CONTENTS 1. AGENDA FOR THE 72ND MDA AGM 2015 2 2. MINUTES OF SECTION 1 OF THE SEVENTY FIRST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION HELD AT CONFERENCE HALL 3, KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE ON SATURDAY 30 MAY 2014 AT 2.30 P.M. 3 3. MINUTES OF SECTION 2 OF THE SEVENTY FIRST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION HELD AT PLENARY THEATRE KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE ON SATURDAY 31 MAY 2014 AT 2.30 P.M. 8 4 MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING (“EOGM”) OF THE MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION HELD AT THE MDA SECRETARIAT, 54-2 (2ND FLOOR) MEDAN SETIA 2, PLAZA DAMANSARA, BUKIT DAMANSARA 50490 KUALA LUMPUR” ON SUNDAY 10 AUGUST 2014 AT 10.30 A.M. 16 5. COUNCIL MEMBERS YEAR 2014/2015 21 6. PRESIDENT’S REPORT 23 7. HONORARY GENERAL SECRETARY’S REPORT 2014 – 2015 35 8. THE HONORARY FINANCIAL SECRETARY’S REPORT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDING 31ST DECEMBER 2014 41 9. MDA FINANCIAL REPORT AND AUDITED STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31ST DECEMBER 2014 43 10. PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 2015/2016 62 11. THE HONORARY PUBLICATION SECRETARY’S REPORT 64 12. MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION NORTHERN ZONE ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 65 13. MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION EASTERN ZONE ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 71 14. MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN ZONE ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 87 15. REPORT OF GOVERNMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE 97 16. SCODOS ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 98 17. FINANCIAL REPORT WISMA MDA 99 18. WISMA MDA BOT REPORT FOR THE 72ND MDA AGM 100 19. 22ND MDA SCIENTIFIC CONVENTION AND TRADE EXHIBITION REPORT 101 20. WORLD ORAL HEALTH DAY 2015 MALAYSIA 102 21. PCBC REPORT 2013-2014 103 PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 2 AGENDA FOR THE 72ND MDA AGM 2015 Date: Sunday 31st May 2015 Venue: Eastin Hotel Georgetown Penang Time: 10.30am - 12.30pm 12.30pm - 2.00pm 2.00pm - 5.00pm AGM Lunch Break AGM 1. Call to order by the chairman. 2. A minute of silence for our dear departed colleagues. 3. To confirm the re-admission of ordinary members whose membership had been terminated by default. 4. To receive, pass and discuss matters arising from the Annual Report 2014-2015. 5. To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the 71st AGM. 6. To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the EOGM 2014. 7. To discuss matters arising from the President’s report. 8. To discuss matters arising from the Honorary General Secretary’s report. 9. To discuss matters arising from the Honorary Financial Secretary’s report. 10. To discuss any business, notice of which has been given to the Honorary General Secretary in writing at least 3 weeks before the AGM. 11. To receive, discuss and pass any constitutional amendments that have been put in writing to the Honorary General Secretary at least 4 weeks before the AGM. The proposer or the seconder must be present before the amendments can be debated. 12. To elect the MDA office bearers for the term 2015 – 2016. The elections can be run concurrently while other matters of the AGM is proceeding. 13. Address by the outgoing President. 14. Address by the incoming President. 15. Adjournment. By Order of the Council. Dr Chow Kai Foo Honorary General Secretary Malaysian Dental Association PAGE 3 MINUTES OF SECTION 1 OF THE SEVENTY FIRST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION HELD AT CONFERENCE HALL 3, KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE ON SATURDAY 30 MAY 2014 AT 2.30 P.M. 71st AGM - 30th MAY 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 DATO DR A. RATNANESAN DATO DR S. SIVANESAN DATO DR TEO CHOO KUM DATO DR YIM KHAI KEE DR A. PATHMANATHAN DR ABD RASHID HASSAN DR ANG LAI CHOON DR ANGIE WONG CHIN MEE DR CHOW KAI FOO DR DARREN YAP YOKE YONG DR EDRIC KHO CHIK EURN DR EILEEN KOH MEI YEN DR GOH SEONG LING DR HAJA BADRUDEEN SIRAJUDEEN DR HU CHANG LEK DR JASWANT SINGH DR JOHN TING SII ONG DR KALAIARASU M. PEARIASAMY DR KATHIRAVAN A/L PURMAL DR KHOR MEI CHUEN DR LAU HAN WEI DR LEONG KEI JOE DR MARY SOO DR MUDA SINGH DR MUMTAJ NISAH ABD RAHIM DR NEOH EIN YAU DR NEOH GIM BOK DR NG WOAN TING DR NURUL HUDA BTE HASSAN DR PATRICK RAJOO 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 DR PAUL LEE CHU KOB DR R. VIJENDRAN DR RANI PANADAM DR S. BHAWANI DR S. NAGARAJAN DR S. RATNASOTHY DR S. SHASHITHARAN DR SHALENE KERESHANAN DR SHALINI KANAGASINGAM DR SHUBON SINHA ROY DR STEVEN PHUN DR SURGUNA DEVI DR T.S. JEYALAN DR TAN YOKE SING DR TEH TAT BENG DR TEY YAO DONG DR V. MALLIGA DR V. NEDUNCHELIAN DR WONG YUH ING DR YEO KIAN BOON DR YEOH OON TAKE PROF DATO DR HASHIM YAACOB DR TEH YIK PIN DR LIM CHIEW WOOI 1. NOTICE OF MEETING The notice convening the meeting, having been circulated, was taken as read. 2. QUORUM The requisite quorum being present, 54 members was established, verified and confirmed by Dr Neoh Ein Yau, the Honorary General Secretary), the Chairman called the meeting to order at 2.30 p.m. and declared the meeting duly convened. 3. CONDOLENCES The President, Dr Neoh Gim Bok led the House in observing a one minute silence as a mark of respect for the departed members of Malaysian Dental Association (“MDA”). 4. ENDORSEMENT OF AGENDA At this juncture, the President sought the approval from the members to amend the agenda to include the discussion on the proposed resolution submitted by Dr V. Nedunchelain pertaining to deferment of resolutions passed at the Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) held on 8 December 2013 approving the purchase of the 3 units of shoplots at Kelana Jaya and to discuss further on the affordability of MDA after discussion on Agenda IV of the notice of meeting. Prof. Dato’ Dr Hashim Yaacob informed the meeting that since notice had already been sent out to discuss the above matter in agenda 9 of the notice for section 2 of the AGM, it is not proper to discuss it now. Instead the member suggested having an open discussion on the problems faced by MDA. The President sought approval from the members by voting on a show of hands and a majority of the members agreed to amend the agenda. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 4 5. REGISTRATION OF NEW MEMBERS, RE-APPLICATION OF MEMBERS, ASSOCIATE MEMBER, LIFE MEMBER AND UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT MEMBERS The Honorary General Secretary, Dr Neoh Ein Yau informed the house as at 30 May 2014, there are 5,140 members which includes undergraduates who do not have voting rights. He presented the names of the new members, re-application of members, associate members, life member and undergraduate student members which have been approved and admitted to MDA by the council since the last Annual General Meeting. The names of the groups were listed on pages 23-25 in the MDA Annual Report 2013/2014 and an additional names from 1 April 2014 to 29 May 2014 was projected to the members The House approved the said lists on the proposal of Dr. R Vijendran and seconded by Dato’ Dr. S. Sivanesan. 6. CONFIRMATION ON THE MINUTES OF THE 70TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The minutes of the 70th Annual General Meeting was confirmed as correct proceedings of meeting on the proposal of Dr. Shubon Sinha Roy and seconded by Dr. S. Nagarajan subject to the following amendments. 6.1 To insert Dato’ Dr. A.Ratnanesan’s name in the attendance list on page 4. 6.2 To delete the word “Dato” from the name of Dr. Shubon Sinha Roy in page 9, item 9.2, fourth paragraph. 7. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF THE 70TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 16 JUNE 2013. 7.1 Status on proposal of merging MDA foundation and Wisma MDA Board of Trustees In response to Dato’ Dr. Yim Khai Kee’s query on the status of merging MDA foundation and Wisma MDA Board of Trustees, the President replied that it was not possible since both were separate legal entities. However, a committee under Dr. Tan Yoke Sing is still in the process of looking into the amending the memorandum and articles of association of MDA Foundation in order to achieve the mandate of the general body. In reply, Dato’ Dr Yim Khai Kee said that he is more concerned in relation to “finance” wherein both bodies should help each other in finance and asked the Council to look into it from legal and finance perspective. The President informed him that MDA foundation had sponsored the speakers of the conference held by the MDA. 7.2 Status on Resolution 3 and 4 - review of Dental Bill 2013 In response to Dr. Vijendran’s query on the status of the above matter, the President informed that MDA has given to AG chamber the former’s feedback. The President further informed that MDA had written to the Ministry of Health (“MOH”) to grant MDA the opportunity to discuss with MOH pertaining to the proposed Dental Bill, however to date, there was no response from the MOH. 7.3 Removal of vote count of the elected office bearers Dr. Shubon Sinha Roy requested to remove the vote count of the office bearer in future AGM reports. 7.4 Procedural Matter Prof. Dato Dr Hashim Yacob commented that in future, he would like the Council to prepare the answers in advance on matters raised at the last AGM instead of asking the house whether there are any matters arising. The President took note of this. 7.5 Condolence In response to Dato’ S. Sivanesan’s query on why the names of the departed were not read out at the meeting, the President informed it is difficult to know all members who have departed. Dato’ S.Sivanesan then requested to read out the names of departed members who have been actively involved in MDA’s work to be read out at the AGM. The President took note of this. 8. TO RECEIVE AND PASS THE MDA’S COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORTS FOR YEAR 2013/2014 8.1 President’s Report The President, Dr. Neoh Gim Bok tabled the “President’s Report” and led the House through the report. His report comprised, inter alia, of the following:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Dental Protection Limited MDA Homepage Administrative and Finance Fee Schedule Government Policy and Regulation Dental Trade Liaison FDI Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 5 8. 9. 10. 11. 21ST MDA Scientific Convention and Trade Exhibition Continuous Professional Development Community Service Patients Complaint Bureau Committee (PCBC) The following were noted by the House when the President answered queries from members:8.1.1 Personal Data Protection Act, 2013 (“PDPA”) The President informed the House that the PDPA was implemented in November 2013. Private dentists and practitioners were considered as data users under the health sector. MDA had made an appeal to the commissioner to be exempted from PDPA since under the Private Healthcare & Facilities Act, (“PHFA”) dental clinics were prohibited to use and shared patients’ data for commercial purposes. The President called Dr Chow Kai Foo (“Dr Chow”) to brief the house further on this matter. Dr Chow explained that the President Dr Neoh Gim Bok, Dr. Leong Chee San of the MDASZ and himself had met up with the Commissioner of PDPA and explained to the latter that in the PHFA, dentists are legally committed to protect all the data of their patients and hence it is not necessary ask dental clinics to comply with the said PDPA. MDA was advised to appeal to PDPA for exemption. MDA has sent the appeal twice, but to date no response from the Commissioner. Dr Chow informed that there is a possibility that MDA might call for a boycott subject to members’ approval. However there is a need to look into the deeper implications of an MDA boycott. He further informed that Malaysian Medical Association (MMA”) has given a press statement of their objection but has yet to call for a boycott. Dr Rani Paradam proposed to Dr. Chow to work with MMA. Dr Chow said he will look into it. Dr Shubon Sinha Roy added that MMA had a greater rapport with the government and it would be an advantage to do so. Dr Chow informed the house that he will look into it. 8.1.2 Evening Session Classes Dr. Steven Phun commended MDA for the successful evening classes but gave his opinion that it can be accessed only by those in Kuala Lumpur. He proposed broadcasting to the different zones via the internet and award continuing professional development (“CPD”) points for those who attended. Dr. Shalini informed him that it is possible for members’ to access to these talks via MDA’s website. Only those members’ whose subscriptions are up to date would be able to access and members could also get the CPD points in the future. After much discussion, the President’s Report was approved on the proposal of Dato’ Dr. S. Sivanesan and seconded by Dr. Malliga Vadivello. 8.2 Report of Honorary General Secretary Dr. Neoh Ein Yau tabled the “Honorary General Secretary’s Report 2013-2014” and led the meeting through the report. The report was approved on the proposal of Dr. Ratnasothy and seconded by Dr. Angie Wong Chin Mee. 8.3 The Honorary Financial Secretary’s Report For the Financial Year Ended 31 December 2013 The Honorary Financial Secretary, Dr. Darren Yap Yoke Yong (“Dr. Darren”) tabled the “Honorary Financial Secretary’s Report for the Financial Year Ended 31 December 2013” for discussion and led the meeting through the report. Dr. Darren informed the house that MDA has a healthy financial balance with a significant increase in surplus compared to the previous year. Dr Darren noted on his proposal. The following were queries raised by members of the house:- In response to Dr. Sothi’s query on the provision of tax amount of RM284,228, and whether it can be defrayed by giving free lunches to members, Dr Darren Yap informed that it is not possible. Dr Sothy then proposed appointing a tax agent who would be able to give professional advice on how to reduce the tax. • APDC financial accounts were not ready, however the amount of RM315,000 deposit monies were shown in the MDA account. • The balance of the deposit of RM148,063 (page 36 of financial statement) -Dr Paul Lee would like to know details of the balance. • When each zone made a profit, who pays the tax of the respective zone. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 6 Dr. Darren responded to the above queries respectively as follows:• • • Dr. Darren informed that the financial statements of MDA for year ended 31 December 2013 is a consolidated account and hence the deposit money of RM315,000 on the purchase of property was also disclosed MDA accounts. Furthermore, the internal auditor confirmed that the transaction is an internal fund transfer. Dr. Darren said that he was not able to provide the details now of the balance of deposit amount of RM148,063. He will revert back on the details later. Profitability of each zone tax had been paid by MDA central in Kuala Lumpur. However, with effect from this year, each zone will pay their own taxes. In response Dr. Nedu’s request on the breakdown of the Istanbul FDI expenditure and the number of delegates, the President informed that he did not have the details with him now and will email to him. Dr Nedu agreed to his proposal. Dr MalligaVadiveloo objected to the approval of the financial statement and wished to put on record her objection. However, after much discussion, Dr. Malliga Vadivelo agreed to approve the financial statements of MDA provided that that Dr. Darren Yap will provide the details of the balance of the deposit in page 36 of financial statement tomorrow at Section 2 of AGM. It was resolved that the reports and financial statements of MDA for year ended 31 December 2013 together with the proposed budget for year 2014/2015 be approved and adopted by the house on the proposal of Dr. Darren Yap and Dr. Kalaiarasu Pearisamy. A majority of the house approved the financial statements of MDA and the proposed budget for year 2014/201 subject to clarification on the “deposits in page 36 of financial statements”. 8.4 Report of Publication Secretary. The President informed that Dr. Shalini Kanagasingsam will report on behalf Dr. Haizal Mohd Hussaini who is on his way back from Istanbul. She tabled the “The Honorary Publication Secretary’s Report” and led the meeting through the report. She informed the meeting that due to delay in publication, she had changed the printing publisher to a more professional publisher; hence she hoped that this will remove publication weaknesses mentioned in last year minutes. The “Honorary Publication Secretary’s Report” was approved on the proposal of Dato’ Dr. S. Sivanesan and seconded by Dr. Jeya. 8.5 Northern Zone Annual Report 2013/2014 The President tabled “The MDA Northern Zone Annual Report 2013/2014” and led the meeting thorough the report. The report was approved by the House. 8.6 Eastern Zone Annual Report 2013/2014 The President tabled the report on “The MDA Eastern Zone Annual Report 2013/2014” and led the meeting through the report. The report was approved by the House. 8.7 Southern Zone Annual Report 2013/2014 The President tabled the report on “MDA Southern Zone Annual Report 2013/2014” and led the meeting through the report. The report was approved by the House. 8.8 Report For Government Liaison Annual Report 2013/2014 The President tabled the report “Report For Government Liaison Annual Report 2013/2014” and led the House through the report. The report was approved by the House. 8.9 SCODOS Annual Report 2013/2014 The President tabled the “SCODOS’s Annual Report 2013/2014” and led the House through the report. The report was approved by the House. 8.10 Report From FDI Councillor The President tabled the “Report From FDI Councillor” and led the House through the report. The report was approved by the House. 8.11 Report Of the MDA Think Tank The President tabled the “Report of the MDA Think Tank” and led the House through the report. The report was approved by the House. Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 7 9. Other Matters Arising 9.1 Report on Status of Dental Bill In response to Dr. Vijendran’s query on the status of the Dental Bill 2013, the President informed that the Dental Bill has been finalised by the Attorney-General’s Chambers and is now queued to be tabled in the Parliament. He also informed him that MDA had received feedback from members pertaining to the Dental Bill and forwarded to the government. He assured him that MDA will continue to forward any dissatisfaction of the members to be sounded to the Attorney-General Chambers. 9.2 Letter of Registrar of Societies (“ROS”) The president briefed the house on the receipt of letter from ROS. A copy of the said letter was shown over the projector. The letter will be circulated to all members tomorrow for their reference. 9.3 Reason for the change in format of AGM In response to the query on change in format of AGM, the President informed that there is a concurrent event being organised by MDA on the first session of AGM. The second session will not have any concurent lecture for the members in order to motivate them to attend the AGM. Hence it would help in getting a quorum for AGM. 9.4 Validity of the Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) In response to query on the validity of the EGM, the President informed that it will be discussed at Section 2 of AGM tomorrow. 9.5 Proposed purchase of property Dr. Steven Phun noted that there is not enough space for evening class and concurred that there is a need to purchase property in order to meet the needs of growing membership of MDA who attended evening classes. 10.CLOSE OF MEETING There being no further business, the Meeting ended at 4.30 p.m. with a vote of thanks to the Chair. Dr Neoh Ein Yau Honorary General Secretary Malaysian Dental Association PAGE 8 MINUTES OF SECTION 2 OF THE SEVENTY FIRST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION HELD AT CONFERENCE HALL 3, KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE ON SATURDAY 31 MAY 2014 AT 2.30 P.M. Council Present: Dr Neoh Gim Bok Dr Teh Tat Beng Dr Haja Badrudeen Sirajudeen Dr Neoh Ein Yau Dr Darren Yap Yoke Yong Dr Haizal bin Mohd Hussaini Dr Chow Kai Foo Dr Shalini Kanagasingnam Dr Ng Woan Tyng Dr John Ting Sii Ong Datin Dr Nooral Zeila Junid Mej Gen Dato’ Dr Sukri bin Hussin Dr Raymond Chai Yeong Chang Dr Abrizah Ahmad Dr Lim Chiew Wooi Dr Ang Lai Choon Dr Angie Wong Chin Mee Dr Leong Chee San Dr Ederic Khoo Chik Eurn Dr Abd Rashid Hassan Dr Muz’ini Mohammad and - President - President-Elect - Immediate Past President - Honorary General Secretary - Honorary Financial Secretary - Honorary Publication Secretary - Asst. Honorary General Secretary - Asst. Honorary Financial Secretary - Elected Council Member - Elected Council Member - Appointed Council Member - Appointed Council Member - Appointed Council Member - SCODOS Chairman - Representative from Northern Zone - Representative from Northern Zone - Representative from Southern Zone - Representative from Southern Zone - Representative from Eastern Zone - Representative from Eastern Zone - Representative from SCODOS 71st MDA AGM 2014 @ KLCC DATE : 31st MAY 2014 LIST OF MEMBERS WHO SIGNED FOR THE BALLOT PAPER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 DR GHULAM ABBAS MALIK DR OON CHENG KHAN DR LEE WEI ZIN DR SIOW ANG YEN DR OOI EN RU DR MARIA JIROM GERE DR SORAYAH SIDEK DR LIM KHAI MUN DR GIRISH CHANDRAN DR YAP SEE WAT DR P. KATHIRAVAN DR KONG YI YONG DR CHUA MEEI JINN DR YEO KIAN BOON DR KHOO SUAN PHAIK DR MUSRIFAH MUSA DR AMEERA SYAFIQAH DR KELVIN VITUS TAN DR V. NEDUNCHELIAN DR SYLVIA LIM SZE WEI DR NARJIT KAUR DR SURGUNA DEVI MUNIANDY DR HAIZAL MOHD HUSSAINI DR NEOH GIM BOK DR THADDIUS HERMAN MALING DATUK DR TEO CHOO KUM DR BHAWANI DEVI K DR S. RATNASOTHY DR NALLADEVI CHELVAKUMARI DR QUEK SZU FANG DR NG JIA MEI DR TEE KANG LONG DR SAHADEVAN GOVIND DR ANNA RANI 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 DR MEOR SERIMAN MEOR ALI DR SHEILA RANI DR PARTAP SINGH DR GANESVARAN DR SAJI GEORGE DR NG XIN YI DR KHEONG AI LING DR JEGARAJAN DR RUSNI YUSOFF DR LIM SZE MING DR CAROLINE TENG HUAY SIN DR DAPHNE WEE KIM LENG DR P. KALAIARASU DR HAJA BADRUDEEN SIRAJUDEEN DR CHRISTOPHER VINCENT DR THEVADASS PALANY DR SU KIEN LOOI DR NEOH EIN YAU DR DRORISE BT JEMIS PROF TOH CHOOI GAIT DR JASWANT SINGH DR PATRICK RAJOO DR LIM CHIEW WOOI DR WAN SAU KENG DR AMRIZAN ABD WAHID DR ONG CHEW WUI DR MABEL ANNETTE DR STANLEY GOMEZ DR NEOH LEONG SENG DR KHOR MEI CHUEN DR TAN SZE JUN COL DR SHALENE KERESHANAN DR PAUL LEE CHU KOB DR LOO LIT CHONG PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 9 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 DR FARINAWATI YAZID DR NURSYAHIRA ABD SHAHAR DATUK DR YIM KHAI KEE DR NG WAN FOOK DR R.T. ARASU DR FOO YOONG MING DR RIFQAH NORDIN DR NG SU CHIN DR CHEW CHUN LIN DR LIM SIAU WEN DATO DR A. RATNANESAN DR MATHEW GEORGE DR TAN BOON TECK DR THIRUCHELVAM DR RAJAKUMARAN DR NASEEM BANU SADRUDDIN DR ZURINA ABU BAKAR DR LAU HAN WEI DR TEY YAO DONG DR NG WOAN TYNG DR WONG SEONG LIN DR YAP YOKE YONG DR SHUBON SINHA ROY DR AZMAN AHMAD DR FARIDAH MD HUSSAIN DR CHONG KUM SOON DR TAN KENG HONG DR CHONG YOON SIONG DR R. ARUNADEVI DR TONG CHIN MEY DR HU CHANG LEK DR LIM YOKE CHING DR TAN YAN-RU DR PHANG YUET CHEN DR LAU CHEE MING DR NURUL HUDA HASAN DR KHO CHIK EURN DR YONG PENG SAN DR TEJ KUMAR DR R. VIJENDRAN DR YEO BEE WAH DR LOH KUM CHONG DR SHIRLEY HU HUI HUI DR SOH HUI YEN DR BONG CHIN ZONG DR ABRIZAH AHMAD DR KELVIN K.L. HOR DR ROZA ANOM DR ANUSIA A. MATHEW DR LIM CHIN KEONG DR HOR WAN SHYE DR LIM JIU SHENG DR ALBERT PETER DR NOOR ALIYAH ISMAIL DR TEOH SOOI HONG DATIN DR HO SOW HA DR JASMINA QAMARUZ ZAMAN DR NATASYA AHMAD TARIB DR TAN NAM HIONG DR CHUNG YEE YING DR TAY HONG LUK DR LOW JUN FAY DR SUBATHA VELAYATHAM DR MAH ENG CHING DR HEW SINN NEE DR JASBIR DR NG CHEK SEN DR L.L. PUANG DR CHIA AH CHIK DR CHOO LIK PIN DR ANNIE JACOB DR NURHASHIMA MOHD HASHIM 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 PROF DATO DR HJ MOHD ARIFFIN DR WONG YUH ING DR YEOH OON TAKE DR VENGEDES KALAMEHAR DR THE CHEE CHYE DR TAN POH HOOQ DR MARY CHIENG CHING RU DR SHIRLEY LEE DATO DR HOW KIM CHUAN DR TAN CHIN HENG DR LEE WEI MAY DR KAREN PHUNG YEE SHIN DR SHANTINI VADIVALAKAN DR HENG SWEE HEONG DR RUZAWANI RUSLAN DR SELVARANI MUTHUKUMARU DR S. WADE’AH WAFA DR TEOH MEI YIN DR AHMED R. SUGENDRAN DR S. SHASHITHARAN DR TEH TAT BENG DR HUANG TIONG TING DR ANG LAI CHOON DR A. PATHMANATHAN DR MOHAMED IBRAHIM DR MARY SOO DR ANNIE ABRAHAM DR MANIARASU POONJOLAI DR RAJA ZARINA DR VINOD JOSHI DR RAVINDRAN MURUGESU DR LIM SOO TING DR KAVIARASU SOMASUNDRAM DATIN DR ALICE WONG YEN LIN DR WARDATI HJ A. MALEK DR TAN YOKE SING DR ISHAK SHAIFUDDIN B. IBRAHIM DR KAMARIAH IBRAHIM PROF DATO DR HASHIM YAACOB DR HABIBAH YACOB DR K. VIJAYAMANOHAR DR DIVAKARAN NAIR DR KISHOR NATH R. DR MUDA SINGH DR LEE PEI NEE DR RACHELLE CHAI DR CHANG TIAN JIAN DR LALITA VEERIAH DR THANUSA DR LOO HOOI JIN DR P. VENGADASALAM DR CHAI MEI CHEAN DR CHEONG YEW KONG DR CHONG CHIN CHEN DR GOH TIK WAH DR TAN SEA HUNT DR NORMEZIAN MOHD NOOR DR RASHIMA BT ALI @ IBRAHIM DR R. BALAKRISHNAN DR JOHN TING SII ONG DR MIMI SYAZLEEN DR LOH SIEE MENG DR NURKURSHIAH HJ SELAMAT DR CHOW KAI FOO DR TEH YIK PIN DR LOKE SHUET TOH DR GOH SEONG LING DR NG MEI CHING DR HONG YONG HUAT DR NORLIZA DR ROSLINA MOHD SHARIF DR SOH CHOON SEU PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 10 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 DR KOH CHOU HUAT DR CHU WOOI CHEAT DR WONG LAI YEE DR HO WEI CHING DR LEE SIEW MOY DR LOO YOKE AI DR T.S. JEYALAN DR S. NAGARAJAN DR ABU RAZALI DR TEO CHYE KEE DR TEE TIOW SOO DR SITI SARAH MOHD ALI DR FARAH NAJUANI ABDUL MANAP MEJ DR HETAL ASHVIN KUMAR DR RANI PANADAM DR EILEEN KOH MEI YEN DR TAN SIAM HONG DR LEE CHEE WEI DR CHONG FATT FULL DR AU KIM TEE DR JASPAL SINGH DR SHALINI KANAGASINGAM DR SHARIFAH SHURIANA ABD SHUKOR DR MIUMTAJ NISAH ABD RAHIM DATIN DR NOORAL ZEILA JUNID DR MISLIAH AHMAD DR CHIA SET HOONG DATIN DR ROHANI EMBONG PROF ONG SIEW TIN DR TAN KIM CHOO DR LEE SIEW KHUEN DR VIJAYAKUMAR DR KWAN GEOK LENG DR KIEW HEN CHONG DR RAZIDA ISMAIL DR HALIZA HASHIM DR ZUHAIBAH MUSTAPHA DR NUR AWANIS MOHD ALANG DR ROSMAH ATAN DR CHUAH LIAN LEONG BRIG JEN DATO DR HUSSIN ZAINAL ABIDIN KHENG CHUEY GHEN KHOO HENG HOON DR MAH CHIOU-FEN DR CHEONG KOK MENG DR TAN BEE SEW DR LIM BOON BEN DR SHUDESH KUMAR DR TIEN WEI SIONG DR WONG FOOT MEOW DR NURSHALINE PAULINE DR CHU KOK WENG DR INDERJIT KAUR 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 DR ABDUL RASHID HASSAN DR SONIA J. PANG DR GOH GIT SENG DR TAH GEOK MOOI DR WONG SIONG TING DR CHEW SOO TENG DR ISAAC OOI POH JIT DR NOR ADLIN ABDULLAH MEJ JEN DATO DR SUKRI B. HUSSIN DR NOR ZIANA IBRAHIM DR HENG KOK NGAN DR ALEX LEE ARN LOONG DR NG HUEI HSIEN DR LESLIE S. GEOFFREY DR ANGIE WONG DR ALEX LO DR BEH LEE FONG DR SAFURA ANITA BAHARIN DR HSU ZEN YEN DR KAMARUL HISHAM DR AHMAD TERMIZI ZAMZURI DR ONG EWE HAI DR TAN KE KIAN DR KAMINI THEVADASS DR PRASANNA CHANDRASEHARAN DR NG YAN MEI DR LEW PUI SAN DR C.H. CHUAH DR JAYASEEL DR PHUN TZY CHIEH DR JOSEPH CHUA DR IU KWANG DAK DR KHAIRIYAH ABD MUTTALIB DR ZAINAB YAACOB DR LIM MIANG MIANG DR JOSEPH MATHAI DR MOHD MUZAFAR HAMIRUDIN DR YIM KAH MUN DR WONG LIT REAN DR BONG YEE FUNG DR TAN AI HOOI DR MALLIGA VADIVELOO DR TAN SHEU TZE DR GOH SIEW KIM DR NORJEHAN DR BEH WEE REN DR D NOOR LIYANA BT TAJUDIN DR NG SHU KENG DR YANG YIT MIN DR TAN KUI HIN DR SHANTINI VADIVALAKAN DR TEE GUAT HUAH 1. NOTICE OF MEETING The notice convening the meeting, having been circulated, was taken as read. 2. QUORUM The requisite quorum being present, 120 members was established, verified and confirmed by Dr Neoh Ein Yau, the Honorary General Secretary), the President called the meeting to order at 2.30 p.m. and declared the meeting duly convened. 3. MATTERS ARISING FROM SECTION 1 OF AGM HELD ON 30 MAY 2014 3.1 Clarification on Deposits The President called Dr Darren Yap to give details about the deposits on page 36 of the financial statements of the MDA as requested by Dr Malliga. Dr Darren Yap informed that the amount comprised of bookings from events where accounts have not been closed, utilities deposit such as electricity which had been carried forward and northern zone deposits for some events. The house noted on this. Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 11 4. PROPOSED FINANCIAL REPORT OF BOARD OF TRUSTEE Dato Dr How Kim Chuan informed the President that he would like to present the financial report of the Board of Trustees to the House. In response, the President, Dr Neoh Gim Bok informed him that the said financial reports have not been approved by the President and the Council, therefore the latter decided to reject the report. The President further affirmed that the practice was in compliance of Article xvi, item 3 (f), page 48 of the Constitution. Hence, the report was deemed invalid and would not be presented to the House for discussion. Dr Shubon Sinha Roy concurred that any financial report must be submitted to the Council before circulation to the House. He noted that the printing of reports cost is about RM14,000 and if the Council accepted the financial report, MDA will have to pay for the printing costs. 5. STATUS ON PURCHASE OF PROPERTY Dr Haja Badrudeen with the permission from the President, briefed the house on the status of the purchase of property as follows: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. The Board of Trustees (“BOT”) had found a suitable property BOT tried to secure funds for the purchase of 3 units of shoplots at Kelana Jaya Proposed to obtain approval from the members on the purchase of property The developer requested for a deposit whereby MDA issued a cheque of RM50,000. However the developer requested for RM315,000 as earnest deposit. The president approved payment with the understanding given by BOT that the cheque was not to be banked in unless the members approved the purchase at the EGM which was to be held on the 8/12/2013. The cheques was later banked in without Council’s knowledge before the EGM. On 8/11/2013, MDA received the letter of intent from the developer. On 19/11/2013, the MOF informed the BOT that they can only approve tax exempt for the exact purchase price, hence the request was duly changed to reflect that which is to be bought and not to build. On 8/12/2013, EGM approved on the purchase of 3 units of shoplots. 26 votes for and 25 votes against. Received letter from Alliance Bank that funds were insufficient hence sale and purchase agreement was KIV. Council was worried and decided to purchase one unit only. In early January 2014, the council realized the cheques meant to be a refundable earnest deposit that is not supposed to be banked in pending a positive EOGM decision were already banked in. The accounts were presented to us by our accountant, after receiving the November 2013 statement. But since the house already approved the purchase, the council did not see the need to pursue the matter. RM315,000 was transferred back to APDC account from MDA’s main account. 16/3/14 - Council met with BOT. Council decided that it is not within their financial means to purchase 3 units. The decision from the council to purchase only 1 unit was conveyed to the BOT. On 24/3/2014, the MOF gave confirmation of the tax exemption for the purchase. Received a letter from Registrar of Societies (“ROS”) and Council sent a reply to ROS. Now still awaiting a response from ROS. 15/5/14 - Council came up with further calculations to show that the purchase of 3 units was not feasible. The council is in favour of purchasing one unit of property. 