A Quarterly Journal of Natural History Spring 2015 V20N1 $2.50 The Methow Naturalist Happiness is more often found among those who are highly cultivated in their hearts and minds and only have a moderate share of external goods. Aristotle 310 BCE How the Evolution of Grass Changed the World Also: Nesting Strategies Mixing Fire & Water Supernova Remnants How Leaves of Grass Remade the World by Dana Visalli One would not think that the appearance of the spindly family of flowering plants that we call the grasses could over time force the great forests of the world into a massive retreat, spread wildfire to the four corners of the earth, increase the primary productivity of the oceans and the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere, initiate the return of ocean nutrients to the continents, and then, after all that, make human civilization possible through the production of energy-rich grains. But that is exactly what the grasses did. It all started with carbon dioxide levels plummeting in the atmosphere, from over 1000 parts per million (ppm) 60 million years ago to the current levels of 250-400 ppm. Carbon dioxide is the primary building block used in the process of photosynthesis to make plant tissues and produce sugar, and the decrease in its abundance over time was a crisis for the plant kingdom. Plants had to adapt to these lower levels or perish. It is thought that the reason carbon dioxide decreased in the atmosphere during the Cenozoic Era, which lasted from 65 million years ago to 2.5 million years ago, is because the early Cenozoic was a time of major mountain-building on Earth. In particular, the continental plate carrying the subcontinent of India on it slowly collided with Asia between 55 and 50 million years ago, creating the world’s highest and most extensive mountain range, the Himalayas. This exposed massive quantities of unweathered rock to the atmosphere. Over a series of several chemical steps, carbon dioxide reacts with fresh rock and then washes to the oceans, where some of it is sequestered as sediment, decreasing the quantity available to the biosphere. Plants have some ability to adjust to varying amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by altering the number of stomata on the leaves. Stomata (which means ‘mouths’ in Greek) are microscopic pores that control the passage of gases into and out of the plant. As carbon dioxide in the atmosphere decreased, stomata increased. But there are other consequences to having large numbers of holes in the leaves, one of which is increased evaporation of water. Thus plants can only employ so many stomata before water retention becomes impossible. Most of the 300,000 or so species of flowering plants on earth (95% of them) capture carbon dioxide by binding it to a 3-carbon molecule inside the leaf cells, and are therefore called C3 plants. When carbon dioxide levels are relatively low and oxygen levels are high this process malfunctions, and plants start binding oxygen to the 3-carbon molecule instead of carbon dioxide, a process known as photorespiration. This basically shuts down photosynthesis and plant growth. The grasses are a relatively young family of flowering plants; they first appeared about 70 million years ago (grass flowers are not showy because they are wind pollinated). It was the grasses that first came up with a different chemical means of binding carbon dioxide when it is present at low concentraDana Visalli is the editor of The Methow Naturalist If this box is checked your subscription is due or expired, see back cover; subscriptions are $10 or more/year great herds of grass-eating ungulates, the same process was under way. While there is a co-evolutionary relationship between grasses and grazers which enhances the viability of both, grasses also evolved strategies to protect themselves from being eaten. Foremost among these was the uptake of silica from the soil and building it into the structure of the plant. Silica is basically glass; it is hard, indigestible and abrasive. Grasses take up silica from the soil in unusually high amounts and deposit it in their leaves, some of it in the form of glassy spines called phytoliths (‘plant rocks’) along the leaf edges. The impact on Graph shows C4 species (upper line) absorbing more CO2 that grazers was so intense that over time they developed C3 plants (lower line) at low levels of CO2 in the atmosphere a new type of teeth, called hypsodont teeth that have tions so that oxygen is not inadvertently captured. a high crown and grow continuously, to replace the Plants with this capacity are called C4 plants, and portion worn away by constantly chewing though while they constitute only 5% of all flowering plant glass. species, they account for 30% of terrestrial biomass Like all plants, grasses accelerate the weathering production. They are a very successful group, and of silica. However, in contrast to most other memmost of them are grassbers of the Plant Kinges. dom, up to 15% of the C4 photosynthesis dry weight of grasses allows grasses to fix consists of phytoliths carbon efficiently un(silica incorporated der conditions low carinto cell walls). The bon dioxide solubility of phytoliths concentrations. About in water is twice that 15 million years ago of abiotic mineral silicarbon dioxide levels cate, so once grasses fell below 400 ppm, became a dominant and grasses spread force on land, far more widely after that time. dissolved silica was Shaded areas show where the Grass Family dominates, up to 40% of the land There are no C4 trees, washed to the sea than which means that in some environmental conditions previously. grass would have a biochemical advantage. In addiIt just so happens that there was rapid increase in tion, grasses have co-evolved with fire and are highdiatoms in the world’s oceans at the same time that ly adapted to it; in fact they encourage fire. Their grasses were spreading across the land. Diatoms are fine, fast-drying leaf structure ignites easily and cara form of photosynthetic, food-producing algae that ries fire well, so as the grasses spread so did wildconstruct intricate shells made out of silica. Without fire, which kills trees but most often leaves grasses Continued on page 10.... alive and well (under-ground). Over time grasses have continued to displace forests until today wild grasses cover 20% of the Earth’s land surface. Domestic grasses cover another 20%, with forests reduced to 30% cover. Grasses are edible and nutritious for some herbivores. As savannahs and grasslands spread across Africa and the Americas, herbivorous animals adapted to a grass diet. By 15 million years ago grass grazers made up 50% of all North American fauna, and by 8 million years ago about 80% of all fauna were grass specialists. Obviously in Africa, with its A silicaceous (glass) spine on a grass stem 3 FIRE & WATER: STREAM PROCESSES AND THE ROLE OF FIRE by Gina McCoy In our previous article on “Fire, fire suppression and watershed functioning” we discussed short- and medium-term changes to the watershed-scale production of the two primary watershed products streamflow and sediment - following large