Meeting - Mid

OFFICIAL MINUTES: February 23, 2015, Executive & Regular Session Meeting
10636 N.E. Prescott Street
Portland, OR 97220-2699
Regular Session of the Parkrose Board of Education of
School District No. 3, Multnomah County, Oregon
Monday, February 23, 2015
2014-2015 Board & Superintendent Goals:
(Bolded agenda items indicate areas where we are pursuing our goals)
Increase Academic Achievement for All Students
Improve Culture in Parkrose School District
Create and Develop Legislative Agenda and Action Plan
Improve District Communication
Support Principals Effectively
A Parkrose Regular Business Meeting of the Board of Education of Parkrose School District 3 was held
Monday, February 23, 2015, beginning at 6:30 PM in the Parkrose School District – Boardroom.
(Public Board Agenda Packet contents available at:
1. Executive Session - 6:15 p.m.
Recess into Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(a) personnel
Chair Grassel called the Executive Session to order at 6:15p.m. and adjourned at 6:30p.m.
Members present: Board Chair Ed Grassel, Board Vice Chair Mary Lu Baetkey, Board Member Dr. Thuy
Tran(not present for executive session), Board Member James Trujillo and Board Member Erick Flores
Others present: Superintendent Karen Gray
Call to Order
2. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting - 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Chair Grassel called the Regular Business Meeting to order at 6:35pm and shared the board discussed
confidential personnel information during executive session
Members present: Board Chair Ed Grassel, Board Vice Chair Baetkey, Board Member Dr. Thuy Tran,
Board Member James Trujillo and Board Member Erick Flores
Others present: Superintendent Karen Gray, Executive Director of Business and Operations Mary Larson,
Director of Student Services Kathy Keim-Robinson, Director of School Improvement Michael Lopes,
Director of Technology, Student Assessment and Information Christine Blouke, Human Resourced
Manager Mary King, Parkrose Middle School Principal Molly Ouche & her Assistant Principal Annette
Sweeney, Sacramento Principal Karen Justice, Shaver Principal Laura Goodman and Board Secretary
Andrea Stevenson
Pledge of
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Grassel lead the board in the Pledge of Allegiance
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OFFICIAL MINUTES: February 23, 2015, Executive & Regular Session Meeting
ASB Report
4. ASB Report - Tina Vuong (5 minutes)
ASB President Tina Vuong gave the following report:
Board members made comments and asked clarifying questions.
5. Presentations/Recognitions
A. Recognitions
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OFFICIAL MINUTES: February 23, 2015, Executive & Regular Session Meeting
Board Approved
1. Classified Employee Appreciation Week March 2-6, 2015
Mr. Flores read the following resolution.
Trujillo/Tran moved to accept the Classified Employee Appreciation Resolution
Hearing no discussion, the motion to approved carried 5-0
6. Consent Agenda (5 minutes)
A. Personnel
1. New Hires
a. Emily Bradner, 1.0 FTE Temporary 1st Grade Teacher, Sacramento
B. Free/Reduced Facility Requests
1. Parkrose Neighborhood Association Movie Night in the Park @ High School
C. Extended Travel
1. Request for Alaina Langdahl to attend AP Literature training, June 8th-16th, 2015 in Louisville,
2. Request for Keija Lee to attend OSAA State Band Festival, April 3-4th, 2015 in Monmouth &
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Seaside, Oregon
3. Request for Becky Nino to attend Risk Management Conference, June 6-10th, 2015 in Houston,
D. Business/Finance
1. Disposal of Surplus Property
E. Second Reading of Policy
1. EBB - Integrated Pest Management
2. EEA - Student Transportation Services
Items 3 and 4
removed from
consent and
moved down to
3. EFA - Local Wellness Program
a. EFA - AR - Local Wellness Program
4. EFAA - District Nutrition and Food Services
a. EFAA - AR - Reimbursable School Meals and Milk Programs
5. JHCD - Nonprescription Medication
a. JHCD/JHCDA - AR - Prescription&Nonprescription Medication
6. JHCDA - Prescription Medication
a. JHCDA/JHCD - AR - Prescription&Nonprescription Medication
7. KL - Public Complaints
a. KL - AR - Public Complaint Procedure
Board Approved
Dr. Tran asked to remove consent agenda item E.3. for further discussion during action
Tran/Trujillo motioned to move item E.3. to action 11.E
Discussion: Vice Chair Baetkey would also like to remove an item
Hearing no further discussion, the motion to approve carried with a 5-0 vote.
