The Octagon The Official Publication of: THE MG CAR CLUB OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA April 2015 Affiliated with The MG Car Club (UK) and member of the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport 2015 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT Tony Ford Iain Trainor SECRETARY TREASURER CLUB CAPTAIN COMPETITION SECs Doug Bush Chris Hart David Hardie Rami Brass SOCIAL CO-ORD John Bell EDITORS Graham and Moyra Mitchinson Richard Gusterson Terry Banton Ian Campbell MEMBERSHIP SEC SAFETY FAST CO-ORD WEBMASTER 0400 202 474 9206 5624 0411 789 434 0452 561 398 9371 0227 0423 393 183 0412 081 446 [email protected] [email protected] 9477 6303 0409 155 144 9343 6752 0401 375 644 0409 105 957 9291 8877 92934171 0401450536 [email protected] NON EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Patrons John and Val Goff, Tim Harland Librarians David and 9523 8256 Marion Blaxall Catering Coordinator Colleen Hardie 0423 393 183 Regalia Chris Hart 9371 0227 Auditor Peter Manning 9383 9247 Cams Delegate Tony Ford 0400 202 474 Building Maintenance Chris Hart 9371 0227 Trophy Co-Ord Chris Gray 9344 4624 0417936743 Tech Event Co-Ord Position vacant Clubrooms: Postal Address: Enquiries: Website: ABN: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 112 Hardy Rd, BAYSWATER. G.P.O. Box U1924, PERTH, W.A. 6845 (08) 9487 3100 (recorded service) 46 629 758 330 General Meetings held at the Clubrooms on the third Tuesday of every month (fellowship from 7:30, formal proceedings commence at 8:00 p.m.) All members and visitors are welcome. 2 Contents: President’s News……….…………...….….4 - 5 Notice Board….…………………..……….....6 - 7 Mid-week Run …………………..…………..8 - 9 General Meeting Minutes…………..…10-12 Iain Trainor was this months raffle winner of an Easter basket, although chocoholic Moyra felt she deserved some after picking his winning tickets for him. Events and Social Report..……….……14-15 Competition Corner…………………………..17 Show and Shine………………………..….18-25 For Sale / Wanted…………..…………...26-27 3 President’s News The Club’s Show’n’Shine/Concours d’Elegance held at Ascot Racecourse on 21st March was a great success, attracting over 90 MGs from pre-war to moderns. Our fellow enthusiasts in the MG Owners Club and TC Owners Club contributed cars to the display and their expertise to officiating. The organisation was a credit to Colin Cleaver and his team, and bodes well for the 2016 National Meeting Concours to be held at this venue next Easter. Congratulations to the Concours winners; results are published elsewhere in this Octagon. Other events during March included the mid-week run on the 12th and the VSCC Northam Flying 50 on the 29th. Coming events in April include another mid-week run on the 9th and an MGA Register Run on the 19th. For those wishing to brush up on their motorkhana skills ahead of the Perth Natmeet, the Mini Car Club is holding the first round of the State Motorkhana Championship on the 12 th – see for entry documentation. A Club run to the ‘Moondyne Joe’ Festival in Toodyay on Sunday 3rd May is also being organised and details are in this Octagon. This is usually a fun event with the good townsfolk of Toodyay dressing up for re-enactments of bushranger Moondyne Joe’s escapades, as well as a wide range of local arts and craft stalls. The 2015 National Meeting is being held by MGCC Victoria in the Yarra Valley over Easter and 16 WA MG enthusiasts and their partners will be participating, including 9 from our Club. We will be aiming to bring home some silverware for WA – and to have a great time doing so! The Club’s Membership Secretary is now Richard Gusterson, with Marion Blaxall resigning from the position during the month. I extend my appreciation on behalf of Club members to Marion for her great service to the Club over the past few years in this role. I also thank Richard for volunteering for the position, one of many he has fulfilled with distinction over his long association with the Club. 44 And on the subject of volunteering, a gentle reminder to let Doug Bush know if you can assist in any way with the 2016 Perth National Meeting. Events like this require a lot of helpers in a range of tasks – don’t just assume that someone else will step up! Finally, I extend a very warm welcome to the following new members: Welcome to New Members Kristy Marshall (MGA 1600 MkII) Noel & Robyn Higgins (MGRV8) Frank & Marilyn Kettell (MGBGT) Tony Ford 5 Notice Board Please note that the editors have changed their email address to [email protected] So could all correspondence