Forward Looking Statement Advisory Except for historical information contained herein, this presentation contains forward looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding Twin Hills Resources Inc. and Envirotech Green Inc. (“the Companies”) plans to and projections regarding (i) the commercial success of the proprietary process; (ii) the CAPEX or cost to build a plant; (iii) the cost per barrel to produce and the targeted netback per barrel; (iv) the breakeven amount per barrel; (v) the timing of the potential plant payback; (vi) the future growth potential and whether it will be funded by cash flow; (vii) the amount of land to be acquired in the next 12 months; (vii) the potential amount of oil in place; (ix) the timing of the commencement of production; (x) the target production per process unit or barrel; (xi) the daily gross profit per unit or per barrel; (xii) the gross profit per annum per unit; (xiii) the Company’s growth targets; and (xiv) the operating costs, transportation costs, and production capacity. These forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions and are based on management’s current expectations and assumptions. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements as a result of risks and uncertainties, which include, without limitation: general economic conditions and the current economic uncertainty in the global markets; whether the proprietary technology successfully functions and functions at a commercially viable level; the Companies’ continued right to use the proprietary processes and technology; the Companies’ ability to acquire property with commercially viable levels of bitumen; the continued price and demand for oil; the Companies’ ability to raise the capital necessary to build one or more plants; the Companies’ ability to hire and retain personnel necessary to successfully operate its business; the speculative nature of natural resource exploration activities; changes in the operating costs; changes in economic conditions and conditions in the resource, foreign exchange and other financial markets; changes in the investments and exploration expenditure levels; litigation; legislation; environmental, judicial, regulatory, political and competitive developments in areas in which the Companies operates; technological, mechanical and operational difficulties encountered in connection with the Companies’ activities. You are urged to consider these factors carefully in evaluating the forward-looking statements contained herein and are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements, which are qualified in their entirety by these cautionary statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. © 2013 Twin Hills Resources Inc. and Envirotech Green Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright. All materials displayed or otherwise accessible through this Presentation (collectively, the "Content") are protected by copyright law, and are owned by the Companies, or the party accredited as the provider of the Content. Except as granted by the companies, any use of the Content, including modification, transmission, presentation, distribution, republication, or other exploitation of the Presentation or of its Content, whether in whole or in part, is prohibited without the express prior written consent of the Companies. A Unique Business Opportunity Disruptive Bitumen/Heavy Oil Extraction and Upgrading Technology The Companies • Twin Hills Resources CA, a privately held Canadian company representing the interest of Twin Hills Resources US - has been established to search for, evaluate, acquire an equity stake in and market new generation technologies to the oil and gas industry. • Envirotech Green Inc. a privately held Canadian company incorporated under the laws of Ontario. - has developed a patented Cavitation technology for Extraction of heavy oil from oil sands and the upgrading heavy oil and black wax. Challenges - Economic Industry and governments are constantly put to task in attempts to manage the economic, social and environmental costs associated with oil production. • Cost of Diluent • CAPEX/OPEX diluent handling and storage • Price Differential • Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions • Transportation • Water Availability • Global Reputation Challenges - Environmental Increasing public pressure to “green” the energy future. Investors grading companies on environmental performance and associated financial risks. • • • • • • Air Quality Land Use and Reclamation Water Consumption & Quality Wildlife and Fauna Biodiversity Mature Fine Tailings Tailing Ponds Government, Industry & Academia Initiatives • Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) – To date, COSIA member companies have shared 560 distinct technologies and innovations that cost over $900 million to develop. • Alberta Innovates and Academia – Alberta Innovates work with key innovation support agencies, publicly funded post-secondary institutions, industry and government to further research and innovation in the province and make Alberta more competitive in the global economy. – Significant investments in renewable energy projects have resulted in more than $1 billion dollars worth of activity. Extraction Results Removes 99.7% of oil from oil sands No direct GHG emissions Recaptures tailings Requires no hot water or steam Operates at standard temperature and pressure Extraction Results • Only external energy is electricity 1.6 to 1.7 Kwh/Bbl. • Residence time in the Extraction Chamber is 7- 15 minutes in batch process • Separation of sand and clay from bitumen is within standard oil plant separation parameters Upgrading Scope Eliminate the need for diluent No direct GHG emissions Simple & Minimal Energy Process Upgrading Scope Operates at < 100o C Temperature and Standard Pressure Does not use Solvents or other consumables Non-complex operating system Continuous closed loop process Upgrading Results to Date • Heavy Residue ( 977o F+) reduced by 20% • Diluent Requirements reduced by 55 % to meet pipeline specifications – Continued pilot plant runs expected to produce lower viscosity reducing the need for any diluent • Only external energy costs are for electricity 1.6 – 1.7 kWh/bbl. • Cavitation energy produces heat to raise temperature from above pour point to the range of 75o to 90o C Achievements to Date • 40 bbl./day Extraction Tests Extraction Technical Readiness Scale 6 Upgrading • 350 bbl./day Partial Upgrading Tests Technical Readiness Scale 6 Technical Information Larry Saidakovsky Extraction Technology • Separation of mixture of bitumen (and residual diluent), water, sand and clay. • Additional water vigorously introduced to mixture via a high velocity water jet stream producing a slurry. • Interference of powerful ultrasonic waves are introduced to the vigorously circulated slurry in the extraction chamber producing vast arrays of imploding cavitation bubbles. Extraction Technology – cont’d • Amplified by the resonance the collapsing cavitation bubbles in the extraction chamber produce the following effects – Sand is fractured into finer particles-some as small as 5 microns – Under adiabatic compression, temperatures at point of collapse range 3500o to 4000o Kelvin • Extraction process operates at 20o C temperature and atmospheric pressure. • Only energy source is electricity, no solvents, no external heat added. • Settling occurs under atmospheric conditions as the clay settles with the sand. Extraction Process Premix Tank Extraction Chamber Mixing Oil sands and Water Slurry High Energy Extraction Chamber Settling Tank Processed Oil Sands slurry with Bitumen separated out flows into a Settling Tank Extraction Results Oil sands Stackable Tailings Water, Bitumen and Clay/Sand Separation Clear Tailings Water with Settled out Sand and Clay 24 Hours after Cavitation Extraction Process Process Water & Utah Oil Sand Process water from Settling Tank with Clay and Sand settled out and oil wet Utah oil sands on the right Water Usage - Extraction Water is used to create oil sands slurry. This provides the medium for ultrasonic shock wave transmission, creating the cavitation effects that separate bitumen, water, sand and clay. • The tailings water settles clear • Only trace amounts of oil remain in the tailings sand • The process water in the test is returned to the feed tank • Dissolved salts build-up in the recycled water can be removed during water recycling using continuous-flow ion extraction technology Extraction Process Diagram (Mining) Electricity Electromechanical Transducer Tailings PreMix Tailings Pond Settled Water Separator Jet Bitumen & Diluent Extraction Chamber Screw Conveyors Water Sand & Clay to Settling Ponds Upgrading Technology • • Bitumen is delivered to a Cavitation Device from a feed / recirculating tank The feed / circulating tank provides the means to: – feed the cavitation device through a tangential nozzle and a vortex chamber – circulate bitumen from each end of the cavitation device through deturbulizers and flow control shutters to separate flows with different viscosities and densities – creates a densely whirling emulsion flow with high radial gradient of pressure – emulsion flow is then subjected to electro-hydrodynamic (EHD) shocks – subjects the cavitating emulsion inside the device only, to interference of powerful sonic waves causing overwhelming volume of collapsing cavitation bubbles while creating point of collapse temperatures of 3500o to 4000o Kelvin for 0.1 to 1 microseconds Upgrading Technology – cont’d • Chemical reactions follow: – disintegrating longer molecules to smaller molecules – formation of free radicals and carbamides – formation of water from free radical combination with hydrocarbons – hydrogen attached to disintegrated molecules – formation of hydrogen sulphide and ammonia • Continued pilot plant runs expected to produce lower viscosity without the need for any diluent Upgrader Upgraded Bitumen Distillation 1600 1400 D e g r e e s 977o F+ Residue 1200 1000 800 600 Feed Sound Sound Shock 400 F 200 0 IBP 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Weight Percent 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Bitumen Differentials Mass Balance Property Flow 60 F Bbl Density kgm/m3 20 C 60 F 7C API Gravity 20 C 60 F 7C Specific Gravity 20 C 60 F 7C Viscosity Cst 30 C 20 C 60 F 7C Carbon wt% Hydrogen wt % Nitrogen wt% Sulphur wt% Feedstock Lb Mass Balances for Bitumen Processing Feedstock Sound Processing Spark Plus Sound Processing 1 1024.22 1026.44 1030.77 989.46 991.68 1006.91 960.49 962.71 869.89 7.1 6.7 5.8 10.0 9.7 9.0 15.6 15.2 14.4 1.0209 1.0239 1.0306 1.0000 1.0024 1.0071 0.9619 0.9646 0.9698 44000 2000 25000000 354000 8900 83.85 10.08 0.87 5.16 84.44 10.48 0.58 4.42 85.06 11.08 0.39 3.52 302.75 37.58 2.08 15.85 304.98 39.73 1.40 12.62 358000 358.54 Product Lb Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulphur 300.64 36.14 3.12 18.50 Volume Bbl 1.00 Total Lb 358.40 PerCent Increase Decrease +/- 1.021 1.061 358.25 -0.04 358.72 0.09 Upgrading Process Diagram Electricity Electromechanical Transducers Cavitation Device Bitumen Feed Tank Feed Pump Shutter Controls X Gas to Treatment X X Separator Product Tank Product Pump Lower Viscosity lower density Bitumen SAGD Extraction Upgrading Process Diagram Conclusion Kevin Lee Economics • Extraction • Capital US$ 3370 per stream barrel • Operating Costs US$ 0.80 per Barrel • Recovered bitumen/diluent( 5 % in Tailings) US$ 