fires. Fire also plays a significant role in long-term, cyclic pattern of sediment and wood delivery to the stream system. Large wood is the third major physical component of the stream system. Turns out, large wood inputs to the stream system also are linked to fire disturbance. In a nutshell, fire disturbance tends to increase inputs of all three major physical components of the stream system. Watershed zones, sediment supply and stream types alluvial (constrained) channels are controlled by materials they cannot mobilize, such as bedrock or large boulders. This is the dominant channel type in the source areas the watershed. Alluvial (or unconstrained) channels, located within response zones, are formed in sediments previously transported and stored by the stream and are characterized by the presence of well-developed floodplains. The boundaries of these channels can be adjusted by the forces inherent in the streamflow. Constrained stream channels are very stable and resistant to change, whereas alluvial channels adjust to changes in streamflow, sediment or large wood inputs. The transition from non-alluvial to alluvial channels encompasses a spectrum from bedrockcontrolled to sand/bedded streams that move bed material at all flow stages. Channels within the transport zone display an intermediate level of stability, wherein most sediment delivered from upstream transports directly through, leaving the channel virtually unchanged from one year to the next. Adjustments occur only in response to large, relatively infrequent floods. Transport channels are characterized by flat, coarse-textured beds and poorly-developed floodplains. Due to space limitations, the effects of increased fine sediment inputs to stream channels following fire will not be addressed. Excessive fine sediment Stream processes are fundamentally driven by the movement and storage of sediment, so we will follow the sediment through the watershed. On the large scale, mountainous watersheds can be roughly segregated into three zones: sediment source areas in steep, unstable, deeply dissected terrain, transport zones through intermediate areas where slopes are more stable but valleys are still relatively steep and narrow, and response areas where valleys are wide enough to accommodate floodplains. Stream characteristics and behavior within these zones are strikingly different. For the purposes of discussing stream processes, there is one overridingly important concept. Non4 concentration and sediment transport. To anthropomorphize: alluvial streams ‘seek’ equilibrium. How they do so is the beautiful and complex heart of stream geomorphology, which cannot be properly explored in this article. Stream reaches in dynamic equilibrium are the most physically and biologically diverse components of the stream systems, and the most sensitive to disturbance. Alluvial channels within mountainous watersheds such as the Methow are primarily cobble/gravelbedded. Such channels, when in properly-functioning condition, tend to initiate bedload movement at bankfull flow, or with a frequency of roughly 1 ½ to 2 years. Over time, frequent, relatively small floods have the greatest influence on the usual form and behavior of naturally-functioning channels and account for the majority of sediment transport. Bet you thought it was the really big floods that matter most. While we are thinking in analogies: large wood within a cobble-gravel system such as the Methow is a critical structural component that can be likened to steel reinforcing bar in concrete; it is the component that provides tensile strength. Its presence is just as important to the functioning of the system as rebar is to concrete. Additionally, it greatly influences sediment behavior and stream character by providing roughness that reduces the velocity of high flows. Starting From the Top Infrequent mass wasting within the upper watershed dominates the delivery of sediment from steep Those of us living near the Methow River can hear cobbles rolling down the river at higher water levels. can have significant aquatic ecosystem effects, but its effect on physical stream processes is limited and of short duration. Fine sediment deposition is key to riparian functioning and long-term valley-building processes, however, in terms of stream processes and channel change, the transport and deposition of coarse sediment comprising the streambed is where the action is. Coarse sediment moves in pulses of short duration and limited distance. Think of streambeds as conveyor belts for the bed material. These are turned on and off by the tractive force (‘force used to generate motion’) of the water; the switch is flipped by the fluctuating depth of flow at a given location: ‘on’ above a critical depth and ‘off’ below that. Increased runoff following widespread fire can result in the conveyor belt staying ‘on’ longer, increasing sediment delivery throughout much of the stream system. The amount and size of bedload moved may be limited by the cumulative hydraulic power available at high flows (‘energy-limited’), or by the amount of sediment available of a size that can be moved (‘supply-limited’). However, a third configuration exists, involving an alluvial channel that balances available energy with available sediment. The result is dynamic equilibrium, with a reach-scale balance between erosion and deposition. Over periods between major disturbances, the quantities of sediment delivered to and exported from a reach in equilibrium are essentially balanced. This is possible because alluvial channels can adjust their boundaries in ways that increase or decrease energy Continued on page 14..... Continued on page 12.... Large woody debris in the Twisp River 5 Strategies for Successful Nesting Don’t Come Easy By Eddie Torr It would seem that birds can rapidly build-up huge simply have to show up when populations. For example, the weather warms, build half a million northern fowl their nests and lay eggs to mites have been extracted coincide with the increasing from a single nest. summer food supply. The Females of most bird first indication that the situaspecies have subdued colortion is more complex than ation that offers them some this appeared when studies camouflage protection from showed that most birds lay predators, especially in contheir eggs too late for the offtrast to more flamboyantly spring to profit fully from the colored males. But this is in seasonal peak of food abunpart due to the fact that fedance; but only the very earlimale birds are often more est nesting birds achieve the susceptible to predation in highest success in raising the course of their reproductheir young. A large body of tive activities. They are usudata on survival of nestlings ally the primary nest had demonstrated a continubuilders, and then the primaExamples of nests- center: woodpecker. outer, clockwise from up- ry incubators, at which time ous fall in prospects right per left: killdeer, hawk, vireo, finch, kingfisher, oriole, cliff swallow they are unmoving targets on from the start of the season. The observation that the majority of the parents were the nest for 10 to 30 days. In addition, they have to too late to profit from what appeared to be the optigather the nutritional resources not only for their mal time for having their young in the nest, despite own activities but also to produce the fertilized eggs the great selective advantage to those that breed earof multiple offspring. Thus it has been found that ly, led to the hypothesis that ‘there must therefore be laying cannot begin until resources has become sufsome counteracting disadvantage of early breeding.’ ficiently abundant for each female to find enough The primary dynamic that the simplistic view of food to build up her nutritional reserves without risk nesting overlooks is that of natural selection—the to herself. It is for this reason that migratory birds in continuation and evolution of every species taken as our area do not immediately begin nest-building upa whole-- is based on ‘death before breeding’ for on arrival to their nesting grounds. most of the individuals of that species. Only those The advantages of prior experience immediately individuals that are the ‘fittest’ for their current envibecome clear. Birds that are returning to previously ronment survive potential early death from parasites, successful nesting sites, where they know the terpredation or starvation to successfully reproduce. rain, the potential predators and vicissitudes of the To offer one graphic example of the often overfood supply need to spend far less energy to establooked challenge of parasitism, at least 2500 species lish their territory and build a nest than does an inexof mites from 40 families are closely associated with perienced bird or pair. Every successful nest is the birds, occupying all conceivable habitats in the nests result of successful responses to a multitude of chaland on the bodies of their hosts. No avian taxon is lenges. free from a mite associate because even those that lack feather mites, such as penguins, are attacked by Eddie Torr is a retired ornithologist living in the Methow Valley. ticks. These mites have short generation times and 6 Early February Early March Late March, early April Late March, Early April Early April Middle of May May May Late May, Early June Early June Early June Early June Early June June June June and July Late June, July Canada Goose Golden Eagle Raven Say’s Phoebe Harlequin Western Bluebird Dusky (Blue) Grouse Rufous Hummingbird Western Tanager Warblers Empidonax Flycatchers Gray Catbird Cedar Waxwing Common Nighthawk White-crowned Sparrow American Goldfinch Time of Egg Laying Great Horned Owl Species Timing of Nesting for Selected Methow Birds Our earliest nester; the primary reason may be that it is very difficult to learn to hunt at night; fledglings are fed and taught hunting skills through September. Canada geese are large birds, so eggs take longer than average to hatch (28 days); young have to be mature enough to migrate by September. As with geese, eagles are large birds so must initiate nesting early. The availability of newborn fawns in early June, when eaglets are growing large, may be a factor. Ravens are opportunistic feeders; nests of other birds are plentiful and can be raided in early May when raven young are feeding. Say’s phoebes are able to nest early, even though they are insectivores, because they are versatile feeders, catching prey both in the air and on the ground. Harlequins need full leafing out of vegetation in spring for nest concealment; females must get back to the ocean in September before molt renders them flightless. Western bluebirds arrive early, as soon as there is bare ground on south slopes, but they don’t nest until air temperatures allow an adequate insect hatch. Dusky grouse live on conifer needles in winter, which are nutritionally poor. They need April in the shrub-steppe to gain the reserves necessary for eggs in May. Hummingbird nestlings are fed a regurgitated slurry of flower nectar and insects; both have to be present in abundance for successful rearing. Tanagers arrive in early May and nest in early June. They time the feeding of nestlings to the peak population of forest insects. Warblers are primarily insectivores, and they time their nesting to the peak of insect populations in the nesting region. A concentrated source of nutrients in the form of flying insects is required for the work of nesting and raising young, and these peak in early summer. Over 50% of a catbird’s diet is fruit; thus they time the feeding of nestlings to the ripening of your June-bearing strawberries. Cedar waxwings are primarily frugivores, they time their rearing of nestlings to when small wild fruits are ripe (they also feed some insects to their young). Nighthawks feed entirely on flying insects, and therefore are dependent upon adequately warm temperatures for mass insect flights at dawn and dusk. In our area white-crowned sparrows nest in the alpine zone of the high mountains, where neither the sparrows nor spring arrive until June. The goldfinch is associated with thistles, which bloom in July. Their nest is constructed of thistle down, and they feed regurgitated thistle seeds to their young. Reason Spring Bird Calendar April 1-15 Ruddy ducks return to the marshes in the first week of April, accompanied by a major passage of northern harriers. Killdeer, Say’s phoebes, and robins begin nesting. Golden-crowned kinglets move through residential gardens and Williamson’s sapsuckers appear in the larch forests. Golden eagles begin laying. The second week is marked by increased movement along the lakes; the first wood ducks, greater yellowlegs and ospreys appear. On the benchlands northern shrikes and snow buntings have all but left. The first vesper sparrows, yellow-rumped warblers and red-naped sapsuckers arrive. White-throated swifts and rock wrens return to the valley’s cliffs while crows begin nesting in the deciduous bottomlands. April 16-30 This is the time to watch and listen for flocks of sandhill cranes overhead. Cooper’s hawks and dark-eyed junco migrations peak early in this period, and the first turkey vultures, pipits, orange-crowned warblers and Brewer’s sparrows appear. Towards the end of the month an often-spectacular passage of white-crowned sparrows begins, and most of the fox and Lincoln’s sparrows move through. Cinnamon teal, northern shovelers, soras and spotted sandpipers return to the marshes, while large numbers of American widgeons grace the lakes. Rufous and calliope hummingbirds appear at currant blossoms and western kingbirds take up stations on power lines. In ponderosa pine forests flickers and magpies are at the peak of laying while white-headed woodpeckers begin to excavate nest holes. May 1-15 In the fields and along the shores the first killdeer chicks appear. Large flocks of white-crowned sparrows seem to fill every available thicket, watched closely by sharp-shinned hawks. Common poorwills arrive, while dusky and Hammond’s flycatchers arrive in their appropriate habitats, and barn swallows and house wrens appear in suburban gardens. In the second week of May, harlequin ducks, soras and Townsend’s solitaires begin laying, while an array of insectivores--Cassin’s and warbling vireos, yellow