2x 3,06 MWe Ulstein Bergen Gas Engines Technical description of the Power Plant Power Capacity: (25 °C): 2 x 3,06 MW / 3,8 kVA Type of engine: Ulstein KVGS 18-G1 Voltage out of Generator: 11 kV Frequency: 50 HZ / 1500 rpm Fuel System: Naturel gas (LHV 39,6 in DK) Operating hours: Aprox. 40.250 The engines have always been fueled with Danish Natural gas, with a LHW of 39,6 kJ/Nm3. There are gas lines, approved by the gas authorities. The engines are with air start, and starting air tank is included. The control system is rebuilt in 2006, and the PLC was changed. Engine/generator drive connection is flexible. Generators with two bearings. 11 kV generator breakers and relay setup according to the Danish TSO technical description. Total starting time is 12 min. From starting signal to full power. Scope of supply: 2x Ulstein Bergen lean burn gas engines / alternators 2x Ventilation system, exhaust gas system, silencers, stack (year 2006), starting air compressor, control and power panels, gas lines and gas equipment. Fact sheet Bergen KV-G4.2 The latest lean-burn K-gas engine Cost-efficiency: High electrical efficiency will reduce fuel cost. Together with the advantage of the medium speed engine concept this results in low life-cycle cost. Reliability: The KV-series of lean-burn gas engines are based on a marine design with an Higher efficiency and reliable operation. extremely successful track record. Together with our The KV-G4.2 lean-burn gas engine is The KV-G4.2 fulfils the customers’ long experience in gas engine taking advantage of state-of-the-art demand for high power output with technology, we can offer a control and combustion technology. low emissions and the best fuel well-proven medium speed efficiency. solution, which will secure combustion chamber and using Miller The ignition system controls each your investment. Timing, the KV-G4.2 has the highest cylinder individually, further improving electrical efficiency in its range. Today’s engine availability. Combustion air is KV-G4.2 is a result of 15 years of controlled by variable geometry, giving commercial operation and experience optimum volume of compressed air combined with the continuous effort and increase in the exhaust from Rolls-Royce to further develop temperature. Due to an optimised design of the the lean-burn gas engine technology. Jan van Marrewijk, The Netherlands Les, Spain Prosint, Brazil C Fact sheet A B The performance data is given with the following presumptions: Principal dimensions All dimensions in mm and weights in kg. Engine type: A B C All technical data is valid at 100 per cent load, including two engine driven pumps (lube oil and jacket water pump) Total weight (dry) KVGS - 12G4.2 8160 2880 3310 41500 KVGS - 16G4.2 8960 2880 3310 47500 KVGS - 18G4.2 9640 2880 3310 54000 Exhaust gas raw emissions are related to five per cent O2 content GenSet power is defined as Continuous Power (COP) according to ISO 8528-1 and IEC 34-1 Fuel gas consumption is according to ISO 3046-1 and is applicable for turbocharger suction temp range 5-35˚C Exhaust gas raw emissions Data for heat dissipation is based on a tolerance of +/- five per cent mg/nm3 NOx CO NMHC 500 900 225 Data for heat dissipation charge air cooler is based on turbocharger suction temperature 25˚C Reference fuel is natural gas with a lower heating value of 36 MJ/nm3 Methane Number min 70 after AVL-calculation Minimum fuel gas pressure to the gas regulating module: 3,6 barg Due to continuous development, some data may change Technical data Engine type KVGS-12G4.2 Number of cylinders Bore/Stroke Engine speed mm KVGS-16G4.2 KVGS-18G4.2 12 16 18 250/300 250/300 250/300 min-1 1000 1000 1000 Mechanical output kW 2500 3335 3750 Electrical output, cosø = 0.9 kW 2425 3235 3640 Mean effective pressure bar 17 17 17 kJ/kWh 7610 7610 7570 Fuel gas consumption kW 5285 7050 7885 Charge air cooler kW 440 590 660 Lube oil cooler kW 315 420 470 Jacket water cooler kW 435 580 650 Radiaton (engine+gen.,ng 97%) kW 245 325 365 kg/h 13800 18300 20600 405 Specific fuel gas consumption Exhaust mass Exhaust gas temperature Lube oil consumption Nom. el. efficiency, cosø = 0.9 ˚C 405 405 g/kWh 0,4 0,4 0,4 % 45,9 45,9 46,2 Rolls-Royce Marine AS, Engines Bergen PO Box 924, N-5808, Bergen, Norway. Tel: +47 55 53 60 00 Fax: +47 55 53 61 05 (main) email: [email protected] www.rolls-royce.com ER150-02/06-2M © 2006 Rolls-Royce plc The information in this document is the property of Rolls-Royce plc and may not be copied or communicated to a third party, or used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied, without the express written consent of Rolls-Royce plc. While this information is given in good faith, based on the latest information available to Rolls-Royce plc, no warranty or representation is given concerning such information, which must not be taken as establishing any contractual or other commitment binding upon Rolls-Royce plc or any of its subsidiary or associated companies.
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