25/5/14 - meeting with BOT, Past Presidents and Council members together concurred that MDA cannot afford to purchase 3 units of shoplots. 6. CONFIRMATION ON THE MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING (“EGM”) HELD ON 8TH DECEMBER 2013. The President tabled the minutes of the EGM held on 8th December 2013 for members’ confirmation and Dr. Nagarajan commented that the minutes were not in order due to the following :- i. ii. iii. Objection on the purchase of the shoplots presented in powerpoint were not recorded in the minutes. Legality of the meeting - the meeting only commenced one hour later after the prescribed time. Cheques issued for developer as deposit was issued from the bank account of sub-committee instead of MDA. Dr Angie Wong commented that it was not necessary to record all that was discussed at the meeting except for the salient points and not verbatim. Dr. V.Nedunchelain proposed to defer the purchase of shoplots passed at the EGM held on 8 December 2013 and that it should be discussed further at this meeting on the issue of affordability of the purchase by the MDA. Dr. V.Nedunchelain commented that the EGM held on 8 December 2013 should be aborted due to the following discrepancies: • • • • • • • • • • The manner in which the EGM was conducted was in contravention of Article x, Section 4 - the lack of quorum. The delay in commencement time of the meeting- meeting supposed to start at 2.00 p.m. but delayed until 3.15 p.m. Illegality of the procedure on payment of cheques Payment of cheques to developer was released prior to obtaining approval from the members at the EGM which contravened the constitution. The sale and purchase agreement was not well explained to the house. Tax exemption was not awarded at the time of EGM The quotation of shoplot was too high for a leasehold property - RM608 per sq feet. The proposed property was a leasehold property – not justifiable to purchase at such a high price There is no independent body appointed to have a feasibility study on the proposed purchase of property. MDA cannot afford to pay such high price of the proposed properties. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 12 Dr. V.Nedunchelain called the house to defer the purchase of property and call off the deal. Dato’ Dr How Kim Chuan commented that Dr. V.Nedunchelain has made allegations against BOT, implying that there was misconduct being committed by BOT. Dato’ Dr Jaswant Singh and Dato’ Dr Yim Khai Kee commented that the allegations were uncalled for and members should not report of ROS, instead they should resolve it within the house. In response to the above queries Dato’ Dr How Kim Chuan and the President responded as follows:• • • • There is a quorum for the EGM as confirmed by the legal adviser during the meeting. The time of the meeting was deferred due to some members caught in the traffic jam and the delay was properly addressed by the house and agreed by members present. The deferment of time was legal as the legal adviser who was present had read the MDA Constitution and informed that since the constitution was silent about “timing”, the meeting can proceed once a quorum is reached even though later than 30 minutes beyond the stipulated time of the meeting at 2pm. Ministry of Finance (“MOF”) had given a verbal approval to MDA and prior to written approval, MOF requested MDA to obtain approval from members for the purchase of property. In addition, MDA has to give an earnest deposit to the developer to secure the booking. This is a normal and accepted practice. MDA has already given members sufficient time to make a decision on the purchase at EGM. The President informed the meeting that the officer, Cik Zuliana of ROS confirmed that EGM cannot be declared null and void by ROS. Only the court of law can rule the EGM null and void if at all. Dato’ Dr. A. Ratnanesan voiced out his dissatisfaction over the allegations made by Dr. V.Nedunchelain as it was without substance and evidence, hence the latter can be taken to Court. Furthermore, the payment to the developer was made through proper procedures. He explained that initially he also queried on the payment via APDC instead of MDA but after confirmation from BOT that it was with the approval of the president. Also MDA’s external auditor had confirmed that the transaction is legal. Dato’ Dr. A. Ratnanesan then proceeded to sign the cheque. Furthermore, Dato’ Dr. A. Ratnanesan also assumed that the cheque would be released only after approval is obtained from the EGM. He informed the meeting that he issued the cheques with a clear conscience. Dato’ Dr. A. Ratnanesan informed the house that he was hurt by allegations made by Dr V.Nedunchelain and especially when he had served MDA for such a long period and he had made a special effort to sign the said cheques while he was having health problems. Dr Paul Lee then proposed to call for another EGM to defer the resolution on the purchase of the shoplots approved at the EGM held on the 8 December 2013 and make a feasible study on the financial status of MDA prior to approving the purchase of property. The house agreed with his proposal except that Dato’ Dr. A. Ratnanesan disagreed with the allegations of Dr. V.Nedunchelain on BOT. After much discussion, on the proposal of Dr. Rani Panadam and seconded by Dato’ Dr. A. Ratnanesan, the house accepted the amendment of the resolution passed in EGM and the deferment of purchasing the property and called for an EGM to discuss the financial capability of MDA in order to make a decision on any proposed purchase of property. Dr. V.Nedunchelain further informed the meeting that he wished to retract and withdraw any of his statements that may have been seen to be of bad intention. The minutes of the EGM held on 8th December was then confirmed and approved by the house subject to the following amendments:1. To record the comments and objection in the minutes by Dr. Patmanathan and the points raised by Dato’ Dr. A. Ratnanesan through a letter read by Dr. Patmanathan. 7. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EGM HELD ON 8 TH DECEMBER 2013 7.1 Payment of cheques and Mode of operation of cheque signatories Dr Shubon Sinha Roy was concerned about the payment of the cheques as the cheque was released to the developer prior to date of the EGM. Dato Dr A Ratnanesan, was not comfortable with the present mode of operation of cheque signatories as he is the authorised signatories for both APDC and BOT. However, some members felt that it is alright since BOT and MDA are for the benefit of members of MDA. 7.2 Letter from Registrar of Societies (“ROS”) Dato’ Dr. A. Ratnanesan enquired the reason for ROS’s letter. The President informed that it was about the lack of quorum at the appointed time of the meeting and payment of cheque of RM315,000 to developer prior to the approval from members on the purchase of property. The Council has sought legal advice on the above matter. The Council admitted MDA’s procedural weaknesses. Dato’ Dr. A. Ratnanesan further asked about the status concerning MDA’s reply to ROS. The President informed that the Council had already replied to the letter and was awaiting a response from ROS. Dato’ Dr. A. Ratnanesan offered to meet up with ROS with two Council members. However the President informed that they have done all necessary action in meeting with ROS. Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 13 7.3 Rights of members to report to ROS A member of the house commented that members have a right to complain to ROS and the house should not condemn those who have done so. 8. ELECTION OF MDA COUNCIL 2014/2015 The President called the Election Committee Chairman, Dr Malliga Vadivello to proceed with the election of office bearers for year 2014/2015. Dr Malliga Vadivello briefed the members on the procedure of election and announced to the House that Dr. Teh Tat Beng will assume the post of MDA President 2014/2015 for being duly elected as President Elect at the previous AGM. Further, she announced the election of : Dr Chow Kai Foo Honorary General Secretary Dr Shalini Kanagasingam - Honorary Financial Secretary Dr Haizal Mohd Hussaini - Honorary Publication Secretary as these posts were uncontested at closing of nominations. 8.1 President- Elect Nominations received and candidates were: Dr John Ting Sii Ong Dr Kalaiarasu M. Periasamy The ECC declared that Dr John Ting Sii Ong was elected as the President –Elect for the year 2014/2015 8.2 Assistant Honorary General Secretary Nominations received, the candidates and votes received were: Dr. V.Nedunchelain Dr Neoh Leong Seng The ECC declared to the House that Dr. V.Nedunchelain was elected Assistant Honorary General Secretary. 8.3 Assistant Honorary Financial Secretary Nomination received and the candidate was: Dr Eileen Koh Dr P. Kathiravan The ECC declared to the House that Dr Eileen Koh was declared the Assistant Honorary Financial Secretary for year 2014/2015. 8.4 Two Elected Council Members Nominations received, candidates and votes received were: Dr Leong Kei Joe Dr Nurul Huda Dr Thaddius Herman Maling Dr P. Kathiravan Dr Naseem Banu Dr Angie Wong The ECC declared to the House that Dr Leong Kei Joe and Dr Angie Wong were elected to the posts of Elected Council Members for year 2014/2015. 8.5 Election of the Internal Auditor Nomination received and the candidate was: Dr Hu Chang Lek As there was only one nomination for the above post, no balloting was carried out and Dr Hu Chang Lek was declared the Internal Auditor for year 2014/2015. 8.6 Election of Chairman for Board of Trustee (“BOT”) Nomination received and the candidate was: Dr T.S. Jeyalan As there was only one nomination for the above post, no balloting was carried out and Dr Jeyalan was declared the Chairman of the Board of Trustee for the year 2014/2015. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 14 8.7 Election of Secretary of BOT Nomination received and the candidate was: Dr Haja Badrudeen Sirajudeen As there was only one nomination for the above post, no balloting was carried out and Dr Haja Badrudeen was declared the Secretary of the Board of Trustee for the year 2014/2015 8.8 Election of Treasurer of BOT Nomination received and the candidate was: Dr Darren Yap Yoke Yong As there was only one nomination for the above post, no balloting was carried out and Dr Darren Yap Yoke Yong was declared the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees for the year 2014/2015. 8.9 Election of Members for BOT Nomination received and the candidates were:Dr Nagarajan Dr Ng Woan Tyng Dr Chia Ah Chik As there were only three nominations for the above posts, no balloting was carried out and Dr. Nagarajan, Dr. Ng Woan Tyng and Dr. Chia Ah Chik were declared the elected members for the Board of Trustees for the year 2014/2015. 8.10 Election of Election Committee Nominations received and the candidates were: Dr Malliga Vadivello as Chairman Dr Muzaffar Hamirudin as Deputy Chairman Dr Thaddius Herman Maling as Committee Member Datuk Dr. Teo Choo Kum as Committee Member Dr. Rani Panadam as Committee Member Dr. Mary Soo as Committee Member Dr. Neoh Ein Yau as Committee Member As there was one nomination for each of the above posts, balloting was not carried out. The EEC declared the above candidates as the Election Committee duly elected for year 2014/2015. 8.11 Election of the Board of Inquiry - Chairman Nomination received and the candidate was: Datuk Dr. Teo Choo Kum As there was only one nomination for the above post, no balloting was carried out and Datuk Dr. Teo Choo Kum was declared the Chairman of the Board of Inquiry for the year 2014/2015. 8.12 Election of Board of Inquiry – Deputy Chairman Nomination received and the candidate was: Dr R. Vijendran Dr P. Kathiravan Dr Shalene Kereshanan The ECC declared to the House that Dr Shalene was declared the Deputy Chairman for year 2014/2015. 8.13 Election of the Board of Inquiry - Committee members Nominations received and candidates were: Dr. Kathiravan Dr. Vijendren Dr. Rajakumar Dato Dr A. Ratnanesan For the rest of the Committee members not filled, it will be left to the Board of Inquiry to appoint. Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 15 9. TO DEAL AND VOTE ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE XI The house deferred discussion on the above agenda. 10.VALEDICTORY ADDRESS BY THE OUTGOING PRESIDENT The President, Dr.Neoh Gim Bok thanked all Council members and the respective chairman of all the committees and past presidents for their support and assistance during his term of presidency especially to Dato’ Dr. How Kim Chuan on obtaining the tax exemption. 11.INAUGURAL ADDRESS BY THE INCOMING PRESIDENT The new President, Dr Teh Tat Beng welcomed all the newly elected Council members for 2014/2015 and highlighted the new challenges for him and the Council. 12.CLOSE OF MEETING There being no further business, the Meeting terminated at 6.30 p.m. with a vote of thanks to the Chair on the proposal of Dr. Shubon Sinha Roy. Dr Neoh Ein Yau Honorary General Secretary Malaysian Dental Association PAGE 16 MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING (“EOGM”) OF THE MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION HELD AT THE MDA SECRETARIAT, 54-2 (2ND FLOOR) MEDAN SETIA 2, PLAZA DAMANSARA, BUKIT DAMANSARA 50490 KUALA LUMPUR” ON SUNDAY 10 AUGUST 2014 AT 10.30 A.M. REGISTRATION OF ATTENDANCE @EOGM ON 10TH AUGUST 2014 VENUE : MDA SECRETARIAT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. DR KOH CHOU HUAT DR MALLIGA PALANISAMY DATIN DR HO SOW HA DR SIOW ANG YEN DR ANG LAI CHHON DR LIM CHIEW WOOI DR FOO YOONG MING DR LIM KHAI MUN DATUK DR TEO CHOO KUM DR BASUKI FAKI DATIN DR NOORAL ZEILA JUNID DR NEOH LEONG SENG DR TAN YOKE SING DR FOO CHI CHEAN DR SHARON VOON DATO DR S. SIVANESAN DR GOH SEONG LING DR P. KATHIRAVAN DR YONG PENG SAN DR WONG FOOT MEOW DR MICHAEL ONG AH HUP DR HANIZAH AMAN HASHIM DR WONG WI NIE DR NEOH EIN YAU DR LENA PERIACHEE BOK DR S. NAGARAJAN DR LAU SHIN HIN DR WOON KOK CHIN DR ABRIZAH AHMAD DR CHOW KAI FOO DR ANGIE WONG CHIN MEE DR MUKESH RAI JOSHI DR EILEEN KOH MEI YEN DR JASWANT SINGH DR JOHN TING SII ONG 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. DR LEONG KEI JOE MEJ JEN DATO DR SUKRI B. HUSSIN DR V. NEDUNCHELIAN DR NEOH GIM BOK DR NG WOAN TYNG DR RAMAKRISHNAN KALIMUTHU DR THE TAT BENG MEJ DR HETAL ASHRIN KUMAR DR T.S. JEYALAN DR SUKHPAL SINGH A/L NANTAM SINGH DR ERICA WONG JIE HAN DR NANTAM SINGH DR KOH YEE TING DR IBRAHIM SHAHRUDIN DR KHOO SUAN PHAIK DR EDWARD CHEAH CHUAN LENG DR R. VIJENDRAN DR SHALINI KANAGASINGAM DR LALITA VEERIAH DR SU WEI SIONG DR NG WAN FOOK DR DARREN YAP YOKE YONG DR STEVEN PHUN TZY CHIEH DR YONG LEE FEI DR JEFFVINDER SINGH GILL DR PAUL LEE CHU KOB DR HAJA BADRUDEEN SIRAJUDEEN DR GOH SENG HUEI 1. CONDOLENCES T he President, Dr. Teh Tat Beng led the House in observing one minute of silence as a mark of respect for the victims of MH370 and MH17. He also extended the condolences of the MDA to all their families, friends and loved ones. 2. LEGAL ADVISER The President informed the meeting of the presence of Mr.Krishna Dallumah from the MDA Legal Advisor, Messrs Krishna Dallumah, Manian & Indran and asked the house to accept his presence for the purpose of advising the house should there be any legal issues arising from the discussions. A member of the House, Dato’ Dr. S. Sivanesan objected to the presence of the legal adviser and the President called for a division of votes to decide on the issue. A majority of the members (29) present, agreed to have the legal adviser to be present at the EOGM while 8 members objected to his presence and the rest abstained from voting. 3. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN Dr. Teh Tat Beng proposed to the house to appoint a chairman for the meeting in view of the any vested interests of the Council in the purchase of the property. The House unanimously appointed Dr. Tan Yoke Sing(YS Tan) who then took over the chairmanship of the meeting. Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 17 4. QUORUM The chairman Dr YS Tan asked the Honorary General Secretary, Dr. Chow Kai Foo to confirm the quorum of meeting. The Honorary General Secretary confirmed that there was a quorum of 54 present at 10.30 a.m. The Chairman then called the meeting to order at 10.40 a.m. and declared the meeting duly convened. 5. NOTICE OF MEETING The notice convening the meeting, having been circulated, was taken as read by all present. 6. PURPOSE OF EOGM The Chairman briefed the meeting as to the purpose of the meeting:6.1 To rectify the actions of the Council in relation to its procedural errors in the release of the earnest money of RM315,000.00 paid to Mahsuri Kelana Sendirian Berhad to facilitate the purchase of property at Pusat Komersil Parklane on 6 November 2013. This is to satisfy the query of Registrar of Societies (“ROS”). 6.2 To table resolutions for consideration that were drafted by Dr Paul Lee, who was mandated by the house to do so at the 71st Annual General Meeting (AGM) as listed in agenda 3 of the notice. The purpose of the resolutions were to rectify the procedural errors in the release of the earnest money of RM315,000 to the said developer. The Chairman explained that the ROS had de-registered the association due to the failure of the Council to adhere to procedures on endorsement of payment of deposit to the developer. Therefore the house has to rectify the errors of the Council by endorsing the release of the deposit to the developer. He further informed the meeting that the deposits for the purchase of the two properties were not returned to MDA. The developer has agreed to extend the offer to transfer the deposit for the purchase of one of the properties until 8 September 2014. Hence the house has to decide whether to approve the purchase of property by using the earnest money. If the house disagreed to the proposal, then the amount of RM315,000.00 will be forfeited. The Chairman further informed the meeting that the Council had decided to purchase only one unit(D1) of the three properties identified as units D1 , D2 and D3 located at Pusat Komersil Parklane at 21 Jalan SS7/26 Kelana Jaya 47301 Petaling Jaya instead of three units. Dr S. Nagarajan queried on the validity of the proposed three resolutions as listed in the notice of EGM dated 6 July 2014. In response to his query, the Chairman informed him that the resolutions had been considered, modified and approved by the Council and President. The Council and President have a right to do so as long as the purpose of the resolutions is adhered to, which is to rectify the procedural errors in the release of the earnest money of RM315,000 to the said developer. 7. RESOLUTION 1 “THAT THIS HOUSE ENDORSES THE RELEASE OF THE EARNEST MONEY OF RM315,000.00 PAID TO MAHSURI KELANA SENDIRIAN BERHAD TO FACILITATE THE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS UNIT D1 AT PUSAT KOMERSIL PARKLANE ON 6TH NOVEMBER 2013.” The Chairman tabled Resolution 1 to the meeting for discussion. The house noted the following comments from the members:i) Location of the proposed unit in Kelana Jaya is not a good investment as its location is prone to traffic jams and hence not conducive for businesses and proposed that the passing of the resolution be deferred. ii) EXCO should provide information/documents in relation with their negotiation/correspondence with the developer to the house. iii) There is a difference in the figures between what is written in the minutes of last annual general meeting and the booklet provided to members. The minutes mentioned RM50,000.00 In response to the above queries, the Chairman replied as follows:i) The usage of the property is more for members and not so much for investment purpose. The Council was mandated by the house to hold this EOGM to resolve the said problems and hence the Council’s decision can override the member’s proposal to defer passing of the resolution on the purchase of property. ii) The Council has already disclosed all the necessary information/documents in the booklet, which was made available in the member log in section on the MDA website. The access link was sent to all MDA members via email blast before the EOGM. The booklet explained the chronological order on the payment of RM315,000.00 and why the initial payment of RM50,000 was insufficient. iii) It was also understood that the Ministry of Finance had requested MDA to deal directly with the developer instead of the agent. The Chairman requested for the information/ correspondences to be provided to the house subject to consent from the agent/developer. The members cautioned on the seriousness of purchasing 3 units instead of one unit without approval from members. The Chairman then asked the house to vote on whether they wanted to proceed with the voting of Resolution1. On the show of hands- a majority of the house agreed to proceed with the voting of the Resolution 1. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 18 The Chairman further reminded the house that the purpose of this meeting is to solve the problem of de-registration and it is up to the house to decide on the proposed resolutions. After much discussion, the Chairman put the resolution to vote by secret ballot and volunteers and scrutineers were appointed to help in counting the ballots under the leadership of Dr Paul Lee. Dr Paul Lee declared the results of voting as follows:Those for- 41 Those against-20 It was resolved that this house endorses the release of the earnest money of RM315,000.00 paid to Mahsuri Kelana Sendirian Berhad to facilitate the purchase of the property identified as unit D1 at Pusat Komersil Parklane on 6 November 2013. [Carried] The house unanimously agreed to accept the voting results. 8. RESOLUTION 2 “ THE HOUSE AUTHORISES AND APPROVES THE PURCHASE OF D1 AT PUSAT KOMERCIL PARKLANE AT 21 JALAN SS7/26 KELANA JAYA 47302 PETALING JAYA COSTING RM7,335,000.00 PLUS ANCILLARY COSTS WITH CASH AND REQUIRED BANK LOAN.” The Chairman tabled Resolution 2 for discussion. The Chairman highlighted to the house that if the members do not agree to use the deposit RM315,000.00 to pay for this property as part payment, then the said amount will be forfeited. He further informed the meeting that the EXCO had prepared a presentation on risk analysis for the purchase of property. The risk analysis report was prepared by a third party namely KF Cheong and Co, the Chartered Accountant. Dr. Shalini was invited to table the risk analysis report on the purchase of the property to the meeting. Dr. Shalini informed the house that KF Cheong & Co had prepared three scenarios on the purchase of Unit D1, D2 and D3. Since the Council is interested in purchasing unit D1, she will only briefed the meeting on the scenario of purchasing Unit D1. She led the meeting through the Risk Analysis Report and some salient points were highlighted to the house:• The Council had found the most suitable unit for MDA, which is Unit D1, a corner lot, with 6 1/2 storeys. • Unit D1 is a leasehold property and is gated and guarded with maintenance of 20 sen per square ft. ie approximately RM2,400 per month • Unit D1 is accessible to LDP highway, to Paridigm Shopping mall and LRT station • MDA will obtain a flexi loan of RM2.38 million for the purchase since MDA has a healthy cash flow and membership has increased exponentially. • Unit D1 is suitable for lecture halls, workshops venues and holding conferences, storage, club house and office administration. • Unit D1 has an option to rent out the ground floor for RM8,000 per month. • It has the advantage of including the down payment RM315,000.00 to be offset against the principal amount of purchase consideration. • MDA has got tax exemption from the Ministry of Finance for the purchase of the said unit. It will save tax in the long run. • MDA urgently needed a premise to move in for conducting lectures/workshops. • 6% Government Service Tax (“GST’) will be saved if MDA purchase the property this year • Re- Application to Ministry of Finance (“MOF”) for tax exemption is needed if a different property is purchased and there is no guarantee that MOF will approve the re-application. The Chairman then put the resolution to the house for discussion. Dr Paul Lee gave his comments as follows: • He had asked the council to review the whole resolution again as the proposed property is not in the interest of MDA. He had proposed to the council to postphone the purchase and instead give Board of Trustee (“BOT”) a month to find an alternative property as the proposed property at unit D1 is not suitable due to the following reasons:i) Heavy traffic jam ii) It is not a good investment as it is not conducive to potential tenants’ business. It is very unlikely to get rental for the ground floor of D1. iii) The property is not in demand as the developer could have sold off the property when MDA defaulted in payment for more than 6 months. iv) D1 got 6 floors and members do not need so many floors for conducting of conference, workshop, club house. Probably MDA only needs 3 floors. v) Have to consider factors such as who will be responsible to run the club house. vi) Not advisable to obtain a flexi loan for the purchase of property as who will be responsible to pay the loan if there is an economic downturn. Furthermore in the past, MDA paid by cash for purchase of property. Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 19 • • • • • The council did not invite BOT for discussion on the purchase of proposed property even though the constitution had specified the role of BOT to be in charge of rental or purchase of premises. Instead the BOT ‘s role was reversed with the council instructing BOT to carry out their instruction on the purchase. Advise the council to seek legal advice on getting back the deposit of RM315,000.00. However, he proposed that MDA purchase unit D3 if the association is forced to buy the property as the purchase consideration is lower than unit D3. Use cash to buy instead of loan so that MDA will not lose out in the event of economic downturn and failure to pay. The issue of MOF and GST will have minimal effect if the association decides not to purchase the property MDA is bidding to host FDI conference and it needs a minimum cash of RM2 million to bid. The Chairman informed the house that the Council had already sought the legal adviser on this and legal adviser said that the deposit will be forfeited. In response to the above comments, Dr Neoh Gim Bok informed the meeting that with the Analysis Report of KF Cheong and comments from the EXCO, there is an urgent need for extra space for MDA and since the Council felt that unit D3 is not suitable, there is not enough space, the house should respect the Council’s opinion to purchase the corner lot. A member commented that apart from the disadvantage of the location, the initial needs of a space of 5,000 sq feet was suddenly changed to 20,000 sq ft. BOT does not support the proposed purchase of property. In addition there is no presence of banks in the location. Dr Stephen Phun commented that BOT should look again at the purchase of property prior to committing to purchase. Dr Neoh Gim Bok commented that the house should move forward and not limit itself as membership is increasing, the association has to expand to meet the needs of the growing membership. In response to their queries, the Chairman commented that the purchase of the property was for members’ usage and not for business purpose. In addition most of the time of usage is on Sunday, so the problem of heavy traffic is not an issue. Furthermore, MDA has sufficient funds to purchase the property. Dr Paul Lee proposed to change the resolution to purchase unit D3 instead of D1 and Dr Siva seconded the proposal. At this juncture the legal adviser informed the house that the original resolution proposed by the Council was to take out Unit D2 and D3. Now Dr Paul Lee proposed the original resolution to be amended by purchasing B3 instead of B1, the house needs to get clearance from the Council and the President whether they have any objection. It was noted by the house that the Council and the President objected to the amendment to the original resolution to purchase D3. Hence the Chairman asked the house to decide whether they accept Dr Paul Lee’s amended resolution. After voting on a show of hands, it was noted that a majority objected to Dr Paul Lee’s amendment to the original resolution. The Chairman then put the original resolution to vote by secret balloting. Dr Neoh Gim Bok proposed that past presidents be scrutineers and observers for this secret balloting under the leadership of Dr Wong Foot Meow. The Chairman declared the results of secret balloting as follows:Those for- 31 Those against- 26 It was resolved that the house authorizes and approves the purchase of D1 at Pusat Komercil Parklane at 21 Jalan SS7/26 Kelana Jaya 47302 Petaling Jaya costing RM7,335,000.00 plus ancillary costs with cash and required bank loan. [Carried] 9. RESOLUTION 3 “THE HOUSE APPROVES THE SALE OF ONE OR BOTH OF THE CURRENT PROPERTIES OWNED BY THE MDA IDENTIFIED BELOW TO REPAY THE BANK LOAN IF REQUIRED:i) 69-2 (2ND FLOOR)MEDAN SETIA 1, PLAZA DAMAINSARA, BUKIT DAMANSARA, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR ii) 54-2 (2ND FLOOR) MEDAM SETIA 2, PLAZA DAMANSARA, BUKIT DAMANSARA 50490 KUALA LUMPUR” The Chairman tabled Resolution 3 for voting by secret ballot. The Chairman clarified that the purpose of this resolution is to obtain permission from the house first, for the sale of the above properties if there is a need to repay the bank loan without calling for EOGM later. Dr Wong Foot Meow was appointed scrutineer for secret balloting. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 20 Thereafter, the Chairman declared the result of secret ballot for Resolution 3 as follows:Those for- 38 Those against- 12 Those abstained-3It was resolved that the house approves the sale of one or both of the current properties owned by the MDA identified below to repay the bank loan if required:i) 69-2 (2nd Floor) Medan Setia 1, Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur ii) 54-2 (2nd Floor) Medan Setia 2, Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur. [Carried] The Chairman congratulated the EXCO for obtaining approval for the resolutions from the house. The meeting closed at 12.45 p.m. with a vote of thanks to the Chair The Chairman congratulated the EXCO for obtaining approval for the resolutions from the house. The meeting closed at 12.45 p.m. with a vote of thanks to the Chair. Dr. Chow Kai Foo Honorary General Secretary Malaysian Dental Association 7th October 2014 PAGE 21 MDA COUNCIL 2014/15 COMMITTEES CHAIRMAN / CHAIRPERSON COUNCIL MEMBERS TERM 2014/2015 PRESIDENT DR TEH TAT BENG APPOINTED COUNCIL MEMBER DATIN DR NOORAL ZEILA JUNID IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT DR NEOH GIM BOK APPOINTED COUNCIL MEMBER DR R VIJENDRAN PRESIDENT-ELECT DR JOHN TING SII ONG SOUTHERN ZONE CHAIRPERSON DR NG BEN CHUAN (from 14th August 2014 to present) HONORARY GENERAL SECRETARY DR CHOW KAI FOO SOUTHERN ZONE SECRETARY DR LEONG CHEE SAN (term till 8th March 2015) ASSISTANT HONORARY GENERAL SECRETARY DR V. NEDUNCHELIAN SOUTHERN ZONE TREASURER DR SIOW ANG YEN ( from 8th March 2015 to present) HONORARY FINANCIAL SECRETARY DR SHALINI KANAGASINGAM NORTHERN ZONE CHAIRMAN DR LIM CHIEW WOOI (re-elected on 1st March 2015) ASSISTANT HONORARY FINANCIAL SECRETARY DR KOH MEI YEN, EILEEN NORTHERN ZONE SECRETARY DR ANG LAI CHOON (re-elected on 1st March 2015) HONORARY PUBLICATION SECRETARY DR HAIZAL BIN MOHD HUSSAINI (from 31st May 2014 – 14th December 2014) EASTERN ZONE CHAIRMAN DR KHO CHIN EURN (term of office till 22nd March 2015) DR ABD RASHID BIN HASSAN (elected on 22nd March 2015 during 5th EZ AGM) ACTING HONORARY PUBLICATION SECRETARY PROF. NGEOW WEI CHEONG (from15th December 2014 to present) ELECTED COUNCIL MEMBER DR LEONG KEI JOE ELECTED COUNCIL MEMBER DR WONG CHIN MEE, ANGIE APPOINTED COUNCIL MEMBER MEJ.JEN. DATO DR SUKRI BIN HUSSIN EASTERN ZONE SECRETARY DR ABD RASHID BIN HASSAN (term of office till 22nd March 2015) DR CHU KOK WENG, JAMES (elected on 22nd March 2015 during 5th EZ AGM) SCODOS CHAIRPERSON DR ABRIZAH AHMAD (term of office till 22nd March 2015) DR RASIDAH AYOB (term of office starts from 22nd March 2015) Subcommittee list 1. MDA Government Policies & Regulation Chairman: Co-Chairman: 2. MDA Dental Liberalization, Globalization Chairman: and Tourism Co-Chairperson: 3. MDA Government Liaison officer 4. MDA FDI National Liaison Officer 5. MDA Administration & Finance Chairman: Members: 6. MDA Office Manager 7. MDA SCODOS Chairperson: Chairman-elect: Secretary: Assistant Secretary: Treasurer: 8. MDA Product Accreditation & MDA Seal Chairman: 9. MDA Homepage Chairperson: Dr Teh Tat Beng Dr Chow Kai Foo Dr Neoh Gim Bok Dr Angie Wong Chin Mee Datin Dr Nooral Zeila Junid Dr Chow Kai Foo Dr Teh Tat Beng Dr John Ting Sii Ong Dr Chow Kai Foo Dr Neoh Gim Bok Dr Shalini Kanagasingam Dr Haizal Hussaini Puan Razana Abdul Karim Dr Abrizah Ahmad Dr Rasidah bt Ayob Dr Habibah Yacob Dr Anna Rani A/P Kanagarajah Dr Rohayati Mohd Noor Dr John Ting Sii Ong Dr Ng Woan Tyng PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 22 10. MDA Awards Chairman : Dato’ Dr S. Sivanesan Members: Datuk Dr Yim Khai Kee Datuk Dr Teo Choo Kum Dr Teh Tat Beng Dr Chow Kai Foo Dr V. Nedunchelian Dato Dr Rueben Jayakumar 11. MDA DPL Liasion Officer Dr Chow Kai Foo 12. MDA International Relations Chairman: Dr Chow Kai Foo 13. MDA 2017 FDI AWDC Bidding Chairman: Dr Haja Badrudeen Sirajudeen 14. MDA Affiliates Chairman: Dr Teh Tat Beng 15. MDA Trade and Sponsorship Chairman: Dr John Ting Sii Ong Members: Dr Edric Kho Chik Eurn Dr Yong Peng San 16. 22nd MDA SCATE Chairperson: Dr Ng Woan Tyng 17. MIDEC 2015 Chairperson: Dr Shalini Kanagasingam Co-Chairman: Dr John Ting Sii Ong 17. MDA CPD Chairman: Dr Leong Kei Joe Member: Dr Neoh Leong Seng 18. MDA Constitution Amendment Chairman: Dr Paul Lee Chu Kob Members: Dr T. S. Jeyalan Dr Tan Yoke Sing Dr Neoh Gim Bok Dr S. Shashitheran Dr Kalaiarasu M. Peariasamy Dr S. Nagarajan Dr Hong Yong Huat Dr Shubon Sinha Roy MDA President Dr Teh Tat Beng MDA Secretary Dr Chow Kai Foo 19. MDA PCBC Chairman: Dr S. Shashitharan 20. MDA Community Service Chairman: Dr Leong Kei Joe 22. MDA Think Tank Chairman: Mej. Gen. Dato’ Dr Sukri Hussin Members: Dr V. Nedunchelian Dr Neoh Gim Bok 23. MDA World Oral Health Day 2015 Chairman: Dr Chow Kai Foo 24. Student Mentorship Chairperson: Prof. Khoo Suan Phaik Members: Dr Ibrahim bin Shahruddin Dr Yeoh Oon Take Dr Choo Wan Ling Dr Gan Peijun Dr Lee Wan Xiu Dr Lim Ciu Xuan 25. Wisma MDA, BOT Acting Chairman: Dr Teh Tat Beng Acting Secretary: Dr Ng Ben Chuan Acting Treasurer: Dr Lim Chiew Wooi Elected Member: Dr S. Nagarajan MDA EZ Chairman: Dr Rashid Abd Hassan 26. GST Task Force Chairperson: Dr Angie Wong Chin Mee Secretary: Dr Zeo Lee Treasurer: Dr Siow Ang Yen Members: Dr Firdaus Hanapiah Dr Teh Tat Beng Datin Dr Nooral Zeila Junid Dr John Ting Sii Ong Dr Chow Kai Foo PAGE 23 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Dear Esteemed MDA members, Time really flies so fast; without realizing my council term has come to an end. While this term has been short it has been busy with almost every weekend seeing some events or meeting. And now is the time to prepare for a smooth transition to the next council under our President –Elect Dr. John Ting Sii Ong The deregistration notice from the Registry of Society, received on 12th June 2014 @3pm 12th June 2014 was the saddest day in the history of MDA, just 12 days after my installation as the president of MDA, we received the deregistration notice ,dated 6th June 2014 from the Registrar of Society (WP), stating that all activities in relation to the MDA had to be suspended with immediate effect. The Hon Gen Sec and I soon made an appointment with ROS to clarify matters related to the notice. A small group of delegation from MDA managed to meet up with the Honorable Health Minister on the same evening to brief him of the unprecedented crisis and seek YB’s kind assistance in solving the issue. An appeal letter to the Minister of Home Affair was delivered via ROS office on the 16th June 2014. From the moment we received the deregistration notice from the Registrar of Society, the MDA Council and all the stakeholders have been working very hard against the clock to get MDA reinstated. Finally, on June 3rd 2014, MDA’s status was reinstated. As promised to the DG of ROS, we will tighten up our financial policy and make sure that the same error does not repeat itself. As DG of ROS and the director of Selangor ROS Director stressed that ROS only acts upon receiving complaints from members, I truly regret the matter which should be resolved internally was brought to the ROS, no matter how innocent the intention was. I wish to thank all the stakeholders and individuals who had been lobbying for the lifting of the deregistration, especially PM Health Minister Principle Director of OHD, MOH Dr Khairiyah, Datin Dr Nooral Zeila, Prof Dato Dr Hashim, En Saravanan Principle Private Secretary to YBKM, En Azman, Setiausaha Sulit MOHA, Dato Shahlan, Political Secretary to PM and those who worked behind the scene. On behalf of the Council, I would like to thank our members for their understanding and support during this difficult time. The Tragedy of MH 17 Crash and dental records On behalf of the MDA, I would like to offer our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the Malaysian Airlines MH-17 crash. The process of identifying victims of major disasters such as terrorist attacks or earthquakes is quite difficult by visual recognition. Comparison of fingerprints, dental records or DNA samples with ones stored in databases or taken from victims’ personal effects are often required to obtain a conclusive identification. Member countries that lost citizens in the MH 17 crash will also be requested to gather and send ante-mortem data in order for the victims to be identified as quickly as possible in order for them to be returned to their families. On the request from the Forensic Odontology AM division, we assisted in sending a confidential email blast to our members, requesting them to provide the dental record of victim of MH17 as ante-mortem data to assist in the identification of the victims body. We cannot stress enough on the importance of maintaining complete and accurate patient records. This is a sign of quality care and an integral part of our duty to care for the patients. Goods and Service Tax ( GST ) Any person who makes a taxable supply for business purposes and the taxable turnover of that supply exceeds the threshold of RM 500k is required to be registered for GST. The Good and service Tax will be implemented on 1st April 2015. In line with this, MDA have registered with the Royal Malaysian Customs under the GST Act 2014. Following is our registration number: Malaysian Dental Association : 001048772608 GST will be imposed on the event registration fee, trade booth sale, property rental, and other services such as mailing service, selling of mailing labels. GST will not be imposed on DPL subscription and membership subscription Dentists, who registered under the Private Healthcare Facility Act, are not GST taxable, but Dental Suppliers with annual turnover exceeding RM500k are GST taxable parties. The council had invited Mr Suppiah A/L Ayahoo, the senior assistant director of Custom II, GST Division to give GST talk to our members on 11th December 2014 in the MDA office. The topic was “GST on Healthcare Services”. On behalf of MDA and Council I would like to thank the GST department of Customs who readily came to our aid to address the GST issues on Healthcare Services in spite of their hectic schedule. The attendance of the GST was overwhelming. Our members found the GST talk was timely as it helped to clear their doubt on GST issues. The following GST related documents was uploaded to MDA website, and will be updated periodically: • Guidelines on Healthcare Services • GST Notes • List of Medicines • Frequently Asked Questions on GST PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 24 MDA delegation led by Dr Firdaus met up with the Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Ahmad Maslan on the 19th March 2015, to appeal to the Ministry of Finance, to zero rate all dental equipment and material. Malaysian Dental Association has work hand in hand with the Oral Health Division, Ministry of Health and Dental Traders to produce one single list of Dental Equipment and Material for GST Exemption following the format that APHM had adopted. The list of Dental Equipment and Material for GST Exemption had been submitted to the Tax Division of the Ministry of Finance at the end of March 2015. The item description are kept broad but specific enough to describe core functions, and also indicated the price range for each items. We were not able to come up with the Customs Code for the items listed as indeed they are broad descriptions. FDI AWDC 2017 A resolution to bid for the Annual World Dental Congress of the FDI World Dental Federation was passed at the AGM 2013, held at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Feasibility study by the bidding committee revealed that the budget proposed by FDI, includes: 1) Franchise Fee and Licence to run the FDI AWDC CHF400,000.00 2) FDI organisation, management, travel expenses for FDI officers and staff CHF 300,000.00 3) International Promotion CHF125,000.00 4) Expenses related to the organisation of the Parliament, ie • To cover the logistic cost to host the business meeting, including the General Assembly. • To provide travel and accommodation for all staff, committee and council members. Due to the short period of MDA deregistration in July 2014, the bidding committee was unable to conclude the feasibility study, hence submit the proposed budget and official bid to FDI by September 2014 in India. At that point of time, Abu Dhabi and China had already submitted their bid to host the FDI AWDC 2017. Abu Dhabi had engaged Paul Wilson, Director of Wilson GCC Global Conference Consultants and the former Director of the FDI World Dental Federation for AWDC to handle the bidding. Abu Dhabi has the full support from their government UAE. China has the numbers of participants and traders, on top of full government support. After much deliberation, the bidding committee and council had decided to defer the FDI AWDC bidding to year 2019. MDA Promoting the Art and Science of Dentistry MDA has hosted and organized many international dental conventions annually and continues to do so, drawing many renowned speakers in their respective fields to share their knowledge with our dentists from the Asia Pacific region. MDA and the three regional zones, namely the Northern, Southern and Eastern Zone have also been actively organizing Continuing Dental Education programs and workshops to help our dentists keep up to date with advances in Dentistry. This has allowed our patients to benefit from a higher quality of care. MyCPD System, Ministry of Health Malaysia MDA members are encouraged to register with the Online Monitoring of Continuing Professional Development System (myCPD), to plan CPD activities, to record CPD activities and to keep track with CPD activities and credit points. MyCPD still have the capacity of 30,000 for new registration. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage our members especially the Private Dental Practitioner to register with the MyCPD, as the record show that less than 300 Private Dental Practitioners had registered with MyCPD. Please login step by step user guild for registration MIDEC 2014 The Inaugural MIDEC organized by the Malaysian Dental Association was a great success. The event was held in the world class Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) from 29th May to 1st June2014. 3000 participants registered for MIDEC 2014. Delegates, Speakers and Traders come from 24 countries. The 22nd MDA Scientific Convention & Trade Exhibition A new year, a new beginning’…Malaysian Dental Association had started off 2015 with a “Big Bang!” after it had successfully hosted the event at the Sunway Convention Centre from 23rd to 25th Jan 2015. The 22nd MDA SCATE has once again proven itself to be one of the hottest dental events in Malaysia, with an increase in registrants, exhibitors, visitors, dental students and para-dental workers. Total number of 2500 participants for the 22nd MDA SCATE is one of the MDA records for our January event. I wish to thank all participants for making the 22nd MDA SCATE such a success! MDA SCATE has evolved imperceptibly over the years into a prestigious annual event for continuing professional development with a gathering of top international and local lecturers, clinicians, state of the art dental exhibition and MDA national business and society leaders to discuss issues that may affect the global and local dental scene and well-being in the Malaysian dental scenario. The theme this year was the 3 E’s of “Explore, Expand and Evolve”. The MDA Zone AGM • • • The MDA Northern Zone AGM was held in Georgetown, Penang, on the 1st March 2015, The MDA Southern Zone AGM was held in Johor Bharu, Johor, on the 8th March 2015, and The MDA Eastern Zone AGM was held in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, on the 21st March 2015. Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 25 On behalf of the Council of MDA I wish to congratulate Dr Lim Chiew Wooi, Dr Ang Lai Choon for being re-elected as the MDA Northern Zone Chairman and Secretary; Dr Ng Ben Chuan and Dr. Lee Wei Zin for being elected as theMDA Southern Zone Chairman and Secretary; Dr Rashid and Dr James Chu Kok Weng for being elected as the new MDA Eastern Zone Chairman and Secretary. I also wish to reiterate that MDA HQ will work together hand in hand with the Northern, Southern and Eastern Zone as One MDA, One Dental Family. The 36th APDC Dubai The Malaysian delegation cancelled their trip to Dubai to address the MDA deregistration issue. As the result of deregistration, MDA candidates, Dr Haja Badrudeen, Brig Gen Dato Dr Ilham and Dr Thomas Araham lost their eligibility to stand for election in the 36th APDC. The 2014 FDI AWDC – India Malaysia delegation consisted of myself,the President Elect, Dr John Ting, and the FDI Liaison Officer Dr Chow Kai Foo, FDI past president Dato Dr Ratnanesan and FDI councillor Dato Dr How Kim Chuan .Dato’ Dr How Kim Chuan was elected as FDI Councillor. On behalf of the Council, I wish to congratulate Dato’ Dr How for being retained the FDI Councillor post for second term. Greater Taipei International Dental Exhibition & Conference(GTIDEC ) / the 1st Asia Region Dental Association Summit ARDA in Taipei I was invited to the GTIDEC and the 1st Asia Region Dental Association Summit on the 13th March 2015. All presidents of the National Dental Association attended the 1st ARDA were invited to give a brief introduction on the National Health Insurance policy on Dentistry, Dental Public Health and Dental Profession present status in their countries. The 37th APDC in Singapore A big delegation from Malaysia, consisting 15 MDA council members and 40 MDA members, attended the 37th APDC in Singapore, held in the Suntec Convention Centre, from 3rd – 5th April 2015. MOU between MDA and MDSA The MOU between MDA and MDSA (Malaysian Dental Student Association) was signed at the MDA Gala Night on the 31st of May 2014. MDSA was represented by their President MdHafizul Taufiq Zulkeple; and MDA was represented by MDA President. MDA Student Mentorship Program We have started MDA Student Mentorship Program to train up future MDA leaders. Under the program, dental student will pay a minimum fee to attend conferences organized by MDA, and at the same time have a hand-on experience to learn event organizing skill. At the end of the event, a reflective session will be held to find out how much they have benefited from the program. Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council, MHTC is an initiative under the Ministry of Health Malaysia. Its ultimate purpose is to promote and position Malaysia as a unique destination for world-class healthcare services. MHTC was established under the Ministry of Health Malaysia, bringing together the nation’s dual heritage of hospitality and medical innovation, highlighting Malaysia as the preferred healthcare travel destination in the Asian region. The purpose of MHTC is to streamline healthcare travel service providers and industry players in both private and government sectors so as to drive the industry to greater heights MHTC Participating Dental Providers are Hospitals and ambulatory care dental centres. We hope that even dental clinics that are well-equipped and catered to receive and handle dental tourists are approved and registered to be a participating dental tourism provider in Malaysia. A selection committee consisting of representatives from both the private and government sector will evaluate and select these dental providers to ensure that the standard of service and quality dental care provided within the industry is continuously upheld. There is tremendous potential for dental tourism in Malaysia. Currently there are4 dental clinics, which are not Hospital or Ambulatory registered under MHTC, namely • • • • Kuala Lumpur International Dental Centre Sdn Bhd Smile shop Dental surgery Klinik Pergigian White Dental Klinik Pergigian Smilebay Members in the private sector are encouraged to participate, and to benefit from the MHTC initiatives and programs. The Moratorium on Dental Education The moratorium on dental education was approved by Cabinet and took effect from 1 March 2013. Approvals for the establishment of new institutions offering a dental degree programme and new dental degree programmes offered by existing institutions have been suspended for 5 years: and intake of local students will be limited to 800 per year for dental degree programmes in local institutions. This also takes effect on 1 March 2013. MDC the Malaysian Dental Council and MQA the Malaysian Qualifications Agency has been empowered to fix the number of intake for each Higher Education Institute. In view of the approval of two Higher Education Institute (AUCMS and VMIUC) to start dental programme after the Moratorium on Dental Education took effect on the 1 March 2013, the Dean Council had agreed to raise the number of local intake each year from 800 to 900. MDC had agreed with the Dean Councils’ proposal to raise the number of local intake each year to 900 at the MDC Meeting on the 27th May 2014. At the time of printing, there are 15 dental schools in Malaysia, out of which 9 are privately owned (AMIST, PIDC, MAHSA, IMU, MMMC, SEGi, Lincoln, VMIUC, QUEST) and 6 run by the government (UM,UKM,USM,UiTM, IIUM, USIM ) PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 26 The reduction of Compulsory Service for dental officer in Public Sector Part VII of the Amendment of Dental Act 1971 imposed the need for every new registrant, registered on/after 29 June 2001 to undergo a 3-year mandatory national service in the MOH or in an institution approved by the MOH. At the end of the period, the practitioner is at liberty to opt for practice in the public or private sector. The Malaysian Dental Council had reduced the period of compulsory service for dental officer from 3 years to 2 years in 2012. The period of compulsory service may be further reduced to 1 year in year 2015. In conjunction to the announcement made on 4 April 2012, the mandatory national service period has been reduced from 3 years to 2 years. This is only applicable to all practitioners registered with the Council on 5 April 2012 onwards. Registrations before 5 April 2012 are still subjected to the 3 years period. This is however subjected to the approval by the Honourable Minister of Health. Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) The Act was passed in 2012 and implemented in Nov 2013. Non-compliance can result in a fine of up to RM500,000. Members were advised to duly register with the Personal Data Protection Commission and pay the necessary fees until further notice pending on the appeal made to the Commission under the Multi Media Ministry to exempt dentists since patients’ data are already protected under the Private Healthcare Facilities Act. Medical Device Act The Medical Device Act that was passed in 2012. The establishment licence for the trade company is being approved at the time of printing. The traders are in the process of submitting the lists of their dental/medical equipment and instrument for registration. National Oral Health Plan (NOHP) 2011-2020 The National Oral Health Plan is the platform for all stakeholders to work together on keys areas of concern towards a better Oral Health amongst Malaysian. The National Oral Health Plan Symposium/ mid-term review will be held on 2015. Projects of National Oral Health Plan 2011-2020 are as follow: • Gingival Index score among school children • Toddler Fluoride Varnish Application Program • Oral Health promotion through mass media • Evaluation of Oral Health promotion method • Oral Cancer Awareness Campaign • Young Doctor Program Malaysia Competition Act 2010 (MyCC) An act to promote economic development by promoting and protecting the process of competition, thereby protecting the interest of consumers and to provide for matters connected therewith. The Act came into force on 1st January 2012. Therefore all parties concerned ought to have by now complied with the provisions of the act. On the advice of the MyCC, the council had decided to remove the display of the MDA recommended scale of fees 2014 from the MDA website. All members were also advised to replace their fee schedule displays with the fee schedule set under the Private Healthcare Facilities and Service Regulations 2006 Wisma MDA The EOGM on the 10th August 2014 went on smoothly, with the house voted for all the 3 resolutions. The quorum under Article X section 4(i) of MDA Constitution 2012 mandated 50 members in benefit for EOGM to proceed. As at 10.30am a quorum of 54 MDA members in benefit was established by the Honorary General Secretary. At end of EOGM, a total of 63 members in benefit was established, verified and confirmed by Dr Chow Kai Foo (Honorary General Secretary). I would like to thank the speaker of the 10th August 2014 EOGM, Dr YS Tan for a job well done. Please log in MDA website for the details result of the EOGM. When an Association builds for itself a new home, this is a sign of its maturity as well as an expression of its faith in the future. The council and BOT will work out the WISMA MDA purchasing and renovation time table. If everything goes smoothly, we may invite the Prime Minister to officiate the New MDA House/Wisma MDA at the end of next year. We need the full support from our members to make our dream come true. MDA is organizing a donation drive for the purchasing of MDA building in conjunction with the 22nd MDA Scientific Convention & Trade Exhibition. All donations towards the WISMA MDA Fund are tax exempted. The tax exemption number granted by Ministry of Finance for Wisma MDA Building fund is (8.09) 248/40/7-1138 Vol.9 (SK.4) (26). MDA Board of Trustee had appointed Dr Darren Yap and I as the two signatories for the signing of the Sales & Purchase Agreement with the Developer, Mahsuri Kelana Sdn Bhd on the 7th September 2014. MDA council had applied for 2.3 million loans for the purchase, and we will pay the remaining 5 million of the purchase price by cash. MDA was offer a RM2,300,000.00 Biz Flexi Loan from CIMB. To part finance the purchase of 1 unit of 6 and half storey corner shop office, Unit D1 located at Pusat Komersil Parklane at 21 Jalan SS7/26 Kelana Jaya,47301 Petaling Jaya. The Lender’s Base Lending Rate (BLR) minus 2.20% per annum commencing from Letter Offer Date. Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 27 The Biz Flexifacility should be with the Lender for 3 anniversary years from the date of first draw down of the loan as lock-in period. A prepayment penalty charge of 3.00% on the approved loan amount equivalent to RM69,000.00 will be imposed following the closure of the loan account and full settlement of the loan during the lock-in period of 3 years. Prepayment is allowed at any time after first disbursement of the loan without prior notice. Monthly instalments of RM42,775.00 for 5 years. OD balance as of end of Feb is RM1,65 million after put in amount of RM750,000 into loan account. And interest charge in the month of Feb 2015 is only RM5600.00 CSR Projects the MDA collaborated with its stake holders 1) MDA-GSK “Your Mouth Deserves Specialized Care’ campaign” • Date: 11th June 2014 • Venue: Sime Darby Convention Center • Guest of Honour: Dr Khairiyah Abdul Muttalib, Principal of Oral Health Division, Ministry of Health. • Supported by : Glaxo Smith Kline Consumer Healthcare SdnBhd • The MDA GSK CSR Campaign was scheduled to run for 2 months, unfortunately the running of the program was affected by the MDA deregistration on 12th June 2014. GSK had subsequently discontinued the campaign on the 22nd June 2014 on the advice of their legal advisor 2) Mouth Cancer Awareness Walk 2014 • Date: 11th August 2014 • Time: 3pm-6.30pm • Venue: Waterfront, Kuching • VVIP: Dato Seri Dr Subramaniam, Minister of Health Malaysia • Participants: 1000 pax 3) MDA Oral-B “Plaque Off; Smile On” Campaign • Media Launch : 29th October 2014 • Venue: Paradigm Mall, Petaling Jaya • Objective: to create awareness on what plaque is its implications and how to achieve bright, beautiful and confident smiles. • Supported by : P&G Malaysia & Guardian Malaysia 4) WOHD World Oral Health Day 2015 • Date: 20th March 2015 • Venue: One Utama Shopping Centre • Guest of Honor : Dato’ Seri Dr Hilmi Bin Haji Yahaya • Theme: “ Smile for Life” , merging two concepts: “a lifelong smile” and “ celebrating life” 5) Oral B Silkroad project • Launched on : 26th march 2015 • Venue: One Utama , Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya 6) MDA-Colgate Oral Health Month • Launched on : 9th April 2014 • Venue: Grand Hyatt Hotel, Kuala Lumpur • Guest of Honor: Dr Khairiyah Abdul Muttalib, Principal of Oral Health Division, Ministry of Health • Objective: to educate Malaysian on the importance of good oral care habits and dental visits for a cavity free future • Details: Since its inception in 2004, the number of participating clinics for Oral Health Month has grown from 300 to over 784 participating clinics this year. Additionally, there will also be free dental check-ups at 12 roadshows across Malaysia. CSR Projects by Universities 1) IMU Oral Health Awareness Week IMU Oral Health Awareness Week launched on 5th June 2014, at the Dental Faculty, International Medical University, Kuala Lumpur. 2) ORAL HEALTH AWARENESS CAMPAIGN 2014 (AIMST DENTAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION) Launched on: 12th December 2014 Venue: Amanjaya Mall, Sungai Petani, Kedah Malaysian Association of Aesthetic Dentistry Members holding position in International Organizations On behalf of MDA, I wish to congratulate the following MAAD members for being elected to key position in the AAAD meeting in Dec 2014 in Guangzhou. 1. Dr Sarat Chandra Datta has been elected Secretary AAAD 2014-2016. 2. Dr Yeo Kian Boon has been elected as the country representative for Malaysia 3. Dr Nurulhuda Hassan had been appointed the internal Auditor I would like to summarize MDA activities throughout the term 2014/2015 PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 28 ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCE COMMITTEE The past one year has been very fruitful for the Administration and Finance Committee as we managed to achieve a number of important goals besides maintaining MDA’s healthy financial status. The Administration and Finance Committee had convened four times to: • Review the job scope and performance of the secretariat staff • Review the budget for the up keeping of the secretariat • Discuss the budget to upgrade the database management system • Discuss the renewal of the tenancy agreement with tenant in premise 69-2, Medan Setia 1, Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur • Formulate the new budget for the year 2014/2015 1) MDA Secretariat Staff • The Admin Assistant, Cik Salfarina resigned in August 2014, while Puan Azmela tendered her resignation in September 2014. Both of them expressed their gratitude to MDA for the opportunities for professional and personal development that MDA had provided to them. They appreciated the support MDA provided to them during the tenure with the association, and wished MDA continued growth and success in the future. On behalf of the Council and General Membership, the admin and finance committee would like to thank them for their services provided to MDA and wishing them all the best in their future endeavors. • Miss Hannah Lim Shuk Ling joined us in the month of October 2014 as the Convention and Event Manageress. • As usual, the staff were requested do conduct a self-appraisal. Special remuneration apart from their monthly salary will be issued after the appraisal verification by all Administration & Finance Committee members. • The jobs scope of the secretariat was reviewed and agreed upon by all staff. Job delineation was reviewed, based on the staff’s talent, qualification and aptitude: • Pn Normah Abdul Karim - Administration and Human Resource Manager • Pn Razana Abdul Karim – Office and Finance Manager • Ms Hannah Lim Sheuk Ling- Event and Convention Manager • Pn Zainon Suppiah- Admistartion and Membership Executive 2) Upkeep of office equipment The go green concept adopted since last council was successfully implemented. Most of our correspondences are performed via electronic media. Printed materials for council meetings are kept to the minimum and printed on recycled paper. Reduction of electricity consumption was also given high priority. A new MDA sign board was installed in end of October 2014, as the old signboard was damage in early August stormy night. 3) Database management system In tandem with the increase in membership as well as the Continuing Profession Development activities, the data base management system has been reviewed and upgraded allowing for improved accessibility and information collation which in the near future will include verification of CPD points for all members. 4) Renewal of tenancy agreement with tenant at 69-2, Medan Setia 1, Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur Tenant :Datin Dr Yim Poh Wah PW Chin Dental Surgery The tenant was given the priority to renew the tenancy agreement with revision of the rental. MDA DPL LIAISON COMMITTEE REPORT 1. The work of the MDA DPL Liaison went smoothly until the deregistration of the MDA in June of 2014. As a result of the MDA losing its locus standi, she could no longer act for the DPL for several months. 