Websites and Resources Available to Improve Care of COPD Patients

Websites and Resources Available
to Improve Care of COPD Patients
The University of Texas
Healtli Science Center at
San Antonio
Puinionary/Criticai Care
The South Texas Veterans
Health Care System
San Antonio, TX
a v i n g access to accurate, practical a n d
easily u n d e r s t a n d a b l e i n f o r m a t i o n is
essential t o a p p r o p r i a t e l y recognize,
evaluate a n d manage c h r o n i c c o n d i t i o n s such
as C O P D . D e p e n d i n g o n the websites y o u
choose to view, the I n t e r n e t can be a useful
resource for i n f o r m a t i o n . However, m u c h of
the o n l i n e data r e g a r d i n g C O P D is o u t d a t e d ,
c o n f u s i n g a n d i n some instances, t h e
i n f o r m a t i o n is c o m p l e t e l y incorrect.
Inaccurate information may confuse patients
w i t h C O P D and may perpetuate suboptimal
recognition, evaluation and management of
these patients by busy healthcare professionals.
It may be difficult to find the t i m e and/or
resources to attend high-quality seminars w i t h
accurate and practical information. I t was out
of this necessity to help i n f o r m that we
developed practical and accurate online
resources for C O P D patients, their caregivers
and healthcare professionals.
Practical Resource / Website for
Healthcare Professionals:
Despite advances identifying and m a n a g i n g
patients w i t h C O P D over the last 20 years,
many gaps still exist between how care should
be delivered and how it is actually being
provided i n clinical practice. Data have shown
that many C O P D patients do not receive the
best treatments according to current guidelines.
So what can be done to help busy healthcare
professionals provide the best care for their
C O P D patients? One solution we developed is
a Web-based, Interactive Professional Education
i n COPD (WipeCOPD''*) p r o g r a m
( O u r website helps
healthcare professionals catch up on the "latest
and greatest" C O P D information. Teaching
clinicians the best ways to treat C O P D w i l l
ultimately help patients feel better, be more
active and do m u c h better overall.
The W i p e C O P D ™ program is divided into several
sections and is designed to teach healthcare
professionals (including nurses, respiratory
therapists, pharmacists, physician assistants,
nurse practitioners and physicians) about COPD.
The "A to Z" section includes 15 presentations,
each lasting between 12-20 minutes, w i t h
interactive questions every 3-5 minutes. The
"Clinical Learning" section includes interactions
between a clinician and a COPD patient, which
are facilitated to emphasize key points. The
facilitated "Inhaler Demonstration" section
includes videos of a patient receiving step-bystep instructions on each of the inhaler devices.
The WipeCOPD™ program also includes a
"Virtual Clinic" where the clinicians' questions
are answered by a patient video. Healthcare
professionals select the differential diagnosis,
order studies and choose management options.
There is a billing section that may be skipped if
not applicable to the learner. Each healthcare
professional is then provided w i t h individualized
feedback (video and textual), based on what was
chosen i n the previous tabs. The learner is able to
go back and select different management options
and the feedback section changes
based on what is selected. Finally,
there is a video summary,
emphasizing the key points of the
Animated COPD Patient'
A year of unlimited access costs a
mere $150 for physicians (for up to 14
hours of continuing education credit)
and $100 for nurse practitioners,
physician assistants, nurses,
respiratory therapists, and
pharmacists. Special pricing is
available for groups, students and
international learners
(adamssg(5) Funds
generated go to the not-for-profit entity,
WipeDiseases™ Foundation, whose mission is to
provide healthcare professionals w i t h tools to
change clinical practice and improve outcomes of
patients w i t h COPD and other chronic diseases.
Finally, educating healthcare professionals about
the best management of COPD w i l l help lower
the risk of "flares" (acute exacerbations) and help
COPD patients feel better and be more active.
Healthcare professionals who indicate on the
WipeCOPD™ registration page that they
learned of the site from the COPD Foundation
will have 25% of their registration fee
donated by the WipeDiseases Foundation to
the COPD Foundation.
To learn more visit or
scan this QR code with your smartphone.
Useful Website for COPD Patients
and Their Caregivers:
The A n i m a t e d C O P D Patient: A n A n i m a t e d
Patient's Guide to Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease can be found at One of the
m a i n goals of this website is to provide accurate
and useful information to empower patients and
their caregivers to effectively deal w i t h this
potentially devastating disease. Better
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c o m m u n i c a t i o n between C O P D patients, their
caregivers and their healthcare professionals
leads to better health outcomes. The website is
free to use and features brief videos on topics
such as C O P D symptoms, risk factors,
complications, diagnosis and treatment. I n
addition to videos of animation, there are also
videos of C O P D experts and patients w i t h
COPD p r o v i d i n g their insights and experiences.
Patients and their caregivers can review the
information and resources at their o w n leisure.
Webinar/Resources for Caregivers
of COPD Patients:
The C O P D Foundation i n collaboration w i t h
Sunovion hosted a Webinar for C O P D
Caregivers. One h u n d r e d twelve people
registered and 43 participated i n the entire
webinar, w h i c h featured an expert i n COPD, as
well as a caregiver of a patient w i t h COPD.
Some key messages that the expert and the
caregiver conveyed d u r i n g the webinar included
the importance of m a i n t a i n i n g a positive
attitude, not r u s h i n g your loved one w i t h C O P D
and m a k i n g sure y o u take care of yourself so
that you continue to be able to care for your
loved one. The C O P D Caregiver booklet can be
downloaded at the following website: Click on the L E A R N
b u t t o n for access to the Downloads Library or
call the C.O.PD. Information line at 1-866-316C O P D (2673) to request a p r i n t e d booklet
delivered to your home. ^