and Wilson’s warblers, Bullock’s orioles, brown-headed cowbirds and western tanagers--appear. The first young starlings fledge and the white-throated swifts begin their spectacular aerial courtships. May 16-31 In mid-May black-chinned hummingbirds arrive, while rufous hummingbirds begin their aerial courtship displays. In the marshes the pied-billed grebes and yellow-headed blackbirds are laying; in the sagebrush Brewer’s sparrows begin to lay just as the lark sparrows return. On the valley floor eastern kingbirds, veeries, yellow-breasted chats and lazuli buntings return, while the montane forests greet their first olive-sided flycatchers and Townsend’s and MacGillivray’s warblers. Towards the end of May Barrow’s goldeneye ducklings and dusky grouse chicks appear, while Swainson’s thrushes, gray catbirds, cedar waxwings, red-eyed vireos, American redstarts and finally common nighthawks and willow flycatchers arrive. The first song sparrows fledge while most Lewis’ woodpeckers are still laying. June 1-15 In the first few days of June the eggs of Williamson’s sapsuckers are hatching while western kingbirds, barn swallows, and western tanagers are laying. At the same time most mourning doves are incubating eggs and orioles are building nests; starlings, meadowlarks and Brewer’s blackbrids are all busy starting second clutches. By the second week of June male Barrow’s goldeneyes have disappeared, the first broods of ruffed grouse and spotted sandpipers appear, and white-headed woodpeckers, yellow-breasted chats and white-crowned sparrows are laying. June 16-30 Around the middle of June alpine and subalpine species such as American pipits, winter wrens and hermit thrushes begin laying, while house finches are producing second clutches at lower elevations. Male common mergansers leave at this time, and the first adult greater yellowlegs return from the north. Red-naped sapsucker nests are easily located during this period because of the incessant noise of the young. Western wood-pewees are laying while calliope hummingbird eggs are hatching. Young California quail and juvenile magpies appear in the orchards and farmland; in the forests mountain chickadees are starting second clutches. Horned larks and mountain bluebirds are just starting to nest in the alpine, now that most of the snow has melted. By the end of June most three-toed woodpeckers and barn swallows have fledged young, and house wrens and western bluebirds are laying second clutches. The last calliope hummingbird displays occur while the first migrating solitary sandpipers appear in the valley bottom. Excerpted, with minor adjustments from the exceptionally useful book Birds of Okanagan Valley, British Columbia by the Canning brothers, 1987, out of print but still available at Amazon Leaves of Grass Old Woodrat's Stinky House (excerpts) Walt Whitman Gary Snyder A child said, What is the grass? fetching it to me with full hands. How could I answer the child? I do not know what it is any more than he. Us critters hanging out together something like three billion years. Three hundred something million years the solar system swings around with all the Milky Way - I guess it must be the flag of my disposition, out of hopeful green stuff woven. Or I guess it is the handkerchief of the Lord, a scented gift and remembrance designedly dropt, bearing the owner's name someway in the corners, that we may see and remark, and say Whose? Ice ages come one hundred fifty million years apart last about ten million then warmer days return A venerable desert woodrat nest of twigs and shreds plastered down with ambered urine a family house in use eight thousand years, and four thousand years of using writing equals the life of a bristlecone pine - Or I guess the grass is itself a child, the produced babe of the vegetation. Or I guess it is a uniform hieroglyphic, And it means, Sprouting alike in broad zones and narrow zones, growing among black folks as among white, Kanuck, Tuckahoe, Congressman, Cuff, I give them the same, I receive them the same. A spoken language works for about five centuries, lifespan of a Douglas fir; big floods, big fires, every couple hundred years, a human life lasts eighty, a generation twenty. Hot summers every eight or ten, four seasons every year twenty-eight days for the moon day/night, the twenty-four hours and a song might last four minutes, a breath is a breath. And now it seems to me the beautiful uncut hair of graves. Tenderly will I use you curling grass, it may be you transpire from the breasts of young men, it may be if I had known them I would have loved them, it may be you are from old people, or from offspring taken soon out of their mothers' laps. Great tall woodrat heaps. Shale flakes, beads, sheep scats, flaked points thorns. Piled up for centuries, placed under overhangs. at the bottom, antique fecal pellets; orange-yellow urine-amber. Shreds of every bush that grew eight thousand years ago. This grass is very dark to be from the white heads of old mothers, darker than the colorless beards of old men, dark to come from under the faint red roofs of mouths. O I perceive after all so many uttering tongues, and I perceive they do not come from the roofs of mouths for nothing. I wish I could translate the hints about the dead young men and women, And the hints about old men and mothers, and the offspring taken soon out of their laps. What do you think has become of the young and old men? And what do you think has become of the women and children? They are alive and well somewhere, The smallest sprout shows there is really no death, And if ever there was it led forward life, and does not wait at the end to arrest it, and ceas'd the moment life appear'd. All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses, And to die is different from what any one supposed, And luckier. 9 Cottontail say, ‘Woodrat makes me puke! Shitting on his grandmother’s blankets. Stinking everything up, pissing on everything. Coyote says, ‘You people should stay put here. Learn your place, do good things. Me, I’m traveling on.’ Grass, continued from page 3 ophores and dinoflagellates) prefer warmer water. Thus the rapid increase of diatoms that occurred about 8 million years ago greatly increased the productivity and fecundity of the Earth’s oceans. Grasses were doing the same thing on land. While in some habitats they replaced trees, in hot, dry areas their capacity for C4 photosynthesis allowed them to increase the productivity of previously impoverished ecosystems. The great hordes of salmon that until recently swarmed along the coastlines of the mid- and highlatitudes and then carried the abundant ocean nutrients in their bodies back to high country when they ascended rivers to spawned probably would not exist without the extreme power-boost that diatoms gave to the marine ecosystems. Salmon are high-energy fish that require high net primary productivity and high dissolved oxygen content in the water, and diatoms supply both. In fact the first salmon ancestor is dated at 5 million years old, soon after grasses on land and diatoms in the sea established their dominance. Grass had one more trick up its