dealing with the magazine be sent to that email address, thank you. ooooOOOOoooo Chris Hart has the new windscreen stickers for sale $2 each plus $1 if postage required. To pay direct into MGCC account BSB 066 111 : Account No 1002 5340 Please make sure you put your name if paying direct. ooooOOOOoooo MGCCWA (SOUTHERN CHAPTER) After discussion, and with approval by MGCC Committee, it has been suggested to see if any members residing in roughly the Mandurah areas and all points to the south west, who would be interested in being part of the MGCC Southern Chapter. This would, of course, be open to any members of the MGCC who would wish to participate. If there is enough interest in the idea, I am willing to organise a social event starting somewhere in the south west and dependent on how far members have to travel. This would be a great opportunity for MGCC members who previously could not attend club events due to distances involved. Initially I am asking any interested members to contact me via email ([email protected]) or ( phone 95353037 or 0417212140) to ascertain any interest and numbers involved. COLIN BELL 6 Shawn Vieceli, a police officer based in Merredin and owner of a 1969 MGB roadster, is getting married next March. Shawn has asked whether any Club members would be interested in providing or hiring out their cars for the bridal party. The owners would drive the cars and they will only be used for photos and transport from a house in Middle Swan to the ceremony in Upper Swan. If you can help, please contact Shawn on email [email protected]. ooooOOOOoooo Colleen Hardie is looking for some volunteers to supply evening snacks on the June and October General Meetings. Please contact her on [email protected] or 0423 393 183 ooooOOOOoooo Hope everyone has a great and safe Easter and do not over indulge with too many eggs. 7 MG -AUSTIN HEALEY CAR CLUB MID-WEEK RUN. Thursday 12th March 2015 The weather was very hot however we had a good turnout at Gingers roadhouse, Bullsbrook. There were 17 cars from our club, The MG Owners Club, Triumph Owners Club and the Austin Healy Club. Some non marque cars were present including a beautiful C1 Corvette, a Rolls Royce and various others. We did not preorder our meals as the Chidlow Tavern said 30 odd meals would not be any trouble. After receiving our route sheets we set off. A very pleasant run to the comfort stop at Calingary despite the 40+ heat. Unfortunately Ian Campbell had ignition trouble with his RV8 and had to return home. A very pleasant drive to Chidlow, despite keeping up with the Healy’s and having the worlds worst navigator. The route map was very easy to follow. The BGT did not miss a beat in the heat, more than I can say for its occupants. All I could see in front of me now was a cold beer. A couple of the things to watch out for on the country roads are semi-trailers and bush fires 8 On arriving at the Tavern we had some very welcome refreshment and ordered our meals. We then settled down to enjoy the pleasant company of like minded enthusiasts. The Chidlow Tavern was excellent as always, good food, service and atmosphere. All in all another great run. Wil Schomaker 9 General Meeting 17th March 2015 Meeting opened at 20:02 Club President in the chair. Visitors: Apologies: Piers & Anne De-Legh *UK+. Peter & Patty Mittler *Toronto+ David & Marion Blaxall, Terry & Wanda Banton, David & Colleen Hardie, Peter Fry, Ian Campbell Minutes of previous meeting *February 17th+ – printed in the Octagon: Motion to accept Minutes: Proposed by Sarah Fry, Seconded by Richard Gusterson and agreed as a true record. Correspondence In: 6 x Club Magazines; 1 x Receipt from Ocean Website Design P/L for MGCC Logo update; 9 x Membership Renewals; 1 Invoice from Clockwork Printing for Windscreen Stickers; 1 x Invoice from Australia Post for P.O. Box fee for 12 months; 1 x Bank Statement for Club Cheque account; 1 x Letter from Comm Bank re: reinvesting Funds in interest bearing account. Motion to accept Correspondence: Proposed by Chris Hart. Seconded by Annette Gusterson. Agreed Nem-Con Business Arising: Chris advised that the Club’s bankers had advised him that our funds in an Interest Bearing Count with them needed re-investing. They have offered 2.5% for a 4-month period. The ensuing debate resulted in a motion “The Treasurer is authorised to try to obtain a better investment interest rate, if possible”. The members present passed the Motion. REPORTS Vice-President: Iain was congratulated along with the Club Captain on their Curtin Uni Radio slot re the Show