ARBOE, F R I D A Y , A U a U S T 5, 1864.. Vol. TSTo. 9 6 8 . From the Tribune, July 25. ready to exchange glances otherwise than From Eight to Sixteen. An Over-Dressed People. Child Angels—Their Early Going Home. over the crests of their rival intrenchPeace Efforts. There is some virtue in the science of We are a scandalously over-dressed Benjamin F. Taylor, of the Chicago The Heart_o£the WarWhen Horace Walpole, on his retun ments, along the sights of their respec- statistics. Lord Shaftsbury was enabled Journal relates thus eloquently and feel- people—our women especially—but this Peace to the clover-scented air, from Rome, was asked if he had conver tive muskets—a mode of regard not con- to declare it at a publi-s meeting, as an fault is more glaring in any other class ingly the death of a child : Pablisliodevery Friday thethird story of And stars within the dome; ted the I'opu, he candidly confessed tha ducive to geniality of temper, gracious- ascertained fact, that for.ty-nine out of than in that which is esteemed most fori. hrick block,coruerof Main and Huron Sts., ANN It went in the morning—a blight and cl1 And underneath, in dim repose, jBOR, M' - Kutranceon Huron Street,oppositcthe ness of manner, or comeliness of visage. radiant morning; many went yesterday, tunate. Walk down Broadway auy*un- ho had not, adding, by way of explana Tn that day the South will be made to fifty of all criminals in England, convicA plain, New England home. tion, that he was unable to offer tha ted in after life, commenced their career ny afternoon, and you will meet perhaps a murmur of low tones more to day, and there are dews to be B. POND, Editor and Publisher. Within, And sighs from hearts oppressed, a thousand women who look like locomo- gentleman anything butter than he al comprehend that the North requires the of crime between the ages of eight and shed for the departures of to-morrow.-T e r m s , $'!,OO a Year In A d v a n c e . extinction of slavery in no envious, ini Merging in prayer, at last, that brings And can it be wondered that pleasant tive advertisements of Stewart's or Lord ready possessed. For a kindred and ob mical spirit—requires it because its con- sixteen, so that he who has passed The balm of silent rest. vious reason, Jefferson Davis is uatuntll} through his sixteenth year without havIdvertliliig-One squared2 lines or less), one & Taylor's, or some other fashionable summer mornings should beguile them i l W c e n t . ; three weeks $1.50; and 25 con U for tinued existence involves the cherishing into going? Is it a marvel that they do establishment for the vending of sump- the very last man in the confederacy t of inbred though smothered jealousies, ing commenced a life of crime against ..ryinsertlon there ,fter, less than three months. I've closed a hard day's work, Marty— ' ( l M ! q u H « 3 m o S » 4 . 0 0 ' "Quarter col. 1 year $-0 not wait for the burden and the noon but tuous dry goods, but not a hundred of consent to a restoration of the Union or antagonisms, antipathies; because cor- the laws of the country, in some partiThe evening chores are done: One square 6 mos 6.00 Half column 6 mos 20 follow the lark, and hear her song over these will belong to any among our whatever terms. For ho is now one o dial! Enion, lusting peace, are attainable cular or other is almost or quite certain Halfcolumn 1 year 35 And you are weary with the house. O n e square 1 year 9 00 One column 6 mos. 36 the rainbow ? That those words so beau- wealthy families. We do not mean to the potentates of earth, ruling with des only through homogeneous institutions, never to do so. And with the little one. T »osq'res6 mo. 8 00 .•res 1 year 12.00 One column 1 year 6 But he is sleeping sweetly now. tiful, they should make so true, "and joy say that the ladies of these families poticsway a spacious empire and severa based on liberty for all. And, if the This probably shows to what an exCard, in Directory, not to exceed four lines, *4.00 tent crime is t}>e res»lt of bad paternal With all our pretty brood: have not also costly apparel and jewelry; millions of human beings, and there cometh in tho morning?" So come and sit upon my knee, s to the extent of a quarter column,regubut they never think of adorning there- no conceivable at least no tolerable, re superficially aibortive effort at Niagara government aud training. When we Going in the morning! a glorious And it will do me good. shall have served to hasten by but a morning—when the sky is all beauty and with the sidewalks and increasing the construction which would not seriously week this most desired consummation, see a youth under sixteen committing ','rd'i" Directory without extra charge. diminish his power and consequence.— not only faults and indulging in vices, pedestrian attractions of Broadway.— -3» advertisements unaccompanied by written or Oil, Marty ! I must tell you all the world is all bliss, ere the dews have |b«ldirections will be published until ordered out, The trouble in my heart, But let a Banker's clerk make a hit in Ife, unquestionably, is " lighting, for in it will by no means hive been made in but already so far gone as to become a gouo to heaven, or the stars have gone vain. And you must do the best you can violator of the laws of the country, we to God; when the birds are singing, and some gold-gambling or stock-gambling dependence"—which, in his iydividua To take and bear your part. case, includes everything else—^ince he instinctively blamo his parents, more operation, and his wife or other lady will the cool winds are blowing, and the flowYou've seen the shadow on my face, The New Government Loan. than himself, for it, and in the nine cases You've felt it day and night; ers are out that will be shut at noon, and sweep along Broadway next week under has not a slave left. If ever he consent Secretary FessendeD, under authority For it has filled our little home, the clouds that are never rent in rain, silks and laces sufficient to furnish a to "reconstruction" it will be becaus- of an act of Congress of July last, to out of *en we are justified in so doing. he has no alternative. And banished all its light. His erime may not have been the direct yacht with sails and streamors; while and the shadows, inlaid with crimson, issue an amount not to exceed 870,000,- result of any counsel and training of his the suddenly enriched sutler's, or com Now, then, we will suppose that the lie away to the West. I did not mean it should be so, 000 in treasury notes, etc., has to-day And yet I might have known We have sometimes seen a little coi- missary's, or contractor's wife and daugh- exchange of notes at Niagara had resul given notice that subscriptions will bo parents leading him into evil courses by their intention ; but it is generally some ters require two carriages apiece to con ted in the appearance at Washington o That hearts that live as close as ours fin,like a casket for jewels, all alone by received by the Treasurers of the United principle which the youth had seen sancCan never keep their own. vey them and their ''traps" to the opera, rebel commissioners, upon their assur itself in a huge hearse, melancholy with sT7ardB for men of all avocations and proStates, the several assistant treasurers But ive have ."alien on ill times, W « " * * and Visiting Card,, prmled on plumes, and gloomy as a frown, and wewith a servant to pick up the diamonds ance that they had (or would promptly and designated depositaries, and by the tioned at home, or by those he has been And, do whate'er I may, taught to respect, pushed out practically that have rather been displayed on their obtain) full powers to propose and ac Call and s«>J«mpl«. Sly heart grows sad about the war, have thought not so should we accom national banks designated and qualified to the legitimate consequence of such garments than made really conducive to cept terms of peace. Of course, the And sadder every day. pany those a little way, who go in the as depositaries, and financial agents for morning. We have wondered why they their personal attraction. In fact, we would have been morally and every wa Treasury notes, payable three years from principles. I think about it when I work, have heard that the most costly array of bound to proffer such terms—our govern Where this is not the case, there has, did not take the little coffin into the carAnd when I try to rest, August 15th, 1864, bearing interest at And never more than when your head riage with them, aud lay it gently upon precious stones bought in Philadelphia in ment simply standing still and requiring the rate of 7 3-10e. per annum, with in almost all instances, been an absence Is pillowed on my breast, their laps, the sleeper there lulled to 1863, were ordered and paid for by a light upon any point which those terms semi-annual coupons attached, payable of that sort of restraint which might For then I see the camp-fires blaze, slumber without a bosom or a cradle.— very common laborer of other days, who did not make clear. Suppose, then, that in lawful money. These notes will be easily have kept a lad clear of criminal And sleeping men around, had suddenly and amply enriched him- thus brought to book, Davis had itistrue associates. The Asiatic laws, which Who turn their faces toward their homes We have wondered what there was forself by following the army of the Poto- ted them to say, " We demand indepon convertible at the option ol the holder hold a man's family guilty in part for tears in such a going—in the early mornAnd dream upon the ground. at maturity into six per cent, gold ing from home to home—like fair, white mac, gathering up the animal food deuee, and will make no treaty that doe? bearing bonds, redeemable after five and his crimes, are therefore not so far out of I think about the dear, brave boys, thrown away by the soldiers, and selling not concede i t ; " would not that de the way. Certainly it would seem as if doves, with downy wings, emerging from My mates in other years, it for soap grease. Wishing to advertise maud, thus uumistakably authenticated payable twenty years from August 15th, the parents of criminals are at the beEAIERS in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver nether night, and fluttering for entrance Who pine for home and those they love, 1867. The cotes will be issued in deI) t Ho. 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. at the windows of Heaven. Never has his accession to the wealthy class, he have been worth to our government £ nominations of $50, $100, §500, $1,000, ginning more culpable thar. the criminals Till I am choked with tears. knew no better way than to cover his reinforcement of one hundred thousand themselves. With siiouts and cheei s they marched away there been a hand wanting to take the and $5,000, and in blank, or payable to It is not merely in regard to erime, On glory's shining track, •vMIER in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver wanderer in, and shut out the darkness wife with lace and diamonds and send men to its armies? Thomas Jefferson order as maj be directed by the subscriBut, ah i how long, how long they stay ! ) Ware No. 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. forth a walking proclamation of his good more than sixty years ago, observed tha but to every species of moral delinquenand the storm. How few of them come back ! fortune.—iV" Y. Tribune. there was one spot on this continent— bers. cy, including all the vices which sap ino. HTMILLENT Upon those little faces it never seemed All subscriptions must be for $50 or dustry, integrity, truth, honor and posiNew Orleans, to-wit—whereof the for rvEAl.F.R in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, &c. &c. One sleeps beside tli-e Tennessee, to us that death could place his great eigu possessor must inevitably and etor some multiple of $50. Interest will bo tive virtue of every sort, that the same And one beside the James, \) H»in Street, Ann Albor. Narrative Powerseal; there is no thought of the charnel And one fought oa a gallant ship nally be the enemy of the United States allowed to August 15th on all deposits principle may be applied. bouse in those young listeners to the Oapt. Derby, better known under his that spot we first obtained by fair pur- made previous to that date and paid by PHILIP BACH. And perished in its flames. PH And -some, struck down by fell disease, invitation, whose acceptance we arecelebrated comic nom. deplume of "John chase at a large cost, and, having had \\ the department upon receipt of the It is probable that between eight and m Ur * X Good". Groceries, Hoots & Shoes, Are breathing out their life; D Hfie,l AMain bound not to forbid, there should be Phoenix," was silting on one occasion in wrested from us by treason, we have original certificates, as the notes draw sixteen the characters of most youths for St., Ann Arbor. And otiters, manned by cruel wounds, morning songs and not sighg; fresh flow- the guests' lolling-room of tho !Ne\v fought ourselves back into possession o: interest from August 15th. Persons good or for evil are sufficiently developed "GEORGE W. BNOVBR, Have left the deadly strife. ers and not badges of mourning; no York Hotel, fronting on Broadway, it at a still heavier cost of patriot blood making deposits subsequent to that date to afford an almost infallible prospeotus F.K in Miscellaneous and SchoolBooks .Station Wall Wipers, fee. Huron Street, Ann ATbor. Ah, Marty:! Marty 1 otiiy think :ears nor clouds, but blight dews and when a littlejbeggar girl came in, andand have held it unchallenged for more must pay the interest accrued from the to their future course. If a lad is going Of all the boys have done with the keen discernment of little peo- than two years past. If, now, Mr. Jeff date of the note to the date of the de- to prove a smoker or a drinker, a gamaright dawnings together. And suffered in this weary war J Fold up the white robe; lay aside the ple in general, noticed his child loving Davis would officially inform us that we posit. Parties depositing $25,000 and bler, a swearer, or a cheat, he wi)l genANUFACWREn and dealer in Boots and Shin's, one Brave heroes, every one ! 'orgotten to}'; smooth the little unpressed benevolent countenance, and approach- can have no peace with him save on con- upward for these notes at any one time erally have begun before he is sixteen. door north of the Post Office. Oil! often, often in the aiglit, No doubt many who have begun in a jillow and gently smile as you think of ed^him, asking alms. She was very dition that we surrender New Orleans will be allowed a commission of J of 1 I hear their voices call: "Came an and help us! Is it right .he white garment, and the harp of gold, young, innocent-looking, and had none aud submit to be excluded, save on per cent., which will be paid by the thousand evil ways, or ways that might BALERS in Hardware, Stoves, house furnishing That ice should bear it all? and of the fair brow with its diadem of of the juvinile whine and persistency of sufferance, from the Lower Mississippi Treasury Department upon the receipt have portended evil in youth of no ordigoods, Tin Ware, &c ,fas.,New Block, Mam st. ight; smile as you think that no years most young medicants whom one meets whereon no flag now floats, but by our of a bill for the amount certified to by nary degree, having sown their wild And vrhen I kneel.and try to pray. GEO PEAY, M. D. can make that memory old. An eternal, in the halls of our public hotels. Pho3- permission, would not that exaction im the officer with whom the deposit was oats, have reformed and become the most My thoughts are never free, JHYSICI VN and Surgeon. Resideace and office on But cling to those who toil arid fight guileless child, waiting about the thres- nix at once assumed a mournful ex mensely aid us to raise the men and made. No deductions for commissions exemplary of mankind, but those who, . Detroit street, near t i e Depot. between eight and sixteen are exemplary, And <iieforyou and me. lold of Paradise for the coming friend pression of face, and began to talk, as money we now need ? We see not how must be made from the deposits. And when I pray for victory, are almost certain to become honorable, it were confidentially and very affecrom home. S. G. TAYLOR, this question can be considerately anIt seems almost a sin and distinguished men. tionately to her. Ho told her that his EAI.F.R iu Hats, Caps, Furs, tto4e«, Gents' F-urnishHere the glad lips would quiver with To fold my hands and ask Sen what NEW CONFEDERATE MONEF.—A Washswered in the negative, nor how any one iai Rood., etc. F.ast side Main Strict, Ajm Arbor, I)Michigan. Many parents, on this account, fall father was long since dead, aDd that nguish; the bright curls grow grizI will not help to wim. can fail to perceive that any possible ington correspondent of the N. Y. News into the sad rr.istako of trying to keep he zled and gray; the young heart weary proposal of peace from Richmond musi gives the following description of the Oh ! do not cling to me and cry, A. J. "SUTHERLAND, " Having early lost his mother, ,nd old; but there, changeless as the For it will break my heart; be so shaped as to conduce to the res- new Confederate money : During the their children as childish as possible, dRHT for the Keif York Life Insurance Company, Without sister, without brother," tars, and young as the last new mornI'm sure you'd rather have me die toration of peace and the Uuion. There recent rebel raid it was a noticeable hoping thus by retarding the natural Office on Huron street Also has on hand a stock Aof the Than not to bear my part. was now left entirely alone in the ng. most approve I sewing machines. 