84653-25mar15 minutes

Minutes of a Meeting of Middleham Town Council held in Middleham Key Centre on
Wednesday 25 March 2015 at 7.00 pm. (SUBJECT TO APPROVAL AT NEXT
The Chairman, Cllr Mrs T Tolhurst, Cllr Mrs S Fairhurst, Cllr Mrs E Stocker, Cllr
Cade & Cllr Kirkbride
The Town Clerk, Mrs Julie Owram
Mr Callum Gillespie, GSC Grays
6 members of the public
1. Open Forum.
No matters raised
2. Apologies.
Apologies received and accepted from Cllr Byford and District Cllr Allen.
3. Declarations of interest regarding items on the agenda.
No declarations made.
4. Minutes of the Previous Council Meeting
RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 25 February 2015 as a true
and accurate record of the meeting.
5. The Chairman introduced Callum Gillespie from GSC Grays to present
proposals for development of the land at the rear of St Alkeldas –
In September 2013, the owner of the land at the rear of St Alkeldas asked GSC Grays
to sell 7 acres. The owner now lives in Lancashire but has links to Middleham and
wants to make every effort to obtain local support for this development.
Representation had been made to RDC following the publication of RDC housing
target up to 2028, Middleham’s being 45. Initially, Gladman was appointed as
promotor however their vision proved to be too ambitious. After an informal meeting
with the Chairman and Clerk it was clear that a smaller scale development was what
the community needed and with single storey and low cost units. As a result a less
commercial promotor is now on board who respects the sensitivities around the site.
GSC Grays understand that a planning application for the Broadacres site at Park
Lane is imminent, however this has not been confirmed to Middleham Town Council.
Mr Gillespie said that they would therefore like to submit an outline planning
application as soon as possible, and this is currently under discussion with RDC.
However when asked how many units were proposed a figure could not be confirmed.
The main reason for GSC Grays attending the council meeting is to address the access
issues. It is proposed after taking into account the topography of the St Alkeldas site,
that the preferred access would be via the existing opening which follows the public
right of way and adjacent to number 10 St Alkeldas. The Clerk pointed out that there
is likely to be a restrictive covenant on this land as it was passed to Middleham Town
Council as Open Space following development of the Springs.
The Chairman said the Clerk would look into this further to confirm the legal
position. Cllr Kirkbride asked if an access off Leyburn Road might still be considered
but Mr Gillespie confirmed this had been ruled out. It was highlighted that the
proposed access had been looked at initially and Highways appeared to dismiss it as
inadequate due to the width. Cllr Kirkbride also felt that as an access road for possibly
45 houses it was unsuitable. He also pointed out that drainage needs would have to be
met and the run off would have to take into account the flow from the south. It was
suggested that engineers would assess this as part of the planning process.
It was agreed that both parties would look into the issues raised and communicate
again in due course.
The Chairman thanked Mr Gillespie for attending the meeting.
6. Land Management (IH) – Information/Decision required
6.1 Cobble Review. The Chairman pointed out that the annual review of the
condition of council land must also include areas other than cobbles such as paving
and tarmac. Cllrs Kirkbride and Cade agreed to undertake the inspection. The Clerk
would provide plans of the town wastes to allow Cllrs to identify areas requiring
6.2 Sports and Fancy Dress Day. The council considered the annual request from
the Feast Committee for permission to use council land on Monday 25th May.
Resolved to give permission with all the usual provisos for slip road closure and
signage. The chosen entertainment would be confirmed at a later date with relevant
insurance and risk assessment documents provided to council.
6.3 Open Gardens 2015. The Council agreed to give permission to St Mary and St
Alkeldas Church for use of the Busks for parking on 21 June and to display a banner
from 14th June to advertise the Open Gardens event.
6.4 Use of Council Land. The Clerk reported that she had granted permission under
delegated powers for scaffolding and skip at Richard III and also a skip at the Old
Manse, West End. Richard III has confirmed that work will be completed and
structures removed before Good Friday.
7. Town Council (TC)
7.1 Parish/Town Council Elections. The Clerk reported on the briefing she attended
at RDC last week and provided nomination packs and guidance to Cllrs wishing to
stand again. Publication of the election has been boarded. Cllrs are advised to return
completed forms to the Clerk’s office by Monday 30th March, after which the
Chairman has offered to deliver all nomination forms to RDC. Deadline for
nominations is 4pm on 9th April and any withdrawals must also be submitted by 4pm
on the same date. The Clerk will receive the statement of persons nominated by 4pm
on 10th April. If there are more than seven candidates an election will take place and
the council will be informed of this on 28th April. Additional nomination packs are
available from the Clerk’s office.
7.2 Adopted Richmondshire Local Plan. RDC Policy Team has provided the
adopted Local Plan. Also confirming that the second part of the Local Plan will
involve updating settlement development limits and land allocations. Before public
consultations take place in June, RDC would like to present the settlement profiles to
council at the next council meeting. This was agreed and will take place on
Wednesday 29th April.
