Thursday, 19 February 2015 2 PUBLISHED BY 4 8 DISTRIBUTED WITH Issue No. 159 PREPARING BABIES FOR SOLID FOOD DONNA KARAN SPRING/SUMMER 2015 THE ANTI AGING PILL Beautiful Inside and Out G I recently discovered the secret to livening up even the dullest conversation: introduce the topic of clutter. Everyone seems to be waging a passionate, private battle against their own stuff, and they perk up as soon as it was mentioned. “I don’t buy anything - no clothes, no shoes,” a woman who works in the fashion industry told me. Someone on a de-cluttering bender explained: “There’s too much in my head, there’s too much stuff in my house, too.” Clutter isn’t a new problem, of course. But suddenly, it’s not just irritating - it’s evil. If you’re not living up to your potential, clutter is probably the culprit. Marie Kondo’s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” the top-ranked book on The New York Times list of self-help books promises that, once your house is orderly, you can “pour your time and passion into what brings you the most joy, your mission in life.” This isn’t just an ‘American’ problem. Kondo’s book was a best seller in her native Japan, too, as well as in Taiwan, Korea and Germany, and nearly 30 translations are planned. Karen Kingston, a British clutter expert who consults around the world, says her online courses, including an advanced class called Zero Procrastination, draw students from at least 18 countries. Not all of the world’s clutter is created equal. Kingston says that British clutter tends to include pieces of unwanted inherited furniture. Americans have fewer heirlooms, but can become sentimentally attached to new purchases, she says. n r o B Germans are among the biggest subscribers to her de-cluttering courses. Though when a colleague emails her clutter photos from potential clients there, she’s often at a loss to find the mess in the pictures. In Germany, “It’s not so much that they have a lot of clutter, it’s more the fact that they want to be optimally organised,” Kingston explains. A survey found that, among Western Europeans, Italians had the greatest number of “unused objects” in their homes. Perhaps that’s because extended families are living together, merging their clutter. De-cluttering can be a born-again experience. It was transformative for Ryan Nicodemus, co-creator of The Minimalists blog, who describes how he was overworked and depressed - until he got rid of 80 percent of his belongings. “A month later, my entire perspective had changed. And then I thought to myself, maybe some people might find value in my story,” he said in a talk. Clutter is having its moment in part because we’ve accumulated a critical mass of it. The cascade began about 25 years ago, when China started to export huge amounts of cheap clothes, toys and electronics. Cut-rate retailers and big-box stores encouraged us to stockpile it all. And we did. But as stuff got cheaper, it lost status. Reality shows about hoarders made having lots of things even less appealing. Now, in some well-off circles, people boast about how little they own, or curate small collections of carefully selected items. The rich increasingly con- in the DIGITAL F acebook? Of course. Books? Not really. Video games? Sure. Sport? Huh?! Speed? Yes. This is Generation Z -- independent, pragmatic and always in a rush. Born after 1995 and unaware of a world without Internet, they live a life that’s so far removed from that of the previous generations. They are so hooked into the digital world that they are nicknamed the mutants. • They want everything immediately. They surf on two screens simultaneously. They don’t mind paying for the latest smart phone but turn up their nose at paying for a film or a song when you can get that for free, online. Their vocabulary is peppered with acronyms, incomprehensible to those not in the know. “Swag” is the new cool. sume expensive experiences - like a trip to Bhutan rather than material goods. The middle classes are tiring of their possessions, too. There are online communities for people who have vowed to remove 40 bags of stuff from their homes over 40 days, or to pare back to just 100 possessions. In her book “A Bunch of Pretty Things I Did Not Buy,” the artist Sarah Lazarovic describes the year she spent painting pictures of things instead of buying them. It’s hard to resist the de-cluttering fever. I, too, spend my weekends filling bags with cookbooks, toys and vintage dresses, and then hauling them away. For the first time in years, I can lay my hands on any one of my sweaters. But the more stuff I shed, the more I realise that we de-clutterers feel besieged by more than just our possessions. We’re also overwhelmed by the intangible detritus of 21st-century life: unreturned emails; unprinted family photos; the ceaseless ticker of other people’s lives on Facebook; the heightened demands of parenting; and the suspicion that we’ll be checking our phones every 15 minutes, forever. I can sit in an empty room, and still get nothing done. It’s consoling to think that beneath all these distractions, we’ll discover our shining, authentic selves, or even achieve a state of mindfulness. But I doubt it. I’m starting to suspect that the joy of ditching all our stuff is just as illusory as the joy we find in acquiring it. Less may be more, but it’s still not enough. ( AGE • They find it easier to talk online than in person. Their friends on social media are as important to them as their friends in real life. But they do actually meet up in person with these virtual pals, sometimes. • They have seen many technologies become obsolete and for this they have become the ultimate self-educators, learning how to use new stuff via self-help videos on YouTube. • They spend more than three hours a day in front of a screen. Living in constant fear of missing out (FOMO), they can’t stand the idea of not being in the loop when something new comes out. They surf while watching TV and they have a short attention span, with a tendency to skim-read rather than read properly. rowing up beautiful also has a downside. Combing through decades of findings, social psychologists Lisa Slattery Walker and Tonya Frevert at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte reviewed all the evidence to date – and their conclusions are not what you might expect. Almost all infant milk supplements carry a slogan that says, breast