MYOSITIS CLINICAL FEATURES OF ROGER From The clinical OSSIFICANS EIGHT R. G. G. SMITH, the Nuffield features of treatment with Early correct and because diagnosis myositis PATIENTS of eight with EHDP, remains unusual, may be mistaken THEIR myositis together mainly because for bruising, RESPONSE C. G. WOODS, of Orthopaedic patients the diphosphonate AND and RUSSELL Department PROGRESSIVA OXFORD, Surgery, ossificans with TO ENGLAND University progressiva surgical TREATMENT of Oxford are described removal of ectopic the significance ofthe sarcoma or mumps. and the effects bone, assessed. are short great toes is unrecognised, The diphosphonate disodium etidronate (EHDP) was given to all patients in an attempt to suppress calcification of new lesions; in five of them ectopic bone was removed during the treatment. EHDP sometimes delayed the mineralisation of newly formed bone matrix after surgical removal but this delay could not be predicted. The variable effect of EHDP may depend Myositis ossificans dysplasia ossificans dominantly It also known is a rare is characterised particularly of the ossification mainly in (Lutwak 1964; Illingworth It produces people paper a catastrophic for which summarises of eight patients diphosphonate the toes (EHDP), and an illness from the region increased allowed of the left elbow passive the patient formation. flexion to feed from herself 5 by Mr J. Cockin, to 35 degrees and again. and in young and the effect ethane-l-hydroxy-l, inhibitor Fleisch which of new bone treatment. This and treatment ossificans disodium 1-diphosphonate removed skeletal fingers, and on the activity connective tissue of 1971 ; McKusick 1972). effective features myositis (Francis, and absorbed as fibrodisorder, by crippling is no clinical with Russell the and there the of on the amount progressiva, progressiva, inherited. abnormalities, ectopic muscle particularly 1969; of calcification Russell and Smith 1973). PATIENTS The clinical features are summarised the eight patients had characteristic The malities. plasma alkaline phosphatase were normal for age ment in all cases. calcium, inorganic The diphosphonate. was demonstrated precise referring I. All of abnor- phosphate, and urinary total hydroxyproline at the start of diphosphonate treateffects of treatment Table II and amplified in the text phosphate showed the expected with this in Table phalangeal are shown in where necessary. Plasma increase on treatment The term ossflcation is used where histologically; otherwise the less term calcjfication to radiographic is employed, appearances. particularly when 1-A The CASE Cases Smith, 1 and 2 have been briefly Bishop, Price and Squire 1-In treatment Case day). After was removed recalcification, Dr Dr Dr 48 excess central REPORTS described elsewhere (Russell, 1972). 1970 this severely affected woman (Fig. 1) began with oral EHDP (20 milligrams per kilogram per five weeks from and ectopic the right a larger bone calf. piece l#{149}5 centimetres Radiographs of bone in length showed was therefore no I FIG. Case radiograph of the thorax showing skeletal ossification. excised bone osteoid. vacuolation There showed little was patchy and shrinkage extensive cellular activity atrophy of fibres. of extra- and no muscle, with The range of movement did not decrease and after five months there was no evidence of recalcification. She died of pneumonia in January 1971. Post-mortem-Histology showed the cancellous bone of the vertebrae and iliac crests to be grossly osteoporotic; osteoid, present consisted on just of only a small one part or of the lamellae two Roger Smith, F.R.C.P., Consultant Physician, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Headington, Oxford 0X3 R. G. G. Russell, M.R.C.P., Medical Research Fellow, St Peter’s College, Oxford, England. C. G. Woods, F.R.C.Path., Consultant Pathologist, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Headington, Oxford THE JOURNAL OF BONE available bone (Paterson, 7LD, OX3 AND surface, Woods England. 