Parish Office Staff Parish Life Clergy Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John P. Hopkins St. Vincent DePaul Society Mike DeShaies: 302-365-5136 Deacons Tommy Watts Austin Lobo Religious Education Madeline Romano [email protected] Pastoral Associate Sr. Catherine Charles, SND [email protected] Parish Support Staff Tina Maichle [email protected] Lois Nowell [email protected] Patricia Golt [email protected] General Information [email protected] Parish Ministries Special Ministers of Holy Communion Kathy Linsner: 302-832-1488 Lectors Lynn Woerner: 302-836-5206 Altar Servers David or Lisa Carey: 738-9530 Suzanne Kirk: 302-369-6443 Cantors & Choir Tom Mucchetti: 610-220-2690 Mary Kate Newell: 302-521-7788 Knights of Columbus Rob Szczerba: 302-836-5806 Pro-Life Teri Dzik: 302-834-5590 Parent Bereavement Group Irene Felker: 302-834-8259 Jean Brady: 302-738-5126 Prayer Line Karen Kolek: 302-834-0225 ext. 108 Lectio Divina Susan Brubaker: 302-834-1671 Pastoral Counseling Sandy Cooper: 302-738-4539 Bible Study and Faith Sharing Deacon Tommy Watts: 302-834-5408 Boy Scouts Steve Williams: 302-270-1383 Cub Scouts Joe Musike 302-545-8149 Friends of St. Margaret (50 +) Sr. Catherine Charles: 302-834-0225 ex. 105 St. Margaret of Scotland Football Team Michael Klepacki: 302-229-2285 Golf Committee Mike DeShaies: 302-365-5136 Mike Ryan: 302-283-1474 Church Cleaning Group Barbara Coates: 302-838-7738 Gardening Janet and Ed Tyczkowski: 302-832-1057 Nursery / Babysitting Megan Januszka: 302-454-0112 Doughnuts / Refreshments after Mass Cindy Sparco: 302-836-0385 Welcoming Committee Trish Gerhart: 302-379-3869 Prayer Shawl Sara Moss Starkey: 302-836-4008 Barbara Coates: 302-838-7738 Margaret’s Song (guitar & choir) John and Patty Jacob: 302-388-0767 Social Justice Committee Bill Mitchell: 302-836-6006 Meg Kane-Smith: 302-836-3511 Ministry of Hospitality (Ushers) Tim Higgins: 302-836-1099 Women at the Well Janet McGehean: 302-392-2236 RCIA ( The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Michael Felker: 302-834-8259 Vocations Francis Woerner: 302-836-5206 Page 1 - 306 Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:30 pm Sunday: 8:30 am & 10:30 am Weekday: Mon., Wed., & Fr i. 8:30 am Holy Day: 8:30 am & 7:00 pm Reconciliation: Sat. 4:30 pm Rosary: Thur s. 7:00 pm Devotions Rosary Recitation of the Rosary is held every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the church. Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 4 & 5, 2015 Living the Paschal Mystery Jesus’ life, suffering, death, and resurrection happened to him as historical events, but they also happen to all of us who claim to be his followers. These high holy days are a reminder and celebration of who we ourselves are and what our own lives are about: being faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Like Jesus, we empty ourselves for the good of others, we give over our wills for the other. Like the martyrs of long ago and our martyrs of today, we are called to be so faithful to Christ that nothing—even suffering and death— gets in the way of our imitating him. The issue, to repeat, is not the pain of suffering or even death. The issue is that we are to witness—be martyrs—to the risen Presence of Jesus among us, to his victory over death, and to the new Life he offers us. This is what we celebrate these days. Yes, indeed, Jesus’ suffering can teach us much. -Living Liturgy First Friday Adoration Adoration is held from 9am - 10am on the first Friday of every month. All are welcome to join us in worshiping our Lord. Mass Intentions April 6 April 8 April 10 April 11 April 12 8:30 am 8:30 am 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 am 10:30 am Joseph Romano Margaret Willig Michael Hushen Angela Belas James Dzomba Thomas Holmes Sacraments Baptism Baptisms can be scheduled on most Sundays at noon or during any of our Masses. If this is your first child you are required to attend a class before the Baptism can be scheduled. The next baptismal class is April 28th at 7:00pm. Call the office to schedule. Reconciliation Saturday at 4:30pm or by appointment. Matrimony Consult the parish priest at least one year before your wedding date. Welcome We would like to extend a warm welcome to the following new parishioners to St. Margaret of Scotland Parish: Ms. Amanda Piccioni Mr. John Sumner Page 2 - 306 Parish News St. Vincent de Paul Food Closet Thank you for your generous donations to satisfy the needs of the food closet. The items that are currently needed are juice, pancake mix, syrup, cereal and canned ham/meat. Thank you for your generosity in helping to feed and care for the community. Thank you for your generosity. From the Religious Ed Office: We would like to wish all of our RE families many Easter Blessings! Don’t forget that we have class on April 12 & 14! Progress Reports and corrected Assessments will be sent home. RE Registration forms and deposits are due back to Mrs. Romano no later than April 15 for current RE families. VBS Save the Date! This year’s Vacation Bible School will be held the week of August 3, here at the