YadavRameshwar Ray Yadav Devoted towards the National Integration, Nationality and Madheshbad The Voice Of www.madheshvani.com Adopting Dedication to National Integration , Nationality and Madheshism, National Weekly Madheshvani publishes on Every Friday . Search and get ‘ Madheshvani’ for reading. Kathmandu / Vol.–5 / Issue – 48 Monday, March 16th 2015, ( 2071, Chaitra 2nd) Page- 8, Price Rs. -10 Jha honored with award Kathmandu. Advocate Roshankumar Jha has been honored with award titled with ‘History of Nepali Law and Systematic Research Scripting Law Award 2071’. Columnist of Madheshvani and Advocate Jha was honored by the Chief Justice Ramkumar Prasad Sah. Form Madheshi Commission: Supreme Court Kathmandu. Joint Bench of Supreme Court constituted with Justice Girishchandra Lal and Dipakraj Joshi had ordered government form Commission of Madheshi. The Joint Court has given verdict on the petition filed for the sake of Madehshi community. For the petitioner, Advocates Surendrakumar Mahato, Dipendra Jha, Govind Sharma and Sunilranjan Singh and against the petitioner Advocate Kiran Paudel had pleaded before the court. Advocate Sunilranjan Singh had filed the petition on 8 April 2011. UML dances as ring master reins Opposition calls nationwide strikes Kathmandu : CPN(UML) KP Sharma Oli has been dancing as the want of ring master. According to close sources of Oli camp, Oli has been disappointed since 22 nd January. He was confident that Prime Minister Sushil Koirala would have resigned from the post but Prime Minister Koirala denied doing so . After resignation Oli would have sworn for the post of Prime Minister. All have ruined by the stance of Madhesh based parties. They refused to join the Oli led government. And finally oppositions led by UCPN (Maoist) opposed the proposal of ruling parties. That caused the declaration of constitution delayed. Now UML finds main hurdle for making Oli Prime Minister is Congress. PM Koirala is not interested in giving resignation before declaration of constitution or in the absence of a new discourse of country. After mass meeting of 28 th February, it was expected the final talk would be seen but since then Oli has been silent and absent in the talks between opposition and ruling parties. The absence of Oli has been major problem of concluding a way out of current political deadlock. According to close source of Nepali Congress, now Sherbahadur Deuba himself wants to be Prime Minister so the weight of Oli has been lighter than Deuba. But Deuba also has not got in such capacity to grow much more weight than Oli. In the external prospectus Deuba and Oli have been fighting for the race of Prime Minister. Deuba has been continuously keeping efforts making his external power since the appointment of Dr. Baburam Bhattarai. So Deuba has gathered more than Oli but not the difference is more enough. Oli has been throwing Madhesh based parties to wall saying 5 districts of Madhesh will be added to mountain. That has been seen blunder for him so he is waiting for the final steps for the new Prime Minister. The question -who will be the new Prime Minister?, has been most important thing in contemporary Nepali politics. Till then China has been clutching rein of Nepali politics. China is also waiting for a suitable environment playing in Nepal. According to some analysts when China feels suitable environment, he will loosen reign to easy political atmosphere of Nepal. Till Kathmandu. Anil Jha led Federal Sadabhawana Party and Sarita Giri led Nepal Sadabhawana Party has merged their party. They have named their parties Nepal Sadabhawana Party and party symbol open hand locally known Panja. Party president will be Anil Jha and Sarita Giri will be co-president of the party. Anil Jha is in constituent assembly with single member and Giri is out of assembly. then Oli has no any piece to move so he has been delaying talks sending his deputies. Since presence of Oli there will no result will happen. Recently Oli was absent. And oppositions have also given time Oli to think because they announced their national wide strike after 20 days. Oppositions have called nationwide strike on April 2, 7 to 9 after participating talks with the leaders of ruling parties. Noting Top of Form Bottom of Form that the ruling parties could not forge consensus with the opposition parties on the disputed issues of the constitution drafting process within the set deadline, the 30-party alliance led by the UCPN (Maoist) decided to call a nationwide strike on April 2 and from April 7 to 9. The protest program was proposed at the meeting of the alliance held in Singha Durbar. The protest schedule announced by the alliance proposes to hold protest assemblies, awareness programs and sit-in protests in the district headquarters throughout the country on March 19. Similarly, in March 28, the alliance plans to hoist black flags to protest public events and programs attended by prime minister, ministers and high officials of the government. 