Running Head: ADOLESCENT PAPER 1 Adolescent Mieshay Haynes Wayne State University SW 3510 ADOLESCENT PAPER 2 Abstract In this paper, you will explore the development of my Adolescent childhood, and the experiences I had growing into a young lady. Adolescence represents the journey of discovery, our society affect people every day in many circumstances. Some key aspects of adolescence as a developmental stage are that young people become concerned of their well being, appearance, puberty, opportunities, and identity. I been through changes and have faced obstacles through a journey of some distress difficulties as I grew thus far. Introduction Growing up wasn’t as easy as it may have seem to everyone else, who thought I was living the good life, because I had the car or the clothes or the technology. I am the oldest of six children, so I have five siblings and being the oldest has its advantages as well as its disadvantages. My mom was a single parent throughout my childhood, so I had to step up and help with the responsibilities around the household as well as be a role model for my young sisters and brothers. The experience for me has been a tremendous fulfillment with extreme challenges. I continued with responsibilities, as I got older reaching adolescent age, I had to get a job to help with food, clothing, and bills. It was hard for me because I was just a young girl myself, taking upon big responsibilities before my time. I had the support of other family members and friends, who was there with me while mom was out working, so that made it little bit more manageable for me. Middle Childhood ADOLESCENT PAPER 3 My dad was a drug user throughout my adolescent time, so that had an impact on me and my family. My dad was in and out of jail, in and out of a job, and in and out of our lives. Sometimes my mom had to work two jobs to support our household, she left running the house up to me; I had to keep things in order anytime she was out. I was the type that didn’t allow many friends in our home, so any time my siblings want to play with friends; they had to go outside and visit them. I was very concerned about the well being of my siblings and the well being of our home. My dad, being a drug user played major parts with the things I seen and went through growing up. The violence that took place in our household made it difficult for me to understand trust. I am the oldest, so the toll of having that responsibility had an impact of the things I experienced at adolescent stage. With my dad on drugs, with no job that affected my mom in so many ways, that it affected us as her children as well. We are children that grew up almost getting everything we wanted and needed, my mother provided for us to the best of her ability. She was always was working or getting assistance to help secure our wants and needs. Me being the oldest I got, a more advantage of things, because my mom needed me. My dad at one point was stealing from his own family, just to have drugs and get high. He would try and take money from my mom and she would come give it to me, to hide from him. That was something I never understood at the time, but as it continued I knew he sick out his mind. My mom at times had to go and get her furniture from the drug dealer’s house, because my dad was trying to sell it, for drugs. I witness things like that growing up. Mom and Dad fighting and crying all at the same time, dad was so sick from drug use, we had to call the police on our own dad at times. Now that was hard, because when he wasn’t using drugs, things were fine in our home. ADOLESCENT PAPER 4 We were well disciplined children; my mom did not play any games when it came to school, and doing what we were told. My mom made sure we had study time every day, and if she wasn’t around to insure that, I was next to make sure it got done. My mom gave us anything we wanted as long as we were doing well in school and looked out for one another. At times my dad would buy us things, but we would never get to enjoy it, because he would come ask for it back, whatever it may have been. From money to clothes, my dad would steal from his own children. That experience right there, have led to selfishness within myself. Growing up, a part of me was selfish in many ways. Every time I got something new or different, I didn’t want to share it with my sisters sometimes. So they would sneak and wear my things, if I said no. I wanted to hold on to the nice things I got for myself, or from others, just because my dad took from us. Middle Adolescence As I got older, pass the Adolescent stage, I became a stronger better person with my selfishness and resentment. I started being a little more open minded to situations, and started to meet people, that at one point had my best interest at the time, but turned out to be no good for my life direction. My potential outreach experiences have giving me determination throughout my years of striving, striving to the next steps in my life. I’m thankful for the opportunities and experiences that I had being the oldest, because it showed me how to persevere even while dealing with the demands of life. I’ve lost and it only made me stronger, I’ve experienced and it only made me wiser. All my life, I had the insight of an adult, even before my time. I had to