MAY 2015 CIRCULAR (MAILED MAY 29, 2015) URGENT APPEAL — 2017 PROVINCIAL CONVENTION HOSTS (1 page) 2014/15 LITERARY & POSTER CONTEST WINNERS (1 page) 2015 PROVINCIAL COMMAND SUMMER HOURS (1 page) SURPLUS COMPUTERS EMAIL (1 page) 2015 LEGION WEEK (1 page) MEMO — RCEL DONATIONS (1 page) LAUNCH OF ONE-BY-ONE CAMPAIGN (2 pages) VETERANS AFFAIRS LETTER RE: LEGION D’HONNEUR (3 pages) Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario Command rc 563 St. Mary’s Road Winnipeg, MB. R2M 316 Tel: (204) 233-3405 Fax: (204) 237-1775 Email: [email protected] Dan KIdd President 0 g eflt To: Fr: All Branches & PEC Members Provincial Command Date: May 5, 2015 At this time we do not have a HOST for the 2017 Provincial Convention. Please give this serious consideration and should you feel your branch, zone or district could possibly handle our next Provincial Convention please contact Command office as soon as possible. We would like to announce the 2017 Host at our upcoming Convention in June. Thank-you for your consideration of this request. Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario Command Tfit $cit &(in Lecn UTERARY & POSTER CONTEST 2014/15 RESULTS Category Primary Poster Black & white Winner Fenton Vandermeulen District Transcona #7 6 Christine Amanda Han McKellar Park Central School SI b #129 8 Intermediate Poster Black & White Raina Mane Adrian Carman Collegiate Carman #18 4 Primary Poster rPo5ter Intermediate Poster Colour Senior Poster Junior Poem lntemiedlate * * Sch Branch Junior Poster Black & White Adam Werbman * School Immanuel Christian Christian 1fr7 6 Sh Ln Ceais Minto School Minto #201 3 Hannah West Sounis School Souns #60 3 Rebecca Tena Roap Immanuel Christian School Transcona #7 6 Fernando Harder Cartwright School Slab #129 8 Claudia Rataquapit Kingsway Park Public Jennifer Faye Fossay Woodlands Elementary Woodlands #248 5 Senior Poem Magdalina Buratchub St. Boniface Dioesesan Belgian Vet #107 6 Junior Essay Chelsea Dzioba Oakbanb Elementary Springfield #146 6 Intermediate Essay Urooj Solar Ecole Charleswood Senior Essay Victoria (Tori) Fisher Minnedoso Collegiate Charleswood #100 Hugh Dyer #138 st Victoria Fisher won 1 Place in the Senior Essay at the National Contest. Adam Werkman won 2 Place in the Senior Black and White Poster at the National Contest. Urooj Salar won Honorable Mentions in the Intermediate Essay at the National Contest. Literary and Poster Contest Results —20142015 4 2 Manitoba a NW Ontario Command 2015 Summer Hours Effective the week of June 21, 2015 until August 29, 2015, Command Office Hours wiLt be as follows. Monday to Thursday Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. After the September Long weekend we wiLL revert back to the normaL office hours of Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Lori Ducharrne FW: Surplus Computers 2015 Subject: - From: Bruce Poulin [mailto:Bruce.Poulin&] Sent: May-29-15 9:27 AM To: Bruce Poulin Subject: Surplus Computers 2015 - Comrades; Given the continued high demand and positive responses we have received from Legion Branches all across the country we have approached Industry Canada again this year to have the Legion included on the list of those organizations eligible to receive a computer deemed surplus. They have agreed for the third consecutive year. As in previous years this offer includes: CPU Operating system Mouse Office software (extra cost) Keyboard Flat screen monitor Shipping and handling costs (may be waived by making special pick up arrangements) APPLICATION PROCEDURE: In order to speed up the process, our contact at Industry Canada has asked that our Legion Branches follow this link: click on local CFS representative and click to the appropriate province or territory. This will take them directly to partners website where they can then complete their application form. Branches in the National Capital Region will complete either the Ontario or Québec application form and our affiliate will transfer it to our refurbishment centre in Gatineau. , st Comrades, this is a great opportunity to help bring the Legion into the 21 Century particularly as we have trarisitioned to electronic and on-line methods of communications and resource availability. — Yours in Comradeship Legigj BRUCE POULIN Manager / Gérant, Communications THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION DOMINION COMMAND LA LEGION ROYAL E