Vice Chair Baetkey asked to remove consent agenda item E.4. for the same reason
Baetkey/Flores motioned to move item E.4. to action 11.F.
Hearing no discussion, the motion to approve carried with a 5-0 vote.
Baetkey/Trujillo moved to accept modified consent agenda
Discussion: Vice Chair Baetkey asked if the district was paying for the Band Festival Travel. Chair Grassel
responded: My understanding from reading it, is that the students will raise the money for the trip.
Hearing no further discussion, the motion to approve carried with a 5-0 vote.
Equity Team
7. District Business
A. Superintendent Reports (30 minutes)
1. Equity Team Update
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First Reading of
Draft Equity
Disparities in
Draft Recruiting,
Hiring and
Second Reading
of Policy, will go
for a Third
a. First Reading of Policy
Superintendent Gray shared: This is an especially proud night. These three equity policies
came out of the work of the equity committee. Committee members that were able to
attend tonight’s meeting are Laura, Karen Justice, Saul Orduna, Annette, Mary King,
Kathy Erick and Mary Lu.
1. Equity Lens
Vice Chair Baetkey shared: We identified what, when and how to use an equity
lens. These are questions you need to ask yourself when dealing with diverse
issues. Then we made a visual to help with decision making; people, place, power,
process and plan.
Chair Grassed asked: Did the group use this Equity Lens when creating the next
two policies? Superintendent Gray responded: No, the team broke into three
groups and wrote these simultaneously, but you will notice lots of commonality.
2. Eliminating Disparities in Exclusionary Discipline
Superintendent Gray: We will add call letters near student discipline in the J
section. These are a series of belief statements about exclusionary discipline. Our
job is to keep kids in school, not kick them out. Our district discipline data still
shows a disproportionally in disciplining kids of color, far more than kids who are
not. We are looking to change that. The next piece of work is creating AR’s.
Chair Grassel asked: How will the addition of these three policies be reflected in
current board policy, in section J for example? Superintendent Gray responded: in
order for this to be a cohesive policy all policies in J dealing with discipline will
have to be worked on, that’s the next bit of work for the team.
3. Recruiting, Hiring and Retaining Employees
Superintendent Gray read a portion of the policy and shared: We will be creating a
hiring handbook that will include aspects and issues around how to recruit, hire
and retain staff that mirror the diversity of the school district. We are morally
obligated to do this hard work. Board members please give us your feedback.
2. Second Reading of Policy
Superintendent Gray shared: I did not put these electronic communication policies on consent
because we added quite a bit since the first reading and we want to take our time and do a good
job. Please call me if you have individual questions about policy. Once you’ve had clarification
by the superintendent if you feel it needs discussed at a meeting feel free to do so. These policies
like all the rest we update are recommendations by a team of attorneys at OSBA as laws and bills
are passed.
Mr. Trujillo asked a question about staff looking through a student’s iPad. Superintendent Gray
says the same search and seizure laws apply to district provided devices, devices brought from
home, backpacks, lockers, paper journals, etc.
a. IIBGA - Electronic Communications System
1. IIBGA - AR - Electronic Communications System
Summit Results
3. Parkrose Partnership Summit Results
Superintendent Gray shared: Mary Lu and Ed attended, thanks very much. I got the idea to have
this district centered planning meeting and invited our partners to do exercises with us to talk
about their services and how we are meeting the needs of Parkrose children. It was a wonderful
experience thanks to Kathy, Mary Larson, and Christine for also attending. We have a massive
amount of partners half of which I forgot to invite. My next step is to do a gaps analysis to see
what needs of our students are not being met and create an action plan.