milk is the best for babies up to two years. This issue’s Health page is all about breast milk and how it actually help prepare babies for solid food. Babies who are fed only breast milk have microbial communities that seem more ready for the introduction of solid foods, this, according to a study published in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, where researchers from the UNC School of Medicine and UNC College of Arts and Sciences found that a baby’s diet during the first few months of life has a profound influence on the composition, diversity, and stability of the gut microbiome. A beautiful home is always a welcome treat and Martha this week is all about organising and keeping the kitchen clean. Matched with some useful decorating ideas from Better Homes and Gardens, today might be a good time to start really making your house a special place for yourself and your family. And while you’re at it, you might want to check out our recipes this week - brilliant pasta recipes that will take less than 30 minutes to prepare. We dare claim they are restaurant quality too, so go ahead try them and let us know how they fare. Comments? Drop us a word at [email protected]. Your feedback is always welcome, be it science, technology, lifestyle or fashion, take your pick. And Facebook users, keep liking our page! 2 Thursday, 19 February 2015 The study suggests that the makeup of the microbiome can affect a baby’s ability to digest food in the short term and potentially influence longterm health. T he moment of birth marks the beginning of a beautiful, lifelong relationship between a baby and the billions of microbes that will soon colonise his or her gastrointestinal tract. In a study published in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, researchers from the UNC School of Medicine and UNC College of Arts and Sciences found that a baby’s diet during the first few months of life has a profound influence on the composition, diversity, and stability of the gut microbiome. These factors, in turn, influence the baby’s ability to transition from milk to solid foods and may have long-term health effects. “We found that babies who are fed only breast milk have microbial communities that seem more ready for the introduction of solid foods,” said Andrea Azcarate-Peril, PhD, assistant professor in the department of cell biology and physiology and the study’s senior author. “The transition to solids is much more dramatic for the microbiomes of babies that are not exclusively breastfed. We think the microbiomes of non-exclusively breastfed babies Preparing Babies for Solid Food could contribute to more stomach aches and colic.” The discovery adds to the growing awareness that the gut microbiome plays a major role in helping us digest food and fight pathogens, among other functions. “This study provides yet more support for recommendations by the World Health Organisation and others to breastfeed exclusively during the first six months of life,” said Amanda Thompson, PhD, associate professor in the department of anthropology, a Carolina Population Centre faculty fellow, and the study’s first author. “We can see from the data that including formula in an infant’s diet does change the gut bacteria even if you are also breastfeeding. Exclusive breastfeeding seems to really smooth out the transition to solid foods.” For this study, the research team collected stool samples and information about the diets and health of nine babies as they grew from ages 2 weeks to 14 months. Applying genomic sequencing techniques to the stool samples, the scientists deduced the types and functions of the bacteria in the babies’ gut microbiomes. The analyses revealed that during the first few months of life there were clear differences between the microbiomes of babies that were exclusively breastfed as compared to those fed both formula and breast milk. This finding is consistent with previous studies. What surprised Thompson and Azcarate-Peril, who is the director of the UNC Microbiome Core Facility, was the drastic genetic differences in stool samples taken after babies began eating solid food. Researchers found differing amounts of about 20 bacterial enzymes in exclusively breastfed babies when compared to exclusively breastfed babies that received solid food. This indicated that some new bacterial species had entered the scene to help process the new food types. In babies fed both formula and breast milk -- and then introduced to solid foods -- the samples revealed about 230 enzymes, indicating a much more dramatic shift in microbial composition. The microbiomes of exclusively breastfed babies tended to be less diverse and were dominated by Bifidobacterium, a type of bacteria considered beneficial for digestion. Babies fed a mixture of breast milk and formula had a lower proportion of Bifidobacterium. The study suggests that the makeup of the microbiome can affect a baby’s ability to digest food in the short term and potentially influence long-term health. Although microbiome research is still in its early stages, gut microbes are thought to potentially play a role in obesity, allergies, and gastrointestinal problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome. “The study advances our understanding of how the gut microbiome develops early in life, which is clearly a really important time period for a person’s current and future health,” said Thompson. The researchers also compared the microbiomes of babies that attended day care to those that stayed in the home. Attending day care was also associated with more diverse microbial communities overall, but feeding practices remained the most important factor influencing how the microbiome responded to the introduction of solid foods. (Source: Science Daily) Safely Storing Breast Milk For healthy full-term infants: • Store at room temperature for 4 to 10 hours (at no warmer than 25°C) • Store in the refrigerator for up to 8 days at 0°- 3.9°C • Store in the freezer (be sure to leave about an inch of space at the top of the container or bottle to allow for expansion of the milk when it freezes): - for up to 2 weeks in a freezer compartment located inside the refrigerator - for 6 to 12 months in a freezer that is self-contained and connected on top of or on the side of the refrigerator and is kept at -18°C. Store the milk in the back of the freezer, not in the door) or in a deep freezer that’s always -20°C. To thaw frozen milk, move to the refrigerator (it takes 24 hours to thaw), then warm by running warm water over the bag or bottle of milk and use within the next 24 hours. If needed immediately, remove from the freezer and run over with warm water until it’s at room temperature. Do not refreeze it. Once the baby has started to drink from the bottle, you should use it within 1 hour. If the baby doesn’t finish the bottle, you can put it back in the refrigerator, then warm it and use it at the next feeding. You may find that different resources provide different variations on the amount of time you can store breast milk at room temperature, in the refrigerator, and in the freezer. Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns or questions. W hether you’re a new mom or a seasoned parenting pro, breastfeeding often comes with its fair share of questions. Here are answers to some common queries that mothers may have. Breast milk can be frozen and/or refrigerated. Store in clean bottles with screw caps, hard plas- tic cups that have tight caps, or nursing bags (presterilised bags meant for breast milk). It’s helpful to put a label on each with the baby’s name and date indicating when the milk was pumped. Fresh cooled milk can be added to milk that is already frozen, but add no more than is already in the container. For example, if you have 2 ounces of frozen milk, then you can add up to 2 more ounces of cooled milk. How much milk should be stored in the freezer? Although some women may choose to pump large volumes to be frozen, it’s a good idea to actually store the milk in 2 to 4 ounce (59.1 to 118.2 mL) portions so as not to waste any. Label the bottles, cups, or bags with the date and the baby’s name, then freeze them. Milk could also be poured into ice cube trays that have been thoroughly cleaned in hot water, let them freeze until hard, store them in freezer bags, then count up the amount of cubes needed to make a full bottle. Breast milk that’s been frozen or refrigerated may look a little different from fresh breast milk, but that doesn’t mean it has gone bad. It’s normal for early breast milk to look kind of orange and the mature milk to look slightly blue, yellow, or brown when refrigerated or frozen. And it may separate into a creamy looking layer and a lighter, more milk-like layer. Cleaning bottles and pump parts Prior to first use, wash and sterilise the nipples, bottles, and washable breast pump supplies by boiling them for 5 to 10 minutes. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations for the length of time to boil the parts. Sterilisation can also be done using a countertop or microwaveable steriliser. Thereafter, wash the bottles, nipples, and pump supplies in hot, soapy water after every use. They can transmit bacteria if not cleaned properly. Is it safe to microwave baby bottles? The microwave can create dangerous “hot spots” in bottles of formula or breast milk, so you should never microwave them. Instead, you can run the bottle or freezer bag under warm water for a little bit, swirl the bag or bottle around in a bowl of warm water, or thaw the milk in the refrigerator. You also can put your baby’s bottles in a pan of warm water and then test the temperature by squirting a drop or two on the inside of your wrist before feeding your baby. Bottle warmers are also available for use at home or in the car. (Source: Ask Martha Fine Living Thursday, 19 February 2015 3 All About Organising Kitchen Tools & Equipment soon as you get them home. This will not only help keep them fresh, but also make them easier to scoop with measuring tools when you’re ready to use them. If you don’t use up ingredients quickly, then it’s a good idea to note the date of purchase on the containers. items) or in another area of the house. For example, if you use your oversized platter only once a year, you don’t need to store it in the kitchen at all. De-clutter yearly. Take an inventory of all utensils, cookware, and dishware annually. Get rid of unnecessary duplicates, items that are damaged beyond repair, or things no longer used. Sugars should also be put into airtight containers, and be sure to keep them in a low-humidity environment. Moisture can make solid sugars lumpy, so be sure to double-wrap brown sugars to keep them soft. Clump small things together. Keep small kitchen items in containers, seethrough bins if possible, with neat, easy-to-read labels. All of these items can be kept up to a year if properly stored, but oils for things like marinades and vinaigrettes have a bit shorter shelf life, and should be kept in original bottles for up to six months. ORGANISING YOUR PANTRY Store things where you use them. Pots and pans are best kept near the range or BASIC KITCHEN CLEANING SUPPLIES Powdered disinfectant cleaner with bleach works well on tough, setin stains and eliminates common germs. Sprinkle it on a sponge or wet surface, and let it sit for 15 seconds before rubbing; make sure to be especially gentle with delicate surfaces. • Liquid cleansers remove yellow stains from pots, pans, and teacups, while all-purpose cleansers are usually antibacterial and well-suited for cleaning sinks and stovetops. • Diluted kitchen liquid disinfectant is a classic choice for floors, walls, appliances, and counters. • Silver polish will help keep your silverware in top condition, but overuse can cause premature wear. Group like items together. Store all bakeware in the same cupboard, all wooden spoons in the same ceramic crock, and all spices in the same drawer. • Car wax rubbed into sink fixtures will force water to bead and fall off. • Oven spray cleaner removes tough, baked-on food. Revise your storing technique. Store your most frequently used items in the most accessible places. Keep things you use most often at eye level; store heavy items below waist level and infrequently used items on high shelves (keep a step stool within easy reach for such • Latex gloves protect hands from caustic cleaning agents. • Assorted rags, sponges, paper towels, and microfiber cleaning cloths are gentle and absorbent enough for almost any cleaning task. Spices for side dishes should be put into labelled tins where no light can reach them, because light and heat can cause them to lose their flavour more rapidly. If you have everything organised and you stock up now, then you won’t have to scramble