Organized by the School of Art May 2 - 16, 2015 Carnegie Mellon 2015 Senior Art Exhibition GA LL E R Y A T C A R NEG IE ME L L O N U N I V E RS I T Y FOUNDER: REGINA GOUGER MILLER PURNELL CENTER FOR THE ARTS 5000 FORBES AVE PITTSBURGH PA 412.268.3618 WWW.CMU.EDU/MILLERGALLERY MAY- 2 MAY 16 Product: Senior Art Exhibition Manufactured in: Carnegie Mellon University School of Art Packaged: 2015 3 Andrew Sweet BCSA in Computer Science and Art [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Code Games Video Potassium Art 42% 27% 20% 9% 2% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Film, Puns, Obscure Indie Games You’ve Probably Never Heard Of, Internet, Google Calendar My artwork lies at the intersection of art and technology. It’s my lens into contemporary world views. It’s an exploration of the vast sea of data and what it means in a human context. It deals with the hyper-connected and the digitally isolated. It deals with the problems of our future and draws from the solutions of our past. It’s code, pixels, key frames, and layers; it’s digital. It’s built from the interplay of the free-form creativity of Art and the logical structure of Code. 5 Anna Wettergreen BHA in Psychology and Fine Art [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Oil Paint Charcoal Photographs Graphite Photoshop Layers 37% 22% 16% 13% 9% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Ice cream, bacon, country music, popcorn, Dad jokes, iced tea, making lists, Excedrin migraine, chocolate chip cookies I combine my studies in psychology regarding memory, personality, and culture shock with personal experiences to create compelling abstract memory landscapes. I look back on my extensive travels and reference maps to find abstract forms in the geographic locations of my adventures. My paintings harness the abstraction of memory through the layering of images and the combination of textures, gestures, and expressive lines. Seemingly random paths that appear to end abruptly, in fact, trace my route from one memory to another. 7 Charlie Burlingham BHA in Cognitive Neuroscience and Fine Art Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* i want hagrid to crush me 20% gaiaonline sephiroth avatar tiny scatterplot Mannulus Parvus Meus: Amicitia Magia Est “I grew up all over the place; I had a crazy childhood 20% 10% Polly Pocket ™ Polly Place ™ Totally Tiki Diner ™ Playset iceweasel 20% 10% 5% 3% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: dragon heart-string, Michael Bublé’s sweat & tears, pink Himalayan salt shaved off large crystal tibetan salt lamp, cerebrospinal fluid of Linus Torvalds I can see a website. Thebrowser is Safarie. The website is Instagram. Everything you want to share ends up there. The pictures make me hungry and happy, because there is food and a happy child on those pictures. 9 Connie Dai BFA in Fine Art Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Paint Other 50% 50% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Salt The process goes like so: combing through the mind, this viscous goop, detangling, flattening, a mound of irresponsive flesh. Devour and create the primordial soup from which we construct our worlds (we are all soup, drink the brain broth – it is where all the nutrients are). And then it marinates, stews within until it is expelled again (either through emesis or excretion), and it is with this that we construct and reconstruct worlds. 11 Crystal Yip BFA in Fine Art, Minor in Music Technology [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Painting Printmaking Sculpture Animation ?????? 10% 10% 10% 10% 60% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon, Good Music, Cheetos,Mountain Dew Drawing from the tension arising from the nostalgic icons of my childhood (such as The Princess), and and their lingering effect on me today, my work takes multiple forms. It strives to provoke physical and visceral reactions. I indulgently reference the anime style so cherished in childhood that is just as present in my now adult dreams. Investigating the gap between my ideals and realities, I hope to find some kind of equilibrium. 13 Daniel Campos Zamora BHA in Psychology and Fine Art [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Concrete Epoxy Carbon Fiber Adobe CS5 Wood Glue 30% 10% 10% 72% 40% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Cortisol, 70s chinese pop music, hip hop, Vitamin B12, Titanium Reference screws. My work examines how societal boundaries are created and reinforced, and how they unite, divide and alienate individuals and entire communities. The process and final forms reflect the way I negotiate and experience the world and my environment; confronting political and cultural realities instead of shying away from them. 15 Dervla McDonnell BFA in Fine Art and Japanese Studies Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Oil Paint Cotton Duck Staples Calligraphy Crayon 50% 20% 10% 5% 5% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Samurai Ladies, Gossip Girl, 60s Fashion, Kleenex, Totoro, Lip Stain, Horror Films, Red Bean Mochi My work comes out of my fascination with language, symbol, and sign, and questions how people from across a variety of boundaries - geographic, linguistic, and cultural - can communicate and connect. In playful expressions of this wonder, I explore the languages of paint, surface and object, creating new means of communication along the way. By incorporating what I have learned through studying foreign languages, cultures and systems, I intend my art to be accessible to more than just a Western, or art-savvy audience. 