Treatment of Traumatic Myositis Ossificans with Acetic Acid Iontophoresis Deborah L Wieder PHYS THER. 1992; 72:133-137. The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, can be found online at: Collections This article, along with others on similar topics, appears in the following collection(s): Case Reports Electrotherapy Injuries and Conditions: Lower Extremity e-Letters To submit an e-Letter on this article, click here or click on "Submit a response" in the right-hand menu under "Responses" in the online version of this article. E-mail alerts Sign up here to receive free e-mail alerts Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Case Report Treatment of Traumatic Myositis Ossificans with Acetic Acid Iontophoresis Deborah L Wieder The purpose of this case report i s to document the treatment of a patient who had traumatic myositis ossijicans with acetic acid iontophoresis. A 16-year-old boy developed quadricepsfemoris muscle myositis oss2Jicansas a result of a springboard diving accident. A 2%acetic acid solution was administered via iontophoresis into the myositis ossijicans,followed by 8 minutes of pulsed ultrasound at 1.5 wlcm2. The treatment was performed three times per week for 3 weeks. At the conclusion of the treatments, radiographic findings indicated a 98.9% decrease in the size of the ossfied mas The patient regained full range of motion and was able to return to pain-pee activity. This case repo7-r demonstrates the potential for a therapeutic program of acetic acid iontophoresis and ultrasound in eliminating myositis ossijicans. [Wieder DL. Treatment of traumatic myositis ossz~canswith acetic acid iontophoresis. P@s Ther. 1992;72:133-13 7.1 Key Words: Acetic acids; Electrotherapy, iontophoresis;Myositis ossijicans, Ultrasound. Traumatic myositis ossificans is a reactive osseous lesion occurring in soft tissues and at times close to bone and periosteum.' It is a result of muscle injury and often reinjury.' The hemorrhagic area is organized by granulation and fibrous tissue with fibroblastic cells from the endomysium, which form broad sheets of immature fibroblasts.1 Primitive mesenchymal cells proliferate within the injured connective tissue and give rise to osteoid and chondroid formation at the periphery progressing inward.' Eventually chondrogenesis occurs, and mature lamellar bone is formed. Calcification usually appears in 2 to 3 weeks. The ossification of heterotopic bone occurs within 4 to 8 weeks.' Full matu- rity is reached by 5 to 6 months, at which time the mass may show some decrease in size or resolution. The most common sites of incidence are the anterior thigh (quadriceps femoris muscle) and the anterior arm (brachialis muscle).' Little recent literature exists regarding treatment for myositis ossificans. Traditionally, treatment for myositis ossificans has revolved primarily around controlling hemorrhage. Rest, ice, elevation, compression dressings, and immobilization are initiated with moderate to severe contusions. In addition, an anti-inflammatory agent may be prescribed.3 Heat, continuous ultrasound, massage, stretching, and DL Wieder, MS, PT, ATC, is Clinical Director, Ohio Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Inc, 25761 b r a i n Rd #302, Cleveland, OH 44070 (USA). This research was presented at the Annual Conference of the American Physical Therapy Association; June 24-28, 1990; Anaheim. Calif. exercise should be avoided initially so as not to induce further bleeding in the area.3 Immobilization is usually continued until all pain has disappeared, at which time range-of-motion maneuvers and strengthening exercises are slowly initiated.3 Alternative treatments include surgery; aspiration of the hematoma with subsequent injection of 1% lidocaine hydrochloride, anti-inflammatory steroids, and lysosomal enzymes; cold laser therapy; radiation treatments; and acetic acid iontophoresis.4'5 The literature has shown that traumatic myositis ossificans may take up to 2 years to resolve. Surgical removal of the ossified mass is often a debilitating option. Physical therapy protocols for this pathology have been argued in the literature.3-5 Because traumatic myositis ossificans is an uncommon pathology, little research has This article was submitted January 31, 1991, and was accepted August 28, 1991 52 / 133 Physical TherapyNolume 72, Number 2/February 1992 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 been completed in this area of treatment. Treatment of this condition with acetic acid iontophoresis may result in a quicker, safer return to activity and may eliminate the need for surgical removal. Iontophoresis is the introduction of topically applied, physiologically active ions through the epidermis using continuous direct current. Described initially by Le Duc in 1908, iontophoresis is based on the principle that an electrical charge will repel a similarly charged ion." The clinical use of acetic acid iontophoresis in the treatment of patients with calcium deposits was first described in 1955 by Psaki and Carroll7, and again in 1977 by Kahn8 The acetate ion found in acetic acid is negative in polarity and has been cited as effective in reducing the size of calcium deposits through the absorption of calcium.7 Prior to complete