885tf may be a wisdom far beyond ours in thefeature that the Confederate money course of trial and temptation with You think that some should stay aX lio The poet tells of a green bough rent world; that he was then but a little premises ; if so, it soars quite above the with which they were provided was them, to preserve them innocent, and To care for those away; "^GEORGE F T S O H E K . )y the tempest from the tree, and swept boy, with nobody to look to; aud often popular apprehension. wholly different from that hitherto in render them virtuous through life. Yet But still I'm hopeless to decide •\JTE.VT >L\HKKT—Huron Street—Geueral dealer in and often he had not known where to udely along on the breast of an angry If I should go or stay. circulation among them. This is printed this course more often fails than suc1V1 Fresh and Salt Meats, Beef, Mutton, Pork, Hams, river, and a mother bird, with cries of get a piece of bread, or where he was But, even though the results actually on much finer paper, slightly tinged ceeds, because it is essentially artificial, Poultry, I*rd, Tallow, &c-, &C. For Marty, all the soldiers love, ;rief, fluttering beside it, for her nest to sleep at night. The little girl's blue attained fall deplorably short of what with piuk, and the engraving fully untrue, and unnatural. I t is a less evil H1UAM J . B E A K E 8 ~" And all are loved again; ,nd nestlings were there. Ah ! better to eyes began to moisten; the lolling might have been, wo hold that a great equals our "greenbacks." The backs unusually to pusb plants forward artifiTTORNEY and Counsellor at ljiw. ;icd Solicitor in And I am loved, and love, perhaps, >e»wafted away from earth than thus guests, most of whom knew Captain step has been gained toward peace by of these notes are blue, and so far as I cially.than to keep them back, and so it Office in City Hall BioeV, over Webster's ABOOK. Chincerj. No more than other men. Store. hat they should drift around the world Derby, gathered around; when what eliciting the President's manifesto. Lot can judge, counterfeiters will experience is with men. I cannot tell—I do not know-—• was t.beir surprise to see the poor, sym- us reconsider i t : n storm. Which way my duty lies, " I T Y , M. D . even greater difficulty in getting up Those thus retarded too often never Or where the Lord would have me build pathetic beggar child go close up to "EXKCUTIVE MANSION, mHYSlCIAN and Surgeon. Office at his residence, good imitations of them than of ours. ripen into men at all, but are always imMy fire of sacrifice. IX north side of Huron street. »nd second uouw west him, and ia a qniot, confidential way Nothing to Eat "WASHINGTON, July 18. They valued their money in Maryland mature, even where they do not reach .of Division street. take out of the little side-pocket of hur "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. at 50 per cent, in ''greenbacks," or 25 iuto the worst vices. An innocent man I feel—I know—-I am not mean; A man's family may consist of a soiled tattered frock all the money M. GUITERMAN & 0 0 . And though I seem to boast, per cent, in gold, and state that from is nothing but an overgrown baby. No wife and several daughters, for whom which and " Any proposition which embraces the HOLESALE and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers he had gathered during the day I'm sure that I would give my life the date of its first issue it has stoadily oue admires peach blossoms in Deceme provides by arduous daily labor, and of Ready-Made Clothing, Importers of Cloths, CasW restoration of peace, the integrity of the To those who need it most. and place it in his hand. This tribute Jimeres, Itoeskins, * c , No. 5, Phoenix Block, Main St. advanced in value. The old issuo has ber. To keep back a youth artificially et bis comforts, the very necessities ol Perhaps the Spirit will reveal to Mr. Derby's power of countenance wholo Union, and the abandonment of nearly all been withdrawn from circula- in ignorance that he may be innocent, iis existence will be dependent on theand That which is fair and right: slavery, and which comes by and with an ~~WM. WAGNER. and the exquisitely beau ion by the government. This new cur- will never prepare him to be strong in So, Marty, let us humbly kneel apacity of ono general servant, who tiful manner, EALER in Ready Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassiiaereg, evidence of the effect of it ia theauthority that can control tho armies rency is redeemable in coin after a cer- virtue and overcome the world. And pray to Heaven for light. and Vestings, Hate, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, kc* nust wait upon and attend to the or act the little girl struck every per- now at war against the United States, tain date, 1875, I think, and convertible f?h«mx Block, Main street. ers of her mistress and the " young la- son of Dr. Arnold,' one of tho best edueators present a kindred admiration, will be received and considered by tho nto bonds based "on cotton, either of ies," as well as cook the meals, iron it is needless with executive government of the United of youth the world has yet seen, has Peace in the clover-sceuted air, to add that the tender master's shirt nicely, and do the drudg- hearted and generous liitle donor of her States, and will be met by liberal terms the old or new issue, at a certain rate several admirable remarks on the subAud stars within the dome; f j o v i p i o n and Commission Merchants, and i l Dealers *p_\ Water Lime, I And Plantar, and Plaster of per centage. In other words, its And underneath in dim repose, ry. If sho turns out an ignoramus, of Paris, aoetfoor east of Cook's Hotel. day's earnings had not only her on other substantial and collateral points, value may be made accumulative by ject. While he complains that many a A plain, New England home. s is oiten tho case, when changes are hard and the bearer or bearers of it shall merry innocent boy is often ruined by small yet great benefaction restored, Within a widow in her weeds, nterest if converted iuto government life in a public school, Ho says that ~JTM. SCOTT, o frequent, there is a chorus of iamen- but, have safe conduct both ways. From whom all joy is flown, went away with great posessions, securities. Photograph Artist, in the rooms ation from the whole family. Tho educed from the sympathetic pockets where a lad has had principles of positive Who kneels among her sleeping babes, " ABRAHAM LINCOLN." AMBROTYpEand Over Campion's Clothing store, Phcenix Block. Perew girl cannot wash and irou, cannot of the by-stankers. And weeps and prays alone! virtue, instilled into him iu early life— • fact satisfaction given. J. G. HOLLAND. Hare the President insists upon but SPECIFIC FOII SMALL P O X — T h i s where the love of right, justice, honor, roil properly, cannot make hot biscuit, two cardinal points, intimating that ou Ireadful disease has prevailed iu theand integrity has been distinctly fosterr dress poultry, and the entire house0. B. PORTER. A DARING ACT.—Lieut. Commander all others he is ready ana willing to treat OURGEON DENTIST. OBiceCorner of Main and Huron A Model Merchant. old must therefore be put on short Massachusetts Almshouse, but has fi-ed, the trials of school life make a youth O itreets, over Bach & Pierson's Store. All calls Thornton, Executive Officer of the Koar- on " liberal terms." This overture of nally nd vile allowance, and submit to oth been subdued by a remedy lately stronger and more manly and vigorous promptly attended to Aprl859 A merchant of this city, during the r inconveniencies. until a substitute sarge, was Exocutive Officer of Farra- the President will, of course, be dissem- ntroduced, so that out of sixty cases iu all good ways. present war, made a contract with a meMACK & SCHMID." gut's flagship, the Hartford, when she itatcd at the South, aud will go far to rooted by it only one death ensued, < found better informed as to her duLKS in Foreign and Domestic Dry Good, Groce- chanic to supply him with a quantity of Lot parents only occupy the years passed the forts on the lower Mississippi. disabuse tho rebel soldien. of the delu- ind he was brought to tho institution es. Such a thing as dividing up the piS Hats a,nd -Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, tin cans. Not long after this, the price Tho Hartford Times tells the following sion, which has been sedulously inculca- n the last stages of the disonse. Tho from eight to sixteen iu seeking to push » Cw,uer,of Main & Liberty sts. vork of tho house and performing for of tin rose so much that the contractor home to their children's hearts princistory of him : " A short time before must lose money by completing the work lemselves some of tho nicer culinary the Alabama came out of the harbor of ted by their chiefs, that no terms can be emec'.v used was a tea mado from a ples of earnest, moral self-culture, and it & DODSLEY. made with the government—that they perations, so that tho regular maehin)lnnt known in Materia Medica as ANUFACTURERS of all kinds of Coooper Work, at the price agreed upon. However he ry of tho establishment shall not beCherbourg, this officer left his own craft, have no choice but that between persis Jarracenia Putpura, familiarly called will save them not only from criminal, City Cooper Shop. Custom work done ou bhort said nothing, but went on delivering the but all those evil courses that are the and, disguising himself in a French ,notice. Cor. Detroit and Xorth Streets, and cor. North cans. When the first bill for part of interrupted, seems never to enter the blouse, and the general apparel of a tent fighting and unconditional surrender. adiea' saddle or water cup, the medi- chief drawbacks from tho youths suri^pJ Fifth Streets Ann Aitor. Not one-tenth of those soldiers hag any heads of tho female members of the cinal virtuo of which lies in the root. the cans was received, the employer calfnmily. The "young ladies" exhibit French citizen, he succeeded in gaining interett iu slavery, save to get rid of it; ?hc effect of the remedy, which has rounding them. To do this there must O. A. KELLEY, led upon him aud said : be much more confidence and frankness admission on board the rebel vessel, and •pHOTOSF.Al'IIEK—Corner KouiUi Is, J i m on s t r e e t s , " I understand you are losing money their ill-dressed hair and unbrushed examined fully every part of her, taking while tens of thousands of them regard >een newly discovered and found between parents and children than there jt Ann Arbor. Crises frames »nd P h o t o g r a p h A l b u m s the rebellion tis inexcusable, and know nails at the late breakfast table, and emarkfibly efficient whenever triod, i w ^onstaptly op h a n d , and a t lower r a t e s t h a n c a n be on this job." usually is—a letting down of the wil' notice of her machinery, armament, &c. •found e l s e w h e r e . lj-801 " Yes," replied the contractor, " but complain loudly of the short comings Tho result was that Commander Wiu- that its authors richly deserve hanging O allay the fever and irritation caused that hides the hearts and knowledge of "But," the'y say, "we are standing' beof that unfortunate meal, but they >y tho formation of pustules, which are I can stand it; a contract is a contract ANDREW BELL. would be amazed if even "papa" were slow, of the Kearsarge, resolved that he tween our homos and devastation; be- •jpidly dried up, leaving but slight, if parents and children iruui each other.— 1'hiladdphia Ledger. :ould and would sink tho rebel vessel ^ K in Groceries, Provisions, Flour, Producer you know." a. ruthless, hostile soldiery and our ny traces of the malady. &c',_, & c , corner Main and Washington Streets, "How much will you lose?" asked to dare hint that they held the remedy whenever she came^out. We know the tween wives and children ; und here we ninst no Arbor. The highest market prices paid iorcounlry in their own hands. 1 the gentleman. luce. * 8£fi result." stand till we die." If the South really —The Kev. Henry Ward BeeFAME.—Much do men lovo fame " O no matter," was the reply : I This dependence upon "holp" is disknew the actual state of feeling at the iluch do they sc-ek after it. But is this cher says : "A girl is not allowed to J. 6. O. ¥. graceful to American women. There A LAROK PKAR TRRR.—In the church North, the rebellion would not stand ASHTENAW T.odge, No. 9, of the Independent Or- don't complaiu, and you ought not to." derof Odd Fellows meet at their Lodge Koom. " I insist on knowing." is no necessity for all doing what fa yard of the Evaugel cal Lutheran another mouth. The zanies in the loyal in object truly worthy of man ? No. bo a girl al'tor *ho is ten years old. If |Wy Friday Evening, at 7 % o'clock. " Well, since you desire it, I shall technically called " their own work," Jhurch in the Second Ward iu this city, stales wlin talk as though a broad empire lo who lives for fame alone is as likely you treat her ris though she were one, | . SoxDHEiM, N. <:. P. B. Rosn, Secy slie will ask you what you mean. If lose so much on a huudred," naming the but every mistress of a house should as we believe, the largest pear tree could be subjected to military execution, sup- o bo a demon as a man. He is a beg" M~C. STANLEY," understand how to practically operate in this vicinity, if not iu the State.— ply the venomous, deaperait traitors in gar, asking that which others may give she starts to run across tho street, sho amount. I*Ia.Ojfc>srai> A r t i s t . " Well, s:r," said the noble-hearted in every department, and be ablo and Six inches from the ground it measures Dixie with the vert/ aliment they need; and without the asking, if they- give at all. is brought back to tho nursery to listeu l e lives for the shadow, and not tho to a lecture on the propriety of woman^orner Main pnd Huron Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich, man ; " you must not lose this ; it would expect to instruct her daughters so 9 feet ai,d 6 inches in circumference, we deeplu regret that one of the resolves of reality. • Fame that is lived for is a hood. Now it seems to me that a girl that health and comfort may be quite not be right. I shall add the amount to two feet from the ground it measures 1 ) PHOTOGRAPHS, A&1BROTYPES, &c.. &c., the late Baltimore Convention neons calcu- bubble, hollow and thin, which bursts ought to be rio'hing but a girl until she .Hothe latest styles, and averj effort made to give sntis- your bill, and as the price of material independent of a servant's ignorance feet and 2 inches, four feet from the lated to give them a lift. Gen. Fremont ftlction. 956tf may still rise, I will advance you the or caprices. A man has a right to de-ground it separates into two branches did a wise, generous, manly act, in stamping in attempting to secure it. To live for isseventeen. Of course there are propmoney for the whole of the contract mand this as a return ior his labor in one of which is 7 feet and 4 inches and instead of standing on the wholesale confis- fame, is to miss it. To make this the eities belonging to her sex, which it is which no doubt you can use to advan- providing for their wants ; and it is a the other 5 feet in circumference; total cation plank of the Cleveland platform, object of life is to fail. Real fame is fitting for her to observe, but it seems n.OLESALE and retail dealer in, great proof of forbearance on the part 12 feet and 4 inches. The tree is at thereby aiding to smooth the path to peace, that which follows, not that which is Co me that aside from these she ought Shingles,Sash, Doors,IJJiqds, WfferLiffi.9,( tage." stTer Plaster, Plaster Paris, ajod BailR cf all s^i of men in general, that they submit to least 70 feet high and is supposed to be Mr. Lincoln, in the paper above given, run after ; that which comes, not that to have the utmost latitude. Sheought The difference thus paid, to which the iutl 4ad perfect assortment of the above, and all -.. which is sought. Ho who lives nobly to bo encouraged to do much out of k n Is of building materials constantly on hand at the contractor laid no claim, amounted to so much discomfort, the result of lazi- nearly if not quite 75 years old. There has gone much further on the same way. because he loves what is true and good, doors, to run and exercise in all those 1 >«ut poadible rates, on Detroit s t . , a few rodsfromthe ftiilrpad Depo.t. Also operating extensively in tjijo five hundred dollars. That was more ness, ignorance and false pride, on theare four others near it nearly as large — taking ground radically different from ways which are calculated to develop tr&teri' rit"Cement Roofing. th#n business honesty, it was Christian part of their wives and daughters.— They are on the old Francis Navarre unconditional submission. His indis- secures fame as tho free gift of tlioso the muscular frame. What is true of wlio know him. Honest speech, lirave Nothing to eat, could be as often and principle carried out in business. The i claim, which was entered by him in 1784. pensable bases of peaoe are just right— bove, in the matter of bodily health, is GRANGER & FINLEY, world needs just such examples to con- as truthfully placed over the compara- • All but one are in a vigorous condition are those on which it becomes him to in- deeds, heroic saciitiees, saintly lives, eminently of gitls. It is vitstiy more vince it of the truth of religion—Amer- tively rich man's dining-door as over and have heavy crops of pears every sist ; it does not follow that the rebels bring true fume. Nothing else can.— important so to woman. Man votes, and The Nation. the poor man's cellar, all for want, not ican Unionyeas'.— Monroe Commercial. should be precluded from proposing any writes, and does business, but woman : of raw material, but of cooks.— Jenny —-—-,<- v»T, 'A. other, nor that all negotiation should be Shot cast in cold sand moulds are is the teacher und the mother of the The whole number of National Banks June. Ex Mayor Opdyke, of New York, barred until they shall be prepared to world ; and anything that deteriorates has sued the proprietor of tho World concede as a preliminary, all that is es- coming into use for their cheapness and wom:m is a comprehensive plague on Collecting and Land Agents authorized is 681, with a capital of $78,destructive effect. 8?7,Q0O. The New York Express says large newspaper for $200,000 damages for sentially iu dispute. human hfj itself. Health among womPll — > H I '—' quantities of goods continue to be re- an alleged libol. The libel grows out en is a thing that every man who is ; OFFICE OVEE DONELLl'fi SIORI, HVV-^ STREET, Tho present population of Grand shipped back to Europe, the leading of the publication of cei'tain lotters It Beems to us that the time, if it has The New York merchants want to wi^e and considerate tor his raceshi'uKj adopt the gold standard for a)l mercannot already come, must be near at hand, Kapids is 9,847—an increase since 1860 houses having refused to buy them at B. F. GRANGER, ) Ann Arbor, Mich. signed "T. W., " and an editorial com. . . ' niqr.e earnertly sec'r aud pi ••mote." , the prices for which they are offered. <Jan. 28, 1864, 941tf|of 1,757. H. menting *>n the same.• • «n« •!»*< J wherein tne'Nbrth andthe Sou'th'will be tilp transactions, From the Atlantic for August. ^HSnt^g M D D M f ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT . . Butler in Clover. Tho World of the 28th remarks. "The Cinciunati Times mentions, fact, that a very important politieal ANN AKIH>U MICH. movetueul hs.s been going on for some timo past, to withdraw Freiumit from the FKIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 5,1864. canvass and replace him by Gen. Butler. The Times is of opinion lhat Butler OFFICIAL PAPE8 OF THE CITY. would prcve to be a far stronger candidate than Fremont with the radicals of i the republican party, and that his candiNational Democratic Convention. dature would seriously embarrass Mr. At a meeting ot^tho National Democratic Cor.ivnittet, Lincoln. This announcement of tho held in Now York thin dfty, it was votwd Cincinnati Times may account for the tint the next N'ationnl Democratic Convention, for the victory which Gen. Busier had achieved purpose of n-'minating cnn'lidMes for the Presidency Vice Presidency of the United .States, be hold at recently over tho administration and anil Chicago, Illinois, on MOJtDAT, AUGUST '-9ib, ]g!i4. Gens. Grant, Oiilmnro and " Baldy" By li vote <i( the Committee »t s meeting hrM Pep Smith. A short tiire since, it will be tember 7, 1£63, the number of delegates for t'Bcli State, remeuibeiud, Gen. Grant, finding that ivjti Afc«6 at double ilid number of itp electoral votes. AUGUST BELMO.VI\ Chairman. Butler was w.orso thau useless in the army, s^nt him to Fortress Monroo. The FKEPKKIC-K O. I'RJNCK, Secretary. S'.w Vork, Jan. 12, 18C4. subsequent disgrace of Gens. Smith mid Gillmore, and the reinstatement of ButDemocratic State Convention. ler at Bermuda Hundred, took everyA Democratic .^tate Convention will l e b e l d i n Pebody by surprise. But the reason for the change is probably given iu this an- iroi*,at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of Thursday, nouncement by this western republican the first day of September next, for the purpose of nominating a Slate ticket and Presidential electors, press Butler probably threatened to and forthe purpose ot transacting mob. other bu»irun as a presidential candidate in opposi- >esi ;i* may come bef.-re the C'JBVdtvfiou. tion to Lincoln if ho was not restored to a'-h county comprising one or more repreaenta ive his fornitr status in the iirmy. Hence districts will be entitled to three times a* many dele the sending adrift of two competent offi- at'.