40 YE ARS OF F UN AND PAR T ICIPAT ION MANASOTA TRACK CLUB Serving Manatee & Sarasota Counties V OLU M E 3 3 , NU M B E R 5 M ay 2 0 1 5 INSIDE 03 President’s Perspective 04 Minutes 07 Treasurer’s Report 10 Budget Report 11 At The Races 14 Coach Tips 16 Rate the Races 18 The Hot Spot 20 Events 21 Tidbits 22 Group Runs Renew your membership online at imathlete.com/events/MTC Kim Sheffield Faces at the Races Coaching runners has been a passion with Kim I met Kim Sheffield at for some time, and in Siesta Beach in 2005 many locations around shortly after she and her the world. Kim and husband Mark settled Mark Sheffield worked in Sarasota. We were for United Parcel Service both in the parking lot (UPS), and had assigngetting ready for one ments in Singapore, of the Tuesday evening Germany, Belgium, and MTC training runs that England before finishran from the Pavillion ing off their Working area down to Turtle years with UPS at the Beach and back. Kim company’s home offices expressed an interest in in Atlanta, GA. Mark and coaching, so I put her in Kim taught elementary contact with Don Bickel, Kim Sheffield at Payne (pain) Park :) grades at international who was with the runschools at each post assigned, and coached ning program at Sarasota High School. Don after school sports (basketball, softball and knew a good thing when he and Kim met, running). Kim coached runners whenever and her coaching involvement in Sarasota she had the opportunity. Presently, Kim is was “off and running”. Later, Kim became leading track workouts at Payne Park and head running coach at Out Of Door Acadonce a month on the Booker High School emy. She left that position after two years. track. While Kim is busy with running and Her coaching is based on a lifetime of coaching, Mark is taking advantage of the competitive running at all distances. She conditions that make this a popular golfing has a marathon best of 3:01, half marathon community. He and “the girls” may be seen time was 1:20, and she excelled at shorter near the start/finish areas at MTC events. distances as well. Kim’s 800 meter time was “The girls” are Jasmine and Bayberry, two 2:17. Her mile time was 5:03 and 1500 meter black labs who in their youth were show time was 4:46 at age 39. It was in 2001 that dogs. They are now ages nine and eleven a coach convinced Kim to focus on the mile and enjoy the attention they get from people to see how fast she really was. Kim became like me who can’t resist their friendly presNational Masters Champion one year and ence. Oh, and Mark enjoys attention too! By Guy Ealey Continued on page 9 MANASOTA TRACK CLUB www.manasotatrackclub.org 1 PLEASE VIS IT OU R WE B S IT E AT: manasotatrackclub.org Webmasters: Don Marshall – [email protected] • Patti Connors – [email protected] New Balance Sarasota 1872 Stickney Point Rd. Sarasota 921-3696 newbalancesarasota.com New Balance University Park 8204 Tourist Center Drive off University Pkwy 921-3696 newbalancesarasota.com Fleet Feet Sports 711 S. Osprey Ave. Sarasota 894-3338 fleetfeetsarasota.com Fit 2 Run University Park 8123 Cooper Creek Blvd. University Park 358-5100 fit2run.com Fit 2 Run Sarasota 1400 Main St. Sarasota 364-2600 fit2run.com BOARD OF DIRECTORS Newsletter information President/Newsletter Editor Kimmy Collister-Sterns: 539-3564; [email protected] Newsletter Contributions All items to be included in the newsletter (articles, comments, race results, photos, etc.) should be submitted to the editor by the 15th of the month for inclusion in the next newsletter. Email submissions are appreciated. Please keep articles to one page – due to the high cost of printing. Longer articles will be included in the online newsletter on the track club web site. Vice President Kristy Ochsendorf: 757-589-9994; [email protected] Secretary Jan McNutt: 726-3585; [email protected] Treasurer Jackie Messmer: [email protected] Board Members Patti Brustad: 650-6828; [email protected] Jan Carpenter: 704-6228; [email protected] Chris DeLeonardo: 404-8322; [email protected] Margaret Good: [email protected] Tom Flanagan: 922-2639; [email protected] Mark Kowalski: 961-5948; [email protected] Mariale Ryff: 587-0660; [email protected] Michael Shaughnessy: 961-0154; [email protected] Cindi Wozniak: [email protected] Membership Renewals/Address Changes Jenna O’Horan: [email protected] Webmasters Don Marshall: [email protected] Patti Connors: 780-4913; [email protected] Equipment Manager Tom Flanagan: 922-2639; [email protected] Out of Town Race Results Tom Chambers: [email protected] Tom Depenbrock: 966-3383 MTC/New Balance Racing series coordinator Charlie Roediger: [email protected] Bill’s Beer Run Race Directors Kimmy Collister-Sterns: 539-3564; [email protected] Liz Moneymaker: [email protected] Scholarship Committee Chair Steve Crane: 379-6790; [email protected] Summer Beach Run coordinator Jan Carpenter: 704-6228; [email protected] 2 www.manasotatrackclub.org Race Flyers All race flyers must be approved (Contact Vice Pres.) and prepaid (mail $60 fee to MTC @ P.O. Box 5696, Sarasota, FL 34277). After approval, deliver 350 copies to Business Resource, 1626 Barber Road, Suite B, Sarasota, FL 34240 by the 15th of the month for inclusion in the next newsletter. Please make flyers 8.5” X 11”. To have your flyer included in the online version of the newsletter please email a pdf of the flyer to [email protected] Newsletter Assembly Newsletters are assembled each month at the Waldemere Fire Station at 6:00 P.M. on the FIRST WEDNESDAY of each month. Contact Candace Yelton – 485-2161 for details. Newsletter Advertising Cards or inserts must be “camera ready” and must reach the editor by the 15th of the month for inclusion in the next newsletter. Continuing ads will be inserted monthly. To place or update an ad, please contact Kimmy Collister-Sterns: [email protected] Ad RAtes: Size Business Card 1 month $15 6 months $75 1 Year $135 Quarter Page $30 $150 $270 Half Page $45 $225 $405 Full Page $60 $300 $540 Race Flyer $60 (3.675"w x 2.375"d) (3.675"w x 4.8"d) (7.5"w x 4.8”d) (7.5"w x 9.75"d) (8.5" x 11") Send payments to: MTC P.O. Box 5696, Sarasota, FL 34277 MANASOTA TRACK CLUB President’s Perspective the transformation! The picnic area looks fantastic. I cannot for the Summer Beach Runs! Well, the Pines Run to Remember marked the end of our spring racing season. I didn’t get my sub-30 5k but that’s okay. There’s always the fall! Next up was the Pine View Python 5k. It was a foggy and humid morning (check I came very close though, thanks to out the pictures on page 12 and see for Kim Sheffield’s speed workouts. (Kim is our yourself) so I didn’t expect super fast race Faces at the Races subject this month, you can times. Boy was I wrong! It was definitely read more about her on the cover.) Kim coaches a fast course … So many people had PRs speed training groups for Fleet Feet Sports. that day (Congrats Kristy and Rob)!! EveryI started training with her in January. Our group’s goal race was the Life in the Son one I talked to loved finishing on the track. 