May Newsletter 2015 - Maranatha Free Lutheran Church

Maranatha News
“ M a k i n g d i s cip le s o f Je s u s C h ri s t wh i l e we w a i t fo r H i s r e t u rn ”
May 2015
Glyndon & Ulen MN
From Intern Pastor Jarrod Hylden...
Elise and I are so blessed to have been a part of your church family. At Maranatha God gave us “brothers and
sisters and mothers and children” (Mark 10:29). You have made this one of our favorite years ever. Thank you for your
friendship, kindness, and generosity.
Personally, I learned a great deal here and gained valuable experience. I now have more confidence in the
following areas: leading the worship service, preaching, delivering the Sacraments, visitation, funerals, meetings,
planning events, teaching confirmation, youth group, and Sunday School. Thanks for being my guinea pigs! Thanks for
teaching me, Pastor Lloyd!
I have grown close to two groups in particular: the men’s fellowship breakfast and the Ulen youth. Not once
was I excited to get up before dawn on a Saturday. But not once did I regret going to men’s breakfast. I ate like a king,
spent time in God’s Word, and made great friendships. The youth group and confirmation students in Ulen are very
special to me as well. I thank God for their growing faith in Christ and desire to live for him. Elise will miss those she
served with on Wednesdays. She will also miss the children who try to sneak extra dessert. We are both impressed with
Maranatha’s ministry to children, not only on Wednesdays but also on Sunday mornings. Keep it up! We have noticed
your loving care for one another. We have felt at home with you from the start and I know you show the same love to
visitors, new members, the sick, and the needy. I recently heard from a new member that the reason he and his wife
chose Maranatha was because of the welcoming spirit and kindness of the people. Praise God!
Some of you may have noticed my passion for Lutheran theology. During college I began reading the works of
Martin Luther and other faithful Lutherans. As the contrast between Lutheranism and popular American evangelicalism
became clear, I saw how much more Biblical and Christ-centered Lutheran teaching is. I also saw how man-centered
and dangerous American evangelicalism can be. I encourage you to intentionally spend a year learning from Lutheran
sources, in addition to the good Lutheran teaching you hear at Maranatha each Sunday morning. Check out these books
from the church library: The Spirituality of the Cross, Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions (start with Luther’s Large
Catechism!), and Martin Luther: Selections from His Writings. Elise and I enjoy listening to a podcast on iTunes called
Issues, Etc., where Lutherans teach theology and discuss current events. I heartily recommend a book (not in the library) called Good News for Anxious Christians: 10 Practical Things You Don’t Have to Do by Phillip Cary. For those
who love a good narrative, Bo Giertz’s novel, The Hammer of God, shows the distinction between Law & Gospel within three fictional stories.
As I move to South Dakota, I echo the words of St. Paul as he bid farewell to the Ephesian church, “I commend
you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those
who are sanctified” (Acts 20:32).
Thank you for everything. We will miss you very much.
In Christ,
Jarrod and Elise Hylden
Maranatha Council Meeting @ Glyndon
April 8, 2015
Present: Cliff Langerud, Brian Dahl, Brian Olek, Pastor
Quanbeck, Doyle Fevig, Bev Mondt, Del Palloch, Todd
Rasmussen, and Luci Carlson.
I. President Brian Dahl opened the meeting with scripture and
II. Luci Carlson read the minutes from the March 2015
meeting. Brian moved to accept the report/Doyle seconded.
III. Treasurers Report: Bev Mondt
a. March operating income was $25,636.51. March
expenses were $29,540.55. March shows a negative
difference of $3,904.04. March general fund balance is
$30,317.31. Lenten offerings $1953.51 & Maundy
Thursday offering together was just over $3000.00
which will be sent to Brazil missionary Jonathan Abel.
b. Del moved to accept the report/Brian seconded.
c. Bev made a motion that it is resolved that the total
compensation paid to Pastor Seth Forness for calendar
year 2015 shall be $49,633.03 of which $29,000.00 is
designated to be a housing allowance (plus utilities) and
that the designation of $29,000.00 as a housing
allowance apply to 2015 and all future years unless
otherwise provided. Cliff seconded. Motion carried.