Chair Grassel added: These people are all greatly invested in our children and learned they can
learn from each other.
Vice Chair Baetkey: My favorite part was the realization that they should all have a better
connection with each other in case of emergency. This is one team working together.
Chair Grassel added: Remember bold items on the agenda relate to our goals
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Middle School
Nike Showcase
4. Middle School NIKE Showcase
Enrollment and
Inter District
5. Open Enrollment Slots and Inter District Transfer Decisions
S.I. and Tech.
Graduation Rate
Superintendent Gray shared: The Nike innovation fund took a lot of interest in our AVID work.
Michael and Molly attended the Nike innovation grant dinner at the AVID conference in
Florida. We hope to be recipients of one of the $50,000 three year grants. The middle school
hosted a showcase tour of AVID in action for Nike, and the Miller Foundation which is another
$50,000 grant opportunity. Kudos to Molly and Annette and their team, and Christine. We also
gave the Mayor a tour of the middle school last week, he was very impressed.
Superintendent Gray shared: We are asking for the same numbers as last year. The bill my
workgroup crafted was introduced to the legislature around combining the two processes into
one because it’s too confusing. The bill is being sponsored by Senator Gelser.
B. School Improvement - Michael Lopes (30 minutes)
Technology, Student Information & Assessment - Christine Blouke
1. Graduation Rate
Christine Blouke shared an update of our graduation rate data.
Board members asked clarifying questions.
Superintendent Gray commented this is good news.
Dr. Tran would like this great data shared as a press release and facebook.
2. Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Results Explained
Christine Blouke clarified misinformation about SBAC.
Board Members discussed at length and asked clarifying questions.
We still don’t have an answer from the state as to how our schools are going to be rated next
year. If not SBAC, then what?
3. SAMR Tech Plan
Elementary graphic
Secondary graphic
Michael Lopes shared the districts new Technology Integration SAMR guidance graphics for
the laddered implementation plan.
Oregon RTI
4. Oregon RTI
Michael Lopes shared Parkrose is a recipient of Oregon Response to Intervention & Instruction
three year grant which isn’t a ton of dollars but it’s a ton of support. We will use this to improve
core reading at the elementary level.
Extensions &
Business & Ops
C. Human Resources - Mary King (5 minutes)
1. Extensions & Renewals
Mary King shared: It’s that time of year to do contracts for teachers. We have 5 teachers going
from probation to contract this year and 42 probationary teachers 32 of them are brand new.
Last year was probably the biggest hiring year in my 11 years. We have 127 teachers on
contracts and 6 temporary teachers who are non-renewed and will be asked to apply for
openings. We have 3 administrators on probationary contract and 2 going from probation to
contract and 16 contracted miscellaneous. Our due date is March 15th and their due date to
return them is April 15th.
Vice Chair Baetkey asked about movement.
D. Student Services - Kathy Keim-Robinson (5 minutes)
1. Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) Correction Report
Kathy Keim-Robinson shared corrected AMAO data.
We have made phenomenal progress.
Superintendent Gray: Kathy has done a wonderful job of moving this school district to
improvements with EL students. Best progress I’ve ever seen.
E. Business & Operations - Mary Larson (5 minutes)
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Report &
Ending Fund
Budget Training
1. Financial Report
Mary Larson shared: You have the financial report in your packet, I don’t really have comments
about it except that I did additional research about Ending Fund Balance and Reserves. I belong
to the Association of School Business Officials and they had this information available which I
will email the board: (not included
in the packet) 15-20% is the recommended EFB amount, I think that’s a little optimistic. The range
for us is 5-7% in general fund.
2. Budget Training Date
Reminder: Wednesday, April 15th, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the P.S.D. boardroom is a Budget
Training. The Business office will invite the Budget Committee Members.