5k. My main goal was to beat my Life in Closing out the month, brings us back Selfie with Adam Bright at the pines run to remember. the Son time from last year. Which I did. to the Pines Run the Remember, our last Second goal was to do it in less than 31 race of the spring and new addition to the mins. Which I did. Streeeeeetch goal, sub-30 … Coming up: racing series. The course was really nice – flat and Not so much. May 19 mostly shady (which was good because it was a warm Fun Run morning). This too was a race with fast times! (ConI’m not bummed out. My pace has definitely New Balance Univeristy grats Chris Dellemardo on your first sub-20 5k!!) improved since last year and I know I’ll reach my stretch goal this year. I just need to put in the Coming up, we have the Fun Run and Brunch May 24 work. Signing up for these speed sessions has been on Sunday, May 24th at Maxine Barritt Park in Fun Run one of the best things I’ve ever done. Kim really & Brunch Venice. This is a free event for our members. The Maxine explained the benefits of doing different types of MTC will provide some hot breakfast/brunch Barritt Park , runs, how to do them, and at what pace. Before, Venice items, beverages (adult drinks included ☺). Potluck I was just “going out for a run.” I never thought on the rest, please bring a dish to share. Since it’s about my pace. I just did the same thing every the club’s 40th anniversary, we will have a great prize for the time. I like changing it up with these hard workouts (Ok, I runner who crosses the finish line at 00:00! We will also have may complain a little at Payne Park, but deep down I enjoy a great prize for the winner of the MTC trivia quiz (better the torture!) If you’re looking to get faster check out Coach start brushing up on your MTC facts people!) Oh, and we Kim’s tips on page 14. may have a little Bill’s Beer Run news that we might want to drop that day. Come to the Fun Run & Brunch to find out! April was one of our busiest months for races. We had three! The Mote Turtle Run started things off. And that race See ya at on the 24th! was huge. They had record numbers this year, bringing in Kimmy close to 1,000 runners. I hadn’t been out to Siesta Beach in [email protected] a while and when I got there on race day I was amazed at VALUES MATTER Janice Eakle, MD Board Certified: Medical Oncology America’s Healthiest Grocery Store® FLCancer.com MANASOTA TRACK CLUB W FM .c o M /va lu e s M at t e r 1451 1st street | downtown sarasota | 941-316-4700 www.manasotatrackclub.org 3 Welcome New members Burroughs-Lear Family John Cunningham Mars-Hubble Family Lavallee Family Jill DeGuzman Taylor Family Joel Reed Pere Family Weitzner Family Kim Livengood Claudia Cardillo Renee Miller Holmes Family Haley Murto Routh Family Carl Line Loughrey Family Nancy Henning Sally Collins Devin Beede Bob Owens Minutes of the Manasota Track Club April 1, 2015 Present: Tom Flanagan, Jan McNutt, Kim Collister-Sterns, Chris DeLeonardo, Kristy Ochsendorf, Jan Carpenter, Cindi Wozniak, Margaret Good, Jackie Messmer,Cindi Wozniak Absent: Mark Kowalski, Mariale Ryff, Patti Brustad Mike Shaughnessy Guests: John Stevenson, Dawn Wiley, Krystel Scott Meeting called to order at 6:03 pm. Kimmy made a motion to approve the minutes and Chris 2nd it. All approved. Membership Report: Kim reported that there are 698 paid memberships, 1,310 total members. Treasurer Report: Chris distributed the March report. Jan Mc motioned for approval and Tom 2nd it. All voted to approve. Upcoming Events: Turtle Run 4/4, Pine View Python 4/18, Pines Run to Remember 4/25 Race Recap: Jan C. reported all went well with Springfest with 770 runners. SARASOTA MEMORIAL URGENT CARE CENTERS Urgent medical care for you and your family by our emergency and family physicians. Urgent Care Center at Heritage Harbour 1040 River Heritage Blvd., Bradenton, FL 34212 (941) 917-6440 Urgent Care Center at University Parkway 5360 University Parkway, Sarasota, FL 34243 (941) 917-1234 Urgent Care Center at Bee Ridge 5590 Bee Ridge Road, Bldg. A, Sarasota, FL 34233 (941) 952-4950 Urgent Care Center at Stickney Point 6331 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231 (941) 917-5678 Urgent Care Center at Venice 997 N. US 41 Bypass, Venice, FL 34285 (941) 952-4250 5 LOCATIONS OPEN 7 days a week, 8 am - 8 pm smh.com/urgentcare No appointments are necessary. Most insurance plans are accepted and discounts are available for self-pay patients. 