Newcastle Gateshead Spring 2015 The definitive guide of what to do and where to go with your children Inside this issue Famous 4.15 Jesmond p7 Coloured eggs p9 What’s on this Spring p19-31 Competitions & Vouchers p38-39 Raring2go! EDITOR’S WELCOME Raring2go! will be out and about too so do come and say hello – we’ll be at the North East Baby & Toddler Show at Gateshead Stadium on May 16th and also at the Cancer Run at Gosforth Park on May 17th. The Summer edition is published on June 8th so until then, have a very Happy Easter and enjoy the spring-time. HELLO and welcome to the Spring edition of Raring2go! Newcastle Gateshead. I hope you like the new magazine design? Our website is having a makeover too, be sure to visit us at for our comprehensive events calendar, class listings, party ideas and more! Best wishes Anna Skelton, editor For daily updates please like and follow Raring2go! Newcastle Gateshead at Raring2goNewcastle Your Spring Raring2go! has plenty of ideas to keep you busy over the next few months. I love this time of year with the longer days, things starting to grow and hopefully some warm sunshine! Easter is quite early this year so April and May work out well with the bank holidays being nicely spaced apart. The What’s On section is packed with fun family friendly events in our region. If there are any budding writers out there we welcome reviews of days out and will publish them on our website. Please email with a photograph if you can to [email protected] . 2 Contents 3-8 Clubs & Classes 10-13 Education 14 - 17 Party Time 19 - 31 What’s on this Spring 38 What’s on at the Theatre 38-39 Competitions and offers 2015 hools www.spor tsc Exciting Multi-Sport Courses during Easter & Summer School Holidays Football Trampolining Sports School courses offer children of all abilities the opportunity to take part in Ofsted registered sports courses during School Holidays in a fun, safe and controlled environment. Venues include: uù<8KFEù$8EFIXù!<JDFE; uù'FEK<C8E;ù@>?ù*:?FFC Come along and enjoy our fantastic, extensive programme of activities which include: Aerobics, American Football, Archery, Athletics, Baseball, Basketball, Chess, Fencing, Cricket, Dance, Dodge Ball, Football, Gymnastics, Golf, Hockey, Longball, Netball, Rounders, Rugby, Softball, Table Tennis, Team Building games, Tennis, Swimming, Trampolining, Under 8 Games, Urban Surf, Volley Ball, Drawing, Colouring, Quizzes, Games and many more. Book online via our website: or further information contact Urban Surf Roddy Mackay Mobile: 07831 680 363 Email: [email protected] Follow us online Archery 15 Raring2go! CLUBS AND CLASSES Parklands GOLF CLUB EASTER GOLF CAMP Suitable for children aged 6-12 years of age. ENJOY TUITION, FUN, GAMES & MINI GOLF AT OUR EASTER GOLF CAMP. For more information call us or visit our website 0191 236 4480 | [email protected] *Terms & conditions apply. Price per person and includes VAT. 4 ,ĞƌĞĂƚ>ĞĞ^ƚĞƌƌLJ^ƉŽƌƚƐŽĂĐŚŝŶŐ͕ǁĞƉƌŽǀŝĚĞ ĂĨĂŶƚĂƐƚŝĐ^ƉŽƌƚƐŽĂĐŚŝŶŐƐĞƌǀŝĐĞǁŚŝĐŚŝƐ ǀĞƌLJƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂů͕ƌĞůĂdžĞĚ͕ĨƵŶĂŶĚŝƐĂůǁĂLJƐ ĚĞůŝǀĞƌĞĚŝŶĂƐĂĨĞ͕ĐŽŶƚƌŽůůĞĚĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚ͘ tĞĐŽŵĞǀĞƌLJŚŝŐŚůLJƌĞĐŽŵŵĞŶĚĞĚďLJŚĞĂĚ ƚĞĂĐŚĞƌƐ͕ƚĞĂĐŚĞƌƐĂŶĚƉĂƌĞŶƚƐ͘ ůůŽĨŽƵƌ ĐŽƵƌƐĞƐĂƌĞ ĚĞůŝǀĞƌĞĚ ďLJ& ƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚ ĐŽĂĐŚĞƐ͕ ǁŚŽŚŽůĚĂ Z͕ƚŚĞŝƌ &>ĞǀĞůϭͬ >ĞǀĞůϮ ͬh& ďĂĚŐĞƐ͘ /Zd,zWZd/^ >ĞĞ^ƚĞƌƌLJ^ƉŽƌƚƐŽĂĐŚŝŶŐĐĂŶƉƌŽǀŝĚĞ &ŽŽƚďĂůů͕DƵůƚŝͲƐŬŝůůƐ͕DŝŶŝͲdĞŶŶŝƐĂŶĚ ŽĚŐĞďĂůůƉĂƌƚŝĞƐĨŽƌĂůůĂŐĞƐ tĞǁŝůůƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĂĨƵŶĚĂLJĨŽƌLJŽƵƌĐŚŝůĚ ĂŶĚŚŝƐͬŚĞƌĨƌŝĞŶĚƐ͘ dŚĞŝƌƚŚĚĂLJĐŚŝůĚǁŝůůƌĞĐĞŝǀĞĂďŝƌƚŚĚĂLJ ŐŝĨƚĂŶĚĐĂƌĚ͘ &ŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶƉůĞĂƐĞǀŝƐŝƚ ŽƵƌǁĞďƐŝƚĞʹǁǁǁ͘ůƐͬƐĐ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬŽƌ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚƵƐĂƚĐŽĂĐŚŝŶŐΛůƐͲƐĐ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ KhZhWEKD/E'KhZ^^ t<>zK,/E' dŚŝƐŝƐĂŵŽƌĞĨƵŶĐŽƵƌƐĞ͕ĚĞƐŝŐŶĞĚƚŽĨŽĐƵƐ ŽŶŐĂŵĞƐĂŶĚƐŬŝůůĚĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚ͘ EĞdžƚŽƵƌƐĞƐ͗ ƚŚ ƚŚ &ƌŝʹϭϵ ƉƌʹϮϱ DĂLJΛ<ĞŶƚŽŶ^ƉŽƌƚƐ Friday course at Kenton is Friday 24th April – Friday 22nd May ĞŶƚƌĞʹϰʹϭϬLJĞĂƌƐŽůĚ ƚŚ ƚŚ at Gosforth is Saturday 25th Saturday course ƉƌʹϮϲ DĂLJΛ'ŽƐĨŽƌƚŚĐĂĚĞŵLJʹ ^ĂƚϮϬ April – Saturday 23rd May ϯʹϲ;ŝŶĚŽŽƌƐͿϳͲϭϰ;ŽƵƚͲĚŽŽƌƐϯ'Ϳ ,K>/zWZK'ZDD^ KƵƌĐŽƵƌƐĞƐĂƌĞŐƌĞĂƚĨƵŶ͕͘tĞŚĂǀĞůŽƚƐŽĨ ĨƵŶŐĂŵĞƐĂŶĚƐŬŝůůĐŽŵƉĞƚŝƚŝŽŶƐ͘/ƚ͛ƐĂŐƌĞĂƚ ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJƚŽĐŽŵĞĂůŽŶŐ͕ŵĞĞƚŶĞǁĨƌŝĞŶĚƐ͕ ŚĂǀĞĨƵŶ͕ĂŶĚƉůĂLJĨŽŽƚďĂůů͊ ŶĚ ƚŚ ƚŚ ƚŚ Holiday courses are 7th – 10th and 13-17th ʹϱ ƉƌΘϴ ʹϭϮ Ɖƌ ĂƐƚĞƌ,ŽůŝĚĂLJʹϮ April and 26th-29th May tŚŝƚtĞĞŬʹϮϴƚŚʹϯϭƐƚDĂLJ Λ'K^&KZd,DzʹϰʹϭϰzĞĂƌKůĚƐ ,/>ZEt/>>W>/Ed,/Z'E^ʹ&KZDKZd^Θd/D^͕ W>^s/^/dKhZt^/dʹttt͘>^Ͳ^͘K͘h<KZZ/E'ϬϳϳϮϵϬϱϴϭϭϵ Raring2go! CLUBS AND CLASSES New classes at Little Kickers With more classes up and running at Longbenton, we love hearing just how much our Little Kickers and their families enjoy attending already established sessions. Here’s mum Helen Thomas to tell us more: ¶$VDIDPLO\ZH·YHEHHQJRLQJWR/LWWOH Kickers for nearly 3 years now. Jack started going to watch his older brother, DQGDWPRQWKVFRXOGÀQDOO\MRLQLQ He loves the warm ups, counting down, pretending to be a rocket blasting off and wobbling like a jelly bean. Little Kickers has been an important, fun and happy part of our family’s weekly activities. The best parts for Jack are scoring his goals, KLJKÀYHVIRUKLVFRDFKHVSUHWHQGLQJWREH a pirate and getting that all important sticker at the end of the session. Child number 3 is on the waiting list!’ $SSURYHGIRRWEDOO WUDLQLQJIRUNLGVDJHG PRQWKVWR\HDUV 6FRUHZLWKD)5((.,&.IRU\RXU /,77/(.,&.(56 1HZFODVVHVVWDUWLQJ New classes in IURP6HSWHPEHULQ Newcastle and 8VKDZ0RRUDQG Gateshead 1HZWRQ+DOO Book a course and your %RRNDFRXUVHDQG\RXU child will get an extra FKLOGZLOOJHWDQH[WUD class added on for free. FODVVDGGHGRQIRUIUHH 0191 4066224 or alternatively email RUDOWHUQDWLYHO\HPDLO [email protected] MWHPSOH#OLWWOHNLFNHUVFRXN Quote Raring2Go! 4XRWH5DULQJ*R Newcastle to claim 'XUKDPWRFODLP )RULQIRUPDWLRQRQRXUQHZ/RQJEHQWRQ classes, visit ZZZOLWWOHNLFNHUVFRXN 6 Raring2go! CLUBS AND CLASSES Do your little ones love to sing and dance? Spring term at Famous 4.15 is enrolling now. We’d love to meet you and show you how much fun we have. Our youngest class is for boys and girls aged between 3 and 6. We focus on pop/ street/commercial based choreography and popular songs that kids just love. Our highly experienced teachers build classes based on the Famous philosophy that performing arts should be relevant, exciting and inclusive. We want to give everyone a chance to shine. But don’t just take our word for it: “’Famous 4.15 has transformed our daughter’s life: not only has it developed her singing, dancing and acting skills, it has brought her so much enjoyment and led to many new friendships. The teachers are exceptional, making lessons IXQDQGPDNLQJKHUIHHOFRQÀGHQWYDOXHGDQGLPSRUWDQW6KH