PFA Monthly
8. PFA Monthly Report - Beau Iwersen (5 minutes)
PFA President Beau Iwersen shared the following: I don’t have a whole bunch to speak to I do want to just
get a couple thank yous out. First to technology Rick please pass thanks onto Andrew and Free, there is a lot
going on and we all know that. Unfortunately technology in the hands of people like me will break, I’ve
never heard any complaints from those guys. The IT staff are incredibly helpful and responsive to what I can
imagine to be sometimes annoying. Teachers come with different sets of skills when it comes to technology.
You have teachers like Rick who move into the IT department and teachers like myself who have zero, who
need that helping hand. And So I really appreciate all they’ve done. Another thing I want to point out we’ve
talked about is the emotional well-being of our students. I’ve heard a lot from members, teachers are worried
about our kids sometimes. Some students in Parkrose have a very difficult go of life. I want to bring that up
again. It’s usually in the forefront of teachers minds. When I’m doing goals and see students not meeting. I
look at academic practices and instructional strategies and I also have to think about how I can connect to
that child. To understand maybe when they come in with tears in their eyes, it’s not time to get right to work.
I want to bring that up because some of us are worried about this test coming down and we know it’s going
to be difficult. I worry about 3rd and 4th graders realizing this is a big deal. Hopefully they don’t know if they
didn’t pass. Nobody at that age needs to know this big end all test they didn’t pass. I was reminded of how
old my kids are having gone from kindergarten to third grade, it felt like I’m in middle school after a while
but then we had pajama day and stuffed animal day and they were kids, exactly what they should be. I kind
of made me realize how old they are, even middle school kids are kids and they are fragile. Some of the
things I’ve read this test can be difficult on kids, not only physically getting it done, its hard. But I hope we
can shield them from that pressure. I want them to go into that test thinking this is another challenge that I
want to tackle, if I don’t quite get it if it catches me off guard I’m not going to lose it, have another thing
defeat me. I’m just going to say I gave it my best. And we are not going to say I need you to pass that test. I
don’t hear that from you guys, I hear that support from you. This is our first time, it’s a tough time. I know
it’s been hard for Christine, Michael and the IT department to figure how we are going to roll this out. The
logistics part is difficult as well but teachers I hear them saying they are worried about their kids. This is a
really big deal. Hopefully our kids see it like I said as a challenge to tackle, not an opportunity for failure. A
lot of teachers are worried about it, I’ve heard oh this is going to be a long test a hard test. Maybe those
elementary students haven’t heard about it, haven’t read about it but some high school kids they know it’s
out there in the paper in the news. That support means a lot when you say we support you and you know we
are trying to support our students who really need that emotional support, that love to reach the places they
didn’t think or know they could.
Chair Grassel: Thank you Beau, I’ll have some comments to make when we talk later about lobby day.
Dr. Tran: Ed to go along with Beau and the academic achievement day I would like us to have conversation
on resiliency and what we are doing to help our children face challenges.
Chair Grassed responded: I think Michael and I can talk a lot about that.
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OFFICIAL MINUTES: February 23, 2015, Executive & Regular Session Meeting
OSEA Monthly
9. OSEA Monthly Report - Richard Doyle (5 minutes)
OSEA President Richard Doyle shared the following: Good evening. First of all thanks for that nice
resolution at the beginning of the meeting. It’s one of those things I’ve kind of expressed before, you know
every year we have school board appreciation, too bad we have to have a designated week to remind us to
appreciate the various people around us making our jobs possible, the district mission possible. I’m never
above receiving praise, but it’s not about me, I have one of the better appreciated jobs in the district as far as
Classified employees. The IT department gets appreciated, some of our others don’t get appreciated as often.
I guess this is a friendly nudging to keep that spirit year round. Michael talked about added responsibilities
that we’ve had in our tech department without adding staff, how much the work load has grown. But yet the
same can be said for most of our Classified staff. Custodians for example fewer of them than six years ago
and yet every building has more space than they’ve had, it’s important to appreciate the hard work and
dedication. And Beau, sometimes there are signs when we hang up the phone.
