The Management Conference For Mail, Distribution & Facilities Professionals June 1, 2015 Morning Keynote June 1, 2015 Luncheon Keynote June 2, 2015 Feature Presentation June 1, 2015 Morning Keynote Yulonda Francis-Love Dallas Postmaster Lance Humphries, CMDSM MAILCOM Managing Director Barbara Fahy, MDC MSMA National President Darryl Cremer, VP & GM Pitney Bowes Presort Services USPS Challenges, Mailer Solutions Security 2015 Issues & Answers Attitude: Your Most Priceless Possession When Your Continuity Plan Becomes Reality MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATES & EDUCATION TRACKS All delegates who attend MAILCOM Dallas will receive a Management Certificate. In addition, you can earn a Management Certificate in one of the following areas of study: 1) Safety & Security; 2) Leadership & Teambuilding; and 3) Mail Systems Management. Education tracks featured in Dallas include: + Security 2015 + Leadership & Teambuilding + Mail Systems Management + Print/Mail Management + College & University + Postal Mail Management Session descriptions and conference agenda are detailed on the following pages. If you have any questions call 609-264-0120 or visit SESSION & WORKSHOP PRESENTATIONS Security 2015 Emerging Technology for Mail Center Security Disaster Recovery: Are you Prepared? Mail Screening Services: How Does Yours Measure Up? Infrastructure Protection & Mailroom Security Mail Screening on a Shoe String Budget How to Respond to an Active Shooter Situation Using Canines to Protect Your Operations Leadership & Teambuilding Star Trekks: Helping Your Staff to Their Own Personal Trekk to Being a Star Achieving Your Goals Developing the Leader Within Managing a Multi-Generational Workforce Supervisor Management Development Attitude: Your Most Priceless Possession How to Earn Your CMDSM/CMDSS & MDC Professional Credentials Mail Systems Management Mail Systems Management: Getting Started Lowering the Costs of Your Mail Center Operations Challenges of Managing the Small/Mid-Size Operation Common Sense Customer Service: It’s Not that Common Mystery Mail: Unlocking the Secrets Mail Services: How Shared Services Can Save You $$$$’s Print/Mail Management Mining for Gold in Your Print and Mail Operations 60 Ideas in 60 Minutes for Improving Efficiency in Mail Production College & University Using Barcode Tracking Software to Ensure University Mailroom Security Effective Mail Management at a College or University Postal Mail Management Mail: Everything You Need to Know and More How to Effectively Work with the USPS Data Validation: A Must for all Mailers and Shippers Beyond Address Quality: How to Enhance Your Data for Better Targeted Marketing AGENDA & SESSION DESCRIPTIONS Monday, June 1, 2015 7:00am Registration Opens 7:00am - 8:30am Breakfast 8:15am - 9:00am Keynote: Yulonda Francis-Love, Dallas Postmaster MAILCOM Dallas kicks off with a special welcome and presentation from Dallas Postmaster Yulonda Francis-Love. As Postmaster of Dallas, she works closely with the USPS Headquarters and Inspection Service to ascertain threat levels and security related changes. Her discussion will be a unique opportunity to hear and learn about the unique challenges faced by big city Postmasters and some of the plans implemented by the USPS and USPIS to address cost and security challenges today and in the future. 9:15am - 10:15am Workshop Mail: Everything You Need to Know and More This session is perfect for anyone starting out or even the seasoned professionals looking to confirm their postal knowledge. We’ll cover all aspects of mail from rules and regulations of mail including classes of mail, processing categories, address requirements, and more. You’ll learn what resources are available and where to find them and how to stay on top of the changes that impact your mail. Instructor: Christine Erna, Six Sigma Greenbelt 10:25am - 11:25am Sessions How to Earn Your CMDSM/CMDSS & MDC Professional Credentials Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Certification is the key. The session begins with a brief discussion of the Mailpiece Design Consultant (MDC) certification program. It continues by outlining the process, including the requirements and procedures mail center managers or suppliers can follow to earn their professional credentials. This course is a must for those seeking to achieve the highest professional standard in the industry - Certified Mail and Distribution Systems Manager, (CMDSM) and Certified Mail and Distribution Systems Supplier, (CMDSS). The requirements of recertification will also be covered in this session. Star Trekks: Helping Your Staff to Their Own Personal Trekk to Being a Star How many personality tests have you and your staff taken? How many staff members do you have? What are their variances in tenure, training, and experience with your company? How diverse are the ages of your staff members? Have you noticed the exact same instructions given with the exact same approach to different members of your team do not get the same results? What is up with that, why do some get it and some do not? Is there a way to help them get it? All of them? AGENDA & SESSION DESCRIPTIONS There are definitely many ways so come and learn about some of the tools we use to find a lowest common denominator in helping our staff on their Star Trekks. Mail Services: How Shared Services Can Save You $$$$'s If you have partnered with or contracted with a service provider you know that the process, promises and services can all turn out differently than you thought. In this session you will learn how government mailers, printers and transportation operations are utilizing shared services to save money and increase operational efficiencies. Security 2015: Emerging Technology for Mail Center Security This session will cover a new technology being explored for use in bio-hazard, explosives, weapon and contraband detection. This technology can be used in conjunction with high-speed sorting equipment or stand-alone to investigate a package or letter in isolation. The technology uses Terra Hertz radio frequency to detect even small amounts of powder in a single envelope at speeds of up to 180,000 letters per hour. This area of detection has been a gap until now because X ray equipment cannot effectively detect powder. This equipment can identify, mark and trigger removal at normal sorter operating speeds. 11:35am - 12:35pm Sessions Mail Systems Management: Getting Started If you are just getting started in the industry this session is a must and will cover the basic areas of mail management for creating a framework for managing your organization’s mail/distribution operations. Helpful tips will show you how to become a successful manager in this fast pace environment. Using Barcode Tracking Software to Ensure University Mailroom Security Strict procedures are being implemented to ensure every process within a university is secure, including the handling of mail and packages. Learn how leading universities are using barcode package tracking solutions to safeguard their internal mail stream. Security 2015: Disaster Recovery: Are you Prepared? Revenue streams and critical business communications dependent on printing and mailing operations are vital to an organization s ability to sustain valuable customer relationships and short and long-term profitability. Without a contingency plan in place to recover these operations, companies face a severe impact to their bottom line. This presentation will cover the importance of including print and mail contingencies in your recovery plans and what to look for in a print and mail vendor. Some information regarding critical communications around data security breaches will be provided. 12:45pm - 2:00pm Luncheon & Keynote Presentation: Security 2015 Issues & Answers: Ask the Experts! For over two decades, MAILCOM has been at the forefront in offering Safety & Security educational sessions as part of the general educational program and designated certificate track. Leading industry experts have been gathered for this presentation developed specifically for MAILCOM Dallas. Moderated by Lance Humphries, Managing Director, come learn from leading security experts who will share the challenges and changes in safety and security over the past decade and into the future. Discussion will focus on the things you can do to protect your company, employees and customers from the ever-present threats looming around us today. 2:00pm - 2:15pm Certification Inductions 2:30pm - 3:30pm Sessions Lowering the Costs of Your Mail Center Operations Costs remain high and manpower low, as we are all expected to do more with less people and less budget money. This session will review the methods to lower specific costs in your mail operation. The concept of PIE will be introduced as a method to lower costs as will ways to counter the “hidden costs of mail increases” will be identified with methods to assist in lowering your postage spend.† Attendees will learn a step-by-step process to follow and how to put together the results for management evaluation. This seminar is updated in 2015 to reflect the dynamic changes in mail center operations. Achieving Your Goals Before we can achieve our dreams we need to know what they are and set concrete goals to reach them. This session will provide attendees with tips on how to understand the fundamentals for successful goal setting. They will also learn how to develop an action plan to accomplish goals and gain insight into what it takes to follow through with a plan. Effective Mail Management at a College or University Managing a college and university mail and distribution operations is challenging and unique in many ways. It is unlike any other industry mail operations requiring a different skill set and knowledge. Join your colleges and industry veterans to learn tips for improving service, cutting costs, and improving efficiency. Security 2015: Mail Screening Services: How Does Yours Measure Up? Techniques and solutions for designing, implementing and operating a real-time mail screening AGENDA & SESSION DESCRIPTIONS operation will be discussed including both on-site and off-site options, solution sustainability, accountability, and digital delivery. Discover how CBRNE threats have become more and more prevalent and easy to introduce into facilities through the mail stream, creating a new sub-sector of mailroom management mail screening services. 