NEW FRONTIERS IN PALLIATIVE PALLIATIVE MEDICINE 16.75 MOC SECTION 1 MAINPRO M1 CANADIAN SOCIETY OF PALLIATIVE CARE PHYSICIANS 11TH ANNUAL ADVANCED LEARNING IN PALLIATIVE MEDICINE MEDICINE FOR PHYSICIANS WITH AN INTEREST IN PALLIATIVE CARE MAY 28-30, 2015 THU-SAT THE WESTIN CALGARY CALGARY, AB WHO SHOULD ATTEND • • • Palliative Medicine and Pediatric Specialists Family Physicians Residents and Students KEYNOTE PRESENTERS Eduardo Bruera, MD, FAAHPM. Department Chair, Medical Director, and Professor, Div of Cancer Medicine, Dept of Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX Harvey Max Chochinov, OC, OM, MD, PhD, FRSC. Canada Research Chair in Palliative Care and Director, Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit, CancerCare Manitoba; Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB David Currow, MPH, FRACP. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS We are pleased to invite the submission of abstracts for the Poster Presentation as well as for an Oral Presentation to be part of the workshop session ‘Great Ideas & In The Works’. Top Poster and Top Oral Presentations will receive awards during the Awards Dinner and Social on Friday May 29. Call for abstracts opens: Dec 1, 2014 Call for abstracts closes: Mar 1, 2015 Professor, Palliative and Supportive Services, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia Louis Francescutti, MD, PhD, MPH, FRCPC, FACPM, CCFP, FRCP(Ire), FRCP(Edin), FRCP (Lon), ICD-D, CCPE. Past-President, Canadian Medical Association; Professor, School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Conference Secretariat THU, MAY 28, 2015 0800 Registration Opens 1300 Opening Remarks & Welcome 2015 THEME: NEW FRONTIERS IN PALLIATIVE MEDICINE Dr. Leonie Herx 1315 Opening Keynote: Palliative Care in Canada: Current Models, Training Pathways, and A Vision for the Future Dr. Louis Francescutti Palliative Medicine in Canada: Positioning for the Future/Emerging Challenges 1430 Part I: Highlights from the National Palliative Medicine Survey Presenters: Dr. Susan MacDonald (CSPCP), Ms. Tara S. Chauhan (CMA) Panellists: Dr. Louis Francescutti (CMA), Dr. Pippa Hawley (Royal College), Dr. Susan MacDonald (CSPCP), Dr. John Muscedere (TVN), Dr. Roy Wyman (CFPC) Moderator: Dr. Doris Barwich 1545 Refreshment Break 1600 Part II: How Do We Advocate for Palliative Care in a World with Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia? 1730 Welcome Reception & Exhibits Dr. Gregg Vandekieft Dr. Mary Shariff FRI, MAY 29, 2015 0715 Breakfast; Registration & Exhibits Open 0745 Residents’ Scholarly Presentations 0845 Morning Keynote: The Reality of Research in Hospice and Palliative Care 1000 Refreshment Break and Exhibits 1030 Workshop Session I (choose 2) Dr. David Currow A Update on Management of Dyspnea Dr. David Currow B Heart Failure—A Palliative Care Context Dr. Mike Slawnych C The Life Before the Illness—Personality Disorders and Palliative Care Dr. Seema Hussain D Cancer Cachexia Assessment and Management Dr. Vickie Baracos E Palliative Care is Not Just for End of Life: How to Get the New Message Across Dr. Pippa Hawley 1145 Lunch (provided) and Exhibits 1300 Workshop session II—Session I Workshops repeat 1415 Refreshment Break and Exhibits; Poster Presentations 1515 Workshop Session III (choose 1 ONLY— workshops do not repeat) F Strategies When Parents and Health Teams Disagree about the Treatment for Children with Limited Life Expectancy Dr. Dawn Davies G Addictions & the Nonmalignant Chronic Pain/Palliative Patient Dr. Ron Lim H To Let Die or Not Let Die? That is the Question. A Shakespearean Tragedy in the Making Drs. Martin Labrie & Eric Wasylenko I Drs. Jose Pereira, Lloyd Mack, Alexandra Easson, Lawrence Clein PGME—Mapping the Palliative Medicine Curriculum for Surgeons/ Procedural Trainees J Rural Palliative Care—Going the Distance Dr. Ron Spice K Top Abstract Presentations: Great Ideas and in the Works Mod: Dr. Alison Murray FRI, MAY 29, 2015 continued 1630 CSPCP AGM 1730 Conference day ends 1900 Awards Dinner and Social—off-site at Saltlik Steakhouse (tickets required) AWARDS DINNER & SOCIAL, FRI MAY 29 @ 1830 SALTLIK STEAKHOUSE, 101 8TH AVE SW Join us for an evening awards dinner & social in Saltlik’s private room with true Alberta flair! Tickets required; cowboy hats optional. SAT, MAY 30, 2015 0730 Breakfast; Registration & Exhibits Open 0845 Morning Keynote: How Do We Safely Cross the Border Towards Academic Palliative Care Program Development? Dr. Eduardo Bruera 1000 Refreshment Break and Exhibits 1030 Small Group Workshops IV (choose 2— Workshop O counts as 2 workshops) L Top Practice Changing Journal Articles of 2014 Moderators: Drs. Alison Murray & Amane Abdul Razzak M Current Management of Fatigue Dr. Eduardo Bruera N Palliative Medicine and Nephrology—Collaborative Care Dr. Chandra Thomas O Lost in Translation: Fostering Development of Professionalism and Competence in EOL Care from Undergrad through Postgrad and Beyond, Parts 1 & 2 (counts as 2 workshops) Dr. Alan Taniguchi P Identity and Legacy: What Children Wished They Knew from Their Dead Parent and How the Emotional Legacy App from this Research Helps Dying Patients Ms. Gaby Eirew 1145 Boxed Lunch (provided) and Special Presentation via web: An Introduction to Social Media in Palliative Care: From #HCSM to #MedEd Dr. Ali Jalali 1300 Workshops V—Session IV Workshops repeat; Workshop O continues 1415 Closing Keynote: In the End, It All Comes Down to Dignity 1530 Closing Remarks & Complete Evaluations 1545 Conference Ends Dr. Harvey Chochinov CONFERENCE CHAIR Leonie Herx, MD, PhD, CCFP. Medical Director, Intensive Palliative Care Unit, Foothills Medical Centre; Consulting Physician, Palliative & End of Life Care, Alberta Health Services (AHS) - Calgary Zone; Assistant Clinical Professor, Depts of Oncology and Pediatrics , University of Calgary, Calgary, AB CONFERENCE PLANNING COMMITTEE Srini Chary, MBBS, CCFP, DA, FRCSEd. Consulting Physician, Palliative Care Services, Alberta Health Services Calgary Zone & University of Calgary; Acting Chair, Pallium Foundation of Canada, Calgary, AB Lyle Galloway, MD, CCFP. Consulting Physician, Palliative & End of Life Care, Alberta Health Services (AHS) - Calgary Zone; Clinical Lecturer, Dept of Oncology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB David Henderson, MD, CCFP. Medical Director Colchester East Hants Palliative Care Program, Truro, NS Martin Labrie, MD, CCFP, FCFP. Clinical Assistant Professor, Div of Palliative Medicine, Dept of Oncology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB Alison Murray, MD, MPH. Palliative Care Physician, Foothills Medical Centre; Clinical Associate Professor, Dept of Undergraduate Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB Jeff Myers, MD, CCFP, MSEd. W. Gifford-Jones Professor in Pain and Palliative Care; Head and Associate Professor, Div of Palliative Care, Dept of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto; Head, Palliative Care Consult Team, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON Jessica Simon, MD. Division Head and Clinical Assistant Professor, Palliative Medicine, Dept of Oncology, University of Calgary; Consulting Physician, Palliative & End of Life Care, Alberta Health Services (AHS) - Calgary Zone, Calgary, AB KEYNOTE FACULTY Eduardo Bruera, MD, FAAHPM. Department Chair, Medical Director, and Professor, Div of Cancer Medicine, Dept of Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX Harvey Max Chochinov, OC, OM, MD, PhD, FRSC. Canada Research Chair in Palliative Care and Director, Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit, CancerCare Manitoba; Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB David Currow, MPH, FRACP. Professor, Palliative and Supportive Services, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia Louis