17 Jamie Walters BFA in Fine Art‐studio [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Conceptualism 100% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Wit, Charm, Poise Mythology has deep histories in the story of humanity. Mythologies were, in ancient times, belief systems that explained natural occurrences and our own existences. In an industrial society, mythological thinking is accessed through commercial advertising. The belief systems we put into products inform our identities. As an artist I use the histories and structures employed by mythology to study the relationship between the real and the construct, belief systems as they pertain to industry, the concept of the façade as it applies to personal and cultural identity, and our perception of form. 19 Jolyn Sanford BCSA in Computer Science and Fine Art / @tarteauxfraise [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* PaintTool SAI Computer Science Extract Pencils Photoshop CS6 Hot Glue 30% 21% 18% 16% 10% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Procrastination, Head Scratching, Late Nights, Google Image Search, Exhaustive List-making, Thinking About Playing Video Games, Thinking About Making Costumes, Studio Family Sit down, I want to tell you a story. Even the smallest stories contain worlds within them. Nothing exists in a vacuum. Everything that makes you who you are – your motivations, your implicit hopes and dreams, the surroundings that influence them – is what interests me. I am hopelessly fascinated with inventing worlds, populating them, and exploring the creations of others. 21 Justin Old BFA in Fine Art Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* The Haters Gonna Hate Hate Hate 1% 25% 1% 25% 35% 35% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: search?q=kim+kardashian, I love Kim 23 Katherine Blake O’Connor BFA in Fine Art Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Dirty magazine Oil Paint Joint Compound My naked body Comb 12% 26% 24% 18% 2% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Red L&M King cigarettes, Rockstar Punched 240mg caffeine energy drinks, McDonald’s Big Macs,, Scarring, Insomnia, Misandry Mistaken for Feminism I am interested in calling attention to the realities that we, as a society, are uncomfortable with. Drawing inspiration from the values I was taught growing up in a conservative Catholic family, as well as the values ingrained in our society, I create work that confronts and repels social “truths”- standards of beauty, stereotypes, and what is considered to be “taboo”. I want you to question my work and feel repulsed with the contradictions of the gruesome and the sensual, the busy and the static, and the “pretty” and the “ugly”. 25 Kathy Lee BHA in Art and East Asian Culture, CD minor [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Some Painting 20.1% Some InDesign Some Ableton 20.3% 20.4% 20.5% Some Drawing Some Photoshop 20.2% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives:, New mechanical pencils, Wasabi peas, Tazza brownies, sunlight, BEEMO(my bike), Caffeine, therapy I make work that transcends the limitations of verbal and textual language, perhaps because of my frustration with not being able to completely acquire a single language. My childhood was mobile; we moved between America, South Korea and Japan, speaking different languages in different contexts, places and situations. Never fully learning one made me feel homeless at times. Making art was my way of making home, of communicating visually and recently, aurally. 27 Laurel MichelSchottman BCSA in Computer Science and Fine Art [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Coffee Knitting Stackoverflow Searches Oil Painting Fumes 5 AM Ramen 39% 21% 15% 12% 9% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: To-do lists, butter in my coffee, woven textiles, Gilmore Girls, paneer tikka masala, tiny pens and trace amounts of showering. I question the context of items in a larger system and the role of individuals in social units, whether in families, communities or society as a whole. My work seeks to connect individuals who share a purpose or perspective. I want to create new ways for viewers to inspect their roles in the different circles they occupy. My work centers around family dynamics, memory and personal history, and gender norms. 29 Lisa Imas BHA in Linguistics and Fine Art, additional major in Human-Computer Interaction [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Comics Paint Tool SAI Screenprinting Bookmaking Fancy pens 35% 20% 15% 15% 10% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: stupid puns, Soviet propaganda, kids’ fiction, the collective mistake/glory of the 1990s, my salty tears How do we share an idea? How do we understand each other? Is it possible to communicate our ideas so well that someone else will have the exact same view of it that we do? These are questions I try to address in my art. I make comics and illustrations to share my stories, both visually and textually, with as much clarity and as little extraneous explanation as I can possibly manage. 31 MacKenzie Bates BCSA in Computer Science and Fine Art [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Games Photoshopped Imagery Website Design Music Videos 63.5% 14% 11% 7% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 3 year program. Preservatives: U.S. National Parks (Joshua Tree, Zion), Kid Cudi, Pigeons, Abby Leigh, How to Make It In America, Kanye West, Obscure Australian Indie Bands... I make games for two reasons: 1. To give back to games in return for what they have given me 2.To make players think and challenge what they currently believe Thus far my two different motivations for making games have not really aligned. There has been a strong disconnect between making games for fun or to give back and making games to explore something meaningful. Moving forward, I plan to focus on a combination of these two motivations. I want to show how games can convey a message while still being enjoyable. 