Music Composer, Producer M I C H I RU M ich ir u is a music composer and producer based in Tok yo. She was bor n in 198 0. She star ted pl ay i n g t he pi a no a t a n e a r l y a g e b y f i r s t e c ho i n g n a t u r a l s ou nd s a nd c h i r pi n g b i r d s . S he en rol led at Tok yo Nat iona l Un iver sit y of F i ne A r t s a nd Music where she majored i n music a l composit ion. She init ia l ly stud ied t he fundamenta ls of classica l music; but her interest was not exclusively encompassed to this genre. M ichir u later began to look into var ious other genres of music, like pop-music, electronic-music, folk-music, Jazz, rock, and contemporar y music. They were end lessly i nterest i ng to her m i nd a s she prog ressively beg a n to cha nge a nd i mprove her capability of expression. She g raduated at t he top of her class, a nd her f irst orchest ra l work “ Music for orchest ra” was per for med in 20 04. She proceeded to cont inue her st ud ies by enter ing t he Graduate School of the Universit y. In 20 05, one of her works “Six Turk ish Folk Music” was per for med by “Ensemble NOM A D” , a foremost authority of contemporar y music in Japan. In 2006,she took her master’s degree in composition. From 20 07, she ha s been work i ng a s a composer a nd her act iv it ies have g row n to encompa ss ever y categor y of music. In 2009, She composed and managed the music for “Lulie the Iceberg “ at Y150 -the Exposition Celebrating the 150th A nniversar y of the Opening of the Port of Yokohama. In 2010, she released her debut album “World’ s End Village” that is going to on sale all over the world . I n t h i s a lbu m , s he m a de m a i n ly vo c a l piec es i n s pi r ed f rom v a r iou s fem a le voices , i n wh ic h feat u r i n g s ome vo c a l i st s l i ke ‘ Ju l i a M a r c e l l’ s h r ewd a r t i st i n Eu r op e, ‘ S a ho Ter a o’ a brilliant singer-song writer in Japan, and others. These pieces notably display her orig inality. A fter she become a mother in 2011,She composed the music for the Studio Ghibli’ s short animation “Takarasagashi“, it’s showing the Ghibli Museum Mitaka. For ward she cont inues to make works across genres of music w ith var ious art ists. She is expected to have worldwide creation. MICHIRU MV P7QUijSE T he s hor t f i l m on t he s ubje c t m at t er of M IC H I RU ’ s c r e at ion w a s published. About MICHIRU Management Office website http://w w Company Face Music Publisher, Inc. facebook http://w w Address 6F Koushin BL DG, 4 -5 -1 Nishi- Shinjuku, e-mail [email protected] Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160 - 0023 Japan Tel +81-3 -5333 -3315 Fax +81-3 -5333 -3312 e-mail [email protected] UR L http://w w _contact/contact.htm
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