Francescutti, MD, PhD, MPH, FRCPC, FACPM, CCFP, FRCP(Ire), FRCP(Edin), FRCP (Lon), ICD-D, CCPE. PastPresident, Canadian Medical Association; Professor, School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB PRESENTING FACULTY Amane Abdul Razzak, MD, MSc. Palliative Care Physician, Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary, AB Vickie E. Baracos, PhD. Professor and Alberta Cancer Foundation Chair in Palliative Medicine, Dept of Oncology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Srini Chary, MBBS, CCFP, DA, FRCSEd. Consulting Physician, Palliative Care Services, Alberta Health Services Calgary Zone & University of Calgary; Acting Chair, Pallium Foundation of Canada, Calgary, AB Lawrence Clein, MBBS, FRCSC. Clinical Professor, Dept of Family Medicine, University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine, Saskatoon, SK Dawn Davies, MD, FRCPC, MA. Medical Director, Palliative Care Program, Stollery Children's Hospital; Associate Professor, Dept of Pediatrics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Alexandra Easson, MD, FRCSC. Surgical Oncologist, Mt. Sinai Hospital; Assistant Professor, Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON Gaby Eirew, Founder and Director,, Vancouver, BC Pippa Hawley, B.Med, FRCPC. Head, Interdepartmental Division of Palliative Care, Dept of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Seema Hussain, MD, FRCPC. Clinical Assistant Professor, Depts of Psychiatry and Oncology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB Ali Jalali, MD. Interim Head of Anatomy and Teaching Chair, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa; Social Media in Medical Education Advisor, The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Ottawa, ON Martin Labrie, MD, CCFP, FCFP. Clinical Assistant Professor, Div of Palliative Medicine, Dept of Oncology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB Ron Lim, MD, CCFP, ABAM (D). Assistant Professor, Dept of Family Medicine and Psychiatry, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB Lloyd Mack, MD, FRCSC. Program Director, General Surgery Post Graduate Medical Education, University of Calgary; Associate Professor, Dept of Oncology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB Alison Murray, MD, MPH. Palliative Care Physician, Foothills Medical Centre; Clinical Associate Professor, Dept of Undergraduate Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB Jose Pereira, MBChB, DA, CCFP, MSc (Med). Professor and Head, Div of Palliative Care, University of Ottawa; Medical Chief, Palliative Care Programs, Bruyere Continuing Care and The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, ON Mary Shariff, BSc, LLB, LLM, PhD. Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB Jessica Simon, MD. Interim Division Head and Section Chief, Palliative Medicine; Clinical Assistant Professor, Dept of Oncology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB Michael Slawnych, MD, SPEC, COMP, MD, PhD, FRCPC. Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist, Libin Cardiovascular Institute; Clinical Assistant Professor, Depts of Cardiac Sciences and Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB Ronald Spice, MD, CCFP, FCFP. Academic Rural Director, Dept of Family Medicine, University of Calgary; Physician Consultant, Rural Palliative Care Team, Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone, Calgary, AB Alan Taniguchi, MD, CCFP, FCFP. Director, Palliative Care Residency Program; Palliative Care Physician and Assistant Clinical Professor, Dept of Family Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON Chandra Thomas, MD, FRCPC. Clinical Assistant Professor, Dept of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB Gregg Vandekieft, MD, MA. Clinical Associate Professor Providence/St. Peter Hospital, Olympia, WA Eric Wasylenko, MD, BSc, MHSc (bioethics). Provincial Medical Advisor, Advance Care Planning/Goals