sheath. Grasses hastened the thinning of the forests in Africa and the spread of the savannahs beginning 8 million years ago, and in the process forced at least one species of primate out of the trees and onto the land. After a multi-million year evolutionary journey this new line of terrestrial primates stood upright, developed a big brain, thought things over, and then late in its evolutionary history began to cultivate certain plants for food. The primary plants that this hominoid species now toils all over the world to grow, carefully nurturing them, supplying them with nutrients and water, protecting them from herbivores and tending to their every whim, are the grasses wheat, rice, and corn. By harnessing the brain and brawn of this unsuspecting primate, grasses have become the most widespread family of plants on Earth. A diatom bloom off Alaska, visible from space silica in solution in the ocean there could be no diatoms. Diatoms are not bit-players; they produce about half of all of the net primary productivity in the world’s oceans (the base of the marine food chain), and they produce about one quarter of the oxygen in the atmosphere as a by-product of photosynthesis. While the relationship between the spread of grasses on land and the increase in diatoms in the seas is not conclusive, there is considerable scientific interest in the simultaneity of their coetaneous (‘of equal age, contemporary’) increase. In the open ocean, the condition that typically causes diatom blooms to end is a lack of silicon. Unlike other nutrients, this is a major requirement solely of diatoms, so it is not recycled in the plankton community in the way that nitrogen and phosphorus are. Silicon is usually the first nutrient to be exhausted. The use of silicon by diatoms is believed by many researchers to be the key to their ecological success. In one classic study it was found that diatom dominance was directly related to the availability of silicic acid (silica in an aqueous solution). When concentrations were above a minimum abundance level, diatoms typically represented more than 70% of the phytoplankton community. Another study found that, relative to organic cell walls, silica shells (called frustules) require about 90% less energy to synthesize, a significant saving on the overall cell energy budget. Others have suggested that the silica in diatom cell walls acts as an effective pH buffering agent, facilitating the conversion of bicarbonate (HCO3-) to dissolved CO2. As with plants, because diatoms produce their own food resources through photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is the critical necessary ingredient, and it appears that silica aids in extracting it from dissolved minerals in sea water. Diatoms flourish in cold water at high latitudes, in the near-polar regions. The other marine primary producers at the base of the food chain (coccolith- Note: A list of the 107 grass species of the Methow is included in the online edition of this issue. Wheat: ‘the staff of life’ 10 Grass Species of the Methow Com m on Nam e Scientific Nam e Bearded w heatgrass Agropyron caninum Crested w heatgrass Agropyron cristatum Intermediate w heatgrass Agropyron intermedium Quackgrass Agropyron repens Bluebunch w heatgrass New Scientific Nam e Elymus caninus Abudance Alien? 4 3 Thinopyrum intermedium 4 Elymus repens Pseudoroegneria spicata 3 Agropyron spicatum Redtop Agrostis alba v. alba Agrostis gigantea 3 Northern bentgrass Agrostis borealis Agrostis mertensii 5 a a 3 Spike bentgrass Agrostis exarata 3 Alpine bentgrass Agrostis humilis 3 Idaho bentgrass Agrostis idahoensis 4 Winter bentgrass Agrostis scabra Colonial bentgrass Agrostis tenuis Thurber bentgrass Agrostis thurberiana Mountain bentgrass Agrostis variabilis 4 Silver hairgrass Aira caryophyllea 4 Little meadow -foxtail Alopecurus aequalis 4 Meadow foxtail Alopecurus pratensis 4 Oatgrass Arrhenatherum elatius 5 Rattlesnake grass Bromus brizaeformis 3 California brome Bromus carinatus 3 Fringed brome Bromus ciliatus Hairy brome Bromus commutatus Smooth brome Bromus inermis a 3 Agrostis capillaris 4 Agrostis humilis 3 a a 4 Bromus racemosus 3 a 3 Japanese brome Bromus japonicus Ripgut brome Bromus rigidus Bromus arvensis Bromus diandrus 3 a 4 a Cheatgrass Common brome Bromus tectorum 1 a Bromus vulgaris 3 Bluejoint reedgrass Calamagrostis canadensis Narrow -spiked reedgrass Calamagrostis inexpansa Purple reedgrass Calamagrostis purpurascens 4 Pinegrass Calamagrostis rubescens 3 Woodreed Cinna latifolia 4 Orchardgrass Dactylis glomerata 3 Timber oatgrass Danthonia intermedia 3 Wild oat Danthonia spicata Mountain hairgrass Deschampsia atropurpurea Tufted hairgrass Deschampsia cespitosa 4 Annual hairgrass Deschampsia danthonioides 3 Slender hairgrass Deschampsia elongata 4 Barnyard grass Echinochloa crus-galli 3 Canada w ildrye Elymus canadensis 4 Great basin w ild rye Elymus cinereus Leymus cinereus 3 Blue w ild rye Elymus glaucus Elyhordeum stebbinsianum 3 Six-w eeks fescue Festuca bromoides Vulpia bromoides 4 Idaho fescue Festuca idahoensis Small fescue Festuca microstachys Western fescue Festuca occidentalis Six-w eeks fescue Festuca octoflora Vulpia octoflora 3 Sheep fescue Festuca ovina Festuca brevipila 3 3 Calamagrostis stricta 4 a 5 Vahlodea atropurpurea 3 a a 3 Vulpia microstachys 3 4 Red fescue Festuca rubra Bearded fescue Festuca scabrella 3 Spike festuce Festuca subulata 4 Green fescue Festuca viridula 3 Tall mannagrass Glyceria elata 3 Reed mannagrass Glyceria grandis 3 Festuca altaica, F. campestris 3 a Grass Species of the Methow page 2 Com m on Nam e Scientific Nam e New Scientific Nam e Abudance Alien? Fow l mannagrass Glyceria striata Northern sw eetgrass Hierochloe odorata Squirrel-tail Hordeum jubatum Junegrass Koeleria cristata Italian ryegrass Lolium multiflorum English ryegrass Lolium perenne Oniongrass Melica bulbosa 3 Little oniongrass Melica fugax 3 Hartford's melic Melica harfordii 4 Smith's melic Melica smithii 3 Show y oniongrass Melica spectabilis 3 Alaska oniongrass Melica subulata Mat muhly Muhlenbergia richardsonis Little ricegrass Oryzopsis exigua Common w itchgrass Panicum capillare Western w itchgrass Panicum occidentale Reed canarygrass Phalaris arundinacea 3 Alpine timothy Phleum alpinum 3 Timothy Phleum pratense 3 Alpine bluegrass Poa alpina 3 Annual bluegrass Poa annua 3 a Bulbous bluegrass Poa bulbosa 2 a Canada bluegrass Poa compressa 4 Cusick's bluegrass Poa cusickii 4 Muttongrass Poa fendleriana Slender bluegrass Poa gracillima Gray's bluegrass Poa grayana Curly bluegrass Poa incurva Bog bluegrass Poa leptocoma Nervous bluegrass Poa nervosa Nevada bluegrass Poa nevadensis Lake bluegrass Poa palustris Kentucky bluegrass Poa pratensis Timberand bluegrass Poa rupicola Sandberg bluegrass 3 Anthoxanthum odoratum 4 3 a Koelaria macrantha 3 L. perenne 4 a 4 a 3 M. squarrosus Piptatherum exiguum 5 4 4 Dichanthelium acuminatum var. fasciculatum 4 a? a 4 Poa secunda 4 4 Poa secunda 4 4 4 Poa secunda 3 3 2 Poa glauca ssp. rupicola 4 Poa sandbergii Poa secunda 3 Pine bluegrass Poa scabrella Poa secunda 3 Secund bluegrass Poa secunda 3 Suksdorf's bluegrass Poa suksdorfii 4 Weeping