7LD, JOINT England. SURGERY and r4YOSITIS OSSIFICANS PROGRESSIVA 49 time of sampling. Microscopic areas of fibre bone, only a proportion of which was calcified, were seen in the scar tissue at the site of operation. Material like cartilage was also found alongside some of the bone, and plump osteoblasts were present in some of the surfaces. Case 2-In 1962 C. (Professor sunlight in an 1963 a series patient Dent) attempt was and to of operations and occurred after the left attempts hip In April again 1970 EHDP on a vitamin delay ectopic with from D-free to keep began were and put instructed the right foot; recalcification the operation was repeated from of this F. diet away from mineralisation. removal In of a bony bar occurred after three months in 1964. In 1965 recalcification made to remove bone in front the foot. was begun in a daily dose of 200 milligrams cellular absence later three (body weight 51 kilograms). This was increased milligrams after four months, and then to 1,000 milliin September 1970, a week before ectopic bone was from the right foot. Histologically this showed little activity and no excess osteoid (see Table II). The of significant calcification in this region six months has been reported previously (Russell ci’ a!. 1972), and years after the removal of bone only slight recalcification was visible to 400 grams removed continued FIG. 2 appearance 1971. The Case 2-The histological the right biceps in April structure and alised interstitial Morgan there 1968). is an fibrosis There no cellular evidence from loss of of Elsewhere, increased 3 FIG. 2. Figure October 3-A 1971 FIG. radiograph showing the taken extent of bone in July 1971 showing removed ten days the extent VOL. 7 58-B, No. I. FEBRUARY 976 radiograph. milligrams The a day dose until of May EHDP 1972 and was then however, calcification or recalcification after operation occurred. In March 1971 there was an active area of myositis in the right biceps, attributed to trauma, but no radiological evidence of calcification. Biopsy about a month after the onset of pain and swelling showed loss of striation and disintegration of the sarcoplasm, small collections of round cells and extensive fibrosis of interstitial tissue (Fig. 2). Early calcification was seen on the radiograph three months later in July 1971. Subsequently, because there was no evidence of calcification at the site of the operation on the foot, an attempt was made by Mr J. Cockin to remove the bar of bone in front Generand eosin, resorption or formation. A block of tissue was removed from the region of the operation on the left elbow; the ectopic bone in the muscle was of two types. Lamellar bone, away from the operation site, contained much osteoid, in some places five or six Iamellae wide, but the cellular appearance did not suggest excessive rates of deposition or of resorption at the Case the reduced. of muscle removed muscle fibres show area of round-cell infiltration. is present. (Haematoxylin ..‘ 170.) was on at 1,000 4 ectopic previously. FIG. bone in front Figure of the calcification. of the left hip. 5-A radiograph 5 Figure 4-A radiograph taken in February 1974 taken showing in 50 R. SMITH, R. G. G. RUSSELL AND TABLE CLINICAL Age Case number I Date of Sex birth F March F I OF THE EIGHT PATIENTS Operation of Unusual features 5 years. Treatments EHDP - 3 years. Low - Swelling hack on it. D diet. Avoidance sunlight. of head. Progressive Results of of operation bone Swelling on hack of neck 1947 for removal myositis August Ci. WOODS mode of onset 1936 2 and DF1AILs C. plus EHDP Comments Two. Recalcification Grossly Also extraction of teeth delayed patient. Several Recalcification except of for removed EHDP bone M September 1953 2 years. Lumps on back and 4 5 F F Initial diagnosis ofsarcoma from 2 years. 1954 Lump on of head Several Extensive geal back phalan-, deformity. Mentally Low Low clinical progressive Response gery varied Recalcification delayed Some episodes of myositis considered to surwith Site to be due to trauma vit. D diet. - EHDP - Main foot retarded 1 .1 years. Stiff neck improve- in function stiffness. EHDP neck May September 1951 Radiotherapy. Steroids. Useful ment feature stiffness 3 disabled vit. Recalcification One D diet. Possible increase mobility EHDP while Gross disability to ossification EHDP in on due near left hip at age 20 6 M 2 October 1963 years. Lump Initial on back diagnosis congenital of neck Prednisone. hallux valgus Fixation of left hip joint. Mineralisation de- - Celltllose phosphate. Low calcium feet in metaphyses, possibly due to diet. EHDP EHDP 7 M October 2 years. 