INTERNATIONAL & DOMESTIC SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS SLI Freight Inc. is the official logistics provider for the upcoming M AKER FAIRE BAY AREA 2015 ; therefore it is our pleasure and responsibility to assist you in the transporting of your exhibition material safely and efficiently to your booth at the SAN M ATEO EVENT CENTER. Our scope of work and services encompass all steps and procedures required to get your international and domestic exhibits on time to show site, and back to origin if necessary. DEADLINES: The following deadlines for pick up from origin are critical to ensure the timely arrival of your exhibits to Show site. INTERNATIO NAL DO M ESTIC US & CANADA APRIL 27, 2015 M AY 04, 2015 Q UO TATIO N REQ UEST FO RM (attached): Your first step is to kindly complete the attached Quotation Request form and send back to our attention. This form consists of a description of your freight including the number of pieces, dimensions, value, weight, and the import status (temporary or permanent). For instance, a shipment is considered Perm anent if it will remain in the country (e.g. give away, literature, etc.), and considered Tem porary if it will be exported from the US after MAKER FAIRE BAY AREA 2015. Should you prefer you may send us a brief email ([email protected]) with the pick up address and shipment details and we will provide you with full instructions accordingly. CO M M ERCIAL INVO ICE/PACKING LIST: Separate commercial invoices must be completed for Perm anent Entry, and for Tem porary Entry (template attached if needed). INSURANCE: Please note that all work undertaken by SLI Freight Inc. is at the owner’s (exhibitor’s/end-user’s) risk, and that no insurance is included or automatically provided without prior written instructions. Every exhibitor should make certain that all shipments are covered by a full comprehensive policy from the time and point of dispatch, and return to final destination. SLI Freight Inc. - Tel +1 954 748 6874 – Fax +1 954 747 7048 – Email : [email protected] 1 INTERNATIO NAL SHIPPING O RDER (ISO ) (attached): This is your letter of instruction to SLI Freight Inc. to proceed with shipping and Customs arrangements once all costs and instructions have been provided. This will be required for us to commence booking your shipment for export from origin to San Francisco, or if just import services are needed into US. Once completed and signed, please email or fax the ISO to our office. This needs to be done prior to pick up at your location or arrival of your freight to the United States. PACKING AND LABELING: For customs purposes it is important to pack your freight according to its import status – either Temporary Import or Permanent Import, DO NO T M IX the two types of freight. Each piece of cargo m ust be clearly m arked on at least two (2) sides with the prepared shipping labels at the end of this kit. TERM S O F PAYM ENT: SLI Freight Inc. will coordinate the entire shipping transaction on the exhibitor’s behalf. In return the exhibitor will receive two (2) invoices. The first invoice will cover all the charges from point of origin to delivery at the exhibitor’s booth. The second invoice is for the return shipment of any temporary imports or domestic goods. Please note that all invoices are due upon receipt. SHIPPING BY O W N CARRIER TO ADVANCE W AREHOUSE: * Shipments not being transported by SLI Freight can be received at the Advance Warehouse between APRIL 7 TH – M AY 7 TH . * (Mon – Fri / 8:00 am – 3:30pm). * All shipments received before or after these dates will incur a 25% surcharge. * Please use label below (available at the end of this kit.) Sponsor Name: ________________________________________________ M AKER FAIRE BAY AREA 2015 SPO NSO R C/O SLI FREIGHT 328 SW IFT AVENUE SO UTH SAN FRANCISCO , CA 94080 # _______ OF _______ # (TOTAL) WEIGHT: ____________________________________ SLI Freight Inc. - Tel +1 954 748 6874 – Fax +1 954 747 7048 – Email : [email protected] 2 SHIPPING BY O W N CARRIER TO SHO W SITE: • Shipments will be accepted at show site M ay 11 – M ay 15th (8am – 4pm ). Make sure to