alkaligrass Puccinellia distans Weak alkaligrass Puccinellia pauciflora Rye Secale cereale Yellow bristlegrass Setaria lutescens Green bristlegrass Setaria viridis Bottlebrush squirreltail Sitanion hystrix Big squirreltail Sitanion jubatum Sand dropseed Sporobolus cryptandrus Needle and thread grass Stipa comata Hesperostipa comata 3 Lemmon's needlegrass Stipa lemmonii Achnatherum lemmonii 4 Western needlegrass Stipa occidentalis Achnatherum occidentale 3 Thurber's needlegrass Stipa thurberiana Achnatherum thurberianum 4 Spike trisetum Trisetum spicatum a 4 Torreyochloa pallida Setaria pumila Elymus elymoides Elymus multisetus 4 4 a 4 a 3 a 3 3 3 3 Compiled by The Methow Naturalist/www.methownaturalist.com/[email protected] Terms Used in Grass Taxonomy Spikelet-- Auricle: a projecting flap of tissue, like a small ear-lobe, attached to the edge of the collar. If auricles are present (often they are not), they come in pairs, one at each end of the collar (see drawing below). Collar: the junction of a grass leaf blade and the leaf sheath. Floret: the tiny reproductive unit or 'flower' of a grass plant, made up of two bracts called the lemma and the palea, with the male and female reproductive structures sandwiched in between them. Glume: a bract at the base of a grass spikelet. Usually there are 2 glumes at the base of every spikelet, as in the illustration of a spikelet in the middle of the page. Palea-- Inflorescence: the overall flowering head. Lemma-- Lemma: the larger of the two bracts that make up a grass floret and enclose the male and female reproductive structures of each floret. Ligule: a small flap of translucent plant tissue (or sometimes a fringe of short hairs) located where the leaf meets the stem (see drawing below). Lemma-Lemma-Lemma-- Palea: the smaller of the two bracts that make up a grass floret. Rachilla: the main axis or 'stem' of the flowering stalk, to which the spikelets are attached. Glume-- --Glume Spikelet Sheath: the lower portion of a leaf, tubular in shape, which surrounds the stem and binds the leaf to the stem. Spikelet: the basic, most visible unit of the grass inflorescence, usually consisting of two bracts at the base (glumes), and one or more very small flowers, called florets. In the illustration at top left, the inflorescence has 9 spikelets, each with many florets. One of the spikelets is shown enlarged in the middle of the page. Pubescence (hair) on stem One grass floret, with the lemma and palea sandwiched together, and 3 anthers plus two stigmas protruding 13 Fire & Water, continued from page 5 We are entering the transport zone. At some point there is sufficient width that some of the sediment delivered from upstream can deposit in the channel. Incipient alluvial processes occur when vegetation establishes on sediment deposits. At this point, large wood often becomes a driving factor. Live trees promote floodplain development and bank stability; downed trees in the channel increase roughness and energy dissipation, reducing flow velocity and promoting further sediment deposition. This establishes a positive feedback loop between physical and biological processes; the finer the sediment that is captured and stabilized, the more readily riparian and floodplain plants establish and the more robust and dense the riparian plant community Boulders in the source area: ‘material that cannot be mobilized’ can become, leading to greater sediment capture. hillslopes to the stream system. Materials on slopes As we have seen in the last year, stream systems steeper than about 40° are inherently unstable and typiwithin canyons and narrow valleys near source areas cally held in place by tree roots. can be severely affected by mass Such areas are prone to increased wasting events triggered by runoff mass wasting following severe disfrom fire-affected, water-repellant turbance to the stabilizing vegetasoils. We also recently witnessed a tion. This can result in a cycle of delayed response to fire: the 2011 accumulation and failure: bedrock Pearrygin debris flow, initiated weathering generates mineral soil from a small area in the headwaters that is colonized by vegetation; inthat burned intensely in the 2006 stability gradually increases on Tripod Fire, scoured about 8 miles overly steep slopes as soil depth of canyon. The alluvial character increases; disturbance to vegetation of the stream was swept away; the is followed by slope failure and a canyon reach is now largely bednew round of soil development berock-controlled, and sediment capgins. Thus, fire, as a dominant disture and storage is essentially turbance mechanism, is often a ‘back to scratch’, from the standsignificant component in the cycle point of alluvial processes and of slope failure. aquatic and riparian ecology. Such events deliver slugs of Farther down the watershed, sediment and organic material to the the valley widens, slopes continue channel system, resulting in infreto drop, and smaller, steeper side The debris flow in Pearrygin Creek in 2011 scoured the canyon down to bedrock. quent, severe disturbance. The cadrainages contribute to the main pacity of the stream to transport sediment is channel. In mountainous systems, debris flows from temporarily overwhelmed, causing an energy-limited side drainages create fans of coarse material that may state, and streamflow is choked with sediment. Without confine the main channel against the opposite valley further hillslope erosion, subsequent streamflow winnows everything that can be mobilized, moving progressively coarser material as the fines are exhausted. A wave of sediment propagates downstream, with finer, more readily moved material at the leading edge. Over successive high flows the wave attenuates, extending in length and lowering in height. After the sediment wave processes through, these channels revert to a supply-limited state. However, the valley bottom will have been locally raised by retained wood and sediment too large to be transported away. This is the genesis of boulder cascades deposited over bedrock chutes. Moving down the channel system, slopes decrease, Google Earth image of Boulder Creek (the creek comes in from the right) valley bottoms widen, and bed material becomes finer. debris flows forcing the Chewuch River up against the opposite valley wall 14 wall. This can be seen at Wolf Creek in the upper avulsions, or sudden channel relocations, are likely to Methow and Boulder Creek in the Chewuch. These occur. Where there is infrastructure in the floodplain, fans exert significant controls on the stream system. avulsions are interpreted as bad. However, in a naturalConfined along the toe of the fan is usually a steep ly-functioning system, such channel changes provide transport channel. More interestingly, the fan can cremassive inputs of large wood and coarse sediment to ate a constriction in the valley that during high, sedithe channel system that very quickly becomes highly ment-moving flows causes up-valley backwatering. productive habitat. It is a fundamental physical process Flow velocities are reduced within the backwatered that rejuvenates the aquatic ecosystem. zone, resulting in sediment