At the state level OSEA has our legislative education day coming up. I’m not going to be able to attend
myself. There is a big lobbying effort by our members that our state union organizes for us every year. To
Karen and Mary if any requests come through, that’s reimbursed at the state level, I would really encourage
you guys to support that and allow the members to attend because it will mean missing a day of work. Also
at the state level we are cautiously optimistic about our new Governor, she is a long time very strong
supporter of OSEA. Our lobbyist that works for us at the state level actually is a good friend personal friend
of hers. We are right there with you guys pushing for that 7.875 or more. There is a lot of effort at the state
level to push for that school funding that we need. Here at the local level not a lot going on other than our
preparations to go back for our reopener. I’m sure you’ve been kept up to speed, we have a reopener here
bargaining for wages, benefits and each side has an opportunity to open up two other issues, articles in the
contract for further consideration. So a little different in the past having those extra things in there. We are
hoping that the timing is going to work out that we’ll have a better picture of the financial picture from the
state going in to negotiations. It’s always a struggle there is never enough money to get everything that we
want but we will work on trying to find something that is equally un-agreeable to both sides. That’s generally
when you know you’ve come to a good meeting point when neither side is ecstatic about it, otherwise you
have a mismatch imbalance.
Vice Chair Baetkey asked: Both you and Beau have members that do not live inside the boundaries of
Parkrose, so they have different legislators they can call and ask for 7.875?
Rick Doyle responded: With OSEA Legislator Education Day (LED), yes our members speak with the
legislators they are constituents of. The members that do not attend LED can call their legislators.
Mr. Flores added: Regardless what happens in Salem with funding we will work together to make it a happy
Rick Doyle added: My fortune cookie tonight says something about the focus of my year will be filled with
family, I’ve been in Parkrose for 12 years now and in that time this has become my family. I guess I’m stuck
with you guys for another year according to my fortune.
Superintendent Gray: Thank you for your hard work Rick!
10. Citizen Comments (3 minutes each)
If you wish to make a comment before the Board, please fill out a comment card and give it
to the secretary.
Vera Nguyen, 1143 NE 135th Avenue shared the following: I’m here to sell girl scout cookies. I go to Russell
Elementary I’m in the 4th grade. We sell girl scout cookies for our trips to learn and for the animal shelter and the
homeless shelter but we only get sixty five cents for every box you buy. Because it goes to girl scouts and the
bakery. It would really help me if you would buy some cookies from me. Each box costs four dollars. If I ask ten
people, three will say no.
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Adair Fernee, 10825 NE Skidmore shared the following: I’m Adair Fernee and my fortune says, seek out the
significance of your problem at this time, so that’s what I’m going to talk about.
Adair Fernee read the following:
Action Items
Board Approved
Open Enrollment
and Inter District
11. Action Items (5 minutes)
A. Accept/Reject Open Enrollment & Inter District Transfer Announcement 2015-2016
JECB-AR(3) – Open Enrollment form
Open Enrollment: fifty spots, K-12 any grade any Oregon school
JECB-AR(4) - Interdistrict Transfer form
Inter District Transfer: twenty spots, Juniors & Seniors only
Tran/Trujillo moved to Approve Open Enrollment & Inter District Transfer Announcement 20152016
Hearing no discussion, the motion to Approve carried 5-0
Board Approved
District Calendar
B. Accept/Reject District Calendar 2015-2016
Flores/Baetkey moved to Approve 2015-2016 District Calendar
Discussion: The four days in June highlighted in red we are asking staff to hold in case we need make
up bad weather days. We don’t want folks to have to cancel vacation plans.
And yes it’s a full school year.
Hearing no further discussion, the motion to Approve carried 5-0
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Board Approved
Extensions &
Renewals 15-16
C. Accept/Reject Extensions & Renewals 2015-2016
Baetkey/Flores moved to Approve Extensions & Renewals 2015-2016
Discussion: These confidential items were discussed in executive session and the details were
included in the confidential portion of the board packet.