2 Monday, 16th March , 2015 2071, Chaitra 2nd Editorial HIV, poverty and breastfeeding Take advantage of given space Oppositions have given a space for the ruling parties. Oppositions are seen weaker in the eyes of some analysts because they have announced their programs but those are after 20 days. This shows oppositions have not prepared for the second phase of movement. The first phase of movement was seen success but not as much as required to pressurize the ruling parties. The preparation requires for movement but announcing general strike doesn’t require more time to prepare. So it seems that oppositions have given space to rethink about the situation of country. Oppositions mass meeting held on 28 February in Kathmandu. This was final program of fist phase. Ruling parties would have engaged the oppositions in talk but they delayed the talk. They threw the oppositions to wall. This will not be good for the sake of country. Country requires a peaceful way out. But ruling parties have shown no concern as required. If the once the environment of movement engulfed the country, people starts pouring and pouring on the road. Once people start pouring on the road the ruling parties will have to be washed away as it was seen in recent past of Nepal. So the ruling parties will take advantage of given space. PHOTO CORN ER Wife of doctors medical Asso. ciations free Medical camp . National Weekly . Few months back, I received a call from a fifth year medical student posted in one of the remote hospitals of Nepal as part of the rural medical outreach program. She was confused and expressed her concerns. She said, “We have a case here and we are not sure what to do.” What she told me, made me feel really proud of these very concerned and compassionate future doctors. At the same time, it also left so many questions unanswered about the ground reality of HIV and poverty in this country. She told me a story of a young sixteen years old girl who was poor, naïve and pregnant. Her blood test showed she was HIV positive. The very competent and compassionate doctor and his great team from that remote hospital delivered her baby taking all the universal precaution. Her maternity care was no different from any other new mothers. After the delivery, the mother and her baby were apparently healthy. However, there were obvious questions about the reliability of the laboratory tests, and if the results were really true. There were questions about how she contracted HIV infection, her viral load, and the family issues, among other things. But the biggest and most immediate question was whether or not to let this young mother breastfeed her newborn!Not very long ago, I had delivered lectures on HIV to these medical students. I had taught them theories from standard textbooks, prescribed practices of the World Health Organization (WHO), our national guidelines and facts from the latest scientific researches. But back then, I had not anticipated a real situation like this.There has been remarkable improvement in HIV prevention, diagnosis and access to antiretroviral therapy at both global and national levels over the decade. However, the problems related to HIV persist. One issue that remains extremely challenging is the prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT), particularly among the poorest ones.Nepal’s national guidelines on PMTCT suggest a four-pronged comprehensive strategy. The first and foremost strategy is to prevent HIV transmission for women of childbearing age. Secondly, among women living with HIV, efforts should be made to prevent unintended or unplanned pregnancy. Thirdly, all pregnant women with HIV are required to start antiretroviral (ARV) medicines by 14th week of pregnancy or at the earliest. Careful monitoring is necessary throughout her pregnancy. Safer delivery practices for childbirth, and safe feeding practices are recommended for the infant. Fourthly, appropriate treatment, care and support are recommended for the mother, her child and the family. But what would you do when a sixteen-year old pregnant lady presents a little too late to follow some initial strategies of the guidelines? How will you help her and her newborn, when it will still take few days to actually reconfirm her tests or to start ARV? What would you do before you could refer someone like her with very little money, experience and knowledge from a hospital in a remote corner of Nepal? What is the safer feeding practice under this particular situation? You may suggest feeding the baby with formula milk, because you are worried that HIV could be transmitted to her baby through the breast milk. But with the given circumstances of our poor country, it is just not possible for her to find or afford formula milk in those remote villages. Even if she could, with lack of access to clean water and sanitation, it is extremely difficult for her to practice a hygienic way of preparing the formula milk. You may then argue that she could feed her newborn with cow milk or buffalo milk. But the milk from animal sources is too concentrated and difficult to digest for newborns. And again hygiene still remains a major concern.In Nepal, deaths among newborns are still quite high. The demography health survey of Nepal as of 2011 shows that the neonatal mortality rate is still 33 deaths per thousand live births.More newborns die due to illnesses caused by diarrhea and respiratory tract infections than due to HIV infection. In other words, if you try to avoid breast-feeding, despite your good intentions of preventing HIV transmission, the newborn may not survive in the first place.But this is not just a sad reality of Nepal alone. This has been an issue in most povertystricken parts of the world. Emerging evidences globally suggests that mothers living with HIV from poor socioeconomic