for things later, which is a great way to stay stress-free. Flours, sugars, and other dry goods -- key ingredients for pies -- should be transferred from their packaging into wide-mouth, airtight containers as RULES OF KITCHEN ORGANISATION Cooking is easier and safer in a clean kitchen, so you should spare no effort or expense in keeping your work surfaces sparkling. Fortunately, most of the cleaning supplies you’ll need are inexpensive and readily accessible. Once you’ve gathered the basics, assemble them in a convenient caddy, and you’ll be prepared to tackle virtually any household chore. • If you haven’t gone through your pantry lately, the weeks leading up to summer are the perfect time to refresh ingredients like sugars, spices, herbs, and other staples. Getting fresh stock will also help your recipes taste better, since things like spices and seasonings will lose their potency after about a year. The secret to speeding up your cooking is organising kitchen tools and equipment. By thoughtfully placing your small appliances, cooking utensils, and gadgets in your work area, you’ll be able to grab exactly what you need when you need it. Our tips and guides will make organising kitchen tools and equipment easy and leave you with a clutter-free kitchen. KITCHEN CLEANING CADDY cooktop; mixing bowls, near the countertop you use for food preparation; plates, glasses, and flatware, near the dishwasher. 1-Hour Projects 1 Spruce up your home with one of these done-in-an-hour DIY projects. Some projects require dry time, but all require less than an hour of hands-on work. What’s not to love about that? 1. BOOK PICTURE FRAME Don’t let an old book with damaged pages go to waste. If it has a beautiful cover, you can turn it into a pretty frame. Using a crafts knife, carefully cut a rectangle out from the front cover. To create the mat, cut a few of the inside pages into a rectangle a bit smaller than the cover rectangle. Glue the pages to the cover and tape a photo in place. 2. ON A PLATTER Rescue cast-off crystal platters and turn them into one-of-a-kind artwork. Paint the smooth sides of the platters with two to three coats of acrylic paint; let dry between coats. Mix and match colours, sizes, and patterns and hang the platters together in a grouping. 2 3. LACY BOWLS Pick up a few doilies and repurpose them as storage vessels. Dip the doily into a mixture of one part crafts glue and one part water. Smooth the wet doily over an upside-down glass bowl with your hands; let dry. Carefully peel the doily away from the bowl. 4. BOTTLE-CAP CUTIE Create a mini memo board with bottle caps. Cover a frame backing with pretty paper. Use 3 heavy-duty glue, to attach the bottle caps to the backing. Arrange the caps in a fun shape, such as a heart. Glue magnets inside additional extra bottle caps, and use the new frame as message board. 6 5. MILK-GLASS LOOK-ALIKE Set a pretty display with painted glass bottles that look like milk glass. Wash the glass with soap and water; let dry. Dampen a cloth with rubbing alcohol, and wipe the inside with the cloth. For narrow vessels, pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol inside, swirl around, and pour out excess; let dry. Mix two parts acrylic paint with one part water in a glass bowl and pour into the bottle or jar. Swirl the paint around inside the bottle or jar until the entire interior is coated. Place the glass vessel upside down on a paper towel or paper plate to dry. Repeat painting steps until you are happy with the coverage. Note: These bottles are for display only; do not use with food or drink. 6. WORD WISE Create art from dictionary pages. Choose words based on a theme. Enlarge and photocopy the pages and hang in matching frames. (Source: Better Homes and Gardens) 4 5 4 Thursday, 19 February 2015 The Anti Aging Pill T he company, Elysium Health, says it will be turning chemicals that lengthen the lives of mice and worms in the laboratory into an ‘over-the-counter’ vitamin pill that people can take to combat aging. The start-up is founded by Leonard Guarente, an MIT biologist who is 62 (“unfortunately,” he says) and who’s convinced that the process of aging can be slowed by tweaking the body’s metabolism. The problem, Guarente says, is that it’s nearly impossible to prove, in any reasonable time frame, that drugs that extend the life span of animals can do the same in people; such an experiment could take decades. That’s why Guarente says he decided to take the unconventional route of packaging cutting-edge lab research as so-called nutraceuticals, which don’t require clinical trials or approval by the FDA. That means there’s no guarantee that Elysium’s first product, a blue pill called Basis will actually keep you young. The product contains a chemical precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD, a compound that cells use to carry out metabolic reactions like releasing energy from glucose. The compound is believed cause some effects similar to a diet that is severely short on calories — a proven way to make a mouse live longer. Elysium’s approach to the anti-aging market represents a change of strategy for Guarente. He was previously involved with Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, a high-profile biotechnology startup that studied resveratrol, an anti-aging compound found in red wine that it hoped would help patients with diabetes. That company was bought by drug giant GlaxoSmithKline, but early trials failed to pan out. This time, Guarente says, the idea is to market anti-aging molecules as a dietary supplement and follow up with clients over time with surveys and post-marketing studies. Guarente is founding the company along with Eric Marcotulli, a former venture capitalist and technology executive who will be CEO, and Dan Alminana, chief operating officer. The company says it will follow strict pharmaceutical-quality production standards and make the supplements available solely through its website, for $60 for a 30-day supply or $50 per month with an ongoing subscription. “You have high-end prescription drugs up here, which are expensive,” says Guarente, gesturing upward. “And you have the nutraceuticals down there, which are a pig in a poke — you don’t know what you’re getting and you don’t know a lot about the science behind them. There’s this vast space in between that could be filled in a way that’s useful for health