33 Marlena Abraham BCSA in Computer Science and Fine Art [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Oculus Rift Unity 4.6 Arduino LEAP Motion Lily Pad boards 25% 10% 8% 8% 6% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Steam Sales, Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food Ice Cream, thatgamecompany, Earl Grey tea, Super Hexagon, Parov Stelar, Pinterest, climbing rocks and the occasional chest-high wall, Gamasutra, Star Trek TNG I design interactive work because it’s a great way to get observers to participate. That’s why videogames are so often my medium of choice: the game presents a discussion. When a player interacts with the game, they are given the chance to contribute to that discussion. 35 Melissa Bryan BFA in Fine Art [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Obsessive hesitation cycles Teeth Back pain 96% 3% 1% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: unfolding landscapes, variations on sprinting, clinical depression, accidental encounters with unleashed animals on foggy mornings, unrequited love bullshit, mild amnesia, questionable geometry, apple juice an age a face a time a place blood death landscape animals contortion fruit futures science philosophy blunders mad crazy nail biting mood sarcasms in the Himalayas or your living room self destructive looping into dirt pit everglades of the time when we were ten and thirty-six simultaneously none of anything makes the kind of tomorrow sense you were looking for (you’ll know me when I disappear, everything comes together) 37 Minnar Xie BHA in Psychology and Fine Art, additional major in Human-Computer Interaction [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Dabbling Cultural Dislocation Images Organizing Mindless Labor 23% 30% 7% 25% 15% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Loose leaf tea, field notes, scrap paper, bulk sections, mom’s closet from the 80s, team meetings, social media outrage, Google Calendar, gummy vitamins I am tangled up in you. If you pull me apart, you’ll discover a part of you that’s woven in me. A part of me, that’s attached to you, in a both frustrating and somehow comforting way. My assertions and your difference are what construct the you, the me, and our us. Across disciplines I look at boundaries: political borders, cultural expectations, and what separates one person from another. Art is a way for me to physically process and express shifting and repositioning between self and group identities. 39 Mishq Laliwala BFA in Fine Art, additional major in HumanComputer Interaction, minor in Design [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Screen Printing 32% Last minute inspiration 15% 10% Bookmaking Illustrator Laser Cutter Patterns Sleep 8% 30% 5% 0% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: chai, chaos, layers, Naked Juice, Post Its, KUWTK,, Good Earth blankets, baby pillows, TOT, Maggi noodles, applying for visas, Google Drive, Beyonce, straightener, reupholstering stolen furniture I am trying to restore the fading memories I have of India. Through printmaking, installation and digital media. The interactive nature of my work mirrors India’s close knit societal structure and communal living. 41 Nicole Anderson BHA in History and Fine Art Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Not-Sculpture Sculpture Begrudging Photoshop Futility 55% 15% 6% 24% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Neurosis, peanut butter toast, great indexes, matinee movies, talking too much, dry shampoo History is a story we tell ourselves to create patterns out of a world beyond human understanding, and each person tells that story differently. Through my art, I try to understand how my perspective exists both separately from, and as a part of a broader collective memory. Dissecting and reassembling places and histories that do not belong to me, I construct narratives that lie somewhere between memory, reality and fiction. I collaborate with different iterations of myself in search of a place where all of these different versions of truth can coincide. 43 Reese Adams Romagnoli BFA in Fine Art Instagram: fleecy_4ever Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Ink Paper Computer Body 20% 20% 20% 20% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Always Horny, Attitude Problem By realizing my fantasies through drawing, animation and performance, I investigate objectification of all kinds, whether oppressive or liberating. I have always been attracted to “the other,” and am interested in the difference between identification and objectification in the face of otherness. I hope to bridge contemporary art and popular culture through legible, yet unfamiliar narratives. 45 Rika Keener BFA in Fine Art Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Fur Photoshop Sleep Bright Colors Markers 10% 19% 2% 40% 19% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Cats, Cartoons, Reddit, Furries, Strawberries, Hugs, Hot glue burns, Teal things Most of my life has been centered around animals. As a kid, I ran around my house on all fours pretending to be a dog, drew animal characters constantly, and owned dozens of stuffed animals, each with their own names and personalities. In recent years, I have discovered the world of furries where I can embrace my love for animal characters. It is a world where I can blend drawing, sculpture, comics, animation, storytelling, costume, performance, and video to express myself through the characters that I have been creating since childhood, a world that celebrates our animal nature. 