use the following labels : Sponsor Name: _______________________________________________ M AKER FAIRE BAY AREA 2015 SPONSO R C/O SLI FREIGHT SAN M ATEO EVENT CENTER 1346 SARATO GA DRIVE SAN M ATEO , CA 94403 # _______ OF _______ # (TOTAL) WEIGHT: _____________________________________ * Please note that a M aterial Handling Fee will apply to all shipm ents sent to W arehouse and Show Site as per enclosed tariff. The Material Handling costs include all on-site services related to freight such as unloading and loading of exhibits, booth placement, and storage of empties during MAKER FAIRE BAY AREA 2015. All shipments being handled by SLI Freight Inc. from origin will include Material Handling costs and therefore will not receive any additional invoices on site. Please note all shipments being sent to Advance Warehouse or Show Site by own carrier will incur a Material Handling fee per shipment charged by SLI FREIGHT directly to the exhibitor in advance. Should any additional equipment or labor be required to handle your exhibits, it can be ordered through the M aker Faire team . There will be additional charges for such services not included in the Material Handling Fee. The official Drayage contractor “SLI FREIGHT” is the ONLY party permitted to coordinate all on-site labor and freight handling. SLI Freight Inc. - Tel +1 954 748 6874 – Fax +1 954 747 7048 – Email : [email protected] 3 M ATERIAL HANDLING RATES: Per CWT (100 lbs.) Minimum charge (200 lbs.) Warehouse Rate $75.00 Show site Rate $85.00 Crated and/or skidded Floor Load Shipments These round-trip rates apply to crated and/or floor load shipments that can be unloaded at the dock without additional handling (such as ground loading, side door loading, constricted space loading, designated piece loading or stacked shipments) required. Per CWT (100 lbs.) Minimum charge (200 lbs.) Warehouse Rate $90.00 Uncrated, Show site Rate shipments. These rates also apply to shipments that are loaded and $95.00 Un-skidded. Wrapped Shipments and Crated Shipments Requiring Special Handling These round- trip rates apply to uncrated, un-skidded or wrapped charged by cubic space and/or packed in such a manner to require additional handling (such as ground loading, side door loading, constricted space loading, designated piece loading or stacked shipments). Fed-EX and UPS are included in this category due to their delivery procedures and documentation. Per CWT (100 lbs.) Overtime Rates A 25% surcharge for each occurrence w ill apply in addition to the above rates. All rates quoted above are straight time rates. All freight received at the warehouse and/or show site that must be moved in or out of the booth before 8:00AM or after 3:30PM on weekdays or all day Saturdays, Sundays or holidays will be charged in addition to the above rates *First Package Small Package Shipments $35.00 ***Each additional package $25.00 Cartons and envelopes received at show site without documentation will be delivered without guarantee of piece count or conditions at this rate. Maximum weight per shipment is 50 lbs. SLI Freight Inc. - Tel +1 954 748 6874 – Fax +1 954 747 7048 – Email : [email protected] 4 O UTBO UND SHIPPPING INSTRCUTIO NS: All outbound shipments not being sent out by SLI Freight Inc. must be accompanied by an official Billof-Lading which can be obtained at the service desk on the day of move out. When shipping to multiple destinations, a separate Bill-of-Lading is required for each destination and all freight must be labeled accordingly. Labels for outbound shipments may be obtained at the service desk. Once your shipment is packed and labeled, return your Bill-of-Lading to the service desk, this indicates that your shipment is ready to be loaded onto the carrier mentioned on your Bill-of-Lading. All Bill-of-Ladings must be turned in no later than 8:30pm on Sunday, M ay 17, 2015. DO NOT LEAVE BILL-OF-LADINGS IN YOUR BOOTH. Failure to turn in your Bill-of-Lading by the designated deadline may result in additional overtime charges and/or rerouting of your material via house carrier. Be sure to confirm pickup day(s) and time(s) with your selected