11.5 Million Annually • Upgrading • Capital US$ 4650 per stream barrel • Operating Costs US$ 0.60 per Barrel • Annual Revenue US$ 82 Million Next Steps Short Term Medium Term Long Term • Conduct independent validation testing on the technologies • Seek technology development agreements with industry partners or associations on both the Extraction and Upgrading technologies • Secure commercial and operational agreements for both technology applications. Appendix • • • • • • Patents and Patent Applications Black Wax – present case example Value Proposition Government Initiatives Industry Initiatives Contact Information Questions? Patents Patent No.: U.S. 8,192,61852 - Date granted: June 2012 Patent No.: CA. 267426 - Date granted: November 2013 • Oil Sands Treatment System and Process Patent Application No. U.S. 13,987,031 - Filing date June 2013 Patent Application No. CA. 2826511 - Filing date Sept. 2013 International Application No. PCT/CA2013/000825 - Filing date September 2013 • Treatment process and apparatus for reducing high viscosity in petroleum products, derivatives, and hydrocarbon emulsions Black Wax - Present Case Example Utah Black Wax Utah Basin black wax crude oil is pumped to the surface as a hot liquid at a temperature of about 150oF. It has a very high paraffin content and it hardens up as soon as it cools down and can’t be pipelined Transportation It is kept in heated tanks and shipped by tanker trucks to local refineries while hot. Trucks have a 4-6 hour window to reach refineries before they become a candle on wheels. Problems Significant viscosity reduction has never been obtained and maintained with Utah black wax. Research towards achieving this goal has been under way for the past 60 years in Utah - without success. Black Wax - Present Case Example Technology • Black wax is produced and pumped into the feed tank of the upgrader. Upgraded • In less than 1 minute at standard temperature and pressure, the viscosity of black wax is reduced from 631,000 to 280 centistokes at 20 degrees Celsius. • Note: a viscosity meter built into the upgrading process allows specific viscosities to be achieved. Results • This light viscosity oil remained stable when stored at standard temperature and pressure where black wax is normally a solid. It can now be pipelined. Value Proposition Intellectual Property – Patented Cavitation technology for Extraction of bitumen from oil sands and the Upgrading of bitumen, heavy oil and waxes Management Team – experienced management team with a diverse industry and technology background Customers – Oil Sands Miners and Producers, SAGD Producers, Black Wax Producers Customer Value – Increased Production. Reduced Costs. Higher $Netbacks/bbl Government Initiatives • In 2002, Alberta passed the Climate Change and Emissions Management Act (CCEMA) signalling its commitment to manage greenhouse gas emissions in the province. • In 2003, Alberta passed the Specified Gas Reporting Regulation (SGRR) requiring all facilities emitting over 100,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) annually to report their emissions • In 2007, Alberta passed the Specified Gas Emitters Regulation (SGER) to legislate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions for large industrial facilities becoming the first jurisdiction in North America to do so. – SGER requires all facilities in Alberta emitting over 100,000 tonnes of CO2e per year to reduce their emissions intensity by 12% below their 2003-2005 baseline emissions intensity. Government Initiatives • In 2009, Alberta introduced Directive 74 requiring Operators to prepare tailings plans and report annually on tailings ponds. Specific enforcement actions if tailings performance targets are not met. • Facilities that fail to meet their emission intensity reduction targets have the option to: – Buy Alberta-based emissions offsets credits from the Alberta Emissions Offset Registry (AEOR); – Purchase Emissions Performance Credits (EPC) from the SGER facilities that have reduced their emissions intensity beyond their reduction target; – Pay $15/tonne of CO2e over reduction targets into the Climate Change and Emissions Management Fund (CCEMF) which supports projects and technologies aimed at reducing GHG emissions in the province. Industry Initiatives Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) • An alliance of oil sands producers focused on accelerating the pace of improvement in environmental performance in Canada's oil sands through collaborative action and innovation. • Participating companies capture, develop and share the most innovative approaches and best thinking to improve environmental performance in the oil sands, focusing on four Environmental Priority Areas (EPAs) – tailings, water, land and greenhouse gases. • To date, COSIA member companies have shared 560 distinct technologies and innovations that cost over $900 million to develop. Industry Initiatives • The Alberta Research and Innovation Authority is an integral part of Alberta Innovates - a strategically aligned and integrated provincial research and innovation system. • Alberta Innovates work with key innovation support agencies, with publicly funded post-secondary institutions, industry and government to further research and innovation in the province and make Alberta more competitive in the global economy. • Through AI-EES (CCEMC) made significant investments in renewable energy projects which have resulted in more than $1 billion dollars worth of activity Contact Information Kevin Lee Twin Hills Resources Inc. Ph: 403-710-6587 Email: [email protected] Larry (Lazarus) Saidakovsky Envirotech Green Inc. Ph: 416-557-9684 Email: [email protected]
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