-;; a.i thyro are representatives iu the lower hous cers like " Baldv " Smith and Gilmoro, ){ tile ^tate Lpgislatu;e from such county ; and each and the placing of Builer in a position ounly which may not bo entitled to one representain the lower house of the Legislature will be eutifor which his education and his military tive eil to yne delegate in the Sti'te Convention career prove him to bo supremely unfit " By resolutions of former State Conventions, no dele- The New York Evening Post] BZST The Republic u papers arc The Assault on Petersburg, ] fulvauoed and curried tho second line, We started with the idea of sustain calls lustily upon the " goverunifcut " to i gloating over the following paragraph, Now York, Aug. 1. a short distance beyond tho fort, and ing the flag. Four fifths of I hose who "order Getieral MCCI-ELLAN into active ! which they claim appeared as an editTho morning papers have uothina !h e r e r e s t o d > holding their ground with voluntarily enlisted, enlisted with no ...!,„.. eD..I ' _t.. -i i- i tho utmost uetftrmin.'itinn. Tt wns at. other motive. We have seen what in. service, aud call upon that part of tho orial in the Atlanta Appeal, just prior further from Petersburg than our dis:ltchtB t h l S tlfn th uret dm under to the recent battle before that citv • P ° f yesterday, and but few ad° f °°! * " ° 1 ' ™ followed wherever when er people which has faith in his military to me recent Dattie oeioie tnat city . pJ ; I 1 . . . J , . , . y y^ ..,II :__ • _n command ot Brie. Gen. White, was thisbas T main A *<>* ;nnnrand ^ for f,,.. eVer :, Brig. Gen. White, was this nr principle *as ignored all ditional detaik The following is genius and ability to follow him into the "The greatest battle of (be war will I there iis of interest : pushed forward and ordered to charge baseless as they have proved impracti. field." It thiuks the danger imminent, probably be fought in the imrned.ate | T h e and carry the crest of the bill, which ' cable. .The way for restoration is oner, before aud that even the popularity of a gen- vicinity of Atlanta. Its results detorm- burg, July 30, 8»ys: As soon after would have decided the contest. The and we firmly believe that the mass ines that of tho pending Northern eral disgraced for partisan ends should Preiidential election. If we are victo- daybreak as was practicable for tho troops advanced in good order as far North and South are ready to ineeto* as the first line, where they received a ] common ground. be taken advantage of. It further says: rious the pence party will triumph; troops to move in co-operation, an imgalling fire which checked them, nod . ,, - « » ^ , » _ montse mine, reaching fur nwsiy under "We have not, ourselves bad a very high Lincoln's administration is a failure; the enemy's line of earthworks in front although quite a number kept on adThe New York Herald, referencet t , io o reference opinion of General MOOLELLAN'S capaci- and peoeoand Southern independence o f Buruside's corps tired. The vanciug, the greater portion seemed to the evident breaking up of the republi! was explosion w i u u si ty as a commander of troops in active are tho immediate results." for tho dis become utterly demoralized, part of ; can party and the overwhelming defeii g signal Tho same Republican journal should war ; but many who are just as capable charge of every piece of artillery we them taking reiugo in tho fort and tbo which awaits Lincoln at the comii balance running to the rear as fast as election, says: "When prominent men of judging as ourselves, man;/, too, who publish in juxtaposition the following have in position from the Appomattox possible. They were rallied and again i of the republican party arc heard heard to paragraph : to our extreme lei't. The effect was are more capal'e, think highly of him in pushed forward but without success, | openly express the hope that the rebel" magnificent ; ninety-tive pieces of ord- the greater part rf their officers being A correspondent of the Atlanta Apwill enter Washington and capture Old that reaped." The Post cries in vain.— were tired that t i d so simiitaneously i i j l h peal speaking of the coining presidenkilled or wounded. During this timo Abe, and this disaffection exte nding to m«d as if thef' might LINCOLN, and STANTON, and UALLKCK, tial election, says: " The accession of they seemed to be without any one to the rank a n d file of t h e party, it is time one including ZACK CIIAXDLKR and a few a conservative democrat liko McClelian manage them and finally they fell back for him to consider that his case is hope, | J.1 he firing Cercely opened i fanatical Senators and small beer poli- to the presidency, who would conduct1 j kept up with sscarcely to the rear without any one to manage less, unless h e changes his Cabinet and perceptible ticians,— the " government,"—will not lhe war upon more humane principles, i i i!f. When them and finally they iel! back to the does something for his country besides who would repeal tho emancipation,'' permit MCCLKU.AN to be called into ser- proclamation, sind probably make over- s'aekened to some exlent the result of rear out oi the range of the volleys of telling s m u t t y stories." canister and musketry that were plowvice, eveu to save Washington. Sooner tures to the South to return to tho Un- ; the explosion M tho mine was almost ing through their ranks. Their losses The Buffalo Courier says the "Motto would they accept or offer separation, ion, with a guarantee of all constitu- to aunihilate one regiment, and burying are very heavy, particularly in officers, for the Hour" should be "" Millions of three guns. Under cover of artillery, and leave slavery to take caro of itself. tional rights, would do infinitely more and pushing our advantage gained by as will be seen by the following fig- Men and Money for the Union—not a to paralyze the Sout^i aud build up a ures : Neither MCCLKLLAN nor MCCLKLLAN'S a cent and not a man for a fanatical reconstruction party in our midst—a the suddenness of our assault, the 9th Iu tho i!3v] United States colored 15 crusade upon slavery. War, if need be friends are wanted in the army—except most fatal calamity—than the com- corps advanced, taking posession of officers were killed and wounded, and for national integrity. Peace, when as privates. bined efforts of the present party io the works through lhe gap made by 400 men, including missing. In tbe national integrity can be secured." the explosion, and driving the enemy power." to their second line, which crowns the 28th United States colored, 11 officers £ 3 T Provost-Marshal FRY is never The first paragraph reflects views hill top eastward of tho town. Nine- and about 150 men. were killed, woundgate uill be intitled to a scat in the Convention who content unless ho is raising the d—1 duett not residein the county lie purports io represent, which the editor of the Appeal has ob- teen of the Twenty-second South Car- ed and missing. In the 27lh United Price of Negroes, except with reference to tho counties of the, Upper t'c- " somehow. H i s decisiOiiS are COIltrndioStates colored, six officers and about In almost every one of the recruiting ninsuia. tained from a close leading of the Re- olina buried by "the explosion, have 150 men were killed, wounded and On Saturday gOth, of Consumpti^ tory and irreconcilable. A into one been dug out ;ilive though badly bruisand substitute broker's offices, such con It is respectfully urpod upon tho democrats of the publican journals of tho North. He SARAH, daughter of the lat« Wll' ed and scratched, and some of them missing, Iu the 29th United States FLORA versvition as the fol'owing is of daily oc- evern-i counties to parfett their local organizations for puts a damper on the substitute business. FINLEY, believes their representations of the doublles mortally wounded. The at- colored, eight officers and about 275 9 days. Sr , aged 27 years, 6 months, J d the great Presidential contest thatis now before us. currence: After issuing an order permitting perDemocratic party, and hence indulges tnck they pronounce a surprise. The men killed wounded and missing. In Dated Detroit, July 9, 16o4. Gent—What is the priee of a likely sons liable to draft to procure their osthe 31st United States colored, seven I.EVI Blr-HOr, Chairman. a hope that it is an unconditional mine was 400 feet long, and constructyoung negro, to day? officers and about 200 men killed wounH. N. WAI.KEi:, W. A. RICHMOND, emptiou for one, two or three years, by ,0or8,i Broker-- From 8550 to $600, accor STEPHEN i;. CLARK, "peace party." His correspondent is ed with two galloiies diverging from i °. d d AIUM L. ROOF, ffjruiahicg alien substitutes, he has now J£ . '" ^ ding to the demand. V. A. BALCH, AUSTIN WALES, better informed, both as to the position the main passage, making three cham- | j5, 8 T R -ATST . announced, that if an alien substitute bere in which the train of powder, five officers and about 39 men killed wound-j Gent—Could you furnish ma with II. A. I.YBSUOK, H. 11. HARMON, of the Northern Democracy aud the inches wide a n d deep w a s laid. T h ed aud missing. '• TRAYED from the premises of the Hubscriber in fetMftS, WM. M. MIM.ER. The three or four sound negroes at any less O. M. Ypsiianti City, south of N'orm il School ou Tiiurs shall declare his intentions to become a The loss in the 2d division of tho day, July2Sth, 18B4. a MOD COW with whits luwj wishes of the Southern masses, and explosion I,. D XORRB, JOSEPH COL'LTEK, l i was very di disastrous The price ? citizen the principal will again become and white belly, seven or eight year* old, Had 9tu corps, Gen. Leslie commanding was aback, r>em'":ratic ^late Central Committee. grandeur of the artillery fire I therefore declare that the election of a have rope around her horns and bell on. A liberal liberal ri. Broker—No, sir ! There is a demand .. A ri. very severe, and is estimated from 1,000 liable to draft. If this decision is adwill be paid fur the return of sai.l Cow, or Jot for all we have in Massachusetts, whore " conservative Democrat " would be "a never soen surpassed. Tho enemy's to 1,200, winlo many make the figures waril information where she may befounil.* Democratic County Conventions. ay 1 hered to, men will hesitate to procure we seud those who can't pass examinamost fatal calamity" to the South. The artillery tire played bi't feebly. But larger. Among the missing I regret i'pnilanti, August J 1864. SYLVIA BABCOCK, A Pcinocr.itic ConvenU^u for ihe couuty of Wa^h. 2 very tow minutes elapsed before tho tion, and where wo get larger p'ices. alien substitutes, deeming it rather risky naw ; will be held at*the Court House, ic the city of to announce the name of Gen. Bartlett correspondent is evidently right. The rebel lines vvero entirely shut from our Gent—How soon could you till an or- Aun Arbor, on Thursday, August ?5 b , ^ 6 4 , at 11 o advance $G00 to §1000 Without any CHASE'S Ho succeeded in reaching the fort with der for twenty or thirty negroes to fill CIOCK, A. M., for the okctim oi delegates to the ccurity for being exempt any definite secessionists of the South and radicals view by banks of smoke, and our gun- his command, but having accidentally tho quota of our town at, say, $550 State ami Congressional Conventions. of the North operated in the same in- ners could only be guided in their work broken his cork log, he was unable to inie. The Pfovost-Marshal has also A fiecoad Convention will bo held on tVednPsdny, each ? terest iu I860, and operates in the by having obtained proper range before. get oft" the field. He, however, held The greatest Combination in America ! The principal stun of structed Boards of Enrollment not to Many shells from the front of the 18th Broker—W«i can't take orders ahead. September 7tb, 1864, al 11 o'clock, A. M., fur the same interest now—and that interest is corps must havo struck far into the posession of tbe ground and only sur- BRYANTS. WOODS, and BIRCH & nomination of candidate* for couu'y rflicirs, aud the The price is going up everv day. We ssue certificates of exemption—for subrisiiisUGii of siiclj olUejr b'iMae.-.x as may coaie beseparation. streets of Petersburg. From that di- rendered when ali hope of escape was COTTON'S expect auother car load to morrow, or fore ittitutes—for three years, but to accept World Renowned Minstrel Troupei, rection a heavy column of black smoke gone. Some two hundred men, black next day, and we will sell at the market The several eSiifta aud town.ships will bfi entitled to will appear at aud white were captured at the same ny substitute offered, enrolled or not, t5P" The State JVcirs has been hit in arose soon after the opening of thu LingKUrfer's H a l l , F r i d a y nitd Sniui&y tne following nurqljer of delegates to each convcu price. time. This division, in advance of the Kveiling*, A u g u s t >ili K»d 6th; nd directed the principal's came put a tender spot, and not daring to give fire, evidently from tho burning buildThis telk savors of tho slave mnrt: tions: rest of the line, held its position for in their grand MUSICAL OIJO, introducing for tki 4nn Arbor City .12 PRtsfieM ings. After the rebel lines we're rS )uck into the box whenever the iubsti- its readers the conversation with Mr. but it is repeated in Buffalo every day. appreciation o." the audience, '• T<.wa.... . . . 3 Salern pierced they made a hurried move to several hours but vva compelled to fall Tbe most popular sones of the day, Saiiaa 5 ... 3 White men bring, iu some instances, lnpiipta ute accepted shall become liable to euback, suffering severely. While doing BEAKES in which lhat gentleman enThe neweit »Q'! smartest haying* 5 their left, and suffered an enfilading from $50 to $!00 more than negroes.— ^riiiuewattjr........ . . . 4s 3 On the follies yi the times, ollment and draft. It would certainly dorsed CRAPO, blats about '-falsehoods." fire. Gen. Lcsler's division in Gen^ so, tiie loss iu the 1st and 3d divisions Favorite lost foments, Geras, fcc. Superior ... 4 3 One man pai'l §675 for a sound Cana- '>ppiiom was also severe. The latter have 900 ... S Sylvan 4 Lima eem that the Provost-Marshal docs not ON _3 CT? RESERVE!; SEATS 50(T8. corps led tho attack, the Give your readers the conversation Mr. dian, yesterday. The market is fluctua3 W c b s t e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;) in the hospital. The 18th corps occu&S- For particular* see bills of the day. 1 1 evv t vant the quotas filled without a draft. ... 2 Yot k ting, but the tendency is upward.— Buff. .vni'.on News, and let them judn-e for them\ 4 ' ^ York Heavy artillery having pied a part of the lino on the right but 5 T<iWr 3 Courier. N'orthtieM ... 1 '• ' City IC That certainly would be the ! ^ e advance. About 100 prisoners s 0 their loss was uot very greal. We Ve have seen it suggested that C. W. fl,M.t, A. C. BI.onOHT, most a>anly course, and would deterrr- headquarters. The cannonading is still took about 250 prisoners, mostly South Growing Weakness. WK. M. BROWN P. O. MURRAY, Carolinians, and five battlo flags. E. B POXP, The Louisville Jmrnal says: Mr. Liu- 1'ETF.RTUITT, Conference-" To-Whom-it-tnay-concern " rn'e whether of no it was "garbled." The First National Bank of Ann AiW, hot, aud the rebels hold their position Executive Cojii:aittee July CO'-b, 1831. All quiet this morning, Sunday. colu as a Presidential candidate, is very Designated Depository of tho United Stales, will rccsirt obstinately. Our infantry have jubt etter of the " government'' was only a subscriptions ful- the now weak, and is daily growing weaker. His Queen Victoria has granted Miss 'tub thrown to the whale:" that is, Eliza Cook tho celebrated English poet received orders lo advance. Democratic Congressional Convention* The Battles at Atlanta. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES, own partisans are beginning publicly to Tbo Ileiald's special says: The These Notes willbe issued in sums of $-';0f $19&, $587, hat it was written for tho radical-radi- and author, a pension of five hundred mine was to have been sprung at 3 Third District. Chattanooga, July 27. waver in their support of him. And $.000, and £50G0; beurdate Aug. 15, litil, witb simiThe Democracy of tiie Third Cocgre&sioim1. District cals who charge that " Old Abe " has dollars per year. The following dispatch was received annual coupons, and ar'1 payable three years Iran tliis beginning will be powerfully secondo'clock this morning, and Lieut. Geu. date, in lawial laooey, or are oo nvei tibleat the *ytkm yesterday: Tho battle of the 22d was ed by the ultimatum with which he has are feic$*ieato Bend Del.^ates to a Convention to oaltered with the slavery question, and the holder, at maturity into 6 per com. ifohibeuriag 1 meet at Bronson Hall, in Jackfou, oo Vridsiy, the -nrt Civil engineers report that the vol- Grant, accompanied by his staff, reach- very severe. The enemy attacked seven ofbori ^—redeemable after five and j>ayubje Wwtr just shut and barred the door of recon- day of September, 18C4, ?.i 13 u\-.lo>'u, '.'., In- M)> pur- !F.s tried Larder to save shivery than ho ume of water which passes over the ed Burnuide's headquarters afeout the times, and as often were repulsed. Our yeai'tffrom August, 15,1807. Interest will bto attain ciliation. His ultimatum beyond ques- pose of nominrtinga Cai:di(Satc for Rfpresetiativt- :r. on all subscr.ptioas mad* previous to August IS. Th« las to save the Union ; and that when Falls of Niagara is ninety millions of hour (reneral Meade and staff.ateo as- total loss was 3,500 and 10 guns.— Secretary of the Treasury in placiug this Loan befon tion will intensify the principal elements Coogresf. sembled at the name headquarters.— tiif people iu his recent cireulitr eavs. tons per hour. of disintegration in the Republican par- E&ih Cottaty will be entitled to tbe following repre- e has secured the support and the votes *'Tlie circuinstaDCf s ondor which this loan is ask«a The appointed hour for the esjplosiop Known loss of the enemy in killed, more and your aid invoked, though iiiflferin^'W'tfelJfroiB Gen. Hooker has been ordered to arrived, but for spine reasou it did not than 3,000, and we captured over 2,000 for, ty. Among these elements, for example, sentation: f these "Simon pures" he will be the existing state of allairs three years aijn, are such Wasbtennw County,... 1? I C.ilhoun Ooaqty, 9 prisoners; also 18 stands colors, over as afford eau4l pottooragementia.ndsecurity Tbusf&r report at Washington without delav.— is the recognition of the fact not only Jackson take place. Everything moveable in •eady to negotiate on any terms, even County,..'. . . . 8 | Ingham " C ha* heeu support*?*! and w rri»| on, as it*0Dly 5,000 stands arms. Tho total loss of the the warhave The impression gains ground that he that the war, in Mr. Lincoln's hands, is Faton 6. bei n, by a people resolved, at vluttnr on the basis of slavery secured t<9 the will have a most important command. the way of troops had been placed in euemy in killed, wounded and missing coulu T. P. BOUTON, ") coat, to transmit unimpaired, to posterity, the s_*»icm an abolition war, but the war, as an aboposition to move the first signal. The of ireejttVerriment bequeathed to them by the V«t C. S. UK:X;c>KY, I States We don't see it iu that light.— cannot fall short of 10,000 to 12,000.— lition war, must be either without end, men M-IIO framed it. entire 2d Corps was held in reserve, O. 51. BilRritB, [Con. Dist Com. Our troops have due several wells near In the battle of the 26th inst., his loss ••The «ecuritie.« offered are such a* Fhould command J . I). WOOLKY, J or must end ingloriously. Tho President has goce from bad to ;heir camp at Petei'sburg, some of them but up to the hour of writing this dia- was at least 6,000. Our army is right your ready cunticeoce AH yet we have asked DO forDated, J.uiy '^5, 804. eign aid Calm and -e If-reliant, our in emu have Him wovse, has forgotten the sacred pledges forty feet deep, and the supply of pure pat,ch they had not been called far proved adequate to our want* . Th? r are yet aa^le The Revival o. the Slave Trade. action. At 4 o'clock a cloud of dust on Atlanta aud in good condition. to meet those of Ihe present and the '"future. JWfil The New York Lvenimj Post, a of his inaugural, the principles laid cold water is now abundant. Some of remains tor a patriotic poople to furnish tne n^idful Washington, August 1. The Albany Argus siiys the compewas seen rising from the rebel entrench tbe wells have the old fashioned wellsupply. The brave men who are fixating our- HJVfe down in his earlier messages, and has leading Republican journal, aud one of Official dispatches received here from tition between Massachusetts and the liients. This was followed by a gene mu&t be fed and clo'iUed, n>uuitions of war of iili>i»d* sweep and bucket. other States for the purchase oi negro the calmest, most dignified, but firmest gnored any constitutional terms of set nil upheaving of the earthworks, cast- before Atlanta state that rebels assaulted must b furnished. '•The d* nominations of these notes. iai>gin$fro* The World asks why docs the Tribune ing them probably fifteen feet iiigiT.