47 Ruby Yen-Ting Wang BFA in Fine Art [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Food Porn Body Beauty 40% 10% 35% 15% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: sugar, carbs, fats, pain, fear, perfectionism “Food pornography” has become a type of fetishism, an excessive effort to sexualize edibles through visual representation. My paintings, photography and videos are intimate portraits of our contemporary tendencies to eroticize what we eat. Their tactile quality emulates and refers to the physicality of both food and paint. My work echoes society’s fixation on excessive displays of food, driven by insatiable appetite and a cultural desire to have anything and everything. 49 Sam Ticknor BFA in Fine Art, minor in Computer Science [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Drawing Animation Printmaking Color Code Collage 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 10% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Sunny Days, AS, Ooka, Booka, Baba Loo(p)ka In an instant, wondrous fantasies can arise out of everyday life. I believe that we can benefit by training ourselves to recognize such instances. Through my art, I record and share these fleeting experiences with others. Through drawing, I build larger narratives around these moments, exaggerating their whimsy and delight. 51 Samantha Ward BHA in Professional Writing and Fine Art Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Rag paper 25% Live Music 25% Emulsion Speedball ink Plexiglass Micron pens Gauche 10% 7% 3% 15% 15% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Spotify, Insta-Dri Nail Polish, two eggs, Gnarly Head Merlot, aggressive emails, Google Calendar, AP Style Guide I feel a democratic impulse when I create. I plan parties, give away prints, and make books and magazines. I forge temporary interaction between participants so that, if only for an hour, we can all truly exist in the same space. These things are not for me, and I do not work in solitude. My work is more yours than mine. 53 Samuel Poulos BHA in Film Studies and Fine Art [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Glass Cyanotype, Light (each) Adobe Lasers, A Reliable DSLR (each) 40% 20% 6% 5% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Tears, Star Trek,, Coffee, Delusion, The Moving Image, Staring at LED’s, House Stark, the idea of my imminent destruction, Jeremy Zuckerman. In pursuit of the uncapturable, I work to embody that which is destroyed, dystopic, and removed. I work to bring narrative to life in a way that connects it to the mind, body, and spirit. My muse is destruction, the anguish that comes with it, and the creative potential that comes after it. I work to find meaning by understanding my past – a past that extends beyond the boundaries of this life. The sum of our parts is only what we remember. 55 Sarah Anderson BFA in Fine Art [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Sketching Writing Books Thinking Experimentation 25% 25% 63% 83% 110% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Spotify, Netflix, Google, Vanilla Coke, Anxiety, Cheap French Wine, Amazon Prime, Late Night Snacking, Some Sense of Competence, Sweatpants I like taking pictures of clouds. I am intrigued by how romanticism in landscape painting has crossed over into the digital age to arrive at the hype of Instagram and other forms of accessible, mainstream, digital photography. By trapping visions of a sky’s vast majesty in rectangular panels, the paintings mimic the degraded palette and constraining format of the image files on my cell phone. In this case, the sky is and is not the limit. 57 Sarah Croop BFA in Fine Art [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Photography Printmaking Screenshots 40% 20% 10% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Coffee, sawdust, Skype, catnaps, naps with cat, the quiet hours of early morning, laser cutter fumes, obsessive record keeping, fresh air, the Belchers How do you construct a sense of self when your personal archive exists in pixels and electrical current? My work explores the manners in which digital mediation interrupts, interferes with, or supplements a lived experience. My photographs use unconventional methods to capture an image of 21st century culture. I mix the formats of traditional portraiture with iPhone photography, and I reappropriate photographs I pull from public imagesharing web platforms like FlickR and Instagram. I jump between accessible public image galleries and personal archives, searching for where I feel the strongest sense of self. 59 Sejal Popat BHA in Logic & Computation and Fine Art Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Chalk/pixels/paint Voice/story/sound 50% 50% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Endless reading material, spaciness, obsession with colors and sounds I work primarily with paint but am interested more generally in visual methods of representing narrative and information. In painting, I hope to capture transient events such as the mood of an airport runway after rain, or the expressions of a friend overlaid in layers. In addition to this I am concerned with emerging media and how new platforms effect the stories we can tell and their delivery. 