parish. The theme this year is Camp Discovery. Confirmation: The next class is April 12th at 6:30pm in the church. Information will be given to the Candidates regarding Retreats and attire for Confirmation. Tony Francia Memorial Golf Tournament St. Margaret’s annual Tony Francia Memorial Golf Tournament will be held June 11, 2015 at Cavaliers Country Club in Newark. The cost is $125 per golfer and the proceeds will be donated to our campaign to build a social hall. We had 89 golfers play last year; our goal this year is 100 golfers. Golf committee members will be available in the gathering space in a few weeks to register this year’s participants. Come on out for a fun day on the links with your fellow parishioners and help support the campaign for our social hall! For more information, please contact Mike Deshaies ([email protected]) or Mike Ryan ([email protected]). The Knights of Columbus St. David Council will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner on April 18, from 4 PM to 8 PM in the Christ the Teacher Cafeteria. Cost of the event is $ 10.00 for Adults and $ 6.00 for children under 12. There will be a cash bar for beer and wine and there will be take-out available. Proceeds of this event will go towards the St. Margaret of Scotland Social Hall. The Knights will have a table in the gathering space on April 11 – 12 after all masses for anyone interested in purchasing tickets in advance . KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The St. David Council #12842, invites men 18 and older to join us in supporting the parish and the community through acts of service. Please call Grand Knight Rob Szczerba for additional information at 302-836-5806 or e-mail [email protected]. Bake Sale Relay For Life Team, Second Chances, is having a Bake Sale after the Masses on Saturday, April 25, and Sunday, April 26. All proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer Society to help End the Fight against Cancer. The Knights of Columbus St. David Council will be selling beautiful Spring Flowers and various vegetable plants including tomatoes, peppers and herbs. An order from will be in the bulletin on April 11 and 12 and the Knights will have tables in the gathering space with order forms after masses on April 18 – 19 and April 25 – 26. Flowers can be picked up from the church on Mothers day weekend after every mass. The parish office will be closed on Monday, April 6th and return to normal office hours on Tuesday, April 7th. PARISH DRIVE FOR THE POOR & NEEDY SCHEDULED The SPRING 2015 PARISH DRIVE FOR THE POOR & NEEDY, sponsored by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, will be held Sat. & Sun., APRIL 25 - 26, 2015. Items accepted include, in GOOD CONDITION ONLY, gently used clothing, furniture, house wares, small appliances, toys, blankets, sheets etc., which will be donated to Catholic Charities Catholic Thrift Shop. In addition, non-perishable food and personal care items will be accepted for our Emergency Food Closet. Donations will be accepted Sat. from 5pm – 7pm, and Sun., from 8am – 12pm. Volunteers will be there to help load the items onto the truck, and tax receipts will be available. For more information, please call 834-0225. Social Justice SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE MEETING: The Committee meets the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm in the parish center. The next meetings: May 7, June 4 all are welcome to attend. FAIR TRADE: We thank you for the continued suppor t of the Fair Trade Products through your purchases. The products are available on the third weekend of every month. The next weekend for sales is April 18 & 19. CLEAN KIDS PROJECT –Thank you for your continued donation of soap for the children in Guatemala. Donations are still needed and can be dropped off at the box as you enter the gathering space. CAPITAL CAMPAIGN PHASE II KICKS OFF ON APRIL 11 & 12 Campaign volunteers will be in the gathering space after all masses that weekend to answer any questions you might have. We need the support of those who did not participate in Phase I to make this campaign a success. Worship ● Service ● Social Life Page 3 - 306 Community News The Kirkwood Creamery is NOW HIRING for ice cream servers/cashiers. Days, evenings and weekends available. April thru September. Email resume or letter of interest to [email protected]. Line Dancing for a Cure Come Join us on May 7, 2015 7-10 pm, for a fun and exciting night of Line Dancing to benefit the American Cancer Society with instructor, Donna Boyce and DJ, Joanne Brady, $10 per person at the door. All proceeds from this event will go to Relay For Life, American Cancer Society. Event is hosted by Second Chances. No experience necessary. Beverages and snacks will be sold: Raffles, 50/50, Door Prizes, and More!! Pilgrimage to Mexico…Sept. 28th thru Oct. 3rd. Visit the Shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe, the most visited Marian Shrine in the world, for the celebration of Mass. We will be staying at the Sheraton Hotel, breakfast and dinner daily. Visits to the Ancient Pyramids