4 www.manasotatrackclub.org Request for Sanctioning: John Stevenson coach and teacher at Sarasota High is creating a 5k “Running of the Nerds” for 11/8/15. The money raised goes to the MaST science research class. Tom motioned to approve sanctioning, Chris 2nd it and all approved. Jan Mc and Cindi will be race consultants. Update: Dawn Wiley and Krystel Scott from Girls Inc. thanked MTC for their financial support and updated the board on their program. Krystel is now the leader of the Girls on the Run and they are expanding the program to other schools. MTC Budget: Tom presented the 2015 MTC budget proposed by the budget committee. Tom motioned for approval, Jackie 2nd it, all approved. MTC Scholarships: Tom motioned we allot $12,200 for the committee to give to 12 candidates: $1,000 each and 1,200 for the Finnochario Award. Other Business: Kim Hull of Flow paddleboards is organizing a kayak/paddleboard event to donate money for the MTC scholarship fund. 40th anniversary T-shirts available until 4/15. MTC tent was at Fleet Feet grand opening and 7 new members signed up. Meeting adjourned at 7:11 pm. Kim. made the motion, Chris 2nd it, and all voted to approve. Next meeting 5/6/15, Submitted by Jan McNutt MANASOTA TRACK CLUB The event is being presented by Sarasota Athletic Association, benefiting Operation Second Chance SATURDAY MAY 16TH 2015 START TIME 8:30 AM LOCATION NATHAN BENDERSON PARK 5851 NATHAN BENDERSON CIRCLE UP N MA FREE IGN DES GRO REGISTER WWW.ACTIVE.COM SRQ SUP & RUN 5K WWW.RACERSIGNUP.COM RACE DIRECTOR FELICIA COX 941-600-7135 | [email protected] MANASOTA TRACK CLUB www.manasotatrackclub.org 5 VOTED BEST LOCAL SHOE STORE THANK YOU SARASOTA AND MANATEE! PICK MOM SOMETHING PRETTY Celebrate Mom with the latest footwear and apparel for a gift that is anything but ordinary. ABOVE EXPECTATIONS. BEYOND SHOES. 941.921.3696 www.newbalancesarasota.com Join our mobile text club for exclusive offers. Text NB to 71441. 1872 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota, FL 8204 Tourist Center Dr., University Park, FL 6 www.manasotatrackclub.org MANASOTA TRACK CLUB MANASOTA TRACK CLUB - Treasurer’s ReportTrack Club, Inc. Manasota as of March 31, 2015 Date Name March 2015 Treasurer's Report As ofSplit March 31, 2015 Credit Debit Bank of Commerce Balance 13,518.35 03/04/2015 jan Carpenter 464 · Supplies 45.00 13,473.35 03/04/2015 Kim Collister 464 · Supplies 53.28 13,420.07 03/04/2015 SpringFest 430 · Donations 350.00 13,070.07 03/20/2015 Jenna Horan 481 · Postage for Membership Mailings 44.10 13,025.97 03/20/2015 First Edition Printing 402 · Newsletter Printing 562.50 12,463.47 03/20/2015 Spotlight Graphics 463 · Printing and Copying 93.00 12,370.47 03/24/2015 1,000.00 13,370.47 240 · Race Management Fees 540.00 13,910.47 03/24/2015 281 · Newsletter Inserts 240.00 14,150.47 03/24/2015 210 · Membership Income 254.99 14,405.46 03/24/2015 221 · General Donations 45.00 14,450.46 03/26/2015 210 · Membership Income 795.00 15,245.46 03/24/2015 220 · Scholarship Fund Donations Pineview 2,874.99 Savings Account (Scholarship) 1,147.88 15,245.46 10,621.11 03/06/2015 271 · Interest-Savings, Short-term CD 1.98 6,483.50 03/16/2015 271 · Interest-Savings, Short-term CD 2.02 2,518.58 03/20/2015 271 · Interest-Savings, Short-term CD 1.53 4,006.77 Total Bank of Commerce See the Running Orthopedic Doc! Adam S. Bright, M.D. Board Certified, and Board Examiner Past President, Florida Orthopedic Society Schofield, Hand, & Bright Orthopedics (941) 921-‐2600 Ultra-‐runner, Ironman Finisher www.AbrightMD.com MANASOTA TRACK CLUB 38,875.42 For Your SKIN. For Your EYES. For Your WELL-BEING. Drs. Heidi K Anderson & Paul Brannan Dermatology & Oculoplastic Consultants 5310 Clark Rd. Ste 201 | Sarasota | 941-925-3627 www.SkinEyeDocs.com www.manasotatrackclub.org 7 SAVE THE DATE! n u R Fun h c n u r B d n a 4 2 y a M , y a Sund 7:30 AM rk, 1800 a P t t i r r a B e n i Max e c i n e V , h t u o S e v i r D r o b r Haar Sharky’s on the Pier and the Dog Park/Beach) (Ne the beach. n o d n a rk a p n through the u R n u F h is K n clock. 5 • w o td n u o c a h me wit Predict your ti ! hing at 00:00 is n fi r fo e iz r a m! Great p start at 7:30 c Countdown lock will the club! y b d e id v ro p nd beverages a it u fr , s m e it re welcome! a s • Hot brunch m e it t s fa k try or brea Additional pas te frisbee! a im lt u d n a , rnament, trivia u to le o h rn o C • Questions? Contact Cindi Wozniak 284-7500 8 www.manasotatrackclub.org MANASOTA TRACK CLUB Faces at the races their club competes with other running organizations in the region. runner up the next in the mile. Kim and Mark retired well from UPS. Be looking for a series of articles that They spend winters here in Sarasota, Kim has/is writing for the MTC Newsletand during the summer months their ter. These will be available during the home is in Woodstock, VT. Yup, Kim summer issues. If you are a runner who coaches there too! Twenty miles away feels may not be reaching full potential, in New Hampshire, Kim has coached or who may be wanting to focus on high school for a number of years and a distance other than what you have been the volunteer coach for adults commonly been running, Kim Sheffield Tuesday night track (TNT) for the Upper may be able to help you establish and Valley Running Club. She is a foundreach new personal goals. ing Board member that in 2005 formed the Upper Valley Running Club, which Among lessons that Kim learned now has more than 200 members. Their when she and Mark returned to the U.S., recently promoted program is a “couch was from an Atlanta running coach, who to 5k” coaching effort to take sedentary taught “no matter what distance you individuals to involved athletes. Their run, if you want to get faster, you will Kim (left) and a friend are ready to race! membership includes runners from need to devote time weekly for speed age 25 to 75 and over. Kim says that in a small community like workouts on the track.” Kim is devoted to helping runners get Hanover, they have no trouble getting people involved in all as- faster, all ages, all distances, both locally here in Sarasota and in pects of their programs, which includes a racing series in which the Northeast. Kim says “many joys come from your feet”! Upcoming Events! For the Fit & Fashionable You! Apr. 20-25 Administrative Professional Week! Purchase a $25 gift card for only $20. Gift card valid starting April 26. Apr. 22 Happy Earth Day! Special deals! From & May 1-10 Mother’s Day Vera Bradley Offers: Soft Fringe Scarf Gift w/purchase • 25% OFF Signature Travel Styles May 4-9 Handbag Happy Hour • 4 pm - 7 pm • Every Day! RSVP at mollyssarasota.com • Refreshments Special Offers & Deals • FREE Gift with every Handbag purchase of $50 or more May 10 Happy Mother’s Day! Free Gift for You! Quality collections for women featuring Shoes • Handbags • Jewelry • Gifts 1874 Stickney Pt. Rd., Sarasota • 941-921-1221 • www.mollyssarasota.com Join our mobile text club for exclusive offers. Text MOLLY to 71441. VOTED BEST LOCAL GIFT