maintenance.” An anti-aging pill with an ivory-tower pedigree could prove profitable. The $30 billion supplements market is growing at about 7% a year overall, Alminana says, and at twice that rate for online sales. Elysium declined to name its investors, but it has some high-level endorsements. Its board includes Daniel Fabricant, former director of the FDA’s division of dietary supplements and now CEO of the Natural Products Association, a trade association. The company also has five Nobel Prize winners advising it, including neuroscientist Eric Kandel, biologist Thomas Südhof, origin-of-life theorist Jack Szostak and the 2013 laureate in chemistry Martin Karplus. Karplus, now an emeritus professor at Har- vard, said in a telephone interview that he was turning 85 this year and had asked the company to send him a supply of Basis as soon as it’s available. “I want to remind myself whether I really want to take it or not,” he says. Scientists have shown they can reliably extend the life of laboratory mice by feeding them less, a process known as “caloric restriction.” That process seems to be mediated by biological molecules called sirtuins. NAD is important because it’s a chemical that sirtuins need to do their work and is also involved in other aspects of a cell’s metabolism. In worms, mice and people, NAD levels fall with age, says Guarente, so the idea is to increase levels of the molecule. “NAD replacement is one of the most exciting things happening in the biology of aging,” says Nir Barzilai, director of the Institute for Aging Research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, who has co-authored scientific papers with Guarente but is not involved in Elysium. “The frustration in our field is that we have shown we can target aging, but the FDA does not [recognize it] as an indication.” Other experts said while NAD may decline with age, there is limited evidence that aging can be affected by restoring or increasing NAD levels. “There is enough evidence to be excited, but not completely compelling evidence,” says Brian K. Kennedy, CEO of the California-based Buck Institute for Research on Aging. Guarente says Elysium’s pill includes a precursor to NAD, called nicotinamide riboside, which the body can transform into NAD and put to use. In addition, the pill contains pterostilbene, an antioxidant that Guarente says stimulates sirtuins in a different way. Both in- gredients can already be found in specialty vitamins. “We expect a synergistic effect [from] combining them,” he says. Guarente says Elysium plans to gradually add to its product line with other compounds shown in academic labs to extend the healthy life span of worms, mice, or other animals. The company will do preliminary testing to make sure the products are not toxic, but will not follow the arduous FDA approval process. Vitamins and supplements can be sold over the counter as long as they contain ingredients known to be safe and don’t make overly specific health claims. Marcotulli says the company has some anecdotal evidence that Elysium’s pills make a difference. “For older demographics, we’ve heard really interesting feedback related to levels of energy. It’s very, very useful and restorative,” he says. And he takes the pills himself. “When I don’t have a supply, I feel actually fuzzy,” he says. “It’s become a staple of my routine.” Guarente also says he takes Basis every day, along with 250 mg of resveratrol, the red-wine compound. Guarente also exercises — though not, he says, as often as he should. He says it doesn’t trouble him that he sees no obvious benefits yet from his supplement regimen. Too many studies in the anti-aging field, he says, are too short-term to show real benefits. Or else they study people who are already unhealthy. “I think that’s the way it would be if something is really acting to slow your progression into decrepitude — you’re not going to notice that,” Guarente says. (Source: The Surprising Downsides of Being Drop Dead Gorgeous Can you be too beautiful? It is hardly a problem that most of us have to contemplate – as much as we might like to dream that it were the case. Y et the blessings and curses of beauty have been a long-standing interest in psychology. Do those blessed with symmetrical features and a striking figure live in a cloud of appreciation – or does it sometimes pay to be plain? Combing through decades of findings, social psychologists Lisa Slattery Walker and Tonya Frevert at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte have reviewed all the evidence to date – and their conclusions are not what you might expect. At the most superficial level, beauty might be thought to carry a kind of halo around it; we see that someone has one good attribute, and by association, our subconscious assumes that they have been blessed in other departments too. “It’s one of many status characteristics that we can identify very early in our interactions,” says Walker. To psychologists, this is called the “what is beautiful is good” heuristic. In education, for instance, Walker and Frevert found a wealth of research showing that better looking students, at school and university, tend to be judged by teachers as being more competent and intelligent – and that was reflected in the grades they gave them. This influence inflates over the years. “There’s a cumulative effect,” explains Frevert. “You become more confident and have more positive beliefs and more opportunities to demonstrate your competence.” In the workplace, your face really can be your fortune. When everything else is considered, more attractive people tend to earn more money and climb higher on the corporate ladder than people who are considered less pleasing on the eye. One study of MBA graduates found that there was about a 10 to 15% difference in earnings between the most and least attractive people in the group – which added up to about $230,000 over a lifetime. “You are being conferred advantages throughout your life, from your schooldays into the workplace,” says Walker. Even in the courts, a pleasing appearance can work its magic. Attractive defendants are likely to get more lenient sentences, or to escape conviction entirely; attractive plaintiffs, meanwhile, are more likely to win their case and get bigger financial settlements. “It’s a pervasive effect,” says Walker. But if beauty pays in most circumstances, there are still situations