Kurt B. Richter Bloomington, IN 47403 OBJECTIVE EDUCATION WORK EXPERIENCE E‐mail: [email protected] Cell: 812‐219‐5395 Professional Development Consultant and Presenter Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. Ed.D., Instructional Systems Technology, Systemic Transformation, 2007. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK. M.Ed., Public School Administration, 1981. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. B.S., Elementary Education, 1973. Instructor (IU School of Education, IST), Bloomington, IN (2011‐Present). R541 Instructional Development and Production I ‐‐ Design Thinking. Distance education foundation class for the Instructional Systems Technology department Master’s program. Associate – Advance Innovative Education, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (2010‐Present). Consulting services provided for schools considering and engaging in 21st Century Skills Process. Post Doctoral Fellow on National Research Project (2007‐2008). Leveraging Technology to Keep America Competitive, Center for Evaluation and Educational Policy (CEEP), Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. Creation of digital networks, coordination of research efforts, implementation and coordination of internal and external communications plan including Internet presence, researcher communication, and budget supervision. I am comfortable using and exploring emerging technology and sharing technology in a challenging collaborative environment I have experience in working with governmental entities. Change Process Facilitator in Decatur Township Schools, (2002‐Present) partially funded by a Proffitt Grant, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. This consulting opportunity enabled me to engage in research and group collaboration management emphasizing a collaborative team approach. I work well and effectively in a collaborative environment as a leader, a facilitator, a consultant, or in a research role with small and large groups. Associate Instructor (IU School of Education, IST) Bloomington, IN (2001‐2004). I am recognized as an effective instructor/leader on both graduate and undergraduate levels. Instruct undergraduate students in W200: Using Computers in Education. Instruct Department of Curriculum & Instruction students through Simlab environment in M301: Teaching Laboratory. IST Senior Technology Lab Manager (IU School of Education) (2000‐2002) Bloomington, IN. Involvement with cutting edge technology used in a large variety of endeavors helps me to translate technology opportunities into user friendly formats. Implement, maintain, and manage student‐accessible technology in the IST Technology Suite for the Instructional Systems Technology department at Indiana University. Fairbanks North Star Borough School District, Fairbanks, AK (1974 – 1997). A professional development consultant knows how to balance the demands of a classroom environment and to provide leadership in the broader educational arena. Teacher‐In‐Charge – Acting Principal in the Principal’s absence Teacher –Grades 3, 5, 6, and 5/6 Combination Classroom Cooperating Teacher – Supervised Methods Students and Student Teachers Software and Hardware Beta Tester – Our district‐wide evaluation team made recommendations for purchase and development of software and hardware PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION EXPERIENCE GRANTS WORKSHOPS AND PRESENTATIONS REFERENCES NEA‐Alaska (NEA‐AK) / Fairbanks Education Association (FEA). Through my Association activities, I represented teachers contractually at the building, district, state, and national level for 24 years. I have experience as a Building Representative, a member of the bargaining team, a Teacher Rights representative, professional development standing committee chair, and as a statewide elected representative at the National Representative Assembly. A professional development consultant should have working knowledge of the professional representation issues that affect education. An experienced professional development consultant should have knowledge of grant money that is available to support the efforts of educators in a world where funding is hard to find. Successful grant money applications are listed below: Proffitt Grant, Indiana University School of Education, Bloomington, IN NCTM National Conference Representative for FNSBSD, San Diego TOYS in Chemistry and Physics. Alaska representative. FOSTER (Flight Opportunities for Science Teacher EnRichment) Teacher of Alaska, NASA Successful communication is more of an art form than a science. Given the same material, a speaker can be dynamic and inspiring or moribund and sleep‐inducing. I am comfortable and at ease with a wide range of professional situations, including professional organizations, elementary and secondary schools, post graduate coursework, and in higher education coursework. I have extensive experience working with community leaders and parent organizations. Presentations: AECT American Educational Communications Technology (AECT) Annual Conference. Subject to a juried selection process, I have made 11 research presentations on the topic of educational change between 2000 and 2009. Workshop: Professional Development for the Alaska Department of Education, Juneau, AK, Conduct Rocks and Minerals Kit consulting and training in the Northwest Arctic Borough School District for the Alaska DOE. Training and conducting demonstration teaching using kit materials in the Northwest Arctic School District. Workshop: Graphic Design, Photoshop, and Scanner: Website Construction. I have conducted this workshop in the elementary classroom, through the Alaska Department of Education and the Alaska Leadership Conference, and at Indiana University for students at the both the undergraduate and the graduate level. Workshop: TOYS in Chemistry and Physics. Conduct school workshops in the use of curriculum that uses simple toys in physics and chemistry for use in the classroom. North American Space Administration FOSTER teacher in the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District. Workshop: Alaska Writing Fellow Workshop Series on Classroom Teaching Techniques. These workshops were conducted through Alaska Department of Education and the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District. Available upon Request
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