SHOP THANK YOU SARASOTA! Next door to New Balance, just West of US 41 near South Siesta Key Bridge MANASOTA TRACK CLUB www.manasotatrackclub.org 9 Budget Report MTC Board Approves $65,800 Budget for 2015 The MTC is on very strong financial ground as a result of the continually successful Bill’s Beer Run. A finance committee consisting of Kim Collister, Chris Deleonardo, Jackie Messmer, Janie Denman and Tom Flanagan recently reviewed the club’s annual cash flow and recommended the $65,800 budget shown below. The MTC Board of Directors approved this budget proposal on Wednesday April 1st, 2015. As voted upon and approved, the club spent $5,983 more than it took in and drew down some of its cash reserves this past fiscal year (largely through increased scholarships and donations). For 2015, based on the strong reserves, the board has agreed to continue with this controlled process with an additional $3,000 in deficit spending. Cash reserves were $45,102 at the start of the fiscal year and $39,119 at the end of the fiscal period. INCOME 2014 Budget 2014 Actual 2015 Approved BBR Registrations 15,000 17,192 16,500 BBR Cash Sponsorships 11,500 16,750 14,000 Membership Dues 13,200 14,838 14,500 Miscellaneous Donations 2,150 2,241 1,500 Newsletter Ads & Inserts 850 910 900 Banquet Reservations 6,000 6,474 6,800 Race Management Fees 4,200 3,850 3,500 MTC Ultra 5,000 5,185 5,000 Investment Income 100 69 100 $58,000 $67,509$62,800 2014 Budget 2014 Actual 2015 Approved Newsletter (print & mail out) 5,800 7,513 6,400 Van (repairs, fuel & insurance) 2,500 3,454 2,500 Equipment (new, repair, rent) 2,300 1,977 1,700 Bill’s Beer Run 11,500 10,861 12,000 Community Donations 8,500 11,300 8,000 RRCA Membership 3,200 3,527 3,700 Awards Banquet 12,000 10,797 12,000 Board Operations 2,800 1,737 2,200 MTC Scholarships 6,000 12,200 7,000 Spring Social - Picnic 1,800 1,695 1,700 MTC Ultra 4,600 5,185 5,000 Membership Expenses 700 549 800 Summer Beach Runs 1,000 1,776 1,600 Fall Social – Relay Races 1,000 921 1,200 $63,700 $73,492$65,800 NET Cashflow (-$5,700) EXPENSES (-$5,983) (-$3,000) Please direct any questions about the club’s finances to: Tom Flanagan - [email protected] 10 www.manasotatrackclub.org MANASOTA TRACK CLUB At the races Mote Run for the Turtles Siesta Key, April 4, 2015 MANASOTA TRACK CLUB By Kimmy Collister-Sterns www.manasotatrackclub.org 11 At the races Pine View Python 5k Osprey, April 18, 2015 12 By Kimmy Collister-Sterns www.manasotatrackclub.org MANASOTA TRACK CLUB At the races The pines run to remember 5k Sarasota, April 25, 2015 Photos by Kimmy Collister-Sterns & Jackie Messmer For more photos go to manasotatrackclub.org/photos MANASOTA TRACK CLUB www.manasotatrackclub.org 13 Coach Tips Running Fast Means Training Fast By Kim Sheffield Track Etiquette It’s pretty much simply put, if you want to run faster then you must put some hard efforts into your training. Doing ‘track’ workouts doesn’t mean you must be fast to do this type of training. There are many types of ‘interval’ training. Long intervals (800’s, 1200’s, 1600’s) and shorter intervals (200’s and 400’s) – are just an example. The longer intervals are great for building stamina; the shorter intervals are great for building speed. I use distances relating to a 400m track. Very simple to calculate pace and time and distance. I read this article a while back, called, “Train Like a Miler”….it said that if you work on the shorter stuff, faster than 5k pace, you will improve your race times. Our heart works very hard during these interval workouts. It works on moving the blood more efficiently throughout the body. And at the same time, our body is learning how to buffer the lactic build up going on in our muscle cells. When we do interval training we are training the cardiovascular and neuromuscular systems. Cardio is working on the amount of blood pumped to where it needs to go, and the force in which it is pumped. You also are strengthening the left side of the heart – developing that muscle to be stronger as it pumps the blood. We engage our fast twitch muscle fibers when we train fast. We send a message to the brain to pump the heart faster, get the blood to our muscles to make them work harder and to take us where we need to go faster. (very simple terms). When we run fast, we hopefully run efficiently and economically. This makes us run with more force and power and we can hopefully, maintain this strength of working out….longer. Intervals…repetitions…however you 14 www.manasotatrackclub.org I thought it would be appropriate to inform folks who may have forgotten about track etiquette or to inform folks who do not understand “track rules”. So, first of all, some distances to know - a normal track is 400m. That is ¼ of a mile. want to call them are lengths of time/ distance of running hard combined with a specific time to recover before setting off to do it again…and again…and again. I like working on the track when it comes to interval training b/c I like to know exactly how long I’m running compared to the time I running it in. Everything is exact on a track. But you can easily do intervals on a flat stretch of road, field, even hills are considered interval training. As long as you’re getting that heart rate up past 85% effort of your Vo2Max. My favorite workout when training for the mile was 9-12x300m at mile race pace (5min.), with 100m walk recovery. That’s fast. Knowing I could do 2700m to 3600m at mile race pace with short recovery, was just the confidence I needed in those important track races. 8x800m at 5k pace was a good workout when I was training for a marathon. You won’t use too much speed in the marathon (2.5% is anaerobic), but you still need to develop all aspects of your running. Not just endurance. Running some 400’s for a marathon will keep you strong that last mile of the race. Looking at Olympians’race times from the 800-1/2 marathon, their last 400m are around 52 seconds. So…. Keep that in mind when training. ☺ The straightaways are 100m, the curves are 100m, Two straights and Two curves equal 400m. 200m is a curve and a straightaway and it’s half the track. If you run two laps, then you’ve run 800m, or a ½ mile. (pretty high level math going on). 