where it can backfire. While attractive men may be considered better leaders, for instance, implicit sexist prejudices can work against attractive women, making them less likely to be hired for high-level jobs that require authority. And as you might expect, goodlooking people of both genders run into jealousy – one study found that if you are interviewed by someone of the same sex, they may be less likely to recruit you if they judge that you are more attractive than they are. More worryingly, being beautiful or handsome could harm your medical care. We tend to link good looks to health, meaning that illnesses are often taken less seriously when they affect the good-looking. When treating people for pain, for instance, doctors tend to take less care over the more attractive people. And the bubble of beauty can be a somewhat lonely place. One study in 1975, for instance, found that people tend to move further away from a beautiful woman on the pathway – perhaps as a mark of respect, but still making interaction more distant. “Attractiveness can convey more power over visible space – but that in turn can make others feel they can’t approach that person,” says Frevert. Interestingly, one online dating website recently reported that people with the most flawlessly beautiful profile pictures are less likely to find dates than those with quirkier, less perfect pics – perhaps because the prospective dates are less intimidated. So, as you might have guessed, being beautiful is not a passport to certain happiness – though it helps. Frevert and Walker are keen to emphasise that like our conceptions of beauty itself, these influences are superficial and by no means deep-rooted in our biology, as some might suggest. “We have a whole set of cultural ideals about beauty that let us say if someone is attractive – and through those same ideals, we begin to associate it with competence,” says Walker. In a sense, it’s just a cognitive shortcut for a quick appraisal. “And like many of the shortcuts we use, it’s not very reliable,” says Frevert. And it could be fairly easy to lessen the impact – if human resources departments give more information about a candidate’s achievements before an interview, for example. Ultimately, Frevert points out that focusing too much on your appearance can itself be detrimental if it creates undue stress and anxiety – even for those already blessed with good looks. “If you are obsessing about attractiveness, it may alter your experience and interactions,” she says. It’s a cliche, but no amount of beauty can make up for a bad personality. As the writer Dorothy Parker put it so elegantly: “Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.” (Source: Technology Thursday, 19 February 2015 Five Promising Products From LG LG held its annual Innovation Festival in Malaysia recently and it was all about the biggest advances in home-entertainment products and appliances. The affair was literally a high-tech wonderland of LG stuff —from 100-inch Ultra HDTVs and WiFi speakers for audiophiles to cordless vacuum cleaners, anti-mosquito air conditioners, front-load washers, door-in-door fridges, and dishwashers that combine steam power with a UV lamp sanitation process to clean even the dirtiest dishes. But more than a sampling of what’s available now or coming soon, LG gave a glimpse of the future—where home appliances can not only get more things done quickly, but interact with other electronics in your home as well, regardless of brand. Here are five of the most promising LG products you would probably want to have at home: LG 105-inch Curved Ultra HDTV This 105-inch behemoth is LG’s IMAX for the home. It boasts 5K resolution—seven times the picture clarity of a 1080p TV or monitor—at a cinema-wide 21:9 aspect ratio. This model is equipped with LG’s True 4K Engine Pro for upscaling lower-resolution video. The result is consistently stunning visuals, regardless of the resolution. A bevy of smart features, including an app ecosystem and wireless screen mirroring comes standard. LG Inverter V Air Conditioner LG brought the cool back to residential air conditioners with new models offering several air-purification functions and additional power savings versus conventional units. Voice Mate, available for select models, accepts voice commands for turning the AC on and off, or when adjusting the temperature. LG Twin Wash Washing Machine LG Double Door-in-Door Refrigerator The latest front-loading washing machine from LG is no less advanced than any appliance from this Korean brand. Its strongest points come with speed and efficiency, reducing overall cycle times significantly. The key to LG’s twin-wash system is two-fold: The washing machine is capable of cleaning two loads of laundry at the same time — it comes with a mini compartment beneath the main washer; the improved quick-wash option, or the TurboWash, shortens the washing time by an estimated 15 minutes. LG’s newest mega-capacity refrigerator sports an ultra-reflective glass exterior that minimises fingerprints and make the surface easier to clean. It comes with two slim compartments for housing common food items and making them readily accessible without the need to open either of the main doors. Besides giving you quick access to your snacks and beverages, having additional doors, according to LG, reduces cold air loss by up to 47 percent, resulting in food staying fresh longer. LG Hom-Bot Square Vacuum Cleaner Meet the Hom-Bot (pronounced Home Bot) square – a compact robot vacuum cleaner programmed to navigate a variety of floor surfaces while avoiding walls and furniture. It has four automated cleaning modes, and can be controlled manually using a remote. Cheaper Robots Could Replace More Factory Workers: Study T he falling cost of industrial robots will allow manufacturers to use them to replace more factory workers over the next decade while lowering labour costs, according to a new research. Robots now perform roughly 10 percent of manufacturing tasks that can be done by machines, according to the Boston Consulting Group. The management consulting firm projected that this “automatable” tasks will rise to about 25 percent by 2025. In turn, labour costs stand to drop by 16 percent on average globally over that time, according to the research. The shift will mean an increasing demand for skilled workers who can operate the machines, said Hal Sirkin, a