background should be encouraged to exclusively breast feed her newborn. World Health Organization too states that “mothers known to be HIVinfected… should exclusively breastfeed their infants for the first 6 months of life, introducing appropriate complementary foods thereafter, and continue breastfeeding for the first 12 months of life.”As a matter of fact, every mother irrespective of her HIV-status should be encouraged to exclusively breast feed her baby – which Dr. Rolina Dhital print means no other liquids, not even water, other than breast milk for the first six months. This is because breast milk provides immunity that helps newborn fight many infections. Breastfeeding is also the cleanest and safest way to provide adequate nutrients to the newborns even in the most resource constraint settings. At times, it is also about weighing and balancing the risks of HIV transmission versus other more immediate life threatening illnesses.Thus, the most immediate explanation I was able to provide to my students was to encourage the mother to start breastfeeding her newborn, meanwhile not delaying support and counseling for further investigations and on when, where and how to start ART for both mother and newborn.However, the story I heard about this sixteen-year old mother was based on a telephone conversation, when I was sipping a cup of coffee within the comforts of urban life in Kathmandu. What these fifth year medical students had witnessed were the real experiences in a place that takes hours of drive, far away from the capital city.Thus, I am not entitled to provide further details of this particular sixteen year old. Neither have I met her in person nor I was the doctor treating her. But I am certain, the decisions taken by the doctor in charge, and other health professionals were in the best interest of this young mother and her baby.But as a teacher and a public health practitioner, it is also my moral responsibility to put issues like this to discuss openly with both the people from medical and non-medical backgrounds. In real life, it is a rather complicated issue to decide on and unfortunately it is not always “black and white”. But from public health perspective, for resource constraint settings, with lack of access to clean water and sanitation, where people live in extreme poverty- irrespective of the HIV status of the mother, breast-feeding would be the first step to save a newborn’s life. (Source-Setopati.com) 3 Monday, 16 th March , 2015 2071, Chaitra 2nd National Weekly The advantage of the open border is enormous Nepal and India is a special relation. I think such relation is rare in the world between two countries. The relation is linked with economical and social relation. We have the relation of blood. So the open border is important for both countries. As well as some problems are for both countries. But the advantage of the open border is enormous. Q. How long will your movement go as you with your front are in preparation? -The movement is really for supporting the process of constitution making. The movement gives power to the spirit of establishing constituent assembly. Till the assurance is established the movement will continue. QYour front has given ultimatum to the ruling parties bringing proposals of upcoming talk. If they fail bringing proposal what will happen then? -Putting aside Nepali Congress and UML there will be no constitution. During the first constituent assembly these two parties failed making a common ground for making constitution. The moral of the demise of the first constituent assembly is without consensus there will no life of constitution. So we are running movement to make such consensus ground of making constitution. For the making situation of consensus, the ball is in the court of Congress and UML. They should think of interest of the people of county and from such required situation of pleasing all forces of Nepal. The constitution is not to be a specific party. The constitution should be of all. This is known to Congress and UML. The constitution can’t be formed by and based on manifestos of parties. The constitution will be a document of consensus. But I hope they will understand the fact. They also require a good constitution for the sake of country. The country requires a god constitution for the development. We are giving them opportunities to think over the situation of country. Q. What do you think you have got the goal for what you waged first phase movement? - By the first phase movement we have got from different communities of Nepal I would like to thank them. By their help we got a big success. We have achieved the goal targeted before the first phase movement. The mass meeting held in Kathmandu has given a strong message to ruling parties to conclude a required consensus. For that we have enough support of people. Q. Though your mass meeting organized in Kathmandu got success but the pressure of the mass meeting has not transfer to ruling parties as much as required to initiate a serious talk possibly sooner? -There is a strategic issues are in Congress and UML. They want making constitution for a group and cast not for all. Or they have their personal interest. They should have to think about the national interest. We are waging movement for that. Q. Do you think Congress and UML are receiving pressure of movement? The top leaders of Nepal have an irresponsible