Hearing no further discussion, the motion to Approve carried 5-0
Board Approved
Bond Stipend for
D. Accept/Reject Bond Stipend
Tran/Flores moved to Approve the bond stipend
Chair Grassel: This is discussion we’ve had about a bond stipend for Dr. Gray’s work on the bond we
discussed this in executive session so there is no need to discuss at this point unless someone has
some questions.
Dr. Tran: May I say something? I just want to say that I appreciate Dr. Gray’s leadership in all that
she does in the school district. When we do contract renewal I consider all that she does. Just like
today when she was talking about her leadership summit with Parkrose partners and how she is going
to work to write up a gap analysis on the data gathered. She is very much appreciated, all that she
does. I just wanted Dr. Gray to know as a leader of the school district and when we renew your
contract I consider all that you do.
Superintendent Gray: Thank you I appreciate that.
Mr. Flores added: I really like the conversation that we all had and the different perspectives that we
all brought to the table. I also appreciate Dr. Gray’s leadership. And I thank the board members for
being so diverse in your perspectives.
Superintendent Gray: Thank you
Chair Grassel: The only comment I’d like to make is I’ve been involved with capital projects in the
private industry, not only here. And the bond was managed very well, I want to thank Dr. Gray for her
leadership to make sure the buildings and the schools are really the tools of learning in our district,
they give safe comfortable places. Were done extremely well by everyone involved. So I just want to
thank her for her leadership in that area. Thank you very much for that.
Superintendent Gray: Thank you
Dr. Tran: A clarification, the bond money, is that linked with our technology fund too, whatever we
do not use?
Vice Chair Baetkey responded: When the bond passed it was for the middle school, technology and
Hearing no further discussion, the motion to Approve carried 3-2 (nay vote from Tran & Flores)
Board Approved
ADDED action
Policy EFA
E. Accept/Reject ADDED action item Policy EFA - Local Wellness Program
(EFA - AR - Local Wellness Program)
Dr. Tran: The Wellness Committee added a paragraph that addresses the Social Emotional Health
Awareness and Education. That is the last paragraph in EFA-AR and I would like to make a motion to
add this paragraph to the policy EFA.
Tran/Baetkey moved to Approve Amended Policy EFA
Vice Chair Baetkey asked clarifying questions.
Hearing no further discussion, the motion to Approve carried 5-0
Board Approved
ADDED action
item Policy
F. Accept/Reject ADDED action item Policy EFAA - District Nutrition and Food Services
(EFAA - AR - Reimbursable School Meals and Milk Programs)
Baetkey/Flores moved to Approve Policy EFAA as presented
Vice Chair Baetkey shared: My questions concern more of the AR then it does the policy itself.
Superintendent Gray: I would like to discuss that with you Mary Lu.
Hearing no further discussion, the motion to Approve carried 5-0
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Board of
Bond Oversight
12. Board of Education (10 minutes)
A. Board Legislative Assignment Reports
Chair Grassel and Dr. Tran visited our legislators in Salem today and brought back the following
Dr. Tran: We were able to visit with Senator Dembrow, Senator Shield, Senator Hess and talked with
the field rep for Senator Wyden too. We asked them for 7.8 billion. Senator Dembrow was up front
with us and said 7.8 was way out there, maybe more realistic is between 7.2 and 7.5, but we
expressed to him that Salem’s investment in our school district brought us to status quo. We are still
minus twenty percent less staff and lots of programs cuts. We pointedly asked them to support us at
Chair Grassel: One of the things we did is share stories with them so they could go to the other
constituents there and share what has been done with the money we’ve had. We talked about the No
Child left behind waiver, the smarter balanced test, unfunded mandates and our loss of teachers over
the years. I think we have a lot of support from the people we met with and need to hold their feet to
the fire. We need to send them written thank you notes, signed by Thuy and myself. Andrea will get
those ready.
Dr. Tran: The governor’s budget does not put education first.
Chair Grassel: Also, OEIB is going to sunset, dissolve. But there is a committee being put together
and we are very fortunate Dr. Gray is on that committee with Senator Arnie Roblan and others to
decide what zero-25 years education looks like.
Mr. Flores shared: I met with so many representatives on Wednesday and one of them said since we
have a new governor we are more optimistic and that’s good news about OEIB.
Vice Chair Baetkey shared: Loretta Smith was very welcoming to us and supportive of the SUN
school. And sent us information about jobs which I forwarded on to Karen.
Dr. Tran: At the county level Smith could not promise us money that is renewed every year but if we
have a program that she can fight for a chunk of money for us, please ask.
B. Committee Reports
1. Bond Oversight Committee
This committee has sunset and no longer needs to be listed on board agendas.
2. Parkrose Educational Foundation
Vice Chair Baetkey shared the Foundation has decided that music will be their special appeals
bid at the auction this year. Also if you buy your auction tickets before the 28th of this month
you will be entered to win a gift card. There was also discussion about putting an ad in the
memo asking graduates to donate their used instruments.
3. School Improvement
4. Wellness Committee
Chair Grassel: Only thing I have to report is that Michael and I had a wonderful meeting. We
sent out an invitation to kindergarten teachers to attend our next meeting and talk about what
does kindergarten look like for Parkrose and how do we address Social Emotional Learning.
Dr. Tran shared how progressive and positive the Wellness Committee’s work has been over
the last couple years revising the district policy and AR. Keep in mind food should not be used
for reward or punishments and the district will ensure all school fundraisers support healthy
Vice Chair Baetkey pointed out the irony of Dr. Tran’s daughter selling girl scout cookies at
tonight’s school board meeting.
5. Communication Committee
Vice Chair Baetkey shared an upcoming Boosters fundraiser for the Senior all night party Taco house fundraiser, Wednesday, February 25th from 11am-10pm.
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13. Discussion Items (2 minutes)
Vice Chair Baetkey asked if OSBA still does full policy audits. Superintendent Gray responded: Yes to the
tune of $7,000-$10,000
Vice Chair Baetkey shared: In the Blaze there was an editorial about students lacking help in the college
application process. I know there always has to be another side of this. We don’t need to counter point in the
Blaze, but could there be something sent to the board that describes what we are doing?
Superintendent Gray responded: Absolutely
14. Correspondence/Announcements
Chair Grassel directed the board to read the correspondence included in their packet and read the upcoming
meetings and events to the audience.
A. Correspondence - The Gate
B. Upcoming Meetings
1. Board Special Working Session/Budget Discussion, Monday, March 2, 2015 District Office
Boardroom, 5:30 p.m.
2. Board Business Meeting, Monday, March 16, 2015 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
3. Board Working Session, Monday, April 13, 2015 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
4. Board Special Working Session/Budget Training, Wednesday, April 15th, 2015 District Office
Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
5. Board Business Meeting, Monday, April 27, 2015 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
C. Upcoming Budget Meetings
1. Organizational Budget Committee Meeting, Wednesday, April 29, 2015 District Office, 6:30
2. Budget Committee Meeting, Wednesday, May 6, 2015 District Office, 6:30 p.m.
3. (if needed) Budget Committee Meeting, Wednesday, May 13, 2015 District Office, 6:30 p.m.
D. Upcoming Bond Meetings
1. Bond Executive Team meets monthly
E. Upcoming Events
1. Parkrose Educational Foundation Annual Dinner & Auction, Saturday, April 11, 2015,
Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel, 5:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
2. Public End of Bond Celebration, Saturday, May 2, 2015, Parkrose Middle School, 3:00 p.m.5:30 p.m.
3. Spring Break, No School, March 23rd-27th, 2015
15. Adjournment
Chair Grassel adjourned the Board Business Meeting at 9:29p.m.
OFFICIAL MINUTES: February 23, 2015, Executive & Regular Session Meeting
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