Summer 2015 D.McArdle MTH 142: Section 1001 University of Rhode Island Instructor: David McArdle, [email protected] Class time/location: Summer I, MTWTH 10‐12:30, Pastore 234 Office Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday (1‐2PM, Lippitt 201 Kingston) Tutoring Schedule: Free tutoring services (provided by the math department) will be available during summer session 1 as follows: 1. Providence: [Room 260] Monday‐Thursday 3PM‐8PM 2. Kingston: [Lippitt Hall Room 201] Monday‐Thursday 10AM‐3PM *Tutoring is done on a walk‐in basis and there are qualified graduate students ready to assist you. Make sure to utilize this service! Textbook & Calculator: Calculus: Single Variable, Hughes‐Hallett, et. al (6th edition) AND Wiley‐Plus access code Grades Grades will be determined by the following breakdown. Note that no scaling/curving of grades will occur at the end of the semester. Item Points Exam 1 150 Exam 2 150 Final Exam 200 Quizzes 150 Homework 125 Classwork 75 Total: 850 A: (93‐100) A‐: (90‐92) B+: (87‐89) B: (83‐86) B‐: (80‐82) C+: (77‐79) C: (73‐76) C‐: (70‐ 72) D+: (67‐69) D: (60‐66) F: (0‐59) Remarks: • • No across the board curves will be implemented. No extra credit will be given Summer 2015 D.McArdle Exams During the course of the semester there will be 2 unit exams (Exams 1 & 2) as well as a cumulative final examination (all held during class time). The content of Exams 1 & 2 will be announced in class and will be dependent on the material covered prior to the date of the exam. Below are the dates for the exams, which will all be held in Pastore 234. Exam 1: Thursday, May 28th Exam 2: Monday, June 8th Final Exam: Thursday, June 18th The following policies apply to all exams, and no exceptions will be made. 1. You must have a URI Photo ID with you to take an exam, and show it to the proctor as you hand in your exam. 2. No books, bags, papers, binders, or extra scrap paper can be visible around your desk. Prior to the exam place all of your belongings out of sight under your desk. 3. Calculators are not allowed on exams 4. You may not ask any questions during the exam; understanding the questions is a part of the exam. If you think there is a typo or error, do the best that you can with the given information. 5. If you need to leave the classroom during an exam your test will be collected and you must leave your cell phone behind as well. 6. You are advised to bring multiple writing utensils to the exams, just in case. The following policies apply to all Make‐up exams (and quizzes), and no exceptions will be made. 1. Makeup exams may be scheduled in the event you are unable to attend the evening exams under the following conditions. Note in particular that if you must miss the exam because of a scheduling conflict, you must notify your instructor before, not after, the exam, and emergencies require you to contact your instructor within 24 hours. 2. If your reason for missing the exam as scheduled is: a. (i) a University sanctioned event for which verifiable documentation can be provided, or b. (ii) a responsibility to an employer that cannot be rescheduled (with documentation from your employer), then you MUST INFORM YOUR INSTRUCTOR 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE EXAM AND PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION. 3. Such events are scheduled in advance, so you must provide advanced notice to your instructor in order to have a makeup exam. Failure to provide this advanced notice will result in a grade of 0 for the exam. No exceptions. Makeup exams must be scheduled after the actual exam, and preferably before the class period Summer 2015 D.McArdle when exams are to be handed back, but no later than two days (excluding weekends and holidays) after the actual exam. 4. If the reason for missing the exam as scheduled is due to: a. (i) illness (with verifiable documentation from a medical provider), or b. (ii) an emergency (with appropriate documentation), then you MUST INFORM YOUR INSTRUCTOR WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE EXAM and provide documentation upon your return. **If your circumstances do not meet either of the above (no documentation, a non‐ emergency excuse without sufficient notice, etc.), then you will receive a zero for the missed exam. No exceptions. Please note that since you signed up for a 5 week summer course you need to make the necessary arrangements to attend each class. Quizzes In‐class quizzes will be administered on May 19th, May 21st, May 26th, June 2nd, June 4th, June 11th, and June 16th. The quizzes will each be worth 25 points. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. Specifics about each quiz will be given during the preceding class period. Together the quizzes are worth as much as an exam so it important to study for each quiz. Homework & Recommended Problems You will be given weekly homework assignments on WileyPlus Online Homework System. All homework assignments are due at 11:00pm on the specified due date. Four attempts will be given for each problem. Late homework assignments will be accepted with a 50% grade deduction. We will be using WileyPLUS online homework system in this course. To sign up for this system, you will need a WileyPlus registration code. (1) If you buy a new text‐book, make sure to buy the book bundled with WileyPlus code. (2) If you buy a used book, you need to buy the WileyPlus registration code separately. You can directly purchase the code from WileyPlus website for about $90; You can also buy the code alone from URI book store at a higher price. (3) If you are fresh off of taking MTH 141 at URI in the spring of 2015 your account will still be valid and you do not need to repurchase. (3) The WileyPlus code also offers you an electronic version of the textbook in your WileyPlus account. You register for the WileyPLUS system by going to the URL that is unique to our section of MTH 142. Summer 2015 D.McArdle Each section that we cover will have a list of recommended problems associated with it. These problems do not have to be completed but are a great way to study for the quizzes and exams. If you have questions regarding the recommended problems you can ask them at the start of each class period. Attendance & Classwork Attendance is required and necessary! Throughout the summer session there are 20 class periods (the last of which is the final exam) and we cover a great deal of material. Each week we will cover about 3 weeks of material (as normally presented during a 15 week semester). If you do have to miss a class please notify me ahead of time. If an exam or quiz is scheduled for that day, make‐ups will only be given in accordance with the make‐up policy stated above. Each week during class you will have the opportunity to work on practice problems with your peers. This work will be collected at the end of the week and will be counted towards the “classwork” portion of your grade. Assignments will be worth a total of 15 points each week. Sakai I have created a Sakai webpage for this course. I will use Sakai as an online grade‐book and will also send out announcements and post resources. Sakai is our “HOME BASE” so be sure to check the site regularly. Resources for each section that is taught can be found in the resource section (via the resource tab) of Sakai. Instructional videos that supplement the material taught in class can be found in the resource section in the folder “McArdle Math Academy”. Other Policies University of Rhode Island Civility Policy: In accordance with the University's civility policy, cell phones, IPods, beepers and any electronic devices must be turned off during exams. Accommodations: Any student with a documented disability is welcome to contact me as early in the semester as possible so that we may arrange reasonable accommodations. As part of this process, please be in touch with Disability Services for Students Office at 330 Memorial Union, 401‐874‐2098. Drop Dates: 100% Adjustment of fees: May 18th‐19th 70% Adjustment of fees: May 20th‐24th 50% Adjustment of fees: May 25th‐26th Last Day to Drop: May 29th
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