Synergies between the Horizon 2020 Transport Challenge and the Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 FP7 Transport Programme Committee Expert Group Report 2013* Ioana Adamescu RTD/H Transport METRIC Final Conference Brussels, 19 March 2015 * Report revised in 2014 Aim of the Report Raise awareness on existing funding opportunities for Transport Research and Innovation 1. Provide information • General legislative framework • Explain the notions – H2020, ESIF, RIS3, synergies, etc… • Who’s who at national level for H2020 and ESIF Target audience • agencies and authorities at European, national and regional level (managing the transport related parts of the different programmes, PAs and OPs) • actors in the field of transport innovation and technology transfer research, academia, industry, operators, services, etc… • Intermediaries – NCPs, EEN, Programme Committe Structure of the Report 1.Rationale & Approach 2.Legislative framework for development and exploitation of synergies 3.Synergies - New features of the 2014–2020 programming period - Smart Specialisation Strategy - Transport research areas supporting synergies 4.Barriers and drivers 5.Conclusions and recommendations Annexes FP7 Coverage Report; Legislative references; Who’s who Rationale - Closing the inovation divide Instruments bridging the innovation gap in EU regions Cohesion Policy H2020 Main funding instrument for Europe 2020 Innovation Union flagship initiative Investment for R&I capacity building – 'stairway to excellence' Addresses societal challenges – Transport Crucial for regional development Provides support in a seamless way from the idea to the market Massive source of R&I inverstment Support for sustainable transport Possibility to combine funds Increased flexibility of both programs Economic development efforts based on regional strengths Coherent programming, common prioritisation and strategic coordination Framework for development and exploitation of synergies Europe 2020 Horizon 2020 Cohesion Policy Innovation Union flagship initiative Europe Research Area Resource Efficient Europe flagship initiative Societal challenge – Smart, green, integrated Transport Specific measures for under-performing regions: Policy support, Teaming schemes, Twinning schemes, ERA Chairs Strengthening research and innovation Supporting shift towards low carbon economy in all sectors Sustainable transport and removal of bottlenecks Transport in Horizon 2020 and the Cohesion Policy •Development and management of transport systems require hollistic approaches and common efforts H2020 Transport challenge aims to acheive - sustainable-socially inclusive-resource efficient transport that respects the environment - better mobility, less congestion, more safety and security, and global industrial leadership Transport - one of the main priorities of the Cohesion policy - national infrastructures funded via CEF, urban transport facilities, and accessibility of regions Synergies between H2020 and the Cohesion Policy At policy level • coordinated investment in research and innovation in identified priority fields supporting competitiveness and growth At programme level • Stimulate strategic cooperation between authorities responsible for programmes design At project level • Impact on added value for regional economy Synergies - New features of the programming period 2014-2020 • Combine H2020 grants and Cohesion Policy funds within the same project (but never for the same cost item); but also support for parallel and cascade joint funding • Smart Specialization Strategies (RIS3) align research and innovation priorities to regional capacities • Innovative clusters and cross-border projects supported by H2020 and ESIF facilitate knowledge transfer between regions • Financial instruments supported by H2020 can leverage ESIF financial resources at local level Barriers and Drivers to synergies •Barriers - Different rationale - excellence vs. cohesion - Diferent policy aims and scope - Lack of coherence between levels of governance - Limited comunication protocols between responsible authorities Toolbox for Synergies - Coherent policy planning and strategic coordination - Common Programming - Smart Specilisation Startegies - Clusters and connectivity - SME internationalisation - Horizon 2020 and COSME funding Smart Specialization Strategy - the key instrument for synergies - Research & Innovation - tools for regional cohesion - Transform the economy of regions through entrepreneurial discovery RIS3 - Research and Innovation Smart Specialization Strategy 'multi-annual strategy (that) defines a limited number of priorities, preceded by an analysis of strengths and weaknesses at national and regional level and of emerging opportunities and market developments, and (that) provides a predictable policy and budgetary framework' Transport Research Areas Supporting Synergies…. a few examples (1) Cohesion Policy thematic Priorities Opportunities for Synergies with H2020 Strengthning research, technological development and innovation Transport research and innovation infrastructure that facilitates participation in H2020 and crystallises economic growth, e.g. technology parks, incubators, firm cooperation, excellence Enhancing access to, and use and quality of information and communication technologies (ICT) ICT tools for better mobility and transport schemes - deployment of EU funded research projects results into market applications at European, national and local level Supporting the shift towards a lowcarbon economy in all sectors Regional deployment of production centers for alternative fuels for transport Regional demonstration of low-carbon vehicles and recharging infrastructure Promotion of low-carbon mobility patterns social marketing Transport Research Areas Supporting Synergies…. a few examples (2) Cohesion Policy Thematic Priorities Opportunities for Synergies with H2020 Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructure Solutions for multimodal and intermodal transportation of persons and freight, from one case project to European deployment Transport infrastructure Deployment at regional level of emerging transport technologies – e.g. advanced ITS …… ……. Recommendations 1. Strategic coordination and coherent prioritisation of policies 2. Coordination of research and innovation and cohesion programmes 3. Coordination of national and regional strategic planning and prioritisation 4. Common actors’ collaboration framework 5. Monitoring synergies exploitation 6. Simplification of Cohesion Policy rules and procedures 7. Synergies implementation and dissemination guidelines 8. Sustainable mobility training and education for all citizens 9. Clearer research and innovation State Aid rules 10. Stronger involvement of European Technological Platforms 11. Role of Support Networks 12. Smart Specialisation in Global Value Chains
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