1965 Initial Lumpson ulna, limbs: tibia, humerus 8 F July 2 years. 1947 Torticollis diagnosis congenital Biopsy. EHDP hallux valgus: later, physial aclasia Bilateral valgus dia- Prednisone. - Calcification hallux operation at Progressive rigidity site of operation on toes Recalcification Several EHDP TABLE HISTOLOGY AND EFFECTS OF OPERATION II IN FIVE PATIENTS EHDP HAVING EHDP Date number Doseat time of operation Case started I 3.3.70 (mg/kg) 20 40 Type of operation Removal of ectopic right calf and right bone 21.4.70 I 7.6.70 elbow Lamellar and no excess partly with 4.4.70 20 Removal right foot 20 Biopsy muscle of right Removal of 20 of bar of bone biceps 23.9.70 Inactive 27.4.71 Active 14.4.71 20 Removal around 21.1.72 20 Removal 12.71 20 fibre osteoid No clear of recurrence evidence Ectopic hone; bone: lamellar bone excess osteoid seams ectopic bone myositis. bone from I I . 10.71 Compact and osteoclasts of bone right 8.9.71 thigh of bone quadriceps 6 osteoid. mineralised wide with no Segmental Removal of right scapula left 27.3.72 muscle Ectopic bone osteoid tip bone over to bone Compact blasts cancellous and Skeletal 5 bone disintegration No evidence recurrence of Recurrence few Recurrence of sarcoplasm left hip 3 fibrous of operation Lamellar bone with few osteoblasts, no osteoclasts, no osteoid. Post-mortem (January 1971): Skeletal bone: porotic: 2 Effect Histology Date bone with or osteoid with increased thickness of 10 lamcllae; few osteoblasts. : excess osteoid and and ectopic no osteoblasts trabecular bone with No evidence of recurrence Recurrence osteo- osteoclasts 5.72 Recurrence THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY MYOSITIS Case six 3-A weeks radiograph after resection taken in July of ectopic removed OSSI FICA NS PROGRESSI 1971 showing bone (arrowed) in ectopic September was still bone 51 VA in front of the right 1971. The sharp edge present two years later. hip. where FIGs. showing blastic FIG. VOL. 58-B, No. I. FEBRUARY 9 976 Figure that 7-A bone 7 TO has been 9 preparatioll showing thick in the bone resected in September 1971 . (Undecalcified Von neutral red, viewed under polarised light, 320.) Figure similar preparation of ectopic bone, again demonstrating osteoid. Figure 9-A histological preparation of ectopic Case 3. The appearance even activity. histological immature (Decalcified, ; hone presents haematoxylin little evidence and eosin, osteoid Kossa, 8-A thick bone of osteo170.) 52 R. SMITH, R. G. G. RUSSELL AND C. G. WOODS .. - -- --4. J.;i: FIG. Case 4. Figure 10-The 10 right hand. Figure 1 1 -Radiograph of the left hip which was fixing the joint (Fig. 3). Because the mass of ectopic bone surrounded the main neurovascular bundle, not all of it could be removed (Fig. 4) and no increase of movement was produced. The mixed compact and can- of the right Case 4-This to 12), partial retardation. hand to show the skeletal abnormalities. girl had severe skeletal abnormalities alopecia, webbing of the neck Chromosome analysis was normal. (Figs. 10 and mental In 1969 she cellous ectopic bone had a few areas ofosteoclastic resorption; no osteoblasts or osteoid were seen. Four months after operation there was no evidence of recalcification, but at seven months recalcification more dense (Fig. especially of the 5). left had begun Progressive leg, now and gradually became limitation of movement, confines this patient to a wheel-chair. Case 3-In this boy operations to remove ectopic bone began in 1963. Short courses of radiotherapy were also given and in 1969 he started to take prednisone 7.5 milligrams daily. Bone was excised from the right hamstring muscles in January 1970 and again in September 1970, with further recurrence. In April 1971 EHDP (20 milligrams per kilogram per day) was started and prednisone discontinued. In May 1971 bone was removed from the biceps on both sides, which gave increased movement. In September 1971 a considerable amount of the bone which had developed around the right hip (Fig. 6) and in the right hamstring muscles was removed, with some improvement in function. Radiographs taken