— Gen. Sherman's line vigorously last Wed- fifty contrabands for tho army is having the supporters of the government, calls upon tlement. The letter iu question may to five thousand dollars, place these ^ceuriti** withiu the reach of ail whojire disposed to aid th/ri? nesday but were repulsed disastrously.— pffeot of raising the price o! the article. tho " loyal Union leagues" to bestir may have beeu a bid for radical votes, keep abusing Gen. Halleck for military | the whole mass looked like a hu country. Fur their m l t nip* ion, tne fiuth, honor »a4 Gen. Sherman's killed and wounded num- pioperty of that country are solemcly p!«Jf»dj A Massachusetts has had the benefit of mismanagement when it means Mr. Linfountain of earth and dust and formed we trust that it will lose the " gov- coln all the time ? Why not call perisMit* to thi.-i contest, ):<»»• believed {o b*•early intelligence, a secret understand- themselves. It says: " They are said to a most imposing spectacle. Simultane- ber COO. He buried 660 rebels. Hood's NMMt-lvl nrar at hand, will largely enhance their value to tS4 ernment " ten for every one it will gain, sons as well as things by their real names ously with this explosion our batteries loss was 4,000. ing with the government, and the pi'jk "number many hundred thousand voters holder " This Bttnk also receives subscriptions to the •of the market ! These freedmeu, so "in their secret organizations; they have for we can not thvuk that real Uuion- 'just once?" Nashville, August 1. along the entire lino opened a most TEN-FORTY GOLD BEARING FIVE PB& called,'ive in camps and arc fee! upon, "a complete system of records ; they can [ovinfj, conservative tuen are much lonNo fighting since the 28th. All the murderous and destructive fire upon Nebraska salt, manufactured at the the rebel breastworks, and the infantry, army is in fine condition preparing for an CEFT. BONDS, government rations, cannot travel with er to bo befooled. If so they are big- Saline Springs, fifty miles west of Ne.turns of $50, $200, $1,000, and $5,0^0 out passports, nor iiiuT employment "dispatch to the field, if they try, at least with deafening cheers, rushed into the advance upon Atlanta, which will occur in Wf '• appeal with confidence to a ley*] and pa braska City, is being produced in large embankments of the enemj'. There shortly. Authentic reports confirm the pnople. sufficient to live upon. When they are ''a hundred thousand able bodied and er gudgeons than we take them for. and invoke the efforts of ail who love their quantities. It is a very fine article and country and quire lor it a'cloriou's fuiuie, to aid th'if Tuntfed for the army therefore they "patriotic soldiers. Let them meet in has been a constant bombardment, last- death of the rebel Gen. W. H. Walker. Government m^taining its crfdit and placiiig tbftl In another column wo copy will compare favorably with any salt in ing one Lour and twenty minutes. At I t is reported Gen. Wheeler is killed, oretiit uj'on *instuMe have no alternative, and no power of "their lodges forthwith, then, all over the foundation." the world. Many farmers have cured from the N. Y. Tribune, an article which C H A R L E S * H . 1UCI1BIOND. resistance, and they are brought in in but the report lacks confirmation. 340 six o'clock our troops had occupied the "country, and take this matter in handy Cashier. droves. The army when they are once plainly indicates that its Editor-in chief, meat with it for some years and all pro- fli'Ht line of entveii'ehriiehls. Our troops Confederate prisoners arrived h-ere this August 3d, :S61. in. fca« te«(o!d the labors, tho terrors, The Post is sound. Tho Union leaguers Mr. GUEELEY, scarcely relishes the ab- nounce it a number one article. afternoon, en route Nortli. are constantly arriving at the front.— Estate of William H. Gilland. and the dangers of the plantation.— are ihe very men who should ' to the Tho Milwaukee News observes: Lo, Several of our wounded tire also com TATE OF MICHIGAN", County of Watbienav, «.— rupt termination of the Niagara Peace S A.t a session oi'the Probate Court for the Countj of They do not corno in wittingly. They rescue." They swear by " O l d Abe," Chambersburg Burned. the poor and holy negro ! how rapid and ing in. They report the slaughter inWashtenaw. hoiden ai the l'robau* #ffice in tbe city of conference. It does uot so much dissent grand his advance to civilization J We flicted upon the enemy by the explohave to bo hunted throughout the . Ch&inbersburg, July 31. Ann Arbor, on 't'aesday, th*1 pecond d;iy of August in thousand eigiit li undr<-d and sixty-fourneighborhoods, and to be caught and laugh at all his "joaks," approve his from tho President's proposed basis of have stolen him from his master; we sion and Hceurate range of our shells Ou the morning of the oOth of July, theye*r oneThomas N'inde Judge of Probale. tied, and are brought in cofflfs, us on "plans," endorse all his proclamations, negotiations, as it regrets his proposing have stripped him; we have starved him; from guns and mortars as terrible in the rebels, under the command of Mc- prfltfMt; In the matter of the Estate oi WiUiain EL GillM deosued. Uavid Depue, a^niini traiur i-f saide^utt, Uhe <liri-ne?. ceast, to the recruiting de- and " throw' up their hats" at hia reany terms instead of leaving the assumed wo have welcome his little ones to hos- the extreme. So far victory is ours.— Causland, with a force of about 500 men, c m p ^ into Court and represent? that he is now pW' pots. Th-e Hinviriin'j'nufs of tho negro etjnt announcement that no propositions pitable graveg and now we propose to T i e air is thick with flying missiles.— entered Chambersburg and demanded pared to render his final account as such aiinriniitr*rebel commissioners to offer theirs. It to meet hi? liberalov w beginning to exWe are pushing the enemy steadily and $100,000 from the citizens, under a tor. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Friday, th* twenty* for peace will be entertained that Co not concludes another article on the subject buy him and kill him! cite tfao wonder find tm<?w of the philsurely and occupying his fortifications. threat of burning the town. This requi- sixih day of August instant, at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon, assigned foi examining and. allow leg such »cTho Commercial's special, Washingguarantee t'uo "abandonment of slavery.' anthropists who are just now willing to Tho World's special says that the sition was in writing, and signed by Gen. count,be thus: "We believe they might have and tJjjit the heir* at law of said deceased,>n<*»ll in said estdte, are required W libosite him not only from his 'Oppress- Cotnmittod fully to his policy, right or beeu brought to set forth their terms of ton, 6ays that it. is understood that an movement of the corps across the Jubal Early. I t is now estabiished by other persons interested earnest appeal will be made to the James river was ft feint, as they were indisputable proof that this demand was appear at a session of1 said Court, then to beholden** ors, but from life also. wrong, the}' should " shoulder arma,' Peace; aud that, whether these were iliel'rojjateOffice, in t i e City of Ann m President by leading republicans to County, a'nd show cause, if aDy thejr be, whf fcnd call out come.' instead of gn. Me: reasonable or otherwise, the National give Gen. McCieiian a command. I t brought back during the darkness of a pretext on the part of the marauders the said account should not be allowed. And it to cover up a purpose formed. They is further ordered, that said Administrator girt VACCINATION BY MONKJSI-S —A reoe«t who <lo not believe the President's policy i« urged that enlistments (o the Dumber Friday night to their old position to the persons interested in said cause would thereby have been sensibly reached the town to burn it to the ground, notice English work on natural history conSheridiin, with a larger force, is op-e of tho ptndenoy <>f said account and the would bo secured in constitutional, wise or just, but who do promoted. But we bow to superior of 100.000 thereof, by causing _ copy of this Order to withotit giving any time to remove pritains tiie io-ilowing. rating around the rebels' right wing, New York. published in tlie Mickigan Argus, a newspaper printed p g g pp p vate property, and scarcely time enough and The small-pox having spread ienr believe that it is diroctly calculated tr wisdom—nt least to the wisdom of supeaud important results are anticipated. circulating in said County of Wash ten air* successi\e for the citizens to remove their families. i ivee'ks pluvious to e ifl da v of hearing fuWy the mon^ey-s o<f 'South prolong the war, and in the end bring riors." This last clause is at lo.'ist a The Herald says: The administration Baltimore, Aug. 1. (A true copy) T11OSIAS NIXDK, They fired the houses-of our citizens in 968td Atnurves, Dr.. PinckfiTd, Secretary to separation, can consistently wait for the has been doing all within its power to Judge of ProbateA letter ftom Fortress Monroe, says perhaps fifty places Over 250 houses in doubtful compliment to the President tho B{ooi[i6ljury Street Vucoitiation draft; but the " loyal Union leaguers,' kill off McCieiian for the last two years; Estate of Caroline Lamour. lhat later advices from the front show one part of the town were consumed, inan \ his advisers at Washington. Society, was struck by the idea of ar but with all its efforts he has been gradihut we were utiuble to hold all Iho cluding all the pufclie buildings, stores TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteniw, *«•sworn to support tho cmaiieipatiot resting its farther progrerif. Vnc«ia:iually winning the confidence of the peoS At a session of the Probate Court for tho Coant7 £"ji£*' [n an official letter of Gov. ple. As it was with Geu. Taylor, they ground gained in the assault on Satur- and hoteis, -consprising about two-thirds of Washtenaw, holdep at tbe Probate Office in $* tioi) was, of course, the means of stay- schemes of tho President, should rejoic day, it being mostly commanded by on of a town containing 6,000 inhabitants. city of Ann Arbor on Tuesday, the second day of^iing the plague, and his scheme for its at a chance to volunteer, and should be PAKRUR, of N. J., dated July 22, we find are rullyicg around him on account oi gust in the year o«e thwusKtid eight hundred and illtf inner Hue, and that the works taken by introduction was singularly ingenious. ashamed to wait for the draft. W' the following paragraph, which we eom- the abuse heaped upon him by the party Thus a large body of citizens are re- Vnamnt, ThomaH Kinde, Judge of©. our forces were recaptured by the eneHe bound two or three boys hand and duced from comparative wealth to abso- It the matter of the Kstate of Caroline Lamour,*1 tnend to the attention of those of our in power. my. We took 5oO prisoners iu the asasyd. l>avid Depue, Adtnwiistrator of said eatiWi foot, im<J then vaccinated them in the second the motion of the Post. lute poverty. Many families have lost Cf comes iuto Court and represents iliat he is nowp* sault. The loss on both sides is prob"We have been luvolyed," says Mr. readers who think quotas without num—Provost-Marshai-General FKY seem pared to render his finalaeoou^ias such adrainisttfW* presenee «f an old monkey, who was all their bedding and clothing, except ably from -1,000 to 5,000. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Friday, the twenty observed to i>e closely attentive to IJis to have a faculty for issuing all sorts o ber can be easily filled by sending agente Weed, ''for nearly four years io an abosuch as they had on their persons. The sixth day of August, insiant, at ten o'clock in "* lition war," which "promises nothing but HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, ) proceedings. Uo then left a young orders—law or no law—and wo wouK to " Dixie : " loss will be largely over one million dol- furen"on, be assigned for examining; and allowing s^W account, and that the heirs at law of said dece»6'*« Jn y 30th, 0 T. M. 5 an interminable conflict or an inglorious inoukey, with KO«K; of tho matter ou lars. Without aid from abroad there and all otl. er persons interested in said estate, are rj* " I think it will be f.iund that but few termination." suggest to the Post that it procure on And Mr. Lincoln two After tbe explosion at an early hour on of said Court, at a the table, aud beside it a lancet, guarwill be great suffering in our community. quired to,t appear recruils can be obta'ned in tho rebe the Probate i the h City Cit off A Ann ArW< b th T b t Oflice. in dud, that it might Bf>t cut too deep, by from him conscripting the " loyal lea States. The New York Time* of this days later announces that the war shall this morning everything betokened a i« said County, and shnw cause, if any tbfre be, i™J continue to be an abolition war if he is th-e said account should not be allowed: And it if i ^ bnlliurit victory, but soon aiUsd' matters a pycjfletittg piece of steti). The Doc "uors " en musse, in advance of lhe draft morning alleges that men can not now Nearly one thousand Union pris- ther ordered, that said Administrator give notice W tor witaeeaod the result a neigh- crediting them to their several localitie be had there, and gives this as the opin- re-elected. Will this announcement be assumed a different aspect, part of the oners from the Red River counrty arri- the persons interested in said estate, ot" ihe pendeutf of said account,ai.ri the hearing tborof, by C4U«B| * apt to intensify Mr. Weed's desire that attacking force having given away, boring room.; the eld monkey threw on account of the quotas receutly appor ion of Generals GRANT and SHEHMAN.' of this Order to be published in tbe ***j[Ji ved at New Orleans on the 25tb, ult., copy Mr. Lincoln shall be re-elected ? Argu?, a nowspaper printed and circulating ' n . thus exposing the balance to an enfiltho young one down, bound hiuo withthe majority of them belonging to Iowa County of Washtenaw, three successive weeks previo" tioned under the "500,000 msro" call. This coincides with our views, and we ading fire from artilJery and infantry.— out delay, and vaccinated him nviti) all The month of July, 1804, will be and Indiana, tne 26ih Indiana and 19th io said day of hearing(A true copy.) THQMAR NIN'DE, think volunteers to fill o>ttr quo'.a must memorable for disastrous fires in this The programme WHS as follows: The Iowa being largely represented. The the skill of a professor. OtJSJtd Judge of Probit*. The Publishers of the N. ¥ be looked for in oik-er directions,. II country. Many of them have orgina- mine was to be exploded a4 3 A. M.— True Delta says that they present a most A PACIFICATOR.—James P. Hol-jombe, World has issued a prospectus for "Th there are any in our own snidst who can tod from tho drought, t.nd vast quanti- The batteries to open at once along the pitable appearance, beiug hatless and Sale. ef Virgimx, one of the Confederate 'Campaign World'," the first number t ties «1' valuublo wood land have been entire line immediately after the explo- shoeless, many of them were without TATE OF >UCJTISANVlp Circuit Court for the Co?"' be induced to list they should bo dealt sion, and th» 9th corps to make tko ty QT Washtenaw, In Chancery. Eliza J'erku1'' peace negotiators, waB for a while a stu- be issued the first week of September burnt over. Aside from this, it is estisufficient clothing to cover their naked- Complainant., us. Sebra Pevkins( l)efpndant. In Px*( dent of Yal/j College, in the class which containing the proceedings of th-e Chi with liberally, and for the balance aliens mated that upwards of §5,000,000 charge, supported by the 18th, Ayre's ness. They are animated skeletons, suanceand by virtue of ft deciee of the Cirouit Cow th* bounty of Washteuaw, in Chancery, n 1 "* 0 ? graduated in 1840. He was a young man instead of residents of the refeel States worth of property hns been destroyed Division of tlie 5th G«rps, and the 3d whoso feet left blood marks in their for the eeoor.d day < f December, A. DM eigltteen bunjire cago Convention. Iho World in n Division oi the 2d Corps. Tho greatand fifty-nine, in a certain .cause therein p«d»l> •of very markod abilities-. lie hus resiby fire in different eeeiions of the Unimust be relied upon. er part of the arrangement was carried tracks. Many of them have been from wherein Eliza Perkius is complainant, a.nd Sebr» ^*j ded several years io Cincinnati, aud is able advocate of tho democratic caus ted States. kins Js defendant. Notice is heieby given, tbata »»r twelve to sixteen months in prison. out as ordered, though the commenceBell at puDlicauc;ion to tbe highest biddfr, at t w e l . .known as tho author or editor of several and its campaign edition "will be a faith £3£" Tho population of tlie -eity of o'clock, nooo, on Saturday, the seventeenth w £ 3 ^ - The St. Louis Repul-iican eon-ment was later than the hour designated law treatises. Ho i.-f at present Prof'es- •fal correct, swnl vigorous exponent of Jackson, as eliowu by the recent *cn«us, Septfmber, r,ext, at the front door of -the Court H on account of the fuse going out twice. unty of W.ishtena*. *J of the Circuit Court for the Count siders it settled that Gen. McCieiian £3g All admit that the turning SDC at Law in the University of Virgin1 the city of Ann A/bor,, County of Washtcna* Cy " »_^t ia, aud was a member of the last llieh- the wntitnents of tfoe great opposition is 5,604. Tl>e population of the eouuty will be the Chicago nominee, and wants The explosion took place at precisely point of the campaign is opposition to Statecyof Michigan, Tl.enest half oi tbe south-*;1" g , 40 minutes past four. The roar of west half "' . John S. Phelps, of Missouri, for Vice ti fififteen, and tbe the present corrupt and imbecile admin- quarter of section party of the «owntry." Its wide circu- of Jackson is 26,664, being, very siugu H He ge ntleman of g g north-cast quarter of section twenty two, in To«»»l> artillery that immediately followed was President. We see also that fourteen istration. Who, then, is more appronship™ p™ • south of nin^e seven cn't, in the To a.'\d sincere character, cannot be lation will be productive of good,— Jarly, exactly what it was in 1 SCO. The delegates to tbe Chicago Convention almost deafening. At 5:30 the fort, priate to be the candi-late of the oppo- one lem, in the Count j of W 4 sljtenaw, and State of « •city has gained iu the fonr years 805, C. H. VANCI.EVE, calif d a .politician, and has undoubtedly Ten copies to one address, $3 ; twenty bave already arrived from Louisiana, with part of the line on each side, was sition element than tho man whom the law Court CoinaiisBio»cr in and for the Coun-J entered into -tiio JN'iigara ueg0tiaU&U8 copies, $5. Address, TIIK Woaic, 85 the balance of tine county decreased who are ail for the uomiuutiou of Mc- carried in a most brilliant style. Tbe administration has labored harder to rnin Circuit Washtcnaji. 1 with no l)onet<t purpose of aocosripliehing O.HIWHTNB, Solicitor for Complernanl. ..,11 i 2<1 iliviBion, which wan in tbe contri , thin it his to crush out the rebellion ? Cldlsn. the same Dumber. B Park Row. Now York. the AnnArboi .Ta!; ' . j i i t ' u b ' h . A V. I ' M h bj b t ^ to t hur h re iIU now. i S NEW YORK MINSTRELS, The New Seven-Thirty Loan, S DYSPEPSIA, Glad News for the Unfortunate I Wo had hoped to be able to give our readers this week some statistics from the recent census, but are unable to do so.— Several of the Supervisors—Freedom, Lodi, A.3ST3ST A B B O R , and Webster—have not yet made their reOne door North of Risdon and neiuierson'*, Hardware j turns, and some of the rolls returned are not Store. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 5, 1864. footed, and require more time to get from Passeugertrains now leave TJetroit.Chicago,a&d the 9ever»lstationsinthisCounty.asfollowB : he undersigned having purchased the entire stock them the information we wish than we have of W. D. Smith & Co., and added largely to the Baruo, GOING WEST. ~ ~ s 7 M . Pettengill &. C o . , is prepared to furnish his friends and patrons a gooii been able to spare. As soon as the rolls are Leave Ray E x . Dext. Ac. Eve. Ex. Night Kz 8.00 A . M . 