UHIHUVWRDVKHU¶VHFRQGIDPLO\·DQGZHNQRZWKDWLWZLOO continue to be a huge part of her life for many years to come.” Mum of Georgia 9 BE WHOEVER YOU WANT TO BE WITH FAMOUS 4.15 TV Star Sarah Rayson who plays Floss Guppy in CBBC’s Hit TV Show - The Dumping Ground is a dedicated member of Famous 4.15 Call or email today to make an appointment to come along and see for yourself. We have classes on Saturdays and Tuesdays from February 28th. CLASS TIMES 3-6 year olds: Saturday mornings 10.00am – 12.00pm 6-13 year olds: Saturday afternoons 12.15pm – 3.30pm 6-16 year olds Tuesday afternoons 4.15pm – 7.15pm 14-18 year olds: Saturday afternoons 2.30pm -5.30pm FF B FOR LIFE (NEWCASTLE TEL: 0191 239 9850 / 07745 005624 e. [email protected] 7 Raring2go! CLUBS AND CLASSES :H KDYH QRZ ODXQFKHG RXU EUDQG QHZ ZHEVLWH ZKHUH \RX FDQ ILQG DOO WKH LQIR DERXW RXU IDEXORXV FODVVHVDQGHYHQWVUHDGZKDWRWKHUSDUHQWVWKLQNRI XVDQGVHHSLFWXUHVIURPRXUFODVVHV&KHFNLWRXW $XWKHQWLF VWUHHW GDQFH LV D ELJ ORYH RI RXUV VR PDQ\ RI RXU FODVVHV DQG ZRUNVKRSV DUH EDVHG DURXQG WKLV VW\OH 6WUHHW GDQFH LV IDQWDVWLF IRU EXLOGLQJFRQILGHQFHSRVLWLYHDWWLWXGHDQGWHDPZRUN VNLOOVDVZHOODVDOORZLQJFKLOGUHQWREULQJWKHLURZQ VW\OHDQGLGHDVWRWKHFODVV U.K . DA .E. N We have recently celebrated our first year of business in Newcastle and what a fantastic year it has been, offering our fun, friendly classes, workshops and events to children in the area. NCE Tel. 0772 561 8006 CO DANCE, BUILD CONFIDENCE, MAKE FRIENDS, HAVE FUN! /TinyDancersNorthEast Dance classes for ages 1-12 AUTHENTIC STREET DANCE PRINCESS MUSIC THEATRE BALLET DANCE AND MORE! TiNY ,I\RXKDYHDEXGGLQJEDOOHULQDRUPXVLFDOWKHDWUH VWDUZKRORYHVWREHDSULQFHVVZHKDYHVRPHWKLQJ IRUWKHPWRR $QGIRUWKHWRGGOHUVRXWWKHUHZKRMXVWORYHWRERS ZHKDYHDIDQWDVWLFUDQJHRIFODVVHVIRUOLWWOHSHRSOH DWRXU7,1<'DQFH&RFODVVHVFUHDWHGIRUDJHV We love to dance, we love working with kids and we would love to hear from you! 8 TiNY TiNY TiNY fun parent & child dance class magical intro to ballet dance TEMPERS DANCERS BALLET funky pre-school street dance Dance Build confidence Make friends Have fun! Raring2go! ARTICLE Have a go at... Creating coloured eggs In a coffee cup, mix together a ½ cup of water at room temperature, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, and several drops of food colouring. I used about 20 drops of each color, but you can adjust this however you like. Prepare several different colors in this manner. Carefully place one egg in each cup of food coloring. Watch the eggs carefully and remove them when they reach the desired shade. Use a spoon to remove the egg and place it in an egg holder or on a paper towel to dry. YOU don’t have to spend a small fortune to buy supplies to colour your hard boiled eggs, you can use items you probably already have in your kitchen. TOP TIP: Make an egg pin drying board out of foam board and pins, push pins all the way through to the other side then turn the board over, the eggs will dry with no marks on them enabling more perfection in your creations. Age Guideline: 3 Years and Up Time Required: 30 minutes (Does not include drying time) The above age and time guidelines are estimates. This project can be modified to suit other ages and may take more or less time depending on your circumstances. You will need Hard Boiled or Blown Out Eggs Food Colouring Vinegar Water 9 Raring2go! EDUCATION 12 Top SATS for Parents 1. Give your child a special study area, somewhere quiet, well lit & warm. 2. Stop your child working at least an hour before bed. 3. Make sure they get plenty of sleep, fresh air & exercise. 4. Check they drink plenty of water & eat well. 5. Keep it calm & low key – if you are calm & relaxed your child will be. Tips 6. “I can!” Think & talk positively - encourage them to be confident. Listen to their worries and fears – offer plenty of reassurance & hugs. 7. Practice makes perfect past papers are available free on-line. 8. If you find your child is struggling ask for help. 9. Make it real & fun – practice mental maths during your day to day activities & use everyday examples, set little challenges for each other. 10. Little & Often is best 10-15 minute study sessions, then a short break. 11. Make a plan & have goals - remember to include time for fun stuff too. 12. Plan a treat - something to look forward to after SATs. Walk to School Week 18 – 22 May 2015 Every year Walk to School Week brings together nearly one million schoolchildren, teachers and parents. This year is all DERXWWKHKHDOWKEHQHÀWVRIZDONLQJ 1. Healthy body: daily exercise has numerous physical KHDOWKEHQHÀWVLQFOXGLQJKHOSLQJWRUHGXFHWKHULVNRI childhood obesity and medial conditions in later life such as cancer and heart disease. 2. Health and happiness: regular walking helps to keep young minds healthy and alert ready for their arrival at school. 3. Healthy habits: getting into the habit of an energetic walk at the start of the day will also encourage healthy eating habits such as having a nutritious breakfast every morning. 4. Healthy friends and family: the walk to school is the perfect opportunity for some quality family time or a good chat with friends helping to develop strong, happy relationships. 5. Healthy environment: walking rather than taking motorised transport means less pollution and FOHDQHUDLU²DEHQHÀWIRUHYHU\RQH Find out more at 10 Boost your child’s confidence Kumon’ Kumo n s ma math ths s an and d En Engl glis ish h studyy pr p og grammes work to build your child’s confidence and inspire a passion for learning. To unlock your child’s potential, contact yourr T local loc al Ins Instru tructo ctorr for for a Fr Free Ass Assess essmen mentt. ment. Jesmond dS Study y Ce Centr entre e Natalie Na atalie li T Taylor ayylor 019 0191 91 2 281 81 1 07 0798 79 First for girls. AN OUTSTANDING CURRICULUM. A NURTURING ENVIRONMENT. A RICH HERITAGE IN EDUCATION. Education is more than studying Mathematics and reading English, it also takes understanding and support to help a girl grow, discover and pursue her passions. Well connected and exclusively for girls, our heritage and expertise have helped girls to develop into independent and principled young women for over 130 years. Newcastle High School for Girls (Junior) Chapman House, Sandyford Park, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1TA T: 0191 201 6511 E: [email protected] Junior School Open Morning Tuesday 24th March 10am Raring2go! EDUCATION $WWHQGDQFHLV)O\LQJ+LJKDW Bridgewater Primary BRIDGEWATER Primary School in Scotswood are working really hard to improve an already impressive attendance record. I was delighted to attend their assembly just before half term and it was a pleasure to meet such polite and happy pupils. Head teacher Mrs Robson and her staff should be rightly proud of their achievements. “At Bridgewater we were proud to achieve 95.2% school attendance last year and would like attendance to be even higher for this academic year. We attribute the