IV. Board of Trustees: Del Palloch
a. The committee met and talked about the bus issue. Ulen
does have an interest; however, they have not met with
their trustees yet.
b. The sanctuary lights are fixed. Big thanks to Jay
Buchfink for his expertise.
c. Thank you to Melody for all the work she does to keep
the church clean.
d. The next trustee meeting is May 5th at 7p.m. All are
V. Board of Finance: Brian Olek
a. Committee is concerned about the negative balance and
is watching expenses. Expenses are in line with the
b. Discussing concerns for a visitation pastor.
c. Watch the newsletter for an article concerning the
giving trend.
VI. Board of Worship and Music: no report
VII. Board of Education: Todd Rasmussen.
a. VBS dates are July 20-24th.
b. CIA children during Lenten services took part and
were well behaved.
c. Watching on Wednesdays so children coming for
supper without a parent come after 6 p.m. This is
working well so far.
d. Last day of CIA is May 13th. Last day of Sunday school
is May 17th.
e. Working on improvements for next years CIA.
VIII. Board of Deacons: Cliff Langerud
a. Will pay Pastor Jared Hylden through May.
b. Creation Ministries International offerings came to
$1007.00. It was given to cover expenses.
c. Deacons are discussing issues concerning a visitation
d. Trying to help meet Ulen’s pulpit needs.
e. “Recharge” meeting in Fargo was attended.
Pastors Report: Pastor Quanbeck
a. Exploring another men’s video series after the survey
from the “Stepping Up” group.
b. Encouraged by Gary Bates from CMI. Talks were well
c. Lenten participation was excellent.
d. Tee shirts and sweat shirts with Maranatha logo
(approved by deacons) are for sale. Sign up sheets are
e. New member classes include ten adults. Confirmation
classes almost complete.
f. Encouraged prayer for the Ulen congregation and
calling a pastor.
Old Business: None
New Business:
- Congregational meeting will be Wednesday, June 24th at 7
p.m. Food will be served starting at 5:30 p.m.
- Next council meeting will be Wed, May 13th at 8:10 p.m.
- Bev moved the meeting adjourn/Luci seconded.
Luci Carlson, Secretary
Maranatha Council Meeting @ Ulen
President Greg Zillmer called the Council Meeting to order on
April 8th at 8:00pm.
Charlie Tom opened our meeting with prayer.
Secretary’s report was read and approved. Treasurers report
was read and approved. Duane Fuglie (Treasurer) handed out
statement with the monthly income and expenses.
▪Our Lenten offering was $1,412.00. One half will be given to
Ken Flaten and One half to Missionary Jonathan Abel in Brazil.
▪Gave a report from the parish nurse on the number of calls
made and the number of blood pressures she has taken.
▪Matt Klemetson made a motion to give each pastor a $100 gift
certificate to Chanhassen Theater for Pastor Appreciation.
Dave Schneidermann seconded the motion. Motion carried.
▪Wayne Lunder brought some information on the copy machine
donated by Gary Langerud. The service contract has been
cancelled. Bob Herzog made a motion to accept a service
contract with Reardon Office Equipment for $240 a year.
Charlie Tom seconded the motion. Motion carried.
▪Dave reported that Lloyd from Mikes Heating was back to
check on the floor heating.
▪Saturday morning, April 11, after Men’s Fellowship breakfast
is training meeting for the ushers as to their duties.
▪Mr. Buretta is to check the switch to the garbage disposal.
▪Jamie Nelson was told about the cracks in the ceiling in the
kitchen and in the dining area.
Christian Education:
▪Vacation Bible School will be July 20-24th.
▪Sunday School will be at 9:00am on April 12th and Worship
Service at10:00am because of Pastor Appreciation Sunday.
Call Committee:
▪Pastor Edwards has taken a pastoral position in another church
so we will not be extending a call to him.
▪The Call Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, April
New Business:
▪There was some discussion as to what we are going to do about
a Pastor when Intern Pastor Jarrod leaves. Glyndon Pastors
may come to preach two Sundays a month.
