APRIL 11TH, 2015

APRIL 11TH, 2015
A Fundraiser for The
Judy V. Spencer Fund
A fun packed event
including a timed
5k Run/Walk with AND
without dogs as well as
a 1 Mile Doggie Dash!
Pet participation is
encouraged though we
ask you to be considerate of your dog’s ability
and limitations.
Victims of Domestic Violence…….
Meet Judy V. Spencer
People sometimes think that domestic violence only
touches the lives of people. However, in reality it
touches all members of the family, including pets!
In domestic violence situations pets may be used
to keep the victim in the situation by threatening
to harm or even kill the pet if they leave. The Bay
Area Women’s Center cannot accommodate pets
and does not have the financial means to board
pets in such situations. Therefore, if a victim
cannot afford to board the pet or cannot find a
family member or friend to care for the pet, the
victim must decide:
Judy V. Spencer, was a survivor of
domestic violence and a lover of
animals. She recently lost her
battle with cancer.
“My mom was a symbol of strength. Not
only in her valiant fight against ovarian
cancer but also in her battle against
domestic violence. She was courageous
enough to take me and my three older
siblings out of an unhealthy situation and
gave us an opportunity for a better life.”
-Michael Spencer
Judy V. Spencer Fund Founder
Do they leave the pet behind with the abuser?
Do they give the pet away?
Do they stay because they can not leave the
pet for fear of its fate?
None of these are good choices for someone that
loves their pet!
To address this need the Bay Area Women’s Center and the Humane Society of Bay County has
partnered with Michael Spencer to create the
Judy V. Spencer Fund. By participating in the 5k 9
Walk and Run, you are ensuring the victims of
domestic violence are not forced to make that
decision. The funds raised today will provide funds
to place pets in a safe environment while the victim
is safe!
Thank you for joining us today to raise funds to
address this need in our community!
Jeannie Wolicki-Nichols, President of the Humane
Society of Bay County , Jessica Gregory of the Bay
Area Women’s Center & the 5K-9 Board Members.