behavior to attack other leaders sarcastically. They did such behavior. Responsible leaders would have been responsible at the movement of constitution making. They should be more responsible and aware of being responsible during Dr. Vijaykumar Singh CA member & Leader Tarai Madhesh Democratic Party dialogue. Once statement is established among people it will be difficult to let it back. We are facing of ego. Leaders have major problems of seeking their ego once established among people. All say the consensus is already done. Q.Do you mean the problem is personal ego or interest of leaders? -Definitely it is. Many political analysts have said that. The ego, like once said that is not to be rectified, is the problem. Such statements would not have been made. They would have been aware of it while expressing them. Such sensitivity was not seen in them. All knows that shift from unilateral to federal is a difficult thing. Now it is the time of formation only. The problem will be at the time of implementation also. About such prospectus the leaders are known or they have not uplifted their understandings about the federalism. Ruling parties made opposition ignited doing that unexpected situation in constituent assembly. Q. What do you think the open border between India and Nepal has given advantage to people? -The open border between Nepal and India is a special relation. I think such relation is rare in the world between two countries. The relation is linked with economical and social relation. We have the relation of blood. So the open border is important for both countries. As well as some problems are for both countries. But the advantage of the open border is enormous. The open border relation is important for us. 4 Monday, 16th March , 2015 2071, Chaitra 2nd Madhav Prasad Ghimire’s work will be translated into Hindi Kathmandu : Ambassador of India to Nepal Shri Ranjit Rae Thapa and Chancellor of Nepal Academy of Music and Drama, Shri National Weekly Madhesh Update Suport of Woman Journalist Group Parsa. Woman Journalist Group Parsa has supported the ongoing movement against government providing peace and security in Bara district. Coordinator Laxmi Kharel has expressed support for the movement issuing a press release. Locals of Bara have been keeping the dead of child Puja Sah who was died after rape. Likewise All Nepal Woman Association has also supported the movement and urged the government for immediate response. Gathering of Awadhi Journalist Association Nepalgunj. Meeting of Awadhi Journalist Association chaired by President of Association Suryalal Yadav decided to organize gathering on 14th of March at Machhapuchhre Primary School of Jhora Community Forest. For the gathering a 7 member preparation committee has been formed under leadership of General Secretary Rakesh Kumar Mishra. Other members are Alam Khan, Rahish Ahamad Siddiki, Arif Ansari, Kriparam Badiya, Ashish Gupta and Pawan Jayswal. Representative from Banke, Bardiya, Kapilvastu, Rupendehi, Dang, Navalparasi and Kathmandu Branch will participate. Training for Crime Investigation Held announced that Rashtra Kavi Madhav Prasad Ghimire’s literary work will be translated into Hindi. Speaking today at a book release programme organised by Embassy of India and B.P.Koirala Foundation, he briefed about the works done by Embassy of India and B. P. Koirala India- Nepal Foundation especially in culture, literary and academic areas. He also stressed on exchanging literary works from Nepal to India and vice versa. Embassy of India and B.P. Koirala India-Nepal Foundation organized Book Release ceremony of Samvedana Ke Swar, a collection of poems translated into Hindi on Friday, 13 th March 2015 at NepalBharat Library, Nepal Airlines Building, New Road. The book was released by National Poet Madhav Prasad Ghimire and Ambassador of India, Shri Ranjit Rae. During this occasion other dignitaries like Secretary General of SAARC, Shri Arjun Bahadur Indian Permanent Pension Camp Rupendehi. For ex-army men of Nepal in Indian Army, Indian Permanent Pension Camp has been made to build in Butwal. Ex- army association has said for the establishment land will be managed possibly earlier. The Permanent Pension Camp will be built by 1028 million rupees. Ex –army association has promised to manage required land for the camp. 35 thousand pensioners of Indian army are of Nepal. Annual collection estimated from pension is more than 5000 million rupees. Saru Bhakta alongwith several dignitaries were also present.National Poet shared his experiences for writing the poems and he recited some of the poems in Hindi. He thanked B. P. Kopirala India- Nepal Foundation for its contribution for such noble works. He stated that It will add an asset to strengthening Indo-Nepal relations. The poems of Shri Dinesh Adhikari were translated into Hindi by Dr. Ganga Prasad Akela. The translation was supported by B. P. Koirala India-Nepal Foundation and has been published by Raj Kamal Prakashan, New Delhi. The Embassy of India and B.P.Koirala Foundation has supported the publication of Laxmi Prasad Devkota ke Nibandh in Hindi and translation and publication of Gitanjali into Nepali. The translation of Sitayan from Maithili into Hindi and English is also being carried out with the support of the B.P.Koirala Foundation. More facilitated Ambulance Service be operated Rupendehi. GautamBuddh Community Heart Hospital has started campaign for purchasing ambulance with ICU and CCU facility. President of Hospital Ejaj Alam said that first collection was 0.75 million rupees. Tilprasad Bhattarai gave 1 lakh rupees.Ejaj himself donated 40 thousadn for the ambulance. Awareness for Swine flu at border Jaleshwar. Awareness program organized at Matihani about swine flu. District People’s Health Office and Armed Police Force have jointly organized the program at custom office of Matihani. During the program locals were made known to symptoms of swine flu. Butwal. Training for Crime Investigation in the participation of junior police officials of 32nd batch has been finished. SSP Yogershwar Romkhami gave good wishes to 29 participants of the training in the closing ceremony. Died by pillar Dhanusha.12 years Dhirajkumar Yadav son of RamAshish Yadav inhabitant of Dhanusha Dham Municipality-9 died by the thrashing of pillar. He couldn’t be saved before the doctor was to treat. Dead body rally demonstrated against government Sanjay Tiwari, Bara. Locals of Kailaiya have demonstrated dead body rally of 7 years Puja Sah daughter of Badrinarayan Sah inhabitant of Kailaiya -8 died after rape during treatment at Kanti Child Hospital. Locals have demanded compensation to victim family and punishment to criminal. Police has arrested 28 years Kanhai Gupta in accusation of rape and started investigation. The child was kidnapped from his shop and thrown at nearby Tri Chand Higher Secondary School. She was rescued from there and sent for her treatment. Later she died during treatment. The arrested Gupta has confessed the crime. Hang Rapist Bane. Third Alliance has organized candle light program in Nepalgunj for offering sympathy to rape victim Puja Sah of Bara district. Participants have demanded to hang the rapist. Haji Abdul Hamid Siddiki member of constituent assembly has said amending law the rapist must be hanged. TMDP expressed Mourning Kathmandu. Tarai Madhesh Democratic Party has expressed morning on the death of 7 years Puja Kumari Sah who died during treatment in Kanti Child Hospital after rape. Jitendra Sonal assistant general secretary has expressed mourning on the demise of Sah issuing a release. And the party has demanded punishment to rapist and compensation to the victimized family. Ethnic Front submitted weapon Sarlahi. Joint Ethnic Front Nepal (Mahar Group) has sumbmitted weapons and ammunition. The front was engaged in talk with committee led Anandprasad Dhungana since Mansir 24 as Nepali Calendar. The Front submitted home-made pistol 4 , bullets of pistols to Mohan Chapagain CDO of Sarlahi district. Silver Anniversary of NSP Gaur. Nepal Sadabhawana Party has decided to celebrate Silver Anniversary of Nepal Sadabhawana Party on 15 April 2015. After unification between Nepal Sadabhawana Party and Federal Sadabhawana Party a meeting held in the presence of Party president Anil Kumar Jha has decided to celebrate Silver Anniversary of Party. Sports Minister’s field visit Nepalgunj. Youth and Sports Minister Purusottam Paudel has visited the proposed cricket ground in Kohalpur. Minister Paudel said that government would send 10 million rupees possibly sooner. He assured there that budget cut would not be as previously held. 5 Monday, 16th March , 2015 Mullahs are back in Sharif’s Pakistan-1 A significant development in Pakistan which has largely gone unnoticed is the re-emergence of the mullah brigade in the Nawaz Sharif regime. Now mullahs of all shapes and beliefs have come out of the wood works into the streets of Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi giving prescriptions about saving Pakistan. This development has serious consequences for Pakistan but the new Prime Minister remains blind to what these mullahs can do to Pakistan. Perhaps Sharif is not entirely opposed to such a transformation either. When Nawaz Sharif began to see himself in Islamabad early this year, he began projecting himself as a liberal and progressive leader. He promised a new Sharif and a New Pakistan. The people were tired of Zardari’s Pakistan—everything was going down since the brief hurrah of a reasonably fair election in 2008. Sharif, who had his premiership interrupted twice by the generals, came like a breath of fresh air; at least he sprayed enough deodorant to camouflage his true character. So people thought, here is a guy who is going to give them peace and electricity; now they can walk on the streets safely, go to markets or schools without getting blown up and can watch television with their children every evening or run their shops not on kerosene lamps or diesel generations but electricity. Yes, he may have broken bread with the Taliban and even Osama bin Laden, so what; they may be enemies of the US but not of Pakistanis. Sharif also may have thought of anointing himself nizame-mustafa, but then he would have imposed sharia and made Pakistan truly Islamic, a work left undone since the untimely death of founding father Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The world thought Sharif would be different this time. He spoke differently; he behaved more sensibly than in the past; he spoke all the right things; his gestures were politically correct; he wanted friendship with India; he wanted to talk Afghanistan; he wanted investments from China and elsewhere and presented a positive face to the world. He has been in Islamabad for over 100 days and what has he done to make true his claims. Given the fact that 100 days are too little a time for any meaningful change in a country as complex as Pakistan, Sharif as the Prime Minister wields enough political clout and power to steer the course towards a progressive Pakistan. Instead, going by what is happening in his country, he has chosen to look the other way and let the old brigade of radicals and extremism take to the streets without any fear. To give the devil his due, Zardari was not keen on courting the mullahs and did not go out of his way to let them out. He may have lost to the khakiwalas but had no love lost for the bearded ones. But look at what is happening in Sharif’s Pakistan. The most recent is the decision by the Council for Islamic Ideology to reject a proposal to punish those who file false cases of blasphemy. Blasphemy laws are a blot of any civilised country and previous attempts to undo them in Pakistan have been unsuccessful. Those who dared to oppose strongly enough were shot—former Punjab Governor Salman Taseer and former minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti, both champions of removing the blasphemy law which has divided the communities, put the minorities in deep distress and pushed the country towards an extremist path. More than 1200 people are charged under the blasphemy laws which provides for death sentence as the maximum punishment. One of the famous personalities recently charged under this retrogressive law is well known political leader and former Ambassador to US, Sherry Rehman. Hundreds of Christians, Ahmadis and Hindus remain charged and are under going trial. Majority of these cases have been false—mostly done out of revenge or for business or other rivalries. Therefore a proposal was mooted to punish those filing false cases to prevent misuse of the law. The proposal was sent to the Council of Islamic Ideology, a constitutional advisory body on religious matters. The council has rejected the proposal and called for status quo, a serious set back to those campaigning to contain the damage inflicted by the obnoxious law. All eyes are on Sharif who, as the Prime Minister, can turn down the advice and bring the required amendment. What raises about doubt whether Sharif would do so is the manner in which his government has been Sources : Agencies Continue... 2071, Chaitra 2nd National Weekly Kalaiya demonstration continue Sanjay Tiwari ,Kalaiya(Bara). In Kalaiya, locals’ demonstration for punishing rapist has been continued on 4th day. Demonstrators have blazed tyres at different places of Kalaiya. President of Save Daughters campaign Pramodprasad Gupta said that the movement would be continued till the government addressed it. CDO Balkrishna Panthi has ordered police to charge Lathi on locals. By that order dozens of woman have been injured. They also demanded to punish the CDO. A 7 years’ child Puja Sah was raped and later she died during treatment since then locals have been demonstrating. They have demanded to punish rapist, resignation of home minister, all victim families be given compensation and night vision cctv to be installed in municipality. Madheshi Janadhikar Forum Nepal Bara, YCL Bara, Youth Forum and ANFSUR like organizations have supported the movement. Gurudev Kamat Solo Musical Night Kathmandu. Mithila Gem and senior classical singer Gurudev Kamat’s 18th Solo Musical Night is to be organized. Grukul Music School has informed about the program organizing a press meet at Madhesh MediaHouse. The program will be on Chaitra 6 and it will be inaugurated by President Dr. Ramvaran Yadav. Media crew will have free entrance. Madhesh Society formed Udaypur. A 21 member Madheshi Society has been formed in Triyuga Municipality under leadership of Sayanarayan Jha. In the committee Lalit Sah,Baijanath Sah, Ajaykumar Sah,Sanjaykumar Lal, Sanjaykumar Singh, Pushpanjali Jha, Khemnarayan Yadav, Dhrub Sah, Moharbaksh Ali, Mishrilal Sada, Bijaykumar Singh, Jitendra Mahato, Bijendra Lal Karna, Omprakash Gupta, Sammatlal Thakur, Shyam Bhagat, Krishnadev Sharma, Bijaykumar Sah, and Satrughn Sah. Our Features: Modern Sound System, Battery as the option of Load sheding, Media Link,Capacity of 70 Seats, Parking Facility. 6 Monday, 16th March , 2015 2071, Chaitra 2nd ENTERTAINMENT Priyanka Karki honored by Personality of the Year award A film magazine ‘Filmykhabar’ has honored actress Priyanka Karki by awarding her with a honor of Personality of the Year (Female) for the year 2071 certificate. The award was given to Priyanka for being the busiest actress in the Nepal film industry. A Bachelor of Film Making graduate from the USA, actress Priyanka Karki, is one of the most popular actress of the current time. In addition to acting, Priyanka is a very talented dancer and a singer. Priyanka debuted in ‘3 Lovers’. Before, going to the USA to study, Priyanka was a VJ in Kantipur Television and had acted in tele-serials like ‘Ghar Beti Ba’. More details on Priyanka is available in her profile post. Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol to recreate their magic again onscreen after a long time, and pairing her with Shah Rukh. All I can do is work really hard.” Well, hard work is what pays off, and with a star cast like this, Rohit must already be ready to mint success for the yet untitled film. Bollywood Badshah Shah Rukh Khan will be soon reuniting with his Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge co-star Kajol in a film directed by Rohit Shetty. The duo has done movies like ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’, ‘Baazigar’, ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham’ and ‘My Name is Khan’. They have also won many awards for the best onscreen couple. The rumours were put to rest by Rohit Shetty himself, who revealed about his upcoming plans with the duo on his birthday (March 14). Rohit said, “So much has been said regarding the casting of this film, and about many films that I’m not even making, so Shah Rukh and I decided that I should put it out there officially. I’ve paired Shah Rukh with Kajol and Varun (Dhawan) with Kriti (Sanon). It’s not a remake of Hum (1991) or any other film, and it will be a Christmas release.”Further talking about the genre of his movie which is being speculated to be an action film, Rohit told Hindustan Times: “It’s a wholesome entertainer and I would not categorise it as an action or a comedy film. It’s a family film that has everything in it,” he says, adding, “I also have the big responsibility of bringing Kajol back Aamir Khan an honest man, true friend: B-Town on his birthday Aamir Khan has etched an image as Bollywood’s ‘Mr. Perfectionist’ in action-packed, comedy, romantic and emotional movies in his career of over 25 years. As the superstar turned 50 on Saturday, his co-stars and directors talked about a different and fun side of him. While actress Preity Zinta feels that along with dedication to his work the star has a streak of madness that adds a zing to life, Amisha Patel says that he will always be 22 for her. Directors like Rajkumar Santoshi and Indra Kumar also kept his professional life aside and described Aamir as a “true friend”. Aamir has regaled his fans with films such as “Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak”, “Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke”, “Sarfarosh”, “Lagaan”, “Rang De Basanti”, “Fanaa”, “Ghajini”, “3 Idiots” and “Talaash” and the very recent “PK” during his long career of more than two decades. He is currently busy preparing for his role as a wrestler in “Dangal”. On turning 50, some stars and directors shared their opinion about Aamir and wished him a “more successful life” ahead.Preity Zinta: Aamir has always been very focused on his work, dedicated, sweet, a bit mad and a lot of fun. We had a lot of fun working in “Dil Chahta Hai”. It was a youthful film. And we were all young, and raring to go. All of us had a ball working on it.Amisha Patel: Everyone knows Aamir to be a perfectionist. But only those who have worked with him can vouch for his integrity. I am one of the lucky heroines who had the privilege of doing one of my most important films “The Rising: Ballad of Mangal Pandey” with Aamir. It was at the audition for “Lagaan” that I met Aamir for the first time. I remember he was a superstar. I was a nobody. Yet he treated me so gently and affectionately. I learnt so much just watching Aamir at work. Honesty comes naturally to him. Is he really turning 50? To me he’s eternally 22. Urmila Matondkar: It was wonderful working with Aamir (in “Rangeela”). The best thing about working with him is that you can explore any number of ways of approaching the same scene and then working out the best possible way of executing that scene. I wish him many more successful films. Rajkumar Santoshi (who worked with Aamir in “Andaz Apna Apna”): Iodized salt protects from goiter and mental retardation. BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences and Hospitals, Dharan is Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh has been conducting eye-checkups for hundreds of thousand school-going chldren of Nepal and has been distributing India Provides more than 2500 scholorships annually to Nepalese students for various Issue in public Interest by Nepal- India. 7 Monday, 16 th March , 2015 international Taliban suicide bombers blew up on Lahore church entrance The toll in the blasts outside two churches in Lahore would have been much higher if the security two churches. “Two of them lost their lives while the other three are in a 2071, Chaitra 2nd National Weekly Madheshvani Radio Program ( Sunday to Friday) Devoted towards the National Integration, Nationality and Madheshbad F.M Radio Rajdhani Radio Sunrise Red F.M 101 MHZ Place Time 100.6 Kathmandu 10:40 P.M 90.2 Jhapa -Birtamod_ Morang Radio Rudraksha Banke 8:15 P.M Mahottari 8:15 P.M personnel posted outside had not prevented the two Taliban suicide bombers from reaching the worshippers inside, police officers and residents said. Fourteen people were killed and 78 wounded in the blasts outside the two packed churches during the Sunday Mass. “When the guards stopped them from entering the churches, they blew themselves up (at the gates),” Aslam Pervaiz Sahotra, a Christian leader of the locality, said. “Today the whole Christian community in Pakistan is devastated and is begging the government to provide it security,” Sahotra said. “I was sitting at a shop near the church when a blast jolted the area. I rushed towards the spot and saw a man trying the enter the church scuffle with a security guard. After failing, he blew himself up,” an eyewitness, Amir Masih, said. Shaheen Bibi’s 10-year-old son Abhishek was among those killed. “My son had gone to the church to pray for a good result in his examinations,” Bibi