Wayne Lunder brought up about getting an Interim Pastor until
we are able to get a Pastor. Majority of the council agreed to try
and get an Interim Pastor.
Charlie Toms made a motion to adjourn and Harvey Dahl
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Our next meeting is May 13th at 8:00pm
Meeting adjourned.
Karen Fevig, Secretary
WMF NOTES (Women’s Missionary Federation)
Glyndon Morning WMF:
Morning WMF met at the church on April 14 with eight ladies
Pat J. led us in prayer and we sang “He’s Jesus All I Need”.
Joan P. led the Bible Study - March “Praise” and April’s
President Pat J. opened out business meeting. Secretary and
Treasurer reports were read and approved.
No Old Business:
New Business:
□ Motion was made to send $100 to district dues, seconded and
□ Motion was made to send $240 to New Life Center, seconded
and approved.
□ Motion was made to send $10 a month to the Director of
Development for a total of $120, seconded and approved.
□ Motion was made to send $50 to the General Fund, seconded
and approved.
Closed our meeting in prayer and table blessing.
Joan P. served lunch and enjoyed our fellowship.
Faithfully submitted, Joan Pake
Ulen WMF:
President Sharon led our Monday, April 20th WMF meeting at
7pm with 13 ladies present. Mary Ann opened with prayer and
led our Bible Study entitled "Encouraging Growth."
The Secretary's and Treasurer's reports were read and approved.
Old Business:
∆ One family plans to have their family confirmation dinner on
May 10th in the Fellowship Hall and they will provide their
own meal.
∆ Sharon thanked all who helped with the Easter Breakfast and
the Pastor's Appreciation Dinner.
∆ Ruth reported that the Senior quilts and banners are done and
thanked all those who worked on them.
∆ Senior Appreciation Day will be May 17th.
∆ There was some discussion on the District WMF Rally in
New Business:
∆ It was suggested that we possibly could split the women of
the church into two work groups.
∆There was a reminder of the Class Reunion to be held in
August at the time of the Turkey Barbecue and will need help
with it.
∆ EGG Day is this Friday from 10 to 9.
Motion made and second to close the meeting after which we
prayed the Lord's Prayer and sang the Table Prayer.
Debi served a delicious lunch.
Respectfully submitted by Dianne Dahl, Sec'y
Glyndon Evening WMF:
The Evening WMF met on Tuesday, April 21st at, 7PM at the
church with Victoria Mosloff, hostess.
Prayer requests were taken.
The meeting was called to order by President Kristin Quanbeck.
Secretary's report was read and approved with change of
World Mission instead of Home Missions. Treasures report was
approved as read.
Old Business:
‾WMF Spring Rally at Starbuck, MN is May 2nd.
‾Michele gave an update on the Farmer in the Dell auction and
their plans for this year.
New Business:
‾Motion was made and seconded to give $50 to the general
‾Thursday, April 23 Beth Moore rally at First Lutheran Church in
‾Due to a conflict for several members the May meeting will be
May 12th at 7PM at the church with Pat Palloch hostess and Bible
study leader.
Meeting adjourned.
Prayer requests were taken.
Bible study of Crazy Love by Francis Chan, Chapter 1 – Stop
Praying was led by Victoria. Read chapter 2 for the May
Submitted by Pat Lewis
Ladies - Looking Ahead:
June 2: Glyndon Women’s Mother-Daughter Tea @
7:00pm. Theme will be “The Palette of Life”. Bring an
old shirt to put on for planned activity.
August 28-29: Living Proof Live with Beth Moore and worship with
Travis Cottrell at the Fargodome. To see full details of this weekend go
to Carol Johnson will also be able to
answer some of your questions.
Short Term Mission Trips
Pray for Suzy and Jill Olek as they prepare to go to Russia
for one of the EEMN English Language Teaching camps, May
26 - June 15.
Pray for Andrew Quanbeck as he prepares for AFLC
Journey Mission trips to India, Uganda and Brazil as Shortterm Assistant for 9 months leaving May 28th.
Glyndon Library…
Kids  “The big book of Laugh-out-loud Jokes
for Kids” by Rob Elliott is sure to tickle your
funny bone! Q: Why did the invisible man turn
down a job offer? A: He just couldn’t see himself doing it.
Adult Non-Fiction  Gary Bates shared many insightful
things with us when he was here in March. We have his book
that was an Amazon Top 50 bestseller: “Alien Intrusion” (updated and expanded) about UFO’s and the Evolution
Adult Non-Fiction  Also by the Creation book publishers:
“Christianity for Skeptics” by Dr. Steve Kumar. Do you or
someone you know struggle with the following questions:
 Does God exist?
 Is Atheism Rational?
 Is the Bible God’s Word?
 If there is a God, why do bad things happen?
This is an easy to read, no nonsense examination of the evidence for Christian belief.
--------------------------------Confirmation at Maranatha-Glyndon, Sunday, May 3rd, 10:45am
Being confirmed are: Shelby Buchfink; Maya Bushy; Zachary
Chromey; Preston Erickson; Sidney Koehler; Cecelia Mosloff; RaeAnn
Olson; Keziah Quanbeck; Isaac Schlauderaff and Brandon Sivertson
Ethan Johnson; Alex Klevgaard; Marlysa Ladwig; Dylan Leach; Mason
Okke; Adam Olson and Olivia Rasmussen. Ulen: Andrew Austinson
and Evan Bates. Congratulations to all!!
You are invited to celebrate the graduation of Evan Bates.
Commencement Ceremony-Ulen-Hitterdal High School,
Friday, May 22, 7:00pm. Open house to follow at Evan's home.
23457 120th Ave N, Hawley, MN
Glyndon & Ulen:
Last day of Sunday School will be on Sunday, May 17h. A
special thank you to all the teachers of this past year!
May17th: Glyndon will have a pot-blessing lunch served following
the 2nd service. Ulen will serve ice cream following SS.
Summer Worship Schedule will begin on Sunday, May 24th.
Both Glyndon & Ulen will have one service at 9:00am. No Sunday
June 16-19, 2015
Conference Host & Site: Atonement Free Lutheran
Warm Beach Camps & Conference Center, Stanwood, WA
Conference theme:
Ezekiel 33:7 “A Watchman”
Registration must be done by phone or online. There is a printable form available at each location to work through and then
call it in, 360-502-3452 or go online to under
---------------------------------------Maranatha’s Vacation Bible School - July 20-24
You are invited to join Shelby Buchfink, Preston Erickson, Cecelia
Mosloff, Keziah Quanbeck and Brandon Sivertson in the fellowship
hall following the service for lunch till 2:00pm
You are invited to celebrate with Isaac Schlauderaff at his home for
lunch following the service, 7443 170th St S, Barnesville.
You are invited to celebrate with Sidney Koehler at his home, 1238
5th St N, Fargo, from 2:00 - 4:00pm.
Confirmation at Maranatha-Ulen, Sunday, May 10th, 9:00am
Being confirmed are:
Aubrey Hamernik; Noah Klemetson and Christopher Nelson
Glyndon CIA & Friendship Club will have their final class on
Wednesday, May 13th.
Sunday, May 17th at Glyndon we will welcome New Members:
Yvonne Anderson; Allan & Natalia Dahl, EmmaLee, Jesse, Ella, Mya,
Craig and Levi; Jeff & Nikki Ehrichs, Addie; Amanda Larson; Jim &
Mary Rolf; Clayton Smeltzer, Jakobe.
Senior Recognition Sunday will be May 17th at both churches
(9:00 at Ulen &10:45 service at Glyndon) High School Graduates are:
Glyndon: Kelsey Casler; Kara Davis; Nathan DeJong; Trent Dufault;
--------------------------------------To my church family - We've been overwhelmed with all the
cards, food, flowers, calls, visits, etc.
