2015 Municipal Green Building Conference & Expo Exhibitor Form
Event Date:
Thursday, April 23 2015
Event Time:
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Event Location: Energy Resource Center, Southern California Gas Company, Downey, CA 90241
Want access to Southern California's leaders in green building? The 2015 Municipal Green
Building Conference and Expo - MGBCE 2015 - offers an exciting and unique opportunity to
reach Municipal decision-makers in Southern California. Demonstrate your support for
sustainable building throughout the Southland and the U.S. Green Building Council’s
education mission by becoming an exhibitor.
Each year our exhibitors tell us that MGBCE is a worthwhile investment for their company. With
a ratio of attendees to exhibitors of approximately 26 to 1, and a constant flow of visitors
throughout the day, the unique layout of Southern California Gas Company's Energy Resource
Center provides exhibitors with maximum visibility and placement right in the middle of the
For any additional event information or questions, please contact Dominique Smith, USGBC-LA at (310) 9022811 or [email protected].
Featured Exhibito r - $2,000
Exhibitor Table in Main Hall
Designation as a "Featured Exhibitor"
Company name and logo in event program and event web site
50 word thumbnail listing in Mobile Application
Logo on Featured Exhibitor slide on presentation screen in main hall
Two exhibitor staff passes*
Early Bird Standard Exhibito r (available until March 1st)
USGBC National Members: $1,195**
Non-Members $1,395
Exhibitor opportunity includes:
One 8 foot table with drape and two chairs
Standard electricity (most locations)
25 word thumbnail listing
Two exhibitor staff passes*
*Staff passes include breakfast and lunch for exhibit staff, staff may attend sessions
**USGBC member companies will be highlighted in conference materials
Exhibitor Information (Required)
Company Name
Primary Contact
Firs t Name
Primary Contact Email
Primary Contact Phone
Las t Name
ex: [email protected]
Are a Co de
Pho ne Numbe r
Company Address
S tre e t Addre s s
S tre e t Addre s s Line 2
S tate / Pro vinc e
Po s tal / Zip Co de
Co untry
Please Select
Attendee #1 Name
Firs t Name
Attendee #1 Email
Las t Name
ex: [email protected]
Attendee #2 Name
Firs t Name
Attendee #2 Email
Please Upload
Company Logo
Las t Name
ex: [email protected]
Choose File No file selected
Please enter your
Company's website
Please provide us with
a description of your
company for the
thumbnail listing (25
words for standard, 50
for featured)
Pay Now via Credit Card
My Products
Featured Exhibitor $ 2,000.00 USD
Standard Exhibitor | USGBC National Member $ 1,195.00 USD
Standard Exhibitor | Non-Member $ 1,395.00 USD
Credit Card
Firs t Name
Las t Name
Cre dit Card Numbe r
S e c urity Co de
Expiratio n Mo nth
Expiratio n Ye ar
Billing Address
S tre e t Addre s s
S tre e t Addre s s Line 2
S tate / Pro vinc e
Po s tal / Zip Co de
Co untry
Please Select
Pay with Check - Request an Invoice
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Featured Exhibitor $2,000
Early Bird Rate Standard Exhibitor - USGBC National Member $1,195
Early Bird Rate Standard Exhibitor - Non-Member $1,395
Chapter Affiliation *
Los Angeles Chapter
Orange County Chapter
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