2. Some of the consequences were that some members did not renew their subscriptions on time. As soon as the MDA was reinstated as the official DPL representative in Malaysia, these were addressed and all those affected were reinstated with no loss of privileges. 3. The DPL cited various reasons and duly raised up their subscription fees. This necessitated sadly the following announcement to our membership: Dear Esteemed Members of the MDA, It is with the deepest regrets to inform you that the DPL will be raising their annual charges from RM1350 to RM2085. This was despite our strenuous efforts in appealing against it. The reasons given were the increasing numbers of claims against our members and the increasing costs of administration. The administrative costs escalated tremendously as a direct result of the recent deregistration of the MDA. Though the MDA was reinstated, the DPL incurred huge unanticipated costs as a result of having to deal directly with the members for several months. The new charges will be kicking in from January 2015. We left it to this late hour to inform you in the hope that DPL will relent but they have not. The MDA will persevere in getting the best possible deal for our members in every way possible. 4. We foresee in the future that alternatives will have to be investigated and members should have choices. Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 29 MDA Trade & Sponsorship Committee The trade committee 2 main tasks has always been to generate income for MDA through the 2 main conferences of MDA, ie: January SCATE as well as June MIDEC. With the aid of Dr Edric Kho,, Dr Yong Peng Sang, Puan Razana & Ms Hannah, so far the overall performance has been very satisfactory, with the 100% sold out of Trade Exhibition booths for 22nd SCATE & to date(28/3/2015) 93% of MIDEC 2015 booths been taken. The strong support from traders as well as the large turnout of dental practitioners to the events are the keys to our success. MDA Mentorship Program (MMP) at MDA Convention 2015 The MMP was first officially introduced in Jan 2015. Its aims were to provide exposure and guidance to dental students who are seeking more life’s experience outside the classroom in order to pick up organisational skills, teamwork, leadership and soft skills amongst their peers and dentists particularly during the events organised by the MDA. The following is a report on the first MMP that has taken place in January 2015 at the MDA Convention in Kuala Lumpur. There was a total of 152 applicants for the MMP. All who applied were accepted. However only 143 turned up. The participants of the MMP paid a fee of RM50 and a total of RM 7150.00 were collected. The two main reasons for applying to participate in the MMP were firstly to “gain experience” and “to gain new knowledge and updates in the dental community and integrate that into the building blocks of becoming a competent professional dentist in the future”. In accordance to their learning outcomes the mentees were placed accordingly to the various committees organising the recent Jan 2015 MDA Convention ie. Registration (32), Organizing chairperson (17), Oral & poster (4), Scientific programme (45), Workshop (4), Opening ceremony (5), Speaker welfare (20) and VIP (20). A briefing was given to the mentors and mentees through the emails on separate occasions. This was aimed at introducing the aims of the MMP with the intention of familiarising the mentors and to help facilitate the achievement of their mentees’ learning outcomes. Mentees would be able to focus on how to achieve their learning outcomes. Mentors were then matched to their mentees. Feedback: Some hiccups were encountered in this first formal MMP. Feedback from all parties involved highlighted two challenging areas: - Not all university student representatives were able to adhere to the instructions given through them to convey to the applicants from their respective university. As a result there were difficulties in the collection of the RM50 fee, in the collection of the feedback form. - Some mentees were missing in action without prior notice from their mentors A scheduled debriefing session was carried out by Dr Ibrahim. Amongst some of the feedback received were that the mentees felt that they should not be paying the RM50 fees as the duty sessions were not given to them as they had requested and they had no opportunity to interact with the mentors to gain the benefits. Suggestions were also given to have a mixture of students from various universities in order to better interact. Recommendations: The MMP committee has these recommendations to make for future improvements: - Clearer and specific information given to the mentees eg. Description of the work they will be involved in the various committees, number of days specified to be present at work and sessions available to attend the scientific program/expo, strict attendance and compliance are required. - Mentors will work closer with the mentees - The MMP fees will be paid and collected by the University representative BEFORE they approval of the application. Should they not be selected this money will be completely refunded to them. - Identification of mentees will be made via a sticker tag - The MMP program committee members shall review the program to provide a more active role reflective of mentoring REPORT OF THE MDA FDI LIAISON OFFICER 2014-2015 1. The MDA FDI Liaison Officer accompanied the MDA President and President-Elect to the FDI Annual World Dental Congress 2014 in New Delhi India. It was overall a great experience being part of the worldwide fraternity of dentists meeting together with representatives of 200 plus countries representing the world’s million or so dentists. A full report with pictures have been published in the MDA Newsletter Oct-Dec 2014. 2. We have also held the World Oral Health Day celebrations established by the FDI on the 20th March of every year. This was held in One Utama Shopping Complex and launched by the Deputy Minister of Health, Datuk Seri Dr HilmiYahaya. There was close collaboration with the Ministry of Health together with the various dental schools who sent teams of talented and energetic dental students who provided short presentations to the public to promote oral health from the 18th to the 22nd of March. We are indeed grateful to Dr.Khairiyah the Principal Director of the Oral Health Division and Professor Mohamed Ibrahim the chairman of the Deans of Dental Schools Caucus for their strong support and encouragement. Also a word of thanks to our sponsor this year namely Johnson & Johnson. This year the theme is SMILE4LIFE emphasising the importance of oral health in overall health. In order to smile for life, people need to maintain oral health for life and thus contribute to overall health. 3. We look forward to a continued significant presence in this prestigious world dental body and hope to be able to bring the FDI World Dental Congress to our shores in the near future. Constitution Amendment Committee The MDA Constitution has been amended so many times and possibly even at times the amendments were never sent to the ROS for approval. A few sections of the Constitution are also not in harmony with the others. The Objective MDA Constitution Amendment Committee 2015 was to look in detail into the whole Constitution and to make proposals to make amendments to present a more comprehensive MDA Constitution. To achieve this, a legal adviser was also appointed to ensure that the Constitution meets the legal requirements in text and spirit. The Committee had more than 4 meetings. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 30 The Broad principles in the proposals to the amendments are :1. All nominations for Council posts as well as Standing Committees shall be nominated a month before the AGM to remove the time consuming process of receiving nominations, giving out the ballot papers, collecting back and then counted at the AGM. Thus members only cast their votes at the AGM. - Our association surely has reached the stage of maturity to have this method of nomination and election. - In order to encourage more capable members to come forward to serve, the MDA Council shall be empowered to also propose nominations. - The President Elect shall take a more pro-active role in encouraging more members to be nominated. 2. There shall be two categories of committees namely the normal MDA sub-committees appointed by council and the Standing Committees elected by members at the AGM. - This is to differentiate the mode ie via nomination or via election at AGM by members. - Both categories of committees are subservient to the MDA Council. 3. The creation of a Speaker and deputy Speaker to chair all general meetings. - This allows the President a better opportunity to be involved in the deliberations on matters discussed and also avoid been involved in partisan issues. 4. The clear division of MDA Constitution and MDA By-Laws. - We need a clear segregation of our By-Laws from our Constitution as By-Laws guide us in general administration and may need periodic amendments. - Amendments to By-Laws are “in-house” and do not need ROS approval. 5. Proper documentation of the By-Laws as this has not been properly carried out in the past. - We need to systematically classify and document our By-Laws. MDA Homepage Committee Report For the year 2014, there were 163,343 visits as compared to 187,124 in year 2013, a decrease in 12.7%. This is partly due to the suspension of the website activity for six weeks, from mid June-July 2014, as a result of deregistration by the Registrar of Society. However, the slight decrease in the pages from 1,342,778 pages (7.17 pages/visit) in year 2013 to 1,267,728 pages in 2014, shows a higher pages/ visit, ie 7.76 pages/visit. The hits/visits has been increased from 49.31 hits/visit in 2013 to 50.67 hits/visit in 2014 The bandwidth has been increased slightly, due to the hectic website activities especially after the reinstatement by the Registrar of Society in early August 2014. Summary Reported period First visit Last visit Viewed traffic * Not viewed traffic * Year 2014 01 Jan 2014 - 00:04 31 Dec 2014 - 23:59 Unique visitors <= 102,858 Exact value not available in ‘Year’ view Number of visits 163,343 (1.58 visits/visitor) Pages 1,267,728 (7.76 Pages/Visit) Hits 8,277,838 (50.67 Hits/Visit) Bandwidth 545.50 GB (3501.84 KB/Visit) 1,114,594 2,596,855 115.88 GB * Not viewed traffic includes traffic generated by robots, worms, or replies with special HTTP status codes. MDA Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Committee Report The MDA CPD Committee has been entrusted to undergo a few responsibilities, namely verification of CPD activities conducted by MDA (Central and Zones) for accreditation of CPD points by Malaysian Dental Council. This is to ensure that all members in benefit will gather not only knowledge but also to accumulate their annual CPD points. Apart from this, the committee also has the duty to vet through all announcements of CPD activities that are not conducted by MDA before they are disseminated to members through our email blast. This year, we have introduced an online CPD activity, MDA – Colgate Live Webinar online (18th November 2014) to our members. Colgate has allocated more than 100 “seats” exclusively for our members to log in and “attend” the seminar online. Members, upon completion of the seminar, were awarded a certificate from ADA CERP that could then be used to claim for CPD points. We also wish to thank Dr Shalini for her effort in organising multiple Evening Lecture Series (ELS), supported by Colgate, in various parts of Malaysia to further ensure that CPD activities were continuously made available in between main dental congresses. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 31 List of CPD events for 2014 – 2015 (as of 25th March 2015): Date 14.08.2014 15.08.2014 17.08.2014 17.08.2014 18.08.2014 18-19.08.2014 22-24.08.2014 22.09.2014 23.09.2014 23.09.2014 24.09.2014 17-19.10.2014 Name of event CPD cum MDASZ EOGM, Berjaya Waterfront Hotel, Johor Bahru Multidisciplinary Approach in Orthodontics: The A-Team, Penang 6th Melaka Dental Symposium, Melaka ELS – Kuala Lumpur ELS – Kota Kinabalu (ELS) Conduct of Disciplinary Inquiries Seminar, Putrajaya Shangrila. 2nd Sibu Dental Congress, Sibu ELS – Kuala Lumpur (ELS) ELS – Kuala Lumpur (Workshop) ELS – Melaka (ELS and Workshop) ELS – Ipoh (ELS and Workshop) 13th Penang Dental Congress, Penang Organiser MDA SZ MDA – ELS MDA SZ MDA – ELS, Coltene MDA – ELS, Coltene SCODOS MDA EZ MDA – ELS Ultradent MDA – ELS Ultradent MDA – ELS Ultradent MDA – ELS Ultradent MDA NZ 31.10.2014 – 02.11.2014 07.11.2014 08.11.2014 15.11.2014 – 16.11.2014 18.11.2014 7th Southern Dental Congress MDA SZ ELS, MDA Secretariat ELS, Johor Bahru Endo Submit MDA, UCLAN MDA, UCLAN MES Colgate Webinar Topic: Achieving Gingival – Periodontal Health in Clinical Practice (1 H) MDA-USM Talk 2014 Ipoh, Perak CPD, (An Update on Dentistry) Kuantan, Pahang CPD (Perspective on contemporary endodontics) 22nd MDA SCIENTIFIC CONVENTION & TRADE EXHIBITION 2015 MDA-Colgate Penang CPD Talk cum MDA NZ AGM 2015 CPD Talk cum MDA SZ AGM, New York Hotel, Johor Bahru MPDPA GP Lecture Series 1 Heritage Hotel, Ipoh Malaysian Association of Paediatric Dentistry Scientific Conference cum AGM, Kuantan, Pahang 5th Borneo Dental Congress, Kota Kinabalu ELS by MDA-OCRCC, University Malaya, MDA Secretariat MDA 7th Melaka Symposium, Hatten Hotel, Melaka IPOH CPD MAAD 12th AGM & Scientific Meeting, Kuala Lumpur MIDEC 2015 MDA NZ MDA SZ MPDPA MAPD Talk Sponsored by Oral B MDA 8th Southern Dental Congress, Thistle Hotel Sandakan Dental Seminar, Venue: TBA Malaysian Endodontic Society Scientific meeting & AGM 6th Borneo Dental Congress 2016 Venue: Kuching MDA / Oral B MDA SZ MDA EZ 21.11.2014 23.11.2014 30.11.2014 23.01.2015 – 25.01.2015 01.03.2015 08.03.2015 15.03.2015 13.03.2015 – 15.03.2015 20-22.03.2015 23 April 2015 25-26 April 2015 26.04.2015 03.05.2015 11.06.2015 – 15.06.2015 July / August 2015 7-9 August 2015 26-27 Sep 2015 15.11.2015 11-13 March 2016 USM, KubangKerian Ipoh, Perak MDA NZ MDA MDA EZ MDA-OCRCC MDA SZ MDA NZ MAAD MDA MES MDA EZ PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 32 Community Service Report MDA has always believed in “giving back” to the society. Through various governmental organisation and non-governmental organisation, MDA has been able to realise this noble act through various activities, be it directly on the ground in providing free dental clinic and oral health screening, or through donations at dental congresses. This year we had witnessed oral health screening programmes conducted on large scales with some dental companies and locally organised CSR activities conducted by MDA Zones. Listed below are some of the activities conducted: - 4th Borneo Dental Congress 2014, Kuching, 22-23 February 2014. Donation to: • Kuching Autistic Association • Persatuan Bagi Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Terencat Akal Sarawak - Free Dental Clinic at Kg. Numbak, Likas, Sabah, 30th March 2014. In collaboration with • Tzu Chi Taiwan Buddhist Association, Likas • Kementerian Pembangunan Masyarakat & Hal EhwalPengguna, Sabah • Pejabat Pergigian Kawasan Kota Kinabalu, Bahagian Kesihatan Pergigian, Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sabah - Sibu Oral Health Month 2014, 3rd May 2014. In collaboration with: • Colgate • MDA Eastern Zone • Rotary Club Sibu • Jabatan Kesihatan Pergigian Daerah Sibu • Pasaraya Sing Kwong Sibu - Medical – Dental Outreach Program, Kg. Teringai, Kudat, Sabah, 9-10 August 2015 - MDA – GSK Oral Health Campaign “Your Mouth Deserves Specialised Care”. Oral health screening activities were conducted on these dates: • 23-24 May 2014 • 22 August 2014 • 23 August 2014 • 24 August 2014 • 30 August 2014 - Food for Hungry and Dental Outreach • Kg. Lingka Bungun, Kota Marudu, Sabah, 25th October 2014 • Kg. Samparita, Kota Marudu, Sabah, 26th October 2014 - MDA – Oral B “Plaque Off, Smile On”, 29th October 2014 – 2nd November 2014 - 8th Special Olympics Sabah State Games 2014, Likas Sports Complex, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 31st October – 2nd November 2014. Oral health screening for all athletes with consumables donated by MDA Eastern Zone - Dentathon and Sunathon • Kg. Sukau, Kinabatangan, Sabah, 29th November 2014 • Kg. Beluran, Sandakan, Sabah, 30th November 2014 - 12th Colgate Oral Health Month 2015, 28th March 2015 – 9th May 2015. This is conducted at 12 locations throughout Malaysia - MDA – Oral B “Project Silk Road”, 25 – 29 March 2015 - Free Dental Clinic at Kg. Numbak, Likas, Sabah, 29th March 2015. In collaboration with • Tzu Chi Taiwan Buddhist Association, Likas • Kementerian Pembangunan Masyarakat & Hal EhwalPengguna, Sabah • Pejabat Pergigian Kawasan Kota Kinabalu, Bahagian Kesihatan Pergigian, Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sabah - 5th Borneo Dental Congress 2015, Kota Kinabalu, 20 – 22 March 2015. Donation to: • Kampung Harapan, Tuaran • Rumah Anak Yatim As-Sakinah, Kinarut • Rumah Anak Kesayangan, Sembulan Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 33 Awards Committee 2014-2015 The 1st Awards Committee Meeting was held on 10th August 2014 / Sunday 3.00pm Venue: MDA Secretariat Attendance: Dato’ Dr S. Sivanesan Dr Teh Tat Beng YBhg Datuk Dr Yim Khai Kee YBhg Datuk Dr Teo Choo Kum Dr Chow Kai Foo Dr V. Nedunchelian - present - present - present - present - present - present YB Dato Dr Rueben Jayakumar - Apologies The Awards Chairman thanked all present and apologised for the short notice for the meeting. Discussion was mainly centred on • on the adoption of the mechanism for recommendations from our Zones and • the time line of awards according to state and federal awards • the need to expedite the recommendations as time was required to access and process the forms in time to meet deadlines of the various awards. The committee after much deliberation made the following recommendation for the period between July - December 2014. As there have been no more nominations for Awards from Zones, Council or membership, no subsequent meetings have been planned for 2015. REPORT FROM THINK TANK SUBCOMMITTEE MDA STRATEGIC PLAN VISION 1. TO BE THE PREMIER ASSOCIATION FOR DENTISTRY GLOBALLY. 2. TO BE RECOGNISED, AS A LEADER IN ISSUES PERTAINING ORAL HEALTHCARE LOCALLY AND GLOBALLY. MISSION TO BE A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATON FOR DENTIST THAT ENHANCE AND SAFEGUARD THE INTEREST OF THE PROFESSION AND DENTISTRY IN GENERAL OBJECTIVES 1. To promote the science AND art of dentistry. 2. To represent the interest of dental profession. 3. To foster, preserve and promote togetherness amongst dental professionals and other dental fraternities. 4. Ensuring high competency standard among the dental practitioners. 5. To promote a high standard of patience-centered, evidence -based, and ethically driven dental services for the public. 6. To promote a high standard of values and ethics amongst the profession. 7. To promote oral healthcare & create interest in oral healthcare among public. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 34 VALUES 1. CARING and COMPASSION –patient centered and giving the best in the interest of the patient. 2. COMPETENCE – Maintaining competency for the best interest of the patients and profession. 3.INTEGRITY - BE PROFESSIONAL AND BEHAVE WITH HONOUR, DECENCY AND RESPECT TO THE NEEDS OF THE PATIENT BY UPHOLDING TO THE PROFESSION CODE OF ETHICS. 4. TRUTHFUL- Sincerity and giving appropriate services with the principle of evidence-based and affordability of the patients. STAKEHOLDERS PERSPECTIVE - MDA MEMBERS GOALS 1. TO ENSURE MDA MEMBERS INTEREST ARE WELL TAKEN CARE AND GIVE THEM THE REAL MEANING FOR BEING THE MEMBER. 2. GIVE ASSISTANCE AND COACH MEMBERS TO BE SUCCESSFULL IN THEIR DENTAL CAREER. 3. TO ENSURE PUBLIC TRUST IN OUR PROFESSION. INTERNAL PROCESS PERPECTIVES GOALS 1. PROVIDE A COMMON EFFECTIVE PLATFORM FOR DESSIMINATION AND SHARING OF INFORMATION . 2. PROVIDE A ONE STOP ADVISORY AND PROFESSIONAL CONSULTATION FOR MEMBERS (PRACTISE SUPPORT CENTER). LEARNING AND GROWTH GOALS ENHANCE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS OF THE PROFESSION RESOURCES PERSPECTIVES GOALS FINANCIALLY STABLE INCREASE INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES. ASSIST THE MEMBERS TO BE FINANCIALLY HEALTHY. As the role of Think Tank Group is very subjective and continuous, we hope there will be suggestions and input from members. CONCLUSION It has been a successful year for MDA Council 2014-2015, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank my Council members, members of the various subcommittees for their tireless contributions to MDA. Last but not the least, my earnest gratitude goes to all MDA staff, who have selflessly devoted their time and effort for the betterment of the Malaysian Dental Association. Best wishes and kind regards, Yours sincerely, DR TEH TAT BENG President Malaysian Dental Association PAGE 35 HONORARY GENERAL SECRETARY REPORT 2014-2015 Dear fellow members of the MDA, The beginning of the term of office started out with a bang! On the 12th day of office, we received the letter from the ROS and discovered that the MDA had already been deregistered since 6th of June 2014. For the next 30 days or so we scrambled feverishly to reinstate back the MDA and this we did on the 3rd of July 2014. Thank God and everyone who helped and prayed. Immediately we all plunged back gratefully into the tight routines of council meetings, government meetings, convention organizing meetings and various other meetings and activities we had to conduct or go to in order to fulfil our prime objective to promote the art and science of dentistry for the benefit of mankind. We call upon all members of the MDA not only to continue to support the endeavours of the MDA but also to come into the council and her many committees to contribute directly and creatively so that the MDA can fulfil her duties not only to meet the oral health needs of people but also to maintain the honour and interest of the dental profession. In the process we will be able to foster and preserve unity and friendship. Serving in the MDA is a tremendous opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in management, relationships, organization and networking in tandem with labouring for the good of the profession and service to the public. We will be looking forward to moving to our new premises in Kelana Jaya as soon as renovation is completed probably towards the end of the year. As the world of dentistry continue to advance in leaps and bounds the MDA will continue to remain on the cutting edge of change for the better as we look forward to the passing of the new dental act , the planning of workable healthcare financing for the nation, the increasing number of graduates and growth of dental schools and postgraduate courses, the opening up to the whole of Asean and the world and many more challenges to come. The MDA will remain proactive and aware as it looks ahead and plans for the future. So come in as not only members but into the council and committees and be a part of the future. “One of the great liabilities of history is that all too many people fail to remain awake through great periods of social change. Today, our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change. If we are to have peace on earth, our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective.” Martin Luther King Jr “Let us all as one be reminded that all Malaysians would live together as members of one big family.” Tengku Abdul Rahman MPS : i) MPS Active Members – 1258 members ii) MPS New Members from June 2014 to 31 May 2015 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP REPORT MDA MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION (As at 15/03/2015) 1. Ordinary Member 2. Life Members 3. Honorary Members 4. Associate Members 5. Correspondence 6. Post Graduate Students 7. Undergraduate Students 4,080 351 14 351 7 0 686 TOTAL 5,353 SUBSCRIPTION MDA SUBSCRIPTION COLLECTION FROM JUNE’ 14 TO MAY 2015 ( 15 March 2015) Total collected: RM 242,385.00 PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 36 New Applications There are new applications as MDA members. Details as follows:Southern Zone: 1. DR ABDULL SITAR BIN ABADAN 2. DR AHMAD KAMARUL JUBERI 3. DR AINIL HUSNA BT AMIN 4. DR AMIRTASHINI MARIAPPAN 5. DR ANI FAZREEN AZIZAN 6. DR AQILAH BINTI ABU BAKAR 7. DR AUFA DAHLIA BT BAHAR 8. DR AZMATUN DALILAH SAMSUDDIN 9. DR B K THARISINY A/P BALASUBRAMANIAM 10. DR BALKIS BINTI GHAZALI 11. DR CHIN FEI PENG 12. DR CHOW LI YING, ESTHER 13. DR CHUAH CHUAN ZIE 14. DR DEBORAH ANN A/P NATHAN DHANARAJU 15. DR DEEBAN DASS A/L MOGANADASS 16. DR EMILIA CHUA SIEW LI 17. DR ESHANA BANERJEE NAIR 18. DR FARAH AIMI BINTI HUSSAIN 19. DR FATIN SHABIRAH BINTI ABDUL AZIZ 20. DR GHAZALI BIN MAT NOR 21. DR HAMIZAH GHAZALI 22. DR HANIS SABIRA BINTI MOHAMED MAZLAN 23. DR HASLINA KASIM 24. DR HON YAN DING 25. DR JOHNSON KOH CHUAN YIAN 26. DR KARISHA SIVAM 27. DR KHOO CHIN LOONG 28. DR LEE MENG YIT 29. DR LIM TIONG BOON 30. DR LOSHENAVANE A/P RAJENDRAN 31. DR MANISHYA CHANDARANSEGARAN 32. DR MIRA AZMEENDA BINTI MOHD AMIN 33. DR MOHAMAD BIN JAYA 34. DR MOHD HAFIZAL HAMIDIN 35. DR MUHAMAD AL HAKIM BIN MUHAMAD LATTEPI 36. DR MUHAMAD SYAFIQ BIN MUHAMMAD ISA 37. DR MUHAMMAD RAFIEUDIN BIN RASDI 38. DR NADIA DOL BAHARI 39. DR NIK MARYAM ANISAH 40. DR NIL IRMA ISAORA BINTI AZMAN 41. DR NOOR FARISHAHBANU AHMAD 42. DR NOR ADILAH BINTI HARUN 43. DR NORASYIKIN T MOHD NOR 44. DR NUR ATIQAH BT OMAR 45. DR NUR FAEZIN 46. DR NUR HAFIZAH HANEM ZUBAIR 47. DR NUR SHAZWANI BINTI AHMAD MAZN 48. DR NUR SYAKIRAH BINTI ABDULLAH 49. DR NUR SYUHADA ABU BAKAR 50. DR NURA BT AL-AMIN 51. DR NURHIDAYAH BINTI MOHD NIP@ANIP 52. DR NURJANNAH BT MD RAIS 53. DR NURUL IZZATI MOHAMAD ALI 54. DR PARAMESHWARY NAIDU A/P NYAHNAN 55. DR PRISILA THANABALAN 56. DR PUTRI GANESHA ASTURINI 57. DR RAFAH WAHIDA HASSAN 58. DR RASHIDAH BT AYOB 59. DR RATNA DEVI JUNDARAM 60. DR SAFURA ANITA BT BAHARIN 61. DR SAIYIDA ATHIRAH BT ABD NASIR 62. DR SHAMANI VIJAYA RAJ KUMAR 63. DR SHANMUGAM A/L LAKSHMANAN 64. DR SHARIFAH AH AISHAH BINTI SYED ABU BAKAR 65. DR SHUBASHINI GANESON 66. DR SITI NORFARHANA BINTI SAPIE 67. DR SITI NUR LIYANA 68. DR SRI KARTHIK A/L KUNABALAN 69. DR THANA BALAN A/L MADHAVAN 70. DR THANUSA 71. DR TIEW ENG CHEONG 72. DR UMAIRAH FATNIN BINTI BORHANNUDIN 73. DR VILASHNI NAIR A/P MATHAVAN 74. DR YIM KAH YIAN 75. DR ZAFIRAH BT ABDUL AZIZ 76. DR ZARIZA MANSOR Northern Zone: 1. DR AHMAD HAFIZ BIN ABDUL AZIZ 2. DR AIN FATIHA ABDULLAH 3. DR ARNINDER KAUR 4. DR AZLINA BT MOHD RAFEEK 5. DR CHAI HAN JEN 6. DR DINIE QURRATUAINI BT ZULKIFLY 7. DR HAFIZAH IBRAHIM 8. DR HASNIDA HUSAIN 9. DR HO YEE MUN 10. DR JAYASUTHA SUSIBALAN 11. DR KHAZAN SINGH A/L NARANIAN SINGH 12. DR LIM SHEA LEE 13. DR MUHAMAD NAIM BIN ABDULLAH 14. DR MUHAMAD SAIFUL HADI BIN AHMAD ZUBIR 15. DR NOR AZEE AZWA KAMARUDDIN 16. DR MUHAMAD SHARIFUDDIN BIN MAT DAUD 17. DR NAZRI BIN ABDULLAH ZAWAWI 18. DR NG WEI KEAT 19. DR NIK MAHARIS BIN NIK AHMAD 20. DR NOOR AINIL WAHIDA BINTI ALIAS 21. DR NOOR DINA ADNAN 22. DR NUR ALYAA BINTI JAMIL 23. DR SAFWANAH BINTI MUHAMAD NOR 24. DR SHAMSOL ASMADI BIN MOHD ALIM @ AB HALIM 25. DR SITI AFIFAH BINTI ABU BAKAR 26. DR SITI AZLINY HARYATI BT ABDUL MUHAIMI 27. DR SITI NADIA SALEH 28. DR SITI NOR AISYAH BT RADZI 29. DR SITI NOR AZIRA BINTI JAZNI 30. DR SUHAINAH BINTI TASHIM @ HASHIM 31. DR SYARIFAH FARIZA BT SYED FADZIR 32. DR SYATHIRAH HANIM BINTI AZHAR HILMY 33. DR TENGKU HASNURNE BINTI TUAN HASSAN 34. DR TENGKU MARYAM FATIMAH BT TENGKU AB MALEK 35. DR THILAGESWARY A/P DORAISAMY 36. DR YAP RUI MING 37. DR YUFISHANE DEWI PUSPITASARI 38. DR YULIAR HAITY BT MOHD JARA 39. DR ZULINA BT ISMAIL Eastern Zone 1. DR JANE LAU NING SHING 2. DR LEE TZE HAW 3. DR MOHD ZAMRI HUSSIN 4. DR SHARON JASNY 5. DR SREE PATHY 6. DR WONG YUN LEONG MDA Associate Member 1. DR ROHIT PANDURANGAPPA 2. DR SARCHITHANANDAN KORISATAN 3. DR MOHAMAD HUSSAIN KASSIM BAZIRGAM 4. DR RIWAYATI SUPROBO 5. DR MOHAMED GH ABD ALI 6. DR PRAVINKUMAR GAJANAN PATIL 7. DR KAMILA MOHAMED OM ALBLAZI PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 37 8. DR RAGUPATHI VENKATAPPA 9. DR YAGTHAN MOHAMMED HAIDER AL MOSAWI MDA Re-Application 1. DR ELYANA BINTI ENDOT 2. DR FARAHWATI BT MOHD 3. DR FAUZANA BT ABD RAHIM 4. DR HALIZA BINTI TUGEMAN 5. DR INTAN SHARIZA BT ZAINUDIN 6. DR JUNAIDI BIN ABDUL RAHMAN 7. DR KASMAH BT MOHAMED 8. DR MADELYNE SAVARIMUTHU 9. DR MOHD FAIZAL HAFEZ HIDAYAT 10. DR MOHD MARZUKI BIN SIAHAT 11. DR MUSKHAIRUL NAZLI BIN MUHAMAD 12. DR NAZIRAH BT ABD KAMAR 13. DR NORHAYANI BT ZAINAL 14. DR NORLINA ABDUL AZIZ 15. DR NORMI LAILI BINTI MOHD 16. DR NURUL ASHIKIN HUSIN 17. DR PAPPATHY @ SERIDEVI A/P VAIRAVAN 18. DR RAJA MOHAMMAD AFFA B RAJA MOHAMMED TAZILLI 19. DR SANISAH BT IBRAHIM 20. DR SITI AISHAH BT SALIM 21. DR SITI HAFIZATUN BT ABDUL SHUKOR 22. DR SITI HASMAH BT ABDUL RAZAK 23. DR SUHAILA BINTI ZAINAL ABIDIN 24. DR SYAFINAZ BT MD RASHID 25. DR TEH THIAN NGEE 26. DR WAN NORISAH BT WAN YAAKOB 27. DR WAN ROSLIHA BINTI WAN AB GHANI 28. DR YAP KIN TEEN MDA Life Membership – by eligible 1. DATO’ DATIN SERI DR YIM POH WAH 2. DR CHU GEOK THENG 3. DR LIM CHIEW WOOI 4. DR LIM TOW WANG 5. DR MOHD RASHID BIN TAHIR 6. DR NG CHENG KOOI 7. DR NG LAY KHENG 8. DR NG MEI CHING 9. DR QUAY BEE ING UNDERGRADUATE 1. ABIRAMI SINNIAH 2. ALENXIA NG TZE LIN 3. ALICE TONG YI LIN 4. ANG HIAN NING 5. BERNARD KING TECK LEE 6. CARMEN KOH 7. CHAI MEAW HAN 8. CHEONG YUEN ZHEN 9. CHEW SHI FUNG 10. CHEW YIEN FEI 11. CHIN YAU CHUNG 12. CHONG CHAI YI 13. CHONG MIN FUI 14. CHONG XING JIE 15. CHUI ZHI JIE 16. CRISPINA KAUR A/P HERCHARAN SINGH 17. DAVINA PEH LI ZHEN 18. DHARSHINI RAGAVAN 19. DHIVAASHINI A/P DANIAL 20. ESTHER TANG TEEN TEEN 21. EUNICE HAM SU YEE 22. FATHIN FADHILAH BINTI AHMAD SHOKOR 23. FAUZI BIN MAJID 24. FOO KENT ROOM 25. GOWRY A/P PARAMASIVAM 26. HAFIZAH BINTI MOHAMMAD 27. HARSIMRAN KAUR SANDHU A/P MALKIT SINGH 28. IKHWAN HAKIMI BIN MOHAMAD 29. ISAAC LEE WEI MING 30. IZYAN ATHIRAH BT ROSSID 31. JANE NGU KUI LING 32. JEREMY LEE KIAN LEONG 33. JESSEL SAMSON EKOL 34. JOANNE KOH SU LING 35. JUSTIN WONG SI-JIE 36. KALAI MAGAL A/P THIRARIAM 37. KAN YI WEN 38. KELVIN LIM KUAN HUI 39. KHAIRUNNISA BT MOHD SHUKRI 40. KHAOSHELIYA MUNIANDY 41. KHAW YING YING 42. KHOO SU SAN 43. KI CHERN LIN 44. KOH CHIAN WUN 45. KUGASHINI A/P SUBBARAO 46. KUGENDRAN A/L V RAJENDRAN 47. KUHILAN SELVARAJOO 48. LAI TAY LOONG 49. LEE CHIAW YEN 50. LEE PEI CHIENG 51. LEE YAN MING 52. LEONG WAN SHAN 53. LEONG YEE HUA 54. LEW PEI SUNG 55. LIAU EE JYE 56. LIDYA BINTI HAMINUDIN 57. LIEW WAI KIT 58. LIM VOON CHEAN 59. LIM XIN MUN 60. LIM ZHENG JING 61. LIN CHIN YEE 62. LO GONG YAO 63. LOO SI YI 64. LOOI SHAW WOOI 65. LOW TZE FUI 66. MONIJAR NAIR 67. MUHAMMAD FATHY BIN ZAINALFIKRY 68. NARMATHA A/P RETNAM 69. NG HUEY CHIN 70. NICHOLAS THONG LI JIE 71. NOR AZIRA MOHD ZABIDI 72. NUR HIDAYAH BINTI AB BAKAR 73. NUR SHAHEERA IDRIS 74. NURHANANI NABILAH BT HANAFI 75. NURUL WAHIDA BT MOHD HASAN 76. ONG CHEE WAN 77. ONG KAI LIN 78. ONG WANN CHUNG 79. PRAVEENA MARIMUTHU 80. PREMILA NELYSSA PARAMANATHAN 81. PUTERI NUR AMEERAFARAHIN BINTI MD AMIN 82. PUVENDRA RAJ SUBRAMANIAM 83. RASHDIP SINGH 84. RAVI MENON A/L BHASKARAN 85. RESHAYINI A/P RAJESWARAN 86. SANJEEVAN KRSHNAN 87. SATHISH DEV NAIDU A/L NANDA KUMAR 88. SEAH SHU YEN 89. SHANAZ STEPHEN 90. SHAZIA BT KHALID MAQSOOD 91. SIM KA YEAN 92. SITI AISYAH BT MOHD TAHA 93. SUBASHINI A/P MURUGIAH 94. SUGANTHI RAJENDRAN 95. SURIYA NANTHINI A/P TINAKARARAJAN 96. SYAZLIN AMALINA BINTI MOHIDIN 97. TAN FO YEW 98. TAN SZE HUO 99. TAN YIN YUN PAGE 38 100.TAY HUI WEN 101.TEE XIAO YING 102.TEH SUE HUAY 103.TAN YIN YUN 104.TAY HUI WEN 105.TEE XIAO YING 106.TEH SUE HUAY 107.TIE SING YUANG 108.TIFFANY TANG SING YI 109.TRISHAIYINI RAMANITARAM 110.UMABATHY A/P MURUGEYA 111.VALERIA WONG XIU YING (USM) 112.VEMAL RAJ A/L THURAIKANU 113.VINCENT LING HAN ONG 114.VISHANTI A/P CHINAYA 115.VITHIYA MANOGARAN 116.VIVIAN GOH PUI CHENG 117.WONG CHEE YEE 118.WONG LING CHUAN 119.YAMUNA PONNODURAI 120.YAP LIAN CHING 121.YEO WAN XI 122.YIN SHU HUI 123.YVONNE NG YEE THENG Serving Together With You, Dr Chow Kai Foo Honorary General Secretary Malaysian Dental Association 2014-2015 Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 41 THE HONORARY FINANCIAL SECRETARY’S REPORT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDING 31ST DECEMBER 2014 It is with great pleasure I present the Malaysian Dental Association’s financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2014 (FY2014). The financial statements are drawn up so as to provide a complete and accurate representation of the Association’s financial position. As always, all accounting records have been meticulously compiled, adhering to proper and strict accounting procedures as is required in an association of this magnitude. Thus I am pleased to report that MDA continues to maintain a sound financial position. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AND POSITION During the year under review, the Association’s total income stood at RM5,429,049. Contribution to FY2014 total income include the following: 1. Revenue from MIDEC 2014: 34% 2. Revenue from other conventions and activities: 34% 3. Membership subscriptions and entrance fees: 6.4% 4. Other revenue, rental income and interest income: 12.7% The Association reported a surplus after taxation of RM1,388,500. The Association’s total expenditure for FY2014 consists of fixed and variable expenditure components, amounting to RM3,645,590 and represented by: 1. Expenses on other conventions and meetings: 71.5% 2. Expenses on websites &services, legal and professional: 2.7% 3. Secretariat expenses: 9.3% 4. Expenses on general, council meeting expenses, PCBC expenses:1.8% The Association continues to deliver a strong and healthy balance sheet as at 31st December 2014 with net current assets amounting to RM1,914,479. This was mainly due to the increase in bank balances and fixed deposits of RM 4,263,332 and RM 357,937 respectively. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the secretariat staff, accountant, internal and external auditors as well as the MDA council members and the various zone councils for their tireless commitment and cooperation in assisting our august association’s continued improvement in financial standing. Prepared by, Dr Shalini Kanagasingam MDA HONORARY FINANCIAL SECRETARY 2014/2015 PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 42 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2014 CONTENTS REPORT OF AUDITORS REPORT OF INTERNAL AUDITOR STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACCUMULATED FUND CASH FLOW STATEMENT NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PAGE NO. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49-61 Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 43 K. F. CHEONG & CO. (AF1010) CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS No. C-6-5, Megan Avenue 1, 189 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-21660198, 21661198 Fax: 03-21662198 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the financial statements of MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION, which comprise the statement of financial position as at 31st December 2014, and the statement of comprehensive income, cash flow statement and summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes, as set out on pages 45 to 61 Council Members’ Responsibility for the Financial Statements The council members of the Association are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditors’ Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with approved standards on auditing in Malaysia. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on our judgment, including the assessment of risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we consider internal control relevant to the Association’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Association’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the council members, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements which have been prepared under historical cost convention, are properly drawn up so as to exhibits a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Association and three branches in Northern Zone, Southern Zone and Eastern Zone for the year ended as at 31 December 2014 and of the results and cash flow of the Association and the three branches in Northern Zone, Southern Zone and Eastern Zone for the year ended on the date according to the best of the information and explainations given to us and as shown by the records of the Association. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 44 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION REPORT OF INTERNAL AUDIT This is certify that I have examined the accompanying Statement of Finance Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income and Cash Flow Statement of the Malaysian Dental Association for the year ended 31 December 2014. I, in my opinion, the accompanying Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income and Cash Flow Statement with the notes thereto, give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Association. DR HU CHANG LEK Malaysian Dental Association Internal Auditor PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 45 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Note 3 2014 (RM) 8,377,483 2013 (RM) 1,175,352 91,880 230,850 357,937 4,263,332 4,943,999 68,240 949,825 4,453,405 2,972,263 8,443,733 5 2,875,394 154,126 3,029,520 1,914,479 593,383 11,157 604,540 7,839,193 6 7 (937,822) 192,194 (745,628) 9,546,334 (874,824) 46,836 (827,988) 8,186,557 9,543,811 8,182,412 2,523 9,546,334 4,145 8,186,557 CURRENT ASSET Subscription in arrears Sundry receivable and deposits Tax recoverable Fixed deposits with a licensed bank Cash and bank balances 4 Less:CURRENT LIABILITIES Sundry payables and accruals Provision for taxation NET CURRENT ASSETS DEFERRED INCOME DEFERRED EXPENDITURE Financed by: ACCUMULATED FUND LONG TERM LIABILITIES Deferred taxation 8 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 46 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 Note 2014 (RM) 2013 (RM) INCOME Membership subscription and entrance fees Rental income Interest income Revenue from Convention and Meetings Revenue from 35th Asia Pacific Dental Congress Revenue from Activities Other revenue Wisma MDA Building Fund Total Income Less: EXPENDITURE Expenses on Convention and Meetings Expenses on 35th Asia Pacific Dental Congress Expenses on Activities Secretariat expenses Council meeting expenses Patient Complaint Bureau Committee expenses Affiliation expenses Meeting expenses General expenses Total Expenditure SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR BEFORE TAXATION Taxation SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR AFTER TAXATION ACCUMULATED FUND BROUGHT FORWARD PRIOR YEAR’S ADJUSTMENT AS RESTATED ACCUMULATED FUND CARRIED FORWARD 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 347,203 38,400 104,958 3,698,007 72,689 1,129,792 38,000 5,429,049 344,064 38,400 104,479 1,396,216 5,549,953 53,404 831,847 24,000 8,342,363 2,607,761 201,755 339,749 51,611 2,682 16,196 425,836 3,645,590 888,136 4,069,679 241,494 316,371 62,983 1,039 7,833 92,242 190,694 5,870,471 1,783,459 (394,959) 1,388,500 8,182,412 (27,101) 8,155,311 9,543,811 2,471,892 (284,228) 2,187,664 5,994,748 5,994,748 8,182,412 PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 47 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACCUMULATED FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 (RM) 8,182,412 (27,101) 8,155,311 1,388,500 9,543,811 Accumulated fund b/f Prior year’s adjustment Accumulated fund as restated Net surplus for the year Accumulated fund c/f The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 2013 (RM) 5,994,748 5,994,748 2,187,664 8,182,412 PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 48 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 (RM) 2013 (RM) CASH FLOWS FORM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Surplus for the year before taxation 1,783,459 2,471,892 Adjustment for: Depreciation Prior’s year adjustment Interest income Operating profit before working capital changes 166,827 (27,101) (104,958) 1,818,227 68,616 (104,479) 2,436,029 (23,640) (26,770) 718,975 2,282,011 (145,358) 62,998 4,713,213 (253,612) 4,459,601 (767,178) 415,864 346,750 (57,047) 2,347,648 (237,172) 2,110,476 104,958 (7,368,958) (7,264,000) (2,804,399) 7,425,668 4,621,269 104,479 (24,841) 79,638 2,190,114 5,235,554 7,425 668 4,263,332 357,937 4,621,269 2,972,263 4,453,405 7,425,668 Increase in subscription in arrears Decrease/(Increase) in sundry receivables and deposits Increase in sundry payables and accruals (Increase)/Decrease in deferred expenditure Increase/(Decrease) in deferred income Cash generated from operations Tax paid Net cash generated from operating activities CASH FLOWS FORM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Interest received Purchase of property, plant and equipment Net cash (used in)/generated from investing activities Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year ANALYSIS OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS: Cash and bank balances Fixed deposits with licensed bank The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 49 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT - 31 DECEMBER 2014 1 BASIS OF PREPARATION (a) Basis of Accounting The financial statement comply with applicable approved accounting standard issued by the Malaysian Accounting Standards Board and have been prepared under the historical cost convention. (b) Statement of compliance The financial statement of the Institute have been prepared in accordance with Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards (MFRSs), International Financial Reporting Standards and the requirements of Societies Act, 1966 in Malaysia. The following are accounting standards, amendments and interpretations of the MFRSs that have been issued by the Malaysian Accounting Standard Board (“MASB”) but have not been adopted by the Association: MFRSs, Interpretations and amendments effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014. - - MFRSs, Interpretations and amendments effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2014. - - - - - Amendments to MFRS 13, Fair Value Measurement (Annual Improvements 2010-2012 Cycle and 2011-2013 Cycle) Amendments to MFRS 116, Property, Plant and Equipment (Annual Improvements 2010-2012 Cycle) Amendments to MFRS 119, Employee Benefits - Defined Benefit Plans: Employee Contribution Amendments to MFRS 124, Related Party Disclosured (Annual Improvements 2010-2012 Cycle) Amendments to MFRS 138, Intangible Assets (Annual Improvements 2010-2012 Cycle) MFRSs, Interpretations and amendments effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016. - - Amendments to MFRS 132 Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities Amentments to MFRS 136 Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non- Financial Assets Amendments to MFRS 116,Property, Plantand Equipment and MFRS 138, Intangible Assets - Clarification of Acceptable Methods of Depreciation and Amortisation Amendments to MFRS 116, Property, Plant and Equipment and MFRS 141, Agriculture - Agriculture: Bearer Plants. MFRSs, Interpretations and amendments effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018. - - MFRS 9, Financial Instruments (2014) Amendments to MFRS7, Financial Instruments: Diclosures - Mandatory Effective Date of MFRS 9 and Transition Disclosures The initial application of the above mentioned accounting standards, amendments or interpretations are not expected to have any material impacts to the financial statements of the Association except as mention below: MFRS 9, Financial Instruments MFRS9 replaces the guidance in MFRS139, Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement on the classification and measurement of financial assets. Upon adoption of MFRS9, financial assets will be measured at either fair value or amortised cost. It is expected that the Association’s investment in unquoted shares will be measured at fair value through other comprehensive income. The adoption of MFRS9 will result in a change in accounting policy. The Association is currently examining the financial impact of adopting MFRS 9. The initial application of the other standards is not expected to have any material financial impacts on the financial statements of the Association. (c) Basic of measurement The financial statement have been prepared on the historical cost basis other than as disclosed in note 3. (d) Functional and presentation currency These financial statement are presented in Ringgit Malaysia (RM), which is the Association’s functional currency. All financial information is presented in RM and has been rounded to the nearest ringgit, unless otherwise stated. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 50 (e) Use of estimates and judgements The preparation of the financial statement in conformity with MFRSs requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that effect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates. Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on a ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimates are revised and in any future periods affected. There are no significant areas of estimation of uncertainty and critical judgements in applying accounting policies that have significant effect on the amounts recognised in the financial statements other than those disclosed in note 2(e) - Revenue and other income. 2 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to the periods presented in these financial statements. (a) Property, Plant and Equipment (i) Recognition and measurement Items of property, plant and equipment are measured at cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Cost includes expenditures that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the asset and any other costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to working condition for its intended use, and the costs of dismantling and removing the items and restoring the site on which they are located. Cost also may include transfers from equity of any gain or loss on qualifying cash flow hedges of foreign currency purchases of property, plant and equipment. Purchased software that is integral to the functionality of the related equipment is capitalized as part of that equipment. When significant parts of an item of property, plant and equipment have different useful lives, they are accounted for as separate items (major components) of property, plant and equipment. The gain or loss on disposal of an item of property, plant and equipment is determined by comparing the proceeds from disposal with the carrying amount of property, plant and equipment and is recognised net within “other income” and “other expenses” respectively in income statement. (ii) Subsequent costs The cost of replacing a part of an item of property, plant and equipment is recognised in the carrying amount of the item if it is probable that the future economic benefits embodied within the part will flow to the Association, and its cost can be measured reliably. The carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised to income statement. The costs of the day-to day servicing of property, plant and equipment are recognised in income statement as incurred. (iii) Depreciation Depreciation is based on the cost of an the cost of an assets less its residual value. Significant components of individual assets are assessed, and if a component has a useful life that is different from the remainder of that assets, then components is depreciated separately. Depreciation is recognised in income statement on a straight- line basis over the estimated useful lives of each part of an item of property, plant and equipment. The estimated useful lives/annual rates of depreciation for the current and comparative periods are as follows: Freehold land and building Long term leasehold land and building Computer Air-conditioner Electrical installation Exhibition panel Furniture and fittings Office equipment Signboard Renovation Depreciation methods, useful lives and residual values are reviewed, and adjusted as appropriate at the end of the reporting period. 2% 1% 10% - 20% 10% 10% 20% 10% 10% 10% 10% (b) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash in hand, balances and deposits with banks and highly liquid investments which have an insignificant risk of changes in value with original maturities of three months or less. For the purpose of the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents are presented net of bank overdrafts and pledged deposit. Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 51 (c) Impairment of Assets The carrying amounts of other assets (expert for inventories, amount due from contract customer, deferred tax asset, assets arising from employee benefits, investment property measured at fair value and non-current assets(or disposal groups classified as held for sale) are reviewed at the end of each reporting period to determine whether there is any indication of impairment If any such indication exists, then the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated. For goodwill and intangible assets that have indefinite useful lives or that are not yet available for use, the recoverable amount is estimated each period at the same time. For the purpose of impairment testing, assets are grouped together into the smallest group of assets that generates cash flows from continuing use that largely independent of the cash inflows of other assets or cash-generating units. Subject to an operating segment ceiling test, for the purpose of goodwill impairment testing, cash-generating units to which goodwill has been allocated are aggregated so that the level at which impairment testing is performed reflects the lowest level at which goodwill is monitored for internal reporting purpose. The goodwill acquired in a business combination, for the purpose of impairment testing, is allocated to a cash-generating unit or a group of cashgenerating units that are expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination. The recoverable amount of an asset or cash-generating unit is the greater of its value in use and its fair less costs of disposal. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset or cash-generating unit. An impairment loss is recognised if the carrying amount of an asset or its related cash-generating unit exceeds its estimated recoverable amount. Impairment losses are recognised in income statement. Impairment losses recognised in respect of cash-generating units are allocated first to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the cash-generating unit (group of cash-generating units) and then to reduce the carrying amounts of the other assets in the cash-generating unit (group of cash-generating units) on a pro rate basis. An impairment loss in respect of goodwill is not reversed. In respect of other assets, impairment losses recognised in prior periods are assessed at the end of each reporting period for any indications that the loss has decreased or no longer exists. An impairment loss is reversed if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount since the last impairment loss was recognised. An impairment loss is reversed only to the extent that the asset’s carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation or amortisation, if no impairment loss had been recognised. Reversals of impairment losses are credited to income statement in the financial year in which the reversals are recognised. (d) Employee benefits (i) Short-term employee benefit obligations in respect of salaries, annual bonuses, paid annual leave and sick leave are measured on an undiscounted basis and are expensed as the related service is provided. A liability is recognised for the amount expected to be paid under short-term cash bonus or profit-sharing plans if the Association has a present legal or constructive obligation to pay this amount as a result of past service provided by the employee and the obligation can be estimated reliably. (ii) State plans The Association’s contributions to statutory pension funds are charged to income statement in the year to which they relate. Prepaid contributions are recognised as an asset to the extent that a cash refund or a reduction in future payments is available. (iii) Termination benefits Termination benefits are expensed at the earlier of when the Association can no longer withdraw the offer of those benefits and when the Association recognises costs for a restructuring. If benefits are not expected to be settled wholly within 12 months of the end of the reporting period, then they are discounted. (e) Revenue and other income (i) Services Revenue from services rendered is recognised in income statement in proportion to the stage of completion of the transaction at the end of the reporting period. The stage of completion is assessed by reference to surveys of work performed. (ii) Rental income Rental income from investment property is recognised in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease. Lease incentives granted are recognised as an integral part of the total rental income, over the term of the lease. Rental income from subleased property is recognised as other income. (iii) Interest income Interest income is recognised as it accrues using the effective interest method in income statement except for interest income arising from temporary investment of borrowings taken specifically for the purpose of obtaining a qualifying asset which is accounted for in accordance with the accounting policy on borrowing costs. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 52 (f) Trade and Other Receivables Trade and other receivables are initially measured at fair value. Appropriate allowances for estimated irrecoverable amounts are recognised in income statement. (g) Trade and Other Payables Trade and other payables are stated at fair value. (h) Income tax Income tax expense comprises current and deferred tax. Current tax and deferred tax is recognised in income statement except to the extent that it relates to a business combination or items recognised directly in equity or other comprehensive income. Current tax is the expected tax payable or receivable on the taxable income or loss for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years. Deferred tax is recognised using the liability method, providing for temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the statement of financial position and their tax bases. Deferred tax is not recognised for the following temporary differences: the initial recognition of goodwill, the initial recognition of assets or liabilities in a transaction that is not a business combination and that affects neither accounting nor taxable profit or loss. Deferred tax is measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the temporary differences when they reverse, based on the laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset if there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax liabilities and assets, and they relate to income taxes levied by the same tax authority on the same taxable entity, or on different tax entities, but they intend to settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis or their tax assets and liabilities will be realised simultaneously. A deferred tax asset is recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the temporary difference can be utilised. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at the end of each reporting period and are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax benefit will be realised. Unutilised reinvestment allowance and investment tax allowance, being tax incentives that is not a tax base of an asset, is recognised as a deferred tax asset to the extent that it is probable that the furture taxable profits will be available against which the unutilised tax incentive can be utilised. (i) Financial instruments Financial risk management objectives and policies The operations of the Association are subject to a variety of financial risks, including interest rate risk, market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk and cash flow risk. The Association has formulated a financial risk management framework whose principal objective is to minimise the Association’s exposure to risks and/or cost associated with the financing, investing and operating activities of the Association. (i) Market risk The Association has in place policies to manage its exposure to fluctuation in the prices of the key supplies and materials used. The Association enters into fixed price contracts to establish determinable prices for supplies and materials used. (ii) Credit risk The Association is exposed to credit risk mainly from trade receivables. The Association has no major concentration of credit risk. (iii) Liquidity and cash flow risk The Association relies on its management of working capital to ensure that the cash flows with the operating cycle are sustainable. (iv) Fair values The fair values of the financial assets and financial liabilities approximate their respective carrying values at balance sheet date due to the relatively short term maturity of these financial instruments. There is no financial instrument not recognised at statement of financial position that is required to be disclosed. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 53 3 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 2014 Cost Freehold office Long term leasehold office Computer Air-conditioner Electrical installation Furniture & fitting Office equipment Signboard Renovation Exhibition panel Accumulated Depreciation Freehold office Long term leasehold office Computer Air-conditioner Electrical installation Furniture & fitting Office equipment Signboard Renovation Exhibition panel Balance as at 01a.01.2014 RM Addition Disposal RM RM Balance as at 31.12.2014 RM 1,364,419 191,632 18,290 1,241 59,763 180,019 5,970 86,650 9,000 1,916,984 7,341,900 26,500 558 7,368,958 - 1,364,419 7,341,900 218,132 18,290 1,241 59.763 180,577 5,970 86,650 9,000 9,285,942 Balance as at 01a.01.2014 RM Charge for the year RM Disposal RM Balance as at 31.12.2014 RM 287,186 154,657 14,396 1,240 53,494 139,505 5,969 77,985 7,200 741,632 27,288 92,935 20,214 1,829 4,847 9,249 8,665 1,800 166,827 - 314,474 92,935 174,871 16,225 1,240 58,341 148,754 5,969 86,650 9,000 908,459 PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 54 2013 Cost Freehold office Computer Air-conditioner Electrical installation Furniture & fitting Office equipment Signboard Renovation Exhibition panel Accumulated Depreciation Freehold office Computer Air-conditioner Electrical installation Furniture & fitting Office equipment Signboard Renovation Exhibition panel Balance as at 01a.01.2013 RM Addition Disposal RM RM Balance as at 31.12.2013 RM 1,364,419 169,183 18,290 1,241 59,763 177,627 5,970 86,650 9,000 1,892,143 22,449 2,392 24,841 - 1,364,419 191,632 18,290 1,241 59.763 180,019 5,970 86,650 9,000 1,916,984 Balance as at 01a.01.2013 RM Charge for the year RM Disposal RM Balance as at 31.12.2013 RM 259,898 139743 12,567 1,240 48,647 130,232 5,969 69,320 5,400 673,016 27,288 14,914 1,829 4,847 9,273 8,665 1,800 68,616 - 287,186 154,657 14,396 1,240 53,494 139,505 5,969 77,985 7,200 741,632 2014 RM 2013 RM 1,049,945 7,248,965 43,261 2,065 1 1,422 31,823 1 8,377,483 1,077,233 36,975 3,894 1 6,269 40,514 1 8,665 1,800 1,175,352 Net book value Freehold office Long term leasehold office Computer Air-conditioner Electrical installation Furniture & fitting Office equipment Signboard Renovation Exhibition panel As at balance sheet date, the strata title to one of the freehold lot has not been issued in the name of the Association. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 55 4 SUNDRY RECEIVABLES Sundry receivables Deposits 2014 RM 2013 RM 133,240 97,610 230,850 486,762 463,063 949,825 2014 RM 2013 RM 2,706,261 169,133 2,875,394 426,609 166,774 593,383 2014 RM 2013 RM 905,322 32,500 937,822 848,614 4,160 22,050 874,824 5 SUNDRY PAYABLES Sundry payables Accruals 6 DEFERRED INCOME 21th FDI/MDA Convention 2014 Ortho Implant Work 4th Borneo Dental Congress 2014 22nd MDA Scientific Convention & Trade Exhibition 5th Borneo Dental Congress 2015 The income of the 21th FDI/MDA Convention 2014 organised by the Malaysia Dental Association is now reflected in the Statements of Comprehensive Income for the financial year. 7 DEFERRED EXPENDITURE 21th FDI/MDA Convention 2014 Ortho Implant Work 4th Borneo Dental Congress 2014 MDASZ AGM 2014 71th AGM 2014 22nd MDA Scientific Convention & Trade Exhibition 5th Borneo Dental Congress 2015 Malaysia International Dental Exhibition and Conference 2015 2014 RM 2013 RM 168,786 22,137 1,271 192,194 22,766 104 21,576 2,100 290 46,836 The expenditure relating to the 21th FDI/MDA Convention 2014 organised by the Malaysian Dental Association is now reflected in the Statements of Comprehensive Income for the financial year. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 56 8 DEFERRED TAXATION At beginning of the year Deferred tax relating to originating temporary differences At the end of year 2014 RM 2013 RM 4,145 (1,622) 2,523 5,026 (881) 4,145 The components and movements of deferred tax liabilities and assets during the financial year prior to offsetting are as follows:Deferred tax liabilities 2014 RM 2013 RM Excess of carrying amount of Plant & Equipment over the tax base: 2,523 4,145 2014 RM 2013 RM 2,750 1,223,396 1,880,332 261,013 16,554 79,451 99,608 124,399 8,360 2,144 3,698,007 22,676 779,566 55,953 179,159 7,000 102,511 60,960 160,080 20,951 7,360 1,396,216 9 REVENUE FROM CONVENTIONS & MEETINGS CDA/MDA 2012 International Conference 20th FDI/MDA Convention 2013 MES/MDA 12th Penang Dental Congress 3D Bone augmentation 6th Southern Dental Congress 2nd Miri Dental Congress 2013 3rd Borneo Dental Congress 2013 MDANZ AGM 2013 MDASZ AGM 2013 21th FDI/MDA Convention 2014 Malaysia International Dental Exhibition and Conference 2014 13th Penang Dental Congress IDEM 2014 7th Southern Dental Congress 2nd Sibu Dental Congress 2014 3rd Borneo Dental Congress 2014 MDANZ AGM 2014 MDASZ AGM 2014 PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 57 10REVENUE FROM 35TH ASIA PACIFIC DENTAL CONGRESS 2014 RM 2013 RM - 3,976,159 3,100 2,514 1,044,756 523,424 5,549,953 2014 RM 2013 RM 16,350 17,190 1,055 5,760 8,692 1,800 1,440 20,402 72,689 4,600 11,258 3,488 34,058 53,404 2014 RM 2013 RM 24,771 561,000 13,420 530,601 1,129,792 21,005 256,700 7,600 546,542 831,847 35th Asia Pacific Dental Congress Advertisement received Commission received Sponsorship Miscellaneous income This revenue is exempted from income tax because there were more than 500 foreign delegate participated in the conference. 