CANADIENNE DIREcIION NATIONALE 86 Aird Place, Ottawa, K2L OAI 613591 -3335 ext 241 ToIl free: 1-888-556-6222 Fax: 613-591-9335 E2ILIn@i&ion - Follow the Legion online! wwJgjç Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario Command The’ ROyRZ’ CcLvw4iii Leiotv 563 St. Mary’s Road Winnipeg, MB. R2M 3L6 Tote: (204) 233-3405 Fax :( 204) 237-1775 Email: Dan Kldd Prsld.nt May, 2015 To: All Branches Dear Comrades, RE: LEGION WEEK, SEPTEMBER 20 — 26, 2015 (INCLUSIVE) The above noted dates have been proclaimed as Legion Week in the Provinces of Manitoba and Ontario. Hopefully, all Branches will conduct a full week of events and activities during this period. Suggested events for the week which Branches found very successful last year included: Seniors: 1. 2. 3. 4. Special Bingos Picnics, Excursions, Dinners Housing Programs Entertainment Youth: 1. 2. Dinners, Barbecues Honours & Awards for sponsored Cadets, Scouts, Guides, Sports Teams, etc. Scholarship and Bursary Awards 3. Branches are urged to get the Media involved to obtain maximum coverage so that the general public is made aware of the many worthwhile programs the Legion undertakes. Yours fraternally, Dan Kidd Chairman Public Relations Committee Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario Command Tfi $ct na(i Lecn 563 St. Mary’s Road Winnipeg, MB. R2M 3L6 Tel: (204) 233-3405 Fax: (204) 237-1775 Email: [email protected] Dan Kidd President MEMORANDUM To: From: Subject: All Branches Dawn Golding RCEL Donations Date: 29-May-15 If your branch intends on making a donation to the R.C.E.L. during the Provincial Convention it would be appreciated, if possible, your cheques are forwarded to this office prior to the convention. Cheques should be made payable to “R.C.E.L. Fund”. A master list, containing Branch Name, Number and amount of donation will then be read at the Convention. This will save valuable time during Convention sessions. Thank you. Lon Ducharme Subject: FW: Launch of the One By One campaign From: Scott Ferns [] Sent: May-06-15 2:44 PM To: DEC; Provincial Secretaries; Membership and Outreach Committee; Kathy Ensor; ‘Irene Hannon’; Sharon Mckeown; Jay Tofflemire; ‘[email protected]’; James Riddell; ‘Duane MacEwen’; Ken Box; Jack Clayton; Frank Sullivan; ‘Marlene Gagne’ Cc: Membership_Section Subject: Launch of the One By One campaign Comrades, On behalf of the Co-Chairs of the Membership and Outreach Committee the following message is shared for your information. Please give this email widest distribution possible. The One BY One Member Recruitment Campaign — May 1 through July 31, 2015 We are pleased to let you know that the One By One Member Recruitment Campaign is officially underway! While there was an unexpected delay in getting the materials out, all materials are now in the mail and Branches should be receiving them within the next week. All campaign logistics, downloadable promotional materials and information have been available on the website since mid-April for Branches to access. Below are key points to keep in mind for this campaign: This year’s campaign is easier than ever for Branches to administer • Legion members can now register themselves online when they recruit a new member through an online contest entry form. No more forms for Branches to fill out! • New member initiation is not required prior to entering the contest. One of the biggest challenges Branches had was scheduling initiation ceremonies and completing and returning Member Registration Forms to Dominion Command before the contest end date. This year, we removed those requirements. Once a new member has submitted their membership form and 2015 dues, the recruiting member can enter the contest. This year’s campaign runs from May 1 through July 31, 2015. • We can’t afford to let the summer slip by without having an active recruitment campaign. With the new online contest registration form, any Branch that accepts new member payments in the summer can actively participate. New members do not need to be initiated before the recruiting member can participate. We’re offering more prizes and more ways to win! • In addition to the grand prize draw of a Caribbean cruise, Dominion Command purchased iPads for a draw prize within every Command. Every recruiting member and every new member entered online in the One By One campaign will be automatically entered into their Command draw