61 Stephanie Cheung BSA in Fine Art and Physics [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Fabric Arduino LEDs Birb 50% 10% 28% 2% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Food,, studio family, Billy Causey, endless sighing and wringing of hands, mermaids, the Internet, and Welcome to Night Vale. I seek out strange beauty in unconventional places, particularly in the deepness of the seas and in the emptiness of space. While I cannot hope to truly do it justice, I would like to inspire and educate others about the natural world. Through my work I hope to grow as an artist, scientist, and human being through an appreciation for nature’s beauty in all its weirdness and splendor. 63 Taylor Preston BHA in History and Fine Art [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Photography InDesign Book Making Bone Folder Rag Paper The Craft of Research (3rd Edition) by W. C. Booth, G. G. Colomb, and J. H. William 30% 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Extra Crunchy Peanut Butter, MAC Russian Red Lipstick, Patsy Cline, Google Calendar, Chicago Manual of Style, Reyna’s Taco Shack. I am often dissatisfied with the ways in which we remember our history and fascinated by how our society manipulates the past to support a dominant narrative. I present the viewer with stories that upset master narratives, particularly those stories that go untold. My artwork reimagines the ways in which we place them within the context of our nation’s history. 65 Thomas Ndiaye BFA in Fine Art [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Graphite Animation Ink Colored Pencil 35% 20% 20% 15% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Daft Punk, Ken Sugimori, The Roads Not Taken, Memories, NiN10Doh!, a Pharaoh Complex My work has always relied heavily on narrative to convey my ideas. Delving into two sides of my personality—the lighter side focuses on the beauty and preciousness of nostalgia while the darker side explores the depths of my mental state and inner monsters. Through animation and illustration, I give new life to the darkness and light that coexist within me by transforming them into organic creatures or personifying inanimate objects. My work ranges from the delicacy of childhood to the fortitude of death. These transformed creatures and objects can assume the innocent vulnerability of childhood or the morbid bleakness of death. 67 Tyler Porten BHA in Japanese and Fine Art, additional major in Human Computer Interaction [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* 2D Animation 3D Animation Japanese Regret 20% 20% 20% 20% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Friends The primary intention of my work is to elicit a reaction from the viewer, whether it be laughter or disgust, positive or negative. My work has steadily evolved from a purely visual focus to one that both informs and entertains the viewer. My hope is to reach into the mind of viewer to foster an indirect exchange of ideas and values, whether aesthetic or cultural. My animations address themes and values of Japanese animation and culture, and explore how anime is viewed in both America and Japan. 69 Vanessa Branch BHA and Hispanic Studies Minor [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* Character Design Illustrator Urethane Plastic Super Sculpey 2D Animation 15% 12.5% 12.5% 5% 10% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: Stickie Notes, Designer Toys (Urban Vinyl), Grendel, Guillermo del Toro, Pinterest, Netflix, Tim Burton, Bill Murray, Gummy Worms, Chai Tea Latte, Nightmares My work is a synthesis between literal narrative and visual media. Simply put, I live in a similar chaotic but fun wordl like Toontown in ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit?’ I create characters that walk the fine line of dark humor, but they are almost always presented in an aesthetically endearing package, complementing their corresponding narratives. 71 Veda Sun BFA in Fine Art [email protected] Amount Per Serving % Daily Values* steam pork bun secret dragon wishing well 99% 1% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 4 year program. Preservatives: medication, meditation Blooming like lotus is the white rabbit under a full moon… is he dreaming? My mother, “Hong,” means “water,” always flowing, like the river… I learn to be fluid like my mother; she passes it down to me. In this way, family is the one true path to prosperity. My father, hard and never breaking. Eyes of jade, teeth of pearl. I wonder, “is my father dreaming?” One day, I wake in a daze, my head swimming. Am I dreaming? What is light without darkness? In this way, Whenever I see a Ying Yang sign, I fall to my feet and cry. 73 Exhibition & Catalog Committee: Charlie Burningham Dervla McDonnell Melissa Bryan Nicole Anderson Sam Poulos Samantha Ward Sarah Anderson Design: Kathy Lee Mishq Laliwala Carnegie Mellon University School of Art 5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 t: 412.268.2409 f: 412.268.7817 e: [email protected] @CMUSchoolofArt General operating support for the Miller Gallery is provided by Carnegie Mellon University, and the exhibitions and programs are supported in part by a grant from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as well as the CMU College of Fine Arts and the School of Art. Additional support comes from gallery members, patrons, sponsors, and donations. Exhibition + event info: 74 NON-PROFIT ORG Gallery accessible Bus Bike racks Free parking after 5pm + on weekends 2015 Senior Art Exhibition
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