said as she cried and struck her head against the chest of a relative. “He wanted me to sew him some new clothes if he passed his examinations.” Punjab government spokesman Zaeem Qadri said that five policemen had been deployed outside the critical condition. Their sacrifice has saved the lives of a number of people,” Qadri said. Sarfraz Emanuel, a local resident, said that local residents later took two “suspects” into custody and “executed” them. “The suspects confessed that they were the accomplices of the suicide bombers and had come here to monitor the operation,” Emanuel said. Police present there did not stop the mob, a senior officer admitted. “We did not stop the enraged mob as there could have been a clash between the police and the mob,” DIG Lahore Haider Ashraf said. “It was the police and local security that deterred the suicide bombers from entering the churches otherwise the loss would have been colossal,” Ashraf added. The Lahore police have registered two separate cases — one against the attack on the two churches and the other against the people involved in killing of the two ‘suspects’ who were lynched and burnt alive. Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has announced Rs 5,00,000 compensation for those killed in the attack and Rs 75,000 for the injured. 95.2 93.5 Radio Janakpur Swarnim F.M Rautahat F.M Radio Saugat 9:30 P.M Re- Broadcast 9:30 A.M (Excluded Saturday) 104.5 Banke -Jaleshwor_ (Nepalgunj) Radio Jay Madhesh (E xcluded Saturday) -Biratnagar_ 98.8 Popular F.M= 6:30 P.M 101 M h z Radio Rubaru F.M (E xcluded Saturday) 97 96.3 90.8 88.1 Sunsari (Inaruwa) Saptari (Excluded Saturday) (Exclueded Saturday) 9:00 P.M (Exclueded Saturday) 5.20 P.M -Dharampur_ (Excluded Saturday) 5.30 P.M Dhanusha -Janakpurdham_ (Excluded Saturday) Sarlahi -Malangawa_ Rautahat -Gaur_ (Excluded Saturday) Siraha (Lahan) (Excluded Saturday) 8.25 P.M (Excluded Saturday) 6.30 P.M 6.00 P.M 9:30 P.M ReBroadcast 9:30 A.M (Excluded Saturday) Radio Dhadkan 89.6 Siraha Radio Birgunj 99 Birgunj ( Parsa) 9.15 P.M (Excluded Saturday) Sarlahi -Malangawa_ 9.15 A.M (Excluded Saturday) Radio Safalta 89.3 Radio Madhesh Radio Dauna Bebari Radio Sakhi Radio Baadal Radio Tilaurakot Radio Madi Radio Samarthya 103.4 92.4 Kaski (Pokhara) Kailali (Pahalwanpur) 7.15 P.M (Excluded Friday and Saturday) End 7.00 PM (Excluded Saturday) 95.8 Kailali (jashipur) 6.00 PM (Excluded Saturday) 89 Bara 9:30 P.M ReBroadcast 9:00 A.M (Excluded Saturday) 107.6 Kapilbastu 107.6 Chitwan (Madi ) 92.1 Kawasoti (Navalparasi) 7.30 PM (Excluded Saturday) Every Wednesday 5. 30 PM to 6 PM 7. 00 PM (Excluded Saturday) 8 Monday, 16th March , 2015 2071, Chaitra 2nd Reg. No. 53/067/068 Variety National Weekly Narendra Modi: India and Sri Lanka must be good neighbours Narendra Modi has urged Sri Lanka and India to act like good neighbours, during the first official visit to Colombo by an Indian PM for 28 years. He promised that his neighbours would benefit from India’s status as “the new frontier of economic opportunity”.Analysts say Mr Modi is attempting to counter the increasing influence of China on its island neighbour. India’s failed effort to broker a peace deal in Sri Lanka’s civil war in the 1980s helped to sour relations. In recent years, China has offered cheap loans and helped Sri Lanka with major infrastructure projects. Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who was voted out of office in January, openly hailed his close relationship with Beijing. However, the new government of Maithripala Sirisena has announced a review of all major deals with China amid claims of corruption. The Tamil city of Jaffna was already gearing up for Mr Modi’s visit, flying Indian flags from public buildings Mr Sirisena made his first overseas trip as president to India last month, apparently indicating a willingness to revive the relationship. Mr Modi, in a speech to Sri Lanka’s parliament, said the Mr Modi (L) and Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena appear keen to revive their nations' ties future of any country was influenced by the state of its neighbours.”The future I dream for India is also a future that I want for our neighbours,” he said. “The world sees India as the new frontier of economic opportunity, but our neighbours should have the first claim on India.” Botched peace plan Mr Modi also urged the new Sri Lankan government to push forward with post-war reconciliation. He said Tamils should be able to live “a life of equality, justice, peace and dignity in a united Sri Lanka”.On Saturday, the Indian leader will travel to Jaffna, a Tamil-dominated city that was ravaged during the 1983-2009 civil war. Rajiv Gandhi was the last Indian prime minister to visit the island, when Tamil separatist rebels were escalating their fight into a full-scale conflict. He sent peacekeepers and framed a peace plan that failed to end the fighting and led to accusations that India was meddling in Sri Lanka’s affairs. Mr Gandhi was hit with a rifle butt by a Sri Lanka sailor during his 1987 visit. Four years later, he was assassinated by a Tamil Tiger suicide attacker in southern India. Office : Madhesh Media House, Anamnagar, P.O.Box : 11858, Kathmandu, Phone No : 977-4266142/4266141, Fax : 4255431, E-mail: [email protected], Website : www.madheshvani.com, Editor : Rajesh Ahiraj, Sub-Editor : Mukesh Jha
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