sponsorship BroChurE - Associated General Contractors of America

2015 Contrac tors
E n v i r o n m e n ta l
C o n f e r e n ce
Sponsorship Brochure | September 2-3, 2015 | Arlington, VA
Past Sponsors:
Aon Risk Services Group
Brüel and Kjær EMS Inc
Construction EcoServices
Diesel Technology Forum
Hunton & Williams LLP
Kiewit Corporation*
Lane Construction Corp*
Plan Grid
Stormwater Risk Management
Republic Services
Resource Professionals Alliance
Waste Management
XL Insurance
Zurich NA*
*Multi-year Sponsor
AGC offers many ways to build
your company’s name at the 2015
AGC Contractors Environmental
Conference on environmental
issues that affect construction
professionals – with a strong
line-up of educational sessions,
peer-to-peer discussion times, and
networking opportunities.
If you are interested in being a part
of this important event through
sponsorship, please contact
AGC’s Samantha Bullock at (703)
837-5345 ([email protected]) or
Melinda Tomaino at (703) 837-5415
([email protected]).
The Westin Crystal City
1800 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia 22202
Click Here to Book Online
Reservation Method: Attendees can
book either by calling 1-800-937-8461
and identifying themselves as part of
the Associated General Contractors of
America group OR online HERE.
Rate: $209/night, plus local taxes
(currently 13%). Rate includes
wireless internet in guest rooms.
Rate is available 3 days pre- and post
conference dates, dependent upon
Cut-Off Date: August 11, 2015
Reservations will be accepted after the
cut-off date on a space-available basis.
Sponsorship Levels
Supporter Level $1,000.00
Sponsor’s name or logo in the conference materials and the conference
mobile app.
Sponsor’s name or logo on the conference website and marketing
Sponsor’s name or logo listed on signage at the registration area.
One (1) complimentary conference registration.
Gold Level $2,000.00
Sponsor’s name or logo in the conference materials and the conference
mobile app.
Sponsor’s name or logo on the conference website and marketing
Sponsor’s name or logo listed on signage at the registration area.
Sponsor ribbons for your organization’s representatives.
Individual recognition in the daily welcoming remarks.
One (1) complimentary conference registration.
Display materials on a table at the conference.
Platinum Level $4,000.00
Listing of sponsor’s name or logo in the primary grouping on conference
materials and the conference mobile app.
Listing of sponsor’s name or logo in the primary grouping on the
conference website and marketing materials.
Listing of sponsor’s name or logo in the primary grouping on signage at
the registration area.
Sponsor ribbons for your organization’s representatives.
Individual Recognition in the daily welcoming remarks.
Two (2) complimentary conference registrations.
Individual table top display at the conference.
Opportunity to give five (5) minute address in front of the full conference
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
Lanyards/Badge Holders$1,500.00
(Products must be provided by the sponsor and shipped to AGC in advance of
the conference.)
Conference Door Prize$1,500.00
(Products must be provided by the sponsor; Sponsor to choose winning raffle
ticket and provide winner with prize.)
Conference Mobile App$2,000.00
(Sponsor name and logo on mobile app and associated materials.)
Learn more:
meetings.agc.org/cec or agc.org/environment