in 1973 showed continued no evidence of recurrence; EHDP was same dose. Histology of the skeletal bone removed at the hip operation showed that up to half the bone surfaces were covered with osteoid, varying in thickness from two to eleven lamellae (Fig. 7); osteoblasts of active appearance were present on a small part of the osteoid surface. Ectopic bone removed from the thigh showed partly lamellar and partly woven bone, with islands of cartilage. Osteoid covered nearly all the surfaces of this ectopic bone (Fig. 8); it was up to ten lamellae thick and uncalcified present The at the only presence treatment. woven on a small of osteoid osteoid part was present. of the was attributed woven Osteoblasts surfaces were (Fig. to the diphosphonate 9). FIG. Case 4. ectopic Radiograph calcification 12 showing extensive over the left hip. began a vitamin D-free diet and regular physiotherapy; EHDP 10 milligrams per kilogram (600 milligrams) per day was started in 1970. Six months later there was said to be an increase in mobility but this was difficult to confirm. An active THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY NIYOSITIS OSSIFICANS 53 PROGRESSIVA . -: ‘e _ . ( #{149}.:- :. :‘*!t : . .; < 15 FIG. Figure 13-A radiograph in October 1972 showing further Case are taken in May 1972 showing where bone was removed in March calcification. Figure 15-A histological preparation ofthe ectopic 5. numerous active-looking osteoblasts related (Undecalcified, focus of myositis subsided without EHDP was had any appeared evidence reduced improvement to in mobility 200 osteoid plastic in the left arm of calcification. milligrams appeared to of normal embedded. and partially Subsequently daily to continue. thickness and Toluidine blue, a radiograph and the In July 1973 ofswelling showed multinucleate Figure removed 14-A radiograph in March 1972. osteoclasts in arm, which had four months the right of upper due to myositis girl became to fixation This but left this was of the less of more bone bone, partly the trabecular marked at and were tissue and five by about weeks later at the operation months (Fig. 14). of compact partly woven. osteoblasts that fibres immature were areas of In Some seen between there was a large amount bone with appositional July shoulder developed but Because of the previous dose EHDP was of twice daily. The radiographs and the October Figure 16-A of the same radiograph an episode case taken tional VOL. 58-B. No. I. FEBRUARY of of myositis. in January calcification. 1976 the right arm Figure 17-A 1973 showing increasing taken in radioaddi- bone fibrous tissue numbers of ossification active and stiffness recurrence to right surgery 800 gradually the calcification. after doubled swelling of no the milligrams resolved (Figs. mineralisation but 16 but patient of absorption supports this no clear increased, with limited the rapid evidence remineralisation of movement myositis or The dose of EHDP has varied from 800 to 1,200 daily, and a diet low in vitamin D was begun in 1972. Radiographs taken in February 1973 suggested calcification in the region of the left hip. In this lack of cartilaginous showed progressive has slowly mandible milligrams 5. and trabeculae 17). calcification. 1972 during rapid and of and atrophic and and radiographs pain surface active growth. pain temporarily revealed The disability of Case July graph swelling, there site trabecular the granulation bone 1972 and On the looked which looked like fracture callus; large osteoblasts were related to intramembranous to 30 degrees Seven osteoclasts. muscle 15). In addition (Fig. knee consisted multinucleate degenerating left mobile. remineralisation removed lamellar bone occasional 17 the site previously, hip became evidence The FIG. been rapidly left flexion hip some and ofthe improved the was 16 lacunae. disabled at the age of twenty by ectopic bone. In 1972 EHDP was started in a dose of 800 milligrams (20 milligrams per kilogram) daily and after two months ectopic bone was removed by Mr J. Cockin from the left quadriceps (Fig. 13). due FIG. resorption taken There 170.) >‘ and redness no calcification. Case 5-This 1972. bone local may be due to of EHDP. The histology of the removed idea, showing cellular