upward trend in attendance to be a major contributing factor to our consistently improved results in recent years. By striving to improve attendance even further we will ensure that Bridgewater children continue to achieve their full academic potential; standing them in good stead to go on and continue achieving throughout secondary school and adult life. Regular school attendance is important not only to promote children’s educational attainment but also to encourage social and emotional wellbeing. As well as achieving academically, children develop many more life skills through regular school attendance. School is a place where children develop friendship groups and social skills through 12 working with others, play and socialising with their SHHUVVNLOOVZKLFKDOORZWKHPWRJURZLQFRQÀGHQFH and have high self esteem. By encouraging good school attendance parents are giving their children a positive message regarding the value and importance of an education and instilling a good work ethic which is a quality employer’s value highly in potential employees. For children who have English as an additional language it is vital to have good school attendance to ensure children are able to learn the language and learn in line with their peers. As a parent, by ensuring your child attends school regularly, you are enabling your child to reach their full potential. This will lead them to have the opportunity to go on and gain employment or continue LQIXUWKHUHGXFDWLRQLQWKHÀHOGWKDWWKH\DVSLUHZKHQ they reach school leaving age.” Attendance this year is already up to 95.9% and it was wonderful to reward the children with outstanding attendance records. They were all thrilled to receive their prizes which included a family ticket kindly donated by the Life Science Centre in Newcastle. I especially enjoyed the enthusiastic year group race to the top of the leaderboard, very well done to Year 3! Raring2go! EDUCATION Archbishop Runcie CE First School Christon Road, Gosforth (opposite Regent Centre) tĞĂƌĞƐĞĞŬŝŶŐĂƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶƐĨŽƌ September 2015 Nursery entry ůŽƐŝŶŐĚĂƚĞĨŽƌĂƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶƐϮϲƚŚDĂƌĐŚϮϬϭϱ Morning and ŌĞƌŶŽŽŶƉůĂĐĞƐ available for September 2015 dƌĂŶƐŝƟŽŶŝŶƚŽůŽĐĂůZĞĐĞƉƟŽŶ ĐůĂƐƐĞƐŵĂŶĂŐĞĚďLJŚŝŐŚůLJ ƐŬŝůůĞĚƐƚĂīƚŽĞŶƐƵƌĞƚŚĞǀĞƌLJ ďĞƐƚŽĨŵŽǀĞƐĨŽƌLJŽƵƌĐŚŝůĚ ³3XSLOVIHHOYHU\VDIHDQG VHFXUHDWVFKRROIRUP H[FHOOHQWUHODWLRQVKLSVZLWK HDFKRWKHUDQGWKHLU WHDFKHUVDQGWKULYHLQDQ HQYLURQPHQWWKDWQXUWXUHV DQGFHOHEUDWHVWKH LQGLYLGXDO³2IVWHG Please contact us on 0191 285 2663 [email protected] Maths & English tuition centre For 5 to 14 year olds of all abilities t Courses mapped to the National Curriculum. t Adapts to the individual needs of your child. t Convenient for families - Open 7 days a week. t Award-winning tuition - voted Education Investor Supplementary Education Provider of the Year. Free trial session - book today! Sunderland Newcastle 01915111031 01912140333 or book online at “Explore Learning members’ improvement in maths was 30% higher than that of the comparison group after controlling for gender, age, year group and special educational needs.” Independent Efficacy Study by the Institute of Education at Reading University (2013). See re ca rs d l i e Ch uchpted! o V cce a 13 Raring2go! PARTY TIME Glendale Leisure Haltwhistle GLENDALE is a wonderful place to hold a birthday party or any special occasion! With our wide range of activities and facilities there are hours of fun to be had for all your guests. Hire the heated indoor private pool for an hour’s swim then have your party tea in the Lodge which is situated in its own wooded garden, The Glen. It has LWVRZQ%%4IRUKLUHÀUHEDVNHWIRUZLQWHUHYHQLQJV a large climbing frame, picnic area and beautiful valley views. “The pool at Glendale was amazing, the water was warm and it was great for jumping in! There is a shower DQGDWRLOHWDYDLODEOHDQGWKHUHDUHORWVRIÁRDWV,WDOVR has a range of goggles if you forget! Its great fun and I recommend it for parties! “ by Josie aged 11. 6SULQJ)DPLO\)XQ 2 Adults 2 Children 2 Nights Only £160 ,QFOXGHVFRQWLQHQWDOEUHDNIDVWDQGD SULYDWHVZLPLQRXUP[P SRRO)RUHVWORFDWLRQRQO\PLQV IURP1HZFDVWOHDQGYHU\FORVHWR +DGULDQ¶V:DOO )RUPRUHLQIRRUWRERRNFDOO-XOLH RU 1RUWK5RDG+DOWZKLVWOH1(1' Full details at ZZZJOHQGDOHOHLVXUHFRXN Battlezone Laser, Team Valley – brilliant for birthday parties or just for a family adventure! “Your editor had a superb time at Battlezone Laser! We visited as a family of 2 adults and 3 kids; the staff asked the kids if they’d like to be in a team with us or against us, they chose against! This made it even more fun as it got really competitive and oh how we enjoyed winning! It’s a really exhilarating game, you’re pumped full of adrenalin and its quite exhausting for “old” people. The kids had a blast, literally and thoroughly enjoyed targeting us parents. It’s an ideal party venue with a spacious café area with private dining room available. If parents don’t want to join in the battle there are comfy sofas, large screen TV and monitors so you can watch what’s happening in the arena. I’d love to go back either with kids or with a group of friends, its ideal for all ages and excellent fun!” Anna Skelton “I enjoyed my visit to Battlezone Laser very much. The staff were very nice, they told us the rules and then we got straight into it, no boring waiting around or anything like that. The guns worked very well and it was lots of fun. Even if you don’t go with a big group you can still have loads of fun with anyone. I also went for a party and the food was really nice. Great place, I recommend it for anyone up for some fun.” Axel Skelton 14 Raring2go! PARTY TIME BEST KIDS PARTIES IN NEWCASTLE Starts with 90 minutes of fun packed football Birthday party food Ice cream Sovenir team photo Certificates for all players Goal of the game player certificate Fair play player certificate Birthday child receives trophy & birthday card We provide invitations & thank you letters Complimentary tea & coffee for parents Goals Newcastle, High Gosforth Park Newcastle Upon Tyne 0191 217 3040 FUNCTION SUITE HIRE £50 Bar Credit* 0191 217 3040 Goals Newcastle, High Gosforth Park Newcastle Upon Tyne *T&Cs appl apply. ly. Pr P Prom Promo rom omo o Co C Cod Code ode de – N NWC15 WC1 WC 15 15 15 Raring2go! PARTY TIME Ace Playce, Killingworth: soft play Newcastle Climbing Centre, Byker: climbing Battlezone Laser, Team Valley: ultimate laser tag arena Ocean Beach, South Shields: quasar laser, rides & attractions Creative Keepsakes ,Prudhoe: pottery decorating Parklands, Gosforth: minigolf Discovery Museum, Newcastle: Play Tyne exclusive hire Pikku, Gosforth: pamper me parties, hair & girly glamour For Paws, Gosforth (mobile): Animal Handling parties Pyjama Drama at your venue: adventure & performance parties Glendale Mews, Haltwhistle: private pool & garden party Rugbytots at your venue: minirugby games and activities Goals Soccer