All About Alaiedon Alaiedon Elementary School Newsletter Volume 12, Issue 4 June 2015 Summer Greetings Alaiedon Families! Our instruction is complete, students have been fully assessed, and the classrooms are nearly packed. We are proud of the many accomplishments this school year, and are looking forward to what will come to be next school year. Our School Improvement Team highlighted several of our accomplishments on May 28th at the District Data Day. These included: Science Focused School & Family Events (Impression 5, Science Palooza, Skydome Planetarium, MSU Science Theater, Lego STEM) PTO & Mason Public Schools Foundation Grants (Classroom Enhancements, Technology) School-wide Service Projects (Jump Rope for Heart, Relay Recess, Stuff the Bus, Great Turkey Shoot-Out, SEND) Teacher Professional Development Opportunities (Core 1 Math, Teachers Learning Together, Visible Learning) Student Recognition – Posted on later pages of this newsletter. We also highlight next year’s improvement objectives that foster our goal to increase student positive behavior and achievement in reading and math: Increase family awareness of, and seek perceptions from families on curriculum, school communication, instructional practices, and building’s positive behavior supports Maintain and build-upon our building’s Positive Behavior System Build staff learning and implementation of best practices (math/reading instruction, feedback, learning targets and success criteria) Our entire staff and student body wish three of our teachers the very best in the coming year. Mr. Ellwood (4th Gr.) and Mrs. Lange (CI) are relocating out of state. Ms. Fitzgerald (5th Gr.) is taking a a one year leave of absence to complete mission work in Haiti. Please continue to check the Alaiedon page of the district web-site for updates regarding the 2015-16 School year. I wish you all a warm, restful and fun summer vacation, Mrs. Lisa Francisco Principal FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL & BACK TO SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE We do not yet have an official start date for school. Information will be posted to our school web-page and sent via Instant Alert when it is known. Thank you for your patience on this important matter. FINAL REPORT CARDS & CLASS ASSIGNMENTS Student report cards will be mailed home on June 15 th. Your child’s tentative classroom assignment for the 2015-16 school year will be included in this mailing. Grade Level Teacher Assignments for 2015-16 Kindergarten Mrs. Harless, Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. Roberton st 1 Grade Ms. Gani, Mrs. Goedert, Mrs. McConeghy nd 2 Grade Mrs. Carlson, Mrs. Haudek, Mrs. Yallup rd 3 Grade Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Droscha, Mrs. Plaxton th 4 Grade Ms. Carlsen, Mrs. Southwell, TBA th 5 Grade Mrs. Castle, Mr. Johnson SUMMER OFFICE HOURS The school office will be closed beginning Thursday, June 18th through August 17th. On non-student days the office will be open from 8:00AM-3:00PM. LOST AND FOUND You may stop by our lobby display to retrieve your child’s lost belongings. Any items not claimed by June 16, 2015 will be donated to our local Goodwill. MEDICATION PICK-UP Any remaining student medication at the end of the school year must be picked up by a parent/guardian. Any medication not picked up by the end of the day on Wednesday, June 17, 2015 will be properly disposed of. Disposal will be recorded on the medication log maintained in the school office. If your child should require medication in the Fall, consent forms must be updated. Forms are available in the school office. ALAIEDON SENIOR REUNION – CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2015! 2nd SPECIAL GUEST Mr. Kevin Courter was a special guest in Mrs. Haudek’s Grade classroom. Mr. Courter is part of a Civil War Reenactment group and presented his collection to students. PTO EXECUTIVE AND COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON DESCRIPTIONS Below is a list of the Alaiedon PTO officer and chair duties. Changes were proposed to the board regarding reorganization and creation of some committees at the May 2015 meeting. The PTO will be voting on these proposals at the August 2015 meeting. If you are interested in participating in anything listed below, or have questions, please contact Laura Patterson at: [email protected]. President Sit on Fundraising Committee Chair for Classroom Representatives Vice President Mini Grant Chair Sit on School Spirit Committee Treasurer Prepare Annual Budget (w/ President & Finance Chair) Maintain budget and monthly budget report Write Checks Process Deposits Prepare Audit File Tax Forms Sit in on annual audit Secretary Create monthly agenda Record and publish monthly meeting minutes PTO newsletter Maintain volunteer spreadsheet list May sit on Special Events Committee Finance Chair Chair Annual Audit Compliance Officer for 501c3 Compliance Officer for PTO finance policies and procedures Member of Mini-grant Committee Sit on Fund Raising Committee Work with Treasurer on creating annual budget Fundraising Chair Fall Fund Raiser Market Day Box Tops & Soup Labels Spirit Wear/5th grade tshirts School Spirit Chair Teacher Lunches (November & March) Teacher Wish Walls (November & March) Spirit Monkey Mileage Club Yearbooks Special Events Chair Assemblies (4-5/year) Edru Spring Family Event Pool Party Lugnuts In School Events (i.e. Picture Days (2/year) Vision Screening, Dental Day, Kindergarten Roundup) Classroom Representative Grade Level/ Classroom Class Representatives. Seeking at least 1 grade level representative for each grade K-5 – preferably one per classroom K-5. Mileage Club was a huge success this school year. More than 30 students walk/ran over 25 miles and earned a pizza party with Mr. Marshall! Congratulations to all Alaiedon students for taking on this healthy challeng. Thank you PTO for sponsoring this important activity. Sincere thanks to the parents who volunteered, and especially to Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Hatton for their coordination of this awesome program. CONGRATULATIONS PROMISE SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS The Mason Public Schools Foundation held their Promise Scholarship Ceremony for the Class of 2022 on May 6th. Alaiedon 5th Grade recipients will receive a two-year scholarship to Lansing Community College (tuition and books) upon graduation from Mason Public Schools. Congratulations to: Albiona Beka Hayden Haynes Alexander Keys Eliza McDonald Jade O’Connor Kira Tindall Devin Tyler Diane Worden SCHOOL DAZE Our 5th Grade students proudly and successfully performed School Daze on May 4th. (Pictured Above) Under the guidance and direction of Ms. Kari Haines, parents and families were treated to a lively interpretation of a school day at Alaiedon Elementary. ALAIEDON STUDENTS’ ART RECOGNIZED Several Alaiedon student art pieces were recognized in May. We commend these students for their talent and creativity! Pictured: Payton Ball, 2015 Ingham Art Exhibition Lucas Molenda, Soup to Art Charlotte King, Soup to Art Additional Alaiedon Soup Art Artists: Kelsey Bryan Quinn Haywood Macy Wilkinson Natalia Pluff Kylie Bryan Hayden Falardeau Riley Bronikowski to GIRLS ON THE RUN Alaiedon Elementary School’s Girls on the Run Team finished their season strong. Together the team finished Mason 5K, volunteered at the Ingham County Animal Shelter and ran the culminating 5K at Michigan State University on Sunday, May 17th. Congratulations to: This year’s team Mrs. Kelly Merritt & Coaches Madilyn Merritt Melanie Merritt Ashlynn Putman Brianna Judkins Zoe Cook Joslyn Hofstetter Marysa Bolin (Steele) Madison Sumpter includes: Mrs. Karie Hofstetter, Parent (Steele) FIELD DAY FUN! Hats off to PE Teacher, Mr. Marshall! He prepared and organized a phenomenal Field Day for all students this year. The weather may not have cooperated, but the students sure did!
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