Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Peter Braunsteins Supervisors: Professor Peter Taylor and Dr Sophie Hautphenne Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne 8th April 2015 Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne M/M/1/C Loss System I Consider an M/M/1/C queue run by a manager who has the option of buying or selling capacity at the start of each time period I How much should the manager pay for an additional unit of capacity? I What price should the manager accept to sell a unit of capacity? I Chiera and Taylor (2002) calculated these prices for an M/M/C /C system Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne M/M/1/C Loss System I There’s a finite planning horizon of length T I Each customer served generates θ dollars I There are initially n customers in the queue I Customers arrive to the queue according to the cumulative arrival process; {A(t) : 0 ≤ t ≤ T } I Customers are served according to the potential service process; {S(t) : 0 ≤ t ≤ T } I These are independent Poisson processes with rates λ and µ, respectively. Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Expected Lost Revenue I We say that each customer rejected from the queue is a lost opportunity which costs θ dollars I We compute Rn,C (t), the expected revenue lost in the time interval [0, t] given an M/M/1/C system with capacity C and initial queue length n ∈ {0, 1, ..., C } Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Queue Length Process I Let Qn,C (t) represent the number of customers in the queue at time t given an initial queue length n and capacity C . I Qn,C (t) = n + [A(t) − Un,C (t)] − [S(t) − Ln,C (t)], where I I I Ln,C (t) counts the number of unrealized potential services Un,C (t) counts the number of customers lost Rn,C (t) = θE [Un,C (t)] Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Queue Length Process Figure 1: Possible realization of the queue length process, Q0,4 (t). Points at queue length C represent lost customers and points at queue length 0 represent unrealized services. In this example 8 customers are lost and 5 services are unrealized. Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Expected Lost Revenue - n = {0, 1, ..., C } Figure 2: Expected lost revenue function for n = {0, 1, ..., C } when C = 4, θ = 1, λ = 3 and µ = 5 (low blocking system). Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Expected Lost Revenue - n = {0, 1, ..., C } Figure 3: Expected lost revenue function for n = {0, 1, ..., C } when C = 4, θ = 1, λ = 5 and µ = 3 (high blocking system). Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Buying and Selling Prices Let the buying price Bn,C (t), be, I Bn,C (t) = Rn,C (t) − Rn,C +1 (t), for all n ∈ {0, ..., C } I Let the selling price Sn,C (t) be, Rn,C −1 (t) − Rn,C (t), n ∈ {0, ..., C − 1} Sn,C (t) = RC −1,C −1 (t) − RC ,C (t) + θ, n = C . Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Buying and Selling Prices Figure 4: Buying (solid) and selling (dotted) price function for n = 3, 4, 5 when C = 5, λ = 3 and µ = 5 (low blocking system) Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Buying and Selling Prices Figure 5: Buying (solid) and selling (dotted) price function for n = 3, 4, 5 when C = 5, λ = 5 and µ = 3 (high blocking system) Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Buying and Selling Prices Theorem Consider two M/M/1/C queues with identical values of C and θ, a ‘high blocking’ queue with parameters λHB , µHB and a ‘low blocking’ queue with parameters λLB , µLB , which are such that λHB > λLB , λHB = µLB HB and µHB = λLB . If Sn,C (t) is the selling price of capacity in the high LB blocking queue and Sn,C (t) is the selling price of capacity in the low blocking queue, then LB SCHB ,C (t) = SC ,C (t) for all t ≥ 0. Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Coupling I The buying and selling prices are expressed as the difference in expected lost revenue from two queueing systems I We transition to a probability space where both queueing systems are generated by the same arrival and potential service processes Sn,C (t) = Rn,C −1 (t) − Rn,C (t) = E(Un,C −1 (t)) − E(Un,C (t)) = E Uˆn,C −1 (t) − Uˆn,C (t) Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Coupling Figure 6: Possible realization of the queue length processes Qˆ1,3 (t) (blue dashed) and Qˆ1,2 (t) (red solid). Points at queue length C represent lost customers and points at queue length 0 represent unrealized services. Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Coupling Figure 7: Possible realization of the queue length processes Qˆ1,3 (t) (blue dashed) and Qˆ1,2 (t) (red solid). Points at queue length C represent lost customers and points at queue length 0 represent unrealized services. Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Coupling Figure 8: Possible realization of the queue length processes Qˆ1,3 (t) (blue dashed) and Qˆ1,2 (t) (red solid). Points at queue length C represent lost customers and points at queue length 0 represent unrealized services. Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Coupling Figure 9: Possible realization of the queue length processes Qˆ1,3 (t) (blue dashed) and Qˆ1,2 (t) (red solid). Points at queue length C represent lost customers and points at queue length 0 represent unrealized services. Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Coupling Figure 10: Possible realization of the queue length processes Qˆ1,3 (t) (blue dashed) and Qˆ1,2 (t) (red solid). Points at queue length C represent lost customers and points at queue length 0 represent unrealized services. Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Coupling I {Uˆn,C −1 (t) − Uˆn,C (t)} is a delayed renewal process I HB LB HB LB Since Ti,U = Ti,L and Ti,L = Ti,U , the inter-renewal time, Ti,L + Ti,U , has the same distribution in the high blocking and low blocking cases I The delay, T1 , is different in the high blocking and low blocking cases except when n = C , in which case T1 = 0. I Thus, d d ˆHB ˆHB SCHB ,C (t) = θE 1 + UC −1,C −1 (t) − UC ,C (t) = θE 1 + UˆCLB−1,C −1 (t) − UˆCLB,C (t) = SCLB,C (t) Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Questions? Peter Braunsteins Coupling and capacity value in an M/M/1/C queue Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
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