
[email protected]
0417 590 350
Issue 7 – April 2015
15th Apr- Term 2 begins!
8th-9th May – Matt Wickham – Visiting Instructor
15th-16th May – Peter Keogh – Visiting Instructor
Bringing Traditional Karate to Mildura
Term 2 fees due by
Friday 17th of April
Words from Sensei Graeme
This year has certainly moved along at a
great pace. Our second term starts on
Wednesday 15th April and there is much
to do. I ask all students to reflect on
term 1 and ask yourselves whether or
not you achieved your goals. Consider
how often you attended the club and
what additional training you undertook.
Two one hour sessions per week is not
sufficient to reach the levels required,
especially those considering attempting
1st Dan at the end of this year. If any
student is committed to attempting
their 1st Dan in December please let me
know immediately. It is important that
we develop training plans to ensure you
are properly prepared.
I recall emphasizing in an earlier
newsletter that we all need to train
regularly and we all need each other to
train regularly. We can and will grow
together and if there is a single thing
that I have been proud of with our club
it is just how much we all support each
We have two guest instructors attending
our club in May. Matt Wickham from
Echuca will be delivering classes on
Friday the 8th May and Saturday the 9th
May. Peter Keogh follows the next
weekend with classes on Friday the 15th
May and Saturday the 16th May. It is
important that we get as many students
Congratulations to our 2014- Junior Students of the Year
“Jacinta Baker & Ben Moore!
as possible to all of these
As the head instructor I am
keen to meet the needs of all
students, to do that I rely on
feedback from you. If there is
anything that you want to see
in a session please come and
have a chat with me or the
other instructors.
I must take this opportunity to
ask those paying by the term
to have their fees paid as soon
as possible. I would prefer
that term fees are paid in the
first week of the term,
however, we understand that
some people may have
difficulty in meeting that
timeframe so please come and
speak to me or Karen
Finally, our club needs students
if we are to remain strong. I am
asking you to assist us by
promoting our club and training
to your friends. Invite them
along for their two free
lessons and if somebody you
introduce joins we will work
out a suitable reward for you.
Train hard and stay strong
Graeme Loison Sensei.