4 laps (4x around the track) is a 1600m – which is 9m approximately short of a TRUE MILE. High school track athletes run the 1600m, or the 1500m depending on which part of the country they live. Every once in a while you will see the Mile offered. This is the true deal – the MILE. Now a days, it’s the 1500m (at college and elite level races). But the Mile was the real race before the metric system took over. Some etiquette: When you are on the track and you’re warming up, it’s best to run your warm up: 1) In the outer lanes 2) Opposite direction 3) Or even off the track, out on road. When you are running your workout: The faster runners run in lane 1. If you happen to be in lane one, working hard, but you hear the pitter patter and heavy breathing coming up from behind, then you move over to the RIGHT. Let the faster runners pass you on your left – the inside lane. (just like driving a car). If you don’t hear the faster runners coming, then just stay put, they’ll work around you. You may hear the words “Track!” This is normal. And it is the key word informing you to move to the right - allow the faster runners to go by without having them change their effort and their pace as they pass. When you run a workout, and you are in a fairly large group, like 6 or so runners, try not to use up 3 lanes wide. Tuck in to 1-2 lanes. Have two people lead the pace for the first interval, then switch. Take turns leading so you know what it’s like to run a certain pace. If you go out too fast and you’re leading, the gang will surely tell you! Not only is it a good way to learn pacing, it’s a good way to block the wind for your fellow runners. Always trying to help, aren’t we? Besides, that outside runner who is 3-4 deep across is running more distance than the person in lane 1. Be careful not to trip your fellow runner by running so close on their heels. I tell runners to” back off “ from me – give me space if I feel they’re too close. I’ve been clipped too many times; I am guilty of tripping others too. I tripped a gal in a national master’s race once. Boy, did I feel awful afterwards. You live and learn. MANASOTA TRACK CLUB ),71(6648(67 3+<6,&$/7+(5$3< All Lower Extremity Injuries Runner Specific Therapy Running Analysis Priority Scheduling for MTC Members Most insurances accepted Start the New Year on the right foot! Come get the treatment and advice you need to successfully attack that resolution to become awesome. Our therapists are runners too, so let us help you get back on the road! https://www.facebook.com/FitnessQuestPhysicalTherapy www.fitnessquestpt.com 1705 S. Osprey Ave. Sarasota, FL 34239 Fit2RunMTC.May15.pdf 1 4/17/15 Phone: (941)957-3279 8:38 PM C M Y CM MY Fun2Run CY FOR THE RUN OF IT CMY Fun2Run FOR THE RUN OF IT K UNIVERSITY PARK Thursdays at 6:30pm www.fit2run.com MANASOTA TRACK CLUB DOWNTOWN SARASOTA Tuesdays at 6:30 pm Downtown Sarasota’s Fun2Run will be temporarily switching to Mondays during June/July/August to support the MTC Summer Beach Runs. www.manasotatrackclub.org 15 Rate the races By Terry Deshaies The 10k medals were much bigger and nicer than the 5k medals. Someone with dyslexia must’ve ordered the 5k medals, because they were “Dog” tags ☺ and 4th thru 6th got ribbons with the event name on them. I rate the races based on 4 criteria: organization, the course, awards and post race party. Anyone who would like to comment about a race can email me directly at [email protected]. Life in the Son 5k and 10k: This race takes place at the First Christian Church on Clark Road, so In the name of the Fastest, the Slowest and the Hilly Ground, it’s time to rate the Life in the Son… can I get an Amen!! The post-race party was once again filled with sinful delights!! They had; hot dogs, pulled pork sandwiches, pasta salad, homemade brownies and chocolate chip cookies, M&M cookies, cupcakes, muffins, sliced oranges, bagels and Holy bananas ☺ This race is extremely well organized. The parking is right in the church parking lot and the packet pickup was located in the church yard. This year they went with the tech shirt instead of the tank top from last years. I give the Life in the Son 5k and 10K a 9.8 out of 10, I would’ve given it a perfect 10, but it forever to get the results posted!! ☺ The quick 1,2,3 on upcoming races: The course was pretty much the same as in past years. You start and end in the church parking lot, then you head out Clark Rd and take a left into horse country and subdivisions you didn’t even know existed!! Luckily the roads are pretty shaded, thank goodness, and you run past some very scenic horse and cattle ranches. The 5k course was marked a bit long at 3.15 miles and I’m sure about the 10k distance as I wimped out and did the 5k ☺ Super Hero 5k: Takes place at Benderson Park, Holy new race, Batman!! The Porch Light 5k: Takes place on Siesta Beach, another new race! Fire Cracker 5k: Takes place in North Port, never done this one either...man, I have really cut back on my racing!! I must confess…I did the results for the Life in the Son race!! See you at the races ☺ The awards were nice medals for 1st thru 3rd in both races. Proud sponsor of the 2014 Bill’s Beer Run!!! Casual atmosphere! Great food! Friendly service! Hand Made 8 oz Burgers - Fresh Catch Seafood Specials the AMAZING Skillet Mac & Cheese - PEI Mussels Live Maine Steamers - Maine Lobster Roll - Fresh Salads Where the locals meet!!! 5765 Beneva Road 941.922.9663 Something sure to please every palate! Please visit our website to take a peek at our full menu! www.thecornergrillsrq.com Hours of Operation: Sunday thru Wednesday 11:00am – 10:00pm Thursday thru Saturday 11:00am – 11:00pm Locally owned and operated *** Bring in this ad and receive 10% off *** 16 www.manasotatrackclub.org MANASOTA TRACK CLUB RACINGDATES SERIES 2015 RACING SERIES 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 5 January 17 Ringling Bridge Run February 14 Scrub Jay 10k March 7 Springfest 12k March 21 Life in the Son 10k April 25 Run to Remember 5k October 10 Phillippi Shores 7k October 25 Bill’s Beer Run December 5 Jingle & Jog 5k You must OPT IN to be eligible to earn