Makevention Sponsorship Prospectus

Bloomington Convention Center
302 S. College Avenue
Bloomington, IN
Makevention is where maker groups in Bloomington,
Indiana and the surrounding communities come
together to share the do-it-yourself spirit with the
general Bloomington community and each other. These
makers encompass a broad range of fields including
tech enthusiasts, artists, educators, crafters, hobbyists,
and tinkerers. What is important about the groups at
Makevention is that each has a desire to do things
themselves, to be entrepreneurs, to engage with the
objects around them, and to be active producers rather
than passive consumers.
Makevention 2014 was held at the Convention Center in
Bloomington, Indiana. Approximately 600 people
attended and 27 groups exhibited.
Activities from last year:
 Upcycling t-shirts with Discardia and the IU Creativity Lab
 Making vacuum formed molds
 Watching ball throwing FIRST robots and bowling FIRST LEGO League robots
 Knitting and crocheting with the Bloomington B’s and Blue Door Red Gate
 Talking HAM radios with Bloomington’s Amateur Radio clubs
 Electronic Jewelry
 BLaps Egg Puzzle, featured at GenCon
 And much, much more!
"Makevention is a great asset because it not only showcases the
creativity and innovation in our community, but it also shows what can
be done with a knowledge of science, technology, engineering and math
(STEM). WonderLab is very excited about this event because we strive to
bring real STEM experiences to our visitors and to promote the
development of the skills needed for kids to become the successful
scientists and engineers of tomorrow. Makevention brings this vision to
life and gets kids excited about STEM." -- Staci Radford-Vincent, Program
and Outreach Manager, WonderLab Museum of Science, Health and
Makevention was helpful to the Bloomington
community, and in particular the maker
community, in many ways. Along with the
educational benefits, attendees were informed
about ways they can get involved with making
groups in Bloomington the rest of the year.
Exhibitors promoted their groups, and many
expressed their appreciation for being able to talk
to other like-minded groups in Bloomington.
Makevention allowed for the sharing of ideas and
created new partnerships between several
exhibitors. The event was invaluable for
strengthening connections between members of
the Bloomington maker community.
In order to encourage participation, Makevention
is free to attend and the cost for exhibitors is kept
low. The majority of the costs are covered by
sponsorships and donations. The 2014 event was
sponsored by the Indiana University Pervasive
Technology Institute, the Pinnacle School and the
City of Bloomington. Several other groups gave inkind donations including the Monroe County
Public Library. The event was entirely volunteer
run and was hosted by Bloominglabs, a
makerspace in Bloomington.
Sponsorship Levels
Sponsoring Makevention - This event provides a unique opportunity for direct involvement from local business
leaders to help promote our vision of a do-it-yourself learning community, by fostering a sense of sustainability
promoting a recycle and reuse maker culture. It encourages and teaches school age children to explore not only the
creation of things, but the science and engineering behind that creation.The event will include an exhibit area where
businesses and organizations can showcase their products and services and network with attendees
Platinum / $1,000
Exhibit table in a high-trafic area throughout the one day event.
Company/Organization name on banners at Makevention site and in ads in local publications.
Acknowledgement on the conference website and printed materials.
Gold / $500
Exhibit table in a high-trafic area throughout the one day event.
Acknowledgement on the conference website and printed materials.
Silver / $250
Acknowledgement on the conference website and printed materials.
"As kids get these hands-on opportunities, all of a sudden you
start to see that they are engaged, that they are learning really
complex things, they are making the kinds of things that they've
envisioned. When everybody is gathered to do this hands-on
making, there is a sort of an electricity that goes through the
room. I'm really excited to meet others in the Bloomington
community that are excited about Makevention." -- Kylie
Peppler, Professor of Education, Indiana University Creativity
Makevention • August 29, 2015 • Bloomington Convention Center • Bloomington, IN • e-mail [email protected]