deposition, flattening of the However, the tributaries most affected by the Carlvalley and channel profile ton Complex Fire conand the further developtribute to the lower ment of alluvial processes. Methow below Carlton. The Big Valley reach of This part of the river is the Methow River is an mostly confined by old excellent example. terraces and so has limitNow we are in the reed ability to adjust. sponse reach – the main Steep, small drainages valley where the channel along the lower river has (or had) an extensive have the potential to defloodplain to work within liver debris flows to the and hillslope processes no mainstem. It is outside longer dominate. The the scope of this discuschannel is formed within sion to address the risks its own stored sediments. to infrastructure, however Where a broad floodplain it is worth noting that the is available, the typical natural systems and proBraided section of the Methow River south of Twisp alluvial channel form for cesses are also degraded cottonwood-dominated cobble/gravel-bedded mountain in these encounters. It is a lose-lose situation. rivers such as the Methow is multi-threaded; vegetated Nevertheless, if mass wasting events do carry to islands separate one or two major channels and possithe valley bottom, you will have years of fascinating bly multiple smaller side channels. channel responses to witness as the waves of sediment The relative dominance of such channels can shift process downstream. If the associated woody debris frequently due to unpredictable sediment deposition carries through with the sediment (rather than, say, beand development or break up of woody debris jams. ing trapped behind the highway embankment), comConditions that promote frequent channel change inplex aquatic habitat will develop (pools! gravels! volve relatively steep gradient, large quantities of sandy margins! – goodness knows what) that has not coarse bedload and an abundant supply of wood. Under been present in that reach of the river for a very long natural conditions this form can maintain dynamic time. Look for downstream bar development that may equilibrium in the periods between major disturbances. convert to vegetated floodplain. There may be some However, this is not a highly stable channel form. Signice new whitewater along the toe of the new fan. Upnificant changes to flow, sediment or wood supply can stream of the fan, the slope of the river may be reinduce disequilibrium, causing either unbalanced eroduced, possibly leading to deposition and bar sion or deposition. development. The channel may narrow and become Large inputs of coarse sediment contributed from slightly more sinuous. Another slug of fine sediment fire-affected area can cause a downstream-propagating will settle in the pool of Azwell dam. Dibs on that for cascade of channel instability. As sediment transport farming someday. capacity is overwhelmed, the channel fills, forcing high Gina McCoy is an environmental engineer specializing in flows onto the floodplain and inducing conditions that stream processes, watershed hydrology and landscape ecolwould otherwise occur only during extreme flooding. ogy. Sections of this article are excerpted from Chapter 2: High flow pathways can erode, contributing additional Stream Processes and Habitat, which she authored, in sediment to the downstream channel, which in turn can WDFW’s Stream Habitat Restoration Guidelines. lose capacity. These are the circumstances under which 15 Tracey W. was out on skis in late December when, “A group of 6 of us were skiing up the Gunn Ranch ski trail and came upon some interesting tracks in the snow on the slope above the trail. After lots of discussion and investigation we all decided that it was ravens playing in the snow. The wing tips showed clearly in the snow as did their walking tracks as they headed back up the slope. There were no rodent tracks, or any kind of tracks for that matter, associated with it. It was obvious that a raven, or ravens, were rolling down the slope and then walking back up to do it again. It was so fun to picture them doing that.” I was intrigued to see how our local ‘mystery plant, Steershead (Dicentra uniflora) would respond to last summer’s intense fire, so I monitored a site on Balky Hill where I knew the plant was growing last year (it would have been dormant by the time of the fire in mid-July). At this site it was under bitterbrush, and that shrub was torched during the fire. Checking the first day of March there was no Steershead, but on a return visit on March 7th the plant picture below was pushing up through the charred ground. Jenny M. is writes that on March 3, “We saw lots of Bitteroot leaves all plump and ready to go. We saw many deer - like several herds of 50. With nothing else to eat the deer have not left the area but are grazing the bunchgrass the moment it appears above ground; they have also browsed down any new growth of aspen, willow, etc. They are also eating Douglas fir needles in the remaining green tree thickets. Lots of moose tracks and coyotes. Clarks nutcrackers working cones on the burned ponderosas. Today we had a Towhee return - they have been a scarce after the fire. The starlings are back looking for their aspens - we Wildlife Sightings Wildlife Sightings In a presentation to the 6th grade at the Methow Valley Elementary school on ‘The Life of the Methow River,’ it was eye-opening to find out that not a single student knew what a bird called a Dipper was, nor did any recognize a picture of a Common Merganser nor a Belted Kingfisher. So it was comforting when all hands went up when the stunning image of an Osprey picture above by Bill Wolcott was shown (it has half a fish in its talons). There has been an active Osprey nest at the elementary school for about 6 years now, and because this is a bird that the students have actual living experience with, they know what it is. Bill also captured the image of the Bald Eagle in the frosted Ponderosa Pine shown below. Victor and Libby spotted some out of season birds through their careful observations, including a Wilson’s Snipe along the Methow River on January 1st at -2 F, and a male Harlequin Duck on the Methow near Carlton on March 4th. Snipes are known to occasionally spend the winter locally, but a Harlequin in early March is unheard of. Diana H. noted on January 23, “Today, heeding Robert Frost’s nudge to take the road less traveled, I nipped off the main drag (Highway 20) between Winthrop and Twisp, and took Witte Road, which hugs the river for a ways. I stopped to look for, oh, cougar, say, across the river, but instead my eyes snagged on a wake in the river made by something underwater. Then three river otters’ sinuous bodies appeared above the water as they sped down river. Very nice, I thought. Also nearby, dabbling by exposed shore rocks were two green winged teal pairs.” 