points for the 2015 racing season. You can sign up anytime of the year. Once enrolled, you will start earning points. If you don’t sign up then you do not get any points. To OPT-IN to the series www.manasotatrackclub.org Racing Series Questions? Email Charlie Roediger, 2015 New Balance/MTC Racing Series Coordinator at [email protected] Please put Racing Series Question in the email subject line. MANASOTA TRACK CLUB www.manasotatrackclub.org 17 The hot spot - What’s HOT for runners “Luxury Liner” from Asics – The New Gel Nimbus 17 technology will allow for breathability, moisture management, and is antimicrobial. By Nancy Flanagan For all the Asics shoe fans out there, get ready for the next best thing from them – the new Gel Nimbus 17 is out! I used to be an Asics-only girl years ago until a neuroma struck my right foot. I had been wearing the Gel Nimbus shoe with great success over many years until the nerve damage in my foot required a different solution. So when the new Gel Nimbus was released recently I was so taken with the appearance and the weight of the shoe that I just had to try it on – just for old times’ sake. What a pleasure! Another plus is the gender-specific cushioning feature built into the shoe for women. The women’s models feature a lower-density top layer in the midsole, which allows female athletes to better enjoy the benefits of midsole compression. 3mm of additional height on the women’s models helps to relieve Achilles tension as well. What a bonus! As Asics says about this shoe – “It is a little bit more revolution than evolution” in this new version. They took some serious weight out of the shoe for starters. It comes in at 8.8 oz. And with a nearly seamless upper called the FluidFit upper, it feels like a runner’s dream. When I put this shoe on my right foot, I immediately felt seduced by the high level of cushioning and the glove-like fit of the shoe. It has a sock-like feel to it and I could instantly imagine myself running in this shoe. There should be no irritation or friction caused by this seamless upper construction no matter how many miles you are out for. Of course, due to the ultimate cushioning this shoe may not be as responsive on the roads, but I think my foot is going to love it. In terms of shoe structure, part of the revolution of the shoe is that the gel pods are now all one piece in the forefoot. The extended Rearfoot and Forefoot Gel Cushioning system should definitely give the runner a plush and luxurious ride. Additionally, the new top-ofthe-line ComforDry X-40 Sockline sits on top of the new full length ComforDry lasting for the super cushiony feel of running on air. This As for the aesthetics of the shoe, that, too, is impressive. Although the women’s model comes in 6 colors, my personal favorite is the Deep Blue/White/Hot Pink combination with the Lightning/White/Hot Pink being my next favorite selection. For Men, there are also 6 colors. In this one, my personal favorite would have to be the Carbon/White/ Black combination since it is reminiscent of Ohio State’s scarlet and gray colors! Second choice would be Lightning/Black/Flash Yellow. This shoe has a 10mm drop for men and a 13mm drop for women and sells for $150.00. For anyone that has a neuroma and/or other nerve problems in their feet, I would seriously suggest you give this shoe a spin. You might just find yourself doing a long run on a test drive and not even realizing it! Nancy is a local runner/MTC member who LOVES performance apparel with a flare. She is the Apparel Buyer for Fleet Feet Sports Sarasota. She has expanded the apparel offerings at FFSS to now include 18 different women’s and men’s brands ranging from Brooks, Nike, Adidas, and Saucony to Lole, lucy, SkirtSports and UnderArmour - and everthing in between for performance running, active lifestyle, yoga, and walking. Build muscle 50% faster than other forms of exercise. The Best 20 Minutes A Week You’ll Ever Spend. #VJMENVTDMFGBTUFSUIBOPUIFSGPSNTPGFYFSDJTFBOECVSONPSFGBU #VJMEDBSEJPWBTDVMBS¾UOFTTXJUIPVUBFSPCJDFYFSDJTF $FSUJ¾FEQFSTPOBMUSBJOFSTHVJEFZPV 4QFDJBMJ[FEUSBJOJOHFRVJQNFOU 5IFTXFBUMFTTXPSLPVUDPNFBTZPVBSF /PBOOVBMDPOUSBDUTPSNFNCFSTIJQT 941-361-1000 1819 Main Street, Suite 110 Downtown-Sarasota 941-309-8989 6257 Lake Osprey Drive Lakewood Ranch Sarasota Changing the Way You Look at Exercise...Forever! ® www.20minutestofitness.com 18 www.manasotatrackclub.org MANASOTA TRACK CLUB Artistically crafting world class beers, inspired by our passion, integrity, and the history of our home town. Tasting Room Hours: Monday - Saturday 2pm to 10pm Sunday 12pm to 8pm 6111 Porter Way, Sarasota, FL 34232 • 1.800.590.Bigtop MANASOTA TRACK CLUB www.manasotatrackclub.org 19 A proud sponsor and member of the Manasota Track Club for years! Thank you for your continued support and referrals. Thinking about selling? Give me a call for a FREE market analysis of your property. LINDA M. DRIGGS CLHMS, REALTOR® 941.374.2920 1801 Main Street, Sarasota, Florida 34236 Kimmy Collister-Sterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539-3564 May 24th Fun Run & Brunch Cindi Wozniak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284-7500 June-August Summer beach runs Jan Carpenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-6228 Nancy Flanagan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 922-2639 June 25th LECTURE: Core Values June 27th Walter White’s Birthday BAsh Dave siegwald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .356-6470 September 24th LECTURE: Picture Perfect Posture Dave Ochsendorf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870-5811 Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker May 19th MTC Group Run @ New Blance University Dave Ochsendorf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870-5811 Celebrating 20 years as a top agent with Michael Saunders & Company and #1 Top Producing Agent in the #1 office, Main Street, 2003, 2011 and 2012! [email protected] www.luxurysarasotaestates.com Events FIVE STAR BEST IN CLIENT SATISFACTION REAL ESTATE AGENT SARASOTA MAGAZINE If your property is currently listed with another broker please do not consider this a solicitation October 