Centre, Gosforth Park: football Seven Stories, Ouseburn: stories, crafts, games Lee Sterry, Gosforth: football, multisports Sport@Gosforth: climbing, trampoline, football, dance childrens-parties Life Science Centre, Newcastle: hands on discovery, 4d motion ride Musical Monkeez: disco, dance & games (all ages catered for) Namco Funscape, Metro Centre: bowling & bumper cars National Glass Centre, Sunderland: craft & glass blowing 16 Stepney Bank Stables, Ouseburn: pony riding Tiny Dance Co at your venue: dance parties Washington Wetlands Centre: outdoor fun Wet ‘n’ Wild, North Shields: swimming, slides Raring2go! PARTY TIME 'DLO\DFWLYLWLHV %LUWKGD\3DUWLHV &DIp )UHH3DUNLQJ Killingworth Centre, NE12 6YT Tel: 0191 268 2388 ADVERTISE HERE from £20 per month email: [email protected] or call 07739797419 17 Special offer from Namco Metrocentre 50% Off Soft Play Entry Family Bowling £15.00 Terms & Conditions: Voucher valid for one child. Open daily from 10am - 7.30pm, last admission 6pm. Terms & Conditions: Must be pre booked in advance and is subject to availability. Valid for 90 minutes play only. Management reserve the right to withdraw the offer at anytime. Valid until 14th June 2015. Voucher valid for one person and must be surrendered upon use. Under 1’s play for free. Not available on Saturday’s. Voucher must be surrendered upon use. All prices include a £1.30 shoes hire fee where applicable. No discount available for those bowling in their own shoes. Management reserve the right to withdraw the offer at anytime. One person must be under 16 years of age. Valid until 14th June 2015. 4 people for 1 game. Not available on Saturdays. Unit 244 Garden Walk, Metrocentre Gateshead NE11 9XY. Tel: 0191 406 1066 Email: [email protected] A Spring in your step? Head to Discovery for lots of energetic family fun...... Find out what’s on by visiting Discovery Museum Blandford Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4JA. Central Station Tel: (0191) 232 6789 Raring2go! WHAT’S ON THIS SPRING MARCH Until March 22nd & then Wednesday 1 April – Sunday 31 May Brick Planet Lego Woodhorn Experience, Ashington 01670 624455 Until Sunday 19 April Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014 Life Science Centre, Newcastle 0191 2438210 Saturday, 21 March All the world’s a stage: children’s Shakespeare event for age 7-12 City Library, Newcastle Saturday 21 March Creative Makings Miniature Worlds Workshop Gateshead Central Library 0191 433 4699 Saturday 21 March Little Artists National Glass Centre, Sunderland 0191 515 5555 Friday 27 March Angelina Ballerina story party Seven Stories National Centre for Children’s Books, Newcastle 0845710777 Saturday 28 March Family Fun Day South Shields Museum & Art Gallery 0191 456 8740 Saturday 28 March – Sunday 12 April ¶(JJ·FLWLQJ0XVHXP7UDLOZLOO\RXFUDFNWKHFRGHWR get your egg? Roman Army Museum Brampton, Greenhead, Cumbria CA8 7JB 01697 747485 Saturday 28 March – Sunday 12 April Spring Play: indoor activities & outdoor adventures Wallington Hall, nr Morpeth 01661 773600 Saturday 28 March – Sunday 12 April Chick Challenge and Easter Gallery Trail Oriental Museum, Durham 0191 334 5694 20 Saturday 28 – Sunday 29 March Zoo School (age 9-15) Kirkley Hall Zoological Gardens, nr Ponteland 01670 841 235 Sunday 29 March – Friday 10 April Broomhouse Farm Event: Lambing Shed Live Near Wallington Hall, Morpeth Booking recommended: 07786171819 or [email protected] Sunday 29 March Great British Dog Walk Souter Lighthouse, Seaburn 0191 5293161 Monday 30 March – Friday 10 April Support injured service personnel as they join the Vindolanda Excavations Vindolanda, nr Corbridge 01434 344277 Monday 30 March – Friday 17 April Easter Holiday Family Fun Gibside, Rowlands Gill 01207541820 Tuesday 31 March Pre-School Day at Life Life Science Centre, Newcastle Wednesday 1 April Kirkley Kritters Kirkley Hall Zoological Gardens, nr Ponteland Wednesdays 1, 8 & 15 April Make and Do Easter Activities Seaton Delaval Hall, Seaton Sluice 0191 237 9100 Friday 3 – Sunday 5 April The Amazing Mr Fish presents a circus, comedy, mime extravaganza. Alnwick Garden 01665 511350 APRIL Friday 3 – Monday 6 April Cadbury Easter Egg Trail Cragside, Rothbury 01669 620333 Raring2go! WHAT’S ON THIS SPRING EARLY YEARS BIG FAMILY HOP SAGE GATESHEAD WEDNESDAY 8TH APRIL 10.30AM, 12.30PM & 2.30PM (APPROX. DURATION: 1 HOUR) Join us to celebrate the arrival of spring with a huge helping of Easter themed fun, song and dance, chosen especially for families to get involved. SUITABLE FOR UNDER 7S TICKETS: £2.50 PER PERSON 0191 443 4661 21 Raring2go! WHAT’S ON THIS SPRING Friday 3 – Monday 6 April Easter Adventure Quest Chesters Roman Fort 01434 681379 Friday 3 – Monday 6 April Easter Family Activities: arts & crafts & a musical egg hunt! Sage Gateshead 0191 4434661 Friday 3 – Monday 6 April Easter egg trail along the clifftop Souter Lighthouse, Seaburn Friday 3 – Monday 6 April Easter Adventure Quest Housesteads Roman Fort 01434 344363 Friday 3 – Monday 6 April St Mary’s Lighthouse Easter Treasure Trail St Mary’s Island, Whitley Bay 0191 200 8650 Friday 3 – Monday 6 April Cadbury Easter Egg Trail Wallington Hall, nr Morpeth Friday 3 – Monday 6 April Easter Adventure Quest Belsay Hall, Castle and Gardens, Belsay, nr Ponteland 01661 881 636 Friday 3 - Sunday 19 April (closed April 4 & 5) Go hopping mad this Easter Seven Stories National Centre for Children’s Books, Newcastle Friday 3 – Sunday 19 April Easter activities including a Giant Easter Weekend Duck Hunt! Washington Wetland Centre 0191 4165454 Saturday 4 April Little Artists National Glass Centre, Sunderland Saturday 4 April Art Class for age 10+ Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle 0191 2327734 Saturday 4 – Sunday 5 April Open Day at Bowes Railway Museum Springwell Road, Gateshead 22 Sunday 5 – Monday 6 April Cadbury Easter Egg Trail Seaton Delaval Hall, Seaton Sluice Monday 6 April Birds of Prey Display 11am – 3pm Woodhorn Experience, Ashington Monday 6 April North Easter! Penshaw Monument Monday 6 April Easter Adventures with the White Rabbit and Alice Stephenson Railway Museum, Middle Engine Lane, North Shields 0191 200 7146 Monday 6 – Friday 10 April Easter Zoo Club (ages 5-8 & 9-15) Kirkley Hall Zoological Gardens, nr Ponteland Tuesday 7 April Ranger Bushcraft Day: Acorn (age 6+) Housesteads & Hadrian’s Wall Book online 0844 249 1895 [email protected] Tuesday 7 April Make a Springtime Hat! (age 7+) Shipley Art Gallery, Gateshead 0191 6432241 Tuesday 7 April Guess How Much I Love You story party Seven Stories National Centre for Children’s Books, Newcastle Tuesday 7 – Sunday 19 April Alice & the Magic Mirror Garden Belsay Hall, Castle and Gardens, Belsay, nr Ponteland Wednesday 8 April Early Years Big Family Hop Sage, Gateshead Wednesday 8 & 15 April Spring Time Animal Handling Workshop For Paws, Gosforth 0191 2843103 Raring2go! WHAT’S ON THIS SPRING Maker Faire, a celebration of