ossification, myositis ossificans usually consists of precipitates of calcium carbonate that are not soluble in normal blood pH levels? It has been postulated that the aceta.te radical replaces the carbonate radical in the insoluble calcium carbonate deposit, forming a more soluble calcium acetate, as the following equation demonstratesg: Iontophoresis would appear to be an alternative treatment to injection for introduction of the acetic acid. Because recurrent injury resulting in additional bleeding often is a precursor to th~emyositis ossificans formation,1° additional damage to tissues and resultant bleeding may occur from invasive injection by a syringe and needle. Case Report A 16-~ear-01d soccer player was referred to my clinic by his physician treatment of his quadnceps contusion." The patient history re- vealed a diving accident 3 weeks prior to referral in which he dove from a diving board onto a swimmer below. A small contusion developed on his anterior superior iliac spine; however, he continued to swim and dive for the rest of the afternoon. One week later, the patient noticed increased swelling and pain in his right lateral anterior thigh. This pain became progressively worse until the patient was unable to play soccer. During the second week postinjury, pain was increasingly present on descending stairs. The patient was able to ambulate with full weight bearing without pain, although running produced sharp pain in the lateral thigh. He could remember no other traumatic incident since the diving accident. There was no history of prior injury or illness. The patient did not recall any joint pains or muscle aches and had no complaints of sickness or fatigue. He also could not recall having taken any prescribed medications, including aspirin, since the diving accident. Examination by the physical therapist revealed that the patient had pain that restricted passive knee flexion greater than 80 degrees. The patient was able to achieve full hip ROM of 120 degrees. He had pain with isometric knee extension, but no pain with resisted hip flexion. He was able to achieve full passive knee extension, but was unable to perform an isometric quadriceps femoris muscle contraction in full extension. The patient experienced pain upon palpation of the vastus lateralis musculature, and a wellcircumscribed firm mass approximately lox 6 cm was noted. The mass was fixed, nonpulsatile, and not warm. No signs of redness or streaking around the mass were found, and the patient had a normal body temperature. The patient was then referred back to his physician with a suRgestion that the physician investigate the possibil. 'IOMED Inc, 1290 W 2320 S, Salt I.akc City, UT 84119. ity of myositis ossificans. The physician ordered anterior-posterior and lateral radiographs of the right femur, which revealed a maturing myositis ossificans located in the region of the vastus lateralis musculature (Fig. 1). Radiographic measurements revealed the mass to be 7.1 cm in length, 4.2 cm in width, and 2.1 cm in thickness. The physician hypothesized that the small anterior superior iliac spine contusion may have bled into the lateral thigh musculature, therefore contributing to the formation of the myositis ossificans. The therapist discussed treatment options for myositis ossificans with the physician. In an attempt to decrease the size and possible progression of the calcium formation, acetic acid iontophoresis was chosen to supplement the physician's prescription of rest and inactivity. The patient was treated with acetic acid iontophoresis in accordance with Sharp's protocol" for 3 weeks. Both electrode sites were thoroughly cleansed with an isopropyl alcohol wipe, and the active (negative) drug electrode was placed over the site of ossification. Three milliliters of a 2% acetic acid solution using a distilled water dilution medium was introduced into the active drug electrode. The drug electrode (IOMED model EL501*) consisted of a closed polyurethane reservoir with a semipermeable membrane and an adhesive border for fixation. The treatment area of the electrode was approximately 2.5 cm in diameter. A 4.2-cm2karaya pad was used as the dispersive electrode and was placed 8 cm distal to the active electrode. Using an iontophoresis unit (IOMED model PM6OO Phoresor Iontophoretic Drug Delivery System*),the patient was treated with 4 mA of direct current for 20 minutes, for a total of 80 a m i n , in accordance with Sharp's protocol." This treatment was followed by 8 minutes of 1.5 w/cm2 of pulsed ultrasound at a 50% duty cycle. An ultrasonic coupling gel was used as the transfer medium. Ultrasound was administered directly over the myositis ossificans site in an attempt to decrease skin irritation and to possibly further disperse the acetic Physical Therapynolume 72, Number 2February 1992 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Flgure 1 . Pretreatment x-ray f i l m of right femur ofpatient with myositis ossificans: (A) anterior-posterior uiew; (B) lateral uiew. acid throughout the injury site. Additional treatment consisted of mild passive-range-of-motion (PROM) movements within pain-free limits for 5 minutes three times a week. The patient was instructed to avoid any painful activity including stair climbing. He was