3.45 P.M. 5.00 p. M 8.45 P.M aasortmentof well made furniture, consisting of do.37 P a r k R o w , New l u r k , & 0 S t a i r St all in we will endeavor to at least give our Detroit. 10.00 Ypsilantl, 9.20 " 5.05 " 6.27 Boiton, are our Aleuts tor tUe ARGOS In those cities 10 £0 \/i are authorized to take Advertisements and Sub- readers the population of the several Towns. Ann Arbor, 9.40 " 5.S0 " S.W FURNITURE ROOMS MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD, O l AND i DISEASES RESULTING FROM LONG SOUQHT FOB DISORDERS OF THK LIVES DISCOVERED AT AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ARE CORKD BY EOOFLAND'S T rjptiunsfor us at our Lowest Rales. Closing of the Mails. j^ils leaving Ann Arbor for the East aud West close "^* Yesterday, y the President's Fast Dexter, 10.05 p. x. 6.CO " Clieleea, 11.20 " " Ar. Chicago 8 15 Day, was pretty generally observed in our L e a v e city. All of the stores were closed and every Chicago, Chelsea. thing seemed as quiet as Sunday. Dexter,' GERMAN BITTERS, £0FAS, BUREAUS, 7.15 " •• 7 35 '• — - " 5.304. M. 8.45 A. at. THE GREAT STRENGTHENING CURE BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASES! GOING EAST, Dex.Ac. \ight Ex. Day Ex. C.CO P.M. 10.00 P. x B.30 A . M. u 'f jllowl TABLES and CHAIRS, GOING WKST.7:3O A. M. • A.M. 7.46 A. M. 4.06 P.M. AST, 4.30 ! 5 45 " 8.0 " 4.20 '• Joan I. THOMPSON, P. II. Ann Arbor, 4.811 A. 51 0.10 " 8.SS " 4.45 •' of all kinds, and in fact oi every thing pertaining to the £ S £ r " Heart's Content " is the place YpsllHUti, 4.45 " 6.S5 " 8 45 " 6.05 " business. S.O0 " 10 00 " 6.S0 ' • where the Atlantic cable will be landed. Ar. Detroit, 6.10 FOTl S A L E 1 The Day Exin-css each way is the Mail Train. Mr. Field proposes to build a laud line Trains do uot stop atutatiou.4 wlu-rc-tigiuesareomit. L O U N G E S . MATRASSES, IIKI NDERSIONF.I) having " written for fame and printed for glory " until his aspirations for both of to Placeutia, one hundredmilesin length, teclintho table. Trains connect at Detroit \ii\h tho Great Western an'1. &c, &c.,made to order by good and experienced workthose articles are fully Rratitifl, ofiers the 6>TOS, and over a good road the entire distance. Orand Trunk Railways of Canada, and the Detroitand men, and warranied to give satisfaction* Hi) also j o o J l iSD JOB PKINTISU E»T,IUURI!MK.\T of the A cable will connect Placentia Bay with Toledo, an<l Detroit aud Milwaukee- Railroads, and keeps a good aagortment of Cfa'wrj und \Vnlnut Lumber Cleveland Steamers sale at reasonable prices. Ami will also pay the Cape Breton. Capt. Oilebar of H. M. At tht t'ouipany'* Ticket OiTices at Dt»trqit,CUic^go, for r highest market price for Cherry. Walnut, and While or nate. Terras ma W known on • pplication. .'oliet and Lafayette,through tickets can be purchased Wood Lumber. steamer Margaretta Stevenson, will meet IB. B . P O M > . toall the principal cities and towns in the United states P. S. He has also purchased thi* new an-3 Mr. Field at Placeutia, to make souud- and Ciinaclas. Aon Arbor, June C3\, 1801. LUXURIOUS SLEEVING CARS upon all night trains. inga. Rattan's celebrated Ventilating Apparatus upou nil ELEGANT UEARSK! £ ^ £ T h e residents of the 8d, 4th, day trains—tho best dustpreventativetn use. E N*. RICK.General Superintendent. D^JE" An order has just boon issued bf ^rnith & Co., and is prepared to furnish all kinds of ,nd 5th Wards of this city, liable to draft, : Eve. Ex. D S m»ko a ward bounty of §200. The city, in brethren and friends. addition, will probably vote §100 per man. MACON PRISONERS.—The Hartford —The 1st and 2d Wards have adopted subitantially the same course. These Wards Courant publishes letters from an officer, DOW prisoner to the rebels in_ Macon, tits 398 enrolled men. . B ACH ha* a new and complete Dr W. B, MERWIN & CO., \o.B9 Liberty struct, Sew T o r i . bought before the recent EDITOR OF AKOCS: HAVE AiND DO GIVEBETTER SATISFACTION CHEROKKE KEMEDY. t::c Rroiu laalanDinrrtic curee all (U8 asets of tbc crii try ortiaDB.snch a» Incontinence of theTTrlr.e, Inflnmrmnlou of tlic Bladder, Inflammation of tbe Kldneyp. stone In tiie Bladder, Stricture. Oravm. Gonorrhea, Gleet, and 13 eijpedally rccor mei\Cf\ iu thos* case^ of Fltor Albus. for Wblic InfciumlcB.)wbere all ttio oid Dat»?O£d nicjlclm s Kive failed. C3T* it is prepare- In a Mittily concentrated forrr, the d»se only bcl'g from one to Uaspoonfols liuoe times per iny. Zlf- It Is <U:r-Lie and a;; rstlvc In Its action : pml. l>'liig-and c^autim; He b'ood, causing it toflowIn 6li of IIS ordinal purity uad Vlcor; thue removing ft-oir. the xyit-juj a i uwale^Lf cans •« which ii»Tc inlinked (UflFiufe C U E U U K E E I N J E C T I O N 1* lnt Lde 1 as aa Mly cr atsUtMirf to t. p f'heroKce Kouiet!>» i.nU should be a.-ed In c i:\jnnctlon wli'a tbftt medicmolo sill cases r 1 Gleet. Gon-r: liea, Fluor Albua or Whites ICH tTtcts Kro hPa'lhg, aoothu.-g an.1 demulcent; re* moving ail ataUKu^, neat ituu p n : , lofitoad of the burniDK ftud almi-Ht uncui!ur*bie pain tti^<toexperienced with nearly all thy i.l-«fil> QA801E Injcctorg. t a r By thcuau of the CHEKOKKE KtMEOY and Ci7?'R0KEE IN JK•;! 10N-:he two ttcaiclnts at the name Uu;<>-^!1 Improper dkit-lwrpea aro removed, iind tbo Y> ?3rvO'ied organs art «ppeU)ly restored lo full vigor ui;d 3tK'nKtb. iarPi-lce. Citei'dk^u ttflinedy, f. per bottle, or three bottles for $">. W Price, Cherokee Injection, tl per boitle, or three bottles for $5. tg^Bent by lixprws lu aay uddf*i3 on receipt of price. py- For fall lijriicaUra gel our paicpnletftomany drux storo iu ihe cc nutty, or write us and we will mall rree to aiiy ftddieija. a full treatise. All sueli orders mast be sent HI C. A. COOK, Chlcago, our General Agent for the West. Sold by Wholesile Prng^istH, and by rill Ilruueists cvurywbvre. C. A. COOK, CmoiOo. General Apeut for t i e States of Illinois lows, Wl«consln, MUjlmjun and In dltLB. field & meeting ou Friday evening last, to take from the Adjutant General's office, staO YOU >VI«iH TO RG CUBED! Wood Coffins, Mefalic Cases, measures to fill the quota of the district.— ting that, on and after this date, volun- ^J DK. BUCHAN'S A subscription paper was prepared, guaran- teers fcerving ia three year organizations, ENCI.I3H SPECIFIC P1I.LS cure, in less thin 30 days, the worst case* of NEKVGUPNES8, Impotency, PremaAND CASKETS, teeing if .sufficient funds are raised, a bounty who may have nt the date of re-enlist ture Decay, Seminal Weakness. Tnsnnity, and all Uni nary, Sexual and Nervous Affections, no mutter from rnent less than sixty days to serve, may of $100 to every volunteer credited to the Ou the shortest notice. Also attends to lay lag out what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box — dfcoa»(d persons day and night, without charge. All district; a payment of $100 to each resident re-enlist in the regiments and companies Sent, post paid, by reail. on receipt of an order. One furniture delivered In tlie cit-y free of charge. Box will perfect the cure iu m<>f*t cases. Address who shall put in a substitute; and also, if the to which they belong, to serve one, two, JAMKS S. BUTLER, or three years. They will be entitled to 3in906 General Agont,4!" Broadway, New York. quota is not filled, a payment of one hundred W. U. BENHAM. dollars to each contributor to the fund who all bounties of the act of July 4th. A Card to the Suffering. Ann Arbor, January 18th, 1803. 940tf shall be drafted. If the fund raised is in exWALLOW two or three hogsheads of " Duchu," cess oi $100 per man, the payments to be JC2£* The new President, to be uoru- . "Tonic Hitters," " Sarsaparilla," '-Neivous iuatod at Chicago, and elected in No- Antidotes," &c,tec.,& c , and after you are satisfied increased pro rata, Each enrolled man is exvember, must be a man ready and wil- with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR 2 d and we BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS—and be repetted to contribute $25 to the fund, i stored to health and vigor in less than thirty daya.— believe the Committee appointed to circulate j ^ £ , e _ a m a n w ' L o s h a l l r e p r e s e n t truly They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt an<i salutary in their effects on the broken-down and the subscription are meeting with v< ry good j , , i e d i g n i t y a n ( J p o w e r ( ) ft h e n a t ; 0 D _ a n d shattered constitution. Old and young can take them advantage. Imported and sold in the Unltec success though not as good as they should. There !w h o w h e r j t h e f u llne8S of time has come. with States only by JAMES S. BUTLER, some hold backi in the Wards. There are will be not unwilling even to tender an No. 427 Broadw .}*, New York. |3p= Agent for the L'uited States 374 enrolled men; the deflcicincy of the dis- armistice, suggesting a national convenP.S.—A Box of the Pills, securely packed, will bo trict is now understood to be 32; and at §2otion of all the States, to bring the sec-mailed to any address on receipt of price, wnich is OXE DOLIAR, post paid—raonev refunded by the per mau enough money ought to be raised to tions again together, fcico to fuce, as Agent it" entire satisfaction is not given. 3m9G6 These Bitters have perfnrmeil more Cures CHF.RO&EE INJECTION, Compounded from Routs, Uark- uti T ling to meet any and every overture for DKAR Pin :-With your pe. mission I wish to sa? to the readers of your paper that I 'vill send, by return mail, toall who wiah it (free), a Receipe, with full di rectioDS for making and using a simp'e Vegetable Balui, that will effectually remove. In ten days. Pimples, Blotches.Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Georgia. He says : Skin, leaving tho same soft, clear, smooth and beauti; "Every State in the Lniou is repreful. Chase's New York Minstrels" F will also mitil dee to those hnving Buld Heads, or new candidates for the favor of our citizens, sented here, and a jolly crowd it is.—- Bare Faces, simple rlirections and information that Wlitoh will be Sold Our camp consists of four acres, enclosed will enable tliem t<> atari a full growth of Luxuriant us advertised to appear at Hangsterfer's Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty by a board stockade twenty feet Jiigb..— daya. Hall, on this and to-morrow evenings. The The location is healthy, and well supAll applications answeied by return mail without Cleveland Herald says of this troupe : plied by water, occupied by nearly one charge.Ue5j»ectfully yours, This splendid troupe appeared last night thousand of us, as comfortable as can be TH0MA3 F. CH\P.\fAN',th mist, for the first uime before a Cleveland audience. 3mr66 831 Broadway, New York. All the officers who were Braioinl'o Hall was crowded, and we are con- for prisoners. AT THE ftfentthat we but speak the senuments of all in prison at Richmond are here also.— CHEROKEE FEMALE Pir*I,$. present when we .say it is one of ihe best or- Our occupatioo consists in cooking our TME MOST USEFUL MEDICIXE YET DISCOVERED.. —If one ganizations of the i i u d that ever appeared corn meal and bacon, policing camp, and, enumerate the ills attendant upou irregularity oi the here, and some respects far superior to most, if uot all, traveling bands of Miustrels. One since the arrival of the Richmond pris- period in ftiuales, adtcE exrmines the far-reaching evil of these ills to all connected with one who may bu noticeable feature is their freedom from the oners, looking for vermin. subjected to them, it is impossible to controvert the superfluous and exaggerated shirt collar fact tliat the Cherok ee Pill is most useful and benstyle tliat prevails to so large an extent 1 The New York Herald asks some | eficent medicine ever offered to tlw public. Sure to jiaong the profession, as though it was impossible to act, lalk or look 'funny" without pertinent questions which Lincoln's sup- regulate with Ihe exactness of mathematical calcula*ii extenuated checkered shirt collar, pro- porters cannot satisfactorily answer for tion. Safe to all, and infallible in the removal ot obtruding itself several inches above the head themselves. In his ultimatum, addres- struction and suppression, these Pills should be in the of every maiden, wife and mother in the «f the performer. sed " to whom it may concern," Mr. possession Ann Arbor, April, 1864. Ihe "funny business" in tliis band is really Lineolu lays down the abolition of sla country. Dwn't be pulrutu off with any t»ther, but try the Cherokee Pills and you will be convinced of their funny, and although their jokes aud savings Im966 nlay not always l e perfectly original, they very as one of the terms of peace.— efficacy. Sold by all druggists. ire told iu a terse, fresh style, that is perfect- Whero did he get his authority for this? LOOK «S" PROF. R. J . LYON'S* Patients apd all others ly satisfactory to the audience. Their instru- What section of the Constitution auintcrrested will please take notice that he will contin mental and vocal music is of a high order, thorizes it ? When was the war for the A large lot of ue his visits at the Monitor House. Ann Arbor, during iad elicited well merited applause. Union transformed inio a crusade 1804 and "65 and at the expiration of which he will disagainst slavery ? By what right does continue his visits and open an Infirmary at Cleveland, The little frame building opMr. Lincoln presume to say that the Ohio, for the treatment of Lung and Chest diseases. posite Hooper? brewery was consumed by AND emancipation of negroes is as much the fir* on the night of the 3d inst. I t was ocMathews* Chocolate WormDrcpa ? object of this war as the restoration of cupied by Mr. Beuham aforl used as a match N'EVEU fail to destroy and exterminate all kinds of the Union ? What party sustains him factory. We believe there was no insurance, in this view of the case ? If the South Intestinal Worms. Are perfectly reliable in all cases the firemen were promptly on hand but the wish to come back into the Union with and far superior to any and all of the Fanoy Worm onfeotiona, nd naueeoua Vermifuges in use. They always on band at forties had made such progress that they slavery, what party will dare oppose may be taken at all times with perfect aafety ,as they T could render no assistance. their return? The Northern people contain NO MERCURY", or other deleterious Drug.— care nothing about slavery. What they Mothers should always purchase tViem and give their e have received the August want is the Union. Who will refuse to children no other. nttiriber of the American Monthly Knickerbock- let us have that when the rebels offer to {No Cathartic whatever, is necessary to be given) CLOTHING STORE. Each box contains 24 Drops or Lozenges. Price 2a er, a well-printed magazine of 96 pages, "de- lay down their arms ? cts. For Sale by all Drugtf.sU and Dealers i.i Meditoted to Literature, Art, Science, and PoliGive us a CAII nnj wo can and will sell you ehsape cine.'. and letter goods than any other house in this city. tics." It is edited by J . HOLMES AOXEW, C. R. WALKER. General Agent, 059tf The New York Herald thus shows the ly»22 formerly a Professor in the Michigan UniverBuffalo, N . Y and Fort Erip.C. W. wonderful similarity between Jackson sity. Its literature is of a high standard, j&S~ As iwTKBismsG LKTTKR.—Messrs Post & Bniff, .ana its politics a decided improvement on ihe and Lincoln : " There is one similarity Agents N. Y, Sanitary Society, Rochester.—Rents . I radical periodicals which have so long mo- between Jackson and Lincoln—one was deem it due to you state the magical effect of that one bottle of People's Cure which I obtained from you in nopolized the field. In fact, it is confessedly and the other is, long and lank. Here November last. Seeing the advertisement ol your So. the similarity ends. Jackson had great and outspoken Democratic, and as such we ciety offering to give your mejicine to clergymen for Mr. Mat hews first prepared the VENETIAN HAIR DYE ; since that time it has been used bv thousands, •comrfiend it to those of our readers who force of character, Lincoln has none.— the poor of their parishes, I ootained a bottle fora poor and in no instance has it failed to give eutire satisfacJackson was a lean and a great man.— girl of my congregation, who long been nearly help tion. wtftH be glad of the monthly visit of a magThe VENETIAN DYE is the cheapest in the world .— Lincoln is a lean and a small one. Jackless from Rheumatism,and strange to say, that one •dhe <*f a healthy political tone. The Editor price is only Fifty Cents, aua each boitlo contains son, it is true, had his jokes; but they bottle cured her entirely. I write this hoping it mayIts double tht; quantity ol dye in those usually sold for tnd his enterprise ire endorsed by a large were practical ones, and told for the good aid the Society in its efforts to introduce the medicine, M. number of the prominent Democrats of the TherVEXETIAtf DYE is warranted not to injure the of the cbuntry. Lincoln's jokes are vul- and bless those who may need such a remtdy ; and I hnir or the scalp in the slightest degree. use strong terms, as I believe its merits will fully justify country, and we hope that both may succeed. The VEXETIAM DYF workB with rapidity and cergar, and tell to the damage of the na-the most superlative forms of speech. tainty, the hair requiring no preparation whatever. $3 a year; two copies, $5. Address J . tion." The VENETIAN DYE produces any shade taat may Yours, Respectfully, HOLMES AOSEW, 37 Park Row, New York. be desired—one that will not fade, crock or wash out C. R. WILKINS, —one that is as permanent as the hair itself. For sale —Will the publisher send us the July and by all druggists Price 50 ^enH. From the Southwest. Pastor of the First Presbyterian ChurchA. t. MATHE'WS, General -Agent. (uuwe numbers 1 922yl PitUford, Monroe Co. N. Y. Cairo, July 31. 12 Gold Street. New York. "I -ith BB««. ., ,uuJJ S ™ ° " ; , , "I wastroubl.d wastroubl.d -ith morenr !!,.,« every dd,,r. I Uare l E j t T 9u'Torin 'Ti S bottles of tbe-Peopu.s Cure/ nnd i l a v e o o t ) , , " ; ; pal,, since lie ft it oft ••rore tl,,, n , , , u r ' « e e l . » \ % , ' " c uldfrmjaUUneatlnlr cured and thf jfii lms made me Ii-el very lijrfit i Have mure Ti.-Uiuoii} : HAV£ MORE RESPECTABLE FEOl'LE TO VOUCH FOR TEEM ! Than any other article in thf marker. hcn,..-t;m«;» very acutel uhectmaienced taking About lha first , t !,,„ ' • , We defy any one to contradict this Assertion, IIMttd te tehe i; MJS 4>e csmswiKtd, the s AXI> WILL PAY To any one who wil! produce a rertiOcat© published ''. by us,thati:4*uut up^ClKE. HOOFLJllSD'S GERMAN BITTERS •Bufia - , CURE **Tffo of our subscrit f-T-- ono . a bad Fever Sore, thr or'icr ivifh e Tooplfs Cure' I,Tttii; e' I,T Chronic oi Nervous Debility, Diseases seen tuo udvftrtisi?nieut of the 'IVopk ; s~c' Ur paper, tl,o JIc<l,cine iper, purchased purchased lliu iledicine >a,,d n o , , , , , , , , , of the Kidneys, and Diseases thor tried it, report to O^ommcBuWft Z« tl; arising fiom disorbearUy«i.a«boroiigli ra^ltat hi au Advocaio. remelj in their dered Stomach. THK Lures DiscuM* ['F.OPLK'S Obierxe tht folUxcivg symptom? t wiltingfrcm Ditordtts of the Skin. of the Digestive Organs : Constipation, Iuivarcl Tilt's, Fullness ul Blood to the ticad. Aciiiity, of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, j D...1. .n, , ntirrfy blind ; but i ^ ^ w T t ™ "i fu'' Disgust for food, Fullness or weight In the Stomach • of ,h. .Peoples Cue.' Wdh ^ m y t^SZSSS Sour Eructations, linking or Buttering at t'u: pit ox the btoiuach, Swimming el" the Head, Hur* rio*! and difficult breathin£. Flu ttdrhig ct the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Scasatiens wbeo ia a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dota or Wtbs before tho Sigh'3, Ft=ver and Dull Pain in tb.6 HoaJ, Defidiency of Pres* i-Konl-s C U R E cZu"srMhk piration, Yullowness of the Skin and Eyes, pain In the side, back, chest, limbs, kc. Sudden flush* !? l.aveus.dthc.Teo^./c^in m y " < & V u h ea of Heat, Burning* in the Flesh, Constant p a t beneht, .n ca-ies olj.wofaU and Salt n i have recommended it frequently to mj f -ijnjs l\; ,f imagmuigsofEvil and Great Depression of Spirits, WILL CUpS IN EVERY CASE OF ssj^ss'b'rs b e e - *-"**»' and m-Ki '^L* CHAS. SC1IARFF, 273 Main St., up-stairs " THAT THIS BITTERSIS NOT ALCOHOLIC, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND THE GREAT GREAT RISE IN GOLD ? ! FOR Buffalo Testimony. CAN'T MAKE DRUNKARDS, BUT mi boy, w),o i?no« twelve yeats old. I l,j,vo h».t many trouble and diliic.lties. all this ti u ,e, unfltUiii me for every kind or labor, and de.troying all " , y " c m * fort, Last summer I coimneaced takinir the 'Peonl.'