for an iPad. Now, recruiting members get two chances to win, and new members have a chance to win too! Simplified Reporting • At the end of the campaign, Dominion Command will prepare a summary report for each participating branch and the Provincial Commands, providing final numbers of participating members, and number of new members. One By One works! We encourage every Command to ensure their Branches are implementing the campaign and encouraging their members to recruit. As Provincial Secretaries, the Membership Committee and Provincial Membership Chairs, we encourage you to lead by example, and recruit a member today! One By One we can grow the ranks of the Legion and increase our membership. SCOTT C. FERRIS Director, Marketing and Membership Directeur, Marketing at Adhesion THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION DOMINION COMMAND LA LEGION ROYALE CANADIENNE DIRECTION NATIONALE 86 Aird Place, Ottawa, K2L OA1 613-591-3335 ext 280 Toll free: 1-888-556-6222 (Fax) 613-591-9335 - - Follow the Legion onlinel . ** Spam/Virus Protection by Barracuda “ ** This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. 2 I +1 ‘teTa Afiar Arccrs canae.a O. 3cx 7X ?. 77O P.EJ C1AM9 C1A ‘e Dear Sir or Madam: In 2014, the Embassy of France awarded the Legion d’honneur to more than 600 Canadian Veterans who served in the campaign to liberate France. I am pleased to inform you that the Government of France has extended the nomination deadline for the Legion d’hormeur to July 31, 2015. The Embassy of France is looking for candidates who took part in the battles and mititrny operations surrounding the landings in Norrnancy and Provence during the liberation of France mainly between June 8 and August 31. 1944. The Department of Veterans Affairs would like to invite you to participate in the nomination of candidates for this prestigious decoration. Enclosed you will find a nomination form and letter from the Embassy of France regarding the extension of the Legion dhonneur nominations. All nominations must be received by Veterans Affairs Canada Jatptthen July 10. 2015, at the following address: Veterans Affairs Canada Commemoration Division Attention: Jaime Cote 66 Stater Street Ottawa, Ontario KIAOP4 We are tremendously indebted to those who served Canada and fought to protect our rights and freedoms. I invite you to take this opportunity to express your gratitude by nominating a candidate. Sincerely, A Dr. Andrá Levesque Director General, Commemoration Enclosures Canada z1 14...E • • R’ti3UQUi FRCAISI MBssw: l)F FRNCF AU CANADA Ottawa, \i 6,201 N’ 312 DLi MDI) A\ NI> Captain (Navy) hrktoph I3ilduht t ih. mh s of I r m. to ( in.tda ETAT MAJOR ESARME6 ‘ tO Ottawa ‘.LflS assoCiations ifl In order Canada iiinoate th 70’’ ti r’ir of the •\lhcd I ndns in Normand and rii.c, Fr.ine h’ur cine or Canadian ..:ws sho took part in ih.s mhar and the liberation ‘ t 6S9 .etcrans campaign. which m awarded ‘r 11,2 of Ikniour. I :irh hhLhcst in ‘ all ii . ine then, a rwrnbvr rr’dofth .i piin througI basing only oserage otdeoration iitatcd he Lmbassv of [ran and )Jmn of tLtjtt4 \ L Ihe .nt has th.rt. r.. du&d ‘o ‘ French the dadhne ol this last LIrIle 10 uR 31. 2013 cdctd: t’or epton oldossiers at the . ‘: . It is for this ra’n I uL sotir grateful an ttndrng 1iihk. tran ho had not .ipplicd in 2013. t).oratiori rcqucr d sicr chonld be sent to: Canada t ô6 Slazer Street. I Ottawa. Ontario 1A flP4 I will remain i nur floor dkposition tbr any further information that Yours sincerely. 4Z M drive Oriwa. ON - - KIM 2C9 require. NOMINATION FORM NATIONAl. ORDER OF ThE LEGION OF HONOUR Protected Ir.forrnatlon when completed Person being nominated: Mr/Mrs/Ms Given Names Address City Province Language of choice Postal Code Date and place of birth: Telephone No. Posting: Rank and Regimental number: Regimental information: Date and pbce of landing In France: Wounded In action: French Campaign: French Decorations: Canadian / British Decorations, Citations: Nanative (if Insufficient space, attach a separate sheet): Nominated by: Mr/Mrs/Ms Full Name Address ‘ l City Signature Please send completed form Veterans Affairs Canada Commemoration Division Attention: Jaime Cote 66 Slater Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A QP4 Telephone No. I Province Postal Code Date th, NO LATER THAN JULY 10 2015:
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