from many of you during my surgeries
and recovery. God is answering your
prayers for healing - He is sooo awesome! In Luke 6:38, we're told "Give,
and it will be given to you. A good
measure, pressed down, shaken together
and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the
measure you use, it will be measured to you." May you each
be blessed for blessing us - we thank you from the bottom of
our hearts Anne Manderud
Wednesday evenings: 7:00pm - Bible Study and Fellowship
Sunday May 17 & June 7 : Pizza Corner FLY Fundraising
Time: 2pm-8pm
Parents of those attending FLY, we ask that you set aside
these days so that your child(ren) can join us for these
fundraisers. The more we have for each day, the more money
the youth make for FLY and the less that will have to be paid by
each family. If we have 25 or less we make $7.50 and hour and
if we have 26 or more we make $8.50 an hour. If your child is
unable to attend one of these days please let me know. You are
welcome and encouraged to take their place if they are unable to
participate. The church bus will leave from Glyndon at 12:15
and return around 9:30. Supper will be provided each of these
dates, but please either send a sack lunch to be eaten on the bus
or feed your child before the departure time. A letter will be
sent out in early May giving more specific details about these
fundraising events.
Wednesday, May 27 - SaltTeens Summer Kick-off
Upcoming Event:
Sunday June 7: 2nd Pizza Corner FLY Fundraising date
Time: 2pm-8pm
June 28 - July 5: FLY Conven on (Glyndon & Ulen)
Wednesday evening Youth Group - May 13th and 27th
A BBQ will be held at Larry & Shirley Swenson’s home and
New Bible Studies will be starting in mid-May. Watch for
postcard and in bulletin announcements for the exact
dates and time.
Happy Birthday!
Lisa Jenson
Kristopher Rasmussen
Nathan DeJong
Taylor Fuhs
Mark Bekkerus
Ryan Menholt
Craig Dahl
Morgan Okke
Craig Larson
Caitlin Olek
Helmer Gaukler
Shirley Swenson
Chris Hong
Jack Olek
Leonard Wagner
Noah Ebner
Becca Buchfink
Hilda Schneidermann
Calvin Oberg
Daniel Green
Grace Toms
Linda Bekkerus
Canaan Baer
Elizabeth Goltz
May 02
May 02
May 03
May 03
May 04
May 06
May 06
May 07
May 07
May 07
May 07
May 09
May 10
May 11
May 11
May 11
May 11
May 11
May 12
May 13
May 13
May 15
May 16
May 18
Laura Scheuring
Ezekiel Nordvik
Kyle Johnson
Sara Larson
Jill Olek
Keith Carlson
Matthew Larson
Lily Olson
Dave Werth
Brad Dunham
Myrtle Hanson
Laci Chromey
Diane Rosenfeldt
Alex Klevgaard
Dawsen Johnson
Gauge Graff
Marissa John
Mollie Green
Ron Larson
Gary Langerud
Ruth Stong
Cassie Graff
Happy Anniversary!
May 19
May 19
May 20
May 20
May 21
May 21
May 22
May 22
May 23
May 23
May 24
May 25
May 26
May 26
May 26
May 26
May 26
May 27
May 28
May 28
May 30
May 31
Jim & Ardis Haarstad
May 03
Ordean & Bernadene Bentley
May 12
Blaine & Cheryl Sivertson
May 14
Ben & Nicole Nordvik
May 14
Kenton & Bonita Chromey
May 15
Todd & Rhonda Rasmussen
May 16
Matthew & Amanda Larson
May 27
--------------------------------------Thank You to all Men & Women, family and friends who
are serving our country both here at home
and in other countries.
We want to remember them with a card on
occasion so please let the office or Bev Hurner
know their addresses. Thanks!
Trent Dufault, son of Todd & Sara Dravland
Allan Fuglie, grandson of Duane & Kathy Fuglie
Andy Heisinger, husband of Tracy
Cody Jenson, son of Bob & Lisa Jenson
Luke Koerner, grandson of Roger & Sharon Wright
Jessica Myers, granddaughter of Sherman & Gerrie Payne
Luke Stensgard, grandson of Jane Williams
Jonathan Taylor, grandson of Fran Jenson
Marcus Young, John & Terrie Enlow’s niece’s husband
Shannon Zentz, Grandson-in-law of Pat Johnson
Preaching Schedule for May (may change)
Pastor Lloyd Quanbeck: 3; 24
Pastor Seth Forness: 10; 31
Intern Pastor Jarrod Hylden: 17
Pastor Luke Bernston: 3
Intern Pastor Jarrod Hylden: 10
Pastor Seth Forness: 24
Pastor Lloyd Quanbeck: 17; 31
Thursday, May 7 - 6:30 pm
Fargo Holiday Inn
3803 13th Ave S
The 64th annual National Day of Prayer, May 7, 2015. Theme for 2015 is Lord, Hear Our
Cry, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith
in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities,
and men. To further highlight the theme, I Kings 8:28 as our Scripture for this year: “Hear
the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day.”
