Mass problems and recursively bounded DNR functions Mushfeq Khan University of Hawai‘i at M¯anoa ASL Meeting Urbana, IL March 28th, 2015 Based on: Forcing with Bushy Trees, with Joseph S. Miller, in preparation. (A preprint is available on my website.) Connecting randomness and classical recursion theory Diagonally non-recursive (DNR) functions play an important role both in classical recursion theory and in algorithmic randomness. Definition A function f : ω → ω is DNR if for all e such that ϕe (e) ↓, f (e) 6= ϕe (e). For k ≥ 2, let DNRk denote the family of DNR functions that take values less than k. Theorem (Jockusch, Degrees of functions with no fixed points, 1989) For each k > 2, every DNRk function computes a DNR2 function, and hence is of PA degree. However, this is not uniform. Bounded DNR functions and measure From the point of view of the study of mass problems, PA degrees are quite powerful. They are at the top of the lattice Ew of Muchnik (or weak) degrees of nonempty Π01 sets of reals. How much of this power generalizes to wider classes of DNR functions? We now have much stronger results, but a simple “majority vote” argument shows that the measure of reals that compute a DNR2 function (i.e., those of PA degree) is 0. On the other hand, Kučera (Measure, Π01 classes, and complete extensions of PA, 1985) showed that there is a recursive function h such that every Martin-Löf random real computes a h-bounded DNR function. A minimal DNR Theorem (Kumabe, A fixed-point-free minimal degree, unpublished; Kumabe and Lewis, A fixed-point-free minimal degree, 2009) There is a DNR function of minimal Turing degree. This was the first appearance of “bushy tree forcing”. The construction can be thought of as a combination of Spector forcing with some intricate combinatorics involving trees that branch a lot at every level (hence “bushy”). Just as in the Spector minimal degree construction, the generic object in the Kumabe construction is hyperimmune-free. Corollary There is a recursively bounded DNR function that computes no Martin-Löf random real. Recursively bounded DNRs Theorem (Ambos-Spies, Kjos-Hanssen, Lempp, and Slaman, Comparing DNR and WWKL, 2004) For any recursive function h ∈ ω ω , there is a Turing ideal that contains no h-bounded DNR function, but is a model of the principle DNR: for every degree in the ideal, there is a DNR relative to it that is also in the ideal. This showed that the principle DNR is weaker than WWKL0 , and answered a question of Giusto and Simpson (Located sets and reverse mathematics, 2000). They also showed: Theorem (Ambos-Spies, et al, 2004) There is a DNR function that computes no recursively bounded DNR function. To summarize, in the Muchnik degrees: 0 < DNR < DNRrec < MLR < PA DNRh Interesting things happen when we fix a recursive bound h and consider what all h-bounded DNR functions can compute, and how this power varies with h. Definition An order function is a function h : ω → ω \ {0, 1} that is recursive, nondecreasing and unbounded. For an order function h, let DNRh = {f ∈ DNR : (∀n) f (n) < h(n)}. A note on numbering Unlike the Martin-Löf random reals and the reals of PA degree, the definition of the class of DNR functions is sensitive to the Gödel numbering of partial recursive functions. The Muchnik degrees of the DNR functions and the recursively-bounded DNR functions are, however, well-defined. It isn’t clear that the same is true of the DNRh classes, although Simpson (Mass problems and randomness, 2005) proposes one way to define these classes more robustly. From the purposes of this talk, we fix a numbering. When we say “... there is an order function h such that ... ”, it should be understood that what h actually is depends on the choice of numbering. A basic bushy forcing argument One might wonder if making h grow slowly enough ensures that all DNRh functions have PA degree. Proposition (Implicit in Greenberg and Miller, Diagonally nonrecursive functions and effective Hausdorff dimension, 2011) For every order function h, there is a DNRh function that is not of PA degree. Even though this fact has been superseded by stronger (and more difficult) results, the proof is a good introduction to bushy tree arguments. Bushy trees Definition Let σ ∈ ω <ω . A tree T ⊆ ω <ω is n-bushy above σ if every element of T is comparable with σ, and for each non-leaf τ of T that extends σ, τ has at least n immediate extensions in T . A tree that is 2-bushy above σ 4 0 6 3 33 5 5 16 1 102 56 9 5 7 Big and small sets of strings