YOU ARE INVITED TO AUSTRALIAN-EU SECURITY COOPERATION: EMERGING STRATEGIC ISSUES FRIDAY 20 MARCH 12:00pm – 4:30pm RMIT, CITY CAMPUS Pavilion 1, Level 10, RMIT Design Hub, Corner Swanston & Victoria Streets, Carlton VIC RSVP AUSTRALIAN-EU SECURITY COOPERATION: EMERGING STRATEGIC ISSUES The European Union Centre at RMIT is very pleased to partner with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the EU Centre for Shared Complex Challenges at the University of Melbourne, Global Studies at RMIT and Strategic Flashlight East Forum, Curtin University to present this Forum. It will focus on opportunities for cooperation between Australia and the European Union on security matters arising in the emerging strategic environment. [email protected] The EU Centres at RMIT andthe University of Melbourne are co-funded through a grant from the European union and their respective Universities AUSTRALIAN-EU SECURITY COOPERATION: EMERGING STRATEGIC ISSUES A Forum Hosted by the European Union Centre at RMIT, with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the EU Centre for Shared Complex Challenges at the University of Melbourne, Global Studies at RMIT and Strategic Flashlight East Forum, Curtin University AGENDA 12.00 Welcome Prof Bruce Wilson, Director, EU Centre at RMIT University Dr Wilhelm Hofmeister, Director, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Singapore 12.10 Europe’s Challenge with Ukraine Chair: Speaker: Ms Marian Schoen, Director, EU Centre for Shared, Complex Challenges Prof Dr Sven Biscop, Director, Egmont, Royal Institute for International Relations, Brussels Discussant: Dr Alexey Muraviev, Social Sciences and International Studies, Curtin University Prof Dr Sven Biscop 1.00 Lunch 1.30 Counter-Terrorism including Islamic radicalisation Chair: Speaker: Discussant: Assoc. Prof Bruno Mascitelli, President, CESAA Prof Mathieu Guidère, Professor and Director of Research, University of Toulouse. II–Le Mirail, France Dr Mark Briskey, Social Sciences and International Studies, Curtin University, Perth 2.30 Partnership between EU and Australia in security matters: challenges and missed opportunities Prof Mathieu Guidère Chair: Speaker: Prof Philomena Murray, University of Melbourne Dr May-Britt U. Stumbaum, Director, NFG Research Group, Department of Political and Social Science, Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany Discussant: Professor Joe Siracusa, Global Studies, RMIT University 3.30 Plenary Discussion Co-Chairs: Prof Bruce Wilson For more Dr Wilhelm Hofmeister information 4.00 Dr May-Britt U. Stumbaum Drinks and informal conversation
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