dedicated to the Sun and Moon, the City of Pueblo, the art studio and home of Frida Kalo, an evening at the Folkloric Ballet, visits to colonial towns and much more. This is an amazing journey of religion, cultural and history. The cost is $1899 pp double occupancy. Please contact Fr. Roger at [email protected] or contact Merle at [email protected] . Divine Mercy Weekend, April 10-12 Malvern Retreat House Directed by: Rev. Ronan Murphy & Rev. Pio Mandato with Rev. Stephen DeLacy Immerse yourself in the grace of Christ’s Divine Mercy during this 10th Anniversary weekend retreat at the beautiful Malvern Retreat House; culminating with the Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday! Visit or call 610-644-0400 for more information. Do you enjoy camping, making friends, climbing rocks, exploring caves? If you are a boy 11 years or older or have completed 5th grade, come check out Boy Scout Troop 283 on Tuesday, April 14. Contact Rob Szczerba at 302-836-5806 or email [email protected] to schedule your visit. Looking for Someone to Clean? If your are looking for a house cleaner, call your fellow parishioner, Sally at 302-228-9112. Licensed. References available upon request. Mount Aviat’s 5thAnnual 5K and Sister Walk Join the MAA community on Sunday, April 26th at 9:15 a.m. for the 5th Annual 5K and Sister Walk. Don’t miss out on the preregistration rate available until April 17th: $20/per person or $50/per family. Pre-registration fee includes T-shirts. Trophies will be awarded after the race. To register, go to or contact Dina ([email protected]) or Kandi ([email protected]). Mass will take place prior to the race at 8:00 a.m. at the school. Christ the Teacher School Our Regional Catholic School For additional information visit 302-838-8850 Come see the Official Relic of Saint John Paul II April 15-16, 2015 , St. Hedwig Church Under the direction of the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the official relic of Saint John Paul II will be brought to our diocese April 15-16, 2015, to St Hedwig Church. Wilmington is one of only three dioceses in the United States to receive this relic during its official pilgrimage from March-July 2015. You are invited to attend a Welcoming Mass and Veneration on Wednesday, April 15 and/or a Farewell Mass and Veneration on Thursday, April 16, 2015, 5:30pm Holy Hour, 6:30pm Mass, 7:30pm Veneration of the Relic. Immediately following, there will be a Saint John Paul II display and refreshments in the Msgr. Gulcz Hall. For more information about the relic, go to or call (302) 594-1400. Pondering the Mystery of Christ Tuesday, April 28th: 9:30 am – 3:30 pm “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth, break forth into joyous song and sing praises!” (Psalm 98:4) As the earth prepares to bring forth new life this Spring, we invite you to join us, with Retreat Leader, Liz Sweeney, SSJ, as we ponder the mystery and impact of Christ in our own lives as our own deepest Self so that we can do what we must do—live Christ ever more fully and deeply in our everyday lives. Liz Sweeney, SSJ, is a spiritual director and retreat leader at Jesus House, in Wilmington, Delaware. Her extensive work and experience leading Contemplative Dialogue retreats has enlarged the arena of her ministry to working with religious congregations throughout the United States. Cost is $35 per person before April 28th, $45 at the door- Cost included continental breakfast and lunch To register: call our office at 302-995-6859 or visit us at Jesus House Prayer and Renewal Center, 2501 Milltown Road, Wilmington, DE 19808 The Alliance of the Two Hearts “Communion of Reparation All Night Vigil” The Alliance of the Two Hearts “Communion of Reparation All Night Vigil” is held on the First Friday and Saturday of each month. Please join us April 10th at St. Hedwig Chapel, 408 S. Harrison St., Wilmington from 8:15pm to 2:30am. Includes First Friday and First Saturday Masses, Confession, Rosary and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.. Fore more information call Irene Harach 7381285. Consecrate your family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary by enthroning the Two Hearts in your home. Our Lord and Lady promised abundant blessings and protection to those who would honor them in their homes. For information call: Janet Cullum 633-0466 Worldwide Marriage Encounter Delaware / Maryland / Eastern Shore He is risen! May the joy of Easter be with you. Let Mar r iage Encounter help you resurrect the romance in your marriage. Sign up today to attend the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend scheduled for April 24-26 in Rehoboth Beach, DE. For more information, visit our website at or to r egister for the weekend, please call Dave and Cyndi Germack @ 302-220-983. Page 4 - 306 Diocese News Healing from Abortion One Weekend at a Time The Diocese of Wilmington Respect Life Office is offering a third Rachel’s Vineyard confidential retreat June 5-7 in Wilmington, DE for women and men impacted by abortion. The response from the first two retreats was exceptional. More women are finding freedom and healing from the pain of abortion. For more information about the retreat, contact Nan Freeman at 302-528-8313, or go to April 2015: National Abuse Prevention Month Keeping Our Children Safe Our diocese has policies and procedures to create a safe environment and protect children. Read the policies and learn how you can help create a culture of protection. ( scroll to For the Sake of God’s Children link.) Questions call: Coordinator for Safe Environments 302-295-0668 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal “He Reveals Himself in the Breaking of the Bread” In the Resurrection of Jesus we find hope in the prospect of everlasting life in heaven. But to obtain eternal life, we must accept the Lord’s invitation to follow Him by imitating His love and compassion for others. During the weekend of April 18 and 19, our parish will participate in the 2015 diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal. This year’s theme taken from the Gospel of St. Luke is, “He Reveals Himself in the Breaking of the Bread” . Funds generated through the Appeal support the work of the Church by responding to an abundance of human needs within our diocese. Your gift helps bring Christ to those who seek his presence - the poor, the sick, the distressed, our children and our elderly. As Christian stewards we are called to a lifelong conversion to the ways of Jesus. Each of us is asked to examine the blessings we have received from God and to discern how best to use them for others. We do this cheerfully and sacrificially and with faith in God’s love for us, knowing that He will provide for our earthly wants. You can learn more about the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal by reading this week’s Dialog or visiting the diocesan website at and clicking “Giving” then “Annual Catholic Appeal.” BIC in Claymont and Georgetown! Building Intercultural Connections (B.I.C.), a program developed by the U.S. Bishops’ Conference to provide church leaders with cultural training for the growing diversity in the Church, will be presented on Saturday, March 7 from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM at Holy Rosary, Claymont and Saturday, May 16 at St. Michael the Archangel, Georgetown from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Both conferences will conclude with a multi-cultural mass. The outstanding curriculum is thought provoking and challenging. One recent participant stated that BIC is the, "most informative and honest conference I have ever attended." Admission is free. A 5$ donation will be requested for a magnificent multi-cultural lunch. This conference is for clergy, religious, lay leaders, liturgists, educators, outreach coordinators, and all interested faithful. To register or seek further information, contact Br. Chris Posch, ofm at (302) 655-0518 or [email protected], or go to our diocesan web site The registration deadline for the first BIC is February 24 and for the second BIC is May 4. Space is limited, so register today. Are you Being Called to God? By His resurrection Christ won for all who would follow Him eternal life in the Kingdom of God. Priests, deacons, religious brothers and religious sisters spend their lives and exercise their ministries as a way of witnessing to that new Life. Is God calling you to join their way of life? If you think so, call or write Father David Kelley, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-5733113; [email protected]). Be sure to visit our website:! Marriage Moments Lent is over and now we are in the time of Easter the time in Emmaus when the disciples recognized Jesus in the breaking of the bread. Be mindful tonight as you break bread (or rice, noodles, or potatoes) with your beloved that Jesus dwells in him or her. Pause. Parenting Pointers On many days parenting is a joy, but on some days it certainly can be a cross. Let the cross have purpose by looking beyond it and believing that your child will overcome his or her difficulties. Good News Listen to Catholic Forum every Sunday morning at 10:05 a.m. on 1150AM WDEL and Next Sunday, April 12th, learn about the life of a Hollywood icon when Sister Rose Pacatte, author of the new book “Martin Sheen: Pilgrim on the Way” is interviewed. For photos, information regarding upcoming guests and more, “Like” Catholic Forum on Facebook at catholicforum. Bring It Home April 5, 2015 On Easter the disciples were told, "Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here.” Bring It Home by making Alleluia both your song and your attitude throughout this week. READINGS FOR April 5th — April 12th April 5– Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Acts 10:34a, 37-43/ Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/ Jn 20:1-9 April 6– Acts 2:14, 22-33/ Mt 28:8-15 April 7- Acts 2:36-41/ Jn 20:11-18 April 8– Acts 3:1-10/ Lk 24:13-35 April 9– Acts 3:11-26/ Lk 24:35-48 April 10– Acts 4:1-12/ Jn 21:1-14 April 11– Acts 4:13-21/ Mk 16:9-15 April 12- Sunday of Divine Mercy Acts 4:32-35/ 1 Jn 5:1-6/ Jn 20:19-31 Page 5 - 306
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