Definition Given σ ∈ ω <ω , we say that a set B ⊆ ω <ω is n-big above σ if there is a finite n-bushy tree T above σ such that all its leaves are in B. If B is not n-big above σ then we say that B is n-small above σ. A set of strings that is 2-big above σ 4 0 6 3 33 5 5 16 1 102 56 9 5 7 The non-DNR strings Example The set that are non-DNR, i.e., there is an i < |σ|, σ(i) = ϕi (i), is 2-small above any DNR string. Any 2-big set of strings above a DNR string σ contains a DNR string 4 0 6 3 33 5 5 16 1 102 56 9 5 7 Smallness preservation Smallness preservation lemma (Kumabe and Lewis, 2009) If A is n-small above σ and B is m-small above σ, then A ∪ B is (n + m − 1)-small above σ. Proof Suppose A ∪ B is (n + m − 1)-big above σ and T is a tree with leaves in A ∪ B that (n + m − 1)-bushy above σ. Let τ be the immediate predecessor of one of the leaves of T of maximum length (note that T is finite). ... Repeat this process until σ gets a label. Smallness preservation Smallness preservation lemma (Kumabe and Lewis, 2009) If A is n-small above σ and B is m-small above σ, then A ∪ B is (n + m − 1)-small above σ. Proof Suppose A ∪ B is (n + m − 1)-big above σ and T is a tree with leaves in A ∪ B that (n + m − 1)-bushy above σ. Let τ be the immediate predecessor of one of the leaves of T of maximum length (note that T is finite). ... Repeat this process until σ gets a label. Smallness preservation Smallness preservation lemma (Kumabe and Lewis, 2009) If A is n-small above σ and B is m-small above σ, then A ∪ B is (n + m − 1)-small above σ. Proof Suppose A ∪ B is (n + m − 1)-big above σ and T is a tree with leaves in A ∪ B that (n + m − 1)-bushy above σ. Let τ be the immediate predecessor of one of the leaves of T of maximum length (note that T is finite). ... Repeat this process until σ gets a label. Smallness preservation Smallness preservation lemma (Kumabe and Lewis, 2009) If A is n-small above σ and B is m-small above σ, then A ∪ B is (n + m − 1)-small above σ. Proof Suppose A ∪ B is (n + m − 1)-big above σ and T is a tree with leaves in A ∪ B that (n + m − 1)-bushy above σ. Let τ be the immediate predecessor of one of the leaves of T of maximum length (note that T is finite). ... Repeat this process until σ gets a label. A basic bushy forcing argument Proposition (Greenberg and Miller, 2011) For every order function h, there is a DNRh function that is not of PA degree. Proof We work entirely in h<ω := {σ ∈ ω <ω : (∀i < |σ|) σ(i) < h(i)}, and force with conditions of the form (σ, B), where σ is a string, and B a set of strings that is h(|σ|)-small above σ. We may assume that B already contains all strings that it is h(|σ|)-big above. This closure operation doesn’t change the smallness of B above σ. Given a Turing reduction Γ, we would like to extend (σ, B) to another condition (σ 0 , B0 ) that “defeats” Γ. A basic bushy forcing argument Proof Extend σ to a τ ∈ / B such that h(|τ |) ≥ 3h(|σ|). A basic bushy forcing argument Proof For i ∈ {0, 1}, let Ai,x = {ρ τ : Γρ (x) ↓ = i}. Now let ϕe be the partial recursive function that, on input x, searches for a set of strings D that is h(|σ|)-big above τ , and contained entirely in one of the Ai,x , and if it finds such a set, outputs i. Suppose ϕe (e) ↓, say to 0. Then A0,e is h(|σ|)-big above τ . 0 Extend τ to a σ 0 ∈ A0,e \ B. Then Γσ (e) = ϕe (e), and (σ 0 , B) is our new condition. A basic bushy forcing argument Proof For i ∈ {0, 1}, let Ai,x = {ρ τ : Γρ (x) ↓ = i}. Now let ϕe be the partial recursive function that, on input x, searches for a set of strings D that is h(|σ|)-big above τ , and contained entirely in one of the Ai,x , and if it finds such a set, outputs i. Suppose ϕe (e) ↓, say to 0. Then A0,e is h(|σ|)-big above τ . 0 Extend τ to a σ 0 ∈ A0,e \ B. Then Γσ (e) = ϕe (e), and (σ 0 , B) is our new condition. A basic bushy forcing argument Proof For i ∈ {0, 1}, let Ai,x = {ρ τ : Γρ (x) ↓ = i}. Now let ϕe be the partial recursive function that, on input x, searches for a set of strings D that is h(|σ|)-big above τ , and contained entirely in one of the Ai,x , and if it finds such a set, outputs i. Suppose ϕe (e) ↓, say to 0. Then A0,e is h(|σ|)-big above τ . 