Mark of the Thief Vocabulary Pages 30

Mark of the Thief
Vocabulary Pages 30-100
Name ______________________
1. Pick 15 words from the list below that you don’t know. Write note cards for those 15
words. Write the term on one side and the definition on the other side. Show Ms.
McQuate your notecards, and then keep them to study for the quiz.
2. Draw a picture for 15 words below, or write the definition in your own words.
Picture (or definition in your own words)
30 irrelevant – not important
31 arced –to move in a curve
33 & 38 infuriated/fury – angry/anger
35 tolerate – put up with
39 senator – member of government
40 patricians – a title of dignity or noble rank
42 auction – sale to the highest bidder
42 trait –a characteristic or quality (like eye
color or kindness)
43 curt – rudely short in conversation
49 tumult – uproar or commotion
50 foul – obscene or profane
51 Shade – a spirit
52 fetid – stinking badly
52 retch – to vomit or throw up
53 waning – to decrease in intensity
55 cognomen - the third and last name of a
Roman citizen
56 plebeian – belonging to the common
people or lower class
56 crepundia – a general term for a child’s
play things (rattles, charms, necklaces)
64 amphitheater- an oval building with an
open area for games and tiered seating
64 exposed (in Ancient Rome) – putting a child
on the doorstep to abandon them
68 barbarians – a savage, uncivilized person
70 aqueducts – a channel for moving water
71 Elysium -( in mythology )an afterlife for the
74 hypogeum – underground area
76 behemoth – a creature of large size
78 throng – a crowd of people
80 venatio – a contest where men try to kill
wild animals
81 gladiators – a slave forced to fight to the
84 immortals – gods who live forever
91 rations – a small amount of food