activity without the 54 R. SMITH, 1I’.. Case 6-Radiographs bone after two taken years patchy of treatment thick level osteoid seen in Case of plasma phosphate being absorbed. G. RUSSELL with EHDP. The 18--A However, suggests again in May growth knee. plates Figure the moderately that some EHDP raised was boy was treated wider taken in 1972 such dense as Case metaphyses bone pain 7-This milligrams to or boy per continued plates 1974 and dense were seen show the development metaphyses (Fig. 18). the wrists and hands (Figs. 19 and 20). These appearances may be due to EHDP. This boy has had no symptoms of vitamin D deficiency rickets Similar growth and proximal was kilogram) EHDP daily progress; in myopathy. given several areas milligrams (20 his condition 400 1973 from of but myositis over the back rapidly calcified. Swellings on both sides of the neck simulated mumps. The neck and trunk became very stiff as the myositis subsided and calcification appeared. This rigidity made him more liable to accidents; on a day at the seaside he fell into a few inches of water and Case 8-This patient has is being followed elsewhere. 1971) began which appeared to prednisone, From ectopic to take increased to take to but nearly improve steroids drowned. 50 milligrams mobility; were later discontinued in 1955, daily this was after changed two years. 1960 to 1970 her condition bone was removed from changed little; in 1968 some the back. In 1972 she began EHDP 10 milligrams per kilogram daily; this was to 20 milligrams before ectopic bone was twice from near the scapula, with temporary improvement removed in movement but eventual are recurrence discussion. the natural ossificans history and progressiva possible merit treatbrief in appearance metaphyses are metacarpo-phalangeal Cause-This and been Conkling the skeletal of ectopic (Rosborough (Malter the situation. be (Letts lesion Eaton proliferation trophic the all the tissue doubt to clarify were found suggests tissue around that is with from tissue are For these we have of myositis subsequent dysSmith, evidence before that over- secondary reasons, of not to connective and because to use the established progressiva. phalangeal They muscle. exaggerated ; in contrast, continued ossificans the The striking appearance Case 2 suggests that tissue. to that the there ossification biopsy changes in this proliferation. of little and Deiss (1966) provide is intrinsically abnormal in the diagnosis. do pathology tissue and still exists, term the The of connective muscle relation pseudohypopara- in two patients of connective Zeman, Johnston the muscle tissue with 1972) consider calcification growth and McAlister 1968). (1957) twins The is likewise mysterious: reports with multiple congenital ab- is in connective a! et is undoubtedly monozygotic 1957). 1966) and of to be a wrist. disorder in ends appears 20-A Daeschner Chromosomes normal primary The abnormalities bone formation normalities there reported and thyroidism and Figure obscure. has of the growing dense, joints. is quite inherited abnormalities are present at are essential birth and are to usually followed by acute episodes of myositis and subsequent extraskeletal ossification. The abnormal big toes may be dealt with surgically as a form ofcongenital hallux valgus without recognition of their possible significance (Case 7). Erroneous diagnoses may be given for the myositis. Pain, redness, and infection ; myositis mandible of calcification. DISCUSSION diagnosis, myositis the change widened, lesions The cause, ment of WOODS Diagnosis-The been seen only once (by R. S.) and The patient (Case 2 of Illingworth cortisone G. 1974 showing 19-Four from January to June 1966 with prednisone 20 milligrams daily, later reduced to 5 milligrams daily and continued until 1971. In 1972 he was also given cellulose phosphate 5 G thrice daily and a low calcium diet. Since October 1972, and during treatment with EHDP 250 milligrams (10 milligrams per kilogram) daily, occasional transient swellings around the mandible have given an appearance similar to mumps. Comparison of radiographs of C. (Eaton, Case 6-This of the knees AND FIG.20 1972 and Figure 3. G. U in October decalcification. R. general may be may possible relation sarcoma may the most may disturbances the simulate mumps mistaken for to (Case marked aspect be prolonged 3). JOURNAL and (Cases and When of the (Case may neck bruises, (Case trauma be suggested histology THE systemic around of 6 and 7); which 2); the the soft-tissue confirmed progressive rigidity delay by is the in diagnosis 2). OF BONE AND JOINT the the stresses and apparently disorder suggest angle SURGERY MYOSITIS Natural history-We the of acute muscles. ectopic bone this often answers will agents may phates or lesion help, for The late adolescence (Case that years the crippling ossification childhood common or early in smaller must also (1964) around are For instance fixed improve the by extensive the movement may by mobility the patient, as in Case in Case that of in late spontaneous seem first radiographs, the only practical usually taken strong a sudden vigorous less rapid ectopic the and less bone limited in myositis of ectopic certain rather data which way of detecting infrequently. are after than available ossificans of forced increase in bone of old formed one matrix have been may still both and its conclude the that mineralisation Treatment aims ectopic of treatment immobility, causing and crippled. Because treatment discussed VOL. No. to are to prevent fixation of increase of our mobility ignorance by Mair I. FEBRUARY the joints (1932) 1976 in of calcium malacia, although The EHDP attempts by Lutwak (1964) at A low the striking bone. 6, has not significantly vitamin D diet possible (disodium tion elsewhere and turnover The that they on bone cells, either activity. Thus activity is a consistent patients with Smith, used disease fifty-two be delayed, been bone patients et a!. Our 1972) if not mixed feature with after been in Case that Our 3 there known, reducing of the EHDP 1974). EHDP bone of (Russell, has of active been myositis I 97 1 ; Schnakenburg surgical removal reviewed experience suggested Richelle osteoblastic et a!. 1972). (Russell prevented. ; thus et a!. Bisaz, resorp- important of of areas has (1973). is not or indirectly treated mineralisation ectopic and action additional Walton and Woods ossificans progressiva to prevent of animals Fleisch suppression histological Paget’s Preston, myositis have directly early dissolution (Fleisch, Russell, excessive bone oftheir been Such experimental Morgan, may have 1973). and and diets children is the phosphonate Smith in no osteo- calcium properties formation mechanism it is possible series and (Gasser, exact been of of low whose the has in growing in this (Russell prevent and 1972). there We have ectopic evidence effects etidronate), bone. delayed that mineralisation apatite crystals in vitro, and prevent both ectopic calcification M #{252}hlbauerand Williams 1970) has ectopic to differ histological not be disregarded. main agent used (Russell already of be bone. has been restriction as in Case also in skeletal measures have or skeletal compounds in bone may agent EDTA that dietary diet. It is also biochemical Whiteside progressive patients the many and formation and or ectopic as by mineralised it is unlikely presumably that these established bone 58-B, of a low primarily ofjoints mineralisation but improve- would tissue mobility phosphate, (Bassett et a!. I 969 ; Weiss et al. 1972) or remineralisation inevitable. The fibrous the partial of sunlight is a different approach and an attempt to produce osteomalacia in ectopic In are reduce mineralisation. reformation might mineralisation, they by unmineralised clinical, their From although restriction effects “inactive” bone. sup- they prevent produce that terms assessed, that bone, fibroblasts to unlikely of cellulose reviewed physiotherapy hitherto removal progressiva from should early remineralisation, Recurrence is probably newly fully may 4. because been bone. episode on only of either can effect in retarding Surgical removal of ectopic bone is thought to be followed inevitably by rapid recalcification at that site. The speed with which this occurs is not clearly documented, calcium The when of an elbow follow with as limited represents would is formation bone, and no evidence occur it prolonged it. Dixon, Mulligan, Nassim and that ACTH and cortisone failed