7.3 Town Clerk Vacancy. The Chairman confirmed that the three appointed Cllrs
had two more interviews to conduct next week. Other council members were asked if
the interview panel had their authority to appoint and agree contractual matters. Cllr
Kirkbride was not comfortable with this without having sight of the CV’s and felt
other Cllrs should have some input. The Chairman offered to forward the candidates
CV’s and a majority vote agreed that authority delegated to the interview panel to
8. Planning (TC) – Information/Decision required
8.1 A granted planning decision notice has been received for solar panels at Ure
View, East View, Back Lane.
8.2 The following applications have been received since the last meeting –
Full Planning Permission for replacement of 8 sliding sash and re-render at 3 East
Witton Road. No adverse comments under delegated powers.
Listed Building Consent for replacement of two small windows at rear of Moat
cottage, West End, Middleham – no adverse comments.
Full Planning Permission for conversion and extension of barn to dwelling at Robin
Hill, opposite Chapel Fields, East Witton Road – this is a reapplication and council
had no adverse comments.
9. Finance (TC/IH)
9.1 After receiving a full report on receipts and payments for March, council signed
off cheques, and approved/ratified all payments since the last meeting. It was also
agreed to authorise petrol expenses for Chairman’s travel to Leicester on two
occasions representing the council at Richard III memorial and interment.
9.2 Expenditure of £69.78 for a replacement office printer and inks following an
emergency purchase was approved.
9.3 £50 cost of marking town wastes near Manor House with ‘Keep Clear’ was
9.4 Council agreed to make a payment to Church solicitor for Easement over
9.5 Council agreed not to sign up to an annual agreement for remote computer support
rather to call for assistance from Coorecom when needed.
9.6 Cllrs were provided with cost and suggested style of seat for the large Plantation
by incorporating the remaining stump of the cypress that was removed. Agreed to go
ahead at cost of £200. Council had also asked for replacement trees to be planted on
the Busks but cost has yet to be received. Cllrs agreed that planting should take place
in the autumn if cost is acceptable.
9.7 Cllrs received a report on the recent problems when requesting a change of
signatory with Santander. It has become clear that the account is not suitable for
council funds and another product should be sourced. Resolved to close the
Santander account and transfer to HSBC until after the elections in case new
signatories are to be added.
10. Central & Local Government Notices. The following information has been
circulated to Cllrs since the last meeting
NYP – Community Speed Watch
YLCA – White Rose Update – March 15
Pensions Regulator – guidance on employer duties
RDC – Parish/Town Council election guide
RDC – COF funding for 2015/2016
11. Correspondence, Shared Information and suggested items for the next agenda
Cllr Stocker had pointed out at the last meeting that wheeled bins had been left outside the
Old School House for an extended period. The Chairman has since confirmed that she had
spoken to Alex Adams and been assured this would not be the case in future.
Local Council Award Scheme. YLCA has given information on the new scheme which
completely replaces Quality Parish Status. It offers councils the opportunity to show that they
meet the standards set by the sector. If Cllrs are interested and wish to discuss this at a future
meeting more information is available on NALC website. Cllrs have a copy of the December
WRU with relevant links.
English Heritage. Council has received notification of changes in governance with a
restructure of EH. Historic England will now look after planning and heritage protection.
Properties such as Middleham Castle will remain in public ownership. Day to day
management of properties has been delegated to the English Heritage Trust.
Pensions Regulator. Full guidance on employer duties has been forwarded to all Cllrs. The
Clerk is the primary contact but it would be wise to appoint a secondary contact to ensure
regular updates from TPR are copied to a member of the council. Cllr Tolhurst agreed to
receive the information.
Stables Open Day Parking. The event organisers have raised concerns as to the condition of
the surfacing when cars are accessing the Busks for parking. Cllrs have inspected the area and
agreed that steps be taken to level the surfaces. Clerk will ask RAW to fill a hole at the upper
part of the Busks where vehicles park with quarry waste as well as another section at the
opposite end opposite Thistledene which drops significantly from the road.
Training on Middleham Moor. A number of sources have reported to have seen training of
horses on the moor in an afternoon. The moor lease with the MTA only allows access for
training activities from daybreak until 1pm. After that time Middleham Moor is Open Access
land on foot only with horse users restricted to the bridleways. Mr Bethell is aware of these
activities and has asked that the council draft a notice pointing out the terms of the lease and
he will circulate it to all registered users.
Changes to Highway Grass Cutting Service. NYCC has advised in the last few days of the
reduction in service and asked that the council make a decision on the highway verges
currently cut by the County Council and respond by 31 March 2015. Cllrs agreed that it is
unlikely to take on any more grass cutting, however this will be included on next agenda once
Cllrs have had an opportunity to read the options put forward by NYCC.
Richard III Memorial & Re-interment. The Chairman reported that she and the Clerk
attended the Fenn Lane Service for presentation of the soil from Middleham and the
Memorial Service at Bosworth Battlefield last Sunday. She will also be representing
Middleham at the re-interment at Leicester Cathedral on Thursday.
Yellow Bike. Cllr Stocker pointed out that local people were asking when the small bike
would be removed from the Busks. Cllr Tolhurst said she would try to arrange for its removal.
12. The next meeting of the council will be the held on Wednesday 29 April 2015
Middleham Key Centre at 7.00pm.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting
closed at 8.23 pm