0 Extend τ to a σ 0 ∈ A0,e \ B. Then Γσ (e) = ϕe (e), and (σ 0 , B) is our new condition. A basic bushy forcing argument Proof If ϕe (e) ↑, then both A0,e and A1,e are h(|σ|)-small above τ . By smallness preservation, B0 = A0,e ∪ A1,e ∪ B is 3h(|σ|)-small above τ . Since h(|τ |) ≥ 3h(|σ|), (τ, B0 ) is our new condition. Finally, note that (hi, B0 ), where B0 is the set of non-DNR strings, is a condition. A basic bushy forcing argument Proof If ϕe (e) ↑, then both A0,e and A1,e are h(|σ|)-small above τ . By smallness preservation, B0 = A0,e ∪ A1,e ∪ B is 3h(|σ|)-small above τ . Since h(|τ |) ≥ 3h(|σ|), (τ, B0 ) is our new condition. Finally, note that (hi, B0 ), where B0 is the set of non-DNR strings, is a condition. A basic bushy forcing argument Proof If ϕe (e) ↑, then both A0,e and A1,e are h(|σ|)-small above τ . By smallness preservation, B0 = A0,e ∪ A1,e ∪ B is 3h(|σ|)-small above τ . Since h(|τ |) ≥ 3h(|σ|), (τ, B0 ) is our new condition. Finally, note that (hi, B0 ), where B0 is the set of non-DNR strings, is a condition. Elaborations An interesting feature of this argument is that it partially relativizes. We make no use of the effectivity of the set B (it is r.e.). Proposition For every oracle X , for every order function h, there is a DNRhX that is not of PA degree. This method can be elaborated upon to prove: Theorem (Ambos-Spies, et al, 2004; K., Miller) Fix an order function h. Suppose X computes no DNRh function. Then there is an f that is DNR relative to X such that f ⊕ X computes no DNRh function. Note: This is an iterative version of the main result in Ambos-Spies, et al, 2004, which was proved via a simultaneous construction of a sequence of functions, each DNR relative to the ones preceding it. The “DNR degrees” In addition, one can obtain the following structural results about the classes of DNRh functions: Theorem (Ambos-Spies, et al, 2004) Given any order function g, there is an order function g + and an f ∈ DNRg+ such that f computes no DNRg function. Theorem (K., Miller) Given any order function g, there is an order function g − and an f ∈ DNRg− such that f computes no DNRg− function. Theorem (K., Miller) Given any order function g0 , there is another order function g1 and functions f0 ∈ DNRg0 and f1 ∈ DNRg1 such that f0 computes no DNRg1 function and f1 computes no DNRg0 function. Effective Hausdorff dimension and shift-complexity These results paint a reasonable picture of the relationships between various DNRh classes. What about other mass problems that are below PA? Theorem (Greenberg and Miller, 2011) There is an order function h such that every DNRh function computes a real of effective Hausdorff dimension 1. Shift-complex sequences (also called everywhere-complex sequences) are reals such that all contiguous substrings have uniformly high Kolmogorov complexity, as measured by a coefficient 0 < δ < 1. Theorem (K., Shift-complex sequences, 2013) For every δ such that 0 < δ < 1, there is an order function h such that every DNRh function computes a δ-shift-complex sequence. Martin-Löf randomness With respect to randomness, the behavior is quite different: Theorem (Greenberg and Miller, 2011) For every order function h, there is a function in DNRh that computes no Martin-Löf random real. This is another example of a forcing argument involving bushy tree combinatorics. It also partially relativizes: for any oracle X , the result remains true if we replace DNRh , with DNRXh . Kurtz randomness If we sacrifice partial relativization, we can prove something stronger: Theorem (K., Miller) For every order function h, there is a function in DNRh that computes no Kurtz random real. The approach in this proof is quite different from the Greenberg-Miller result above. We force with recursive trees and make strong use of the fact that the set of bad strings is r.e., adapting techniques from the following result: Theorem (Downey, Greenberg, Jockusch, and Milans, Binary subtrees with few labeled paths, 2011) There is no single reduction Γ such that Γf is Kurtz random for all f ∈ DNR3 . We know that the most general partial relativization of the theorem above is false: Theorem (Miller) 0 Every DNR∅ is hyperimmune. Hence such DNRs compute Kurtz random reals. A minimal DNRX It is possible to partially relativize Kumabe’s theorem: Theorem (K.) For every oracle X there is a DNRX function of minimal Turing degree. The motivation for this line of investigation is the following question: Question What is the classical Hausdorff dimension of the set of reals of minimal Turing degree? Earlier we saw: Theorem (Greenberg and Miller, 2011) There is an order function h such that every DNRh function computes a real of effective Hausdorff dimension 1. A minimal DNRX It is possible to partially relativize Kumabe’s theorem: Theorem (K.) For every oracle X there is a DNRX function of minimal Turing degree. The motivation for