great BBQ), Bike Fest and the Sunset Market & Food Truck Rally is set to grow even more. Its reputation as an area of unique shops, great dining and fun activities - all conveniently just across the street from the beach make it a must for locals and visitors. The Downtown District also includes the new Madeira Beach City Centre, slated to open this Spring. Along with city offices the Center sports a new library, recreation center and fields. The entire community is anxiously awaiting the completion of these projects. Come out and patronize your local shops and services and get to know our new Downtown District. Shops: Bronze Lady Furnishings Collette’s Fashions & Swimwear Dizzy Lizzy’s Unique Boutique Gold Finger Jewelers Havana Beach Cigars Howard Interiors Jeff the Jeweler Mad Beach Pickers Mad Beach Vapor Madeira Way Emporium Moonfish Bay Artist Studio Purple Haze Ricks Rods & Components State of Mind Tattoo Stiches & More Apparel and Bridal Services: Bristol Dry Cleaners CVS Pharmacy - coming soon Madeira Beach Garage Medicine River Animal Hospital Remax All Stars Reality Sandy Gareau Insurance Sun Beach Properties Food / Drink: Amish Creamery The Brown Boxer Pub & Grille Nirvana Cafe & Juice Bar The Oar House Subway Winn Dixie City Buildings: City Centre (City Hall) Recreation Center & Park Library Fire Station Crabby’s Fishing Corner .... Inshore: Sheepshead will start schooling up to spawn in February and March and will be plentiful around docks and bridges. Sheepshead have a minimum size of 12” and 15 per person per day. Despite what some people say sheepshead are quite delicious and can be compared to grunts and porgies. There are numerous baits that can be used such as small crabs, oysters, barnacles, worms, sand fleas, and shrimp. When the Sheepshead are schooled up, competition for food is fierce and fish are much less picky. This usually means that whatever bait is easiest for you to get should work just fine. Tackle is key; 4000 size spinners with 20 to 30 pound braid and a medium to medium heavy 6 ½ to 7 foot rod. The longer rods will give you more range to drop beside pilings (kind of like a cane pole). Terminal tackle is simple 20 to 30 pound fluorocarbon leader about 2 to 3 feet in length and strong #2 or 1/0 live bait hook. For weight use the smallest split shot that will get your bait to the bottom. Sheepshead are notorious bait thieves so don’t give them any slack in the line. When you feel any little flick or movement in the line, reel up and give a short sharp hook set when you feel the weight of the fish. Presentation can really have an impact on how many strikes you get. Your bait should be relatively close to the structure, anchoring close enough to the dock or bridge will give you a better chance. Do not tie off to the structure. Docks are private property and should be respected as such. The marine patrol will surely give you some grief and a safety check if they see you tied up to a bridge or pier. Offshore: Red grouper will be a top target for anglers that choose a nice day to head out into the gulf. Large numbers of decent size fish should be holding on hard bottom in depths of 50 to 80 foot. However, larger fish seem to like to hang around the edges where the limestone bottom meets the sand. Paying close attention to your bottom machine (where the darker reds stop and blues and yellows start) will pay off with some larger bites. Basic grouper rods and 4/0 size reels with 50 or 60 pound mono and tight drags will do the trick. Frozen bait like squid and sardines will work fine but it never hurts to bring a few live pinfish for when the bite slows down. I prefer to anchor on the structure but on very calm days drifting can produce some very good bites. ALL YOU NEED for heading out... LATITUDE: N 27 º 4 8 ’ 2 9 ” • LONGITUDE: W 82º 47’ 93” FUEL *Non-Ethanol Diesel, Unleaded, and Propane PUMP-OUT SERVICE - FREE WET SLIPS - Per month OVERNIGHT - TRANSIENT Trailer and Boat Storage Free Pump Out, 30 & 50 amp Restrooms, Showers, Coin-operated laundry DRY STORAGE Monthly • Weekly • Daily BOAT LAUNCH RAMP FISHING CHARTERS ICE • BAIT FISHING TACKLE CHARTS MARINE NEEDS FOOD COLD BEVERAGES SAILING NORTH I.C.W. from John’s Pass, one half mile north from Green Marker # 9 SAILING SOUTH I.C.W., on the south side of the Tom Stuart Causeway, S.R. 666. Under bridge, veer west. 727.399.2631• 503 150th Ave • Madeira Beach, FL 33708 Photo: Bobby Borgman www.MadeiraBeachFL.gov • Seminar on Grunt Fishing by Capt. Dave Zalewski • Register to fish: Only $25 per angler • Overall & Youth Divisions • Paying 10 Places Overall • Raffle Prizes • Sanctioned by Old Salts • Add on species: HOGFISH Weigh-In & Community FISH Fry March 21st (Saturday) March 19th & 21st, 2015 Held at the Madeira Beach Marina • Starts at 4pm • Awards to follow • FISH FRY Saturday Only More info at: www.MadBeachEvents.com Over $2,500 in Cash & Prizes Fun for the WHOLE Family! Saturday, March 14th 7:00a.m. - 1:00p.m. Madeira Beach Marina: 503 - 150th Avenue Have fishing & marine equipment untouched or gently used? Want to get rid of it ? OR looking for a deal... Held in conjunction with city wide garage sale Examples: Rods, Reels, Tackle, Outdoor Gear, Life preservers, boat equipment (no trailered boats) kayaks, buoys, traps, Marine Home Decor and etc. Space Rental Info: • 4x8 Area / Spaces Provided • $10 per space Old Salt Member • $20 per space Non-Member • Must reserve by March 10th • Sale listed in various local newspapers & magazines; Coastal Angler - Social Media Don’t want a space but still want to get rid of unwanted items? Donate your items to the Old Salts! Contact us to make arrangements. Reserve today • Spaces Limited! Contact: Lora Caddy 727-216-6601 - [email protected] www.OldSaltFishing.org Grunt Hunt 2014 Fish Fry & Weigh In Madeira Beach MARINA Captain’s Party - March 19th (Thursday) Puss-N-Pooch Food of options Mobile Grooming A sea Serving The Beach Area For Over 16 Years Professional, Convenient And Reliable Service Fully Insured Self Contained Van Owner Operated No Hidden Fees Curbside Service At Your Home Or Office . . . I have rec ommended her to many peo ple and everyone loves her and tells me what a great job she does. - Ed Rosicky Call, Text or Email For Appointment (727) 687-2403 [email protected] If you’re sick of soups and can’t stand another chicken casserole, sample these fantastic fish recipes. They’re rich in protein, full of heart-healthy omega-3s, and easy to prepare. The full recipes with cook times can be found on madbeachevents.com in their blog section under recipes. a special Jennifer has any. with my Tiff relationship s her van into When she pull any’s tail Tiff my driveway r is a nife Jen . starts wagging nd. dog’s best frie nagan Fla a rth Ma - MENTION THIS AD FOR $5 Off ON FULL GROOM! Jennifer Hoffer Bourbon-Glazed Salmon The rich flavor of the bourbon brings out both the saltiness of the soy sauce and the sweetness of the brown sugar. Ingredients: Brown sugar, bourbon, low-sodium soy sauce, ginger, lime juice, garlic, salmon, green onions, sesame seeds Baja Fish Tacos No need for cheese when these tacos contain creamy avocados and low-fat sour cream. Ingredients: Mahi-mahi, fajita seasoning, green cabbage, lime juice, cilantro, corn tortillas, sour cream, avocado, salsa Creole Red Snapper Red snapper is a mild white fish that’s packed with protein. Enjoy this savory dish with brown rice for a complete meal. Ingredients: Olive oil, onion, green bell pepper, canned tomatoes, Worcestershire sauce, red wine vinegar, dried basil, hot sauce, red snapper, basil, garlic Shrimp Roll This quick dinner recipe doubles as a take-to-work lunch for the next day. Shrimp is full of satiating protein that will keep you full all day long. Ingredients: Shrimp, reducedfat mayo, lemon juice, basil, whole-wheat hot dog buns, tomatoes, lettuce Do you have a recipe you are famous for? Please share it with us. Email it to: [email protected] 48th Annual “Festival of Lights” Boat Parade This year was a great year for the 48th Annual Festival of Lights Boat Parade with over $7,000 in prize money up for grabs! We had a great turn out with 25 boats entered. The weather was awesome - nice cool air to get us in the mood for the holiday season. A big THANK YOU goes out to everyone that participated in this years event. There were several “hot” spots to view the parade this year: The Elks was booked, the Marina had a crew and the countless house parties where too fun. Congratulations to all the winners and a huge THANK YOU goes to the Marina Staff, Dan Casey at Snappers for a beautifully catered awards ceremony and of course Dave Marsicano for heading up the whole event. The BIG overall winner this year, taking home a check for $2,500 was Ron Morris with Roller Coaster Santa. SMALL BOAT DIVISION 1st Place Fred Steiermann....... Pink Cadillac 2nd Place Bruce Smith............... Christmas Story - Leg Lamp 3rd Place Tom Schaffer............. Christmas Tree and Train 4th Place Jerry Babcock............ Blue Christmas - Elvis 5th Place Heather Dunn........... Snoop Dog Christmas 6th Place Mark Zirkel............... General Christmas BIG BOAT DIVISION (25ft +) 1st Place James Hume.............. Candy Canes - Huge Santa 2nd Place Robert McRanie........ The Grinch 3rd Place Donald Murphy........ Crabby Santa Claws 4th Place Ken Straight............... Candy Canes 5th Place Jeff Braaten................ Dancing Fun! 6th Place Ken Lavel................... Here Come Santa Claws 7th Place Bob Burnett............... Christmas in Paradise 8th Place Travis Palladeno........ Christmas Party 8th Place: Ron Morris – Charlie Brown Christmas BRONZE LADY HOME! Madeira Beach Wave! 8.5 x 5.5 The Bronze Lady 12957 Village Blvd | John’s Pass Village | Madeira Beach | 727.398.5994 | BronzeLady.com | Calendar of Local Events january............................................................................................ DATE Old Salt Johnny Kellar Inshore Tournament ......................................22nd & 25th Held at Gator’s Cafe, 25th Annual Inshore fishing tournament, food & fun. www.OldSaltFishing.org Mid Week Market (Madeira Way)........................... 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th Every Wednesday, 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Madeira Way between Gulf Blvd & 150th Ave. Go here for all the details: www.TheBeachMarkets.com february......................................................................................... DATE Wine Weekend St. Pete.......................................................................................................................... 6-8th Wine Weekend is a sophisticated series of events featuring rare and fine wines, luxurious getaways and more! More info at www.wineweekendstpete.org Winter Bike Fest (Madeira Way).............................................................................................................. 15th Exotic, new & vintage motorcycles - Vendors, food & live music. 10am-5pm www.SIKpromotions.com Florida State Fair............................................................................................................................... 5th-16th More info at www.floridastatefair.com EMU Madeira Beach Spring Invitational.................................................. 20-22nd Eastern Michigan University and the City of Madeira Beach will welcome 11 other NCAA Softball Programs to the brand new facility for a 3 day invitational Clearwater Sea Blues Festival................................................................... 21-22nd Get ready to satisfy your seafood cravings with the Clearwater Sea-Blues Festival! While you’re at it, sit back, relax and enjoy some of the best blues music around. More info at www.clearwaterseablues.com Mid Week Market (Madeira Way).................................................................... 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th Every Wednesday, 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Madeira Way between Gulf Blvd & 150th Ave. Go here for all the details: www.TheBeachMarkets.com march..................................................................................................................................... DATE City Wide Garage Sale & Old Salt Marine Garage Sale (Marina & City Wide)......................................... 14th Need to get rid of stuff? Why not have a garage sale. More info at www.oldsaltfishing.org 4th Annual All American Grunt Hunt Tournament (Marina) ............................ 19 & 21st White Grunt fishing tournament and Community Fish fry. There will be beer, wine, full bar, food, raffle, 50/50, and vendors. More info at www.madbeachevents.com Keep Pinellas Beautiful Great American Clean-Up.................................................... 21st Calling all volunteers! Come join us for the Great American Clean-Up 2015. City to supply bags, gloves, sunscreen, and water. Firestone Grand Prix of St.Petersburg................................................................. 27-29th Indy Car Series auto racing. Drivers will race at speeds in excess of 170 mph along a 14-turn, 1.8-mile temporary circuit that runs the streets of St. Petersburg. More info at: gpstpete.com Mid Week Market (Madeira Way).................................................................................4th, 11th, 18th & 25th Every Wednesday, 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Madeira Way between Gulf Blvd & 150th Ave. april........................................................................................................................................ DATE Sunset Market & Food Truck Rally (Madeira Way) ................................................................................. 11th For more information visit http://www.TheBeachMarkets.com Wild West Kingfish Tournament Leg 1 (John’s Pass) ................................................................................ 18th more info at www.AnglerArmory.com $5 Lunch MonDay thru Friday (11am-3pm) Daily happy hour (11am-7pm) Mon-Fri $1.75 Drafts • $2.75 wells • $3.75 House Wines All Direct TV Sports book your private parties Live Music Daily Pool Tables Flat Screen TVs Open-Air Outdoor Dining Select Pay-Per-View Packages! Live Music Direct TV Sports Hoot Tampa Bay’s premiere sports pub & grille now servicing Countryside, Clearwater Beach and Madeira Beach “founder & president” Four Great Locations! Madeira Beach 727-391-1704 15000 Madeira Way Madeira Beach, FL Hours: 11am - 12am (Sun. - Thurs.) 11am - 1am (Fri. & Sat.) Clearwater Beach 727-441-6000 483 Mandalay Ave. Clearwater Beach, FL Hours: 11am - 3am 7 Days a Week SOUTH Clearwater Beach 727-286-8906 741 Bayway Blvd. Clearwater Beach, FL Hours: 11am - 1am 7 Days a Week COUNTRYSIDE 727-4799-3000 26111 US HWY 19 N Clearwater, FL Hours: 11am - 1am (Sun. - Thurs.) 11am - 3am (Fri. & Sat.) www.TheBrownBoxer.com
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