n Shine Secretary: Just Business as usual Treasurer: Chris advised that the Club funds currently stand at $xxxxxx and we are $3,100 ahead of the Budget. The following payments are listed for payment: 10 1. Australia Post – P.O. Box Fee $403.00; 2. C Hart re-imbursement for Clockwork Printing Invoice $438.90; 3. T Banton – Re-imbursement for printing of 3 x Issues of Octagon $360.00; 4. M Blaxall – Stamps $16.00; 5. G & M Mitchinson – Pre-Paid envelopes for Octagon Magazine $810; 6. D Pitcher – Raffle prize - $26.00. The payments were approved by the members present. Membership Secretary: Marion has tendered her resignation from the post. The Club President announced that Richard Gusterson had offered to fill the position and this offer was accepted. Richard then reported that the Membership currently stood at 178. As Marion was not present, Tony said that he regretted that he was unable to publicly thank her for her work over the past years and would hope to do so at a future GM. Competition: Rami reported that the Northam Flying Fifty will be held on the 29 th March and the MGCC will be represented both on the track and in the display area. Graham Mitchinson is organising a run-in start from the IGA at Sawyers Valley on the Gt Eastern Hwy, around 08:30. The entry forms for the Midvale Superkhana on Sunday 12 th April have been circulated to club members. The Motorkhana will start at 12:00 and some help with Marshalling on the day by members will be appreciated, please contact Rami if you can do so. Colin Cleaver gave an update on the forthcoming Show n Shine/ Concours. Social: John Bell thanked Bruce & Pam Youngberg for their help on the 22 nd February run and Richard & Annette Gusterson for the 12th March Midweek Run. The next event will be the Show n Shine on Saturday 21st, all members are invited to take their MGs along for a pleasant day out. The Midweek run on Thursday 9 th April will now be organised by the MGCC (instead of the AHC). See above for information on the Northam event. On Sunday 3rd May, Peter Hagarty will organise a Run-in to the Moondyne Joe Festival at Toodyay, further information will be available on the Website and in the Octagon. The Mid-week run on 14th May will now be organised by the Austin Healey Club. Our club will also have a presence at the British Car Day at Gingin on Sunday 17th May although no run is organised due to the heavy traffic on that day. Editors: Graham & Moyra reported that their new E-mail address for the Octagon was: [email protected]. The temporary Editors will pick up e-mails to this address whilst G & M are on vacation. Safety Fast: John Bell gave a brief update on behalf of Terry Banton. All is well organised. Club Captain: No report as David not present. Regalia: Chris advised that he now had a good supply of the new club Windscreen stickers on sale at $2-00 each. He also had a small supply of the NM 2016 Shirts & hats, as an order of 50 was necessary for to cover the requirements for the NM 15 attendees who will wear them during the event in the Yarra Valley. There is still a good supply of current Club shirts available. *See the Club Website for details+. 11 Librarian: Tony reported that he had received a letter of resignation from David Blaxall. He has responded to David asking him to re-consider his resignation. Webmaster: Ian Campbell not present. The Website continues to improve. Any Other Business 2015 Natmeet: Doug reported that all was going well. The MGs of the WA entrants were now in shipment. The Presentation to be made at the Awards evening by WA members is almost finished, we have an 8 minute slot, to sell WA and our 2016 Natmeet. 2016 Natmeet: Doug gave a quick update on progress. The website can be found Bulletin No 1 for our meeting is now finalised and 1000 copies of the A5 sized Bulletin are being printed at a modest cost through Michael Banton. Many of these will be used at NM15 for distribution to the attendees. The Bulletin will also be placed on the Website and in the Octagon. It contains all relevant information required to enable MG owners to decide that they want to come to Perth at Easter 2016. The ladies Social Sub-Committee *SSC+ have had a third meeting and good progress is being made. A meeting of the 2016 Natmeet was held earlier tonight attended by members of all three MG Car Clubs in WA. It was another positive meeting. Tony Ford announced that the VSCC are running two courses (Event Command and Club Chief) for CAMS officials on 18 & 19 April, which may provide a possible opportunity for us to get some CAMS