senior partner at Boston Consulting. Factory workers “will be higher paid but there will be fewer of them,” Sirkin said. The research found a tipping point for installing robots: Companies tend to start thinking about replacing workers when the costs of own- ing and operating a system come at a 15 percent discount to employing a human counterpart. For example, in the U.S. automotive industry, which is predicted to be one of the more aggressive adopters of robots, a spot-welding machine costs $8 an hour versus $25 an hour for a worker. A robot that can perform certain repetitive tasks costs about one-tenth as much as it did more than 10 years ago, Sirkin said. Costs tied to one commonly used robotics system, a spot welder, are expected to fall 22 percent between now and 2025. Three-fourths of robot installations over the next decade are expected to be concentrated in four areas: transportation equipment, including the automotive sector; computer and electronic products; electrical equipment and machinery. Adoption is to be slower in industries where tasks are more difficult to automate or labour costs are low, such as food products or fabricated metal. Certain countries also are expected to be more brisk adopters. China, the United States, Japan, Germany and South Korea now account for about 80 percent of robot purchases and are expected to maintain that share over the next decade. Labour costs have climbed in countries such as China that have been popular for outsourcing production, while technological advances for robots allow them to be more flexible and perform more tasks, said Jim Lawton, chief marketing officer at robotics company Rethink Robotics. “People have come to believe this is going to be an important part of how manufacturing gets done,” he said. (Source: Reuters) 5 6 Life fe Style Thursday, 19 February 2015 Game-Changing Weeknight Pastas Restaurant-quality pasta in less than 30 minutes is entirely possible, and we’ve got brilliant recipes to prove it. FIORENTINI WITH BUTTERNUT SQUASH When shredded, the butternut squash cooks quickly in the pan and adds bulk to this unique pasta. Ingredients • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter • 5 cups shredded butternut squash (from about ½ peeled medium squash; shredded with the coarse grating attachment on a food processor or on a box grater) • ¼ cup thinly sliced fresh sage • 1 pound Fiorentini or other short curled pasta • Salt • ½ cup finely grated Parmesan plus more Preparation • Heat oil and butter in a large heavy pot over medium heat. Add squash and sage and cook, stirring occasionally, until squash begins to brown, about 2 minutes. • Meanwhile, cook pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water, stirring occasionally, until al dente. Drain pasta, reserving 2 cups pasta cooking liquid. • Add pasta and ½ cup pasta cooking liquid to squash and stir to coat. Cook over medium heat, stirring, adding more cooking liquid as needed, until sauce coats pasta. Stir in ½ cup Parmesan. Divide pasta among bowls; top with more Parmesan. Serves 6. ORECCHIETTE WITH KALE AND BREADCRUMBS Orecchiette are the perfect shape for this quick weeknight pasta since they act like little spoons holding all the cheesy breadcrumb goodness. Ingredients • 1 pound kale, or other variety (about 2 large bunches), stems trimmed • Salt • 5 tablespoons olive oil, divided, plus more for drizzling • 1 cup coarse fresh breadcrumbs • 3 garlic cloves, chopped, divided • Freshly ground black pepper • 2 tablespoons (¼ stick) unsalted butter • 4 anchovy fillets packed in oil, drained • ¼ teaspoons crushed red pepper flakes • 1 pound orecchiette (little earshaped pasta) • ¾ cup finely grated Parmesan Preparation • Working in batches, cook kale in a large pot of boiling salted water until just tender, about 4 minutes. Using tongs, transfer to a rimmed baking sheet; let cool. Set aside pot with water. Squeeze out excess liquid from kale; chop leaves and finely chop stems; set aside. • Heat 3 tablespoons oil in a small skillet over medium heat. Add breadcrumbs and cook, stirring often, until beginning to brown, about 4 minutes. Add one-third of chopped garlic and cook, stirring often, until breadcrumbs are golden, about 3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and transfer to a paper towel-lined plate; let cool. • Heat butter and remaining 2 tablespoons oil in a large heavy pot over medium-low heat. Add anchovies, red pepper flakes, and remaining two-thirds of chopped garlic; cook, mashing anchovies with a spoon, until a paste forms, about 2 minutes. Add reserved kale and 1/2 cup water. Cook, stirring often, until kale is warmed through, about 4 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. • Meanwhile, bring reserved kale cooking liquid to a boil; add pasta and cook, stirring occasionally, until al dente. Drain, reserving 1 cup pasta cooking liquid. • Add pasta and ½ cup pasta cooking liquid to kale mixture and stir to coat. Increase heat to medium and continue stirring, adding more cooking liquid as needed, until sauce coats pasta. Mix in Parmesan and ½ cup breadcrumbs; toss to combine. Divide pasta among bowls, drizzle with oil, and top with remaining breadcrumbs. Serves 6. SPICY LOBSTER PASTA Store-bought cooked lobster meat means fancy 20-minute weeknight pasta anytime. Ingredients • 12 ounces spaghetti • Salt • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1 large shallot, finely chopped • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes • 1 pound cherry and/or sun gold tomatoes, halved • 1 pound picked cooked lobster meat or cooked large shrimp • Freshly ground black pepper • 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest • Lemon wedges (for serving) Preparation • Cook spaghetti in a large pot of boiling salted water, stirring occasionally, until al dente. Drain, reserving 1 cup pasta cooking liquid (the secret to silky sauce). • Meanwhile, heat oil and butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Cook shallot and red pepper flakes, stirring often, until shallot is softened, about 2 minutes. Add tomatoes and cook, stirring often, until tomatoes are soft and juicy, 5–8 minutes. • Add lobster meat to skillet and toss to coat. Add pasta and 1/2 cup reserved pasta cooking liquid; season with salt and pepper. • Cook, tossing constantly and adding more reserved pasta cooking liquid as needed, until sauce thickens and coats pasta, about 2 minutes. • Serve pasta topped with lemon zest, with lemon wedges alongside for squeezing over. Makes 4 servings. SPAGHETTI WITH SUN GOLD TOMATO SAUCE Sure, this pasta looks (and tastes) like summer. But since sweet yellow cherry tomatoes are available year round, there’s no reason not to make it any time. Ingredients • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 small onion, finely chopped • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped • 2 sprigs basil • 1 sprig thyme • 1/2 sprig tarragon • 1 whole star anise pod • 1 whole clove • 4 cups Sun Gold or cherry tomatoes, halved • 2 teaspoons red vinegar • Salt, freshly ground pepper • 12 ounces spaghetti Preparation • Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add onion and cook, stirring often, until soft but not brown, 6-8 minutes. Add garlic, basil, thyme, and tarragon sprigs, star anise, and clove, and cook, stirring often, until fragrant, about 2 minutes. Add tomatoes and vinegar. Cook, stirring occasionally, until tomatoes release their juices and a sauce forms, 10-15 minutes. Discard thyme, tarragon, and basil sprigs, star anise, and clove. Season sauce with salt and pepper. • Meanwhile, cook spaghetti in a large pot of boiling salted water, stirring occasionally, until al dente. Drain, reserving 1 cup pasta cooking liquid. • Add pasta and 1/2 cup pasta cooking liquid to sauce in skillet. Cook, tossing and adding more pasta cooking liquid as needed, until sauce coats pasta, about 2 minutes. Serves 4. DO AHEAD: Sauce can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and chill. Reheat before tossing with spaghetti. Beauty Thursday, 19 February 2015 NEW BEAUTY PRODUCTS TO TRY Revamping your beauty routine has never been easier with a cool new class of fresh products on the shelves. Try out some of the best new products listed below: Chanel La Perle de Chanel Collection – Spring 2015 Inspired by the graceful world of ballet, this delicate makeup collection features rosy tones and glimmering metallics in beautiful balance. Taking center stage: a limited-edition five-shade palette featuring romantic lipsticks and glosses to choreograph a colourful lip look. CLINIQUE Nail Colour To The Extreme: 8 New Hard As Nails® Xtreme Wear® Shades From Sally Hansen® The Anti-Gravity Effect for Face and Neck Introducing Clinique Repairwear Sculpting Night Cream Think of it: your nail colour wardrobe all in one place. Sally Hansen’s Xtreme Wear® collection is revitalised with stylish, of-the-moment shades. The Xtreme Wear® palette update welcomes definitive new additions in musthave shades of nude, periwinkle, mauve, glitter, teal, peach and of course, pink— both hot and blush. Each new shade of Xtreme Wear® features streak free application and extreme shine. Introducing NEW Clinique Repairwear Sculpting Night Cream, a targeted overnight moisturising treatment that helps visibly tone and lift from cheeks to jaw and create a new smoothness in the neckline. The jawline, neck and chest are among the first areas that show age, but are often overlooked. Leveraging the powerhouse Repairwear technology, the winner of 96 Beauty Awards globally, NEW Clinique Repairwear Sculpting Night Cream helps you keep waking up with confidence. A SCENT OF CHLOÉ Chloé’s signature scent captures the creative, confident individuality of the Chloé woman. A fresh and feminine fragrance suited to a free spirit with an utterly innate sense of chic. The airy, flirtatious head notes drift away to reveal the richer and more sensual side of the rose, derived from the velvety interior of the flower. The rose is accompanied by heady magnolia and lily of the valley, as well as subtle intimations of warm amber and elegant cedarwood. This complex yet intuitive blend effortlessly characterises the cool chic of the Chloé woman. RIMMEL LONDON LA PRAIRIE Cellular Swiss Ice Crystal Eye Cream & Cellular Swiss Ice Crystal Emulsion in a world of ice crystals, beauty resists time La Prairie expands the collection to include Cellular Swiss Ice Crystal Eye Cream, fighting the first signs of aging around the eye area and Cellular Swiss Ice Crystal Emulsion, a light-as-air daily moisturizer. By way of the collection namesake ingredient, Swiss Ice Crystal Complex, and new ingredients formulated specifically into the new launches, La Prairie brings your skin resilience to fight the first signs of aging like never before. The Swiss Ice Crystal Complex breakthrough in the quest for ageless beauty is prominent throughout the entire Cellular Swiss Ice Crystal Collection. Maybelline New York Non-stop nude around the clock! Rimmel london launches new lasting finish 25 hr nude foundation Rimmel launches its first lightweight long-lasting, transfer-proof foundation that reveals naturally flawless skin, with a nude, barely there feel. Prepare to be flawlessly nude for 25 hour girls!! Finally a foundation that won’t let you down halfway through the set of our favourite band! Are your lashes ready for the intensity of pure black leather? Colossal Go Extreme Leather Black Mascara This Mascara has a double curved stem and the biggest brush. The curves on the wand load a double shot of Mascara on to the bristles for 16 times more volume, all without a single clump! The patented brush has extra-large bristles in a helix shape to add extreme volume to each lash while lifting and fanning them out. The result is pumped up, voluminous lashes with an intense, bold look. Maybelline New York’s Go Extreme Leather Black Mascara is just the season’s perfect make-up accessory for the winter leather trend. 7 8 Thursday, 19 February 2015 Ready-To-Wear R eady-To-Wea ar DONNA KARAN SPRING/SUMMER 2015 IT was clothes as canvas this season at Donna Karan as the designer got creative with a paintbrush and pen. Doodles, scribbles, paint daubs, splashy intense hits of red against white and black was all in the mix in her heady spring cocktail. It looked fresh on a line up of full skirts and bra tops. Volume was reined in on wiggle skirts ZKLFKZHUHWHDPHGZLWKFX̆HGVKRUW sleeved safari shirts - the sort of shirt that looked like it had a lifetime of wear, such was its soft and crinkled appeal. So too those belted shirt dresses that she brings out season after season - and why not when they look this good. :LUK`V\YMLLKIHJRHUKZ\NNLZ[PVUZ[VISVVT'XPTXH[HYJVT;LS!-H_!
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