Master Joiners Conference 25 - 27 June 2015 Mac’s Function Centre, Corner Taranaki and Cable Streets, Wellington Please complete this form in black ink and keep a copy for your records. ONE form per delegate 1. REGISTRATION (GST Inclusive) (Full registration includes satchel, conference sessions, Wellington Welcome on Thursday night, Friday teas and lunches, Saturday breakfast and lunch at various venues) Full Registration $360.00 $ Exhibitor Only Registration $230.00 $ TOTAL 1: $ REGISTRANT DETAILS Email: First name: Surname: Preferred name for name badge: Company / Organisation: Postal Address: Postcode: Day Phone: Mobile: SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (dietary, disability, etc) Privacy Act 1993 The act provides that your name, address and email cannot be published in the list of conference delegates for distribution to fellow delegates or sponsors without your consent. If you DO NOT wish to be included in the delegate list, please mark with an X Delegate Non Registered Partner Free $25.00 Delegates & sponsors: This is a free event. Please indicate your attendance. If your partner is attending, please show the total as 2 and pay for one ticket. Delegate/ Sponsor Non Registered Partner Wellington Welcome (please indicate your attendance for catering) Complimentary beer & wine 6pm to 7pm, canapés served from 6.30pm and cash bar to 9.00pm. Later dinner own care. Free $25.00 2. THURSDAY 25 JUNE Please show number attending Total Cost Please show number attending Total Cost Site tour of BRANZ BRANZ is an independent and impartial research, testing, consulting and information company providing services and resources for the building industry. WELLINGTON WELCOME – THURSDAY EVENING COST OF THURSDAY FUNCTIONS TOTAL 2: $ 3. PARTNERS PROGRAMME Name of persons attending for name badge: Number required FRIDAY 26 JUNE Total Cost Guided walking tour to Six Barrel Soda Factory, Fix and Fogg Peanut Butter, Wellington Chocolate Factory and lunch at stylish St John’s Restaurant included $ 60.00 COST OF PARTNERS PROGRAMME TOTAL 3: $ Room per night (two persons) 4. ACCOMMODATION (GST Inclusive) This rate is only available if your booking is made through the Conference Organisers Single Double Twin/ Share* IBIS Hotel, 153 Featherston Street, Wellington 6140 Queen or Twin Room – please note this rate is only available until 25 May, after the cut-off date, rooms must be booked direct with the hotel at their current available rates. $145.00 Amora Hotel, 170 Wakefield Street, Wellington 6011 Deluxe King/Twin room $210.00 * I have arranged to share a room with - Arrival Date: Departure Date: Alternative accommodation available at: MINIMUM DEPOSIT $100.00 TOTAL ACCOMMODATION DEPOSIT TOTAL 4: 5. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FUNCTIONS & ACTIVITIES CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES Delegate/ Sponsor Partner Number required $ Total Cost FRIDAY 26 JUNE Weta Workshop – A once in a lifetime experience. Bus to a guided tour of the Weta Cave, watch the Weta documentary and hands on workshops by Weta Technicians. On to the Grand Lobby of the iconic Roxy Theatre for a glass of bubbly & canapés. (cash/eftpos bar available) $95.00 $95.00 Free Free $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $145.00 $145.00 SATURDAY 27 JUNE (Please indicate your attendance for catering) Breakfast in the Trades Lunch – option one Cable car to The Carter Observatory and Planetarium and lunch in the OMV room. Take the cable car back down, or stroll through the Botanic Garden to the city (includes lunch). Lunch – option two Zealandia. The bus will take you the Sanctuary Valley, the world’s first fullyfenced urban eco-sanctuary. Lunch in a stunning setting at the Rata Café and a return bus back to the city (includes lunch). Awards Dinner Some wine included, cash bar available Dress: Jacket & Tie COST OF SOCIAL FUNCTIONS TOTAL 5: $ PAYMENT TOTAL 1 TOTAL 2 TOTAL 3 TOTAL 4 TOTAL 5 Registration fee Thursday activities Partners programme Accommodation deposit minimum $100 per room Friday and Saturday functions and activities $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL PAYMENT: GST Tax Invoice: GST No 83 733 730 $ Cheque payable to: “Master Joiners Conference” enclosed Direct Credit: If you pay by direct credit, bank account details are as follows: Account name: Bank: Account number: Master Joiners Conference Bank of New Zealand, Napier Branch, 126 Hastings Street, Napier 02-0700-0055301-00 Please quote your full name or company when making payment Post registration form and cheque payment by 16 June 2015 to: Master Joiners Conference c/- Attend Ltd, PO Box 12097, Ahuriri, Napier, 4144 Email or Fax Completed Registration form to: [email protected] Fax: 06 833 7447 Office: 06 833 7440 Angie Rawlinson: 021 214 6894 Karen McLean: 027 233 6353 Or register online at
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