qualified officials before NM16. Ian Trainor is trying to establish an MGF/TF/Moderns Register and all owners of those MGs who might be interested in joining the Register *no additional cost+ to contact him via his E-mail *address on Website and Octagon+. The plan is to organise 2 or 3 social runs per year. Tony thanked Christine Bush for providing the Supper tonight. The Meeting closed at 20:40. Doug Bush Secretary MGCC WA The Deadline for articles to be included in the May edition of the Octagon will be Thursday 30th April 2015 Thank you. M & G Editors Please note new email: [email protected] 12 13 Heard on the Grapevine…. that we have a new “Ned Kelly” in the club who got a steal of an MGF ……..but my lips are sealed. A certain lady spent 10 minutes looking for a chair cover that she had in her other hand the whole time!!! MGCC Forthcoming Events in 2015 April Tues 7th Thurs 9th Sun 12th Sun 19th Tues 21st May Sun 3rd Tues 5th Thurs 14th Sun 17th Tues 19th Sat 30th & Sun 31st June Tues 2nd Thurs 11th Sun 14th Tues 16th Sun 21st Sun 28th 14 Committee Meeting Midweek Run Midvale Superkhana MGA Register Run General Meeting Moondyne Joe Toodyay Committee Meeting Midweek Run British car Day Gingin General Meeting Albany Classic Weekend Committee Meeting Midweek Run New Members Lunch General Meeting Social Run MGA Register Run Social Social/Comp Social Social AHC MGCC MGA MGCC Social MGCC Social Social Social Social/Comp MGOC MGCC MGCC VSCC Social Social Social Social Social MGCC MGCC MGCC MGCC MGA SOCIAL REPORT Midweek Run Thursday 9th April This event is being organized by our club and we shall meet at the Narrogin Inn in Armadale at about 10.00am for a 10.30 start. The run will take about one and a half hours and finish at a country pub for lunch. ‘Moondyne Joe’ Festival Toodyay Sunday 3rd May For details see page 16 in this Octagon British Car Day GinGin Sunday 17th May No run has been organized for this event as it is usually easier to make your own way there. Should you wish to park inside with all the other MG’s it is recommended to be there by 9.00am. Also the club is still looking for a member or members to organize the social run on Sunday 21st June. Unless a volunteer is forthcoming this event will not take place. JOHN BELL Social Co-ordinator 94776303 15 Sunday 3rd May 2015 Undoubtedly, one of the highlights of our social calendar! A fun and interesting day in the closed main street of Toodyay, which is invariably chock full of market stalls of all varieties, period characters and entertainment including several re-enactments of the escapades of “MOONDYNE JOE”. The MG Car Club has again been invited to display our cars in a designated area in the main street of Toodyay and we in turn need to be in place by 8:45am (main street location has been confirmed in writing for 2015). Providing members with the opportunity of an early breakfast and/or coffee, we will meet at the car park of McDONALDS (cnr Great Eastern Hwy & Lloyd ST Midland) at “7.00 ish” for a 7.30 departure. Bring your own picnic lunch OR avail yourself of the many food outlets on offer. After leaving MCDONALDS at 7.30am (sharp) we will travel in convoy incorporating a pleasant scenic route (with NO questions and arguments!). Should anyone have any queries , please do not hesitate to contact me on Mob 0413 569 359 or email at [email protected]. Looking forward to seeing you there! Yours Octagonally Peter Hagarty 16 Competition Corner Once again the Triumph Sports Owners Association (TSOA) put on a fantastic Event at the Midvale Speedome on 1st March. The Event involved four timed runs on a long fast flowing Superkhana course. There were 33 entries and the competition was serious as this event counts towards points for the TSOA club trophy. As well as the usual TR8s and hot Triumphs, there was an array of high performance cars including a BMW M3, a Porsche 911, Lotus 7 replicas, turbocharged Mazdas and WRX STI’s. As usual the MG’s put on a good show, the fastest MG being driven by Rami Brass who managed an overall time of 268.63 seconds just beating Bob Schrader driving his immaculate Green MGB in 268.76. Rami and Bob managed an overall placing of 4th and 5th respectively, an amazing result considering the competition. Mike Sherrell drove his 1948 MG TC in 404.52 and Kevin McMahon with his MG Special in 436.13 The Mitchinson’s also entered in their stock standard Blue MGB with the car completed 8 runs without a problem. Graham clocked a respectable time of 313.89 finishing 20th overall, and Moyra overcame some early nerves and finished