. P peaud, a n d ! [ « ) cheerful ami happv ° " "MRS. CACHARi.Ve T'EWALD, ..i< - ; •t V ^ J ^ - C J mtilicincs fail 'My w , e has been in r oor heahh for a long tim» havui,, irequcmly to ca.l a j h r a c i i o tu attend Ltr- but she was recently very much worse. For live or' 6 r weeks she had no appetite, lost all her strength and B*.««Mhdaj growing wowe, She had night sweats, READ WHO SAYS SO coughed a ;"-cat neal daring each ni^ht and oon«iu«i». bly during the day, »uu we all supposed she <ra» going off wPth the consumptionj \r!ien a friend advised her to From tho Ec-v. I.evi O. Beck, Pastor of tho B.iptijt take the 'Peoples'* Cuw. On Inking the ciedicfne «h« Clmrch, Pemberton, >J. J. 'orujcrlv of the North BaD- perceived a change at onoo. On the Lhlrd day she had recovered her appetite, and was fant regaining her tist Church, Philadelphia. strength, until, on the eighth day, not yet having ta. ken oue bottle, khe has stopped inking the medipin* I linve known Hooflaiid'a Goroiaa Iiitters fuvorablv saying she was as well as anybody could b«, and hh« for a number oi years, l hare used them in my own has contiuurd soever >'ince family, and ha^e been so pleased -with their efT»cta thai I wan induced to recommend them to ninny others aud "Buflulo, Octoto l ! \ ™ ' G a r f ° " - 3 2 ? f l l r l " • know -hat they haveoperated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I take great pieasuro in thus puU cly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those S& For Sale bv all Druggists. 922vl. afflicted with the diseases for which they are recomC. CROSBY, General Agent, No. 255 Main at., Builaiw, mended, to those bitters, knowing from Oir..<**;„ .u... K. Y., to whom all ordt-rs .should b9 nddrctned. In the World. ONLY, CB LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Cherokee Cure ! Call and See ! LIISTEN COATS SUMMER GOODS, M. Gutter man & Go's, An unfailing core for Seminal Weakness, Noctnrail ):ml pious, ana all illtleascB canted by BeK-Polotlon, such as l^oea of Memory, Universal Laspltude, Palm In the Back, Dlmneea of Vision, Premature Old Age, Weak Serves, Difficulty of BreathiDg, Trembling, Wakefolnees, Eruptions on tbe Face, Pale Countenance, Insanity, Consumption, and all tlic direful coin. pl-;vlr>ts BaitwU bv departing from the path of nature. XV This medicine U a simple vegetable extract, *nd one on which all can rely, as It baa b^cii used In our practice for many years, and with thousands treated, it has not failed in a single instance. Its curative powers havo been sufficient to gain victory over the most (stubborn case. \ST To ttloso who have trifled with their constltutioo, until they think themselves beyond the reach of medical aid, we would say, D&SFAIB 2T0T! the CBEROKES "JURE will refctore you to health and vigor, and after all quack doctors have failed 1 VW~ Price, $2 per pottle, or three bottlcB for 15, and forwarded by Express to all partiiof tho world. Z39~ For full particulars, get a Circular from any Drug Store In the country, or write to the Agent, who will mat; free to any ODe desiring the same, a full treatise. In pamphlet form. Allsucu orders must be Bent to c . A. COOK, Cbl cago, our Gentral ^ccnt for tho Weat. Sold in Chicago, by Wholesale Druggists, and by all Druggists everywhere, C. A . COOK, CBICAOO, Genenl Agent for the States of Illinois, luwsi, Wisconsin, Michigan and la- For Ss'c by STSCOI^S k and C- EBEBBACH & Co. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, i). D. Editorof theEucv. clopedia of P.eligious Knowledge aad Christian Chronicle, Philadelphia. .Although not disposed to favor or recommend Fatent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no .sufficient reasons why a mau may uot testify to the benenti he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation in th^ hope that he may thus contribute to the benelit of others. I do this more readily in rejard to Hoofland's German Bitters, prepared by JDr. C. 11. Jackson, of this city, because I waa prejudiced against them for many yearSj undcrthe impression tha*, they wero Clilefly an alchohohc mixture. I aln iiraebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice bv proper tests, and for to try them when suffering from great and lonjr continued debility The use of three bottles ot these bitters at the be"-inaing of the present year, waa if.iiowej by evident relief and restoration U a degree of botjily and mental vicor which I had not for six months before, a u d had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God aud mv friend for directing tse to t i e use of them J. KEWTON1 BEOW.N', Phila WONDERFUL SUCCESS. gSt* The attention and research of th« most cl«a. tinguished CheinistH aud lJliysiei:tu.s frr yearn h*.T« been devoted to the prodi»vUou pf a remedy for th.ip mo.^tdistressing maladies NECRAJ-OIA and RHKrsr^T ^yj After long study and many experrtnents, a $pectjie preparation lias been discover^'.;, WATSON".- Xeuralgii*. King,an Internal Remedy,is curing thousands of en.sea where all other cemedjt'S have utterly failed. \*e ar» assuredtbatit ^ no ojero •'ANOOVXK," riihering far tho momentwhili'tho cau-f remains, Dut is a perfect SPECIFIC and CUKE for those painfuKdtoeascs. The vast number of Liniments, Embrocations and External Medicines, which act as stimulants of the surface only, are merely teiuporciy in their effscts and of doubtlul virtue The M-.TItAI/ilA KING rea,c)}oi th-; source of all trouble, and effectually bauishos the disease from the system. Fricc—One Dollar per Buttle. Tin-mod bv C. R. WALKKR, 1^922 Hufraro,N. Y-, and Fort I.rie, C.W. Fr, roio the R«v. Jos. II. Kenaaid. Pastor of tbe lOthBan tii.Bt Church. " * Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir:—I have been frequently reNo. 39 Llbt rty street. Now Tork. quested to connect my name with commendations of Sold by Wholesale Drttgfists in Detroit, nlso by different kinds of medicines, but regarding the piactice For Sale b; ^TKDHINS & VTILM.N, GaoviLLK k 1 CLOtn, as out of my appropriate sphere, I have" in all cases and C. KiiKBiutn &Co'. STEUB1NS& WILSUN', Ann Arbor. C-62vl declined; but with a clearproof in various instances and particulatly in my family,of the usefulness of Dr' GOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY Hoofl.and's German Bitters, 1 depart for once from unusual course, to express my full conviction that, 'or ITS FREW. general debility of tbe system and especially for I.iver So is a gooil Physician 1'v bin tJuccesstul WorKs. ^0,000 rolls of Wall Paper can be found at the store Complaint, it is a safe and valuable preparation Iu %J oF John F. Miller & Co., corner of Main and Wash, some cases it may tail; but usually, I dou t not it will PROFESSOR &. J, LYONS, iugton Stieeta, opposite Hangs toiler's Hall. Also a be very bone/icial to those who suffer fium the'above THE GREAT AND CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN OF THE largeassortmantof iiiscellancous Books at old prices. cause. THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Cloth and Paper ShaJes, Tassel.n, Curls and Frames of Yours, very respectfully, J . H. KENN'ARD. all descriptions. Frames made to order. Knov. a all over tlie cwjni'i-; us Hit; C^lcbr:Uoi1 Eighth below Ccutes Street, PhiU. Please call and examine before purchnnintrelseivber JOHN F. MILLER k CO. I N D I A N H KR B DOCTOR! LFrom Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of the Baptist Juno 1st, 1864. Cro959 Fruin ooulli Amfirlea, wil) Ue al his moms, ' Church, Gormantown, Penn. RUbSEU. 1K(('3J:, DKrROIT. Dr. C M. Jacluon : _ U.-ar Sir :—Personal experience enables me to say that I regard tho German Bittern On the ISth and l&iW iitdt-, ou thu ,-ame u^i*. prepared by j ou as a most excel ent medicine In ct>.*e every subsequent mimln during M$G'2 and 1863 A Vtx'9 PAMPHLET ol severe cold and generaldebility I have been greativ benefited by the use of the Bitters, and doubt not they Of the life,study aud ovtenalvo travels «f Da* Lv n M can be procured by al)wh'>dcsire one. Ere* of chnr^f. will produce similar effects on others. l>r. I. will visit .Win Arbor, Ja,ck&oa,aud v*£riaar Yours, truly, WABKIiN RAKDOLrH. as follows : Germantown, Pa. Mtch., Ann Avbor, Monitor Ilouse, ^Olh. From Rev. J . H T u n e r , Pastor of ITcddinc If E Jackson. Hibbaurd Ibuse, SSnt Adrian , Unu.kttl Hi use, ii^d aad Qgfy, Church,I'hila. MoDKOFKxAWiXATroir.—Tfte Dot-tor discerns dixesfltfn Is the place to buy your Dr. Jackson:—Dear Sir . - Having used your German bythoeyes. He, tlierx-foji-, n.-*k» uo quettionn nor roBitters in my family frequently, 1 am prepared to say iir«3 pationis to explain symptoms. AJHicted, cftrao Al«o, Manufacturer of MATHKWS* AIIISTCA HAJB yp d, that it has been of great service. I believe that iu most q Rebel prisoners «ay that had Colonel audhav-f* yo*r Hfuiptt)ins anflthe anflth locatiou l t i f GLOSS, the best hair dressing in u&e. In large bottles, uf yum alacases cf general debility of the system it is the salest audha 1 The Great French Remedy! We have received Part X L I I I Brooks' expedition been sent out from price 50 cents. Iy966 free of charge and most valuable remedy of which I have any knowlof the Rebellion Record. I t is embellished Heleua a few day since, Gen. Robbins MADAM BOIVIfl'S CELEBRATED SILVER-COATED edge. P a p e r , by tlie Ueam orless. Yours,respectfully, J. H.TCEXER, FEMALE PILLS. with finely engraved portraits of Brig. Genls. would have attacked the plantations beNo. 728 N. Nineteenth S t r e c R«.o and 0 . B. WILLCOX, the latter one of low that place the next day, and drawn The only certain and Safe Remedy for all Uterine ObFrom the Rev. J . M. Lynns, formerly Pastor of the Co K*M»an's favorite sons. The documents all the lorce he conld out of Helena, structions, Monthly Difficulties, Irregularities, and all aad another articles in our line. JUST I'Um.I^IIFD.n new tdftlon i.f D r . C t i l v o r lumbur., (N. J.) andllillitowi:, (Pa.j BaptistChurches The ONLY reliable self-Adjusting Wringer. the other diseases to which the Woman, Wifa and include those connected with events occurr- while Shelby, with some 4,000 men, was NewRochelle, K. Y. v tr«U'4 C'flfbrutetl E s * n y c-ri the radical eur« ftl^ Especial attention to Con:|joiiiir3inp and putfir.g (withoi\t medicine) of Si*K*arATOM;Hau, or SemNO WOOD WORK TO SWELL OR SPLIT. Mother is peculiarty liable. Dr. C M . Jackson :-Denr Sir : _ I felt it a pleasure up I'rescriptioriH, a t the sign vf GOl.D MOHTAB.Lxing from July to September, 1863. The bat- to attack the place from the northwest, Weaknes-t, Involuotury Senainul T.osne». imthus,, f my own accord »o bear teuimonv to tho excel inal chnnge Block, Ann Arbor, Micliignu, jffftr Tbeso Pills contain no deleterious ingredients, but are NOTMUM&SCRKWSTO GET OUT OF OKDER. potency, Mental »ud l'hysical Iuoapaoity, Impediof the ijerm.,, Bitters. Some years since beinir' tles-W Helena and Chickamauga, Morgan's and overpower the small force left in the safe and certain in their action. They will be found to WARRANTED WITH OR WITUOIJT COGWHEELS. tb Marriage, etc.; «li»o CoQHttwpfion, Euilepiy tlt£- Professonal calb proia^tly attended to. 1V9G0 p much afflicted wnh Dyspepsia, I used theni with vert M<mts itii'J Pits, Indueod bjt seEf-iodulgeace or sexual extrava. ifi It took the MRr.T PREMIUM at Fifty Seven State Ohio raid, East Tennessee Campaign, Frank- ffortifications. exert the happiest effect in all cases of Prolapsus Uteri, beneficial results. I have often recommended ttiim tn gance. and County Fairs in 1863, and is, without an exceppersons en'eebled by that tormenting disease, and have lin's Expedition, Correspondence of the Ohio Jtr* Prir,*, in » sealed hrfVelope, ntff 6 cents. The Constitutional Convention of in Leucorrhea, or the Whites ; they wiil be found the tion, the be.*t wringer ever made. heard from them the most flattering testimonial, as to a neweasiestand most certain Cure that can be found. It is their great value. In cases oi general debility I bt- 1'he CQitsbyaledauiKoiMiT thi> admir&blti MMy ctearDemocratic State Committee with President Louisiana, Julyy 22d,, adopted WHAT EVERY BODY KNOWS, viz; p ly dei^-">ustrate^, frop? a thirty yeora surcesslul prac* heva it to bo a tonic U u t « I uotbesurpasKed on account of this certrinty they ghould not be taken That iron well galvanized wil] Dot rus*; Lwcois as | o arbitrary arrests, addresses of Constitution tice, tlmt tb* n}p rtt^wg ctnvquencps of self abuse may C i i b by allarge majority, and by Pregnant Females (during thefirat three months, as That a simple machine is better thau a complicated J. M LYONS. be ra,'1ic:tUy cui'fd wiihixit tbo dmiijorous use of ijitor* Sen. LEE, J E F F . DAVIS, & C , &C. The price would immediately submit it to the peo- miscarriage is certain,) to be brought on, but at other one; nalmediofopbr tliea'ppncatlon ot the kaifo—poiniinjf That a Wringer should be self adjusting, durable and auta ux>r2e oy'cnro, «c once niniple, certain and effecof the Record is now 60 cents for each month- ple. \H THAT AKE INDEBTED to the iate firm of ' periods their use is perfectly safe. efficient; tual, by meane" of which every suffejer, no matter SiawKoii & Gear wtd From toe Rev Thos. Winter, Patter »f Roxborou^i trhut N.B.—One Dollar encloped to any authorized Agent, That 'lhumb-Screws and Fastenings cause delay and ly part. Address, The Rebellion Record, 441 hi:-condition may be, msy cur&binuieK cheaply, Gen. Banks has prohibited the transfer tiapfisi Church. 1 trouble to regulate and keep in order; Dr Ja'kson •—Dear Sir:— Tfee)it<],i» to yonrsxcol privately, and radically. f, N. Y. of gold to the rebel States, and stopped will ensure package of Pills by return of mail. i1 That wood soaked in hot water will swell, shrink ani lent piepu-ation, HcoflaDd'sGerman Bitters, to at'd my tfL.Tiua LM^WXTK- riboiild bt? in thu hand- of every C. CROSBY, General Agent, split; all traffic in gold, except purchases deto th*flusoi-v<(l reputmisn it has obtain^ youth and every TO an in the land. FortEiie, C. W., Buffalo, N.Y. iK i,nili>r»ifBcd and payiyj txr,timony for the shaft to run in will wear us a furor bv calling «n H : I have foryears.m times, been troubled with great d h ' We have received two numbers posited in the United States Treasury, CAtTro:*.—Beware of Counterfeits, the genuine have 1 out;That wood bearings Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addre««, up »UOD, or «e thai; D6 obl geiTto mnke a $"£L. order in my bean and nt-rvoue systim. I was advised postpaid, nn receipt of six eeoks, f>r two stamps. AdThat the Putnam WrSfigiifcyUh o r without cog'f the American Aftisitn, a new paper, pub- and deposits to be drawn only on satis- the "signatureof C CROSBY, on the outside wrapper. by a friend to try a. bottle of your German Bitters.' I dress the publishers. wheels, will not tear tho clotfiS^ . did BO and have experienced great and unercpf ctc-r] ro For sale by all re3pectable Druggists. Iyeow922 li»hed in New York, handsomely printed and factory explanations of the purpose to That cog-ivheel regulators are not essential.. CHAS. J. c. auyKWea, lief; my health has been very mateiially benefitted. I That the Putnam Wringer has AI* th*» advantages, on th'm hy a Government officer. confidently recommend the article w ere I meet with 127 Bowery, New York, Post office Uox 45S0. which they are to be applied. 957tf »ith valuable illustrations. I t claims to be and uot one of the disadvantages above na-nsed; cas<>s similar to my own, and have been assured by SLAWSON' k FOK. The steamer Henry Ames, from St. That all whe have tested it pronounce it the be^t "* weekly journal of Arts, Mechanics, Manmany of the'r good ofiect3. Land Warrant Lost! Ann Arbor, July »tb,JS&t. 96iiv6 J wringer ever made; Respectfully yours, T. WIXIEK, Roxborough Ta. FA1RI3ANKS' ufactures, Mining, Engineering and Chemis- Louis, struck \t snag yesterday, seven ATOTTOE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Bounty Land That it will wring a thread or a bed quilt -without alFrom Rev. j . s. Herman, of tho German Reformed i \ Warrant No. 9ijM93, for One Hundred and Twenty terationmiles above here, and sunk over her Church. Kutrtown, Berks Co Pa. ty, and Refeetory of Patents." We think Acres, issued by the United States, January 20th, A. We might fill the paper with testimonials, but insert TAKEN UP ! Dr. C. M. Jackson :—Respected Sir .—I hove 1'fen U. 13bl, under the Act of March 3d, 1855, ia the name only a tew to convince the skeptical, if such Iheic be; Bw,eH worth th& subscription price, $2 amain deck. She will probably be a total of N the 19th tl»3- of .Line, a sORUEL UOnSF., abtiut troubler! with I'yspepsia nearly twenty years, and have Isabinda A. Weaver, minor child of David Weaver, and we say to all, test Pulnamb' Wringer. loss. Her deck freight, which was very 10 years oM, hirgo r.i2c, anil tliin in tio«b. The never used any medicine that die me us much good nt, deceased, who was H private in the war of 3812, and in Test it THOROUGHLY with ANY and ALL others, year, but can hardly consent to publish the f'Wuei is ^ q u e s t e d to pvovepi-ujierty, pay chHr tt es, aQ'l fioofland's Bitten.. I arn very much improved in health valuable, was taken off slightly damaged April lat*tassigned forae.R, B. Chase, cf the City of and If not entirely satisfactory return it. OF ALL KINDS. ALSO, Prospectus " t w o or. three weeks"—worth after having tak.n five bottlt-s t;:kC Paid XtoTSfi aw»J. Ano Arbor, in the County of WishteDaiv, and Stale and brought here. Sisty hogsheads of of Warehouse Trucks, Letter Presses, (fie. PUTNAM MUxuFACTtjujso Co., Yours,with respect, J 8. HERMAN. Michigan, the acknowledgment, toj., beinacertifittd •WHLlA.M HUMPHREY, {10—for the sake of receiving it with or 6-V-D66. tobacco, one thousand barrels of flour, by an acknowledging officer and the County Clerk of i Uentlemen—I know from practical experience that l o d i , Julv 1 5 t b , l E 6 1 . •Wsitf exchange, or even to give place to C'mnty of Born'en, in the State of Michigan, was in , Iron well galvanized with zinc wij] ootuxjdize or mr,t and a large lot of nails and :private the Aj>ril ia.->t mailed at Herrien Springs, in taid county of j one particle. Ths Putnam Wringer is as near pei feet Ihi publishers own " pufl " at a value of §5 freights, besides a large amount of pork Berrien, (the residence of the Wai ran tee) directed to 1 as poasib'e, and I cao cheerfully ieromn*>nd it to be To Clear the House of Flies, 173 I-r.ko S t i c e t C H I C A G O . I* receive so desirable a paper. Messrs. belonging to the government is still in me at Ann Arbor Mich., and never received by me, but the best in UEe. Respectfully yours, SoU in Detroii by la Huppot-ed to be lost. I have Slrd the requisite caveat USE DUTCHER'S CELEBRATED I^argfe Sije, /hol^ipg Dearly double quaati+y,) JNO. W. WHEELER. Bsows, COOMBS & Co., presume too much the hold. in the General Land Office, and intend to apply to the FARKAND, SHELEY 4 CO. SI 00 per bottle—hall dox. S3 00. Cleveland, Ohio. fonimtsnioLer of Pensions fof the re issue of the lost "Pon the good nature of the-"country press." Small Size—76 cents per Bottle—half dozen $1 00, o careru] to buy unh Ibt- Genuine.^9 1}9$* The steamer Graham from Memphis, Wari'*Bt. Many yours experience in the galvanizing business enable me to indorse the aboTe statement in all par- a neat, cheap atti-.le, et!>y to use. Every 6htet will In fact, their presumption savors of impu- July 29th, brings tho body of Major R. B. CHASF, Aisignee. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Dated, Ann Arbor, July 20th, A. I>. lt£U. (967w6 ticulars. kill » quart. SOi.D LVgRY WHERE/ 2m962. Lawson, of the 77th Ohio, who died of JNO. ('. LEFFEK-TS, Browuell &. Pcrrin, ?ee that the signature of " C. M. JACKSOX" Is on No. 100 Beekman Street. the WRAPPER of each bottle. The August number of thewounds received at Tupello. Know Your Future Wife or New York, January, 1864Caution. Should your nearetit Pruprgi^t not baye th^ article, flo The Bulletin contains further particuWe have tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer by Mntit Monthly, has, among others, the folbe put off by ioioy eating pivp«r:itionR that roay be Husband ! practical working, nnd know that j i wi)] po. It is I LPEKSO^S are hereb\ warned not to purchase not lars of the late fight held near Helena. offered in its piatfo, but «tnd to us,aad we will forward, 1S3 South Water Street, a certain Promissory Note given by the under\ cheap; it is .simple; it -requites no room whether a t lowing papers, Charles Reade, by Harriet E. secuyly packed, by fXpross. Our total loss was sixty-two, including 1 from 1'arih,is stopping in Detroit, the is the Sev. work or at rest; a child r.nn operate it; It docs its duty si>ai(-d to C. L. Bottom, on tbe 9th day of July, hist., CHICAGO, "sscoU; How Rome is Governed, by George for Gve hundred drll-rrs, payable one day after date. it fnives time and it saves wear and tear. four officers killed. Kebel loss 250. entb Daughter of the Seventh ?on, bom under the thoroughly; Principfll Office and Manufactory, WeearneKtlv advise all who have airca washing to d.o, Assaid note was obtained withou* consideration, and "• Greene; Coucord, a Poem by Longfellow; Jupiter, and endowed with the woaderfnl gift of with afl intelligent person.*; who have ANT, to buy this is, lor < ther reapons, void, I shall refuse payment^ aod The Bulletins account of tho destruc- Plaiwt D e a l e r s i nG r a i n , F l o v ^ ^ , SECOND SIt'HT. Mie will send you a correct Photo resist its collection. ^hat will become of Them (about the newringer It will pay for if self in a vear at most, tion of the steamer Clara Bell says that graph of fhe person you will marry, andgivo tfae day ? c e d s , G r e e n a o a Dsieol F r u i t s , C i COP.yELTUS G7LLFSPIE. HON. HOUACEGKEELEY. and year thebappy event will take place. Send her Po), by Trowbridge; Head-Quarters of Beer- four companies of the 6th Michigan InAao Arbor. July 14, 1864. 9,5w£ tfhe color of your eyeH and hair, age, complexion, J'iitented ih the United States,England,. Canada and dor, efce. PHILADELPHIA. drinking, by Prof. Ten-Brook; Economy, one fantry were aboard at the time of the at- height. Rnd whether deformed or not. Enclose 25 cts Australia, Energetic men can maku frore ,S to ;0 doland apofat p*id envelope with your nddrtsbs. lars pej-tfAy Agents wanted in evtry town, anjd ip al! °f Mrs. Stowe's "House and Home Papers," tack, and found the boat sinking and the parts of thft world. Tidier on cv si MADAME HUM1.LY, Drawer 64^ P.O., Wd & good and timely one; The Heart of thecrew about to surrender, when tho offiSataple Wringer sent, Eiprcss piid, on receipt of 967w3 Detroit, Mich. Prestrn, TVillard k Keen, Ctioago. S. KoH-ford & AME into the enclosure of the subscriber oa the price. Co., Aon Arbor, MJCIJ. ', a beautiful Poem by Holland; aDd Qnr oers of the regiment ordered the boat 4th of June laft, one bay yearling mare col*, a No. 2, $6.50; No. J , $7.i0; No. F . $8.&0, No. A Successors to C, %&• Jackson if Co. smail white spot on the inside of the right hind foot $3 50. Foreign Relations, by G. M. Towte. run to the Mississippi shore. The soifl^U Partiru'tar attention given to the sale ofGrocj and is about middling size. The cvner Is requested Manufacture^ a-DdooId. wholesale aad retail by and Pried Fruits, Cidpr, * c . NtW GBOVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE', PROPRIETORS. year; two copies, £5,50. Address I diers then fired her to prevent her fallinc to prove property, pay charges, and tnfce her away. THEPUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO * alaoa NEW SINGER MACHINE, either Family or Order; for the purchase of f;iov#>r »n^ Tirootby UKiAB T, FAKTUIX. lGFISi * * * * •Y Yoik, and Cleveland • Obi* . i.?9nufa'~ttfr!DgrytU-rn Arptyat I' Fer byDnifr L - tii c'i pta.Tnrt fn o^«ry to»n In Seed, Cut Meat*.. &0 , prompily ati*>D'leri N- if afp'w. TtexvoB & Finns, Breton, Mass. t :_». into .1... tho t-.-J. hands -r ofithe rebcle, C. S NOKTHF.OP, A?«nt i St»1 yanied with each or sttiftfacjrry rftfunr*. PSfcf dUM> Dr. W. R MERWIN & CO., 1 SOkK Pi.OPBXHTOBS. A WALL PAPEH! PRESCBIPTION & DRUG STORE! MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, Manhood; How LosU How Restored. CLOTHES WRINGER! 1OO City Lots forSale TAKEN GRANT DRAFT SCALES, O FAIRBANKS, GREEKLEAF & CO,, LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER! i COMS&M NO. 631 ARCH STREET, Jones &D Evans. FOR SALE! A IHE Alters wrier. ' C •A » , New Soil for Strawberries. HpHE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES Mortgage Sale. JSJT BANNEE EFA1.7.T liaving been made in the perfortenn It is a great mistake to devote the A W i t t W I'm the lloalii g of the Natlouj. D the condition of a mortgage bearing liateimn Bible. same piece of ground to strawberries llfteenth executeO1 brV, br s . e t h day of January, A. D-, 18i,6, executed X^x-OT. £ltf\. L Y O N S , Lawrence and Tamar Lawrence, bis wife to n. several years in succession. As often A Berne Method of Divorce. Ilrown, and duly recorded in the office of the n»-1" 1 THK GKEAT AX11 CKI.Kliii ATKi) PJIYfiin AN of Hie Bishop Burnett says:—"In Borne they as a nuw bed is made—as often as you THROAT, BENCH, IIKAIIT, l.lVhR AND THE BLOOD, of Deeds, of Waslitcnaw County, Michigan i , , n " twentj two of mortgages i.age three hundred• . U have a DOVCI way of dealing with matri- reset your plants—give them n fresh Knowu nil over t h e c o u u t r j an the seTenty,on t b e twenty-ninth day of February A n monial disputants. Divorces wore free- piece of ground to grow in. Straw1856, wherebl the powerto sell tbe mortgaged promi S CKI.9BRATKP II.IK become operative; and no*uit.)rproci'idiij l r w' 5 ly granted; but first the applicants must berries seem to exhaust the ground of IWX3I-A.:N" H B K B DOOTOEJ been instituted at laV to recover the debtsc-ctrf?!' Of 282 Superior Street, Clevi-lami, Ohio. some element they need sooner than alsaid mortgage or any parr thereof, and the sumol«. ' go through this test:—A small room was Will visit the following places, viz hundred and fifty one ,l.,lla;s and tbirtv three pi"? A : » P O 1 \ X M K X T ^ VOU 1SG2, 18G3and 1864. • -prepared, in which Lusbarid and wife most any other plant, and it is difficult being now claimed to be due thereon (besides the t > GO T O Prof. K. 9 . Lyons can be consulted a t t h e fallowing and expenses of the pioceedings now being had 'or iv' were put, the door being then closed, to to find a fertilizer that will supply the places eveiy month, Vix: The largest Stock and best assortment of foreclosure of .said mortgage including reasonabl. V remain six weeks, except it should be wnste. It is not necessary to make a Detroit, RusselHoune, cncli month, 18th anil 19th. torneys fees.) Xotice is therefore hereby (-henti Ann Arbor, Monitor House, each month, 'JOlli. suid mortgage will be foreclosed by a snle of the m set in motion at the urgent and united piece of ground on purpose for straw- Jackson, Rlbbard Houne, each mouth, 21, gaged premises described as follows, viz • The WJ^I CABINET FURNITURE ? fourth request of the wedded pair. There were berries by the addition of manure, A-irian, Rruck<-t H.iusp, each month *Z'M and2o(1. of t h e north-west quarter of section tw, I " Ohio, Collins House,each month, S4tb,3Mh. eigbt, also the north east one-eighth of the north-, 51 in the room one siool, one plate, oneleaf-mold, ashes, road scrapings, &c. ; amiToledo, 38th. Hnviug just returned from Kast v.ilh a large stock otie half ijuarter of said section twenty eight flew,/ ever brought to this city, including fust set them in any part of your gar Hillsdale, Mien., Hillsdale Hou.v, cadi month, l!7th. of rods in width from the side occupied as a lane) all: h,*° '-. $poony a unity of all the requisites, and den where the grouud is moderately (,'ol'iwater, Mich.. SuutUern Michigan House, eiK'b in township number four scuth and range nn'mbtf«! SOFAS, 88th. east, in the County of Washtenaw, and State of i u the solitary bed was of such dimensions rich and where strawberries have not month, Before you buy, Spring and Summer styles oi SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! Elkliart, KIKhart Honif\each month , 29th. TETE-A-TETE8, igan, containing in all forty-nine acres of land mOr that,- if they choose to use it together, been grown before or at least not in South Bead, lnd., St. .Io. Hotel, each month, 30. or some part thereof, at public Vemlue at t'l,f ,„ ,J we invite &11 our old friends anil customers to come LOUNGES, less, lnd., Tee G»r«len IIOUM-, each month 31st. door of theCourt House, .n t h e City of Ann Arbo? and examine eur stock of they must needs lie very close. Of onesome years, and they will be satisfied, Laporte. Wooster, Ohio, Craodell Kxchaiigej each ruonth, 7th said County, (thatbeing the place of holdine ihtrBED ROOM SETS thing, and one only, there was a dupli- and will do better than, if pampered aud 8 t h . cuit Court w i t l i n s . i d County.) on Iridav thettl !»., Mansfield, Ohio, Wiler House, each month, 9th aud CENTER TABLES, sixth day of Angust next at'noon. '' cate; and that was a treatise on the du- with a variety of artificial food. But 10th. IIKAKKS&CKJMZR, DAVID BROWN Mt. Yernon, Konyon House, each month, 11th and BUREAUS, CHAIRS, • ties of husbands and wives toward each be sure and move them often. Attorneys for Mortgagee. Mortsj™ 12th. mu Dated. Ann Arbor, May 21 s(, 1864. "S»««. other. No visitor was permitted to go N'ewavK, Ohio, Ilolton House, each month, loth and 14lh, Dispute the fact if yon can, near them : and they had only a glimpse Grlasses CowlwHouse.each month,4th Cbnncery Notice. Silas PiiinoKville.Oliio, It takes the TAILOli after all to give CLEVELAND, OHIO. RESIDENCE AND at intervals of the grim face of the jan A. Holmes, theCURIOSITY.—Mr. TATE OF MICHIGAN.-Fourth Judicial Cirrnil photograper of 590 S appearance to the outer man. Gilt Frames and Mouldings Chancery. .. i • . ""> > itor, as ho pushed the'r food through a Broadway, lias published a portrait of OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. Puitpenilintinn, hole in the door. The bishop stages Abraham Lincoln, which is likely to Swat of tbe public square, opposite tbe I'nstoflice. Margaret Van Wagner, If you wish to appear well Cir. Court forj! daya each mouth, ]>t. J-Sd, 4th, 5tb, Oth, 15th.— COFFINS Complainant, that the test was attended with the mrst prove acceptable to all parties. A t Office County ofW oilice lie urn from 9 A M. to 12 M, ;iml from 1! I \ M. to You must accordingly Dress Well. vs. nair. in Chaoewr 41*. M. On Sunday from p to 10 A. M., and 1 to 2 P. SI. i •wholesome results. In most cases, thefirst glance, it appears to be a photoIsaac Van Wagner, METALIO CASES, &c, & c , at Ann Arbot a Go to M. Guiterraau & Co's,, adhered to— Ttefendant. the 18th d . t ,, paities were most excellent friends in agraph of "Old Abe," taken when he jtSfhifiiLim»strieX\y I give such Imlni as have no sti'ife, June A. I)., ifo There you will find things exactly SO. and all other goods kept in the be."t and largest houses With nature or the l a v s Of life, . few day»f and very few could stand out had the small-pox, a few months ago ; B a p p e a n r g to the undersigned C, in the country. We seejino second hand furniture or GENTS' Witli blood my hands I never stain, uit Con;t forpfnid County Court Commissioner for Count*ft U if. nid Auction goods. Coftlns kept constantly on hand, and cuit more than a fortnight. Another very but on a closer inspection, the seeming Nur poison men toease theirpiUD. SONDHEIMalways ready to take affidavit of Margaret Van Wagner, that the made to order. My goods are offered a t He is dphjjtic&an indeed, who Cures. gratifying circumstance was, that they pustules are found to be minute pho- The defendant, Isaac Van W.-igner, ia n o t a r«sii your measure, Herb Doctor, It. J . LYOXS, cures tho folof this State, but that ),e resides in t i e Stitt II had scarcely on record a case in which a tographic likenesses of distinguised gen- lowing Indian comp;aints in t h e most obstinate stages of their GUITERMAN will sell you GOODS THE LOWEST GASH PRICES that a subnnena for his »Bp»»ia M , ,' Furnishing Goods, &c. existence, viz: second application was made by persons erals, statesmen, politicians, literary I)i»e:tflCKof tho Throat, Lunga, Heart, T.iver, Stomea.rl cause has been duly i s s u e d and that the Tit. with great pleasure, could not be l e r r e i On motion of A Felch 8oiw2 who had already goue through the or-men, actors, actresses, etc. The like- ach, Dropsy in the Chest. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kits. N. B. I must have money, and respectfully request for the Complainant, it is ordered that said defradi. At figures LOWER than you will find or Falling Sickness ,and all other nerviuiri derangements*. those indebted, to oall and fix u p their old matters Isaac \ an Wagner cause his appearance to be entfrei i deal." nesses, which are scattered all over the AIKO all diseases of the blood, .SUCIJ as Scrofula, Krysip- i n n Arbor, April 20th, IS04. 3m953. without delay. in the State, said cause within three months from t h e dale of iL, elas. Cancers, Fever do res, Leprosy, and all other comorder, a n d , that, in default thereof the billofeoT physiognomy of Old Abe, number four plicated chronic complaints? Take hoed—CALL EARLY, else vou are O. M. MARTIN. plaint filed in said cause be taken as confejjri h Vast Armies and their Movements, Ann Arbor, Oct. 6, 1863. 925tf hundred and upwards, and comprise All forms of female difficulties attended to with the EMPIRE said defendant ; and it ia further ordered that withj too LATE. There havo been vast armies and men of all parties and professions, and happiest results. twenty days sai I complainant cause a coov of n,:.T. It is hoped that no one will despair of a cure until der to be published in "The Weekly Michi™ Ar".'•'< grand movements in ancient times.— are so exceedingly well executed as tothey have given the Indian Herb Doctor's Medicines a newspaper printed and published in the Cilvnf »•'. The INDUCEMENTS are now greater than RISDON & HENDERS0A aArbor f a i r a n d f a i t h f n l t r i a l . <Qgk.I>uring t h e Doctor'* travin said County of Washtenaw, an,) thst out Here ia a record of some of them : be at once recognized. Though there els in Europe. West Indies, Sonlh America, and t h e ever, licatimi tlmreof be continued once in ea«h »eek for >iz llio Sennacherib, the Bible tells us lost are many good looking men and women UDited States, he h a s boen the instrument in God's successive weeks, or that said complainantc Our CLERKS you will find obliging and to re«ton* t e Health and vigor thousands who copy of this order to be personally served on siia in a single night 185,000, by the de-among the likenesses, yet taken togeth- hand, were given up and pronounced incurable by the most fendant, at least twenty days before the time prt' clever. BUOK.EYB stroying angei. old .school physicians; n a y , more, thousands scribed for his appearance. er they constitute as ugly a picture of eminent who were on the verge of the grave, "are now living Having pnrrlmsra J. R. VjTKBSTRK' S stock of Books Dated, a t the City of Anr. Arbor, the 18th <|,T The city ol Thebes had a hundred Old Abe as any of tho others that have inonimentw to the. [adt&B Herb's Doctor's skill and ami Statiomrv, I shall endearor to keep a constant We will show you good CLOTHING J if June, A. I»., 1864. " gates, and could send out at each gate been published.— JV. Y. CommercialsucceRKfultrcatment,andare daily exclaiming: "Blefi- upply ot C. H. VANCI.KVK, of our own GETTING UP, sed be the day when first we saw and partook of t h e Cricuit Court Commissioner, Waslitenaw Coutti 10,000 fighting men and 200 chariots, Advertiser. Indian Herb Doctor's medicine." Bfchlg^n. '' Filling our Store from BOTTOM TO TOP. and SCIIOOIi BOOKS, in all 1,000,000 men and 2000 chariots. Fatik'factory referenoekofc^refi will bo gladly aud A. FHI.CU, Complainant's Solicitor. 964v6 cheerfully given whenever required. The army of Terah, king of EthioThePoctor pledges his word and honor, that he will KIDNAPPINT, NEGROES.—A desperate TEXT BOOKS! STUDENTS especially will find it to Estate of David Lapham. pia, consisted of 1,000,000 of ineu and effort is being made in- Maryland to in no wise,directly or indirectly,induce o r cause any T t l l i l R ADVANTAGE, TATKOF M I C H I G A N , C o u n t y of Waslitenaw, invalid to t;;ke his medicine without the strongest probManufactured at Springfield, Ohio. • 300 chariots of war. S At a session of t h e P r o b a t e C o u r t for t h e Cou'trtnt of a cure. kidnap negroes for the northern States. ability For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to W a s b t t n a w . h o l d e n a t t h * P r o b a t e Oftice, in tbt-Cilj | $£~ Mode of examination, which is entirelydifferent ' Sesostris, king of Egypt led against The National Intelligencer says : from the faculty. P r . LTOD professes to discern direplenish. HE VERY LATEST IMPROVEMENT, ami bettertlian Ann A r b o r , on Wednesday t h e t w e n t i e t h day of Jn|t ^ his enemies 600,000 men, 2-i,000 cavalby (he eye. He therefore asks no questions, nor all others; adapted to sowing Wheat, Rye, Oats, t h e y e a r o n e t h o u s a n d e i g h t h u n d r e d and sixtv-fei» The practice is for tho crimping seases COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our T P r e s e n t , T h o m a s N i n d e . J u d g e of Probate. doeshe require patient?to explain symptoms. Call one Barley and Grass Seed. ry, and 27 scythe-armed chariots ; 1491 agent In t h e m a t t e r of t h e E s t a t e of David Lapbam a:» atfJ* all, i n d have the symptoms and location of your secretly to approach a ne^ro Offn IMPORTATION, STANDARD AND '•before Christ. of said C o u n t y , deeeftsed. disease explained free of charge. 1st. It has a Rotary Feeder. whom ho thinks ho can frighten into | y T h e poor shall be liberally considered. Forwarded through our New York reOn r e a d i n g a n d filing t h e p e t i t i o n , duly yerifled. o| Hamilcar went from Carthage, and submission, and to inform him that by JSarPostofflce address JJOX 2663. 2d. Will soio all kinds of Grain Walter D , Corson, p r a y i n g for t h e probate of an inttnlations. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, merit now on file in t h i s " o u r t . p u r p o r t i n g to be tlip IM* landed near Palermo. Ho had a fleet the law, as it now stands, all negroes R.J. LYONS, Mfe*. and Grass Seed. From England, Belgium, Germany and will a n d t e s t a m e n t ot said deceased. of 2000 ships and 3000 small • vessels, are compelled to enter the army. We Cleveland', Onto, Nov. 25,1862 T h e r e u p o n it i.s O r d e r e d , t h a t Monday, the StymA France, which will he Bold at the 3d. Never bundles the Grain d a y of A u g u s t n e x t , a t t e n o'clock in tlip forenron btti> and a land force of 300,000 men. Atare apprised of a case in which a nesigned for t h e b e a r i n g 08 said p e t i t i o n , and thattbidt Such as you can STAND DP IN. or WEAK, ith. Never breaks tlie Grain. the battle in which he was doleated, gro escaped from this species of kid visees, legatees a n d h e j r s a t l a w of said deceased.irni at the dance. all o t h e r p e r s o n s i n t e r e s t e d in said e s t a t e , are reqnirci 5th. Soivs Grass Seed broadcast be150,000 men were slain. napping a few days ago cmly after the t o a p p e a r a t a session of fait! C o u r t , t h e n to be hidden it hind the Drill. Ninus, the Assyrian king, about 22 most earnest resistance, and by the int h e P r o b a t e Office, in t h e City of Ann Arbor,io oil Pants! Pants ! ! Pants!!! 