creation, crafts and cool stuff, is coming back to Life Science Centre this April 2015 (25 & 26). Maker Faire UK is the greatest show (and tell) on Earth! It’s a two day family friendly festival of invention and creativity, bringing together over 300 hackers, crafters, coders, DIYers and garden shed inventors from across the globe – people who love to make stuff and who want to share their passion with the public. We have 5 family passes up for grabs for Maker Faire UK. To be in with a chance of winning, visit and go to WIN to enter. For all there is to know about Maker Faire UK 2015, visit the official website: 23 Raring2go! WHAT’S ON THIS SPRING Thursday 9 – Sunday 12 April The Great North Steam Fair Beamish Open Air Museum, Co Durham 0191 3704000 Saturday 25 April Innocence – Scottish Dance Theatre (ages 0-3) Dance City, Newcastle 0191 261 0505 Friday 10 April Bunny Book Burglar: *Author Event* with Emily MacKenzie Seven Stories National Centre for Children’s Books, Newcastle Saturday 25 April Family Wildlife Illustration Workshop Northumberlandia, Cramlington 0191 284 6884 Friday 10 and Friday 17 April Photography Workshop for Children and Young People: Two part workshop with Lindsay Duncanson St Mary’s Heritage Centre, Gateshead 0191 433 4699 Sunday 12 April Teddy Bear’s Picnic Stephenson Railway Museum, Middle Engine Lane, North Shields Monday 13 April – Friday 17 April Easter School (age 6 – 16) Dance City, Newcastle Tuesday 14 April 1RUWKXPEHUODQG:LOGOLIH7UXVW&DPSÀUH&RRNLQJ Weetslade Country Park, Seaton Burn 0191 284 6884 Wednesday 15 April Superhero Squad: supersized fun & games! Discovery Museum, Newcastle 0191 2326789 Thursday 16 April Fantasy Flowerpots - Grow Your Own Get crafty family craft day Shipley Art Gallery, Gateshead Friday 17 – Sunday 19 April Meet the Romans Arbeia Roman Fort & Museum, South Shields 0191 456 1369 Saturday 18 April NWT Living Seas - Discovering Rockpools Outside RNLI, Cullercoats 0191 284 6884 Tuesday 21 April Pre-School Day at Life Life Science Centre, Newcastle 24 Saturday 25 April – Sunday 26 April Maker Faire: a celebration of creation, crafts and cool stuff Life Science Centre, Newcastle Saturday 25 April – Sunday 26 April Medieval St George’s Weekend Belsay Hall, Castle and Gardens, Belsay, nr Ponteland Sunday 26 April Outdoor Climbing Adventure (age 8+) Crag Lough, Hadrian’s Wall Book online 0844 249 1895 [email protected] Wednesday 29 April Wild Tots: outdoor discovery with your toddler Northumberlandia, Cramlington 0191 284 6884 MAY Saturday 2 May Dinky Disco (age 0-4 but older siblings welcome) Dance City, Newcastle Saturday 2 - Sunday 3 May National Pet Weekend Kirkley Hall Zoological Gardens, nr Ponteland Sunday 3 May Train Power! Stephenson Railway Museum, Middle Engine Lane, North Shields Sunday 3 May Family Hang Aerial Workshop (ages 3 – 12) Dance City, Newcastle Sunday 3 – Monday 4 May May Day Celebration Wallington Hall, nr Morpeth Sunday 3 – Monday 4 May Traditional May Day Celebrations in the Pit Village Beamish Museum Raring2go! WHAT’S ON THIS SPRING 1RUWKXPEHUODQG County Show 2015 Northumberland County Show is a traditional agricultural HYHQWKHOGDW%\ZHOO+DOO1HDU6WRFNVÀHOGRQ%DQN+ROLGD\ Monday 25th May 2015 from 9am until 6pm. A great family day out! Featuring competitive livestock classes for horses, cattle, sheep, alpacas, fur and feather, and many more. This year’s main ring attractions are the gravity defying Bold Dog Lings Motorcycle Stunt Display and a fantastic Dog Agility Team who will attempt to break a Guinness World Record for the longest human slalom - be prepared to join in! This year we have a new children’s area where all the family can meet the animals from Kirkley Hall Zoo, enjoy pony rides, mountain bike demonstrations or try out the climbing wall. We have excellent facilities for babies, toddlers and parents too. With live music, great food, fun fair, Cumberland Wrestling, gun dog scurry, tug of war, strong man competition, big tractors, birds of prey, crafts and baking, treasure trail, and over 350 trade stands there’s something for everyone. WLFNHWDWWUDFWLRQVWKHSHUIHFWGD\RXWRQ+DGULDQöV:DOO %X\\RXUWLFNHWVRQOLQHDWZZZYLQGRODQGDFRP 25 Raring2go! WHAT’S ON THIS SPRING Regular Events Sage Gateshead: Under 5’s music making, daily except Thursdays Babies babble, play & move Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays Planet Music for 5-7 yr olds alternate Saturdays St Mary’s Heritage Centre, Gateshead: Story time for the under 5’s, every Friday at 10.30am Seven Stories National Centre for Children’s Books, Newcastle: Bookworm Babies, Baby Boogie Woogie, Baby Blop – check website for details Gateshead Libraries: www.gatesheadlibraries. com/whats-on/regular-activities/rhymetimes-andstorytimes Rhymetimes and Storytimes for the under 5’s: daily sessions, days and times differ at each library, check website for detailed information. Newcastle Libraries: Story time at City Library 2pm Saturdays and Sundays Hatton Gallery: Hatton Art Cart: free art activities every Saturday Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle: Little Artists: Tuesdays during term time Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead: Toddler time on Tuesdays Busy B’s on Saturdays Great North Museum, Newcastle: Museum Mice in the Mouse House: Thursdays Dance City, Newcastle: Dancing Babies: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Blue Reef Aquarium, Tynemouth: Toddler Tuesdays with rockpool encounter City Bugs: Toddlers @ City Church, Newcastle Wednesdays termtime 10am – 12pm NAPI – full list of parent and toddler groups in Newcastle 26 S 10% AVE you when b onli ook ne Bring your little ones to meet ours This spring, watch ducklings and goslings take their first wobbly steps, go on a minibeast hunt or dip for watery pond creatures, enjoy family bird watching, take part in themed crafts, join our GIANT Easter duck hunt, explore with guided walks and more! Visit us this spring for an award-winning day out! WWT Washington Wetland Centre NE38 8LE 0191 416 5454 e [email protected] w HAIR RAISING VALUE O Open daily d il throughout th h t the Easter holidays. Save up to £63 with this voucher or book online and use the code RTGENEWC 57*(1(:& giving you Theme Park entry for just £17.50pp. 28 Op M en ar fr ch om 20 15 Raring2go! WHAT’S ON THIS SPRING Max 6 people admitted per voucher. Offer expires 1.11.15. Offer not valid in conjunction with any other offer or promotion, Tesco Clubcard or Nectar vouchers. Saving based on full adult pay on the day price of £28. Lightwater Valley, North Stainley, Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 3HT. Tel: 0871 720 0011** **Calls are charged at 10 pence per minute from a BT landline, calls from other networks and mobiles will be considerably more. 27 Raring2go! WHAT’S ON THIS SPRING Monday 4 May Stepney Bank Stables Fundraising Show Newcastle Racecourse, Gosforth Park Sunday 24 - Monday 25 May Shaun the Sheep’s Baa-rilliant Bank Holiday Wallington Hall, nr Morpeth Monday 4 May May Bank Holiday Family Fun Day Gibside, Rowlands Gill Tuesday 26 May 4th Birthday Celebrations Kirkley Hall Zoological Gardens, nr Ponteland Saturday 9 May Glass Making Workshop for age 7-12 Gateshead Central Library 0191 433 4699 Wednesday 27 May Minibeasts Animal Handling Workshop For Paws, Gosforth Saturday 9 May NWT Living Seas - Discovering Rockpools Outside RNLI, Cullercoats 0191 284 6884 Saturday 16 May North East Baby & Toddler Show Gateshead International Stadium 0191 2657224 Sunday 17 May Souter Sea-shore Safari Souter Lighthouse, Seaburn Sunday 17 May NECCR Run sponsored by Greggs: come & see us at the Raring2go! stand Gosforth Park, Newcastle 0191 2821322 Sunday 17 May Kirkley Hall Countryside Festival Kirkley Hall Zoological Gardens, nr Ponteland Tuesday 19 May Pre-School Day at Life Life Science Centre, Newcastle Saturday 23 May – 1 November Game On 2.0 the world’s biggest collection of playable computer games Life Science Centre, Newcastle Saturday 23 – Friday 29 May Belsay Boot Camp – be a Home Front Hero! Belsay Hall, Castle and Gardens, Belsay, nr Ponteland Saturday 23 – Sunday 31 May Festival of the Roses Roman Army Museum, Hadrian’s Wall Sunday 24 - Monday 25 May Meet a Roman Potter, Vindolanda, nr Corbridge 28 Thursday 28 May Sock Puppets, Get crafty family craft day Shipley Art Gallery, Gateshead Thursday 28 – Sunday 31 May Georgian Country Fair, Beamish Museum Monday 25 May 1RUWKXPEHUODQG&RXQW\6KRZ%\ZHOO+DOOQU6WRFNVÀHOG 01434 604216 Friday 29 May Junk Music Workshop for age 7+ St Mary’s Heritage Centre, Gateshead Friday 29 May Durham Jets v Yorkshire Vikings Emirates Durham ICG, Chester le Street 0844 4994466 Saturday 30 May The Great Gateshead Treasure Hunt St Mary’s Heritage Centre, Gateshead Saturday 30 May Outdoor Climbing Adventure (age 8+) Crag Lough, Hadrian’s Wall Book online 0844 249 1895 [email protected] Saturday 30 – Sunday 31 May Boots, Bayonets and Belles Belsay Hall, Castle and Gardens, Belsay, nr Ponteland Saturday 6 – Sunday 7 June Newcastle Green Festival Leazes Park, Newcastle Check the events calendar at newcastle for full details of all events listed and many many more! Also, please follow Facebook and Twitter where daily updates are posted. Information correct at time of going to press but do check websites as timings may change and events may sell out. Raring2go! WHAT’S ON THIS SPRING Win tickets to Life Science Centre This Easter (3 -19 April) there’s plenty to keep the whole family entertained at Life Science Centre. Step into the shoes of real scientists in the new Experiment Zone and carry out a range of experiments from DNA extraction through to food science. Discover the wonders of the night sky in Britain’s most popular planetarium and on the 4-D Motion Ride*, get set for an action-packed adventure with SpongeBob SquarePants! Opening on Friday 3 April, SpongeBob SquarePants 4-D, The Great Jelly Rescue** sees SpongeBob and friends careen through Bikini Bottom, run afoul of the Flying Dutchman and face off against the villainous Plankton on a wildly hilarious adventure to rescue the Jellyfish of Jellyfish Fields! We have five family tickets to Life Science Centre up for grabs. To be in with a chance of winning, visit and go to WIN to enter. For more details of what’s on at Life Science Centre, visit * For safety reasons you have to be at least 1.2 metres in height to use the 4D Motion Ride. ** SpongeBob SquarePants 4-D, The Great Jelly Rescue will be showing at Life Science Centre until 2 October 2015. © 2015 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. SpongeBob SquarePants created by Stephen Hillenburg. The North East Baby and Toddler Show Gateshead International Stadium Saturday 16th May 2015 Building on the success of last year’s show The North East Baby and Toddler Show is returning in 2015 even bigger, better and improved. If you are pregnant or have a baby this event is perfect for you! Raring2go are our amazing media partner for the 3rd year UXQQLQJ5HDGHUVZLOOUHFHLYHRIIWKHLUWLFNHWVRQO\WKHÀUVW 500 to book online receive a fantastic goody bag. We have an exclusive Raring2Go offer for those interested in exhibiting. The Show is the region’s biggest baby and toddler showcase. We have all your baby needs under one roof. There’s so many unique baby gifts and HVVHQWLDOVSUHJQDQF\DGYLFHDQGÀQDQFLDODGYLFH,QFOXGLQJIDEXORXV discounts and special offers on amazing baby products and services. As well as the huge range of exciting exhibitors providing everything you need for you and your little one, there’s fantastic children’s entertainment and activities. It’s great fun for parentsto-be, babies and toddlers… The Show is sponsored by the fabulous Kids 1st and is really proud to support The Sick Children’s Trust. Check out our website for more information on the show: 29 Raring2go! Travel & Leisure Your Guide to Camping with Kids Sponsored by The Bells of Hemscott Spring is in the air, so it’s time to dig out the tent and dust off the ground sheet! IF you’ve not tried camping with kids yet, then 2015 should be the year you try it. Yes, it might rain, and yes, you may need a wee in the night, but in this tricky economic climate, camping is a great way to enjoy a break, without breaking the bank - and the kids will LOVE it! For novice campers, the following tips may help? For the full article & more helpful tips please visit 1. Take Crocs: Love ’em or loathe them, Crocs were made for camping. I wouldn’t contemplate the showers without them! 2. Stay warm: If children are cold they’ll be miserable so make sure everyone wears lots of layers, especially at night, when it can be colder than you expect. Take thermals, hats, thick socks, decent sleeping bags and duvets too. A blanket under the airbed help stop the cold coming through. 3. Take a mini paddling pool – in the warmer weather it’s a great way to cool the kids off and give them a wash at the same time. 4. Glowsticks: they’re a good substitute for a night light and give children an added incentive to go to bed. What child doesn’t love a glow stick! If you’re not keen on camping your could try glamping as The Bells of Hemscott also offer weekend stays in traditional canvas Bell Tents nestled in the sand dunes, still with basic facilities but also with luxury touches like duvets and pillows, hot showers and campfires. The Bells of Hemscott are on a lovely quiet and sandy beach at Druridge Bay that you can easily wander over to and enjoy a barbeque or a dip in the clean water. Watch the sun rise on the beach and set over the ponds and into the distance. The beach is on the other side of the dunes to the Canvas Village, a mere 10 metres away. Hemscott Hill Farm, Widdrington, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 5EQ 10% off any weekend in May when you quote Raring2go! To redeem please register at www. glampingnorthumber to book For your chance to WIN a 2 night stay at Hemscott Hill Farm please visit www. Closing Date 05/04/15 and prize must be used by 14/06/15 Mandy Charlton Photography. 30 Breathe in that fresh air Spring breaks from just £79 * Plus save up to an extra £50 * with this Raring2Go offer 0871 230 1917 Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras Quote: z_raring2 Terms and conditions: Spring breaks from £79* lead in prices are based on a family of up to six sharing a standard two bedroom caravan holiday home during mid week for 4 nights on selected dates and parks. Save up to £50 based on 7 night breaks taken between 17 July – 27 August on Standard, Standard Plus, Superior, Deluxe, Prestige and Platinum caravans, Lodges, plus all Apartments and Chalets, other discounts are available on other dates and grades of accommodation. Visit for full details. Prices are correct as of 11 February 2015 and Haven Holidays reserve the right to withdraw the offers at any time and are subject to availability. Offer applies to new direct bookings only and cannot be booked through a travel agent, affiliate or on any Haven park. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with vouchers or any other discount or offer. Offer is subject to availability and may be amended at anytime without notice. Haven Holidays is a trading name of Bourne Leisure, registered in England and Wales, no 04011660. Registered office 1 Park Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 4YL. 71249 Raring2go! ARTICLE 7KH,QVHFW5HSHOOHQW¶1DWXUDO3DWFK·LVDWRSLFDOO\DSSOLHG patch that works with the body’s own chemistry to create an invisible shield against biting insects. It is 100% safe and harmless to adults and children, from 12 months, providing up to 36 hours protection DJDLQVWPRVTXLWRHVVDQGÁLHVDQGRWKHUELWLQJLQVHFWV from each patch. The packet contains 10 patches, providing 15 days protection. Discreetly and quickly apply one patch to any hairless area of your body and stop worrying! You’re protected without dealing with the uncertain application of sprays and lotions. (We recommend you wear the patch on your bottom or lower back, basically somewhere out of sight.) The patch will not lose effectiveness in water, even after swimming or while showering. Totally non-greasy and undetectable when worn beneath clothing and is applied and removed in seconds without leaving any residue. The easiest and simplest way to protect you and your children from those annoying holiday bites! The Insect Repellent ¶1DWXUDO3DWFK·LVSHUIHFWIRUKROLGD\VÀVKLQJJDUGHQLQJ barbecues, picnics and any other outdoor activities. Special Offer - £9.99 for a 15 day supply (quote ‘family’), normally £14.50 To order visit or call 01629 817035 quoting ‘family’. Insect Repellent Patch 100% Natural Product The amazing Insect Repellent Patch provides lasting protection against biting insects without the smell and mess of sprays. Customer Testimonials Louise Ellison This is the best product I have ever used. It is just so easy, I have three children we travelled to Greece and they normally get bitten badly but with the patches we had just RQHELWHLQZHHNV,WKLQNWKH\DUHJUHDW:LOOGHÀQLWHO\ purchase for our next family holiday. Rebecca Mullany I used these patches in Cape Verde with my family and was very surprised how effective they were. We had no bites in a two week holiday. I will be buying them again. Joanne Hutchinson What a great product! I can’t say any more than that. We wore them in Spain and everyone else got bitten alive. Norman Walsh I was sceptical when my wife purchased these to travel to Italy for our family holiday, but I am surprised to say, they are very effective and extremely easy to use. I was especially surprised that they worked even though the children spent a long time in the water every day. A very good product and we will buy again for our next holiday. Helen Turner I used these patches in the jungle in Ecuador to stop mosquito bites. Compared to other people’s 20 bites, I only had 2! I am normally one to be eaten alive. I showered and swam with it too. Brilliant, thank you, will buy again and recommend. Georgie Gormley ,W·VGLIÀFXOWWRÀQGJHQXLQHLQVHFWUHSHOOHQWSURGXFWVDQG, get terrible skin irritations from the chemicals used in a lot of sprays. These were really easy to use – no skin rashes and no nasty bites! I even have some left for my girly holiday in June! U U U U U 15 Days Protection - suitable for all the family No chemicals or toxins Active ingredient Vitamin B1 Applied and removed in seconds Effective whilst swimming and bathing Lightweight and portable pack Say Goodbye to holiday bites 01629 817035 33 The multi-award winning onling reading programme for 3-13 year olds. Reading Eggs provides a comprehensive range of online reading lessons and eBooks that teach children aged 3-13 the literacy skills needed for lifetime reading success. The reason why over 90% of parents using Reading Eggs report a noticeable improvement in their child’s reading skills is because the programme makes learning phonics and basic reading skills fun. With hundreds of reading lessons and activities to explore, sign up for our special 4 WEEK TRIAL* and see first-hand how your child’s reading can improve in just 4 weeks! FREE 4 WEEK TRIAL* Register today at w Registration is quick, easy and FREE Offer ends July 31st, 2015! Reg *Free trial only available for new customers who sign up at the above address *Fr TThe he multi-awa multi-awa d winning winning online online eading eading p ogramme! ogramme! Raring2go! FAMILY ADVICE 3HDUVRQ&DXOILHOG6ROLFLWRUV Resolution - first for family law The decision to end a relationship, whether a couple is married or not, represents a period of personal grief and uncertainty about the future. It’s at the end of a relationship that people visit a family lawyer feeling vulnerable, distressed and often overawed about what needs to happen next. The starting point must be to visit a lawyer ZLWKVSHFLDOLVWTXDOLÀFDWLRQVLQIDPLO\ODZ Resolution is an organisation of family lawyers which prescribes a code of ethical and responsible practice. Members of resolution can apply to become accredited specialists and undertake rigorous assessments to do so. The impact of a relationship breakdown extends throughout a family, and this is especially so for children. Parents understandably worry about how their children will be affected and what they can do to minimise the impact. In the vast majority of cases, the key to a family moving on successfully after separation, is for a couple to be supported by lawyers in making long term decisions about FKLOGUHQDQGÀQDQFHV,WLVLPSRUWDQWWRUHDFK a solution that is fair. Talk of huge battles DERXWZKRZLOOZLQDQG¶JHWWKHPRVW·PRUH often than not result in huge legal fees and very little practical gain for the parties, as well DVWKHVLJQLÀFDQWORVVRIKDYLQJWRGHDOZLWK WKHVWUHVVRIPRUHFRQÁLFW In some cases litigation simply cannot be avoided. In our experience those