with a time of 369.59 which placed her 24th overall and importantly improving 10 seconds between the first and last run. To put it in perspective, the Mitchinson’s are driving a 37 year old stock MGB and competing against some very fast modified cars. Most importantly all our members drove home with cars intact and a very big smile on their faces. Rami Brass 17 2015 SHOW and SHINE incorporating the Concours d’Elegance The morning started cool and slightly misty but gradually warmed up and turned into a very delightful and enlightening day. The volunteers quickly took up their roles and set about organising the positioning of the various classes of MG’s, to either be judged or to display everyone's pride and joy (made easier by the diligent efforts of Colin Cleaver, Jason Goff, Doug Bush, Nick Ringrose and Rod Grantham marking out the areas the previous day) . The new signs made for the ‘Nat Meet’ for each classification looked rather swish too. The venue of Ascot Race Course turned out to be very car friendly and allowed people to easily stroll around all the vehicles. This bodes very well for our 2016 Natmeet with the organisers able to iron out any small hiccups and make that event flow like clockwork. We had almost 100 MG’s on display and as the area next year will be much larger, there should be ample space to show several hundred washed, polished and magnificently presented MG’s Quite a few members entered the “Concours d’Charme” and made a great effort and dressed to suit the era of their favourite machine and helped add even more elegance to the day. All the volunteers did a wonderful and tireless job keeping the event on track. So please contact Doug Bush and volunteer some of your time at our 2016 Natmeet to help everything flow that much easier and to be a great success. 18 Judges hard at work This scrutineering seemed like hard work… there was a lot of ‘heads down and bums ups’ 19 We could not have asked for a better day to hold our Concours d’Elegance and Show & Shine 20 Looking the part. 21 Concours d’Charme Entrants 22 Do your bit, SUPPORT OUR LOCAL ADVERTISERS/SPONSORS MGCC WA proudly supports this worthy organization for youngsters with cancer. Please remember to take photos on outings and send them through. In this edition of the Octagon we have had several contributors who have taken photographs that were used throughout the magazine. David Pitcher, Annette Gusterson, Thank you 23 MG CAR CLUB OF WA 2015 CONCOURS D’ ELEGANCE RESULTS NAME TYPE PLACE PRE-WAR & T TYPE CLASS. VINCE ANDERSON KEN RICHARDSON MG TC MG NB 1 2 MG YA 1 MGA 1600 MK11 D/LUXE MGA 1600 1 2 MG MIDGET 1 MGB GT MGB 1 2 MG RV8 1 MG TF MG TF 1 2 MG Special 1 CLASSIC SEDANS CLASS. RON MITCHAM MGA CLASS. TONY FORD RUSSELL ANDERSON MG MIDGET. DAVID GRANVILLE MGB. TOM BULLOCH DAVE GOODMAN MG RV8. PAUL EDWARDS MG MODERN. ROB CARSON NICK RINGROSE MG SPECIALS CLASS. KEVIN McMAHON WINNERS – CONCOURS d’ CHARME TROPHY. Vince 24 TOM & ANNIE BULLOCK Ron Tony Tom Russell Dave David Paul Tom and Annie Rob Nick Kevin 25 FOR SALE AND WANTED SECTION 1968 MG MIDGET - $13,000 Very good condition Contact: Mike Dunn 0407 110 174 [email protected] 1958 MG ZB, Steel blue - $10,000 New engine, gearbox and wiring harness Needs new paint For full information contact: MIKE SHERRELL 9367 6769 1958 MGA Twin cam - $35,000 Kept original, LHD, restored 2007 Reluctant sale [email protected] MG TF 2004 Auto - $17,000 Green with cream leather interior For further information contact: Karen Day 0451 186 073 [email protected] 1971 MGB Red - $14,500 Hard and soft tops, roll bar Good condition Contact: Don Wylie 9291 3234 Red u 26 c ed 2004 MGTF 135 Manual - $14,000 ono Le Mans Green Excellent condition, 78,000 kms Contact: Bruce Simpson 0417 910 379 1967 MGB Roadster - $16,995 Gunmetal grey with black interior Very good condition, restored For further information contact: KEN Shillinglaw 0417 570 990 [email protected] Redu ce d 1968 MGC British Racing Green - $35,000 Excellent condition, imported from UK 3 years ago Contact: Maria or Sarah 0434 209 908 MGB 1974 mk2 Roadster Immaculate condition Baked Enamel paintwork Contact: Marion or Dudley 9207 1828 $16,000 1969 MG MIDGET British Racing Green Restoration in progress - $6,000 Lots of new parts and work done For full details contact: RON WALTERS 0434 330 320 For sale 1969 MG Midget - White $11,000 Great condition, based in Kalgoolie Contact: BERT or VAL White 0427 540 619 MGB 1968 Red - $11,000 Runs well, good condition Contact: JAMES 9661 1182 27 28
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