Maranatha Free Lutheran Church - Glyndon & Ulen MN
“ M a k i n g d i s ci p le s o f Je s u s C h ri s t wh il e we w a i t fo r H i s r e t u rn ”
May 2015
WS-Worship Service
SS-Sunday School
G-Glyndon Church
U-Ulen Church
EGG-Enjoying God’s Gifts
(crafts, etc)
UFO (Unfinished Objects)
WS 8:15 am /Communion 9:00am Open
SS 9:45am
Prayer Time - G
WS 10:45am /
Communion / Confirmation
Bone Builders -U
WS 9:00am
SS 10:30am
WS 8:15 & 10:45am
SS 9:45am
9:00am Open
Prayer Time - G
Bone Builders -U
WS 9:00am/
Confirmation / Communion
SS 10:30am
17 Senior Recognition
WS 8:15 & 10:45am
SS 9:45am
Potluck lunch following
2nd service
FLY- Pizza Corner
WS 9:00am
SS 10:30am
9:00am Open
Prayer Time - G
25 Memorial
WS 9:00am
9:00am Open
Prayer Time - G
Bone Builders -U
WS 9:00am
6:30am Men’s
Bible Study-U
Morning WMF at
6:00pm Finance
Board meet-G
5:00-6:30pm Supper- G
5:45pm Confirmation-U
7:00pm Catechization -U
6:30-8:00pm CIA-G
6:45-8:00pm Friendship Club-G
7:00pm SaltTeens -G
7:00pm Adult Bible Study-G
8:10pm Deacon Meeting - G
9:30-10:30am Bone
Builders -U
1-4pm Quilting Day at Ulen
5:00-6:30pm Supper- G
6:30-8:00pm CIA-G
6:45-8:00pm Friendship Club-G
7:00pm SaltTeens -G
7:00pm Youth Group - U
6:30am Men’s
Bible Study-U
7:00am Men’s
Fellowship Bkft-G
6:30pm National
Day of Prayer Fargo Holiday Inn
9:30-10:30am Bone
Builders -U
6:30am Men’s
Bible Study-U
Fellowship Bkft-G
7:00pm Evening
7:00pm Adult Bible Study-B
8:00pm Ulen Church Council
8:10pm Glyndon Church Council
7:00pm SaltTeens -G
7:00pm Adult Bible Study-B
9:30-10:30am Bone
Builders -U
1:00pm Quilting
at Glyndon
6:30am Men’s
Bible Study-U
Fellowship Bkft-G
7:00pm WMF at
WS 9:00am
WS 9:00am
Bone Builders -U
Fellowship Bkft-G
WMF District
Rally @
Starbuck, MN
7:00pm SaltTeens Summer
7:00pm Youth Group -U
7:00pm Adult Bible Study-B
8:15pm Youth Ministry meet -G
9:30-10:30am Bone
Builders -U
6:30am Men’s
Bible Study-U
Fellowship Bkft-G
Maranatha Free Lutheran Church
101 Foundation Ave
PO Box 94
Glyndon MN 56547-0094
Llo yd Qua nbeck, Senior Pastor
Rolf Heng, Congregational Care
Seth Forness, Youth & Young Adult
Pastor Jarrod Hylde n
Glyndon office 218.498.2808
Ulen Office 218.596.8580
Fax 218.498.2129
e mail mflc @mara natha freeluthera m
Find our web page at
and watch Ulen s Worship Service at
… “where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is freedom.” II Corinthians 3:17
Members of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations