State Performing Arts Day - Massachusetts 4-H

Massachusetts 4-H State Performing Arts Day
May 9, 2015
Norfolk County Agricultural High School, 400 Main St, Walpole, MA
Check-in Time: 1:00 p.m.
Judging Begins: 1:30 p.m.
New to 2015: Members are not required to have given a Visual Presentation to compete and a new
category called “Prop Performance” has been added
Open to:
- Currently enrolled MA 4-H Program members in good standing
- Members 8 to 18 years of age as of 1/1/15
Performance Categories: Singing, Dance, Acting, Instrumental, Prop Performance
Performance Requirements:
1. Each member will be given 5 minutes – with a minimum of 3 minutes – to introduce
themselves, to sing, dance, perform with a musical instrument or prop, or give a dramatic
presentation. We recommend that solo performers perform pieces designed for solo
2. If this is a group performance, all members of the group must be 4-H members and
register for this competition.
3. Unless it is happening at the same time choose only one style of performance (ex. You
may sing and play an instrument at the same time – acceptable; play an instrument then
switch to a new vocal song – not acceptable; group with a vocalist, instrumentalist and a
dancer performing at once – acceptable
4. No props may be used that may be of danger to the performer or the audience including
items such as knives, swords, or flame
Registration Deadline:
Complete this form and return it via fax, email or postmarked by April 30, 2015 to:
4-H Office, 400 Main St., Walpole, MA, 02081
fax 508-668-2646; email [email protected].
MA 4-H State Performing Arts Registration Form:
Name __________________________________________
Age as of 1/1/15 __________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
Street Address
Phone # ___________________________________
E-mail _________________________
Name of Your 4-H Club ________________________________ County Enrolled ______________
I am performing as:
____ an Individual
____ as part of a Group (each person much register separately)
List name(s) of other performers in group ___________________________________________
Type of Performance (see rule #3): ___ Vocal ___ Dance ___ Instrumental
Are you bringing your own sound or other equipment? ____ yes
____ no
__Acting ___ Prop
Massachusetts 4-H State Performing Arts Day
Learning to perform in front of an audience is a fun and creative 4-H project. Members learn poise,
vocal control, what and audience will respond to, respect for themselves, and much more.
 4-H Curriculum: Theatre Arts – set of 4
 Community instrumental, vocal and dance schools; lesson teachers
 4-H county volunteers
Members are encouraged to read the information below and also review the Performing Arts
Judging Form.
What to Expect:
Check in time: 1:00 p.m. with judging to begin at 1:30 p.m.
You will be performing in a large conference style room with a higher ceiling and a
linoleum floor.
2-3 judges will watch your performance and give critique on a judging form – no verbal
critique will be given. Questions may be asked by the judges following your
performance, but performer does not need to ask for any questions.
Family and friends are invited to watch the performances
There is a piano in the room, but may be out of tune – bringing a keyboard is preferable
There is no microphone in the room nor is one required, however, if desired, individuals
and groups may bring sound equipment. Please let us know that you are doing this.
A CD player will be provided for your accompaniment, however you may bring your own
CD player, Mp3 player, IPod, or background music via computer (Wi-Fi is not available).
Accompanists on background music are not required to be 4-H members; accompanists
that are present must be 4-H members. Only dancers may have vocal background
Performers may ask another 4-H member to help with their music set-up. No parents
will be allowed to help
A warm-up area in a separate room or area close to our room will be available
Refer to the MA 4-H Code of Conduct that members signed when they enrolled in 4-H as
these will be upheld. This includes both dress and language.
All performers will receive a Danish ribbon and judging sheets. Some performers may
also receive a Big E Award which will let them be eligible to register for a possible slot on
the New England Center stage during our MA 4-H Days on September 18 and 19, 2015.
More information will be given to those who receive this award. Awards will be given in
the Performing Arts room following every few performances.
Presentation Format
Introduction - well-spoken and engaging; should include name of piece or title of act and names of
performers; establishes first contact well with audience.
Transitions are well done between introduction and performance and create a cohesive presentation.
Clothing, Hair/Make-up, Costumes, and Props – they should enhance the performer, should not be
distracting and are suitable for 4-H and public venues. Prop style follows rules for type of props allowed.
Recorded Accompaniment Music - may be used and will be judged on sound quality only, but not the
ability of the recorded accompanist(s). Dancers’ background recording may have vocal accompaniment,
however all other performers using a background recording may have instrumental recorded music only.
Performance Quality
Distinctiveness of Performance – Performer able to make piece unique to them; stands out for its
originality or special qualities
Clarity of Words/Sound Quality - Voice(s) are clear and pleasing to the ear. Words are pronounced clearly
and can be understood. Breathing and phrasing are done correctly. Voices and instruments are able to be
heard, but not overpowering for venue and audience.
Demonstrated Ability/Level of Excellence:
Instrumental – Instrument(s) in tune. Age or instrumental disrepair does not affect the instrument’s tone
to their disadvantage. Piece should be appropriate for individual or group presentation. Few notes
missed during performance. Piece may or may not be memorized. Follows music directions for
dynamics, rhythm, and other attributes for an artistic presentation. Performers represent music style
Dance – Intricacy of dance, interpretation of music, rhythm and fluidity, timing, execution of
choreography. Evidence of skill in dance demonstrated.
Singing – Intricacy of song, interpretation of music, rhythm and timing. Sings notes on pitch. Ability to
memorize words.
Actor – Ability to memorize lines, creates a mood appropriate to the performance, facial expressions in
correlation to the dramatic work, believability
Prop Performance – Performance is fluid with minimal drops; evidence of skill and intricacy with
props used. Props are in good, suitable condition for public show. Member demonstrates an
organized and memorized progression of skill.
Group Dynamics - Group entertainers are in sync with each other and with music if used. Group
musicians/vocalists do not overpower lead vocalists or instrumentalists. Actors work well together as a
team as they portray their characters.
Degree of Difficulty/Suitability to Age & Audience – Appropriate for number of years studied. Content
appropriate for age and general audience.
Performer has good communication and eye contact with audience, if appropriate. Performer possesses
poise, confidence, charisma, and has an engaging stage personality. Body movement and facial
expression help create a mood. Entertainment quality of performance.
Time requirement of 3-5 minutes is observed. Points should not be deducted for silence/lead-in time at
beginning of recorded music. Time includes performer’s introduction.
or Group
Mailing Address/Street:
Age Jan.1:
Years in 4H:
Years studying your
Years at State
Performing Arts Contest:
Performance Style:
Leader's Name:
___ Singing
___ Instrumental
___ Acting ___ Dancing
Recorded Accompaniment Quality
Distinctiveness of Performance
Clarity of Words/Sound Quality
Demonstrated Ability/ Level of Excellence
Voice on Pitch/ Instrument in Tune
Dynamics/Rhythm/Timing/ Movement
Group Dynamics
Degree of Difficulty/Suitability of
Subject to Child’s Age & General
Connection with Audience/Eye Contact
Body Movement/Facial Expression
Entertainment Quality
TIME: 3-5 minutes
Final Rating: Excellent_____
Very Good_____
Judge's Signature______________________________________________
(See reverse side for explanation of terms)