get a car at the age of fifthteen, to drive my siblings around as well as myself. I had to cook, clean and prepare my siblings for a better tomorrow. ADOLESCENT PAPER 5 With me also having brothers and my dad not stable, I think that had an affect on my brothers as they got older, knowing that they needed a male influence to teach them. When my brothers started to approach their adolescent stage, they were getting into trouble in the streets, with violence, and drugs, and girls. So at that point a male influence could have changed some things my brothers faced. My brothers were mad at my dad for a long time, because he was around, but didn’t take the time to get help for his drug use until it was too late. I lost a little brother due to fighting and gun violence in 2006, that experience totally put a hurting on my family, and changed our lives forever. I don’t think any of us really handled that situation; I still have issues concerning that incident, which I still haven’t faced within myself. Losing my little brother was like losing a child to me, I helped my mother take care of him, and I helped groom him into a better man at the time. The lost of my little brother sparked up so many emotions, of suicide, revenge and wanting to give up. I had to turn to prayer for strength, and support. As time went on growing up, reaching into my Twenties, I’ve encountered peer pressure with friends and in my environment. I started to hang out more, drinking all most every other day, and started to seek another way of dealing with the pain, due to the lost of my brother. My cognitive development at my adolescent stage was a period where I was able to think logical and uncover my intellectual dimensions. Socially, I was aware of the choices that I made, but I could have made better decisions, and took other directions. As an adolescent with advantages from being the oldest, we must adjust to cognitive changes that have to occur. Our reasoning will be tested, through formal operational thinking. ADOLESCENT PAPER 6 Piaget’s cognitive development theory emphasizes a universal understanding of our thoughts, it is important to recognize our variations that occur at the adolescent time of development. Along with the improvement in my thinking process, I was able to communicate with anyone directly in any environment. In general, I wasn’t really competitive, or never really compared myself with people in the community, because we all were a victim of society’s obstacles. My personality has developed through the changes I’ve been through. I am an outgoing individual at times, and socially I like to interact and have a nice time. Me being an individual of observations, I’ve learned very well through observing my environments and the people in it. It did not take a lot for me to recognize the things that occurred around me. I always paid close attention to the roles that people portrayed around me. Growing up, I was told to always pay attention to my environment. According to social learning theory, personality development is a principle of observational learning. Learning can occur by observing others without direct involvement in the learning experience. The social learning theory combines learning principles with cognitive processes, and the effect of observational learning. My involvement with certain friends also shaped me into who I am. I have been around individuals that were always older than me; rather it was male or female. I’ve learned from socializing with the right and wrong people, I was influenced by individuals who wanted the best for me and my future, as well as the ones who wanted to bring me down. I never been the type to give up easily on myself, I always wanted to follow through with my own self-efficacy. Conclusion ADOLESCENT PAPER 7 My relations with so many individuals helped me build confidence within myself, it helped me recognize the type of person, I did not want to become. The perceptions I got, from the individuals in my environment taught me to be on guard with my feelings and emotions. People can bring out the worst and the best in you; it’s up to you to figure out who has your best interest. I had the opportunity to develop cognitively early in life, I made decisions in life based on what was best for me at the time. I’ve dealt with a lot growing; I witnessed hurt and felt pain. With all the situations I came across, and all the experience I faced in some factors, I turned out carrying morals and values to into my adult life, with self respect for myself and others. Discovering yourself is a part of growing up, biological and socially, a human function in any behavior is to achieve desired ends. ADOLESCENT PAPER 8 Citations 1. Ashford B. Jose, Lecroy Craig. Human Behavior in the Social Environment , Multidimensional Perspective, fifth edition, (2013,2010) 2. Oswalt Angela, MSW, edited by Mark Dumbeck, PHD. Update: June 9 th (2010) Cognitive Development: Piaget’s Concrete Operations. Retrieved at 3. Both Environment and Genetic Makeup Influence Behavior By: Michael D. Breed (Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado at Boulder) & Leticia Sanchez (Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado at Boulder) © 2012 Nature Education Retrieved at:
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