carrier. All outside carriers other than SLI Freight should be checked in no later than 7pm on M AY 17, 2015 in order to be loaded in a timely fashion as soon as freight is packed by exhibitor and ready to go or scheduled for a Monday May 18 pickup if forklift is needed. Please note that there may be some waiting time due to the amount of freight, packing of the freight and carriers being loaded. All exhibitors shipping to and from MAKER FAIRE BAY AREA 2015 with SLI Freight Inc. will not require to fill out a Bill-Lading or request labels as our staff on site will handling all your outbound arrangements. The SLI Freight Inc. team wishes you an extremely successful show and will be available to assist you before, during and after MAKER FAIRE BAY AREA 2015. Should you have any questions that are not answered here, or require additional information, please contact the project manager mentioned below. SLI Freight Inc. Contact: Sam m y BENSASI O ffice: +1 954 748 6874 ext. 25 M obile: +1 954 554 7326 Fax: +1 954 747 7048 Em ail: [email protected] M SLI Freight Inc. - Tel +1 954 748 6874 – Fax +1 954 747 7048 – Email : [email protected] 5 Advanced Warehouse Shipping Labels Sponsor Name: ________________________________________________ M AKER FAIRE BAY AREA 2015 SPO NSO R C/O SLI FREIGHT 328 SW IFT AVENUE SO UTH SAN FRANCISCO , CA 94080 # _______ OF _______ # (TOTAL) WEIGHT: ____________________________________ Show Site Shipping Labels Sponsor Name: _______________________________________________ M AKER FAIRE BAY AREA 2015 SPO NSO R C/O SLI FREIGHT SAN M ATEO EVENT CENTER 1346 SARATO GA DRIVE SAN M ATEO , CA 94403 # _______ OF _______ # (TOTAL) WEIGHT: ____________________________________ To arrive May 11 – May 15 ONLY SLI Freight Inc. - Tel +1 954 748 6874 – Fax +1 954 747 7048 – Email : [email protected] 6 COMMERCIAL INVOICE SHIPPER: INVOICE DATE: SHIP DATE: CONSIGNEE : MAKER FAIRE BAY AREA 2015 C/O SLI FREIGHT SAN MATEO EVENT CENTER 1346 SARATOGA DRIVE SAN MATEO, CA 94403 TOTAL PIECES: TERMS: EXPORT LICENSING IF NEEDED MARKS: AS ADDRESSED WEIGHT: LBS: BOOTH # & NAME : IMPORT STATUS : NO SALE INVOLVED PERMANENT TEMPORARY KGS: Case No. Quantity Please include serial, model, and FCC numbers. If textiles, please detail fabric, if knit/woven and style SCHEDULE B UNIT COST Total MADE IN US$ VALUE US $ $ Goods licensed for ultimate destination: PAGE 1 OF 1 Authorized Signature of Shipper / Agent - QUOTATION REQUEST FORM EMAIL: [email protected] FAX: 1.954.747.7048 ATTENTION: SAMMY BENSASI MAKER FAIRE BAY AREA LOGO DATE: EXHIBITOR NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT PERSON: EMAIL ADDRESS: PICK UP ADDRESS: CITY / POSTAL CODE: COUNTRY: TEL: FAX: MAKER FAIRE BAY AREA 2015 EXHIBITION NAME: Crate / No. Description DATES: Dimensions (CM or INCHES) LxWxH Value (US$) TOTAL Please attach your commercial invoice to supplement the above table for international shipments only AIR FREIGHT SERVICE OCEAN FREIGHT SERVICE SMALL PACKAGE SERVICE Yes No FREIGHT INSURANCE Yes No NOTES / REMARKS: PLEASE FILL OUT AND EMAIL or FAX EMAIL : [email protected] FAX : (954) 747.7048 / CALL : (954) 748.6874 (Max 110 lbs - 50 kg) MAY 17 - 18 Weight (KG or Temporary / Permanent LBS) INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ORDER SHIPPER PICK UP ADDRESS: COMPANY NAME : IRS/EIN # ADDRESS: CITY /STATE: ZIP CONTACT: TEL: FAX: PICK UP DATE: LOCK PICK UP TIME: YES NO EXPORT LICENSE YES NO PERMANENT TEMPORARY DELIVERY: EVENT NAME: MAKER FAIRE BAY AREA 2015 EXHIBITOR/BOOTH NAME: PIECES: HALL /STAND WEIGHT (LBS) VALUE (FOB) US$ BILLING PARTY: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/ STATE: ZIP P. O. # EMAIL: METHOD OF PAYMENT : REFERENCE # TEL: FAX: CHECK / WIRE CC NO.: AMEX EXP. DATE: VISA NAME ON CARD: MASTER CARD 3 or 4 DIGIT CODE: 2.8% Fee will apply to all credit card charges The undersigned authorizes SLI Inc. to proceed with the shipment arrangements requested for the above mentioned exhibition. SIGNATURE: DATE: PLEASE FILL OUT AND FAX (954) 747-7048 or EMAIL ([email protected]) IF ANY QUESTIONS, CALL (954) 748-6875
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