6*h. Has high wheels and long Jloes. C o u n t y , a n d j-hois c a u s e , if a n y t h e r e b e , why thepnjtr 00 years before Christ, led against the terposition of one of our must distinAlso of thep0Trtfoncr should n o t be g r a n t e d : h e r o r d e r e d , t h a t said peUtkiW the Baetritians an army of 1,700,000 guished citizens. We suppose that the 1th. lias long and wide steel points. giTfAndnutiicet it csttht eu tpersons Fancy CASSIMERES and DOEinterested in said est»t», ef ' foot, 1,700.000 horses, and 16,000 char- men who are engaged in these illegal ALBUMS, St7i. It has a land measure or Surt h e pendency "I said p e t i t i o n , a n d tlie bearisgthenof, SKIN o f everv grade, by p a u s i n g a copy of this Order t o b e publ'sbed in thi iots armed with ecythep. veyor. proceeding* are animated by the lure Michigan Argus, a n e w s p a p e r p r i n t e d a n d circulilinj We sell them from ONE DOLLAR up GOLD PENS, Semiramis employed 2,000,000 in of the bounty offered to new recruits. in said C o u n t y of AYashtenaw, t 9tA. Jt 1MS double and single ratiJc p r e v i o u s t o SHMI d a y ol h e a r i n g . h r e e successive *«ii. tO EIGHT. re building Babylon. She took 100,000 drills. SHEET MUSIC (A THOMAS NLVDE. (A t r u e Coj>y.) prisoners at the Indus and aank 1000 C$ . J u d g e of Probale 9C> A DRAIT "Hoss."—Setehell, the 10th. It has a self adjusting shut off VESTS, &C, of every description, ailti 2? superior qunlity of boats. comedian, says he was present at the slide. You will find it so without fiction, A short time after (he taking of White House the other day when the WouUHake this method of informing his (7TO frieiKl.-s It is neatly and substantially made. anil patrons and all others who may favor him with Babylon, the forces of Cyrus consisted following was perpetrated : An old their patronage, t h a t he h a s greatly enlarged his There is hanlly a Drill offered in t h e market b u t can Furnishing APPARELS of 600,000 foot, 120,000 horses, and farmer from tho West, who knew Presboast of more or less Stock and Assortment! From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. nti<l everythiris usually fcppt in a •well conducted Book 2000 chariots aimed with scythes. ident Lincoln in days bygone, called to Store. 6j»ji6sHeFraii*klin House. "FIRST PREMIUMS'' an.l having adopted t h e An army of Cambyses, 50,000 strong pay his respects at the Presidential This is all we say now, They are about7 as indiscriminately bestowed arf the title SPAFFOKD & DODSLET, was buried up in the desert sands* of mansion, Slapping the Chief Magis- CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BUYING & SELLING of '-Professor, ' which is sometimes applied to the Therefore we make our bow. G. W. SNOVER. li is prepared to sell Goods at IE=l*>f»,s>O33L«».— fiddlcr" or *;bootblack,'' They cease to convey t h e Africa by a south wind. successors to trate upon the back, he exclaimed, 1 c » l o 3 P x * ± o e s S S j His slock consists in par Ann Arbor, June, 1SC4. ly9C0 idea of merit. When Xerxes arrived at Thermop "Well, old hoss, how are you ? " Oldot the following: The Buckeye Drill has been on Exhibition a t quite a Yours truly, ever so, number of State and County Fairs, aud without seeking AMERICAN AND OTHER ylie, bis land and sea forces amounted Abe, being thoroughly democratic in M. GTJlTERMAN. & Co., favor a t the hands of any Committee, has received i t s O. C. SPAFFORD & D. HENNLN6, full share of Premiums to 2,614,610, exclusive of servants, eu- his ideas, and withul relishing a joke, Would rrsju'ctfully announce t o tbe eitizeng oi Aca nuchs, women, sutlers, etc., in all num- responding, "So I'm an old hoss, am I. \rbur awl vicinity, that they are now rcanufaclnriBf TESTIMONIALS : and keep constantly onfa^nda bering 5,283,220. So say Herodotus, What kind of a hoss, pray ?" "Why, We give the following names of a few Farmers hi this The Celebrated THJE VICTORY I S OURS ! vicinity who have bought and used tlie Buckeye Drill; Plutarch anci Isocrates. an old draft hoss, to be sure," was the Large AssortEcent of Godfrey Miller, Scio. The army of Artaxerxes before the rejoinder. Good, even for Sotchell.— SETHTHOMAS Jacob Polheunift battle of Cunaxa amounted to about Transcript. ft Jacob Tremper, CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts Thomas While, North field. Which Las been raging f'>r the1 past four weeks at 1,200,000. '< •lolin BrflUw, GOLD CMAINS, TABLE AND COMMUTATION.—The New York Tri~ Christian Kapp, Ten thousand horse and 100,000 foot [Successors to A. J. Sutherland,] POCKET CUTLERY ! Edward Boyden, Webster. MACK & SGHMID'S STORE bune answers many inquiries, which Pazors, Shears, Scissorsaiul Brushes, fell on the fatal field of Issua. James Troadwell, Ann Arboi Such as Manufacturers of and Dealers in Daniel O'Hara, When Jerusalem was taken by Titus, have been addressed to editors everyHas proved a grand Bucces3, although tlie slaughter of ROGERS PLATED WAHK, the host in market, John G. Cook. i:ndi. Guns,Pistols, Ammunition where, as to whether the payment of 1,106,000 perished in various ways. O. A. Marshall, Fork and Cider Barrels, L. Edmonds, Paliue. The army of Tamerlane is paid to $300 commutation exempts for three Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, Flasks, Game Bags, and George Cropsey, Green Oak, I,iv.Co. PAPER an.l ENVELOPES, have amounted to 1,600,000, and that full years from all drafts. Such payHas been terrible. We now make thd announcement We areal^o Agents for tlie Ever} other article ii> tbatLioe. Kegs, Firkins, Churns, that we shall continue " F o r Many Years" t o make ment, if made any time prior to Februof his antagonist, Bnjnzel, 1,400,000. All kinds of war with high prices, being determined to give the ary last, does so exempt. In February, hundreds who daily throng our store, full value for H 3E3 !E» A. 13R. X JKT <3Well Buckets, Flour and ^ Books for Instruments, their money, Ladies can find with us all desirable S 0 , J3 The following from the Cincin- the law was changed so that the pay- Strings done a t the shortest notice, ami in theJ best manner shades and styles of acknowledged to be the very best in use. of Gold Silver, Steel, and Plated, with nati Morning Herald takes the shine off ment of $300 thenceforth exempted a full fissortmentalways kept oiilmnd and made order Apples Barrels, c£c. of anything in the 'local item' wo have only for the impending draft; while DRESS GOODS, •ftTjL, Shop corner Main and Washington streets. We are just in receipt of Ann Arbor,Oct. 8,1S62. 873tf seen for many a day. I t is rich, deci- since the passage of the act of this RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, Merchants and Brewers are invited to examine M superior article. month there is no commutation what- Persons having a difficult dedly: Butter I'irkins and Beer Kegs. EMBROIDERIES, watches to fit with glasses MICHIGAN CENTRAIi 'As a gentleman was passing along ever. All who are henceforth drafted, can be accomodaled, a s my stock is Iarge'and comWHITE GOODS, C U S T O M -WO:R.:K:, Fifth street, he passed a place where and are found liable, must serve in per- plete. HOSIERY, P . S . Particular attention to t h e ' some boys were playing marbles. Oneson or by substitute. HDS3 3F»^\- I I I I 3ST C3r GLOYES, &c, Which we will sell Cheap. done to ORDER on SHORT NOTICE and warranted. of them in shooting his marble, cleverly of all kinds of fino Watches, such as Cash paid for Staves, Hea Kalamazoo. IMlch..> With a very large and attractive stock of put it under the gentleman's foot. The " AMAZONS " IN TUB FEDERAL ARMY. Making and Setting new Jewels, Also a large assortment c and Hoops. gentleman slipped and stumbled against —The official records at Washington Insures against Legs 01 Damage by Fire Pinions. Staffs, and Cylinders. or I i h t i a lady, also passing, precipitating her show that upwards of one hundred and Simps corner of Detroit & Xorth Streets, and CMC C L O C K S , < 5 c along with himself upon a hog who was fifty female recruits have been discover- neatly repaired and "warranted, a t his old standeaat of North & Fifth SJreets. f a r b e l o w tltoir "\7"a.lxi.© examining the gutter geologically for de- ed since the commencement of the war. side of Main Street. And the largest and best selected stock of CHARTER PERPETUAL. W e hear it said every day that wfl are ruining t h e &PAFFORD & DODSLET. bris. The hog, frightened out of hisIt is supposed that nearly all these business in this city by selling so cheap but we cannot C. BLISS. Guarantee Capital, by State Authority, help It, propriety, bolted off, and ran between " Amazons" were in collusion with Ann t r b o r . X o v . 25,1802 826tf Ann Arbor, Feb. Oth, 1864. Wtf the legs of another gentleman, who, inmen who were examined aud accepted, The Goods Must toe Sold. $800,000,00. failing, drew the string of a kite from after which the fair ones managed to GREAT.GREATER GREATEST FOR CARRIAGESever before offered In this market 1000 New Style and best quality HOOP SKIRTS very We also keep a large and full the hands of a boy. The kite of course substitute themselves and her mustered BARGAINS EVER OFFERED J. P. KENNEDY,DIRECTORS: MAESH GIDDINGS, cheap, and for the Gentlemen we have a very large a s fell, and in falling, frightened a span of into the servico. Over seventy of these sortment of A. P. MILLS, GEO. "W. SNYDEE, S. D. ALLK», GEO. W. ALLEN, horses attached to a wagon in an alley martial ladies, when their sex was disFrench Twilled Cloth. Beaver OvercoatBear by. The horses ran down the alOFFICERS : covered, were acting as officer's serings, Dosskins, Fancy Cassimcres, VestNA1IS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINT.and LINSEED OIL. ky. A man was building a firo in a vants. In regiment there were J. P. Kennedy, Pres. T. P. Sheldon, Vice- Pr ings, &c, A complete assortment of Geo. W. Snyder, Sec, A. P. Mills Treas., carpenter shop by which they passed, seventeen in that capacity. H. E, Hbyt Ass't Sec, S. D. Allen, Gen. Agt. Of all descripiionK, ftnd can furnish a whnle suit on started up to see what was the matter, short notice much cheaper than it can be bought else 940tf WHOLESALE k, RETAIL DEALERS IN STOVES, TINWARE, where. An examination of this branch of our busi' and in doing BO dropped his lighted ness will convince all that this is the place to buy their Miscellaneous and News Items. In this City, are now being offered at the match among the shavings. Afirewas Pants, Coats and Vests. We have also a complete AND EAVE TROUGHSalways on band and p u t n p % tlie stock of Ladies and Childrens' Shoes. TOBACCO, CIGABS, the consequence. The. eDgines assem- The Quebec Gazette reached the one shortest notice. CHEAP, CLOCK, WATCH, & hundretL )'ear of its existence on the RISDON k HENDERSON. The greatest internal and external remedy ever offered bled, and, in the hurry consequent upon Ann Arbor, June 29th, 18H2. 859tf HATS AND CAPS, eiry Store- to t h e public, for t h e cure of iches and Pains, is the alarm, a man fell in th3 track of one 28d ult. Merschaum Pipes, &c. 'll! K Subscriber wouhleny to t h e citizens of Ann ArAnd in fact everything that man or woman can desire of them, and had his arm broken, which The Kearsarge was recently visited, I bor,In particular, and t h o rc»t of Wnshtenaw to wear on head or foot. ended this budget of accidents foe thewhile at Cherbourg, by Louis Napoleon Ci)Uiitv ins.'.ncral, thnt h e h a s j u s t 1MPOUTED DI- Xo family, once having thoroughly tried, will be withWe, the undersigned, beg leave to inform the Cfl>' day. RECTLY from EUKOPK.a out Groceries, Crockery, Glassware &c.} himself, in cognito. ZEN'S OF ANN ARBOR and vicinity, t b a t we ha***! JUST OPENING? HAT STOEE! CLOTHS CASS1MERES & VESTINGS. CAPS, STRAW GOODS! BOOK STORE! GRAIN DRILL, Grass Seed Sower, MEDICAL & LAWBOOKS c LOWEST CASH PKICE. CITY COOPER SHOP, WALL PAPER! Watches! Rifle Factory! Terrible Slaughter! Beutler & Traver, COOPER WORK! tt it <i DRY OOODS Musical Instruments, Ohio Reaper & Mcwer, PERISCOPIC GLASS, 100 Grain Cradles INSUEANCE COMPANY CLOAKS AND SHAWLS G-rass STTJTF 3STEW 1859. 1859. GRUNER & SEYLER, WIZAR D OIL . Hamlin's Wizard Oil. QUEET.—Is tho boy who shot tho Tremendous Stock of Watches! NOBLE & RIDER, Are atlling their large stock of Hamlin's Wizard Oil. day established a Tobacco and Cigar business in ^ 11 Ai astonishing low prices, and in short our entire place, ono door North of the Franklin Block, J0 " The rebel authorities again permit All of which ho binds liimeelf to sell CHKAPEKthan utock must sharethe same fate for w e are determined warble responsible for all the consequent street, where we shall always keep afull assort '> It will cure Nervous and Inflammatory rains more to sell, no matter what old croakers may say. can be bought west of New York City. of the best qualities of aliens to pass through their lines, and readily and surely t h a q ^ ^ r other article in use. J t All are invited to inepect our stock as it is no trouble damages ? I have also t h e requires only u few iu^^HL4pphcation of numbers have reached Washington. to show onrgoods, and we are bound to meet the demands ot t 11. CELEBRATED 932tf MACK *: SCHSIID. CHEAPER THAN EVEK !! 23 of the Richmond papers The Southern road has advanced its calls thejshellings of Petersburg "^Yan- rates for way freight fifty per cent.— AMERICAN WATCHES, Tr cure the pain entirely in all cases of Neuralgia, kee lectures on Conchology." which I will sell t t r *3.r). Every Watch warranted to Headache, Toothache, Earache Cuts, and LOW PRICES ^OR CASH. as also a large and choice The advance in through rates is twenty uerform Bruises, well.orthe money relnnded. per cent. Clocks, CIQAES! Jewelry. Piated Ware, Good Stoga Boots : : &2.5Oa$J:.5O Money is said to be " the sinFancy Goods, Gold Pens, 1 Since the commencement of Grant's 1$ :il*u acertain and speedy cure for Rheumatism Mu9lcnl[nstruments end Strings, ews of war.' Tho rebels are without Men's good Calf Pegged, 3.00 a 6.00 PIPES, (Merachaym, Brier and Spialn», Lame Hack, Sove Throat, Dliithc&.C., money, but the war they wage is any-campaign, 1,000 nurses and surgeons' and in fact B variety ofCutlery, everything funnily kept i y Jew rln, Diarrhea; Cramp Colic, Frost Bltvs wood,) have been sent to the army—775 of the lim-iifc ami Scaldti. '« " " Sewed : 5.00 a 6.50 elers can be boughrforthe uext ninoty thing but sinewless. days at vtiur number were ladies. ********** Woman's " Lace Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 OWN PRICES! A good deal of the consolation offered A newspaper carrier has paid $5,000 Persons buying anything nt this weV known eatab Is no humbug. Trv it, and its wonderful effecls will Ladies' " Congress G'ts, : ?5 a 2.50 you. PKICE 25 auU 50 0B51H PKR BOTT1.K. Jn the world is nlniut as solacing as the for the exclusive right to sell papers at liebmo ttt can rely upon getting goody exactly a s r e p ' astonish IJ^TDIA RUB^EJi POUCHES, The fifty cent bottles contain nearly three- times as resented, o r t h r m o r r y refunded. Oallearly and s e assurance of the man to his wilo when the depots and on the cars of the New cure tlie best bargains ever oftVred in thil City, For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Boys' Youth's and Children's much as the twefiiy-flve cent size. she fell into the river: "You'll fiud York Central Railroad. Manufactured by J. A. Haniliu <t Bro., 102 Bugs, Molks in Furs, Woolen, Sfc., In- Shoes One word in regard to Repairing : : ; : : 15 a 1.50 SNUFF & CIGAR BOXES ground at the bottom, my dear." Washington Street, Chicago, W e a r e prppared to make any repairs onfine o r c o m HI.I.KK, FINCH &*TIJ,KK, 1'4 and 26 Market St., sects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Sfc. Gen. Barnard has returned to themon Watches, even to rnnkinpo/er t h e entire watcti Cliteftg-o, are Wholesale Agents for I'ut up in 25c. 50c. and $1.00 HOXOB, Bottles, and I95l Will be found ivitb us af all kimls anil <?f necessary. Repairing of Clocks and J e w e l r y ai Flask*. $3 and $5 Hi/.es for HOTKI.S, 1'('I:LIC LV^TITV- Now is the iime to buy as BOOTS and SriT C r n T O^«. r Neither tho Tribune nor Times go Army of the Potomac to superintend ifusual. i Also t h e manufacturing 1 ot RINGS,BROOCHS, TIO.NS, &c. SHOES are rapidly advancing We shall aeit »(1 of t h e aboye. mentioned article'«' with Mr. Lincoln in insisting upon the the engineering operations iu front of or anything desirrd, from California Gold on shoftno"Only infallible remedies known."' many other* whiuh belong to our line, of trade • ' in E.asiern Markets, tice. Kn^rayips in alHtabranchesexeented withneat '&.O "Kree from I'oifions." • abolition ol slavery as one of the terms Petersburg. lowest possible r«te for c.isli. ness aud dispatch. "Not dangerous to the Human Family." Vlease call and exammo. ^ JJ of reunion. The Tribune is silent, and "Kats come out of their holes to die J C . WATTS y. D.—Sjlffn—Pquiw with eigarbox, one <loor ?WT* Sold Wholesale in all large cities. It is officially stated that the sick EUTTAN'S of the Franklin Block. . the Times rebukes Lincoln as bitterly as 14 ftBSl by nil Druggists anil Retailers everywhere. GKUXEU & SKVlf ' 55tf it darO9. Mr. Lincoln has gone just a and wounded soldiers now in the variJgfg- 111 HKUWHE !1! of all worthless imitations. Jlissolutloii Notice, Ann Arbor, Maj S<1,1864. f ' See that "COSTAKV name is on each Box, Dotlittle too far in his ultimatum, and has ous departments and camp hospitals, miTR FIRM OF CIIAPIN, WOOD & CO., was disaoWed VENTILATION^&JVARMSNG! ffc5£, tle, WOBK 'SO ORDER, and Flask, before you !,ny. number 140,000 men. * T o • A.Tanuary 16,1863, by mulual consent. C. A. Chapin JO-Address I I E N I l V 14. C O S T A R , disgusted everybody. and A. B. Wood will settle (heaccounts of the firm. Tin1 undersigned kopj)s on hand nnd will supply «gi» PmNar.u. HKP'OT 4 2 ISiuMmv.ii\Nisw YOBK. C, A-, A. B. WOOD, ARCHITECTS, BtTILKERS, and INDIVIDUALS, witi, AND HEPA1R. Postmaster General Blair, whose tSfSnlA by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists in nny (if these eul^briitcM1. machines for the warming of "Ann ITUATKD si* miles Xorth of Ann Arbor. &lili'*.r;5 V.ClIAPIN, E. WKLIS. .' Dririag Hunter's retreat from Lyuch- house Arbor, Michigan . 0mD64. was burned by the rebel raiders, Imilclinfrs lit short notice. He will also be uappy to consists of 122 acres. Qo the premise" *•*•. W S fl reIi b-u-rov one of the Federal BoldierSiwked had -completed the payment for it only Ann Arbor,June 24,18»>3. give such instructions to all who are about to build as ' ^'t,jAD' JKeniouibcr wo can not and will not be huildiFitr.^. a flse orchard and a living will enable them to warm their house? a t about half kuo»na,vtl>e. Rosecransfarni. It will be BOU.«»*•*"• u rcbol woman '! What place is this?" the week previous. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Copartnership. undersold. theexprnsefor fire) th&t they csn possibly do by any find teinis ot payment made easy, pnquire °'i,pQj(j PHILADELPHIA, PA." Little Lick." " How jar is it to B\g TE UNDERSIGNED entored into partnership .Jan. other meant). l s e n v s a r U i c N e r v o t n , -geialrnU, t ' r l n n r y Ann Arbqr.Jap.SB, 1SH4W\* , 16,1833, by tbe firm name of Chapin & Co., and T REFERENCES. Lick r"' ''Just about two -miles from riease call ami examine tbeir stock The plunder carried off, and the dam- will continue tlie business of manufacturing printing a n d S e x u a l Systems—new and reliable treatC. EBKRBACrt. Ann Arbor. A. A. 8CHOOJ, BOARD, ment—in Reports of the HOWARD. ASSOCIATION— tfira side (>f Lynehburg." The soldier age inflicted by tho rebels in their late and wrapping paper. JACOB MANC.STKRKKR. S f E NO15T K. <"H.ATU Vfi BTPEIi. C. A. GtUlow, v—i«* " » 7 r . Cut:•,;. t V ' i l i > l 1 i l ) a i t t t ' f b Ujoi)j»htiul!y paused, and" finally went raid into Maryland, it is ostimated, will oVfelly enticed. Ann Arlirr.Miii-fl J l b U K i . fefe Arbor, June £4,18oB 91Ctf 1fM4. inn Arbot, Ttt- 181b,186*. amount to ovei $4,000,000. BOOTS * SHOES, SMOKING & CHEWING TOMfflfl Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Haml'n's Wizard Oil. Hamlin's Wizard Oil, CIGAR HOLPEB& Hamlin's Wizard Oil. THEY ALSO MAKE WARRANTED C A Farm for sale. D Ayer's Ague Curft
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