3rd MTC Team Challenge & Picnic Tom Flanagan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 922-2639 October 10th Phillippi Shores 7k Tom Flanagan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 922-2639 October 25th 27th annual Bill’s beer run Tom Flanagan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 922-2639 November 8th Running of the nerds 5k Cindi Wozniak & Jan McNutt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284-7500 November 26th Toy/Pie Run Dave siegwald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .356-6470 Tim & Anne Marie Paradiso Cell: (941) 416-0443 (941) 416-3750 [email protected] [email protected] Tim & Anne Marie Paradiso Cell: (941) 416-0443 (941) 416-3750 [email protected] [email protected] NEXT MTC BOARD MEETING & NEWSLETTER ASSEMBLY Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Tim & Anne Marie Paradiso Cell: (941) 416-0443 (941) 416-3750 [email protected] [email protected] Next MTC Board meeting will be held at the Tim & Anne Marie Paradiso Fire Station, located one block east of US 41 on Cell: (941) 416-0443 (941) 416-3750 Waldemere Street (east of Sarasota Memorial Hospital). [email protected] The Meeting will begin at 6:00 P.M. [email protected] Newsletter assembly occurs at the same location and time on Wednesday, June 3, 2015. 20 www.manasotatrackclub.org MANASOTA TRACK CLUB Tidbits Save the date! June 27th Walter White’s 90th Birthday Bash There will be a run and brunch at O’Leary’s on June 27th to celebrate Walter White’s 90th birthday. The run will start at 7:30 (or earlier or later depending on how many miles you want to do). After your run, head back to O’Leary’s … schmoozing, bagels, barbecue and beer will be in abundance. Please bring a dish to share. All are invited. Let’s help push Walter into a new age group. Bill’s Beer Run registration will go live on June 1st for MTC members. An email will be sent out in May with details on how to register. Please make sure your MTC membership is up to date and that we have a current email adddress for you in our database. If you’ve been receiving emails from us, your email address is fine. If you have not received any emails from us, then we may not have your email address on file or the email address that we have is incorrect. Contact Jenna O’Horan at [email protected] to update your information. Limited Edition MTC Shirts & Singlets! Pick UP your shirt at the Fun Run & Brunch on Sunday, May 24th! Volunteers Needed For the May Fun Run & Brunch on Sunday, May 24th. • A few volunteers are needed to be course monitors We also need Summer Beach Run volunteers. • To help man the registration table • To hand out ice pops If would like to help out please contact Kimmy Collister-Sterns at 941-539-3564 or email: [email protected] MANASOTA TRACK CLUB www.manasotatrackclub.org 21 Group Runs SARASOTA AREA TRAINING & Group RUNS Mondays Thursdays 6:00 am 5:30 AM Downtown Venice. This group meets at Centennial Park near the public restrooms and Gazebo. Runners of all ages and abilities are welcome. Runs are over by 7:00 am. Distances and running pace vary based on one’s ability. For more info call Tuula at 488-5688. This group meets at the parking lot on the north side of Publix at the Landings. Run from 5 - 8 miles...and plan laugh a bit too. This group has been known to visit Einstein Bagels afterwards. Info, call Linda at 374-2920. 6:00 PM 6:30 AM Run Day Monday FUN RUN * FREE. All levels of runners and walkers welcome. Meet at Fleet Feet Sports 711 S. Osprey Ave., Sarasota. Across from P.F. Chang’s and next to Word of Mouth. Neighborhood Routes Vary. All finishers receive water and refreshments. Prizes and Give Aways Every Week. Call 8943338 for more info. Be the Movement! New Balance inMotion track sessions with Team New Balance member and Coach Holly Johnson. Varied hill repeats and road speed workouts are designed to complement each runner’s existing training plans and/ or learn more about how to improve speed and mental strength based on current and individual fitness levels. $15/session or 5 sessions for $50. More information: www.imagica.us/inmotion or call Holly at 350-9615 Tuesdays 6:00 PM 5:30 am This group meets at the parking lot in front of the Granary at Stickney Point Rd. near the intersection of US 41 in Sarasota. the course goes to the Pavilion at Siesta Key Beach and back (approx. 5 miles) Info, call Linda at 374-2920. 6:00 pm Find Your Fast Speed Training. Speed training teaching “pace” and gives you manageable increments to hold that pace. Helps to teach proper running form which will make you a more efficient runner. Call 894-3338 or email Coach Whitney at [email protected] for more info. Fleet Feet Sports Sarasota, 711 S. Osprey Ave., Sarasota. 6:00 pm A great evening gathering for runners of all abilities. The group meets at Siesta Key Beach in the South parking lot. The long course is out to Turtle Beach and back (approx. 8 miles) but many run shorter distances. Info call Janet at 374-1002. 6:30 pm Fit2Run Running Group. We meet at our Downtown Sarasota store on Main Street for a fun run and all levels are welcomed. Wednesdays 6:00 am Downtown Venice. This group meets at Centennial Park near the public restrooms and Gazebo. Runners of all ages and abilities are welcome. Runs are over by 7:00 am. Distances and running pace vary based on one’s ability. For more info call Tuula at 488-5688. 6:00 Pm Mr. Beery’s Hump Day 5K - Every Wednesday. All levels of runners meet at Mr. Beery’s located at 2645 Mall Drive in Gulf Gate to run 3.1 miles up Gulf Gate Drive. All finishers receive a Mr. Beery’s bottle of water and are encouraged to hang around to socialize over a beer or two. Participants can earn free Beery’s merchandise the more they participate. Contact Patti @ 650-6828 for more information. 6:00 Pm Rover Runners - We run from a different location every week, somewhere in Sarasota, and you can get a two month schedule emailed to you by contacting Buzz at [email protected]. Runs are about 50 mins, different paces, and is reported to be followed by cold beer for thirsty runners. Highly social, fun running, zymurgists. 22 www.manasotatrackclub.org NEW LOCATION! FUN & FREE BOOTCAMP FITNESS meets for one hour on the greens at Sarasota Bayfront Park, north of the playground. A beginner tointermediate class designed to strengthen your core and boost your overall level of fitness. NO FEES, follow the session or work at your own pace. Participation is voluntary. Bring a towel or mat, a set of comfortable dumbbells, hydration and a good attitude. For information, call or text Mike Shaughnessy at 961-0154. 6:15 PM Fit2Run Running Group. We meet at our University Park Store on Cooper Creek Blvd. At 6:30 PM we head out for a fun run and all levels are welcomed. Participants can win free Fit2Run merchanidise the more they participate. We have a coach on the course who will provide you tips if you need them but mostly is there to make sure you are having fun! We have water with Nuun after the runs and don’t forget why we run we have BEER COUPONS for the World of Beer!!! Please contact [email protected] for additonal information. Fridays 6:00 am Downtown Venice. This group meets at Centennial Park near the public restrooms and Gazebo. Runners of all ages and abilities are welcome. Runs are over by 7:00 am. Distances and running pace vary based on one’s ability. For more info call Tuula at 488-5688. saturdays 5:30 - 6:00 am Saturday is a big training/long run day in Sarasota. Groups meet between 5:30-6:00 am at three basic starting points: The “Clock” building at 2900 S. Tamiami Tr., Southside School on Osprey, and The parking lot near Marina Jack’s downtown. You can find someone running just about any pace/distance at one of these spots. Afterwards, many Saturday runners join together for a “recovery” breakfast. Call Sharon at 321-1218. 7:00 am RUN ON FREE 5K Fun Runs at New Balance Sarasota, 1872 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota. June 6, July 11, Aug 1, Sept 5, Oct 3, Nov 7. FREE Register at www.newbalancesarasota.com. Click on Community/ Local Races & Events. Pre-register for a chance to win a $25 New Balance gift certificate. 8:00 am inMotion WALKING program with New Balance Sarasota, 1872 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota FREE. Register atnewbalancesarasota.com Click on Community / Local Races & Events. Or email Coach Whitney Bartlett at [email protected]. MANASOTA TRACK CLUB Manasota track club MeMbership application www.manasotatrackclub.org Name___________________________________________________________________________ Male______ Female______ Address_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________________________________ State________ Phone (home) ____________________________ (cell) ____________________________ Zip________________________ DOB ____/____/_____ Age________ Email Address (Please print clearly)_________________________________________________________________________________ i will read the monthly newsletter online, no need to snail mail me a hard copy (circle choice) YES NO Would you like to receive emails from the Mtc? (circle choice) YES NO (These emails will be about MTC events, race discounts, etc. Your email will not be given to any third party) Annual Membership expires one year from the month of enrollment. _______new Member _______ renewal _______ through high school $10 _______ individual $20 _______ Family $25 _______ General club Donation $_______________ _______ scholarship Fund $____________________ General club donations are used to support club activities. Scholarship fund aids student athletes. For Family Memberships: Name____________________________________________________ DOB___/___/___ Male ______ Female _______ Name____________________________________________________ DOB___/___/___ Male ______ Female _______ Name____________________________________________________ DOB___/___/___ Male ______ Female _______ how did you hear about the Mtc? Friend ______ Event/race ______ Online ______ Running store ______ Other _________________________________ Would you be interested in volunteering at Mtc events (circle choice) YES NO Manasota track club Membership Waiver: I know that running and volunteering to work in club races are potentially hazardous activities. I should not enter and run in club activities unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete a run. I assume all risks associated with running and volunteering to work in club races including, but not limited to: falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather, including high heat and/or humidity, the conditions of the road and traffic on the course, all such risks being known to me and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application for membership, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Manasota Track Club and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in these club activities even thought that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I grant permission to all the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of an event for any legitimate purpose. Signature____________________________________________________________________________ Date_____________________ Parent’s Signature (if under 18)_____________________________________________________________________________________ Send the signed form with check payable to: Manasota track club Attn: Membership Secretary, Jenna O’Horan, 3209 Riviera Dr. Sarasota, FL 34232 Form and Waiver must be complete for membership to be valid. siGn up online at: WWW.iMathlete.coM/events/ MtcMeMbership MANASOTA TRACK CLUB www.manasotatrackclub.org 23 NON Profit org u.s. postage paid manasota fl permit # 599 C/O President P.O. Box 5696 Sarasota, FL 34277 First Edition Printing Phone/Fax: (941) 312-6191 [email protected] ALL TYPES OF BUSINESS & PERSONAL PRINTING CUSTOMIZED FORMS • NCR • COMPUTER FORMS CHECKS • NEWSLETTERS • BW & COLOR COPIES BUSINESS CARDS • NAME TAGS • LABELS RUBBER STAMPS • VINYL LETTERING Flyers are an inexpensive way to let people know about your business!! Call today for a quote on you next project! Local pickup and delivery. MTC MEMBERS Family /Friends Tell us you saw our ad and we’ll take 15% off your order of $50 or more.
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