could In practical neck the 2, or possibly the and by ectopic of extraskeletal to affect most fiexion appear because the this following ment that myositis, noted of acute ofectopic effects measures effective, the possibility fixed Theoretically, around may known to suppress (1954) found reossification. however of in out their be expected Stevenson to prevent 6), whereas hip bridges that years This myositis. the unlikely it seems in pointed occur More- varies affected the formation prevent of outstandingly in one of two patients treated is no clear evidence that these Early use of the calcium chelating ineffective, and there is no evidence adult life (Case 5). Ossification is unmuscles and in those of the abdomen. however joints has apparently myositis There of tendency bone variably often 7). the found (1971) just quies- 6 and (1957) in occur rate been et a!. effects can matrix. that the 2 that I , 3 and (Cases consider improvement, Case are in child- can ectopic lesions back active (Cases from body Early over that of comparative remineralise of the ossification. acute demonstrate in children variable Lutwak parts the unlikely ossification even be very sites. different as many and to patients by after or different One our is a suggestion mineralise of to be more but followed may there pathology having corticosteroids. because lRF,9mTcpolyphos it is very is thought life, 5), progression scanning none Eaton systemic of active agents is a possibility. myositis cence these empirical, However, reduced the Illingworth pression with few, bone largely successful. cortisone and how spon- mineralisation but ‘7Sr, the known subside 55 PROGRESSIVA remain could occur, but healing of milder without marked local symptoms or in adult crippling outcome relatively obtain, If condition than over to example, disturbance hood and easy not show are 2 is characteristic, healing myositis systemic to be is lesions only findings ft9mTc..EHDP. complete recurrent the radiographs not Case in it often pathological normal and swelling within the that in some episodes follows, or how Because because of the of pain it is clear formation occurs taneously. and are ignorant episodes Although OSSIFICANS by with Cases mineralisation subsequent was good of The effect Geho and I and could experience radiological 2 56 R. SMITH, evidence ofdelayed tions in Cases fication despite that EHDP disorder The other mineralisation slowed in children response agent, may of natural influenced which RUSSELL has continued active has any of the activity the disease, EHDP side in plasma tissues still and high of although improve mobility of Geho might and by this. calcification (THP) excretion, be due to age. biceps which subsequently All the patients during persons lesion was an episode that in myositis than normal, were on high and related measured after indicator to it. excreted of measurements. in Case 5 may to the EHDP is in any values obtained failure. have been in brackets high way An and were in Paget’s disease to the following who kindly referred patients he inhibition had with the (Russell conversion et a!. 1974). Therapeutic progress while the advantage in these young to us: Professor Weiss, decreased bone their patient. rapidly 6) which point to a though significantly as muscle weakness abnormal his dietary For various skeletal to treatment intake of calcium reasons it seems is a direct than effect metabolites in this disorder is likely cause remains unknown, of a relatively patients can of due to interference D to its active underlying C. E. Dent of the skeleton. be attributable of vitamin in O’Connor detected in the youngpatients(Case rather 23 values turnover in of mineralisation tissues to THP aspect the The may time. small increase be considerable. to be but in mobility (Cases 2, 4 and 6), Mr J. A. Mantle (Case Professor R. Kilpatrick (Case 8). 