instructed not to participate in any sports during the 3-week treatment period. The iontophoresis, ultrasound, and passive stretching treatment was administered on alternate days three times per week for 3 weeks. After the fifth treatment, the mass became increasingly compressible, and the patient's pain-free ROM improved to 110 degrees of knee flexion. At the conclusion of nine treatments, radiographs revealed the mass to be 2.8 cm in length, 0.3 cm in width, and 0.8 cm in thickness (Fig. 2). These results represent a 98.9% decrease in the size of the mass. The patient regained full knee ROM of 149 degrees and was able to resume playing soccer pain-free. He had no pain with any activities of daily living including running and descending stairs. A protective Orthoplastt "donut" thigh pad was then placed over the area of previous injury in an attempt to protect against future injury to the thigh musculature during athletic activity. What caused the reabsorption of the calcifying myositis ossificans in this patient is unknown. Ultrasound may have enhanced the resorption of the soluble calcium acetate. It is also questionable whether the ultrasound treatment itself played a role in the resolution of the mass. It has been inconclusively argued in the literature as to whether bone reabsorption or formation is enhanced by ultra~ound.12~13 Properly controlled studies are necessary to determine the efficacy of the individual entities of the treatment program chosen. Myositis ossificans seems to be a selflimiting disease. There is a spontaneous resolution after maturation in many cases,14but reports have shown that traumatic myositis ossificans may take u p to 2 years to resolve. Only a small percentage seem to need surgical excision; however, this is often a '~ohnson&Johnson Products, 501 George, New Bmnswick, NJ 08903 54 / 135 Physical TherapyNolume 72, Number 2/February 1992 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Flgure 2. Posttreatment x-rayjilms of right femur of patient with myositis ossijicans: (A) anterior-posterior view; (B)Lateral view. debilitating option. Possible clinical implications for acetic acid iontophoresis may include myositis ossificans, caIcific joint deposits, frozen shoulder, and heel spur formation. Summary and Conclusions As traumatic myositis ossificans is an uncommon pathology, little research has been completed in this area of treatment. This case report describes the treatment of a 16-year-oldboy with a diagnosis of posttraumatic myositis ossificans. The patient's 3-week physical therapy program consisted of a 2% acetic acid iontophoresis treatment followed by pulsed ultrasound and mild PROM movements. Following completion of the program, a 98.9% reduction in the size of the calcifying mass was demonstrated by radiographic evidence. Further studies are needed to support the use of acetic acid iontophoresis for both treatment and possible use as prevention once initial trauma has occurred. Controlled studies with acetic acid iontophoresis and myositis ossificans are necessary to establish a cause-effect relationship. Additional research, including single-subject designs, should be implemented to document the efficacy of this procedure. Acknowledgment I gratefully acknowledge Dr Wdliam Schmidt and Dr Sherill Hayes for their collaboration and encouragement. References 1 Tyler JL, Derbekyan V, Lisbona R. Early diagnosis of myositis ossificans with T099m diphosphonate imaging. Clin Nucl Med. 1984;9:460462. 2 Huss CD. Myositis ossificans of the upper arm. Am J Sports Med. 1980;8:419424. 3 Nalley J, Susan Jay M, Durant RH. Myositis ossificans in an adolescent following a spow injury.J Adolesc Health Care. 1985;6:46&462. 4 Ellis M, Frank HG. Myositis ossificans traurnatica: with special reference to the quadriceps fernoris muscle. J Trauma. 1966;6: 724738. 5 Jackson DW, Feagn JA. Quadriceps contusions in young athletes./ Bone Joint Surg [Am]. 1973;55:95-104. 6 Cummings J, Iontophoresis. In: Nelson RM, Currier DP, eds. Clinical Electrotherapy. East Norwalk, Conn: Appleton & Iange; 1987:231. 7 Psaki CG, Carroll J. Acetic acid ionization: a study to determine the absorptive effects upon calcified tendinitis of the shoulder. Phys Ther Rev. 1955;35:8447. 8 Kahn J. Acetic acid iontophoresis for calcium deposits: suggestion from the field. Phys Ther. 1977;57:65&659. Physical Therapy/ZTolume 72, Number 2February 1992 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 136/55 9 Kahn J. Principles and Practice oJElectrotherapy. New York, .W:Churchill Livingstone Inc; 1987;165. 10 Antao NA. Myositis of the hip in a professional soccer player. Am J Sports 'Wed. 1988;16:82-83. 11 Sharp N . Acetic acid: a solution for some frozen shoulders. Phoresor Forum. 1988;7(5):1. 12 Cline PD. Radiographic follow.up of ultrasound therapy in calcific bursitis: case report. Phys Ther. 1963;43:659-660. 13 Ziskin MC, Michlovitz SL. Therapeutic ultrasound. In: Michlovitz SL, ed. Thermal &en& in Rehabilitation. Philadelphia, Pa: FA Davis Co; 1986:160. 14 Thorndike A. Myositis ossificans traurnatica. JBone Joint Surg [Am/. 1940;22:315-323. Call for Reviewers Physical Therapy is currently seeking qualified individuals to serve as manuscript reviewers. 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