16 cut the burned ones that would there was but one eagle left, land on the house--starlings are about fifteen feet from the cow checking out the downed logs. and calf in some kind of perStream flows up very high for petual face-off, the eagle just this time of year; if we don't waiting for a chance at some get rain stream flows will be high-density nutritious spring very low in summer - its interfood, and a crow hopping back esting to think about the differand forth between them, instient landscape outcomes post gating and cajoling, careful not fire, lots of deer, weather sceto get too close to either, but narios - good time to read Aldo just close enough.” Leopold's ‘Thinking Like a The real excitement came with Mountain’ from A Sand County a bear sighting in early March. Almanac. “ Nearly 200 people showed up Nate B. observed a close relaat the 1st Tuesday program in tionship between Bald Eagles February to hear that there are A waterbear, looking agitated and about to charge and the fearsome Bos taurus no resident grizzly bears in the between Winthrop and Twisp: ‘Yesterday, we stopped North Cascades. It is remarkable that so many people to watch five bald eagles congregated in the field on are interested in what does not exist. As an aside, this East County with all the cows. I was trying to figure fact was reported in The Methow Naturalist in the Fall out why they were there when I looked over and saw 1998 issue, 18 years ago. one of the cows chewing on something long and But then, on March 6th, a bear was sighted. It was stringy hanging from its mouth with a very small calf not a Grizzly Bear, but rather an eight-legged Water laying next to her, and realized that the eagles were Bear. The Naturalist education team had borrowed 12 there to scavenge on the leftovers of the placenta and microscopes from the high school to saturate the 6th afterbirth from the calving. It got up to eight eagles, grade class with them, and all of the 6th grade students including two or maybe three juveniles (hard to tell had the opportunity to study the ‘periphyton’ (“around with the light), before six of them rose up and flew into the rocks”) that grows on the cobbles in the Methow the cottonwoods on the river. This may be a common River. The students were entranced, as the non-desight for other locals, but was pretty neat for me as it script algae proves to be chock full of beautifully dewas my first time to see such a thing. Gave me more of signed, glass shell-encased diatoms, as well as a an idea of what it might look like during caribou calvmultitude of protists and animal life. It was the careful ing concentrated in such large numbers and all of the student-observer Michael D. who found the relatively other creatures associated with this phenomenon. The rare, indomitable, eight-legged Water Bear tromping cow was clearly wary of the eagles, though not apparthrough the algal bloom, perhaps seeking a pot of honently agitated. when we drove back by two hours later ey for a hit of early spring energy. Naturalist Events contact [email protected] for information April 11 & 12- Native Plants and Ice Age Floods at Sun Lakes State Park, Washington Native Plant Society, free. May 14-17- Annual Naturalist’s Retreat with the Methow Conservancy, $170. May 23- Migratory Bird Count, free. June 28- Native Plant Society difficult hike to Hoodoo Pass and Bigalow Peak for alpine wildfowers, free. July 13-17- Methow River Camp, ages 10-14, $350. August 3-7- Ecology and Evolution Field Camp for adults at Copper Glance Lake, a life changing experience for only $300. August 17-21- The same program as above, Ecology and Evolution Field Camp, but this one for teenagers, $300. Subscribe 4 issues of natural history and evolutionary insight for only $10 or more The Methow Naturalist PO Box 175 Winthrop, WA 98862 ‘At first there was nothing; then it exploded.’ -Scientific Creation Myth Subscriptions: $10 or more/year: Methow Naturalist, PO Box 175, Winthrop, WA 98862 www.methownaturalist.com Methow Naturalist PO Box 175 Winthrop, WA 98862 www.methownaturalist.com PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID TWISP, WA PERMIT NO. 14 Subscriptions: $10 or more/year: Methow Naturalist, PO Box 175, Winthrop, WA 98862 Contact: [email protected] Supernova Remnants in the Night Sky The American Indians in Without supernovae exnorthern Arizona were so inplosions life on Earth would spired by the event that they be impossible. In the small drew images of it. Two pictospace available here on this graphs have been found, one last half page to discuss the in a cave at White Mesa and evolution of the universe, we the other on a wall of Navajo can only point to the fact that Canyon, both showing a cresthe radioactive element uranicent moon with a large star um is created in these giant nearby. Scientists have calcuexplosions of giant stars. Uralated that on the morning of nium is such a large element , July 5, 1054, the Moon was with so many protons in its The Crab Nebula, the gaseous remnant of a supernova explosion located just 2 degrees north of nucleus (92 of them, all posithe Crab Nebula's current position. tively charged and therefore all repelling one another) The supernova was forgotten for more than 600 that it can’t hold itself together. When it flies apart years, until the invention of telescopes, which revealed (decays) it gives off heat--and this is the heat that keeps fainter celestial details than the human eye can detect. the Earth’s mantle semi-molten, and drives the moveIn 1731, English physicist and amateur astronomer John ment of the Earth’s crustal plates. The shifting of the Bevis observed the strings of gas and dust that form the plates builds mountains, expose unweathered rocks and nebula. While hunting for comets in 1758, Charles fresh building blocks, and slowly recycles all elements Messier spotted the nebulous gas cloud resulting from and nutrients that sink to the bottom of the sea. the supernova explosion. The nebula became the first We have a ‘really big show‘ for you tonight; if you entry in his famous ‘Catalogue of Nebulae and Star have binoculars or a telescope you can actually see a Clusters,’ first published in 1774, classified as M1. Lord supernova explosion. It’s called the Crab Nebula, and it Rosse named the nebula the ‘Crab’ in 1844 because its exploded about 3500 years ago, but because it is about tentacle-like structure resembled the legs of the crusta4500 light years away (the distance light travels in a cean. year; because no one has stepped off the distance this The nebula shines faintly at magnitude 9 (the faintestimate varies widely) we can watch reruns of the exest stars visible to the eye are magnitude 6), making it plosion from our couch (if we put it outside). just visible through binoculars but an easy target for Chinese astronomers saw and recorded the giant even small backyard telescopes. To find it with binocustar’s demise in July of 1054. This ‘guest star,’ as the lars or a scope, you will have to know your way around Chinese called it, was so bright that people saw it in the the universe, or alternately, google ‘finding the Crab sky during the day for almost a month. During that time, Nebula’ online. It is between the constellations of Orion the star was blazing with the light of about 400 million and Taurus the Bull. suns. The star remained visible in the evening sky for more than a year.
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