this line of investigation is the following question: Question What is the classical Hausdorff dimension of the set of reals of minimal Turing degree? Earlier we saw: Theorem (Greenberg and Miller, 2011) There is an order function h such that, for every X , every DNRhX function computes a real of effective Hausdorff dimension 1 relative to X . If we could show that minimal DNRX functions can be DNRXh (more on this later), then we would have answered the question. A minimal DNRX It is possible to partially relativize Kumabe’s theorem: Theorem (K.) For every oracle X there is a DNRX function of minimal Turing degree. The motivation for this line of investigation is the following question: Question What is the classical Hausdorff dimension of the set of reals of minimal Turing degree? Earlier we saw: Theorem (Greenberg and Miller, 2011) There is an order function h such that, for every X , every DNRhX function computes a real of effective Hausdorff dimension 1 relative to X . If we could show that minimal DNRX functions can be DNRXh (more on this later), then we would have answered the question. The Kumabe-Lewis forcing partial order The Kumabe-Lewis construction of a minimal DNR can be formulated as a forcing argument using recursive subtrees of g <ω (for some fixed, but very fast growing order function g), and r.e. bad sets. The effectivity of the components of the forcing conditions is used throughout the proof. For example, when searching for bushy splittings above a bushy set A of strings extending τ , it is guaranteed that either they will be found above a subset A0 of A and the strings A \ A0 will enter the bad set B, or τ itself will enter B. The Kumabe-Lewis forcing partial order The Kumabe-Lewis construction of a minimal DNR can be formulated as a forcing argument using recursive subtrees of g <ω (for some fixed, but very fast growing order function g), and r.e. bad sets. The effectivity of the components of the forcing conditions is used throughout the proof. For example, when searching for bushy splittings above a bushy set A of strings extending τ , it is guaranteed that either they will be found above a subset A0 of A and the strings A \ A0 will enter the bad set B, or τ itself will enter B. Our partial order We have no access to the bad set (the non-DNR strings relative to X are r.e. in X ), and our trees are partial recursive, with a co-r.e. set of terminal nodes. We search for splittings above a sufficiently big subset A0 of A. If we find them, we add A \ A0 to the bad set B, and must ensure that B does not get too big as a result. Some elements of A0 may belong to B, and τ itself might be in B. Our partial order We have no access to the bad set (the non-DNR strings relative to X are r.e. in X ), and our trees are partial recursive, with a co-r.e. set of terminal nodes. We search for splittings above a sufficiently big subset A0 of A. If we find them, we add A \ A0 to the bad set B, and must ensure that B does not get too big as a result. Some elements of A0 may belong to B, and τ itself might be in B. The cost of bushy splitting The splitting operation is very costly in terms of bushiness. The current combinatorial arguments require us to start with g <ω , where g is a very fast-growing function. Question Can this construction be carried out below any preimposed order function? Or even just one slow enough to ensure being able to compute a real of effective dimension 1? The cost of bushy splitting The splitting operation is very costly in terms of bushiness. The current combinatorial arguments require us to start with g <ω , where g is a very fast-growing function. Question Can this construction be carried out below any preimposed order function? Or even just one slow enough to ensure being able to compute a real of effective dimension 1? The cupping property Definition A Turing degree x has the cupping property if for every y such that y > x, there is a z < y such that x ∨ z ≥ y. The cupping property should be thought of as a form of computational strength: x possesses some nontrivial information about every degree that is properly Turing above it. Theorem (Kučera) Every PA degree has the cupping property. Question Do sufficiently slow-growing DNR functions have the cupping property? Summary PA degrees Sufficiently slow-growing DNRs bound Kurtz randoms No bound shift-complex sequences Yes bound effective Hausdorff dimension 1 sequences Yes have the cupping property ? are not minimal ? Thanks
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