Dr. Isao Noda P&G’s Diaper War Phosphate ban in 1970s came up suddenly, and P&G was not prepared. The rumor of landfills overwhelmed by disposable diaper in late 1980s was taken very seriously (i.e., panicked). Worse yet, Isao Noda used to work for P&G. The Compostable Diaper Compostable diaper made of biodegradable plastics sounded good. ICI in UK introduced PHBV made by fermentation as Biopol ®. Unfortunately, PHB or PHBV were not that great for such applications. 1 140 INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA 39817 WWW.MEREDIANINC.COM MEREDIAN, INC. NEWSLETTER MAY 2014 MAY 2014 NEWSLETTER MEREDIAN, INC. NEWSLETTER MAY 2014 2 140 INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA 39817 WWW.MEREDIANINC.COM The DaniMer R&D team has successfully demonstrated our renewable hot melt adhesive (RHMA) to Henkel in a series of lab trials over the past 30 days. As you may know, Henkel is the largest manufacturer of adhesives in the world and has asked DaniMer for assistance as they seek to respond to their customers request for a non petro based hot melt adhesive. This multi-year development project has offered many challenges along our path. The exciting news is that DaniMer has invented and now demonstrated under rigorous conditions the world's first renewable hot melt adhesive. The tremendous effort of our product development, research and science teams have lead the way to meeting this objective. Congratulations team! With Henkel's guidance, we have targeted the first initial use for the RHMA for those customers seeking general purpose case & carton sealing applications. Henkel describes this market segment as being over $500 million per year in sales volume. The introduction of the DaniMer RHMA will enable Henkel the opportunity to pursue additional market share by providing its customers with this leading innovation for an otherwise mature adhesive market. Over the last 30 days, rigorous R&D testing has occurred at the Henkel laboratories in Bridgewater, NJ and our DaniMer RHMA has met or surpassed the Henkel test standards. Additional testing is planned over the next 30 days as we enter the final phase of R&D with larger quantities being evaluated for product consistency and reliability. Following all internal quality specifications being met, Henkel will bring the RHMA to line trials with strategic customer partners. With the anticipated success of these customer trials, it is the goal of the combined business development teams to launch a commercial product late in 2014 or early Q1 2015. To enable this goal, production processes are being defined by DaniMer while we run a parallel path to finalize a multi-year sales agreement with Henkel. We will look forward to reporting further progress in the weeks ahead. Scan to learn more about Meredian Explore our website at www.meredianinc.com filled with insightful reources 3 140 INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA 39817 WWW.MEREDIANINC.COM MEREDIAN, INC. NEWSLETTER MAY 2014 Blake Lindsey
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