Peter Braunsteins

Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C
Peter Braunsteins
Supervisors: Professor Peter Taylor and Dr Sophie Hautphenne
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
8th April 2015
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
M/M/1/C Loss System
Consider an M/M/1/C queue run by a manager who has the option
of buying or selling capacity at the start of each time period
How much should the manager pay for an additional unit of
What price should the manager accept to sell a unit of capacity?
Chiera and Taylor (2002) calculated these prices for an M/M/C /C
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
M/M/1/C Loss System
There’s a finite planning horizon of length T
Each customer served generates θ dollars
There are initially n customers in the queue
Customers arrive to the queue according to the cumulative arrival
process; {A(t) : 0 ≤ t ≤ T }
Customers are served according to the potential service process;
{S(t) : 0 ≤ t ≤ T }
These are independent Poisson processes with rates λ and µ,
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Expected Lost Revenue
We say that each customer rejected from the queue is a lost
opportunity which costs θ dollars
We compute Rn,C (t), the expected revenue lost in the time interval
[0, t] given an M/M/1/C system with capacity C and initial queue
length n ∈ {0, 1, ..., C }
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Queue Length Process
Let Qn,C (t) represent the number of customers in the queue at time
t given an initial queue length n and capacity C .
Qn,C (t) = n + [A(t) − Un,C (t)] − [S(t) − Ln,C (t)], where
Ln,C (t) counts the number of unrealized potential services
Un,C (t) counts the number of customers lost
Rn,C (t) = θE [Un,C (t)]
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Queue Length Process
Figure 1: Possible realization of the queue length process, Q0,4 (t). Points at
queue length C represent lost customers and points at queue length 0 represent
unrealized services. In this example 8 customers are lost and 5 services are
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Expected Lost Revenue - n = {0, 1, ..., C }
Figure 2: Expected lost revenue function for n = {0, 1, ..., C } when C = 4,
θ = 1, λ = 3 and µ = 5 (low blocking system).
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Expected Lost Revenue - n = {0, 1, ..., C }
Figure 3: Expected lost revenue function for n = {0, 1, ..., C } when C = 4,
θ = 1, λ = 5 and µ = 3 (high blocking system).
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Buying and Selling Prices
Let the buying price Bn,C (t), be,
Bn,C (t) = Rn,C (t) − Rn,C +1 (t), for all n ∈ {0, ..., C }
Let the selling price Sn,C (t) be,
Rn,C −1 (t) − Rn,C (t),
n ∈ {0, ..., C − 1}
Sn,C (t) =
RC −1,C −1 (t) − RC ,C (t) + θ, n = C .
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Buying and Selling Prices
Figure 4: Buying (solid) and selling (dotted) price function for n = 3, 4, 5 when
C = 5, λ = 3 and µ = 5 (low blocking system)
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Buying and Selling Prices
Figure 5: Buying (solid) and selling (dotted) price function for n = 3, 4, 5 when
C = 5, λ = 5 and µ = 3 (high blocking system)
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Buying and Selling Prices
Consider two M/M/1/C queues with identical values of C and θ, a ‘high
blocking’ queue with parameters λHB , µHB and a ‘low blocking’ queue
with parameters λLB , µLB , which are such that λHB > λLB , λHB = µLB
and µHB = λLB . If Sn,C
(t) is the selling price of capacity in the high
blocking queue and Sn,C (t) is the selling price of capacity in the low
blocking queue, then
,C (t) = SC ,C (t) for all t ≥ 0.
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
The buying and selling prices are expressed as the difference in
expected lost revenue from two queueing systems
We transition to a probability space where both queueing systems
are generated by the same arrival and potential service processes
Sn,C (t) = Rn,C −1 (t) − Rn,C (t)
= E(Un,C −1 (t)) − E(Un,C (t))
= E Uˆn,C −1 (t) − Uˆn,C (t)
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Figure 6: Possible realization of the queue length processes Qˆ1,3 (t) (blue
dashed) and Qˆ1,2 (t) (red solid). Points at queue length C represent lost
customers and points at queue length 0 represent unrealized services.
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Figure 7: Possible realization of the queue length processes Qˆ1,3 (t) (blue
dashed) and Qˆ1,2 (t) (red solid). Points at queue length C represent lost
customers and points at queue length 0 represent unrealized services.
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Figure 8: Possible realization of the queue length processes Qˆ1,3 (t) (blue
dashed) and Qˆ1,2 (t) (red solid). Points at queue length C represent lost
customers and points at queue length 0 represent unrealized services.
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Figure 9: Possible realization of the queue length processes Qˆ1,3 (t) (blue
dashed) and Qˆ1,2 (t) (red solid). Points at queue length C represent lost
customers and points at queue length 0 represent unrealized services.
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Figure 10: Possible realization of the queue length processes Qˆ1,3 (t) (blue
dashed) and Qˆ1,2 (t) (red solid). Points at queue length C represent lost
customers and points at queue length 0 represent unrealized services.
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
{Uˆn,C −1 (t) − Uˆn,C (t)} is a delayed renewal process
Since Ti,U
= Ti,L
and Ti,L
= Ti,U
, the inter-renewal time,
Ti,L + Ti,U , has the same distribution in the high blocking and low
blocking cases
The delay, T1 , is different in the high blocking and low blocking
cases except when n = C , in which case T1 = 0.
,C (t) = θE 1 + UC −1,C −1 (t) − UC ,C (t)
= θE 1 + UˆCLB−1,C −1 (t) − UˆCLB,C (t)
= SCLB,C (t)
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Peter Braunsteins
Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne