OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL S. ML S. MEDICAL COLLEGE & CONTROLLER OF THE ATTACHED HOSPITALS, JAIPUR No. ............................F/IWIC/Store/Tehder/2015-16 . D a te d :-.....................2015 OPEN TENDER NOTICE No. 1 /2015-16 Sealed tenders are invited for Hiring of Computer along with trained personnel (a complete unit) for use of S.M.S. Medical College & Attached Hospitals, Jaipur:- The rates will be valid up to 31-03-2016. The detailed of NIT will be as under. . C a t. N o. N a m e o f th e Ite m s Q ty ( A p p r o x .) t. 24 C o m p u te r a lo n g w ith tr a in e d p e r s o n n e l (a c o m p le te u n it) D a t e o f S e llin g T e n d e r D o c u m e n ts 0 8 - 0 5 -2 0 1 5 to 2 2 - 0 5 -2 0 1 5 1 0 .3 0 A M to 3 .0 0 P M D a t e o f R e c e iv in g S e a le d T e n d e r s • 2 3 - 0 5 -2 0 1 5 u p to 4 .0 0 P M E s td . C o s t (I n L a c s) E arn est M on ey (2 % o f E std . C o s t ) In R s. 4 6 ,0 0 0 = 0 0 23=00 D a t e o f o p e n in g o f T e n d e r s 2 5 - 0 5 -2 0 1 5 a t 1 2 .0 0 N o o n The Bid Document, Terms & Conditions, Estimated Value, Earnest Money and other information related to this NIT can be seen at website littp://sppp.raiasthan.' and at website This NIT can be seen on DIPR Web Site PRINCIPAL & CONTROLLER No. .A H ..F7MC/Store/Tender/2015-16 Dated:- ..... 2015 Copy forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:' 1. The Director, Information and Public Relation, Rajasthan,. Jaipur please find enclosed herewith the 10 copies of Open Tender Notice to kindly arrange to publish the tender notice in One regional daily news paper and One leading daily State Level news paper having circulation of 50,000 copies & above as per RTPP Rules 2013. ' . .' 2. Financial Advisor, S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur. 3. Nodal Officer, College Website, S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur along with NIT, Bid Document and Terms & Conditions with remark that please upload the same on college website. 4. P.S. to P&C/P.A. to ADP (Expenditure).' ' 5. Notice Board of all attached Hospitals, S.M.S-. Medical College, Jaipur. 6. Cashier/ReceiptClerk/Notice board, S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur. 7. Storekeeper, Central Store, S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur. 8. Guard file. A a "J ’ A A PRINCIPAL & CONTROLLER OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL 5. M. S. MEDICAL COLLEGE & CONTROLLER OF THE ATTACHED HOSPITALS, JAIPUR No .............................F/MC/Stare/Tendar/201.5-16 Dated:-.................... 2015 OPEN TENDER NOTICE No. 1 /2015-16 Sealed tenders are invited, for Hiring of Computer along with trained personnel (a complete unit) for use of S.M.S. Medical College & Attached Hospitals, Jaipur. The estimated value of earnest money to be deposited with tender, which is mentioned as under. The rates will be valid up to 31-03-2016. Cat. N a m e o f th e Item s. C o m p u te r a lo n g w ith tr a in e d p e r s o n n e l ( a c o m p le te u n it) 2 . Qty. ( A p p r o x .) N o. 24 E s td . C o s t (In L a c s ) 23=00 E a rn est M on ey (2 % o f E s td . C o s t ) In R s. 46,000=00 NOTE:- 1. The cost of Tender Form should be Rs.400.00. Tender fees are not refundable. 2. Postal charges will be Rs. 50/-extra, if Tender Form is desired/demanded by post, which is not refundable.--* Department is not responsible for any Postaf 'delay. 3. All information’s related this NIT, documents others information can be seen at website and website 4. Technical and Financial Bid should be submitted in the sealed envelope as per procedure mentioned in terms/conditions of Tender documents. 5. Earnest Money will be submitted in the form of Demand Draft/Cash through Treasury Challan in favour of the “Principal, S.M.S. Medical-College Jaipur”. Without required Earnest Money tender will not be considered. • • 6. Bid Documents should be submitted in sealed envelope mentioning the Name of Firm, Name of Item with Category No. on the top o f the envelope. 7. Payment will be made on monthly basis bills as per rules after receiving verified satisfactory work report and attendance of the computer operator along with machine. 8. Payment of Computer Operator will be deposited in his/her bank account. 9. Computer along with trained personnel will be hired from service providing agency only. 10. The strength of computer .operators will be changed by the undersigned. 11. Conditional Tenders are liable to be rejected. 12. The undersigned has right to.accept or reject.any tender, partly or fully without assigning any reasons. 13. In case of any dispute, legal Jurisdiction Jaipur. The tender form with terms & conditions can be obtained From this Office on any working day during of working hour's i.e. 10.30 AM to 3.00 PM. From 08-05-2015 to 22-05-2015 on payment of tender fee as above, in the name of the “Principal, S.M.S. Medical College Jaipur”. The Tender Form with terms & conditions also can be download from website and website and submit along with relevant tender fees in the form of Demand Draft as required. The tenders will be received up to 23-052015 by 4.00 PM and Tenders will be opened on 25-05-2015 at 12.00 Noon, in presence of available bidders. If any of these dates happen to be Govt, Holiday .the next working day shall be treated as the last date of receiving and opening of tender as the case may be. This NIT can be seen on DIPR W.eb Site w PRINCIPAL & CONTROLLER No. ,.\.Q37r3n...F/W IC/Store/Tender/2015-16 Dated:- ..... 2015 Copy forwarded to the following for infonnation and necessary action:1. The Director, Information and Public Relation, Rajasthan, Jaipur please find enclosed herewith the 10 copies of Open Tender Notice to kindly arrange to publish the tender notice in One regional daily news paper and One leading daily State Level news paper having circulation of 50,000 copies & above as per RTPP Rules 2013. ' 2. Financial Advisor, S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur. 3. Nodal Officer, College Website, S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur along with NIT, Bid Document and Terms & Conditions with remark that please upload the same on college website. 4. P.S. to P&C/P.A. to ADP .(Expenditure), 5. Notice Board of all attached Hospitals, S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur. 6 . Cashier/Receipt Clerk/Notice board, S.M.S: Medical College, Jaipur. 7. Storekeeper, Central Store, S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur. 8 . Guard file. . •4a - J • tflj-o- PRINCIPAL & CONTROLLER
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