5), Mr T. A. English (Case 7) and and R. G. G. R. from the National (Case Trust, on may signifi- 1971 important absent. boy also a long the to be dose- the measurement were on calcifying slow April collagen be most easily and in one ofour but for EHDP in plasma C. M. Squire (Case I), Mr T. C. Howard Davies R. S. is in receipt of a grant from the Weilcome EHDP this in from fall Kirschbaum, effect is no changes THP increased Bland, Another in this There the day impressed hydroxyproline (I 97 1 ) demonstrated pain, restricted that by this. observed changes in the metaphyses normal mineralisation, of classical rickets, such bone with absorption appears of the may mineralisation he was developing increase were of signs per ir- et al. 1971; been total 3 did may hyperphospha- show Further, radioisotope effects not on effects. EHDP (Weiss of the in the progressiva produces Case 1972. Phang by there failure other some is its possible and the ectopic possible that we have milligrams growingpatient, absorption possible the and (1973). EHDP Fisher the number that low-a Similarly at the time mineralisation. which We are indebted the figure These values suggest have been particularly deficient phosphate, and effects recurrent other EHDP In only Wharton of Such 1973), suggested turnover 1974; and Case 7, 0-77 per cent, the being the percentage of the daily dose therapeutic 6 may of use It is on disorder and is less the ectopic interested prevent calcification effect evidence is no this on patients there Case 2, 1-27 per cent (three); Case 5, 0-33 per Case 6, 0-75 per cent in May 1973 and 8-25 in the urine in Case then the usual 3 showed ossificans present 93 before, negligible. is by of of treatment suggested a consistent in March how much EI-LDP has excretion is probably only if the urinary excretion months dose, even our milligrams in normal between absorption patients However, several per cent in February values in each case Mr of EHDP progressiva in some of the as follows: cent (four); signs doses and in Case myositis that cantly-from of the administered dose, and that it if taken when fasting. It is possible ossificans indirectly thigh mineralised. at present difficult to measure been absorbed because urinary clue the still active ; indeed at the of myositis in the right and after operation. It is known that the absorption is both low and variable, I and 10 per cent is probably highest an around the particularly to been Whiteside that this was of mentioning in It is known of prevent been its effect evidence to of EHDP examination characteristic EHDP it has taemia be because time there EHDP EHDP. of erroneously led us to think that result in the thigh. It is possible failure much that none removed it is worth ossification, of remineralisa- bone we have tion in the foot may have we could achieve the same could same effect Thus 5 showed that of osteoid ability Thus, and tissues skeletal doses possible phosphate different Case and thickness respective prevention from active Although dose effect, of how way of assessing the of its effect on tissues. was with because in a daily without indicator on bone could be demonstrated ; in retrospect, remineralisation was not therefore unexpected. By contrast, both on the amount of the be a further absorbed. excised bone excessive kilogram the apparent may ectopic stage WOODS Another examination of the 7). or to G. been will depend to take per be a factor; the C. related, opera- progress AND between tissues in different the amount reaching the there was a moderate increase suggesting good absorption. In Case 2 variation between also G. dosage and on intestinal absorption. of EHDP treatment in Case 7 might very milligrams by in turn to the patient 20 the variations and by duration oforal Thus the failure this down be site, be related subsequent with active myositis (Case of the patient to EHDP, disorder, by possible parts of the body, and (i. 2, 5 and 8 have been followed by recalcihigh doses, and there is little evidence has mineralising ; but R. Fund for Research in Crippling Diseases. treatment of myositis 3), REFERENCES Bassett, C. A. L., Donath, A., Macagno, ossificans. Lance!, 2. 845. Bland, J. I-I., Kirschbaum, parathyroid Dixon, T. 36-B, F., extract Mulligan, B., O’Connor, on urinary L., F., Nassim. Preisig, G. excretion R., and T., R., and Fleisch, Wharton, of connective Stevenson, H., E. tissue F. H. and Francis, M. D. (1969) Diphosphonates in the (1973) Myositis ossificans progressiva. Effect of intravenously components. Archives of Internal Medicine, 132, 209-212. 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