3:45pm - 4:45pm Sessions Challenges of Managing the Small/Mid-Size Operation Join your colleagues and share war stories about running mail, distribution and support services departments in a small to mid-size company. This course will offer answers on topics that include selecting equipment, installing work measurements, managing staff and overcoming space restrictions. Get to know which industry related certifications are right for you as you plan your career path for success. How to Effectively Work with the USPS It’s not just what you know but sometimes it’s who you know that’s helpful. Knowing the right person in the right position at the USPS is one of the key elements in forming an effective relationship. Whether it is the BMEU Entry Clerk, the Plant Manager or the District Manager, identifying the proper person to address your specific issue is the beginning. Learn how and where to meet the right person and how to interact with them in order to have positive resolution to any issues or concerns you have about your mail. Developing the Leader Within Security 2015: Infrastructure Protection & Mailroom Security Today's market for industry experts is not as wealthy as you may think. This presentation will provide attendees with information regarding physical security pertaining to mail distribution centers, protection given to the handling and transportation of high value mail matter, and the protection of mailrooms from threats and theft.† The US Postal Inspection Service enforces the laws that defend the nation’s mail system from illegal or dangerous use and ensures public trust in the mail. 6:00pm - 9:30pm Hospitality Reception @ Billy Bob’s Texas Hosted by the Mail Systems Management Association Dallas-Ft. Worth Chapter, this event includes food buffet of sliders, hot dogs, wings, chips & dips, etc., and cash bar. DJ entertainment and a 1-hour country western dance lesson with live instructors. Transportation will be arraigned back and forth from the Embassy Suites Hotel departing at 5:30pm This is a great chance to network with fellow colleagues! Tuesday, June 2, 2015 7:00am Registration Opens 7:00am - 8:30am Breakfast 8:30am - 9:30am Keynote: When Your Business Continuity Plan Becomes Reality for the worst and how a properly prepared, tested and accurate continuity plan can be the best thing you have ever done for your business. This presentation will touch on the major aspects of the disaster including prior planning & preparations and lessons learned. What would you do if you woke up one day and your entire operation has burned to the ground? Well in 2011 this situation became a reality for one of the industry’s largest mail processing facilities in Dallas. Come hear Darryl Cremer, Vice President and General Manager, Pitney Bowes Presort Services - DFW as he details what happened and what you can learn from this tragedy. If you were faced with that very situation, would your Continuity Plan be worth the paper it is written on? This is a chance to hear first hand the steps that were taken by this company to save their business and customer base. Learn the secrets to planning 9:45am - 10:45am Sessions Data Validation: A Must for all Mailers and Shippers This session will outline and detail the importance of having systems in place for maintaining valid (DPV verified) addresses. It will also show you why it is a must to maintain the ability to validate addresses in real time and the cost and service losses associated if you do not. Managing a Multi-Generational Workforce Everyday we deal with multiple generations in the workforce. Today's logistics industry (printing, mailing and shipping) is made up of members of every generation, each of whom are influenced and empowered by different motives and different styles of management. In some cases the generations use the English language in different ways. Even from a peer-to-peer perspective, working with various generations poses many challenges. Join this fun, open discussion on understanding the generations and how to manage and operate effectively in the new millennium of today's workforce. Beyond Address Quality: How to Enhance Your Data for Better Targeted Marketing In direct marketing, high response rates are the metric that means your campaign is a success. Advertising via mail allows you to send a tangible and targeted message to a tailored list of contacts and AGENDA & SESSION DESCRIPTIONS prospects, preventing that message from getting lost in the noise that can be associated other routes such as the internet and email. This session will talk about the various data sources and techniques beyond address correction - that are available to you to better refine your mailing lists to focus in on reaching your ideal customer for maximum results. Security 2015: Mail Screening on a Shoe String Budget Mail screening facilities do not have to look like they just rolled off of the set of Star Trek to be effective.† Cost effective, simple solutions are available if you know where to look. A national leader in screening center design will discuss cost effective options designed to safeguard your facility and personnel on a budget. 11:00am - 12:00pm Sessions Common Sense Customer Service: It's Not that Common This session will show you how to better serve customers and provide common sense techniques and solutions to better serve your customers and service providers. Supervisor Management Development This session will identify key components of supervision and management. Topics will be covered in an open dialogue. Participants will be engaged to help them identify their strengths and areas of improvement. Tools and examples will be given so participants can take away tools to their workplace. Real life situations will be used to help understand what is needed for a healthy team. Topics covered include communication, listening, attitude, teams, leadership, affirmations and the behavioral change model. Mining for Gold in Your Print and Mail Operations In today’s cost cutting environment, we are faced with continuing to reduce the cost of operations.† This can be problematic with costs increasing all around us – labor, postage, and supplies costing more year over year. There is an alternative, mining for gold. This session will help you discover those unearthed opportunities and find the golden nuggets within your operation to help you reduce your costs and increase your productivity. Security 2015: How to Respond to an Active Shooter Situation This workshop will provide attendees with information designed to help deal with an active shooter situation. It will discuss a risk-based approach that includes raising the awareness of behaviors that represent pre-incident indicators and characteristics of active shooters and how to train personnel on how to respond. Such situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly with no particular pattern or method to the selection of victims. 12:15pm - 1:15pm Sessions Attitude: Your Most Priceless Possession Experts estimate that success is 80 percent attitude and 20 percent aptitude. If this is the case, it's easy to see why a positive mental attitude is an important ingredient to success. In this seminar you will learn; How to develop and maintain a positive mental attitude, How to use a positive mental attitude to get what you want, How to turn a negative attitude into a positive one, How your attitude affects others and how to maintain a positive attitude even during crises. 60 Ideas in 60 Minutes for Improving Efficiency in Mail Production Learn how to efficiently and effectively manage your projects. This session will show you how plus cover such topics as: production schedules/efficiencies, quality control, mailpiece basics, working with your service provider, data processing issues and how to put it all together. Find out the tips and tricks that will enhance your production, ensure you are meeting your mail date and keeping it all within budget. Mystery Mail: Unlocking the Secrets Does your mail center receive mystery mail that is addressed in ways that make internal delivery difficult if not impossible? This session will help you solve this puzzle. Learn the nine locations on the envelope to identify mystery mail, learn where to find the correct recipient on an invoice, and find out how companies are reducing the volume of their mystery mail. Security 2015: Using Canines to Protect Your Operations A well-trained bomb dog is extremely difficult to defeat. Explosive Detection Canine Teams provide the most effective, efficient and versatile explosive detection capability available. The high visibility of the Canine Teams also acts as an outstanding deterrent. No machine or manual search technique can even remotely compare with a canine team. 1:15pm - 1:30pm Final Salute Bring a staff member and save! Special Group Rates are available. REGISTRATION FORM DELEGATE INFORMATION FIRST NAME LAST NAME TITLE COMPANY ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP PHONE EMAIL ADDITIONAL NAME ADDITIONAL EMAIL ADDITIONAL NAME ADDITIONAL EMAIL CONFERENCE ENROLLMENT PAYMENT INFORMATION Enrollment includes entry to all seminars, keynotes, meals, and receptions as well as supporting documentation. A certificate signifying program completion will be sent after the conference. Full Conference Enrollment [ ] Advanced Early Rate (By 4/10/15) [ ] Early-Bird Rate (By 5/1/15) [ ] Regular Full Rate (After 5/1/15) $545 $645 $745 Group Rate Full Conference (2+ Same Co./per person) [ ] Advanced Rate (By 4/10/15) [ ] Regular Group Rate (By 5/1/15) [ ] Large Group Rate (4+ from same co.) $575 $695 $545 One Day Enrollments [ ] One-Day: Monday Only [ ] One-Day: Tuesday Only $395 $295 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS _____ [ ] Check (payable to MAILCOM) [ ] Credit Card: [ ] Visa [ ] MC [ ] Amex [ ] Disc NAME: CARD #: Security Code: EXP DATE: TOTAL $ _______ SIGNATURE: DATE: You can register online at MAIL THIS FORM TO: MAILCOM 2015, P.O. Box 451, Brigantine, NJ 08203-0451 FAX: 1-609-264-0121 Questions? Call 609-264-0120
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