11REVENUE FROM ACTIVITIES Publication of Dental Journal and Newsletter Continuing Professional Development & Continuing Education Course Sibu Dental Study Night 5th Melaka Symposium & Trade Exhibition Ortho Implant Work ELS UCLAN Treasure Hunt 6th Melaka Symposium & Trade Exhibition 12OTHER REVENUE Commission received Sponsorship Mailing service Miscellaneous income PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 58 13EXPENSES ON CONVENTIONS & MEETINGS 20th FDI/MDA Convention 2013 MES/MDA 12th Penang Dental Congress 3D Bone augmentation 6th Southern Dental Congress 2nd Miri Dental Congress 2013 3rd Borneo Dental Congress 2013 MDANZ AGM 2013 MDASZ AGM 2013 70th AGM/MDA 2013 Istanbul FDI 21th FDI/MDA Convention 2014 Malaysia International Dental Exhibition and Conference 2014 13th Penang Dental Congress IDEM 2014 7th Southern Dental Congress 2nd Sibu Dental Congress 2014 3rd Borneo Dental Congress 2014 MDANZ AGM 2014 MDASZ AGM 2014 2014 RM 2013 RM 4,470 627,098 1,440,927 172,032 20,873 76,788 72,382 163,624 10,537 19,030 2,607,761 405,891 688 88,296 116 73,224 55,311 127,584 13,256 8,512 43,720 71,538 888,136 2014 RM 2013 RM - 3,934,913 139 608 15,179 118,840 4,069,679 14EXPENSES ON 35TH ASIA PACIFIC DENTAL CONGRESS 35th Asia Pacific Dental Congress Postage, printing & stationery Bank charges Credit card charges Website service PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 59 15EXPENSES ON ACTIVITIES Publication of Dental Journal and Newsletter Continuing Professional Development & Continuing Education Course Sibu Dental Study Night Dental Outreach Program Oral Health Awareness Campaign Special Olympic 75th Singapore Dental Anniversary 5th Melaka Symposium & Trade Exhibition Ortho Implant Work ELS Treasure Hunt Mouth Cancer Awareness 6th Melaka Symposium & Trade Exhibition 2014 RM 2013 RM 88,707 27,170 725 48,804 393 5,620 8,372 2,981 2,500 16,483 201,755 177,993 18,296 1,790 1,390 1,000 1,493 12,313 27,300 241,494 2014 RM 2013 RM 43,287 2,049 17,347 1,291 213,711 26,805 2,026 9,589 42,282 339,749 213,367 26,641 2,820 10,804 6,301 37,800 316,371 2014 RM 2013 RM - 6,742 1,091 7,833 16SECRETARIAT EXPENSES Postage, printing & stationery Refreshment Staff Cost: - salaries, allowance and overtime - Employees’ Provident Fund - SOCSO Telephone charges Travelling expenses Wages 17AFFILIATION EXPENSES FDI subscription APDF subscription PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 60 18MEETING EXPENSES Zone Meeting Admin Meeting CDA Meeting MDA - Scodos CPD Meeting UCLAN Meeting Wisma MDA Building Meeting Extraordinary General Meeting 2014 RM 2013 RM 3,954 12,242 16,196 8,167 75,327 1,329 2,000 4,332 110 977 92,242 2014 RM 2013 RM 27,836 498 22,386 6,433 9,000 4,000 3,039 630 21,000 14,462 166,827 10,035 653 23,285 4,392 1,230 3,946 1,737 1,228 5,000 12,030 6,200 1,176 2,680 2,550 7,166 12,728 5,654 76,354 425,836 9,000 3,591 2,223 2,000 8,329 3,405 68,616 8,776 653 14,288 4,270 1,244 32 4,552 426 3,181 5,655 21,634 190,694 19GENERAL EXPENSES Accounting fee Advertisement Auditors’ remuneration - Statutory - Other Bank charges Borneo MDA conference Compliment & Condolence Credit card charges Donation Depreciation Electricity and water Insurance Legal and professional fees Maintenance fee Medical fee Penalty & fine Quit rent & assessment fee Service tax Souveniers Sponsorship Stamp duty Subsidy Sundry expenses Training fee Transportation Uniform Upkeep of office equipment Upkeep of premises Website service PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 61 20TAXATION Current year provision Overprovision in prior year Deferred tax relating to originating temporary differences 2014 RM 2013 RM 396,585 (4) (1,622) 394,959 292,562 (7,453) (881) 284,228 2014 RM 2013 RM 27,101 - The tax liability is computed based on the scale rate instead of the Company’s tax rate of 25%. 21PRIOR YEAR’S ADJUSTMENT Being income of MES/MDA overtaken up in year 2013 22FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (a) Financial Risk Management The Association seeks to manage effectively the various risks namely interest rate and liquidity risk, to which the Association is exposed to in its daily operation. (b) Interest Rate Risk The investment in financial assets is short term in nature and is not held for speculative purposes and is placed in fixed deposits with licensed financial institutions. Effective Interest Rates As at 31 December 2014 Financial Asset Effective Interest Rate % Within 1 year RM 1-5 year RM Total RM Fixed deposits 0-3.30 357,937 - 357,937 2.55 - 3.50 4,453,405 - 4,453,405 As at 31 December 2013 Financial Asset Fixed deposits (c) Liquidity Risk As part of its overall prudent liquidity management, the Association maintains sufficient levels of cash and cash equivalents to meet its working capital requirements. (c) Fair Values Recognised financial statements The fair values of the financial assets and financial liabilities approximate their respective carrying values on the balance sheet of the Association Unrecognised financial statements There are no financial instruments not recognised in the balance sheet as at 31 December 2014 that are required to be disclosed. 23DATE OF AUTHORISATION OF ISSUE The financial statements were authorised for issue by the Council Member on 25 April 2015. PAGE 62 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 2015/2016 INCOME Membership subscriptions and entrances fees Revenue from Conventions and Meetings: - 21st FDI/MDA Convention 2014 - 23rd FDI/MDA Convention 2016 MIDEC2014 MIDEC2016 CPD Talk Income Sponsorship Received Direct Access Commission Received Rental Income Interest Income Other revenue from Conventions and Meetings Other revenue from Activities Misc revenue Wisma MDA Buildng Fund TOTAL INCOME LESS : EXPENDITURE Expenses on Conventions and Meetings: - 21st FDI/MDA Convention 2014 - 23rd FDI/MDA Convention 2016 MIDEC2014 MIDEC2016 Other expenses on Conventions and Meetings Total Expenses on Activities Publication of Dental Journal & Newsletter Expenses CPD Talk Other expenses on Activities World Oral Health Day Total Secretarial expenses Postages and courier, printing & stationary, sundry Catering and Refreshment Staff cost : - Salaries, allowances and overtime - Employee’ Provident Fund - SOCSO Telephone charges Travelling Expenses Total BUDGET 2015/2016 RM 370,000.00 ACTUAL FY2014 RM 347,203.00 1,223,396.00 1,350,000.00 1,880,332.00 2,000,000.00 18,500.00 589,000.00 26,000.00 38,400.00 0.00 625,000.00 57,000.00 570,000.00 100,000.00 5,743,900.00 17,190.00 561,000.00 24,771.00 38,400.00 104,958.00 594,279.00 55,499.00 544,021.00 38,000.00 5,429,049.00 627,098.00 689,000.00 1,440,927.00 1,590,000.00 594,000.00 2,873,000.00 539,736.00 2,607,761.00 90,000.00 29,800.00 41,500.00 50,000.00 211,300.00 88,707.00 27,170.00 37,074.00 48,804.00 201,755.00 45,000.00 2,250.00 43,287.00 2,049.00 240,000.00 30,000.00 2,500.00 10,000.00 47,000.00 376,750.00 213,711.00 26,805.00 2,026.00 9,589.00 42,282.00 339,749.00 PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 63 Affiliation Expenses FDI Subscription APDF Subscription Total Other Meeting Expenses Admin Meeting Council Meeting Expenses EOGM MIDEC Forum PCBC expenses International Conferences (FDI Bangkok 2015, IDEM Singapore 2016, APDC Hong Kong 2016) Total General Expenses Accounting Fee Advertisement Audit Fee Bank Charges Credit Card charges Depreciation Donations & Gift Electricity and Water Insurance Legal and Professional Fee Maintenance Fee Medical Fee Penalty and fine Quit Rent & Assessment Service Tax Upkeep of Office Equipment Upkeep of Premises Website Services Others Total BUDGET 2015/2016 RM ACTUAL FY2014 RM 13,600.00 2,200.00 15,800.00 0.00 0.00 4,350.00 55,000.00 0.00 100,000.00 3,000.00 90,000.00 3,954.00 51,611.00 12,242.00 252,350.00 70,489.00 71,000.00 1,000.00 15,000.00 3,500.00 23,000.00 185,000.00 10,000.00 11,000.00 2,653.00 25,000.00 4,500.00 1,200.00 0.00 4,500.00 2,000.00 13,000.00 7,000.00 80,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,959,353.00 27,836.00 498.00 13,000.00 3,039.00 21,000.00 166,827.00 14,462.00 10,035.00 653.00 23,285.00 4,392.00 1,230.00 0.00 3,946.00 1,737.00 12,728.00 5,654.00 76,354.00 39,160.00 425,836.00 5,688,553.00 3,645,590.00 55,347.00 1,783,459.00 2,682.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURE SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) OF INCOME OVER EXPENDITURE Prepared by, Dr Shalini Kanagasingam MDA HONORARY FINANCIAL SECRETARY 2014/2015 PAGE 64 THE HONORARY PUBLICATION SECRETARY’S REPORT Firstly, let me express my gratitude to the MDA Council for appointing me the Acting Honorary Publication Secretary beginning December 2014. On behalf of the president and the council members of MDA 2014/2015, I would like to thank Associate Professor Dr. Haizal Mohd Hussaini for doing a good job in rejuvenating the MDA News with a new look. I. Newsletter It is indeed my privilege to inform the members that we have been able to publish the MDA News on time to provide members with the latest news and science of dentistry. During the 2014/2015 term, we have managed to publish 3 issues of MDA newsletter, with the fourth issue (i.e. the JulySept 2015) slated to be co-published with the new Honorary Publication Secretary cum Editor immediately after the AGM. O the 3 issues, one of the issue was published by Associate Professor Dr. Haizal Mohd Hussaini, and another 2 issues was published under my editorship. The upcoming issue shall feature the outcome of the MDA AGM as well as the MIDEC 2015 meeting. It will also feature the last (third) part of the article Common Medications Used in Medical Conditions and Their Implications to the Dentists. II. Malaysian Dental Journal Firstly, I would like to report that the Malaysian Dental Journal (MDJ) is currently listed in the Malaysian Citation Centre and can be viewed online at MyJurnal Journal Management Centre. In fact because of this, we are able to use its editorial submission system to receive submission electronically from all over the world. In support to the work by Dr. Ng Woan Tyng, the chairperson of the MDA Homepage committee, we have completed the migration from the old MDJ website ( to become a subsection of the current MDA website since the beginning of April 2015. This is because our current maintenance contract with Malaysia Design expires on the 31st March 2015, and the council agrees that it is more cost effective to host everything related to the MDA under one website. The MDA council has decided that all issues of the MDJ will be published only as e-journal in PDF format. We have worked on the back issues from 2011-2013 (previously hosted as html files at the old MDJ website) and they were uploaded them to this new webpage subsection. In addition, we are working to scan and upload all our back issues since the 1990s onto this webpage. I regret to inform the members that the latest issue of the MDJ published under my charge as the Acting Honorary Publication Secretary and Associate Professor Dr. Chai Wen Lin as the Editor is the 2014 Volume 36 Issue 1. We are 2 issues short of being timely. Hence, I have tried to encourage more authors, clinicians and academicians to submit in their work to be published The MDA councils on the 21st March 2015 Council Meeting has agreed that the MDJ make a change in focus and aims to publish review articles that are of benefit to dentists, and also to publish student research work to make it a niche journal for general dentists and dental students. Thank you. Prof. Dr. Ngeow Wei Cheong, Acting Honorary Publication Secretary 11th April 2015 PAGE 65 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION NORTHERN ZONE ANNUAL REPORTS 2014 / 2015 The Malaysian Dental Association Northern Zone is pleased to present the annual report for the year 2014/2015 1 Annual General Meeting The annual general meeting was held on 2nd March 2014, at Bayview Hotel, Georgetown, Penang. The meeting was well attended with total numbers of 86 members. 2. Office Bearer for the year 2014/2015 The following members were elected to the 2014/2015 Committee: Chairman : Dr Lim Chiew Wooi Hon. Secretary : Dr Ang Lai Choon Hon. Treasurer : Dr Teh Yik Pin Committee Members : Dr Lai Min Shin : Dr Koh Yee Ting : Dr Tan Sock Hooi : Dr King Hao Xuan : Dr Yeoh Oon Take Hon. Auditor : Dr Lim Eng Hin 3. State Representatives The zone committee wishes to thank the following state representatives for their contributions in the year 2013/2014 Perak : Dr Chong Kum Soon Penang : Dr Ahmad Termizi Zamzuri Perlis : Dr Tan Kui Hin Kedah : Dr Azillah Mohd Ali Pahang : Dr Chan Cheng Hoong Kelantan : Dr Ahmad Burhanuddin Terengganu : Dr Tan Chong Boh 4. Northern Zone Committee Meetings The committee held four meetings in its term of office. As usual these meetings were supplemented by informal meetings and e-mails amongst the committee members to facilitate the smooth running of the zone activities and its events. 2nd March 2014 27th April 2014 20th July 2014 19th October 2014 5. Activities During the Year 2014 CPD Programmes and activities conducted by MDA Northern Zone 1. CPD programmes held in conjunction with the AGM : Programme 0830 - 0900 0900 - 1000 1000 - 1030 1030 - 1130 1130 - 1300 1300 - 1400 1400 - 1500 1500 - 1530 1530 - 1630 Registration Update on Orthodontics Tea Breaks Compilation of frequently asked questions by the public and dentists AGM Lunch Management and Prosthodontic Rehabilitation of the Complex or Failing Dentitions Tea breaks Minimally Invasive Oral and Maxillofacial Procedures: An Overview Dental Trade Exhibition: 8.00am-5.00pm Attendance for Scientific Programme: 86 Dr Chay Siew Han Dr Chay Siew Han Dr Ng Mei Ching Dr Cri Saiful Jordan Melano bin Basri PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 66 2. CPD Programme – Ipoh CPD Programme 2014 Date: 27th April 2014 (Sunday) Venue: MH Hotel, Ipoh Perak Speaker Topic : Dr Thevadass K Palany : Oral Pathological Lesions in Children, the Ipoh experience Speaker Topic : Dr Mariam Abdullah : Strengthening Basic Endodontics Speaker Topic : Dato’ Prof Dr Hashim bin Yaacob : Responsibility, Accountability And Integrity in the Dental Profession Speaker Topic : Dr Mannil Thomas Abraham : Oral Cancer Improving the Clinical Outcomes Attendance: 58 participants 3. CSR- A visit to Happy Retirement Home CSR project was successfully held on 24/8/2014 under the leadership of Dr Lai Min Shin and collaboration with Madam Khor Kwee Gaik, person in charge of the Happy Retirement Home. Dr Lai and MDA NZ representatives, namely Dr Koh Yee Ting, Dr Chuah Ling Huey, Dr Chong Wee Jian & Dr Juliana Lim had visited Happy Retirement Home, an old folks’home in Kepala Batas. The activities involved balloon games, singing and musical cello performances. The residents enjoyed the memorable day. 4. 13th Penang Scientific Dental Congress Date: 17th, 18th, 19th October 2014 Venue: Bayview Beach Resort Hotel, Batu Ferringhi, Penang Pre-Congress Hands-On Programme 17th October 2014 Conductor: Dr Chris Chang Topic 1 : Simplify your orthodontic treatment system Topic 2 : Class II Correction Topic 3 : Class III Correction Topic 4 : Complex cases made easy Attendance : 53 (Full day) Conductor : Dr Karthikeyan Ponnusami Topic : Prefabricated Veneering System Attendance : 39 (Half day, Morning and Afternoon session) Main Congress Scientific Programme Speaker : Dr Cyanthi Seneviratne Topic 1 : Paradigm Shift in Caries Management- A Non Surgical Approach Speaker Topic 1 Topic 2 : Dr Wong Keng Mun : Important Consideration for Replacing Anterior and Posterior Missing Teeth with Implants : Conventional Fixed and Removable Prosthodontic Concepts: Are They Still Relevant in “Modern” Implant Dentistry? Speaker Topic 1 Topic 2 : Dr Chris Chang : Simple Mechanics for Tough Cases : Ortho-Implant Combined Treatment Speaker Topic : Dr Go Wee Ser : Optimising Outcomes in Implant Dentistry Speaker Topic1 Tpoic 2 : Dr Alex Chan : Use of Magnofication in Clinical Dentistry : Management of Teeth with Open Apices Speaker Topic : Dr Karthikeyan Ponnusami : Veneering Made Simple and Easy Dental Nurse & DSA Symposium Programme Speaker Topic : Dr Jamaliah Omar : Designing Oral Health Massages for Oral Health Education Speaker Topic : Matron Rosnah Abdul Rahman : Developing Effective Soft Skill- Communication Does Matter Speaker Topic : Dr Naziah Ahmad Azli : Oral Health Education- Are We Doing It Right? Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 67 Speaker Topic : Ms Leong Min See : Creative Art Therapy for Anxiety and Fear Management with Children and Adolescents in Dental Profession Attendance Main Congress 18th-19th October 2014 Delegate : 386 Dental Nurse & DSA Symposium 18th October 2014 Attendance : 107 Trade Exhibition 18th-19th October 2014 Traders : 24 Booth: 31 Lucky Draw Winners: 1. Dr Wong Yuh Ing 2. Dr Tiew Eng Cheong 3. Dr Yeoh Oon Take 4. Dr Lim Eng Hin 5. Dr Looi Kok Weng 5. Ipoh CPD Date: 23rd November 2014 Venue: Kinta Riverfront Hotel Time: 1pm to 5.30pm Speaker Topic : Dr Indra Nachiappan : Gingival Enlargement: Aetiology and Management Speaker Topic : Dr Chow Kai Foo : Dental Implant Speaker Topic : Professor Dr Loh Hong Sai : Introduction to Laser in Dentistry Speaker : Professor Dr Loh Hong Sai Topic : Re-visiting Third Molar Surgery Attendance : 26 6. Kuantan CPD Date: 30th November 2014 Venue: Rocana Hotel Time: 830am to 1230pm Speaker : Dr Lam Jac Meng Topic : Perspective in Contemporary Endodontics Attendance : 20 7. Membership The total number of membership for Northern Zone for the year 2014/2015 Are as follows: Penang : 468 Perak : 371 Perlis : 37 Kedah : 225 Terengganu: 130 Kelantan : 204 Pahang : 182 --------------------------------Total : 1617 6. Comments The past year has been an eventful and demanding one. We had organized 5 CPD programme throughout the term. 13th Penang Dental Congress was well attended with the total participants of 493. MDA NZ was one of the major sponsor of Aimst’s Oral Health Awareness Campaign 2014 which was held at Amanjaya, Sungai Petani , from 12th to 14th December 2014. The president of MDA, Dr. Teh Tat Beng and MDA NZ chairman , Dr Lim Chiew Wooi attended this meaningful social project. 7. Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the traders and members who have helped us in one way or another and contributed to the success of our projects. We would also like to convey our condolences to our members who had lost their loved ones this year. PAGE 68 Report prepared by: Dr Ang Lai Choon Secretary 2014/15 Malaysian Dental Association Northern Zone Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 69 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION NORTHERN ZONE BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 (RM) 31/12/2014 (RM) COMPUTERS ACCUM. DEPRN - COMPUTERS OFFICE EQUIPMENTS ACCUM. DEPRN - OFFICE EQUIPMENTS 11,587.00 (8,260.40) 37,488.00 (27,492.80) 13,281.80 11,587.00 (7,620.60) 36,890.00 (25,620.00) 15,236.40 DEBTORS PBB - AC:3131971901 FIXED DEPOSITS DEPOSITS AND OTHER RECEIVABLE 682.50 439,264.15 269.740.66 3,150.00 712,837.31 351,946.55 261,568.59 15,852.24 629,367.38 712,837.31 726,119.11 629,367.38 644,603.78 664,603.78 81,525.33 726,119.11 726,119.11 547,557.90 97,045.88 644,603.78 644,603.78 FIXED ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS NET CURRENT ASSETS FINANCED BY CAPITAL ACCUMULATED FUNDS B/F ACCUMULATED FUNDS Dr Teh Yik Pin Treasurer MDA NZ 2014/15 Dr Lim Eng Hin Internal Auditor MDA NZ 2014/15 PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 70 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION NORTHERN ZONE TRADING AND PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT FOR YEAR ENDING 31/12/2014 YEAR TO DATE (RM) % MONTH TO DATE (RM) % ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING INCOME CPD PROGRAMME 12TH PENANG DENTAL CONGRESS 13TH PENANG DENTAL CONGRESS 8,360.00 17,190.00 2,750.00 261,012.50 289,312.50 2.89 5.94 0.95 90.22 100.00 0.00 1,020.00 0.00 12,600.00 13,620.00 0.00 7.49 0.00 92.51 100.00 CONGRESS AND BANQUET FOOD AND REFRESHMENT PRINTING AND STATIONERY TALKS AND SEMINAR EXPRESS TRAVELLING AND ACCOMMODATION 179,793.19 5,242.36 8,251.40 2,981.10 4,015.60 200,283.65 62.14 1.81 2.85 1.03 1.39 69.23 248.78 0.00 8.40 909.85 1,923.00 3,090.03 1.83 0.00 0.06 6.68 14.12 22.69 89,028.85 30.77 10529.97 77.31 1,440.00 5,882.33 7,322.33 0.50 2.03 2.53 0.00 5,882.33 5,882.33 0.00 43.19 43.19 96,351.18 33.30 16,412.30 120.50 2,770.00 7.50 2,986.25 200.00 2,512.60 159.50 6,200.00 14,835.85 0.96 0.00 1.03 0.07 0.87 0.06 2.14 5.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,512.60 0.00 0.00 2,512.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.45 0.00 0.00 18.45 NET PROFIT / (LOSS) 81,515.33 28.18 13,899.70 102.05 RETAINED PROFIT/ (LOSS) B/F RETAINED PROFIT/ (LOSS) C/F 81,515.33 0.00 0.00 67,615.63 81,515.33 0.00 0.00 SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD GROSS PROFIT / (LOSS) OTHER INCOMES SPONSORSHIP FOR TALKS AND SEMINARS FIXED DEPOSITS INTEREST RECEIVED EXPENSES ACCOUNTING FEES BANK CHARGES CREDIT CARD CHARGES COMPLIMENTS AND CONDOLENCES DEPRECIATION PRINTING AND STATIONERY SUBSIDY AND SPONSORSHIP Dr Teh Yik Pin Treasurer MDA NZ 2014/15 Dr Lim Eng Hin Internet Auditor MDA NZ 2014/15 PAGE 71 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION EASTERN ZONE ANNUAL REPORTS 2014 / 2015 CONTENT Agenda for 6th Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone Annual General Meeting Minute of 5th Malaysian Dental Association Annual General Meeting and minutes of Election Committee Chairman’s report Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone Annual Report 2014/2015 Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone Financial Report 2014/2015 Zone activities reports Appendix Report and Financial Statement for the financial year 31st December 2014 PAGE 72 Agenda for 6th Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone Date: 08 January 2015 To: All members of Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone NOTICE OF MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION EASTERN ZONE 6TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Please be informed that the 6th Annual General Meeting will be held as follows: Date : 22 March 2015 ( Sunday ) Venue : Ming Garden Hotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah Time : 1:45pm – 3: 45 pm Agenda for Annual General Meeting 1. Call to order 2. A minutes of silence for our dear departed colleagues 3. To pass the minutes of the last Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone Annual General Meeting held on 5th Borneo Dental Congress, Pullman Hotel, Kuching. 4. To pass the Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone Annual Report 2013/2014 5. To pass the Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone Financial Report 2013/2014 6. Election of Office Bearers for year 2014/2015 7. Valedictory address by out-going Chairman 8. Address by in-coming Chairman 9. To appoint Internal Auditor 10. Other matters arising Dr Abd Rashid Bin Hassan Honorary Secretary Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 73 Minutes of the 5th Annual General Meeting for the Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone Date Time Venue Attendance : : : : 23RD February 2014 (Sunday) 1.45 pm Pullman Hotel, Kuching Sarawak MDA members practicing in Sabah and Sarawak (as per attendance list attached) In attendance : 1. Dr. Chow Kai Foo-The Observer A. Commencement of AGM. The AGM was called to order at 1:53pm with the establishment of quorum of more than 25 members. The total number of members in attendance was 65 members. B. Chairman of MDA Eastern Zone , Dr. Leong Kei Joe requested permission to add passing of are solution for opening of a fixed deposit account for MDA Eastern Zone income to the agenda of the 5th MDA Eastern Zone AGM. Amendment was agreed by all members present. C. Chairman of MDA Eastern Zone , Dr Leong Kei Joe called for the observation of a minute of silence for departed members. D. To pass the minutes of the last MDA Eastern Zone AGM which was held on the 27th January 2013. Chairman of MDA Eastern Zone , Dr Leong tabled the minutes and was forwarded to the floor for acceptance. The minutes of the last MDA Eastern Zone AGM was accepted unanimously. E. To pass the MDA Eastern Zone Annual Report 2013/2014. Secretary MDA Eastern Zone , Dr Nurshaline Pauline Hj Kipli,presented the annual report and was forwarded to the floor for acceptance. The MDA Eastern Zone Annual Report 2013/2014 was accepted unanimously. F. To pass the MDA Eastern Zone Financial Report 2013/2014. Treasurer of MDA Eastern Zone, Dr Abd Rashid, presented the financial Report to the floor for the endorsement. The floor was informed that the accounts of the association was internally audited by Dr Philomena Jane Sonia Pang and later pass to MDA in Kuala Lumpur for further auditing by Accountants. Dr James Chu Kok Weng proposed to accept the Financial Report and the proposal was seconded by YB Dr. Roland Chia. G. To pass a resolution on the opening of a Fixed Deposit account for MDA Eastern Zone. Chairman , Dr Leong Kei Joe proposed to the floor to pass a resolution to place part of MDA Eastern Zone surplus income in a Fixed Deposit account. The resolution was unanimously accepted and passed by all members in attendance. However, it was not materialised because to sustain the on going project that is pending. H. Nomination of the Election Chairman . Dr Leong officially dissolved the MDA Eastern Zone’s office bearers for 2013/2014 and announced to proceed for the nomination of the Election Chairman. Dr Karen Voon proposed Dr Hu Chang Lek to be nominated as the Election Chairman. As there was no further nomination,Dr. Hu Chang Lek was nominated as the Election Chairman for the election of in- coming office bearers for the year 2014/2015. I. Election of Office Bearers for the year 2014/2015. The Election Chairman ,Dr Hu proceeded to convene the election of the following office bearers . Please refer to the minutes of election committee for 5th MDA Eastern Zone AGM. The new office bearers of the association for the year 2014/2015 is as follows: a. Chairman b. Secretary c. Treasurer d. Committee members Internal Auditor : : : : : Dr Edric Chik Eurn Kho Dr Abd Rashid Bin Hassan Dr James Chu Kok Weng Dr Alex Lo Shen En Dr James Chhoa Jau Min Dr Karen Voon Kai Rou Dr Chen Yun Nieng Dr Philomena Sonia Jane Pang Wei Shann Dr Nurshaline Pauline Hj Kipli J. Valedictory address by out-going Chairman. Dr Leong Kei Joe expressed his sincere thanks to his past fellow committee members and all members of MDA Eastern Zone for their unending support, dedication, commitment and sacrifices throughout the tenure. He hoped that the new chairman to lead the Zone to a greater heights. K. Address by in-coming Chairman , Dr Edric Kho Chik-Eurn , thanked all members in attendance for entrusting and electing him to lead the Zone for the year 2014/2015. He thanked out-going chairman, Dr Leong Kei Joe, and the Zone’s advisor , Dr Hu Chang Lek seek for their guidance and advice for the in-coming years. L. Other matter arising YBDr. Roland Chia Ming Shen and Dr. Hu Chang Lek were appointed by the in-coming office bearers 2014/2015 as Advisors for MDA Eastern Zone. As there were no other matters arising, the AGM was adjourned at 2:15pm. Minutes prepared by Minutes confirmed by Dr Abd Rashid Bin Hassan MDA Eastern Zone Secretary Dr Edric Chik Eurn Kho MDA Eastern Zone Chairman PAGE 74 5th Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone (MDA Eastern Zone) Annual General Meeting Minutes of Election Committee Date Time Venue Chairman Recording Secretary Attendance : : : : : : 23rd February 2014 2:30pm – 3:00pm Colosseum 2 Ballroom, Pullman Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak Dr Hu Chang Lek Dr Leong Kei Joe MDA members practicing in Sarawak and Sabah (as per attendance list attached) In attendance: Dr Chow Kai Foo (MDA Council Member, as observer) Commencement of election for new office bearers. Election committee Chairman, Dr Hu Chang Lek proceed to convene the election of the following office bearers: A. Proposed Chairman : Dr Edric Kho Chik Eurn Proposer : Dr James Chu Kok Weng Seconder : Dr Abd Rashid Hassan Proposer to close nomination : Dr Abd Rashid Hassan Seconder : Dr James Chhoa Jau Min Therefore, Dr Edric Kho Chik Eurn was duly elected as the Chairman of the MDA Eastern Zone 2014/2015. B. Proposed Secretary : Dr Abd Rashid Hassan Proposer : Dr James Chu Kok Weng Seconder : Dr Nurshaline Pauline Kipli Proposer to close nomination : Dr Roland Chia Ming Shen Seconder : Dr James Chu Kok Weng Therefore, Dr Abd Rashid Hassan was duly elected as the Secretary of the MDA Eastern Zone 2014/2015. C. Proposed Treasurer : Dr James Chu KokWeng Proposer : Dr Edric Kho Chik Eurn Seconder : Dr James Chhoa Jau Min Proposer to close nomination : Dr Nurshaline Pauline Kipli Seconder : Dr Philomena Sonia Jane Pang Wei Shann Therefore, Dr James Chu Kok Weng was duly elected as the Treasurer of the MDA Eastern Zone 2014/2015. D. Five(5) committee members proposed were as follow: (1) Dr Karen Voon Kai Rou a. Proposer: Dr James Chu Kok Weng b. Seconder: Dr Abd Rashid Hassan (2) Dr James Chhoa Jau Min a. Proposer: Dr Abd Rashid Hassan b. Seconder: Dr Philomena Sonia Jane Pang Wei Shann (3) Dr Sonia Jane Pang a. Proposer: Dr James Chhoa Jau Min b. Seconder: Dr James Chu Kok Weng (4) Dr Chen Yu Nieng a. Proposer: Dr James Chu Kok Weng b. Seconder: Dr Abd Rashid Hassan (5) Dr Alex Lo Shen En a. Proposer: Dr Nurshaline Pauline Kipli b. Seconder: Dr Philomena Sonia Jane Pang Wei Shann Proposer to close nomination for committee members: Dr Abd Rashid Hassan Seconder: Dr James Chu Kok Weng Therefore, all five members, Dr Karen Voon Kai Rou, Dr James Chhoa Jau Min, Dr Philomena Sonia Jane Pang Wei Shann, Dr Chen Yu Nieng and Dr Alex Lo Shen En were duly elected as the committee members of the MDA Eastern Zone 2014/2015. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 75 E. Proposed Internal Auditor: Dr Nurshaline Pauline Kipli Proposer: Dr Roland Chia Ming Shen Seconder: Dr Leong Kei Joe As there were no further nominations, Dr Nurshaline Pauline Kipli was duly elected as the Internal Auditor of the MDA Eastern Zone 2014/2015. The Election Committee Chairman, Dr Hu Chang Lek, congratulated the newly elected Chairman, Dr Edric Kho Chik Eurn, and his office bearers. Meeting adjourned at 3:00pm. Minutes prepared by Dr Leong Kei Joe Secretary Election Committee Dr Hu Chang Lek Chairman Election Committee MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION EASTERN ZONE 2014 5TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ATTENDANCE LIST 1. DR LEONG KEI JOE 2. DR NURSHALINE PAULINE HJ KIPLI 3. DR ABD RASHID BIN HASSAN 4. DR JOHN TING SII ONG 5. DR ROLAND CHIA MING SHEN 6. DR JAMES CHU KOK WENG 7. DR EDRIC KHO CHIK EURN 8. DR JAMES CHHOA JAU MIN 9. DR HU CHANG LEK 10. DR NORFAZILLA BT HADINI 11. DR YONG HON YIN @ JOHN 12. DR GOH CHEE KIONG 13. DR KU SITI FARHANA BINTI KU MOHD NOH 14. DR EAS HARYATI BT SABRI 15. DR SHAHNEZA AHMAD 16. DR YONG JIA SHENG 17. DR WAN NOR AINI BINTI WAN AZIZ 18. DR CHAI YET WAN 19. DR GOH EE SHUNG 20. DR CHRISTINA WONG PEK WEI 21. DR ADRIAN LIAN MIN WAI 22. DR THEN POH KIUN 23. DR HO AH SIONG 24. DR MELVIN WONG TAN WEE 25. DR AMINUDDIN BIN MOHD NATAR 26. DR HANIPAH BINTI SULAIMAN 27. DR SYARIFAH NURANA BT WAN YON 28. DR CHEN HUI LING 29. DR ASMAA BT AHMAD 30. DR MONIEZ A/L SAGARAN 31. DR TAN YEN TING 32. DR CINDY ANAK LIONEL DEXTER MASON 33. DR ANG CAI SHAN 34. DR SITI KHUZAIMAH BINTI ABDUL 35. DR TANTI AFIATIN KUSUMAWARDHANI 36. DR EVAN PHUA 37. DR CHIENG KAI HUA 38. DR WILSON WONG CHAU SHEN 39. DR CHOONG CHOOI HAR 40. DR LIEW PIANG HIN 41. DR HAJI MUNAWAR HUSSAIN AWAN 42. DR TER JOO HIEN 43. DR ERICA HII PEY WEN 44. DR PREVEENA BALAKRISHNAN 45. DR MARY CHIENG CHING RU 46. DR SARAH SABRINA BINTI ZAKARIA 47. DR IRENE STEPHEN 48. DR JENNY SU SIAW WEN 49. DR LIM SING YING 50. DR MARK REMMIE NYOPIEH 51. DR SAFARINA BINTI JOBLEE 52. DR NURSHALINE PAULINE HJ KIPLI 53. DR PHILOMENA SONIA JANE PANG WEI 54. DR LEE WAN JYE 55. DR CAROLINE LING CHING LEE 56. DR ROHENDRAN A/L PASKARAPATHY RAJAH 57. DR ABDUL RAHIM B. ROSLI 58. DR HELEN NGU FONG LIN 59. DR CHEN YU NIENG 60. DR MARY THERESE DONG KING YING 61. DR LEE SIE WEI 62. DR MOHD TERMIZI BAKAR 63. DR BONG YEE FUNG 64. DR KAREN VOON KAI ROU 65. DR ONG LI SZE PAGE 76 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION EASTERN ZONE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Greetings from Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone (MDAEZ)! I would like to thank all the Executive Committee members of the MDAEZ for making my one year tenure of the office a smooth and fruitful one. I also wish to thank all our zone members who have been supportive all these years. As was in the past, our Eastern Zone has continued to update our members with the latest trend in Dentistry by organizing dental congresses. Two major congresses that were organized were the 2nd Sibu Dental Congress and 5th Borneo Dental Congress. Gone are the days of paper forms to sign up for events. In the effort to improves efficiencies and eliminates unnecessary paperwork, our zone has started to incorporate online congress registration and encourage our members to fully utilized it. This will save a lot of time and also allow participants to sign up when and where it is most convenient for them from any internetenabled computer. Our Zone has also actively provided community dental service to the public as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects either on its own or in collaboration with other organizations. In collaboration with Colgate-Palmolive, the zone has participated in conducting oral health campaign in major cities and towns in Sarawak and Sabah. Numerous outreach projects were successfully organized especially in the state of Sabah. This year, the zone was proud to present to our members set of neck ties and scarfs with our zone logo as Corporate and Souvenir Items for MDAEZ. The sales of the items were launched during our 2nd Sibu Dental Congress and have received good response from our members. A congratulatory message goes out to the Secretary of MDAEZ, Dr Abdul Rashid Hassan, who was awarded the Ahli Darjah Kinabalu (ADK) during TYT’s birthday on 04/10/2014. This award is a proof that the State recognized the Zone’s excellent work in improving the dental services in Sabah and Sarawak. Finally, I wish to extend my deepest gratitude to the principal office bearers of Malaysian Dental Association for their support and advice and most of all, the opportunity and trust in allowing Eastern Zone members to participate in the running of activities organized by MDA. I wish to thank my predecessors, Dr John Ting, Dr Roland Chia, Dr Hu Chang Lek and Dr Leong Kai Joe for their advicesand guidance. A special thanks to Oral Health Division, Ministry of Health, Malaysia, Dental Traders and members of MDA. Last but not least, once again my sincere thanks to all the MDAEZ Executive Committee members for their commitment and hard work. Thank you. Dr Edric Kho Chairman Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone PAGE 77 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION EASTERN ZONE ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 FROM HONORARY SECRETARY The year 2014/2015 had been a tremendous and a successful year for Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone which had shown its continued commitments in promoting Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and providing community dental service through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects. This year projection was also widening the association image to the Borneo Society together with the association goals and its function. Three major events were organised during the year beginning with the 4th Borneo Dental Congress and Trade Exhibition cum 5th MDA EZ Annual General Meeting, the 2nd Sibu Dental Congress and also The 5th Borneo Dental Congress with The Theme: “Exploring Beyond The Boundaries of The Conventional Treatment in Dentistry” The 4th Borneo Dental Congress showed an increased in the number of trade exhibitors as compared to the previous year. The red letter of deregistration of MDA arrived at MDA Central on the 12 June 2014. The EOGM schedule on the coming Sunday had to be cancel immediately and all central and zone activities had to be suspended. It was like a death sentence. On the 3rd of July 2014 after a hard work to regain, we received a letter of reinstatement of MDA. The MDA and the profession were toothless No More! The Zone also continued its collaboration with a major dental corporation, Colgate-Palmolive, in conducting oral health campaign in 6 major cities and towns in Sabah and Sarawak. This year the CSR outreach project saw the teams working together with other medical teams from other organisations or Oral Health Divisions, Ministry of Health, to provide services at rural areas. A landmark achievement witnessed by the Zone was the continued programs with Special Olympics with addition with the Autism group. This reinforced the commitment of the Zone towards providing dental service to all walks of life especially groups with special needs. A congratulatory message also goes to the Zone’s Hon. Secretary who was awarded Ahli Darjah Kinabalu, ADK by Sabah Head of State, Tun Datuk Seri Panglima Juhar Bin Hj Mahirudin in conjunction with his birthday celebration. This award is a proof that the State recognised the Zone’s excellent work in improving the dental services in Sabah and Sarawak. We wish to thank all the trades for supporting these CSR Projects. In summary , from our 5th Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone Annual General Meeting in 27 February 2014 until 28 February 2015, Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone had Organised the following activities in various parts of Sabah and Sarawak : - - - - - - - 4th Borneo Dental Congress 2014 and Trade Exhibition cum 5th MDA Eastern Zone AGM, Kuching Sarawak. 2nd Sibu Dental Congress, Sibu Sarawak. We launched our Corporate Necktie and Scarf. Joint MDA/Colgate Oral Health Mouth 8 CSR project in Sabah 3 Evening lectures (3 events in Sabah and 1 event in Sarawak) Session with Special Olympics 5th Borneo Dental Congress 2015 in Ming Garden Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Although the Zone was kept busy with the running and organising of numerous activities, the Zone has not overlooked its duties and responsibility in the governance of the Zone. There were 5 Executive Committee meeting held during the period: - - - - - 27th February 2014 12th May 2014 23rd August 2014 19th October 2014 24 January 2015 The Zone has also attended the following Council meetings organised by Malaysian Dental Association during the period : - 11th April 2013 ( MDA Council 2013/2014) - 21st June 2014 ( MDA Council 2013/2014) - 19th October 2014 ( MDA Council 2014/2015) - 24 January 2015 ( MDA Council 2014/2015) The Executive Committee of Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone would like to put on record our utmost thanks and appreciation to: - Principal Office Bearers Of Malaysian Dental Association - Public Relation office of the Sabah Chief Minister Administration. - Executive Committee MEMBERS OF Malaysian Dental Association North Zone and Malaysian Dental Association Southern Zone - Director General Of Health , Malaysia , Putrajaya Kuala Lumpur - Oral Health Division, Ministry Of Health , Malaysia - Members of Malaysian Dental Association - All Dental Practitioners - Dental Traders PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 78 For the on going support to the administration of the Zone and in the running of our various project. A special acknowledgement to all MDA Eastern Zone Executive Members for their teamwork and hard work. … “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. Audrey Hepburn” Report prepared by: Dr Hj Abd Rashid Bin Hassan Hon. Secretary Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone PAGE 79 ACTIVITY REPORT MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION EASTERN ZONE 2014/2015 1. 4th Borneo Dental Congress, Scientific Meeting and AGM 2014 2. WORLD ORAL HEALTH DAY Date : 20 March 2014 Venue :Dewan Suarah, Bau Kuching, Sarawak 3. Medical & Dental Outreach : Kg Dudar, Kota Belud Date :Saturday 02 March 2013 Location :Kg Dudar, Kota Belud Sabah Venue :Balai Raya Umum Kg Dudar. 4. CSR Project: 2nd Medical – Dental Outreach Project at Kg. Numbak, Likas, Sabah 5. MDA – COLGATE PALMOLIVE ORAL HEALTH MONTH 2014. 05-06 April 2014 05-06 April 2014 12-13 April 2104 12-13 April 2014 19-20 April 2014 19/20 April 2014 26-27 April 2014 26-27 April 2014 03-04 May 2014 03-04 May 2104 OHM/COLGATE PALMOLIVE GIANT 1BORNEO , KOTA KINABALU,SABAH OHM/COLGATE PALMOLIVE MERONI, KUCHING SARAWAK OHM/COLGATE PALMOLIVE GIANT HYPERMARKET, PENAMPANG OHM/ COLGATE PALMOLIVE EVERRISE DEPT STORE 4M KUCHING SARAWAK OHM/COLGATE PALMOLIVE PACIFIC NGIU KEE,CENTRE POINT ,SABAH OHM/ COLGATE PALMOLIVE BOULEVARD HYPERMATKET, MIRI SARAWAK OHM /COLGATE PALMOLIVE GENTING MAS MALL, SANDAKAN OHM/COLGATE PALMOLIVE MERONI, MIRI SARAWAK OHM/COLGATE PALMOLIVE SERVEY HYPERMARKET , TAWAU SING KWONG ( SKS ) , SIBU SARAWAK 6. PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION ACT 2010 Venue: Wisma Rtm, Kuching Sarawak Date: 04 April 2014 7. Report on CSR Project: Kampung Tibabar, Kiulu, Sabah. Date: 13 April 2014 Venue: Dewan Masyarakat Kg Tibabar, Kiulu. 8. 2nd SIBU DENTAL CONGRESS & TRADE EXHIBITION 2014 REPORT 9. Walk For Autism, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Date : 5th April 2014 Venue : Perdana Park, Tg. Aru 10. CSR PROJECT: ‘DENTATHON AND SUNATHON’ Kg Sukau, Kinabatangan and Kg Beluran, Sandakan Date : 30 November 2014 Venue: Surau Felcra Settlement, Kg Beluran, Sandakan. 11. Promotion of 5TH BORNEO DENTAL CONGRESS 2015 at Dubai Trade Centre 12. ORAL HEALTH MONTH 2014 SIBU: DENTAL ACTION SONG, COLORING AND POSTER PAINTING COMPETITION Date: 3Rd May 2014 Venue: Pasaraya Sing Kwong, Sarawak. 13. Report on Dental Study Night sponsored by Kaldera S/B, 21th June 2014 14. Kg Teringai, Kudat ; Medical and Dental Outreach Program. Date: 9 - 10 August 2014 Venue: Balai Raya Kg Teringai, Kota Marudu, Sabah. 15. MDA Endodontic Series of Lectures in Kota Kinabalu. Date: 18 August 2014 Venue: Kinabalu Daya Hotel, KK Sabah. Speaker: Dr Malcom Harris PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 80 16. Premiere GST Presentation By Ministry of Finance, Royal Custom and Consumerism Department. Date: 10 Sept 2014. Venue: Merdeka Hall , Putra World Trade Center (PWTC) KL. 17. GC product on Glass IonomerTalk , Sponsored by Kaldera Sdn Bhd. Date: 11 Sept 2014 Venue: TH Resort Tabung Haji Komplex , KK. 18. Courtesy Visits To The New TPKN (G) State Health Department. Date: 15 Sept 2014 Venue: TPKN (G) Office, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. 19. ZIPLINE Trial for 5th BDC 2015 CSR Contribution. Date: 22 Sept 2014 Venue: Flying Fox Station, Pulau Sapi, KK Sabah 20. Kg Lingga Bungan 1 and Kg SamparitaFood For Hungry And Dental Outreach in Kota Marudu, Sabah. Venue: Balai Raya, Kampung Lingka Bungun 1, Kota Marudu 21. Seminar on EBOLA, LEPTOSPIROSIS and DENGUE Virus - An Update. Date: 15 November 2014. Venue: Kenanga Room, Queen Elizabeth 1 Hospital, KK, Sabah 22. 8th MDA - USM Dental Talk – An Update in Dentistry. Date 21 November 2014. Venue: School of Dental Science, University Sains Malaysia Health Campus, Kubang Kerian. 23. DOE, Income Tax and GST on Health Sector - A Symposium. Date: 30 November 2014. Venue: Main Auditorium, Queen Elizabeth 1, KK . 24. Donation for MDA-MDAF Flood Relief. Date: 2 January 2015 The Chairman, Dr Edric Kho had call the Exco to participate to the relief aid, agreed of giving RM2,000 for the fund. 25. Courtesy Visits to The Chief Minister of Sabah and promotions of the 5th BDC 2015. Date: 13 Jan 2015 Venue: Sri Gaya Official Residence. KK 26. 5th Borneo Dental Congress 2015, Scientific Meet and Trade Exhibition Cum 4th MDA EZ Annual General Meeting Date: 20 to 22 March 2015 Venue: Ming Garden Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah PAGE 81 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION EASTERN ZONE FINANCIAL REPORT REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 31 DECEMBER 2014 CONTENTS PAGE NO. STATEMENT BY COMMITTEE MEMBERS 82 INTERNAL AUDITORS’ REPORT 82 BALANCE SHEET 82 STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE 83 CASH FLOW STATEMENT 83 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 84 PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 82 1. STATEMENT BY THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS We, Dr Edric Kho Chik Eurn and Dr James Chu Kok Weng, being two of the Committee Members of Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone, do hereby state that in the opinion of the Committee, the accompanying financial statements set out on pages 3 to 9 are drawn up in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Malaysia and the provisions of the rules and constitution of the Association so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Association at 31 December 2014 and of its income and expenditure and cash flows for the financial year then ended. On behalf of the Committee, DR EDRIC KHO CHIK EURN Chairman Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone DR JAMES CHU KOK WENG Hon. Treasurer Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone Kuching, Sarawak Date: 30 January 2015 2. INTERNAL AUDITORS’ REPORT I have examined the financial statements of Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2014, and the income and the cash flow statements for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information, as set out on pages 3 to 9. In my opinion, the financial statements have been properly drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Association as of 31 December 2014 and of its financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended. DR NURSHALINE PAULINE HJ KIPLI Internal Auditor Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone Kuching, Sarawak Date: 30 January 2015 BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 Note 2014 (RM) 2013 (RM) 2 6,352.30 7,326.90 3 1,410.00 322,137.00 304,568.50 328,115.50 1,410.00 21,576.00 310,664.49 333,650.49 3 4 332,500.00 47,400.00 39,900.00 288,215.50 294,567.80 22,050.00 7,400.00 29,450.00 304,200.49 311,527.39 311,527.39 (16,959.59) 294,567.80 262,586.49 48,940.90 311,527.39 Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Current Assets Subscription in arrears Deferred expenditure Cash and bank balances Current Liabilities Deferred income Other payables Net Current Assets Financed by: Accumulated Fund Balance brought forward (Deficit)/Surplus for the financial year Balance carried forward The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 83 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 Note 2014 (RM) 2013 (RM) 5 6 7 290,529.05 1,055.00 291,584.05 221,489.53 3,487.50 25,176.01 250,153.04 8 9 10 11 283,655.43 4,696.20 9,371.66 10,820.35 308,543.64 183,345.38 5,592.00 8,166.92 4,107.84 201,212.14 (16,959.59) 48,940.90 Income Revenue from Conventions Revenue from Activities Other revenue Total income Expenditure Expenses on Conventions Expenses on Activities Meeting expenses General expenses Total expenditure (Deficit)/Surplus for the year The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 (RM) 2013 (RM) (16,959.59) 48,940.90 974.60 (15,984.99) 974.60 49,915.50 (561.00) 10,450.00 (6,095.99) 1,400.00 872.00 (17,960.00) 34,227.50 - - (6,095.99) 310,664.49 304,568.50 34,227.50 276,436.99 310,664.49 Cash flows from operating activities (Deficit)/Surplus for the financial year Adjustments for: Depreciation of property, plant and equipment Operating profit before working capital changes Payables Deferred expenditure Deferred income Net cash generated from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 84 1. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (a) Basis of accounting The financial statements of the Association have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles in Malaysia and the provisions of the rules and constitution of the Association. (b) Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment are stated at historical cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Depreciation is provided on the straight-line method in order to write off the cost of each asset to its residual value over its estimated useful life. The principal rates used are as follows: Equipment 10% (c) Receivables Receivables are carried at anticipated realisable value. Bad debts are written off in the period in which they are identified. Specific provisions are made for debts, which have been individually reviewed and identified as bad or doubtful. (d) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand, bank balances, demand deposits, deposits pledged with financial institutions, bank overdraft and short term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amount of cash which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. (e) Payables Liabilities for payables are carried at cost which is the fair value of the consideration to be paid in the future for goods and services received, whether billed or unbilled. 2. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 2014 (RM) 2013 (RM) Cost At the beginning of the year Addition At the end of the year 9,746.00 9,746.00 9,746.00 9,746.00 Accumulated depreciation At the beginning of the year Depreciation charge At the end of the year 2,419.10 974.60 3,393.70 1,444.50 974.60 2,419.10 Net book value 6,352.30 7,326.90 Equipment 3. DEFERRED EXPENDITURE AND INCOME This represents the expenses paid and income received in respect of Fifth (5th) Borneo Dental Congress to be held on the 22nd to 24th March 2015. 4. OTHER PAYABLES Included in other payables is an amount of RM5,000.00 which is brought forward from previous year. 5. REVENUE FROM CONVENTIONS 2nd Miri Dental Congress 2013 3rd Borneo Dental Congress 2013 4th Borneo Dental Congress 2014 2nd Sibu Dental Congress 2014 Malaysia-International Dental Exhibition and Conference 2014 2014 (RM) - 2013 (RM) 61,410.00 124,399.15 99,608.65 66,521.25 290,529.05 160,079.53 221,489.53 PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 85 6. REVENUE FROM ACTIVITIES Dental Study Nights 2014 (RM) 1,055.00 2013 (RM) 3,487.50 2014 (RM) - 2013 (RM) 2,500.00 - 22,676.01 25,176.01 2014 (RM) - 2013 (RM) 55,761.03 163,623.83 72,381.60 47,650.00 283,655.43 127,584.35 183,345.38 2014 (RM) 1,078.20 2013 (RM) 1,000.00 725.00 393.00 2,500.00 4,696.20 1,790.00 1,309.00 1,493.00 5,592.00 2014 (RM) - 2013 (RM) 8,166.92 2,205.66 6,780.00 386.00 9,371.66 8,166.92 7. OTHER REVENUE MDA Allocation Income from CDA/MDA 8. EXPENSES ON CONVENTIONS 2nd Miri Dental Congress 2013 3rd Borneo Dental Congress 2013 4th Borneo Dental Congress 2014 2nd Sibu Dental Congress 2014 Malaysia-International Dental Exhibition and Conference 2014 9. EXPENSES ON ACTIVITIES Oral Health Awareness Campaign Dental Study Nights Dental Outreach Program Special Olympic Campaign Mouth Cancer Awareness Campaign 10.MEETING EXPENSES Dental Congress in other zones Pontianak Dental Congress 2014 Ties and scarfs for MDA Eastern Zone members Vests for MDA Eastern Zone Exco members PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 86 11.GENERAL EXPENSES Accounting fee Bank charges Courier charges Depreciation Donation to Kuching Autistic Association Donation to PersatuanBagiKebajikanKanak-Kanak Terencat Akal Sarawak (PERKATA) Sponsorship for Sibu dental division 2014 (RM) 2,630.00 2013 (RM) 2,460.00 43.75 52.00 974.60 3,200.00 3,200.00 673.24 974.60 - 720.00 10,820.35 4,107.84 PAGE 87 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN ZONE ANNUAL REPORTS 2014 / 2015 NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN THAT THE 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) for the Malaysian Dental Association Southern Zone (MDASZ) will be held on: Date: 08/03/2015(Sunday) Time: 11.15am Venue: New York Hotel, 22 Jalan Dato’ Abdullah Tahir, 80300 Johor Bahru. AGENDA: 1. Call to order. 2. Opening address by the Chairman. 3. To receive and adopt the minutes of the 2014 AGM. 4. Matters arising from the minutes of the 2014 AGM. 5. To receive and adopt the MDA Southern Zone Hon. Secretary’s Annual Report for the year 2014. 6. To receive and adopt the MDA Southern Zone Hon. Treasurer’s Financial Report and Audited Statement of Accounts for the year 2014. 7. Election of The Executive Committee and Honorary Auditor for the year 2015. 8. Address by the Incoming Chairman. 9. Address by the MDA President 10. Other matters arising. By order of MDASZ Committee 2014, Dr. Leong Chee San Hon. Secretary 20/01/2015 PAGE 88 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) 2014 Date: 22/03/2014(Saturday) Time: 3.45pm Venue: KSL Resort Hotel, 33 Jalan Seladang, Taman Abad, 80250 Johor Bahru. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dr. Angie Wong Chin Mee at 3.50pm. ADDRESS BY THE CHAIRMAN The Chairman, Dr. Angie Wong thanked and welcomed all the members to the AGM. CONFIRMING THE MINUTES OF THE 2013 AGM The Honorary Secretary, Dr. Leong Chee San briefed the members through the activities over the past year. He reported that the SZ committee was urged to look in the excess supply of dental schools in Malaysia in the last Annual General Meeting. He updated the floor that the Ministry of Higher Education had freezed the establishment of new dental school for 5 years As there were no amendments to be made, Dr. Angie Wong proposed the minutes to be passed. Dr. Rani Panadam seconded the motion. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF THE 2013 AGM None. RECEIVING AND PASSING THE MDA SOUTHERN ZONE HON. SECRETARY’S ANNUAL REPORT 2013 The Honorary Secretary, Dr. Leong Chee San, briefed the members on the SZ activities for the past year, including the Melaka Symposium and Southern Dental Congress As there was no amendment to be made, the annual report was proposed to be passed by Dr. Wong Kian Seong, Dr. Hong Yong Huat seconded the motion. RECEIVING AND PASSING THE MDA SOUTHERN ZONE HON. TREASURER’S FINANCIAL REPORT AND AUDITED STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR 2013 The honorary treasurer, Dr. Jolene Lai, who was represented by Dr. Steven Phun, gave a detail explanation on the accounts ending 31/12/2014. As there was no more amendments to be made, the Hon Treasurer’s report was proposed to be adopted by Dr. Leong Chee San and Dr. Siaw Yean Na seconded the motion. ELECTION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR 2014 Position Chairman Nominations Dr. Angie Wong Chin Mee Proposed By Seconded By Nomination Proposed Closed By and Seconded By Dr. Rani Panadam Dr. Ben Ng Ben Chuan Dr. Leong Chee San Dr. Wong Kian Seong Hon. Secretary Dr. Leong Chee San Dr. Wong Kian Seong Dr. Angie Wong Dato’ Dr. Tan Nam Hoo Hon. Treasurer Dr. Steven Phun Dr. Rani Panadam Dr. Leong Chee San Dato’ Dr. Tan Nam Hoo Dr Jolene Lai Result Since there was no other nominations, Dr. Angie Wong Chin Mee was elected as Chairman Since there was no other nominations, Dr. Leong Chee San was elected as Hon. Secretary Since there was no other nominations, Dr Jolene Lai was elected as Hon. Treasurer PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 89 Committee Members Hon. Auditor Dr Wong Kian Seong Dr. Hong Yong Huat Dr. Leong Chee San Dr.Tan Yuan Yang Dr. Siaw Yean Na Dr. Mohd. Salman bin Masri Dr. Lee Wei Zin Dr. Siaw Yean Na Dr. Hong Yong Huat Dr. Angie Wong Chin Mee Dr. Angie Wong Chin Mee Dr. Hong Yong Huat Dr. Rani Panadam Dr. Leong Chee San Dr. Steven Phun Dato’ Dr. Tan Nam Hoo Dr. Hong Yong Huat Dr. Angie Wong Dr. Ben Ng Ben Chuan Dato’ Dr. Tan Nam Hoo Dr. Leong Chee San Dr. Wong Kian Seong Since there was no other nominations, Dr Wong Kian Seong, Dr. Tan Yuan Yan Dr. Siaw Yean Na, Dr. Mohd. Salman bin Masri, Dr. Lee Wei Zin were elected as Committee Members Since there was no other nominations, Dato’ Dr. Tan Nam Hoo was elected as Hon. Auditor OTHER MATTERS ARISING None ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT OF MDA The MDA President Dr. Neoh Gim Bok sent his apology for not able to attend the MDASZ AGM because he is away in Taiwan for another meeting. His speech was read by the President Elect Dr. Teh Tat Beng. The president updated the members that Dental Bill is now at the AG Chamber, waiting for to be passed in the parliament. No changes except the president of MDC will be the DG of MOH instead of a dentist appointed by the minister. Personal Data Protection Act: we appealed against the registration for sole proprietor dental practitioner. They have now informed us that consent form for the patient to sign is not needed. As for MMA, at the meeting with the commissioner, there are no information that they are appealing for the medical practitioners. Not sure about now. Medical Device Act: MDA had issued an advisory on how to register but there are still issues to settle. Meeting with medical device act authority is still on going. Dr. Chow Kai Foo enlighten the members on the MDA Building issues. He commented that getting a land from the government is not optimistic. The loan for the project had not been finalized, so the quantum of the loan, monthly payment and duration to service the loan will depend on the decision of the MDA Building Fund Trustee and Council. ADDRESS BY THE INCOMING CHAIRMAN Dr. Angie Wong thanked the members for elected her again. She thanked the Southern Zone Committee for the hard work and tokens of appreciation was given to all committee members. She urged all members to give full support to then zone’s activities. The AGM was adjourned at 4.45 pm. MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN ZONE EXTRA-ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING (EOGM) Date: 14/08/2014. Venue: Berjaya Waterfront Hotel, J.B. Time: 9.00pm The chairman, Dr. Angie Wong called the meeting to order at 9.20pm. She explained why the EOGM was called. She was elected as a council member in MDA Annual General Meeting, to strengthen Southern Zone representation in the council, she tendered her resignation as the Southern Zone Chairman. Dr. Chia Ah Cik was unanimously elected as the Election Chairman. Dr. Angie Wong proposed Dr. Ben Ng Ben Chuan as the chairman, it was seconded by Dr. Leong Chee San. Dr. Steven Phun proposed the nomination to be closed. Hence there was no other nomination, the Election Chairman declared Dr. Ben Ng Ben Chuan was elected as the new Southern Zone Chairman. In his inaugural speech, the new chairman thanked the members for the mandate given, and he pledged to bring Southern Zone to greater height. The EOGM was adjourned at 9.35pm. By order of MDASZ Committee 2014, Dr. Leong Chee San Hon. Secretary PAGE 90 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN ZONE HONORARY SECRETARY’S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2014 The Malaysian Dental Association Southern Zone Annual General Meeting was successfully held on Date: 22/03/2014(Saturday) Time: 3.45pm Venue: KSL Resort Hotel, 33 Jalan Seladang, Taman Abad, 80250 Johor Bahru. The following members were elected to serve the Southern Zone committee for the term 2014: Chairman : Dr. Angie Wong Chin Mee Hon. Secretary : Dr. Leong Chee San Hon. Treasurer : Dr. Jolene Lai Committee members: Dr. Wong Kian Seong Dr. Tan Yuan Yang Dr. Siaw Yean Na Dr. Mohd. Salman bin Masri Dr. Lee Wei Zin Hon. Auditor : Dato’ Dr. Tan Nam Hoo Early in the day, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) talks wa held as listed below: Invited Speakers Prof. Dr. David Ngeow Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chai Wen Lin Topics The Maxillary Sinus Revisited Update & Management Of Bone Necrosis Of The Jaws Tissue Engineering In Dentistry COMMITTEE MEETINGS Dr. Hong Yong Huat, Dr. Chia Ah Chik, Dr. Steven Phun, Dr. Elizabeth Wong Siew Geik, Dr. Rani Panadam, Dr. Matthew Hong An Liang, Dr. Sharon Hor Wan Shyen, Dr. Siow Ang Yen, Dr. Emmy Chan Ee Mee, Dr. Ahamad Ali, Dr. Ng Ben Chuan were co-opted and invited to join the committee’s meetings. Dr. Lee Wei Zin and Dr. Ahamad Ali were appointed as organizing chairman for Melaka Symposium and Southern Dental Congress respectively. Malaysian Dental Association Southern Zone Extra-ordinary General Meeting (EOGM) The chairman, Dr. Angie Wong was elected as a council member in MDA Annual General Meeting. To strengthen Southern Zone representation in the council, she tendered her resignation as the Southern Zone Chairman. An EOGM was called: Date: 14/08/2014. Venue: Berjaya Waterfront Hotel, J.B. Time: 9.00pm Dr. Ben Ng Ben Chuan was elected as the new Southern Zone Chairman. Before the EOGM, specialist periodontist from Singapore, Dr. Tan Wah Ching was invited to speak on “Clinical Periopdontology in Daily Practice:Current Trends/Updates” 6th Melaka Dental Symposium Date:17/08/2014 Venue: City Bayview Hotel Hosting the theme of “Dentistry for Today’s Lifestyle”, the program had received participation of nearly a hundred dental practitioners & students, with approximately 20 on-site registration entities, from Malaysia and Singapore. The multidisciplinary symposium involves topics of various specialties such as Endodontics (“ Making Endodontic Treatment More Fulfilling & case Discussion”), Prosthodontics (“ Management of the Worn Dentition”), Oral Medicine & Oral Pathology (“Management of Oral Complications in Cancer Patients - Part I & II”), Periodontics (“Supragingival Plaque Control- oral health worthy or just a lifestyle?”) and Orthodontics (“The Role of Orthodontics in the Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Patients”). The congress started with the lecture by Dr. Saw Lip Hean. The ex- president of Malaysian Endodontic Society shared his knowledge with the participants through the discussion of few difficult cases that he had encountered previously and the ways to minimize the occurrence of re-infection of the endodontically treated teeth. It was followed by the Lecture about Management of Oral Complications in Cancer Patients, presented by Dr. See Toh Yong Lian & Dr. Chelsia Sim Qiu Ha. Dr. See Toh had also presented an interesting talk where he has spoken on the principles and management strategies for tooth wear, enchanting the audiences with few interesting cases from his practice. A presentation by Dr. Chelsia Sim regarding Management of oral premalignant lesion have also enlighten the audience with recent statistics update and latest treatment modalities which will be made available in Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 91 South-east Asia region in the near future. Lecture by Dr. Arlene Khaw had provided some useful conclusions on mechanical and chemical plaque control that aids in patients’ oral health education. The day ended with topic by Dr Tan Wee Han, in which the vital role of orthodontics in prosthetic rehabilitation of patient was being highlighted and few cases of agenesis and trauma was discussed in much detail. (This section of report courtesy by Dr. Lee Wei Zin) 7TH. SOUTHERN DENTAL CONGRESS Date: 31/10- 02/11/2014 Time:9.00am-5.30pm Venue: Grand Paragon