cases are in the minority. If it happens to you, then you must ensure that you have an experienced lawyer to progress your case effectively. It is well worth visiting the Resolution website,, which contains lots of relevant information and guidance about the options available. It also equips you with VXIÀFLHQWLQIRUPDWLRQWREHDEOHWREHJLQWR take control and identify what you need from your lawyer. $W3HDUVRQ&DXOÀHOGDOORIRXUIDPLO\ODZ\HUV are members of Resolution. Helen Marshall and Sue Pearson are Resolution accredited specialists. Helen Marshall is also a collaboratively trained lawyer. Contact Helen and Sue on 0191 261 8878 RUHPDLOIDPLO\#SHDUVRQFDXOÀHOGFRXN ZZZ3HDUVRQ&DXOÀHOGFRXN 35 Raring2go! CELEBRITY INTERVIEW 5DULQJJR talks to Slick Willie Shaw of the legendary Harlem Globetrotters! There was a basketball court right across the street from the house where Slick grew up, so he saw it as a sign, and he started playing the game at the age of six. Slick attended St. John’s University in New York, helping them win the NIT Championship in 2003, and he holds the school record for most career three-pointers. That means he’s a natural for the Globetrotters’ four-point shot. He’s also an outstanding ball handler; watch for him spinning WZREDVNHWEDOOVRQKLVÀQJHUVLQDOOGLIIHUHQWGLUHFWLRQV when the Globetrotters are performing their famous “Magic Circle.” As well as visiting dozens of countries during his years with the Globetrotters, Slick has had the honour of entertaining U.S. troops on the Globetrotters’ annual holiday military tour, and he’s appeared on popular TV shows, like “Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition,” and “Man v. Food Nation.” How long have you been a Harlem Globetrotter? This is my 11th season with the team Wow that’s a long time, it’s a very busy schedule, do all players play each night on tour or do you rotate the squad? No we all play every night, it is a really gruelling schedule with lots of travelling but the team are made up of great young men and women who are given a special chance to entertain people, it’s brilliant fun and such a privilege to be part of. You mentioned travelling, what’s your favourite game to play on the team bus? It’s called Let’s see who can go to sleep the fastest! It’s the only time we get to relax so we listen to music, read a book and sleep! How old were you when you started playing basketball?. I was 6 years old and fell in love with the game. I also played baseball and soccer. How often do you practise? We practise every day when we arrive at the next city we go to the gym and we also practise in the venue before the show. Who is the tallest on the team right now? That is Stretch he is 7’4 and has size 16 feet! Who is the smallest player on the team? The smallest player is Too Tall Hall, he’s only 5’2 and is the smallest player in the 89 year history of the Harlem Globetrotters 36 Are there any lady basketballers in the Harlem Globetrotters? Yes we have 3 girls right now, TNT Maddox has been with us for 4 years. Where is your home town? I come from the Bronx New York City and now live in Phoenix where the weather is warmer! What do you like to eat for breakfast? I like sausage, egg, cheese and bacon sandwich! How many sets of kit do you bring with you on tour and who washes all the socks? We have a whole suitcase full of kit and I have to wash my own, I should really employ someone to do it shouldn’t I! Good luck on your European tour, we look forward to welcoming you to Newcastle, home of the Eagles, current BBL Champions of the UK! Thanks and remember the game last four quarters but the memories last a lifetime. The Harlem Globetrotters are appearing at the Metro Radio Arena on April 24th 2015. WIN A FAMILY TICKET! ENTER ONLINE AT closing date April 12th 2015. SPONSORED BY COLLINGWOOD INSURANCE BEESWING LADIES DAY S AT U R DAY 25 J U LY 2 0 1 5 BOOK YOUR TICKETS N OW ! 0191 236 2020 | [email protected] *Terms & conditions apply. For full terms and conditions, race times and details of the event please visit our website. Booking restrictions and fees may apply. Newcastle Racecourse encourages responsible gambling. Raring2go! WHAT’S ON AT THE THEATRE Metro Radio Arena: 0844 4936666 13 April: CBeebies Live! Justin & Friends present Mr Tumble’s Circus 24 April: Harlem Globetrotters 28 May: Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular Northern Stage, Newcastle: uk 0191 2305151 16-18 April: I believe in Unicorns by Michael Morpurgo 7-9 May: Big Red Bath People’s Theatre, Heaton 0191 2655020 7-11 April: Newcastle Scouts Gang Show Theatre Royal, Newcastle: 0844 8112121 11-29 March: Shrek 10 May: Sing-a-long-a Frozen Sage Gateshead: 0191 4434661 11-12 April: Tin Men & The Telephone Family Show Kids go FREE with this voucher. Valid at any Easter Adventure Quest event 3rd-6th April 2015 at Belsay Hall, Castle & Gardens, Corbridge Roman Town, Chesters Roman Fort and Housesteads Roman Fort. One child enters free with every full paying adult. Offer is non-transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. 38 Sunderland Empire: 08448713022 31 March – 25 April: Wicked Whitley Bay Playhouse: 0844 2772771 9-10 April: The Wizard of Oz 23 May: Chuckle Brothers Raring2go! COMPETITIONS AND OFFERS To enter our competitions please visit and go to WIN +DLU)RU/LWWOH2QHV 9RXFKHU'HDO&XWDQG6W\OH WIN A FAMILY PACKAGE WITH PIZZA WIN A FAMILY PASS WIN A FAMILY CLIMBING SESSION WIN A FAMILY DAY PASS 1RUPDOO\ 5DULQJJR 8QGHU V d d <HDUV d d 2YHU V d d 173-175 High Street Gosforth NE3 1HE [email protected] WIN A FAMILY DAY PASS WIN A FAMILY TICKET @ METRO RADIO ARENA WIN A FOOTBALL COURSE @GOSFORTH ACADEMY Copyright 2011 Mojo Publishing Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Publisher. Published by Raring2go! Newcastle Gateshead P.O Box 458, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 9DT 07739797419 [email protected] All information in this booklet is published in good faith and cannot be produced without written permission. Whilst the publisher makes every effort to ensure that the businesses featured in this magazine are of the highest quality, we do not guarantee the services or products from any businesses featured. Neither do we nor the schools accept any legal responsibility for loss arising from the use of information published. 39 PLEASE NOTE: Kids must be aged 6yrs+ to play. FOR PARTIES OF SIX OR MORE. GAME & FOOD PACKAGE: SPECIAL £12.50pp OFFER! THE ULTIMATE LASER TAG ARENA. BattleZone Laser, K83, Third Avenue Team Valley, Gateshead NE11 0PR WWW.BATTLEZONELASER.CO.UK BOOK YOUR BATTLE TODAY! T: 0191 482 2222 [email protected] Safe, active and above all fun, our 15,000sqft indoor arena is the perfect place for kids to run riot, make loads of noise and burn off excess energy in these winter months! (And fire laser guns of course!). GET THE KIDS OUT OF THE HOUSE AND ACTIVE — WHATEVER THE WEATHER!
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