of Care Designation Initiative; Senior Medical Consultant, Ethics and End of Life Care, Health Quality Council of Alberta; Clinical Lecturer, Div of Palliative Medicine, University of Calgary; Clinical Lecturer, John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre, University of Alberta, Calgary, AB 11 TH ANNUAL ADVANCED LEARNING IN PALLIATIVE MEDICINE CONFERENCE May 28-30, 2015 ME8807 The Westin Calgary, Calgary, AB CONTACT DETAILS Dr. Urban Last Name Rural Given Name(s) Address City Prov/State Telephone Fax Postal Code Email (required) CONFERENCE FEES Includes course materials, breakfasts, refreshments, lunches, and Opening Reception. Fees do NOT include the Awards Dinner & Social—you can purchase tickets for this event below. Save $10 by registering online! By Mar 3 Mar 4 - May 2 May 3 - On-site $649 $699 $739 $1009 $1049 $1099 $309 $339 $359 I am a: Family Physician/General Practitioner Specialist Physician CSCPC Member Physician Non Member Or register below to join the CSPCP Residents/Students Other Are you a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC)? Yes No Become a CSPCP Member You will qualify for the reduced member's rate if you join the Society at the time of registration. Go to to view all membership categories and rates. If yes, please list your specialty: YES (add $290) AWARDS DINNER & SOCIAL, MAY 29 _____ ticket(s) @ $60 each $60/ticket (not included with registration) WORKSHOPS Select workshops from each session and number in order of preference; 1=most preferred Friday 1045 & 1245 (run twice—you can attend 2 of 5) Friday 1315 (run once—you can attend 1 of 6) Saturday 1030 & 1300 (run twice—you can attend 2 of 5 –O counts as 2 workshops) A Dyspnea F Child Tx Strategies B Heart Failure G Addictions C Pers Disorders H Let Die/Not Let Die D Cancer Cachexia I UGME & Med Prof J Rural Pall Care E PCare - Not Just for End of Life K Top Abstracts Personal Information is collected on this registration form pursuant to section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996 c. 165. Information is used for the purposes of facilitating the conference and collecting aggregate statistics. UBC CPD publishes a participant list for the course that includes the participant’s name and city. Please check the box below if you DO NOT wish to have your information included on the participant list: I DO NOT CONSENT to being on the participant list L Top 10 Articles M Fatigue Mgmt N Pall Med & Nephrology O PEOLC & Med Prof 1 & 2 P Identity & Legacy PAYMENT $ VISA All participants registered for UBC CPD courses are included on the contact list for future programs. If you DO NOT wish to be on the contact list, please indicate below. MC I DO NOT wish to be on the UBC CPD contact list TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED DIETARY REQUIREMENTS /ALLERGIES Credit Card Number Expiry Date Name of Cardholder Signature Severity: *No refunds or transfers, unless you cancel IN WRITING by May 7 for a $100 fee. HIGH or LOW, foods can be in the same room, but well labeled CONFERENCE VENUE & ACCOMMODATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY The Westin Calgary 320 4th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 2S6 Special conference rates starting @ $209.00 CDN/ night. Quote “Advanced Learning in Palliative Medicine” conference in order to obtain the conference rate. Reservations must be made by April 27, 2015 as rooms will not be held beyond this date, except on a space available basis. TO MAKE A RESERVATION T 1.888.627.8417 or T 1.800.228.1212 (central reservations) Book Online: StarGroupsWeb/res?id=1410087634&key=24AA9097 FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT OR CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT: UBC Continuing Professional Development | 855 W 10th Ave. Vancouver BC V5Z 1L7 T 604.875.5101 | F 604.875.5078 | [email protected] |
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