Hotel, Johor Bharu. Theme: Enhancing your clinical skills with new perspectives in dentistry Dentists Program: Invited Speakers Day 1 31/10/2014 Friday Topics Dr. Tan Wee Kiat Dr. Md.Badrun Nafis bin Saion Dr. Bien Lai Dr. Tabitha Chng Day 2 01/11/2014 Saturday A/Professor Ansgar Cheng Dr. Cyanthi Seneviratne Dr. Yue Weng Cheu Dr Karthikeyan Ponnusami Day 3 02/11/2014 Sunday Dr. Victoria Yu A/Professor Asher Lim Dr. Chan Siew Luen Dr. Chelsia Sim Dr. Erica Sham Fluorosis – are you seeing more of this? Changing paradigms in pediatrics caries management To Fill, Seal or Heal? So what’s new in Pediatrics Dentistry? A 21st Century random walk in Fixed Prosthodontics. What are the rules? Paradigm Shift In Caries Management – A Non-Surgical Approach Digital dentistry - The Future is NOW! Minimal Intervention Aesthetic Dentistry Enhancing Clinical Skills In Endodontics: Saving Teeth Painlessly Auto transplantation Of Teeth: An Old Technique With New Perspectives Expanding Horizons in Dentistry Management Of Oral Vesiculobullous Diseases Risk and Benefits of Orthodontics—The importance of informed consent Nurses Program 01/11/2014 Saturday Invited Speakers Dr. Nabilah Sawani Bte Harith Dr. Cyanthi Seneviratne Dr. Ben Fadzil Mohd Saleh Topics Effective Ways for Handling Paediatric Patients for Nurses Paradigm Shift In Caries Management – A Non-Surgical Dr. Ben Fadzil Mohd Saleh Approach Hypnodontia: Nurses role in managing patient’s anxiety : Part I and II Evening Lecture Series Date: 08/11/2014 Time: 7.00 pm Venue: Berjaya Waterfront Hotel Prof. Dr. Ong Siew Tin warmed up the audience by refreshing them with minor oral surgery and wisdom tooth removal technique. Prof. St. John Crean from the University Of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) kept the audience awoke by delivery lively presentation on wound healing and bone biology. He informed the members that Master of Science program in implantology is available in Malaysia by UCLAN in collaboration with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 92 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The MDASZ would like to thank the main sponsors Colgate-Palmolive Marketing Sdn.Bhd , gold cosponsor Glaxosmithkline Consumer Healthcare Sdn. Bhd (GSK), and dental traders listed below for their support in our CPD talks/hand-ons and conferences. AR Dental Supply Bintang Saudara Semesta Jaya (M) Sdn, Bhd, Green Orthodontic Sdn. Bhd. Health Fast Sdn. Bhd. Indra Sari Trading J S international Keng Yew Dental Suppliers Sdn. Bhd Kaldera Sdn Bhd Malaysian Dental Corporation Sdn. Bhd By order of MDASZ Committee 2014, Dr. Leong Chee San Hon. Secretary N Dent Sdn, Bhd One Dental Supply Sdn. Bhd. Osstem Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Q & M Dental Group (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd QS Dental Supply Sensodyne Sirona Titleray Dental Implants Use Electronics (M) Sdn. Bhd. Vatech Global Asia Hq Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN ZONE BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 93 RM CURRENT ASSETS RHB Bank Bhd, Account No. 20114700040611 RHB Bank Bhd, Account No. 20114700031523 CURRENT LAIBAILITIES Accrued expenses - accounting fee 2014 & disbursement Represented by: Revenue reserve Balance as at 1 January 2014 Current year deficit Balance as at 31 December 2014 144,303.98 125,449.90 269,753.88 3,118.00 3,118.00 266,635.88 271,099.82 (4,463.94) 266,635.88 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN ZONE INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 RM INCOME Main Account IDEM 2014 6th Melaka Dental Symposium AGM 2014 7th Southern Dental Congress EXPENDITURE Main Account IDEM 2014 6th Melaka Dental Symposium AGM 2014 7th Southern Dental Congress DEFICIT 5,800.00 16,554.00 30,402.15 12,143.50 89,451.21 154,350.86 25,640.33 20,873.00 16,482.60 19,030.33 76,788.54 158,814.80 (4,463.94) PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 94 MALAYSIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN ZONE INCOME STATEMENT - ANALYSIS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 MAIN ACCOUNT RM Income MDA membership renewal MIDEC registration fee MDA HQ subsidy Expenditure Accounting fee Accommodation Bank charges Food and refreshment Borneo MDA conference Donation and condolence Honorarium for 6th Southern Dental Congress Membership renewal fee Miscellaneous Postage and stamp Printing and stationery Souvenirs Travelling Meeting MIDEC participants cost Deficit 300.00 4,200.00 1,300.00 5,800.00 2,800.00 2,582.00 32.00 80.00 300.00 430.00 4,470.00 300.00 2,041.00 21.20 737.00 1,228.00 3,000.55 518.48 7,100.00 25,640.33 (19,840.33) RM MIDEC 2014 Registration 16,554.00 Expenditure Participation fee 20,873.00 Deficit (4,319.00 Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] PAGE 95 6th MELAKA DENTAL SYMPOSIUM RM Income Sponsorship Registration fees Trade participants Expenditure Accommodation Food and refreshment Printing and stationery Travelling Meeting Souvenirs and gifts Surplus 10,000.00 7,702.15 12,700.00 30,402.15 9,842.00 368.55 2,005.80 2,430.60 1,220.65 615.00 16,482.60 13,919.55 ANUAL GENERAL MEETING 2014 RM Income Sponsorship Registration fees Trade participants Expenditure Seminar Hall Food and refreshment Printing and stationery Meeting Souvenirs and gifts Deficit 4,000.00 2,143.50 6,000.00 12,143.50 11,446.68 1,376.90 990.60 916.15 4,300.00 19,030.33 (6,886.83) PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 96 7th SOUTHERN DENTAL CONGRESS RM Income Sponsorship Registration fees Trade participants Expenditure Accommodation Meeting Printing & Stationery Travelling Miscellaneous expenses Postage and stamps Souvenir and gifts Surplus 10,000.00 31,597.75 47,853.46 89,451.21 52,75.00 1,118.79 15,952.60 2,653.20 376.00 298.20 3,634.75 76,788.54 12,662.67 BANK RECONCILIATION RM (A) RHB Bank Bhd, Account No. 20114700040611 Balance as per accounts 144,303.98 Balance as per bank statement 144,303.98 (B) RHB Bank Bhd, Account No. 20114700031523 Balance as per accounts 125,449.90 Balance as per bank statement 125,449.90 Malaysian Dental Association (Southern Zone) PAGE 97 REPORT OF GOVERNMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE 1. Assist in the Reinstatement of MDA Following Deregistration by ROS The Oral Health Division, Ministry of Health facilitated the meeting between MDA and the Hon. Minister of Health following receipt of the deregistration notice by MDA from the Registrar of Societies dated 6 June 2014. A number of MDA Council members met and explained the circumstances to the Hon. Minister. In combination with several other efforts, including the support by the Patron of MDA, the Right Hon. Prime Minister, the MDA’s status was duly reinstated. 2. MH17 Tragedy In 2014, Malaysia witnessed an aviation mystery in the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 which is still unsolved although categorised as an accident, and an aviation mass disaster when Malaysia Airlines flight MH 17 was downed in the Ukraine. Forensic Odontologists from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Defence and the Universities joined forces and actively participated in Ante-mortem and Post-mortem Teams for the identification of victims. Much assistance was provided to the teams to facilitate their duties. In addition to recognition of the important role of Forensic Odontologists, it has paved the way for training of more Forensic Odontologists for the country. In addition, it has highlighted the need for practitioners to keep good dental records. 3. Mergers and Acquisition Dental professionals were involved in discussions with SME Corporation on incentives for mergers and acquisitions of companies. 4. Human Resource Projection for Oral Healthcare The Oral Health Division included representation from the MDA in discussions and workshops pertaining to human resource projection for Malaysia for oral healthcare. 5. National Oral Health Plan (NOHP) 2011-2020 A meeting on the above was undertaken to ensure that all agencies involved are on track towards the goals set out under this plan. A mid-term review of the National Oral Health Plan has been proposed for 2015. 6. National Oral Health Research Conference The conference, organised by the Oral Health Division the Malaysian Association of Dental Public Health Specialists and the College of Dental Specialists, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia was successfully held on 10-12 November 2014. 7. Transformation of the Malaysian Healthcare System The Ministry of Health has engaged a team led by the Harvard School of Public Health in the conduct of research to provide suggestions on transforming the healthcare system of the country. 8. Floods in Malaysia Malaysia experienced its worst flood in history at the end of 2014. This saw the Ministry of Health and various other agencies collaborating in managing the flood situation and its aftermath. Assistance was provided to dental clinics and dental personnel affected by the floods. 9. 22nd MDA Scientific Congress and World Oral Health Day officiated by the Deputy Minister of Health The Oral Health Division was involved in facilitating the Hon. Deputy Minister of Health as guest of honour for the 22nd MDA Scientific Convention and Trade Exhibition held on 23-25 January, 2015 and the launch of World Oral Health Day on 20 March 2015. 10.GST Many concerns arose prior to implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on 1 April 2015. The Oral Health Division, Ministry of Health ensured that dental professional organisations were invited to briefings and discussions with the Ministry of Finance, Customs Department, and the Medical Device Bureau in regards to the matter. The Division also assisted in the preparation of a comprehensive list of dental equipment to be requested for exemption. 11.MDA-Colgate Oral Health Month The event was launched by the Principal Director of Oral Health, Dr Khairiyah bt. Abdul Muttalib on 9 April 2015 at Grand Hyatt Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, with the objective of educating the public on the importance of good oral care habits and dental visits for a cavity free future. Report prepared by : Datin Dr. Nooral Zeila Junid PAGE 98 SCODOS REPORT 2014 SCODOS has played its role as a body in MDA to maintain the interest and to promote the welfare of dental practitioners in the public sector which includes dental professionals from Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Defense (MOD) and Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE). SCODOS Committee Members 2013/2015 Chairman Chairman-elect Secretary Assistant Secretary Treasurer : Dr. Abrizah Ahmad : Dr. Rashidah Ayub : Dr. Habibah Yacob : Dr. Anna Rani A/P Kanagarajah : Dr. Rohayati Mohd Noor SCODOS ACTIVITIES 2014 1. Courtesy Call / Meeting with Principal Director, Oral Health Division Ministry of Health Malaysia on 7th March 2014 2. SCODOS 1st Exco meeting at MOH on 7th March 2014 SCODOS 2st Exco meeting at KLCC on 31st May 2014 3. 13th SCODOS AGM 2014 at KLCC on 31st May 2014 4. Talk by JPA – Persaraan at KLCC on 31st May 2014 5. MBK P & P meetings attended by SCODOS Chairman/Chairperson: - Persidangan Dwi Tahunan ke 12 MBK P& P on 26 th June 2014 - Mesyuarat MBK P&P Pihak Pekerja Bil 1 Tahun 2014 on 20th November 2014 TREASURER’S REPORT MDA-SCODOS Statement Of Account Ending 31st December 2014 Name of Account : MDA-SCODOS Bank : Public Bank No account : 3165533703 Income Expenditure : RM34,449.50 : RM27,259.40 Balance in Bank : RM7,160.10 Prepared by Dr Abrizah bt Ahmad SCODOS Chairperson PAGE 99 FINANCIAL REPORT WISMA MDA HISTORY The Wisma MDA Project was launched in year 2011 with the amount collected of RM195,250 during the physical year. Subsequently, we managed to collect RM127,000 in year 2012, RM24,000 in year 2013 with the FD interest of RM10,047.61. RM38,000 was collected in year 2014 after the official announcement received from the Ministry of Finance towards our appeal on the tax exemption status and in Jan 2015, we managed to collect another donation of RM86,200 was generated from the trade booth of 22nd MDA Scientific 2015. Tax exemption to all donors has been approved for 3 years starting from 04 July 2013 - 03 July 2016 with total exemption amount up to RM15,750,000 only. After EOGM took placed in Aug 2014, Board of Trustees called for the meeting with the agenda to appoint authorized signatories for the Sales & Purchase Agreement and as well as the Loan Agreement. Board of Trustees unanimously appointed Dr Teh Tat Beng and Dr Darren Yap Yoke Yong as authorized signatories. Loan Facilities has been granted from CIMB Bank with the approved amount of RM2,300,000.00 under Biz Flexi1 with the interest charge of BLR minus 2.20% for 60 months tenure. Monthly repayment is RM42,775. On 09 Jan 2015, we have pump in RM700,000 into loan account and as of 15/01/2015, our loan amount has reduced to RM1,599,700 with the interest of RM5,273.29. Subsequently, on 03 March 2015, we pump in another sum of RM360,000. With this, as of 15 March 2015, our loan amount has reduced to RM1,244,973.29. In order to reduce our business tax, we pump in all our events profit into the loan account. SUMMARY INCOME Donation received FD Interest Total YR 2011 RM 195,250.00 0 195,250.00 YR 2012 RM 127,000.00 0 127,000.00 YR 2013 RM 24,000.00 10,047.61 34,047.61 YR 2014 RM 38,000.00 7,934.68 45,934.68 YR 2015 RM 86,200.00 0 86,200.00 TOTAL RM 470,450.00 17,982.29 488,432.29 PROPERTIES INFORMATION No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Parcel No Unit No: D-G-1 (approx.: 1,270 SF) Unit No: D-1-1 (approx..: 1,849 SF) Unit No: D-2-1 (approx..: 1,849 SF) Unit No. D-3-1 (approx..: 1,849 SF) Unit No. D-3A-1 (approx..: 1,859 SF) Unit No. D-5&M-1 (approx..: 3,530 SF) Purchase Price (RM) 1,904,000.00 989,400.00 989,400.00 989,400.00 994,300.00 1,468,500.00 Total Purchase Price 7,335,000.00 Loan Amount Interest (p/a) Monthly repayment Term OD Balance as at 15/03/2015 Valuation has been conducted by Raine & Horne International Zaki & Partners Sdn Bhd. 2,300,000.00 BLR minus 2.20% 42,775.00 60 months (5 yrs) 1,244,973.29 Valuation Price (RM) 1,905,000.00 990,000.00 990,000.00 990,000.00 995,000.00 1,500,000.00 PAGE 100 WISMA MDA BOT REPORT FOR THE 72ND MDA AGM 1. The EOGM on the 10th August 2014 went on smoothly, with the house voted in favour to all 3 resolutions. RESOLUTION 1 “THAT THIS HOUSE ENDORSES THE RELEASE OF THE EARNEST MONEY OF RM315,000.00 PAID TO MAHSURI KELANA SENDIRIAN BERHAD TO FACILITATE THE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS UNIT D1 AT PUSAT KOMERSIL PARKLANE ON 6TH NOVEMBER 2013.” RESOLUTION 2 “ THE HOUSE AUTHORISES AND APPROVES THE PURCHASE OF D1 AT PUSAT KOMERCIL PARKLANE AT 21 JALAN SS7/26 KELANA JAYA 47302 PETALING JAYA COSTING RM7,335,000.00 PLUS ANCILLARY COSTS WITH CASH AND REQUIRED BANK LOAN.” RESOLUTION 3 “THE HOUSE APPROVES THE SALE OF ONE OR BOTH OF THE CURRENT PROPERTIES OWNED BY THE MDA IDENTIFIED BELOW TO REPAY THE BANK LOAN IF REQUIRED:i) ii) 69-2 (2ND FLOOR)MEDAN SETIA 1, PLAZA DAMAINSARA, BUKIT DAMANSARA, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR 54-2 (2ND FLOOR) MEDAM SETIA 2, PLAZA DAMANSARA, BUKIT DAMANSARA 50490 KUALA LUMPUR” 2. Dr TehTat Beng and Dr Darren Yap were appointed as the signatories for signing all legal documents for the purchase and bank loan of the new WISMA MDA at PusatKomercilParklane, Kelana Jaya at the 3rd BOT Meeting held on the 4th September 2014 at MDA Secretariat. 3. BOT Chairman Dr Jeyalan, BOT Secretary Dr Haja, BOT member Dr Paul Lee, Dr Sivanesan, Dr Chia Ah Chik, resigned at the end of the 3rd BOT Meeting held on the 4th September 2015 at MDA Secretariat. 4. Dr Jeyalan proposed that a new BOT Chairman be appointed amongst the BOT members for the interim period until next AGM. 5. The entire new BOT will be elected at the next MDA AGM. 6. The Sale &Purchase of the WISMA MDA, Parklane D1 lot at Kelana Jaya were signed on the 7th September 2014. RM5 million cash was paid as part payment, and RM2.3 million flexi loan was granted by the CIMB bank. The WISMA MDA bank loan was released on the 2nd Jan 2015. The monthly repayment is RM42k for 5 years. 7. The tax exempted receipt for all donors for the WISMA MDA had been issued. Tax exemption number granted by Ministry of Finance for WISMA MDA Building fund is (8.09) 248/40/7-1138 Vol.9 (SK.4) (26). 8. A donation drive for the WISMA MDA fund was organized in conjunction with the 22nd MDA SCATE.RM124K was collected from the trade partners. 9. Dr Ng Ben Chuan was appointed as the acting BOT Secretary and Dr Lim Chiew Wooi was appointed as the acting BOT Treasurer until the upcoming AGM, during the4th BOT meeting on 4th January 2015. Prepared by Dr Teh Tat Beng Acting Chairman Board of Trustees PAGE 101 22ND MDA SCIENTIFIC CONVENTION AND TRADE EXHIBITION REPORT The MDA Scientific Convention and Trade Exhibition (SCATE) is an annual and much anticipated event on the scientific/dental educational conference calendar. The recent 22nd MDA SCATE was held at Sunway Convention Center (SCC) in Petaling Jaya, on the 23rd to 25th January 2015. Over 2000 delegates from all over Malaysia and international dental professionals attended the 3-day conference. The event was officiated by our Deputy Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Hilmi Yahaya. The main conference provided a wonderful balance of local and global experts, with 21 renowned speakers who shared their knowledge and experiences in various multidisciplinary lectures, very much befitting of our theme this year “Explore, Expand and Evolve”. Among the notable speakers were Professor William Saunders from London who lectured on Surgical Endodontics; brilliant orthodontist and Smile Artist Dr. Derek Mahony from Australia, Professor Dr. David Ngeow on Dentoalveolar Surgery from Universiti Malaya, and also many other leading national and international specialists. Our event was also graced by the presence of Dr. William Cheung from Hong Kong, FDI CE Programme Director, who lectured on Fiber Posts. The lecture halls were certainly filled to the brim with our deeply passionate and attentive dentists present at the Convention. Hands-on workshops provided our delegates with further opportunity for interaction and peer-to-peer learning. Dr. Michael K. Koceja from the United States, a foremost expert on lasers provided a half day learning session on Laser Dentistry. Two other full day workshops included the topics of topics of Digital Dental Photography and Single-visit Clinical Digital crowns, as well as a Masterclass Programme on Invisalign Practice. Participants provided positive feedback from these workshops as they were able to acquire practical knowledge and skills from the experts first-hand. More than 50 dental trade exhibitors participated in the Trade event and corporate symposiums were held to introduce cutting-edge technological advancements in various fields pertaining to dentistry and oral health. The main sponsor Colgate-Palmolive, Gold sponsor Invisalign and Silver sponsor GSK, Johnson & Johnson and also all members of the dental trade industry gave undivided support to the event, as well as contributing generously to the Wisma MDA Donation Drive. A forum was held in this Convention to deliberate upon recent national issues, including the potential impact of GST implementation and also the Medical Devices Act in the field of dentistry. In a similar light, the Medical Devices Act, AFTA: Globalisation and Liberalisation and the issue of the National Specialist Register (NSR) were also discussed by a panel of speakers from the Ministry of Health, Malaysian Dental Council and MDA. Delegates were updated with the recent development and implementation of our country policies to ensure that our healthcare remains ever efficient and sustainable. President of the Malaysian Dental Association, Dr. Teh Tat Beng and the 22nd MDA SCATE Organising Chairperson, Dr. Ng Woan Tyng wish to acknowledge the considerable ongoing support of Sponsors & Exhibitors who assist in making this event successful. This year’s Convention was notable for the positive tone struck by the speakers, delegates and traders as they consider future potential for new growth in technology and quality of dental care for our patients. MDA will continue to lead our dental community with more of such constructive events in the years to come. Dr. Tan Sze Jun DDS (USM), MFDS RCS(Ed) PAGE 102 WORLD ORAL HEALTH DAY 2015 MALAYSIA The World Oral Health Day 2015 Malaysia was celebrated with great success this year. The WOHD Organizing Committee was formed and met numerous times to fix the objectives and flesh them out. As the day approached, the MDA made the following press announcement:The Malaysian Dental Association representing the dental profession in Malaysia is pleased to organise the WOHD in Malaysia with the support of the Oral Health Division of the Ministry of Health, the Dental Deans Caucus of all the Dental Schools of the Universities of Malaysia, the Armed Forces of Malaysia, the private practitioners and with the generous sponsorship of Johnson and Johnson. We hope to create an unprecedented awareness of the importance of oral health to overall health to the Malaysian public. As such we earnestly request your esteemed newspaper to not only publicise the run-up to the event but also to cover all the events of the official launch on March 20th and disseminate important oral health information to all Malaysians that can be obtained through the public lectures, puppet shows, videos from dental students and skits performed during the day of the launch. Though the official launch is on 20th March 2015 at the One Utama Shopping Mall by the Deputy Minister of Health, the oral health campaign begins on the Tuesday 17th March all the way to Sunday 22nd March during the coming school holidays. Free dental checkups and gifts plus lots of oral health entertainment throughout. What is WOHD? World Oral Health Day (WOHD) is celebrated every year on the 20th March by up to 200 nations around the world. Co-ordinated by the FDI World Dental Federation which is in official relations with the World Health Organization(WHO), it is an international day to celebrate the benefits of a healthy mouth and to promote worldwide awareness of the issues around oral health and the importance of looking after oral hygiene to everyone old and young. It is a day for people to have fun – a day that should be full of activities that make us laugh, sing and smile! Please go to this links for further information: Coming back to oral health and teeth, the World Oral Health Day will help the dental profession to disseminate to the nation the importance of investing in the biting power of the nation for the sake of overall health, good nutrition, good appearance and a smile that will last for a lifetime. Smoking in all its forms and excessive and hidden intake of sugar in all its forms should be curbed to prevent premature tooth loss, gum disease, tooth discolouration, bad breath, reduced ability to taste and smell and also oral cancer. Once again, we earnestly request publicity and coverage of the event by your esteemed newspaper for the benefit of all Malaysians. When March 20th arrived, everything went smoothly with the whole organizing committee, helpers, supporters from the different sections of the profession well represented. Most of the top public dentists from the public sector and the universities were there together with dentists from the private sector and numerous dental students from the various dental schools. The public support was overwhelming throughout the several days of the campaign to raise the overall awareness of oral health among the public. The try for a place for the Malaysia Book of records for the most number of people to oral rinse their mouth in one day in one place was outstandingly successful with the target of 2000 surpassed by almost 500. You can imagine how busy the 3 dentists were that day giving free dental check-ups. They must have worked like crazy. The viral video contest among the dental students threw up a lot of talented creations to promote oral health. Congratulations to Lincoln University Dental School for winning the first prize and second and third went to UiTM. Thanks to all the other dental students who sent in their wonderful video creations. Better luck next time. The real prize for having a great show was the great coverage that oral health was given by the mass media. There were numerous newspaper reports on the event that were spread out over 2-3 weeks even after the event. Several TV reports and interviews. At least one radio station gave a live coverage of one of their presenters going through the exhibition and joining in the oral rinse. Oral health awareness throughout the nation was raised by a few notches and much useful information on oral health were disseminated to the eager and receptive public. Many thanks to everyone involved from the different sectors of dentistry and especially to the members of the organizing committee and their many helpers who all got together to make this year’s WOHD a real happening for the oral health of Malaysia. Reported by Dr. Chow Kai Foo BDS; FDSRCS WOHD Organizing Chairman 2015 PAGE 103 PCBC REPORT 2013-2014 First, I would like to thank the Council for reappointing me as the Chairperson of the PCBC. The PCBC was formed with the help of DPL (Dental Protection Limited), with the primary intention of helping members of the MDA in general and DPL members in particular, to mediate between themselves and patients when a dispute arose. However, if the complaint against the clinician was criminal in nature or if the complainant wanted the clinician concerned to undergo punitive punishment, we advise the complainant to contact the MDC. The composition of the members of the PCBC is as follows:Dr. Darren Yap (Co-Chairperson) Dr. Shubon Sinha Roy Dr. Chow Kai Foo Prof Dr. Phrabhakaran Nambiar Dr.Alex Lo Dr. Steven Phun Dr. Chia Ah Chik Dr. Jasprit Kaur How does the PCBC work? When there a request either from the patient or clinician to help mediate a dispute, we first try to get the two parties to talk to each and see if they can get to resolve it themselves. Usually, we advise the clinician to contact the patient directly. Sometimes, it may be necessary for the PCBC to talk to the patient first prior to the clinician to initiate contact. However, there are times it may be necessary to bring both parties together with the PCBC acting as a mediator. This is a voluntary process which both parties are aware of. In the event of a successful mediation, a written agreement is signed by both parties. If, unfortunately both parties cannot come to an agreement, both parties have legal recourse. It is important to note that if lawyers are involved, the PCBC will not assist in the mediation. It must also be noted that we do not have powers of arbitration and therefore cannot enforce the parties to comply with a signed agreement. While every effort is made to assist both parties in arriving at an equitable resolution, the onus of a successful negotiation is on both the parties concerned. As in all mediation processes, the patient, clinician or the PCBC can withdraw from the mediation thus effectively terminating the process. As we have stressed in our previous reports, more often than not, miscommunication and interpersonal factors are the reasons disputes occur. Seldom are clinical ‘mistakes’ alone the cause of a complaint. In other words precipitating factors like adverse clinical outcomes, iatrogenic errors, inadequate care, fees collected without predisposing factors like rudeness, miscommunication, delays, inattentiveness etc. seldom result in a complaint. We need to accept these are from the patients perspective of expected standards of service and good clinical practice; what more when we are moving away from paternalistic dentistry. It also does not help when the trigger of complaints are our own colleagues. Whilst the PCBC does NOT condone negligence, fraud, misconduct, substandard clinical care etc., we urge our colleagues to get all the facts in before we encourage patients to complain. This year, there has been a drastic drop in the number of official complaints (written) to the PCBC, only 12. Of these, two involved oral surgery, one orthodontic case, two cases of overcharging and the rest involving communication issues. However, there were many of our colleagues and patients, who contacted the PCBC, requesting help to resolve issues without going through official channels. The PCBC was unsuccessful in resolving one of the cases as the patient wanted remedial action at the MDC. Two unresolved cases from 2013 also could not be resolved and went to the courts. Here are some examples of cases that came to our attention. Case 1 Mr. X had complained that Dr. Y had done restorations on his teeth without informing about the costs. The patient left after paying partially for the costs. The patient had to go abroad and there suffered pain from one of the restored teeth. He had to seek retreatment there and on his return wanted cost of the overseas treatment borne by Dr. Y, along with compensation. Dr. Y, agreed she did not inform Mr. X of the costs. The MDC, looks dimly upon cases where the patient is NOT informed of the costs before commencing treatment. Case 2 During a visit by officers of the Oral Health Division, an unregistered dentist was found to be attending to a patient. The PIC of the clinic, Dr. K, was asked to explain. If, the full weight of the Private Healthcare Facilities Act is brought to bear on Dr. K, he is found guilty, he stands to be fined RM 100,000. DPL would not assist in paying the fine as it will not indemnify a criminal act. Lately, one of our colleagues, Dr. T, had the misfortune of having a patient she had just attended to, pass away in the waiting room. Despite the best efforts of our colleague (administration of CPR, oxygen etc.) and other emergency protocols, the patient was pronounced dead by the ambulance team. A CCTV recording of the incident supported the above. The investigating team from the Oral Health Division was very sympathetic and helpful to Dr. T. This incident is reported here to remind our colleagues, we need to be well versed in emergency protocols. One never knows when these emergencies can strike. We strongly urge the members of MDA to become members of DPL so as to have indemnity cover. You will only appreciate it when a problem arises and more so when it goes to the courts. Legal advice and costs do not come cheap. There are also other insurance companies that provide insurance cover. PAGE Malaysian Dental Association [Annual Report 2014/2015] 104 As we keep mentioning in our earlier reports, our profession is increasingly coming under greater scrutiny from the public at large. Gone are the days when clinical skills alone were sufficient to treat patients. Now, our patients expect us to show equally good interpersonal skills. We also need to realize they expect to be involved in all aspects of decision making when it comes to treatment. We have moved from implied consent to informed consent and now it is all about shared decision making. Ignoring this aspect of patient care will be at our own peril. Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone of the PCBC team who have given their time, input and effort to help resolve our cases, expecting nothing except the satisfaction of helping both the patient and the clinician. Thank you Dr. Shashitharan Sadacharan Chairperson, PCBC
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